f SAVE : MONEY! r*? ' vBY BUYING YOUR FUHIiITURE Collins, Caskets and Burial Robes OB 1 \L G. LEWIS & SON, Walnut Cove, ? N. C. All kinds kept in stock and bottom prices asked. Hope you will look over our stock before purchasing, as we can and will save you money* Special attention given to Embalming, and neatness and promptness guaranteed Remember the place, L. G. LEWIS & SON, WALNUTCOVE, N. C. *ViQ OTKZR Sars-iparilla corn- I MAGNETIC NERVINE B bines economy and strength like i _ , / , , ® . I - ****** In wirtntwd »o cart !*COO 3. It IS the only one of Nervous Prostra , , I u •j .. yi 4y. Z «V?I EiKr* \ tion, Fit®, Oi**i« v,lach eau truly be said * 4 IOO Doses $i. v , |Mf ,J*Q ncit, Headache, i?M TJI Neuralgia and In * «IJVVn tb« uwTo f t*v dlrwv ' fsr fifi -*V#| TV tion*. D«- n . , „ , . BEFORE - Ai-ftR- RSUtJIrtUiTK: J Pinacle School Mr;2f^!^ ,h a?SiSv!£T«S VINE nrroate all load®* in eithar •«*. r*n«ws vitality I A ATTI audVrength to both lira miiacular and nofvuu* •>«tara. I AND }srS?£d r, ist^haS*«Ss^ Vr' r *rSrfi; fltmnilTpi'l] Tllvtit life SSTCS-x commercial lnStlTUlCa evaret&.Worier we written Cuarantteet" j etireor rafund thamonay. CuookriUM- Ouwiono A first class boarding school SCs*"™ t FAR. for botll sexes, HIS ) Druggists, Greensboro, N. C. CULLER, N. C rnrn m r|AV Includes Business College Department,: | mELt |l| Un I I College Preparatory Courses, Scientific | * and English courses, music, art, elocu- Jew * tion, scliool of short band and type writing. WIJSTO*. - - sr. C. Business College Department has been recently established and is up to the ■ Watches, clocks, jewelry, silver and silver highest standard. Diplomas granted to ■ pl-'t'■«' ware, spectacle* and eye-glasses. .. . i.i ~ , i If your watch or clock w;uils repairing, those wbo complete the preserved course ; give me atrial. I make a specialty of in Business Department. 1 ne repairing and guarantee iny work, o. • , , , 1 have'one of the largest stoeA-s of Session opens August (>tb. spectacles aid eyeglasses in Winston. Apply for Catalogue and If your eyea are bad, give roe a trial r J i arxl see boa nicely I can ht you Circulars, to My medicated spectacles are in .. »»»•■ ;| " l fille - Ctt " al,d 866 lhc " 1 MMKI/LS i . HILL, No. 11 w. 4th .street, north o Principal. the court bouse square, is tbe pi are. • V | PWmS ORGANS. fit' yfatf & #• , y»3r - "o*> ; n * •'* „X* 2/2 to T'?u have wanted an instrument for some time and now is the time buy UimM ߥ tOW a*:; can save you money. Come and see us or write. STANDARD MUSIC CO., Winston, N. C. NORFOLK AND WESTERN RAILROAD. TTrnrWTQ SOLD TO lIvJLEiID at.t. POINTS: OHIO, IWDIAWA, ILLIWOIB, WMSCOHSIM, MISSOURI, KAH»A», NEBRASKA, COLORADO, ARKANSAS, CALIFORNIA, TEXAS, TEE VEST, SOm-WEST. SBDTH-WESI. FIRST CLASS. SECOND CLASS AND EMIGRANT TICKETS. THE BEST ROUTE TO THE NORTH AND EAST. PUttHmW VEBTIBULIO COACHH, SLEtPIWO AKP PIWIWQ CUM. SEE THAT TOUR TICKETS READ OVER THE NORFOLKgWESTERN RAILROAD CHEAPEST, BEST AND QUICKEST LINE. Write fbr Rates. Main, Tlme-TaWei, D*«crtptlr« Pamphlet*. to any Station Agent. or to w a savin. aLLCN HULL, M. r. sa»so. Wm'l r,iw,,pr Agt. Dlt. hM*.|*r AfL Tr»»»ltM r** 'I I «A. loLiaaLS, o. HOAAOLE, lA. #1? ADEKIN A—N-l> Good Coo&o Harness, Saii/es, Bridles, Collars, Whips, Laprobes, &-c. LARGEST STOCK —is — VVigston, r i N. p. : Come and see me and be convinced Hotel Jones W inn ton Salem TV. (J . Everything strictly comfortably, una ail the moderate conveniences provided. Dinlpg Itooui, Parlors, Halls, and « "utniifors newly aiul handsomely furnish ed, well ventilated. and lighted. : Table supplied with the very best ihs market affoards. Here the traveling public irill find "Home Con(fortH Kate* $2 OO per- day Always anxious to please. J L. Jones, Proprietor. FINE TOBACCO LAND FOR SALE. By virtue of a decree made by tlie Clerk of the .Superior court of stokes county, ap pointing the undersigned eommisssoncr to sell the lauds of John Pepper dee'd., tor partition among the heirs at law of said dee'd. I will sell to the highest bidder at the Court House doors in Danbur) X. at 'j. 1 o'clock on Monday the sth day of Novem ber 1894, 300 acres of land lying on the |j- waters of Keatman, and Town Fork, ' Creek, adjoining tlie lands of Alex Soutli j ern. Jack lioldlng, and I'epper heiis. The title to this land is good beyond question as will he shown by abstract fiom the Mate, and more than thirty ycats po se-sion. This land lies wefl lor cultivation, is well watered, well tiuibucd with white oak, poplar, pine, liicA ory And other growth, will product) corn wheat .ilnl cct., well, anil . make among the finest tobacco farms in the county lor growing the silkey "gold leaf" tobacco- The land is four miles north wesl from Danbury in a good neighborhood. Terms of .Sale : One third cash, remain I der in two equal payments, oue and l* years, notes ty be»r 8 per cent., interest and title reserved until purchase money is paid. This the 27th dsy of September, lt®4. J.OIKS A. I'EI'PKII, Commissioner. •State of North Carolina,, In .Superior court Stofres county.} Before the Clerk W. F. Campbell, Aduir. \ Notice to I of Maaten Mabe, Deed. Plff. > DOU resident •m Against > ■Sallie Mabe, M. E. Brown , and others. Hefts, j , In the nlovo entitled cause, it appearing j from the return of Die Sheriff of Meeklen r burg county, on the summons in thiscause, that M. K. Brown, oue of tlie defendants | herein, is a non resident of this .State, and Is a neecessary paity to this action; tlie | same being for the sale ■>{ the lauds of Mas ( ten .Wabe dee'd. for assets to pay ilebts. f It is therefore ordered that publication ol • notice be made fur six successive weeks in f the Uki'OKl Hit, a new.spape, published it Haiibury, Stokes county, N. C. notifying the said il. E. Brown, to appear at the oftie *of i tie .Superior court of Moh| county iu Danbuiy on the 17h day ol Nov., ISiM, and answer or demur to tlie pe [* tition on lile in said cause, and let the de fendant M. E. Brown take notice that it j she fails to answer or demur to saiil pe tition on or lieforc the said I7th day ol I November 18IM, the petition will lie heard " n parte as to her. This 22nd, .Sept., IS9I. N.O. I'ETRBE, I C'ler* .Superior Court. THE BLOOD is the source at I ' health. Take Hood's Sarsaparilla to ! keep it pure and rich. Be sure to get HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA. i OUR REFERENCES s BEST ATTENTION, BEST LIGHTS, FAIR DEAL ING-, HARD WORK, HIGHEST PRICES. > SELL - WITH" - US. J. H. WHITT & CO., Owners and Proprietors of FARMERS' WAREHOUSE, GREENSBORO, - - IV. CJ Fl™t«„l^wJ? CT ! ,BEK - APRIL. »'n»ml £il_T ay "'."'J Saturda >-- V"* l Salo—Wednesday and Saturday, J T ' ami Friday. .second .Sale—Tuesday and Friday, hale—Mouday atid I hursday. Third Sale—Monday and Thursday. Pi o NOVEMBER. M A Y S^ TU «!:'r. i ' lav - First Sale-Tuesday and Friday. Tidrd Sa h ~\vj i" "i al "' V'""' I "}'' Swoml Sale-Monday and Thursday. J turd salt—Wednesday and .Saturday. Third Sale-Wednesday and .Saturday. I>EC*KMUKIt. JI'SK Swnd£uL*wEte a i'"' Tl 'l lrf " lay - *' lrßt Sale—Mbnday "and Thursday. Third 'r^."' 8 ' y , v" .• Sa ' ,lr,lay - Sefond Sale—Wednesday and Sat ... day. , rmrd Sale, Tuesday and Friday. Third Sale—Tuesday and Friday, pi « 'AJfI AKY. JUIY Sale V ?!,'ri ,la> H ":' al !' r,Uy • Finrt Sal,! - Wednesday 'an.l Saturday. Thhd s^le 'J T ay a i"' Fri,l f y - Sale, Tuesda/and Friday. vSale ' Monday aud Thursday. Third Sale, Monday and Thursday. u»» t. , Al'Ol'ST Stwudial Jv' ,da i y l '' ri ,' a • Fin " Sa,e ' Tuesday andFridav. , , ' 1 " -'»y- Secoud sale, Momfay and Thursday. Mk » »ednes.'a } aud Saturday. Third sale, Wednesday and Saturday. 1 AU"U. M.f TKMIIKK. suay. /irst Sale, Monday and Thursday. Saturday. Second sale, Wfdnt'stlay and Saturday, day. | Third sale, Tuesday and Friday eo. Lewis, of Stokes, with this Hous FOR IIIGII PRICES Sell Your Tobacco —ATz: PIEDMONT WAERHOUS£, vniSMX»» v* M WNORPLEET Ac CO., Prop's. Maj. 11. J. CRUTE, Auctioneer. New Foundry and Machine Shop* at Walnut Cove, IV. €. Having our SOops equipped with the La test Improved Machinery and best Skilled Workmen we are prepcir cd to do all kinds of {REPAIRING:- On Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills, Grist Mills, Horse Powers, &c., on short notice. All Kinds of Casting made to order. A full line of Grate Bars, Plow Casting, &c., Kept in stocK. Casting from 2to 3 cents per pound. Also Manufacturers of (Circular Saw Mills, xtip and Cut-off Saws, Mandrels, Mill , Gearing, Spindles, Pulleys, Shafting, Hangers, &e., all WOl*k guaranteed to be first- l' lass, ALL WE ASK is a trial, and we will save you money, Respectfully, MILLER & CooK, WALNUT COVE, A. C. PLANTERS' WAREHOUSE. PINNACLE, - N.C. A FEW WORPS TO THE FARMERS: i j Read and consider your nest f interest. Our house is large, well lighted, good basement, good stalls, and every accomodation that heart can wish, when you come with your tobacco to our market. And the best of all we guarantee tlie highest mariec r price. As a proof of this Us a difficult matter to keep leaf dealers fiom other markets any length of time from the fact they claim that they can buy tlie same giades of tobacco much cheaper on larger market*. So, gentlemen, If you can do as well or bet ter on a side market, a home market, why not patronize It. So brin ■on yenr bright tobacco. First sales to begin the oth day of November, 1KH:1. Sell only 011 Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at one o'clock, p. ui. until Christinas, Alter Christmas every day. Yours Truly, BENNETT & BOYLES. Your Future Prospects may look bright enough to-day, but what guarantee have yon that they will be the name ■ few yean hence f Howdo yon know but that you will be incapacitated or deprived of yonr present in come by an unforseen calamity ? Ask these some questions of ■ policy holder in the Equitable Life and see how quick he will answer that he is protected against mis fortune ; that he is assured of comfort in his old age ; that his family is provided for after his death. This is worthy of closn Investigation. For particular* address W. J. RODDEY, Manager, I Department of the Carolina*. R&K HILL, S. C. . Truwt WJUCI JJy virtue of the authority vested in me hy a certain deed of trust executed tome by James E. Holes and James 11. Tuttle niid recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Moles County M. in Hook No. 35 l'agi' :11l a-ul fcc. 1 will sell at public auction for cash 011 the premises at one o'clock p. m. on Wednesday the 10th day .if October, ISD4. I lie land and premise* described in said deed of trust to wit. : A tract of laud in .Veadow Township in Stokes county adjoining the lands of Syd ney Smith. J. I). Taltnn and others and containing 1(18 1-2 acres more or less. I'liis -Itli (lav of September ISO 4. M. D. Stockton, Trustee. STOP AND EAT. Mrn. 8. H. Gentf.v, WALNUT COVE, JV. C. Will furnish you something nioc to cat• MEALS AT ALL HOURS. Stop and see the pet owl. s4o'" WEEK FOR WILLING WORKERS of either sex, a.iy agr, |i» any part of the country, at the employment which wc furnish. You need not be awuy from home over night. You can give yoor who»e time to the work, or only yourspare mo ments. At capital i not rcqulr«*d you run no rUk. We supply you nlth nil tliat is needed. It will cost you nothing to try the business. Any one can do the work. Itepfnuors make money from the start failure is unknown with our workers. Every hour you labor you cau easily make a dollar. • No oae who is willing to work fall* to inakr more money every day than can be made In three days St any ordinary « mplovment. Send for free book containing the fullest information. H. HALLETT & CO., Box 880, PORTLAND, MAINE. MI i HI ■ n iMPnan—iw— Wl i—w— — J. E. BRIGGS& CO DF.ALERR IN Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Also Repairing Done on Short Notice. We will sell you anything in our Line or do your repairing AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. Come and see us when you want any thing we keen or need ANY REPAIRING-. Vtry respectfully, Also cash paid for old gold and sil ver in any form. Confederate money bought. J. £. BRIC.CS & CO., WINSTON, N. C N'ortli side of court-house square. Execution Sale. Bv virtue of an execution in my hands, Issued frttn the Superior court of Cocking liam county, on a Judgment theiren obtain ed and docketed in Siokcs county, 111 favor ofjanicsl'. Dlllard. against IK. L. Halro ton. 1 will sell for rash at public auction at (lie iourt house door In Danliury. on Mon day, (lie Ist day of October, lKftJ. Hie said tV. L. Halrston'i undivided half Interest in the 'ollowing described lands in stokes county : . One tract of 141 0-10 acres on the north side of Dan Hlver, on the waters of Buck Island creek. For description of title see record of deeds ami petitions in Stokes counlv, Book No. 20. page 055. One other trail of 104!) 3-10 ae T>s on both sides of Dan Kiver, also t-OO acres oil Dan River, both I racts below Hal niton's Ford and the other tract of 500 1-2 acres. For a description ol tlie tracts on record book of deeds ami partitions in Siokes county, Book No. 20. page 451. The said lauds are subject to the p> IM liens of two other Judgments in favor of w. A. I .ash, D. w. C. Benbow, J. E. Gil mer and otlieis. This the 27th dav or Alignst, 1804. ,1. H. FULTON, Sheriff of Stoke* raninty. 1 Ciratj, Trafe-mufc, Otilp Pifenfc, And all Pateat baelneaa conducted for MODERATE FEES. Information and advice given to la venter* vtfMl Charge. Addreaa PRESS CLAIMS CO., JOHN WEDD2RBURN, Managing Attorney, P. O. Box 411. WisHiifOTOii, D. Or •ETTbia Company la managed by a comblnatlen oi the largrat aud ino*« luUuautlal nuwapapera in U>4 Cnltcd butts, for the oxpreca purpo*o of Ing their aabacrlbera against uitcrupuloorf and Incompetent Patent AjeuU, aai oeeh paper prlr.tlug tlila advertisement vouches for tiw: blilty and bleb standln jof the Press CI-Inn Oompaoyu :jU WANT iHFCHKATIQN ABOUT IHi Ad lr«»«« a letter or_poatal card to TWt: I»KF*H CLARIK COMPACT, OWN WEDOERUURN, • . ftMnflntAg AUorniT. P.O. Box 4tii. WAHHINGTON.D.C. TENSIONS rnocuiotD for 301.PIERS. WIDOWS/ CHILDREN, PARENTS. Alj\ for Soldiers end Bailors disabled In the line of lutyluth- rejrnlwr Army or Kavy at n roth* war, irmerii « f the I n Hn u vara of 1832 to 19t% aal heir wiJow-snnir entitled. Oldand rejected clatma •penalty. Thousands entitled to clicher rataa, lend fort.evlnwa. Ko cbargu fur advice. Voraff uiUl Mococ^efai. POOK AT THIS LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS. Kev. John lUII. I>. !>.. L. L. I>.. Itcv. Robert 8. MneARTHI'K, I>. I». f Kev. Theo. 1,. Cvvler, I). 1)., Bev. M. C. Lock wood, D. I).# ol' Cluciimttl, O. Ilov. C. N. Sim*, !>. I)., Chancellor of Syracuse Unlveralt*. Current Weekly Sermon by DH, TAl.MAdk' Sunday-School Le**on by I>H. G. F. PKNTECOSTi The nbove ami other well-known writer* will contribute special article* during IHKI to the New York Weekly Witness making the Wltneaa one of tne rdrougeat ami >thle*t family newspaper* published. The Witneaa la Just the pa|>er for Farmer*# Farmer*' Wive*, Farmer*' Son*. Farmer*' Daughter*, country merchant*, country *tore- Jfcicpt: r f. blacksmiths, carpenter*. *Ume mason*; nwl all other laborer*, who form the hackbona •il'ouf country ami who want to be thonuighly •»o*tcd in what I* going on In the world. The Witneaa Is a weekly pa|»er which re pre cent* high idea* ane *ou'd princi|»lc*. It ha* it WCeklv sermon by l>r. Taliunge. and a weekly Sundap-School leaaon by Dr. Pentecost, the la tent home new*, the latent fo eign new*, the I*" te*t political new*, reliable market rc|H>rta, reli able |UOtati' n* of farm product*; »«a*onahle ed* itorlala on political, social ami moral |ue»tioii*; the i ream of the bent Hlator*al* in New Yora and oth.vr dally and weekly paper*; g««od reltabl* farm and garden article* written by practical men; tell* of the home life of the American p«w pie. ami of their thought* aud experiences; pleas ant moral utorle* for the young people; ntorlca f interest for the elder one* a'.*o in hriel, It la Junt the (taper that you can aafely take Into your home and And to be an eduefctor In the beat OCUMC, of both old and young. PRICE $i A YEAR. Speoial to subscribers of tho REPORTER. In order to largely increase our siibserip tion list we have made an arrangement with the \\ itness wbere'iy we can B«ti([ you the Witness ami the ItEI'OItTEK ANI) I'OST for a year FOR Vl.'i* This price, s our readers Iruow, is only 25 cents inorethau the tegular price of tho KBPOK'I'EB AND POST. awl could not lie ntlbrtletl except that we anticipate a very lan:'- increase In our numbers. A sample copy of the Witness will he sent free on receipt of request by postal card. Moore House, 340 South Elm Street. Greensboro N. C, TERMS OF BOARD i $1 .00 per day, 3-50 per week, 12.00/>er month. Table well supplied with j something nice to eat. Booms well furnished and house is convenient to the railroad depots and busi ness part of the city. MRS. M. E..MORIDGE, Proprietor. NOTICE. I will meet the lax-payers of Stokes county for the purpose of eolleoting the taxes for 1804 at the following times and plaoes, vil: It. W. Shelter, Store, Mon., Sept., 2«. IKM. W. 1,. Tllleys " Tuen., •' 25. •' Prestonvllle, Wed., " 2€, '■ C. A. Mitchell's Store. Toes., « V, '• Pine Hall, FrL, " 2*. " Walnut Oovo, Sat-. " 29, " Danltury, Mon., Oct., 1, " Wl'non's Store, Tues., •• 8, " Oermanton, Wed., 44 3, 44 Dalton. Thurs., 44 4 , 44 Pin'icala. _ F 1., ,4 S. 4 * Albert BovlOrt' Storo, Sat., 41 6, 44 Covington',Sch 00l HOIIMJ Moa., 44 t, 44 Venable'n Store. T«c».. 44 #, 44 Went Held Wed., 44 10, , 44 Franctoco, Thurs., 44 It, 44 C. U. Smith', Store. Frl., '• 12, 14 Fair play (LaweotiviHe), Sat., 44 13, 44 J. Wesley More tied',, Mon., 44 IS, 44 O. T. Ilunlnp', Store, Tnee., 44 IS, 44 J. M. l.luvllle'. Wed., 44 11, 44 The people will please meet me at the above time.* and places, and p*j tber taxes promptly. The eonnty candidates will address the people at the above times and plaoes. Please eouie oat aod bear the oandidates, and also settle your taxes. This the 10th, day of September, 1894. JOEL H. FCLTON, SHERIFF.

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