The Danbury Reporter. l£SOl£l> KVEUY THUBSOA V. OCT 189-1. Horn q Happenings, stkte Yiiikct. For Chief Justiceof the Surreme Court: HON. JAMES li. SIIEI'IIEUD. For .IsKcinte Justices : HON. JAMES C. MoKAE, IiOV. WALTER ('liAltK, HON. A. HUKWELL. For Superior Court-A'inth Dili.: HON. W. N. M KUAN ft, of Koitkinfiham County. For Stale Treasurer: COL S MoD. TATE. For Congress Fifth District : AUGUSTUS W.OKAHAM, of tiranville ('ounty. lor Solicitor : W. W KAHKBR, of Wilkes Couuty. Cout\ty Ticket. rOIt TitK SKNATK : GEO. W. SPARGER. rOR THE HorSF OK lIKI'tESKNTATI VK« 1 WALTER W. KING. TOB CI.SKK SUPERIOR COl'ttT : WILLIAM JOHNSON. . FOR SHERIFF : J. Sl'OT TAYLOR. F(IR TRKASI'RKR ; 1 G. ROSS. FOR RKIIISTKH OK DERDS : JAMES W. HYHON. FOR SURVEYOR; K. B. TUTTLE. FOR CORONKIt : J. APKINS. Frosty mornings. Local news is scarce. Nin l prisomrs in jail. Wheat sowing is in nrdrr. Court Monday —Judge Rattle. The public so'iool will oiniiucnce ■next Monday. Mr. James M. t'agg, of Red Shoal , -was in town to-day. Rev. J. 11 Tottco preaolied iu the M. E. church last Suuday. The first killing frost of the sea sou 'here tell last Monday uioruiog. L tile over two works until the -eUi-tion. Democrats, be turc yuu •re propirly regislcVed. Henuett, the man so badly cut by Manriog teveial days since, is improv ing. It is thought that ho will get well. When in Winston call on C. 11. Cash lust opposite Vaughn & CoV., store, a clean shave and huir cut in latest i atyle. Hon. A. W. Graham aud Mr. Thorn, as Settle will address the peoplo here on the politieal issues of tho day uext Monday. Take care of your beef hides. A tan yard will bo Marled in Danbury this winter, when you cau soil your liide* or have ihciu tanned on shares Democrats, if you have not legistered remember that you only Lave one week from next Saturday iu which to see that your name is on the regiatratiou books. Ladies who are in need of anythitig in the millinery line will do well to call •to or send orders to Mrs. L. K. Stau ton, 209 Main St., Winston, N. C. See tier card in this paper. $lOO REWARD, $lOO. The reader of this paper will be pleas ed to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that sotcooo has been able to euro in all its stages, aud that U Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive euro known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu tional disease, requires a constitutions) treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting direetly on tho blood and muoous surfaces of the sys tew, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient •treogth by building up tho constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so inuoh faith iri its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any oase that it | fails to cure. Send for list of tcsti- I iDouials. Address, F.J.CHENEY k CO., ft Toledo, O. f J_/~Suld by Druggiits, 7f»c. I toll on human, mange on horses 'logs and all slock, cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. It '■ever fnils. Sold by W. V. MeCan. less, Druggist, Dmbury, N. 0. J Court next Monday. Now listen : If you nwd us mi subscription to this psper remember that it lias been hard work to carry you through the panic and when you to court, or even if you don't come, scud us at least a part of the uuounl due us. There arc a few Admrs., and Trustees who owe us sin N II amounts for publ b ing notices lo eieditois and debtors, and uoticu ol Hud sales; lo such we simply suy please stop in when here at court uest Wick and settle these small amounts, or il you d > not come feud by some' ot jour neighbor* and settle, please. We neglected lo call attention in our la«t issue to IS. It. Fislib ate's new ad in this paper. Mr, Fishblato knows u good l lung when ho has tried it. lie wants nunc nf the Slokes county trade and means lo have it if low prices, and good goods will be any inducement. Head what ho says, then wlieu iu Greensboro go aud sco hint. Call for the ugliest salesman in the house lo wait on you. Frank Cardwell, the moonshiner charged with sliooiing one of the rive, nue raiders while they wero culling up some stills iu the northern part of this county last summer, was bnujiht in uud lodged in jail here last Friday, by Deputy Marshals Eaton, Smith, Davis and others. They captured another ini'oushiner named Williams, but he coueluded the Danbury jiil was not a uicc place to spend tho winter, so left his captors amid a shower cl buckshot and 445. The lead, however, failed to pcrsuadd him to come back. There i* 100 much jnlitics and not enough patriotism in the management of our government affiirs. There is too much doctriue and sectarianism, aud not enough old-fashioned, religion in our churches no«rad»y« There is too much seeing the faults of everybody else and overlooking our own. At tbi« djy there is too uiuch ilfiuity bet«ecu the head uud pocket, uid too little between the head and heart. Things never will go right so long us tho pockot ts tlie only motive power that rules our act ons It is not generally known that there tre *20,000 lo 5U,0U0 acies of the very lincst tobacco laud on aud uround the 1 as' of the S.iuratown mountain in Stokes county which may uuw be bought at $2, to S's. per acre, this land is generally well lumbered, the timber which stands on it is principally Ibe oak, poplar, cbcmiut, pine, bickory etc., ill the near future will be worth four limes the amount ut which the laud with the Umbel en it cau be bought for This land is so well adapted to tho growth of fine tobacco that if is given proper attention ou the hill, ordinary .-easunf, ev> u tho novice iu tobacco may curu it strictly fine. It is claimed that the Quest crop ol tobacco ever giown iu tho County, was raised iu pluiu view of Danbury on the J east end if tho tuouuluin 'I lie crop j Uvo barns) averaged übout $75 pei ' imndied sold on the Wiuston market. ' The best giade sold lor $1.04 per pouud; the lugs brought 40 couts. These lands produce much betUr (bail apj earance would indicate, whea', corn, uud Ihe grasses grow well here. Personal wishing especially line tobacco farms in probably us hculiliy a section as the sun siiiuus ou d > well to correspond with Dr. IJ I . H. Whoe'er, N. C., who otrnes 10,000 aires of this; land, Jus. A. Pepper, Danbury, N. C., who will sell 3,000 to 4,C00 acres,' ilie llairstons liavo a large body, other smaller lots, all fiuo lund for tobaec.i, tho more elevated rocky part on the uiuuutain except the barren bluffs, will prodnue fine fruit aud grapes. - The fuct is that ibis gray gravelly I laud is so well adapted to the growth of fine yellow tobacco, that if properly managed on the bill, there in no trouble in cunng it lino. Some of our farmers liavo grown on one acre of land, tobac co that sold for from $lOO, tj s•> >O. Theu Ibis would be a Due rccliou for sheep fanuiog, if our legislation would make tho owners personally responsible or I lit de) redatious committed by the worthless ours they keep. Sheep will do well on the wild grasses every da/ iu the year except wlieu it is buried in suow, and this one year with another, does not eccud one week for the whole year. « ♦ i PIJRUUIiPKtHIie 4T GEIt M iNTOS. Hon. T. W. Rickeit will address the people of Gernrinton and viciuity on the political issues of the day on Satur day, O-t. '2O, (ut night.) All are cordially invited to come out and bear tbis eloquent defeuder of the principles of Deinocraoy. A Democratic Club will also be or ganized. J. D. HUMPHREYS, Cbiuo. Dcm. Ex. Com., of Stokes county. MILLINERY. mrs. r.. a: st.ixto.a~, Dealer in Mfllin»ry an I Fauey fiooil*. Embroideries, Laces, &c., will bep/easeil to have any who need gooils in her lule In cull and see hrr slock. Orders by mail promptly at tended to. »t)J> it B:i in !• I j'eet WiiiHt.oxi, - - • IV. O. IF CHRIST t'illi: TO CUJIUREM, rh«ui«Mt %vi»uj >rr,fi i:«» »k ortiif on lnry (Ivor StI.'JJU In Mix wtekH, Over 6,0011 nuld in \Vrv»ti liixtoa I'll} it I Oil.'. riio prasiA'S of llisi G »vr:im«Mit officials, including ' aliiiu'l. OfliciMs, NiMiiton) ami ('«»i»f»re.ssiiu i; {mil rayed, Kv ory slatleiiieiit Ikimml 011 facts. HIM Hi 'j s|H'iitl llifir 1 inu* at ll.e |N!o|ile*d expense. A mirror that rofhvls their Unities while they prc'teml to do icgisulio.i for the people. Agents Wnnted In every Section. SI XGL K I'Ol'YX) C KSTS. ADRESS, IIOWIKD VI.WS CO., WitNtiluxton. I». Ult SHADE* DISCOVERY ! FOR JlKr lll rut: ■M lII.K'. Write at once for particulars of the newspaper investigation going on at this lime iu Washington. Doctors and! other citizens eured. What physicians J and medical journals say about "The Greatest Discovery of the Century." Symptoms blank, etc. Scud 2-cent slump. Address Dr Slmlr l !M I llliNlrecJ, Washington, D. C. Potato or 111 tiltiplying' onio 1 sets $ J per btish"l, pur chaser paiiing itra 11 s porta ti on. charges •JO cents ti quart by mail prepaid. STRAWBERRY 4\l» AS- j I'AUAGVS I'LiANTS. Write for prices, stating quantity | wanted. A Winter Garden. 40 F.rtra Fine Bulbs ly moil Jrce. for | $l.OO, consist nii( of o Freesia's, 1 I Crticu*, 1 Ulster Lily , 0 /lya cint.'is, 0 Mnrcissus ami 0 Tulip*. Greensboro Seed and Plant Co., Greensboro, - - - N. C. \OTLCM I laving qualitie.l a* administrator of Win. A. ICstes, iloceasetl, of Stores coiinly, I lien by give general notice to all persons in- I uebted to Siiiil es'ate lo eon:e forward ami in tJfce immediate payment, aud all persons . having claims a^allist said esiute are re- ' pieste.l lo prejem I lie in duly auLhenti .TlElL for MIUIOIUCIII on or before tlio 14t.1i ; 1 day of October, 15, or otherwise this | notice will be pleaded iu bar «.f their re- , covcry. October > h, IHM. JKSSE 11. PKATIIKK. Administrator, ~~"oUR'STATU I'AXm. K'oni tlie Wilmington MeSstnger. The Democrats liave added lo the taxable property of the State $'.15,- 000.000, lhu« greatly increasing THE^ 1 revenues for the support of the Slato government and the maintenance of benevolent instutions. This was done b» taxing railroad aud other properties heretofore exempt. The farmcs aud labor class above all other classes should be the roost careful to suppor I aud perpetuate Democratic supremacy in North Carolina, lor they are the bcneficiarios of a great privilege. Ry 'just equalizing the taxes the farmers j and toilers pay less than one-third of j the total taxes for Stale, school aud j and pension puiposes. This is done fairly and without being unjust to Qtber classes. In JNLL lor NK-MIIUS *egwrt It seem* U little out ot date at this day to be talking about stealing uig gors, but such is ILIO faot. Last Mon day morning :iu old colored man turn ed up hero who charged that a new comer here, a negro, bad stolen his two gals, seme money, ox-team, and gun. The uew oouier (negro) CL imed that he had been married to one oftlie women, cud that the other was his wife's sister' but the old darky deuied any such thing, and said that he had not been marred to either one of his girls. His money ox-team or gun, so the new corner was locked up in jail here, and the old man took his two daughters and left without delay. Hard Times SSS Fertilizers. "eSss-as"? Its* I AIM MurUU ol K»inlt. RoluhiU P*"h. Bonj Qlnak Kltr.U Hod». In !»•»• »«1 ""•» OMnUtl—. Iton, «."J« MMBJ). W. B; MTTLBLL* I ftn'Miet M«iut»c»ar«. Haltlnere Ml, • I v Your J Heart's Blood "*[ la the most important part of ▼ I OP your organism. Three-foui tlis of t? jj. the complaints to which the sys- jj, y tern is subject are due to iiiipuri- W [ tieeinthe blood. You can. tino-J~ \ tj® tore, realize how vital it is to fcpjj * Keep It Pure V r For which purpose nothinpr can V i V e 'l ua ' SSISmI It effectually re CO ' ▼ moveslP-XJIM all impurities, V | cleanses the blood thoroughly W ? and builds up the general health. Our Treatise on Bx*l an J Skin diseases mailed Free to any adUtcu, V SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. V ISAAC H. KELSON. AN it In nt Cove, Stokes County, X. C. B AX.VKU WAREHOUSE, ss»«»asflso, M!T» & BLACKBURN, Proprietors. Ililh my many tje is rprrienct in the Warehouse, mil Tubucro businesc, I am jircuit at I) sit/ hi U'yJiieiiJn mil customers t/nii Imn with the Best Warehouse on Use lies! Market For Wrappers and Height r l\)- bactfos, hit he Stale. of .V. C. This is a(! recti shorn crop* (he de mand is great for ijood J'obitrco and t/ott trill ]hid our buyers liberal and irilliti'J to pay it's worth. 1 bit will Hud 'Jood liners at your depot jor the !>■ /A. \ EH II .111 E- IlOf SE> and I respect fall/ thai nor send me i/our \ \ Tobacco* aud 1 trill work faithfully for intere >o every time. ) 'our friend* B. 11. NELSON. S. S. Mik-hel!. I{. A. Fleming'. W. F. Bognrt.j STAR WAREHOUSE, Greenslioi*o 9 - - - - N. V We wish to in for m friends of blokes 2O un we have Aeased Uses known ware lion se fo sale and ask them Tor a fiiberal share of I heir patronage. He have tlie besl Sighted house in town, a nil every accoinoda lion ; and wi3i guards ttiee you 491e highest priees. we are ail experienced warehouse men and wißi do our best for you. vv rile us for any infor inalionyou may want about tobacco. Your friend, Mitchell Co., W* .1. liraudoii, And ioneci . Dividend Notice, TUG CASH TU4T YOU HAVE HXGSTED WITII E, tt. FIBHIILATE Now Draws a Dividend. Our buyer has fust returned from New York, when 1 his found some of the largest man ufaeturers of ( LOTIIINO t UA'f.S and KI?KN ISIIiXti HOODS overloaded with sloe* tlia' had been made op tor this season but no saie for ihem tliere. He waded in and bought lhem at his own figures, lie could not have done this but for tht liberal support you have given in the (»a*t to his aelectlone and judginment iu buying. The Goods Are Now Here And lie will show his appreciation of your pas! trada by dividing with you the ailvan he had in buying, Hall the protits b.Mon i > you. It is calculated in the price of very lull offered you. Our stoclr of CIULUUKN'jf C'LOTIUNU is complete; as well a£ the MEN'.S /.INK. Conic and see. £, ». FiSMILAT£, THE UP 10 DATE CLOTH I Ell AJYD FURNISHER 230 South Elm Street ... - Greensboro, JV. C 'I W. R. RANKIN, Man W. L. DOUCLAS eUAK 1 18 THE lir. VHfiV&NOSQUEAKINa f?. CORDOVAN, I r.NCHA ENAMELLED CALF. •}5.>9 FINE PAIf&KMKKRMi JA* POLICE,3 SOLES. 2.*1/s6ots3rmSHOES> •LADIES. SEND FOtf CATALOGUE W* L.*DOUOLAS V 3ROCKTQN, A\ASS. You can save ntonrjr by purchasing W. L. Douuiun Sh#»on, Because, wc are the iaflfest manufacturers of advertised shoes in the world, Hud Lunrautee value \>y Stamping the nnnie and pric on the bottom, which protects you agai>ist hifj». prices and the middleman's profits. Our shoes equsl custom work in rty?e r fitting snd wearing e.ualitics. We have thein sold every where at lower prices for the value given than inv ct!ier riake. Take uo substitute. If your dealer cauuyt supply you, we csn. bold by 1 —A— I 1 . Is Excellence and Goad Values in Dis pensing Dry Goods, Shoes, Carpets and Fancy Goods. If you are in noeil of whicb you will flu 1 mi—co npatent to (supply at satisfao". >rv • •ricwii Husin»«s sugjestions t> business psopl.■ leaves nifi. 1 i>• ijate ami be liapyy. Science 8 iva "know lhys»lf," I sxy kuy nth !r thi ugsascbu VV r . L. IliLLo Siv)ur>l : "iet t' ere" at a "N* nicy II i iks" fl lit with lut'tlio s progrjaaivit an I a!i u.i I ilf». The NcwYork BargainBtore lias only been opened 3 months, and during that time they luixp SOL 1) aOO DS CIIEA PER TIL4JV AK i' OTHER HO uk IN IVIJYSTOJV. A' I v:ill Continue to bulM up atraiie by trsMting our customers right anil giving them wMur .■*:) die yier goods than tlt'y can buy anywliftre in tin* State. V The stock consists of dry goa ha Is. etc., inact everything kept in • lass clothing, und shoe NIO eo m " d. Price wIU I no object j we wSS! weep ever tiling bci ji c c tis like a cyclone. On*' motto is to undersell. J will mention only a few prices as space will not per mit. DRY GOODS v i d wkte Brown Mieeting 4 1-2 cents I>eBt 5. Good Bleaching, 4 cents. Yard iitoachiug, ft cents, worth (J cents. Checked Homespuns, 4 cents. Nice Ginghams, 5 and (5 cents worth ft and IU eents. Dress i alicoes, 4 cents. Width Dress Goods, 8 cents. Double ll'idtli Dross Goods, l" ccntn. Good Calicoes, 4 I-'J cents. Corsctts 24 cents and up. .Saline*. (J and H cents. Best Cotton Yarn 75 cen*s huncli, & pound Cotton italls 25 cents. Ladies good blaclr hose 0 cents pair. Heat ami ehea]»est suspen ders in town. SHOES. Ladles'kbl button shoes, 75 cents, worth $1.15. A nice kid button shon, 85 e«nt&. worth $1.25. A better shoe, sl.oo,wor!li $1.50. Nice man's shoe, WO emits, > worth $1.25. Better man's shoo, $l.OO, worth $1.40. Men's lan shoes $1.(0. Men's patent leather, $l.OO. A full line of men's, la dles' ami children's shoes. GLOTHING. A eood suit for men, fc1.52, worth $l!. .. « « » " 6.00, " 7.50. Hotter suits in proportion. Pants, 05 cents anil up. Men's shirts. 15 cents. A good fur bat 100. .Spam will not permit ino-e. Com! and see. We will |i«ll everyth ng as # Remember the place: Cor. 4th and Liberty Sts., G i*'' k & *»rr« »«- cupicd by Thornton ) Wiastea, ST. O

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