r LKADEKIN 4LOW TKSC fcuS, v ' • |... ..a-n-I> GJopd Cciide. t flames.*,', Scd'tlrs, Bridles » Cot! a is. Whips, Lapruhrs, 3 a., £.l lit; est much -ir - '* Ci 1$; Come wo me ami l»t» covviiu. ,§Vt£l££lW -f-D. C. Bla/rf-i -* ■* « IS- c. Will *M>|> i® vliUion lo a £.Niej'!vl ns •MlfMut uf pIERCIIANDIS E rn,Po*», Hu^, •>ad.nsr brands >t .'BED dis'D LIVEJtT SJAELES. \ 9™-t: . —««- "V Pon't Forget •|,f. Witt |TC♦ft t t T f ' (tie largest and holiday slock in to wn such as silver ware, clocks, bronz es. gold and silver headed cancs and umbrellas, jewel r y ly> Achin, gold pens. He lias just added to the sto ck a very handsome ■ case of the fin es i pocket A'ni vps and scissors. W. T, Vogler, WINSTON, - N. C. H/ 1 " Repairing promptly done. JLJniyersity of North Carolina, COHANgEOFOPENING fjIns ml Sejsbioa of the University at N«rtk Cart/liua wHI open the—, .Fu*R IN HKFTEMTJF.R.J *• . * In IB g wdcreii the oh; »their meeting. IjA 1)1K« ttmding a tooia, or childiva vh«. **i.i t o!. linf up, should tnkv* MIOWNS IKON liivnms. It Ji |)Iom«II[ to in&. OUITM Mfllurl». Indigo* £on, and Btlio>i*n*w /il beaten k»ep it- J .. I'MMBEIPHIASIpER V R -jtmAOS. LOW flaanM man AltM, f r FIFTEEN BAWS' TRIAL IN fOUR OWN HOUSE BEFOBc Ml) PA* OME CENT. High-Ann Machine hjs nr^cllo, Nell-I tirciiiltti;;- dlniltlvV, i. noholeM and llKht*ruutfintf.ha»jhe st » fat* rich* Dicnlit in .1 volvcl'liuf'd case. Don't pay agents 5 sor $6O, but MM ul iuti crcular. Remember, wc guarantee our machine o.jfual to any machine on the market. Aildj cs* The A. W »Ol> CO., 17 N. 10111 St., PI»il« ulelphln, Pa. !>>:. V. (). THOMPSON, DRiytf:aisT. U itl sell yniiL Drugs at ihc barest Price)s either ll'holc j "(tie or lief > Call fur any \Jhiv' Drag Line be > .1 tjaiulbe von via y found b,jitam l" icrt! -OIL, yi vv I\H.VTX, , GJ . H) u(K\.tnr, ci \l U '.ITER, «) .. Donf fei •get the j>uec, SO VTA , ;oIJRT r OF TirS iiousk sgiiAity. WII rSTON | —IS ' KSXSENTiSZL ¥. C. POKIER, Wholesale Retail n .! . Girecnsboro, $ ; NC, \ s 0 1 1 ~ DRUG PALACE. : *».« ISftWm£SS&WK 4» Leading Druggis's I Have Removed into their Handsome New Drug Store in to© fivli&iag* r I Wbcio they hope to welcome all.tboir old anl many tiew customers. W.PLATISCO -*-Tlie now jjbstituto for wall pnper. Try i»- I —Finest Drug Store In N, C'.— I oonuiy pj leamn ° i>kuooists. DVtUIVII 06 Dllll ft Ilj Lkadino Diumorera "W INTO N, JV-CJ I WHAT I WANT IN MI WEEKLY l'AFEfi. I W \ NT tvlm'.b- paper that Ic.n >uU-ly take Into mi fiunlly. 1 WANT A | jM«r wbloh ivproaonts lll:*b I(|o^l» Aud Swuu 1 Principle* rUU l.lWfct Il 'THIV No\\ «. I'Lw Uu'-i t r> Sewn, i he luUoat I'olUlcal Now». I XV A v T 2. i .•»: ? % !nrkOt Heport« l.el ni• . rati >u • •; ! arm m»!u.-tn. i ho hUK-U .»! nrkubt, i iu.iufiiil cw L.'aiiuerclaL • W INT ecudio e I «ea*onnh)e Kitltorinlx « u Political, •StK-i.il, and Moral Q iostluna 1 W \NT i h»- or.- im >fh'> ho»t Editorial* in Vonc.m I otherdt'lj niul weekly pnp"ra i > 1.1 me know \rl-.it tliej think ul mutter*. I WANT i»ood, r. IhMc r*rm and 'i-irden ArtK'!e* WriUan by l'»...ileal M«n. 1 W NT To ku mv mviethin:: of Iho Homo Llfo of The A mom" nn ixnipln, nud «-f their i.lio, th.>Ah'4it.\ una c-jL;»cr!cucctt. I WANT i 1« ....ml »r>oi i 1 *tori« I f»r »he Young l'eopl". That tho children m.ny look for t:»e paptr A.i thoy do (or a frlcud. 1 WANT htort'-itor lß*T.-6t tor u« Elder*, Kotf w\ uk). like our hour* of leisure. THIS 13 WHAT I DON'T WANT: 1 lIOVT W VNT LviUj, pu-td *d New* Article*; TbO pudding dootm't add to th« ri\lu*. And I haven't time lu road Ch^ov I DON'T WANT K:efCo t OM-' hl»«d KrittorinK Writ tea by itpeciMl pleaders, , Whucui m-»nilli!i,(rfon(l lu uny hMu Wit thfhrowtt. ' NOW, WHAT PAPER WILL PILL THE BILL? ! WE AN'KWKU; THE NEW YOHK WEEKLY WITNESS 0r E R Y TIME. rg-OXLI $1 A IT. A ft. _/51 T'i" Vrr»r«w f® Ju*r Uv> p.:prr for Farm re. Knrra. er»' W!vcr«, Fnnncra' 1 'nrtnotf' Dauu. r*. Couiv try Mcrchauta. Country Store k.- p »>, ld:tr*->ndtha, Curprntera, Builder*. ? ton* .Visou*. an \ u\\ «-ther 10-orer*, w!-o form the bufktxuiP of our C >uutry «»:• t . ivhowimi r» lu tlu-iwUtfUiv iXMtctl lu what U coiug on In tho V*.»rhU * | Tho WITN ES.« oflcrn one of the Vftlu* üble premium lint* «f nuy paper In America. Every anlcltt suarii i:iced uud a\ruy below rviull price*. Scud lor u trco copy. Fctrxpln eopic« Kent free to any ndUrecs. ( Adumu JOHN DOUGALL & CO., IJO Namuu Ht., N»h- York. GEO. STEWART. Tin aud Sheet Iroa Manu facturer. TICK IiLUCIC wimost, * v., ! 100FING. GUTTERING AND SPOUT ING done at slioit iiotlcn. ! \k|h I'o.ist.uitly mi hand a tin j ..'in.Wing aii«l Heating StovM. I mulluliiiiurir i t >li)lf, lid ill i n • ) 'ime. THE SPRING MEDICINE YOU WfiNT Paine s Celery Compound Purifies the Blood, Strengthens the Nerves, Stimulates the Liver, Regulates the Kidneys and Bowels, Gives Life and Vigor to every organ. There's nothing like it. Use It How! " Last spring, holng very much run down r.nd "Having wed your Palne's c Ury potnpound debilitated. 1 procured N>mo -t Paine'* ivu-ry thl* spring. 1 con KIX»I> nrommend It ino Compound. Tin? use of two MMo* nu»«v• mr i.• .-t powerful and at tlu* same time lnosi feel lUc»-a nf\v man. Asa general tonle and £.*ntle mutilator. It to a splendid nerve toni« t , spring medicine. 1 do not know Its equal.' and .since taking it I have felt like a now man. W. I, URFKNI.VAF, IL H. KNOKK, Water-low n, Dakota. Brigadier (loncral V. K (i . mirllnr' -n, Vt. sl.oo. Blx forfVeo. At Dr (glsta. . \\ SUA xro. TYopa Burlington. L OFAHOHO OM :, UL - r LACTATCO noo 55* "*'4l W? iki A?> tQ H !* > ' * '3 .» C, -V • f"> -*■ *s)WW iWW iakv W ddl I / 1 ! WILL BEPAID FOR A NY ,11 AN 110 SELLS CLOTHING Cheaper than I 2 Doors North of Post-ofllec Mint tisane* . ; TOitm g. 0. f ! I aK. BEjyjiTl J. A. BENK TP ifi&ikiiiii Marble and Granite Monuments— Hcadnioncr^ Tablets, Mantel*, &e, Opj osile Brown's Warehouse Main Street, BURTON & FftEEiHAN, PfCI'KSiOHS TO \V. A. I.ASII. -:-C*eneral Mcrchandise-:- VVAINUT COVE,A. 0. Would hereby give notice that we are daily receiving fresh #iij>|dics of goods, and being on two railroads gel onr goods' jas direct and at as low freight rales as any house in this section of' thestate, that that we pay eas!i for our goods, buy as: ildw and will sell for as small a profit as ■ i iU| > house can v%itic*«i counts sixlecn omi' ces a pound and one hundred cents a t/ol lar. Me.inean al/wc say, but nothing', can give tl e same assurance as an actual test. COME AND SEE US. I' aa'l 8«8 m, give in one trial, ami if we don't (lo what wo snv do pfcy uot col » 1 ' 'UP l '"' Willi many lliankH for tWi MU-nil iwitroimuo aivon ' u* i" the jm»t, wejtfe with nmeli respect, and good wislics to nil Voure very respectfully, ' 0 # Rurton & Freeman. G $ UVXMM) ! U'A.VT'W 11 ? WAXTBD!!? »n« CltiiidiTil Thousand iMoil, SK El 1 'llllcl 1-«>|| BUY HARDW/ RE, • • -. i $ hi .■ \ a uttiKs i '( t'divjerd'tt Hardware S tore of evfp t v Mea dow It an# stssd mow ers, warranted flic hesl. Top buggiesafl ss® imtl $55, Phae ions, fiacks, Huggics akid Ccfir«fij «it any price desired and cheaper (hau ever be fore. HitipSre rain drills the best on the market* Building material of every description, Save your mon* ey by buying from inc. R. R. Crawford. Winston, N C ' ~ *"rxca:«j irn i i iui "I h are seen in H 'in at on many (hi ngs thai surprised me* but the greatest surprise of all is yojr Store. I thought U 'iustondid not hare any business but Tobacco " Hie above remark* were renriitly mad* by one of th« utoil prominent business men of the ?lati aftel' Im hid oxmuintiii oar iMmetma stock iif gor>d* »'A l'«*- PiCT Noau h Abk," >i the exclamation of one of tbo bast and iu«M »u««o*»fnt business men of Vir#ii»i» after ho bad fc oue tbrongb our j Nine Btorc/j > oom», Motto 11,-ts rs i ISR LLIGUEST (QUALITY OF €»OODH FOR THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. U e have uev, r sold !lt "cost" or run on tho ''Cheap John" plan, but have bean at " 111 Bl "' 'ludur all oirouuistaDOes to compete suoctssfully witl, all legitimate compe;itiou. Wo havo beeu iu business longer than any bous. in * \\ ui.*ton, ' Carry the Largest 3took, the Greatest Variety and Best Class of Goods. Having added largely to our -IjA DIICS ]>J[£ENS jl>Ol)!Si -7—AX!) . - SHOE DEPARTMENTS - we are cramped for room and have decided to close out and discontinue tbe fol-« lowiug linos ; Hardware, Hollow Ware, Wooden fFare, Stoves and Tinware. •Wo have qmto a stock on hand iu these lines and are o fieri eg bargains. Come and exanine before you mako any purchases. \\ o arc adding to our Retail Dry Goods* Shoe, Hat and Grocery Dept s., WE HA T E . 7 L WJ ys HE EX I.Y THE FRO XT AXD .17 KAA' TO S'l\ 11' TIT Eli E. and have kept our etuok in advance of the growth of our towns and cooutry but | have iiever changed our motto of "Beat Qualiy Goods for Least Monday." It , pays evorj body to buy good shoes, boots, lias, cloths, cassiuii-roa, jeans, dreis | goods, triiumings, eto. Tlmj boat farm jfuppliVs are cheapest. We have th»m. j The highest grade FERTILIZERS AND PUREST GRAss SEEDS uro tlie cbeapost. We have tbem. Star iirand Guano for Wheat. liuat all others last y;ear and stands highor than ever befoto. Out 4 \Vl\oleaiile Bugit\e^ is separata from the Retail and our stock is not surpassed in quantity, variety, quality and prices by any house in tbo State. Whoa you HAVE ANY PRODUCE TO SELL come and tec us. Wa ask overybody to conio and see us aiid oxamino oar goods and prices. Yours very truly, limSIIAW *Sc 3IEI )15A1M»- 4th Street, Winston, 14 C.*