■? HHI» flmsr.Mhdffhdimind, *0 ... VY* fffliJU'. hi" v. I 7*vS.c> ■ U.2iuiJ«K.V. :«».. lio* S3 r»S* I*«»vil:,n flirtTlil«SHlS>l«£ ! I i.'udOJ M.ToMfc»>arwQWtobatJ%. Ym - | I Ad«»'i''s. Notice, HAVIX« quilifiied UA Mtliuii'.istianx pf tl.« M iiln «»t ih late A!«i.x:»ii(lcv •?ns• »•? u«»»|«t i» li.ti-rliv jriven that all JM.»OHS lot\ ifi«- h Aiiiin»#» sal.! pirate must 4..1.MU to nut ihe Irtih O*t 'lhTj I"91, and «j'l it •.> M.j.! c-fa e wi 'k" t«. »»«• T«»i» Ith Ui-rob«»i 1800. M.fT. MITCH' f.1., Adib'r. o Alt'XHiultr JuiiHi. " . ■. 1 1.--. ■«f*LEADER IN_ I •L«WPUCBB» II! A-N-n Good Cpods Harn ess So dd les, Bridles. Collars, A h ips, La pi 'ohrs fiifr., LARGEST STOCK j —ia — Vijston, - - C. t'otnc and see inr and be convinced Ww ty'iv yTvv vy yWY 1 / J-D. C» Slate-I- Gormanto 11, N* c. 'Will kt»#p in addition to u general as fiortaient i f MERCHANDISE ■Corn. Hay, and ♦be .lending brands of jp^jferrlim^ ALIO T EED AS D LIVERY STABLES. •to eure Biliousness, Sick Headache, Con*tl« |>«Uon, Malaria, Liver o>mplHintA, take ' thi safe and certain SMITH'S BILE BEANS Yn• ih# MM ALL »l«e (40 little Beans to th« bottle). THEY AHK THE MOST CONVKVIBMT. Suitable lor nil J\.f(e«. Ww »t glther »IMI, 8a«. Pr Bottle. KISSiMB" 7 - ,7 - 70 "5®sa* l» l*"wl IVlflXiM for 4 Mi. (oepperi or a tamp*). J.F.SMITH &CO.u^«nor"BI[.KB&jU(B,"ST.IStfIS HO. CD C C Wnrr»nt*il huavjr, WjMh " i f |w|Si wSVhf art n-mr- AHrti# w»rk r'»u 4.» h |M ihri ~twit MC aMH« *o* to w»fi n»l~) aur SOnni.. .*4 KMd tm trtlw.M« Wm-i ■*»'. «UW» b*wu f«r y#ow • Iwu•»»«• *ar:~i, ■MI Omm .r» \v« p-.f all a«iMMW, »«r AAir jmn W*«* «n. II »..Hid l*K- (e fro lo w»rh ft* ui. hi cm mm 6M l« ((Ml WMkarwl *w»rdi E!uuJiCi..H»all, u>»r. FREE y warlS* 1 ' lafuti «T PVr r * Kk * ,K •• ea ° b m BBks ft-Abor* Ooly Ibaar nW writ# ■■■n It> Ita «» >nc*ran nutka aura af r»jurw >• m *b«w oar gojd« to ftyn »*"*?' iSvrriioaaa.H IMIC ™ Ih u «i the awail end «f lb# t*l»- TV. mmh ■>. in- M3 to 91«» day al lihuw. ftvis Ih- HMt.wHh. KT a w ric«isssr.'ia?;: m. »-J«--»- >-««. ■«. ■ ? >? fi 1 16E&>£V' $$ • wV N.*-" H ••'•-' - '->' v?s * "'* ■ 1 I DO YOU NAAT R, WRITE WANT A DvUiX : TO US. j Any 1 ;»oL- in the \v r'. 1 f,tytn*l\-\' . t ;»*■•'/. ish tr'spritc. N'imc I'OI/K *"v > u .. (rui-UntUtp). MtUOf-'ii:.:. :'i€!.. Ags'.r •'/..».• ,'i.Y. PHOTO-ENGRAVING. ! IT PAYO T OILLUSTR ATt YOU •£ - lf*tSS. 1 Portrait*, aml era* of ' fv. ri«, machine;; . m. U- :•> »• r t i photo* gTitphn. ■ t I htnusj) fui -,H-V ®oo:>w M9trcjjo!:.ipl; .; y, LOW I-fi ti. •' . rr M | QUICKTIME. y -> York, J . Bubbsr all kinds. ! &TJR / ' 57ITK r::z vsxz::: zmsz, r i TOWN iNOSTUTt 3c LHTRA. M Vv/i j V Agea 4 .3 2:227 ; ceil Hasp f:r t:rzu, llatrcDo'.itaa Prcba Agency, 45 Warren St..s. Y. FORMEN OlliYl yAlClMiwU3fgar.il and l*Sß\Ota /; Rfc*»T*'iHß. 1W«ak»»«c«oi B&JyaniM.ud, fctfccU 1 ffrrorncr S.»f-'-t.. •'1 Oldf*. Your ?. 1 Bobcat, lUVW» fun« t .4 Mtr«n *Vm WK.« K, iSlllk* Ki.UV . 4>«K" .* *• k I'i R t HC»r |iOD*. AbacWHH* B»r*t!ln7 IIOSK VNkvrSlt t» • «!■>• K»b taallfj from aaJ WjMj Wr t»f*. I*aarr.ril»- Md« 4. **Dtaa>ltoa and probft twih* -rr., U4n> tais fcSCICAi. CU,. Bt'FFAko, N. »' Em - Many ea«'ers (f Ibis piper in Stnko* ami adjoinim reunifies do not know tli*t sa. KAII KN tl:c aiillng uardwarainanfor tlii* •u'Hion of S.-rth Carolina s in Wn*i !>•>«, since Ids i akin tie nt >tort? and innnnnotli *t>»k -f gofds \v«:!*••*'**i nwd. To al» j ■ Mich vp v cii il s4-y ui:«*n in Winston (-just b**'k i f the burnt build>nus on ilit* «\i-t ' .idem 1 you will find the saiut' F,. Allen n» u lan-• wv -ml with a *p'«ndid£ stock nady *"> w i n >ou. lie is hiinse'.f again and wili fniulsli you anyihlng y.ou u*>cd ih tl e hardware line ] WAT ■:- BOTTOM-:. PRICES.js% __ ( JOSEPH BEVAN, -THI:- —Reliable ---2 —Jeweler — 23G Ma in St., 11 'IA 'STOA', C. lias 11. v. on sale a larg* .issor nicnt «»f NV.v flood . suitable f*r w»»Mlntj and llol liday l'le-senta, H f *iche,s ; Elegant Jewelry of all descriptions. A grcatvariety offine Parlor a. id Man tel i locks ranging from 31 to S3O. Silver tableware including Kniues Forks. Spoo ns Tea Sots, Waiters Caster*, Cake 6las kcts, Kulter Dishes, etc., Gold a .:l Silver Head Canes and Umbrella*. Gold, Silver and Steel Specks and Nose Glasses. Call and examine my stock, | DRUG PALACE. «*» lilla % PMI «t» Leading Druggis's Have Removed Unto their handsome New Drug Store in If was iSmlMsg* Wharo tkey hope to wclaoisa all their old and many new ouatomara. - -* " niw »ab«litote for wall ptper. Try i»- —Finest Drug Store in N. C. — Q. LEAIUVG DXIUGOISTS. wr. v. uun.WiM—i'W'i'i— »yjv;%.«w%xwwana.»-. r. ~ 3? £ H an? IM M M 9 I r.-4 rl few 1y M «§ i CONSUKPTIOM IViiL* UuHOFULA mm>m cSScSS 1 "® CUBES J Wasting Diseases Wonderful Flesh Ptoducor. Many have giuued one pouud • per TLTIY BV ils UKC. : Scott's EmuI.HHMI is not a secret 1 remedy. It contains the Btiinulat ! injf ])ropertit s of tho llvpophoß pliiU-3 niul pure Norwegian Cod ; Liver Oil, the potency of both bbing ».irnily innrciVhcd- It is used by l'hybi«.iuu* till o\or tlio world. PALATABLE AS RfilLK. Sold Uij all Drufffltsts. SCOTT td. OOWMG, Chcmlats. N.Y. VKX-^ X 0 t '' J ; COnsuMP l "' 0 ' It perin maiitiy ctirwd T.IOT'SANDS of en&cs pronounocHl by IK»J>O IK»J>O If yon h:iVf. jirciiionil'rv MVinp ! tonim, Biu*li m Oiti/yh, Pilrtcnlty of i Brenikimr. A«'. f doirt ik-!»iy. but uso ! PIMO'S i VllK Fc»r CONSUMPTION iuu'iediatcly. Uy «SR "" UniMMlii '.•-v \;. sin i«t'..an. lniiifv:i!on nud i.flt « I'T-.v:*. It ru'cs qu't-kly. Tor .»e by *ll Utalers in u;« kiici-.c. Owl the CCHLIUC. THE SPRiNG MC/C/NE YOU WANT Paine's Celery Compound Purifies the Blood, Strengthens the Nerves, Stimulates the Liver, Regulates the Kidneys and Bowels, Gives Life and Vigor to every organ. There's nothing like it. Use It Now! •• last *prtntf. being very much run down and .•• naTing used your ralnp's Celery CmnpouM debl'iumd, Inroeurwl some of 1 Mine's Celery this apring, lean safely recommend It a« the Compound. The use o( two bottles modems most powerful and at the lame time mow feel like a new man. Asa general tonic and centlo regulator. It Is a splendid nerve tonic. Bering medicine. I do not know Its equal." and since taking it 1 have felt like a new man. W. L. CJRKKKLKAF. K. E. Kwos*, Wateruiwn, Dakota. Brigadier (Jeneral V. N. G., Burlington, Vt. >I.OO. Pix for (A.oo. At Druggists. W«u A. iUcmapsowtOo. Props. Burlington. vt. SSiis'sSl'iSsit ucrtrcßFoatss. litt' SC HEDULE OF SALES AT Piedmont Wiareh'e Fog- November, IS9O Ist Sale every Mond uy, Wednesday and Friday* 2nd Hale every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Whether first or last sale eftine to Piedmont* _ M. W. NOUFLJ2ET &. CO., Prop's. a E, be.run J. A. BKXKTT o WINSTON MARBLE WORKS, BSHkBBSIS Marble and Granite Monuments,***— Heaihtones, Tablets, Mantel*, Oj>i % osite Brown's Warehouse Main Street, BURTON & FHEEMAN, SUCCESSORS TO W. A. LASH. -:-C*eneral Mercliandise*:- I WALNUT CO VE, A. C f Would hereby give notice that we are daily receiving fresh supplies of goods, and being on two railroads get our goods as dire .it and at as low freight rates as any house in this section of the state, that that we pay cash for our goods, buy as low and will sell for as small a profit as any house can which counts sixteen ounr ces a pound and one hundred cents a dol lar. If e mean al/ we say, but nothing can give tl e same assurance as an actual test. u """TOME AND SEE US. . n.nie aal ice us. give us one trial, and if we don't do what we sajr do 1; nut come again- Willi »nan> thanks for (lie lrberal (a(ronii«p siven ui in the past, sr«are With much respect, and guod wishes to ail, Youis very i*»pectf«lly. Burton & Freeman. 200 Head Carts •t JUST RECEIVED «•• -»—ANUT 100 More To Arrive shorily ! A hieli wc r.fler at prices never di-empt of Lffore. CHEAP, STRONG, and DURABLE. BUY NO \Y! MEW (STOCK OF HARDWArE Arriving daily and new goods is wliat you want for they are the best. CIIAWFOIiP lIARDW'RE CO IN. O, "/hare scejt ill Winston many things that surprised met hat the greatest snrpri.se ot' (ft / is your Store. 1 thought H inston did not /tare any business out Touaecu " Tbt> above remarks were rceeuijy made by one of the gaojt prominent busiaaa lueu of the state after lie hid eyauiiped our nunjeuse ol goods. ' A I'eit FBCf NOAH 8 AM," wan tho exoluiuatjoit of one of the best and uiust suoees.sfjjl usiuetts men of' Virginia aftei he hod through our Nine Large More ifooms.. __?**... Qv® Motto jt&wars THE HIGHEST (QUALITY OF GOODS FOR THE LOWEST POSSIBLE) PRICES. We have never sold at 'coat" or run on the •Cheap John" pJsp, but have kiM able at all! times and under ail eircum»t.*nees to compete suscossfully with all legitimate .competition. We have beco in busiuess iongar tb»a »oy htm* m Winston, Carry the Largest Stock, the Greatest Variety, and Best Class of Goods, Having added largely t« JUT LAI)IE« I)IN;WS GUOU»- ——ANl)—w - SIIOE DEPARTMENTS - • . we are cramped for room and b*ve decided to cjosc eijt and djaeoatinae Us fal— lowing linoa : Hardware, Hollow Ware, Wooden Wsl re, Stoves and Tinware. We ha V. quits a stock oa baud is these lines and are offering bargain*. C«M« and txaniir; bi>for« you make any purchases We are adding U oar Retail Dry Goods, Shoe, Hat and Cr ooery Qept s„ WE HAVE ALWAYS BEEN IN THE FRONT AND MEAN TO STA Y THERE. and Lave kept our sUok in advance of the growth of our towns and country but have never changed our motto of'• Beat Quail y Good* for Least Monday." I* paya everybody to buy good shoes, boots, bats, clotbn, eassimtyss, jeans, drew goods, trimmings, eta. The best farm supplirs are cheapest. Wj* have theas. The highest grade FERTILIZERS AND PUREST ORASJS SEEPS aro the cheapest. We have them. Star Brand Guano for Wheat. Beat all others Jaat ysar aad stands higher than ever beloto. Out WltftoUle it acparato (torn the Retail and our itock is pot surpassed in jaantitj, tarialj, quality and prio6® by wy houae in tb® Stfcte. W boo you HAVE ANY PBODUCE TO SELL com# and tee us. Ws ask ever) body to como and sae us and examine »«t goods and prices. Votuns vary tr^j, HINHHAW AC MEDEAWLL * ■* ' '' i Winste«,B, 4tbSl*set,

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