j J£PQKTER AXD POST. jISSU Kl; KVERV vy 4 wwry GhtjstnfM tg yo^ Six \poboß of (tapir tpd bail Ijwt. ■Thursday uipmiog Miss Mamie Pepper returned from •Winston yesterday. Miss Chattia Prather of \ft. Airy ia visiting relatives in Danburj. Mr Jpo W. Kinz up frnia .Greensboro yesterday to while away iho holiday* in Daniiury. We learn that tho Winston Elec- Light -'o.npanv will eomtQsnoe lui. ping tba poal on Town Fork at an early i»f. 'V. 1,. returned Ja»t Mo .Jay ° 'ijj Baltimore where ho jias . en sotnu months tUoodmg njnd jca' c 0"'. Tli • big oyitor sur.par will be pre 4>*red at the MoOanless House- We saw nine line, fat turkeys in ore bunch going in to be ready for the feist. Onr lv 500 a ticket W' l»ar r that Dr. Wal'er Neal and Miss Carrie Tnttle rode out last Sno d»r e-«nip" and wh»n they re»uri)'>d Iyer the Mm day Miev wer« man a»d w III" h ' » pities# at;»!jd th m in •!>. i • ey ihroutth life. Agreeable to a I'mg-establiahed custom there bo no paper issued fritn thi» oflSee next week. But yon I ok ! rns again about Jan. S. A merry Christina? »nij a Ijappy Ne|V Year t all. P Atkln* w*» in *o see us thij we*k, sr«.n, in (n« f-pirit*. He r*porJ* tbe onth'ok in his trial pits or cros* eq' *'J tring. S'ay* the dust from the i* Jrilling take* the point of the oe?dle down, and he has hope* that at no distant day he will reach the r«gn 4*r iron »"4ia. Any one who doubts Pr f. Atkins being a |eal practical mi ni •? • 'ifinear as as a minarolngist bis tinlv to see lbs work he is doing lo be on- np-1. IT* is just such a yin as we would like to see State Ge ologist. The piilnu n«i IKt this plice has closed. Pro I '. Welhnrn will contim * his subscription as heretofore af'nr /Christmas. As to setting up a first class in tne count), it is to the interest of every man, wnman and child in 'he county to give Prof. Welhu'n a JPm r»l sui fort. Doting the short tiipe jth >t he has been here he hts shown every regpoct a firit el*»j teacher competent to build a fir«t-e!as school. 1 ith the right kind of en coiirnjement he will star and build t' * school nee I. Couritrrnifi vlio think of sending .Ibeir sous or '"lighter* to a distant *a''Ool shouM consider how muoh better it is to have tbeui at » gotj school qear ,hoino Oystrr-«npper T*ua*rr*w Er* ■lnf. A S4O ovttor supper will bs givea at ,the o'\inle«s House in this pi tee Fri day evening l,to 4 " clock Admission ticket- to men and bovs over 12 years old 50c. Ladies and Sunday school children 'Vee. \ number of young !»• die- and gentlemen from ntlur plsaes »r ■ expected; it is hoped that it will De quite an enjoyable affair Roiymubor the time, Ptidav evening 'idib. (to oiof. row) Tujk. The air is full of ni'qqrs in regard to Mt T>.| railroads bejn; built In die iron ia this ominty at anearlv day. We saw • letterfrmi• prominent Rileij *>u« . ,nojs mail a few days sin.ie iu «tii jn 9 say.» the L> ani K 'I Ho.id will be construe.ted t brooch the jron Jjelt or soue 111 Stoke". •Should tins road pa«t by Madison (without a competing iiue) it wi I throw im in, mouse aoionnt ot .freight into L>tanvil).i and Oreenaborn, not ouly in the way of imp, lime, &0., but will pass near centrally through one of the best tob-icco counties in the State with doe timber on every aide. We ate well awtr.t that indu cements will be offered the D. and K. T. by n>oni> d tu-n hx well us 1h« R. and 8. and the 0 F. A Y V." to ruu on these linea f oiu where they intersect ; Jrat this will throw it twlve or flfteen n.ileK from bo iron in Stoke* and fotna tweaty mile* at this point from a direct • line from Danville ta Bristol. Thpn /rem wbat we know of some of the par ties interested iu the Q. and K. T. they will prefer a road of their own and th« money will not be wantiug to build it We are told b\ a party in town last Saturday that li.o D aud E T had men on the , rojected line getting the right of way. Theraare* nmober of other rupors afloa tin regard to » bra. poh road trom Ladd's ford or \\ abut £»Tf. Specimen Cases. 3. H. Clifford, New Ceaselj Wi#., troubled with Neurdgi* and Kheu- his uoniych was hi* fiycr was affected to to uJumiing degree, I appetite fell away, and lie WHS tcr/ b!y i reduced in flesh and strength. ; but Cos of electro bitturs cured hi in Kdwurd Shepherd, Ilarrisburg IU., • rUQiiiug sore a\f bin leg of eight vcvj ptapding Used tlit;eo bottles of clee- filters fnd «cv«n boxes of Buck, leu's Arnica SV) bis log is sound ] and well. I John Speaker Catawba, O. bad £.ve j large fevei sores on his leg doctors si'd |he was inourahle. Oie bottle Electric Bitters and one box I'uckle i's Arnica Naive cured biui entirely, j Sold by Dr. W. V. .'loOanless, drug. ! (?"■ ■»'!»« Pulpit and the stxga. Kev. F. M. Shnut, Pastor United I brethren Clburoh, Blue Mound, Kan., s»c: "I felt it tyy duty tateU wnat wonders Or King's New Discovery has done lor i#e My lungs were badly dis I eased, and parishioners thought 1 could Jive orvlv a few weeks I tnk Bve bot tle* of Dr King s Mew Discover*.- and am sound and well, gaining 25 )bs. in weight." 4""hl)r T/ovc, Mnnnaer Trove's Pun- j nv folks Combination, write.*: ( After a thorough trial and convincing evidence I am confident Dr. King';; icw Discov ery fqrcnifsnuipriQi), licit ts 'em all, and cures wbeti ever tliini else 'nils. The greatest kindn n «s ' can do rnv ujsny i lliotmnd friends is lij urge tliqtn If) 'ry j it." F r c« trial bottles at W V. Mo- ! Oanless' Drug Store. Regular sijcj j 500 and sl. The editor of the Americas (Ga.) Kecoider is puxzled by the following; problem • "A cituen of Atlanta is an Atlantian , a citizen of Macon is a M senile ;of "ebigan a Mic higmder. Wliieji of the tree lenn'oations ahould be annevej to Americus to refer to a oitixon qf o'r oity ? Ar-J we A>ne rieuaites, J^u>£ricii«i^B ; or Ainericu sers I Simmons Liver Peculator bas never failed to relieve Constipation of tbe Bowel*. i 1 Tho story ii tol lof SenatQr 'sseb" Vuice, ot North Carolina that soon after his second raarrisje lis reni-uked to his bride 'My dear, I'm * stubborn fellow, and von niav anti oipa'c trouble. Now, in the b»giijoi»e, while lam nbmisii»«, I wrsnt to five yon me niece of «'lvie» If von follow it w,»'!l eM na wighiv well It i> this : Make me do jaat as I darned please.'' No one ever tried Simmons Liver Wepolstor without l|elng with it* effeot Whv will von suffer frotn indigestion nd Simmons Liver Reg. uiatoi is jleasant m»d our. 3. COUNTY EXHIBIT. (Continued from Kip>t Pa >•.) Bird '''ll ley I"M> I Polly Wilson fi 75 }'.»tsey Winfiey 0 on | Levi K»ijJ 200 1 I.eitie Trowi) 50(1 ll U Fouler 2 00 i Jfjl'ii B O kley 300 i Martin As|)t»y 450 CLOTHING! CLOTHING! '! in v w.i- a one wne i -i ty ma le clothing was resitdtil as worth'esj, Mmtie hi ill *.■ ,ue •,«' he -ii. IJ.i, in li.e >li if confidence has been restn e'd' by otu-r* «. ' o'.oo I-, iio li 'to 10. - ami In ipf-up. llut ten ktviv how this t •' in .1 .. s.atite .i'wiu,. .-•i.ij- win, ,((•taint't in account o the p-tjvporilv of if .im.i v. 'J'h ; »i-|ii iliy • in' hut Mi. l priiie'i *t cause it mi the I'.ict llui 'I JJO. I. i|ii; ,i. ' u ijie y VVIjuNTOS have placed q:i His matkt't'■ 10th..! th..! is neve ijiiii u'.l o j> iiiil" .|js jrunt led a>oiit. It is gene, lly cumeded ii iit'opie iii Winsiqn .nil ui feiokcs County that THORNTON & CO,, —KEEPS TUE l?eqt C|qtl|ii)g for the least MONEY 1 II," catlnjne pud special dijalre Is to pirate our cu4omert and wc ki)i)W we -i.i '.n iiii'it'.i. ante '»t k''pp a- jood aio -k as we have kept in the past, Oil r Mr. 'i ii ofon it i'O is .uiiH in the Noidt puichnilu? frcsli (jmds ami consrrinently bo I ,111 »to haMil'. olil g Mils on hand. We feel truly jjrnleful to Stokes hihl adjoining CONIU ids i'O patt natron c au.i ea> nest y solicit a co.niiiuauee of the smite. IJoping ou lo.mer f.iemla may cotau iu to see us at Clark Sc. Ford's oln stand. »n a':t Your Friends Truly. THORPITON Jk, 00. Elltba TjJfl aj.it wufiir-i to out-side p >ti|iei s ( 303 00 l'rotniscuyus claims see above 8,.'j05 ti" Jury claims 1.U21 50 Total amuynt audited and al lowed 8,140 17 By amount of claims paid and ollyr credit* last lineal sec Itrs settlement J8.702 Ofi J Amount gif revenue for all sou.- rce» for county 1 ui jk>su« exclu» ive of insolvents i»;>il releases for »H fiscal your as appears in Sher iff's settlement Kept. ISO J 0,1 i 7 00 By amount over paid due .SlioriU ftom the county 805 00 Amount of revenue froj» all sources for school purposes for Inst f eal year as iqijie.irs from tlie Sheriffs settlement with the Board of Education Sept. 181K). 7,110 57 By amount af vouchers and olh. er crutlilg 0,880 84 To atuoilnt in hands of treasurer $ pill J;1 State of North Carolina, 1 County. ) I, Jim. Y. I'hillips, Clerk of the Board of County Conimissioecrs of saitl cotfnty do hereby certify that the foregoing is a ffiie Stsy>meiit of the claim* audited by said Board fo u the Ist aav of Dee. 18811 to the lit d yof Doe. 18110 And also a tine sUte meiit of the amount of revenue from all so.irees for hotli County and Seool purjxises nn I the amount of county and seh>ol funds d:-' ursed]biat fisiial year. Witness my band at n»y office in Dank|fry the L'Wli day i f Nov. IS!"I. JN'O. Y. PHILLIPS, Ct i:tK B. C. C, » «■ ■I.BAUI'.m I* -3T Low Pmcm —IN— HARDWARE. N. E. CORNER COURRT HCH'BE MjriARE. -WINSTON, N. c. tii)« lli fi j'tur AMeutlmi i Fu' uioim wli(j wan. 11>e I■ - io.M Rinl best make lof .Virion!* nil !)iaciiHiey i Mceir 'cs wi;o any- I 13 in the Ha ilwa-e Ivie ' cii'Mitried iiU .iic'r bus' I tic s, and lloj-ekeepers ! iin w.;tll anything .0 use 1.1 ' . lor ; lied ligoui or K'iciiou. if found in a bard ! w:iiu ki e flud all 1 lie y | «unt ai Jvowq & Roger*'. | £Now i* tl;o time to buy* a cheap atovf Then MININ3 ME Will remember that thin is headquar ter* fori))uauiite, Fuse, Caps, Drill! Steel, Drill Hammers, Shovel , Pick* and wheelbarrows. In fact everyihina ncC' ."B«ry to removing stooo or earth except "*e bow grease." Come and seo though; if we oaonot »upply you with this can tell you how to yours to the best advantage. dov 27 90 Health demand* > hedthy liver. Take Simmon* Liver Kegulator for dy.pepsit and indigestion. Bucklpn'w Arnteu '•wive. The best ju'vo io t'ttf w> Id '>* Ca'a bruises, gores, ulcvri, suJt rlieviu. fever koics. totter, chipped hatidi, c'i 'b.rns, cctn*. «i>d e" »k'o c pt'em, »•••! o - - tivc'v tu e pot no i« • etj I. It i« pua ?'t wd to etc prrf':ct s ■t'W. or money rcfjndcd. P;lce 2 r > c'i. per box. For «alu by \V. C. MoCuii en. IS" SWIH WASTMK WB'*""' l "II*! II.M.MIM'I.LKV.M.U. wiiiuu.tii. oinc*l'Hy,tVtalte>T»i; St AGENT S WANTED n ! u en; • ip •' >'o l hvoilgh, a'ld I" njf'.'nt CJ; .. I J "I " cii.l led '"FROM TO THFONJ?^ ; n'» z a »*»»%• '."*»o? f '• ii'nJjtS •» iy o'* •» aid ( »'eot '•». P|u- a. \> • i»v« • tva -no • c or .• • v • I'olv I and. ?i f « old uas n •" m»* . •u • •?» i*o .i • e 1., nl and 'l* •• o" he av it! a'» »a and ■ ct .• .» it."' .i ' . .h* i! 9'* .•« ih "f* t» i ' Uf •» • i• f- *,i ■' t n ) -••if '.i Itn. tn. i ' t)' I'j* i»i.»\ i .• .vo i a■ » hl«* «. >\i i'• >k ') i"jm » »o\\ ill; In! .•• ;d* ,»:n *= i * i»e v'» e' u » h'. You VIM ••• '• i\ • '). a.. '■» liei ■ } . 1 o*' #.• t tlf. • • !»' o |»e , Vi . \ •• s 1 s'»oul • «».»ii* 1 e © a d > »i • i .. I *n '•»• ••» ";ue o '.*• r i! ia •• ne. I I r;i mi \e » .c f • .» o ; v »|. I *»e 'in • in.* .o '.ii* «\ o •»!'?". 11 o' i hhi,l al ii'i • • d, i i*c' :i i| T, f i'.le «»• te iJ'.i'O. f » i «.» , NOW ami von w'i ,»»aV? ' il i *r»* '! r ; itorv S.oi i vi • i.. j'l:.» w •»> i ■ ta' i .I. I ml N.pnc . ■ •• iv \ t wa anl w>> c! a> onr •iu• n i '••• ii.i . > ii. F. JuILN O • & CO , SMVH) Ma'-i n jluuo.nl. Ya. I DOM'TFAIL i?CALL IN ATS Arnold's 9 • : JEWELRY STORE :- When you come, to If lnst on and .see the m echanical Jig urfi oj the 014 SOMi It is the groat,est wonder oj't'ie >i>6 and also lookl at my stock of Watches. CLOCKS, SJIL vcrwaie and 1) ia moods, TYou wjll get a. good bar gain in anything yea want | in' iy line. Don't forget the \ p*ace. East side courthouse. \ Nov 20 ly Jjftt % w. MILLINER VXD MAKER Side of tlic Couft {fonso |Sqtiare, W« C. (fives notice to her patrons and the public generally that she has now in Stock a ve>,/ nice line of MTLLIXERY GOODS, STATIONARY AX D XOXIOXS, ETC. She »ro/jose »to ha ve drcss esput up in. the MWSV WYTItB and to sell anything in her lin e as low an the louesi coil sidcring quality, of goods of etl. You don't have Ut cop;* ue doai-jf r with Simmon* Liver Regulator. Ofter ■ little caret effectually. If yon feel nil hr>ke up and nut of lorn agitate y u ur liver witb Siimumn. LUer 1 emulator. f"e , > on hum in a-"! »!"•-:*« md i'l an. I i on'" cured by Woolf.nd'« Sanitary Lo 'ion. '! hi. never fails. Sold bv *V. W. McCAN'LIvSS Diugiiiata. 11 5 ly Danburv;N. ('. ADMINISTKS. NOTICE. ll.i iv: li.'i day u;m ii".l if- u l'u'.; s » » f •• • . A. G.>. io i.. (!«Yi.. . • s « •» »•. c»vvi •i'd* «'! : o ■•«»•■*:, J• }• » s »i)~ • ♦ : »•» "« i " o'* •' «* ' j. .\ ' i'. r"'V„ nimfn • »:u fo- »>- i. ; :M V "Ip.K l !. rn'aH '' so iiin-j • 1 • • *•••«« ?.M » . iii • i w sc « u.aV'.i .• i? w ' i u- • , % r .i'vp •« I ''i •? Ill'«*» •» "C » *» 1 v j nv Jin r: :ti!t iio'ics wi ilrt ~lf O | i'j . • No.*, l i.il. 1 ' U. H* ("». S.V. n , Ailm'r,, of J. Gonjoi ~ d^M. o If you wtnt a book no dif ference what kind* call, on or send your order to Winston, N. C, v A large aaportinent 9 h of Hliitik lf.N>k-« nl- vL V w-» v» on hnml. Jj| XT Th««o IwHiki wi re h w ; ll !»«• wjM :in low JQ IBIBCWBWWMWf XMAS QOODS Are now coming in. If you want a nice present for your '•best girl" go to LANIER'S for it where I you will find many nice things, Doors, Basli, lilinds, etc, we are prepared to furnish doors, sash, blinds, newels, turn ed balusters, hand jrail, brackets, moul dine;. scroll-sawing ol'all kinds, window frames, door frames, d rosed lumber of aII kinds, ilooring', ceil ing, weathei-board ing, etc. of our own manufacture. We also carry in stock shingles, nlisteri>\g luths, lime, oeniGiu, calcined plus ier, plastering han'und all ki.uls oj builders' supplies. MILL EH BROS., Winston, N. C. 1 ■ ■ . ... If v«n «pi» «1» pH'eem, and ore »fn U bW with » hiking cough, one Pr NcL Tar wine Lnogß ®» So easy tji it* nation, harmless and offvciuii| in relieving i' Simmon* 1,1 vat Hegulator. Perfectly sure, pure, perfectly harm. • -* i« .mio mhi. Livar Regulator. I • flooding u. i-Mi. ..u*. •»f«, ihonld tokv F"OW !>1 IKON HI •;« • >i •, i •» » :r . « I iniltf* ' 4ii bii«l biJtuntiitttA. J jdMNfr ;> U. FO:*. DYfM*E#*H2A ft" n*n\rnS f-on Hifirr«. AU kmjilt *'>•♦», ' •nulnt b«i u«ku> ~ ...... .ij4«er SEAB9LT & REiViPSGN, Tin and Sheet iron lSorkcrx— . C (OPPOSITK FARMKI!S W. 11. A/lor returning thanks to thr o'ood iti'>/){/> of Stokes for J:herifl shore of ptdro imge /■I) tofj'tc :• //net, wish i'l cut! iiieiraiicn iO Our 'ini) } ire!i assOrted se!etlad ulUcip 0/ Cook and flfg t s _• • ES Also fceep a largo I assort men i cf tin w,» re, sheet copper sheet zinc. stove pi &c RoNfiug, guttering and repairing done on short notice, Give ns a call, f ' Good work and low [prices. respct'y !! !■ mpsoil;., STAPLE P t [ ;s. At o, r -C'asf I BAKERY. I Invito all l i iic(*d nfqoo ls In m> to ,'v» »nc a r:il|. I»enH»ii' rr I am on L'bp-i'y n'rccf. Win fo i, V. h?.wecn 4ih ar> l ii s« m vei a'! the warot 011* . I iuivhir s hours, and u : • I nil .o ; «.o : j- M iof fa m*: h and \v f •> W -»i suvli yoo I carry ;j giv mo a cad. I k 'ow the nco.H of every r»n«l wil 1 yon ueh rhin«*s as you oiati-ly yuu. Ue^vrfuiiy, J. T. WOOD,SOX. C\AFE FEAR & YADKI V V.\ LI.'Y R. R 'OMPAXY.J OXlll;nskd Ml'llKDl'llß NO, 111. NOUTiinorsD 1 No. 1, N0.:),, No IS. I I '.V Wiluiing.nil. i'.l. tO a n, Ar Fave'it'v.'lf. 1 4"> |> in Lv Kaye;(avi!h'. |i m .4r (ircwuiboro, ;1.40 '• ' liVii litvnsborn, ;7. SO " l.v \\'aliiu CoVt-l'S.4'l " | ,\r Ml. .\iry, 110.45 « Lv Renp. -.vi'l"', o.ooam Ar Whmoii, j j ii»"| Lv Mio .on, ' 0.25 '* Ar Fayottffville, : 12.30* i l.v. >1 "b iio, j |".23 a. in At(incMi shorn, [ t.iA a. m l.v Guienaborii. I , 10.10 am Ar Mailison, ' 12 35 )i m sovTJtnocxn. Ni2. Noi Lv Mt, Airy, 0.45 a ni Ar. ireiNisbi>ro, H. 15 " Lv Uraeiisboro. 050 Lv SanforJ, 12.115 Ar Favi tU'ville, 8,10 P H Lv FaycUovillc 240 " Ar Wilmington, 6.4 • Lv Fajettevillc, 5 '• Aril .u.i H.IK pin Lv M ■ .i 5-07 ■■ Ar lb'iii'tt 5.20 • l.v Slviti »iil|o (!.,[6 " ArWrel- 1.40 Lv Oiwii* n i 4.00 Ar MilltviVo, 4-'0 "• J. \V. Fi .V, Ocn'l Suu'l. W. R KYLE, Uen'lVnss. Ago t. Commercial Coiiige le*. in cton h ky . Cheapeet A Best Business Col/eg* in the World JESS >—i . 1000 fttMUnU »»nu«ll j . 1H T -i -t •* > i r - (••«•«•€ t.m—»» acc hiuE, SIVSSAWAY! I • •# OIR "Stonewall" llomciviade SHOES Arc rctmgniged as the host and easiest wearing shoe on the market. They n-e made from old—fashion***) bark tanned leather, having solid leather sole'. heeU md counter-). So slip-shod Northern tra»h wiib tin counters and paper soles ,If your dealer, don't keep 8T l.\ K WALL HOMKMADK &IIL):;s, ask liiin to buy thoui for you, and if ho wont do it, send to us for them. Dou't bus sninc other shoe made ot hard burnt leather. Our Stonkwam. IJomkmadk >.iioes are the only .-lioes tiiiuig all luu wants of the farmer and his faintly. vVe have theui all in weights or a fanuer s Dress Shoe we have a nice light kip sewed Slioe; also a moe sewed kip button >hoe tor ladies' dress. Vou oau get double the wear out ot these Shoes for the uion*sy than you caq trora any northern shoddy trasb.J OUR OFFER. Io the tanner s son or dauctnter. be tween the ages of six and eighieen, who will send us by January Ist, 1 ->9l, the largest number of words spe led lroui the letters cootained iu the words Stonewall Homemade Shoes are the Be^t WEwa^qivß is e.«i«i. and to the two sending the naxt h-gest number we will give to caoh >», Cili iff Thos I competing for the prizes must tie between the apos of six and eighteen. Eocli word must bo correctly spelled and DO letters are to be usod exi-oi F those conta'ied in the wo*d«, • « WALL HOMEMADE SHOES A'P T! " I{KST." When your L>»t of 'S eompleted, mail ilieni 10 its «■ b you; name, n o e uud postofEee. BEE HIVE BSBTS • ' Let well enough alone" and~i.il. another pair of BEE HIVE HO . which jjive you as much wi-nr , Si.HI as you eau pet elsewhere for S3 UO. In our SHOE AND HAT STOKE V. carry the largest line of Jt.-lmu, Hl'.' 'j Shoes and bats in the SJ-JIC, () UCB urc as low :ih fiver, tini %%•(:( the fact thai *h.>es ha ye vj | j to 15 per petit. Wksat fertilizers— We are fi£«in selling Jtovgtcj-'g hi, Grade Aeffi Phosphate, tho \, . Fertiliser. Prices lower thai We have this brand lor >nd every otje who lined it »i- ,s aa any, and many nuy ! : "i« much better for cloye|- u(tpi rbe w.. ( t» cut Ibafi otbor brands. W« , ibo price jowq ajjd wijl hold it thore Zo U r a lo lease, w A. BAITY & BR a ADJUSTERS OK LOW PltICK.v-g |Tn

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