SAVE : MOFEY !| r -• VBY BUYING YOUR Collin®, Caskets and Burialj |f ilobes V r- - OF Walnut Cove, - N. C. All kinds kept en stock and bottom prices asked. Hope yon will look ovea our stock before purchasing as we can and will save you money. Special attention given to csBsn r? ci n ' ' Em balmmg, and neavness and promptness guaranteed Remember the place, L. LEW 18 & SON, WALNUT COVE. N. C. w© oYHr-: - v:r SAS&ETIC NERVINE M i:i.oiiO'iiy ana 'h y. c -• f I- gmnntwd in enr lt w the one oi . s /- X? •" •'OuOrofcm r .. ' V • \ Vp->|l, r.tfl. 0.7*.- v Ji can truly by?. .:u " Headache, V - .• f NecraUj a m.l |tv / >* a T ' : vo ' co.v»r»itt. t *.">«• «*- •**"*-t in »!•• of t*» '• tuM'ca nfkintu, uKyl.o! -t v ' \\ «»,.! In ether dirt".-. . /' . * V, S : I.*, BUT MURON CO , , , ; - Ar-feft- UiliV.'^W: Pinacle feehool WfttStSstf. ,;«?ai2v;s 6 8i&! i '".'ct' . • 'Vt- 1.11 Jo v.. ,f» e' ' t t*'\, vit-Htj A TM-n AND ■- »•• • 't I '. >"■-■•■ r ' u \. .Cx 1* .U i • A : • iti" • « .i. i t in iji.j'.te • . Commercial Institute, " Wmmno'iire'«««•-"« j 41,7 r«-: .-i '"• n» Jututorsu*.a. Ouaruiitotf A first class Waring school | J mAßDfms * PAR for both BCXCS, IMS, Dnr* 'i.sts, (jrcemboro, N. C. CULLER, N. C. mm II BAY Includes Business College Pep-irtni if, g ' . J £ Coll»)e Preparatory Courses, SoicniiSc * and English courses, luusio, art, idkm- Jeiv tion, school of thort hand aud t\po siting, WIXSTO*. - !». C. Business College Department has bvn pegen'ly established and is tip to the \\ r j. ■«elrv. sl!v?r nn.l silv>•)• biuhcpt standard. Diplomas uranted to 1 |l 1 ' «i. . ~«• ! ••je-chw*-' . . . , _ If your winch pr clock vrantJi repairing Ibosewhoonnplete tho , , X( . n , r : a j. i, t : , > . in Buainoss Department. iN« i I .i' JU «i-i . i •my '. ! a i \ . , II i • of llit) larccaf itoch « b«snion oprnn Au-rusi Otli. • . ... • .. . u \ . j. 4 . inwinsto., Jlpplu for Catalogue aud •' •v r " i: ' 'v 1 ' i iv " ,u - - ;>• 1 rr tf / i • how 1, 1 •!y 1 can lit yoi circulars, to My '"•" ••i -p—v.- n ■ imn r- t .= ■, . u'»l line. Call aiul arc ili. n CHARIibi. I ) r. \(i. 11 w. lib >'!, miitli Pi icic2p;;l. the emiri h -u»o sq!iarr, is t ii« place* •PI fiMH Q ! H's 1H % f if #S. j WW *3 —4ly aIS r D 4 1 2/2t02/6w47^S-b,Ue v . ' Tou have wanted an instrument for some time and now is the time ( o buy eaiMsaye you money. Come and see us 01 USIC CO., Winston, N. C. iiOnFOLiC AND WESTERN BMLHOAQ. SOLD TO iiOW-Jf-t 115 ALL POINTS: OHIO, tKDIAMA, JLLIMOIB, w;saauK«, Kawsas, HERBft3K, cctompo, CALIFORHJA, v TF.K&3, FIRST CLASS, SECOND CLASS AND EMIGRANT TICKEI3. THC BEST ROUTE TO THE— —• WORTH AND EAST. PilU'aAM VtSTIEUttO CnftCHES, I S! F.tPISS AKO DIWIMS CIBi. SCE THAT YOUR TICKETS READ OVER THE HORFOLKgSWESTERN RASLROA3 CHEAPEST, BEST AND QUICKEST LINE. Wrilo for Kites Ma;*. Tln»c-Tnblo«. DcsciipllTC i Ptunphleis. to any . mu m Afceut, or t» w. a. BCVICL, aulcn HULL, m. r. ohago. I WirmMtfrrlft. IM*. Agi. Tmrtof Ti* A|L 1 •MiOOkK. \A. UOA.>OkK,*A. * i.«; dL* r - +''t? • ii ; 4^l v ;i v i I ' i'-' L 1 : \ j ! if m Ik - AL)E li IN r,owv iimm* -1> cSpod Coodo ; HarnetH, ?ntllt *, Kritllcs, Co!/irs, IVA'j l *: l-nfubft, t s . I.A ITAR.s RSTOCK Wiflcton - - N«v,C» : Conu* amt > e xm- oil l> e* nvinced -J- Hotel J©sics *» tin dtli ii! + trally cumJ'rUwl , *inr ,7i 11 the vu . itc con!*■/fences provided. Z Dlflce, l>ininu lloom, Iv.r! *M. Hal's, aud >- ' Siuinbei'3 newly aiiil •ulsniiiely t'uruish cl, \\' v !l lentil.:'.' J. •i » l. ■* Tabic. Hup/jiii 'i irit/i the eery best ihe hi nr; I ujf'oards. ! till' t r /i f'. IHI t'll'l "JiOh.C to *■ ( /. rfoi'fs." Kale:) $'lGO per. dny ! . Ibruus anxious to please. .1 L. Jones, Proprietoi 1 . i FJ.\ti TO 111 i'CO LAXI> | FOR SALE. I By virtu*' of a d»*cree made by tli* fieri' 11 tin- sup • ior limit of>' r okcs county, ap points , t! e «m| U» -11 the la uU of .1 lin r«*ppir din-M., »or | pntMtlon an.on. the !:viis at law of saiu | dee'd. ' , I will sell to the 1 : heM bidder at the "/.'■omt liotiM' ! . »- in l>aubiu\ \. at . • 10. k ',.: i >'n ! day tlv,*lh diy ef Xov«*m ; lu'r i> 1 » nci i-.j **f land I \ iiivr «>n the w.itera l" Ne.»imr , »; Town F»rh v 1 reek, idjoiiiiny; lin* lai «N of Alex . s outh- U ." ern, Jack and li] |er l.i '.is. ' '1 lie tile to lids Jam to gouil tojfond '' q teal on la w 111 be nby .« >»tract ;i Ue ptate,*:»!id ii« >rc than tl.iils vers |K>- " s: a. 'I hl l :. i I.' Jv.til i. t v uUiiatiOli, .» v.o !'it tl, \ t- I Jin.' I 'd with vbitt " a!i. lH>pla:\ J . i. .hi »»y a :»t Ot'jor growth. . !l pr- dui'e o. u ul»» a( .ml ect.. well, aud : laiik*- aiilttl gil l la.' tt iiiVM taiub ill ll.e • onnty foi* il« sflKe> 4, t;01d leaf* tobacco- j lit' luiid is flair mi lea north W4 s* from Danbury in a t:«»od i.clghhorhooiK Terms of ale : One third e-aab, rem; In J, tier in two eqti.J [/uMnenta, One and iwo j year>, net —ty la a• 8 pt?r cent., intcu st i and title it'M-rved until purcba>e , oney ia • paid. TUi« the 27th day of Sepiem'oer, !M»4. Ja:»IKH A. l, CoiAiulssiouer. Mate of North Caiolina,. In rourt tStoAi s ecatiity.{ Before the Clerk. W. F. Camplajll, Atln.r. \ Notiejto b of Maa'.en Mabe, L)eril l'lfi / 11011 resident 2i I Againat ' ■s'allie Malie, ii. I-. Brown, and otlters. Pefts. { v I lu the above entitletl cause, it appearing % ! from the return ot lie .Sherdl of Meeklen ? | burg county, on the v-mi irons in this ause, I that M. K. Brow nt ne of the d*'feiidaiita i lierein, is 11: >n reM*t«- it of ibis Nut", and ■ lis a neevnsaary paity t> this action; the f*. | s.ime. Ih'lii:j for ihe Hiilt? >ftbe lands of Maa- I ten .Vat»e dec'Jl. for a*»s.»t» tt> )MV debta. S ! It Is therefore ordered tliat publication of notice be ma I for six aiiuiuusive weeAs In 1 tlie BKHOHIKU, a newspape, publWied in Uanburv, >iok'a coauty, N. C. notlf>lng \ 'he said M, K. Brown, to app'.ir at the ofllci of the Aipo*lor court of MoAes county in Daubiuy on the 17tl» day ol Nov., iM'4. ami or demur to the pe P fit ion on lile lu said ean>e, and 1 *t ibe de | fondant M E. Brown t *k6 notice that if u she fails ti> answer or demur to tai 1 pe r titlou on or before the said I7th day of Vovendx'r 1894, the j-et tion will be heartl J cxparte as to her. This 'JUmI, .Sept., 18^4. N.O. PETi\tK, I ' ierA .Superior Court. TME DLOOD is the source OT I " health. Take Hood's to i keep it pure and rich, fie Mire to got , HOOD'S SAItSAPARILLA. I 0111 l UEFERK>CES : BEST ATTENTION. BEST LIG-HTS, FAIR DEAL- I ING, HARD WORK, HIGHEST PRICES. \ SELL - WITH - US. J. H. WHITT & CO., y Owners and Proprietors of FARMERS' WAREHOUSE, GREEN BHORO. - - IV.C O'TOBEII. APHIL. First Siilc—\\\ liiesduy an.l Snturday. First B>tlo- Wednesday and Saturday Second Sile— ruesday an.l Friday. S-vond Salo—Tuead.iy and Friday. * * 1 liird Sale Monday ami I hui*sday. Third Sale—Monday and Thursday. NO"\ KMLFK!L MAY. ( First >'ale—Tursuay and Friday. First Kilo—Tuesday and Friday, i ™^ ri » h-—J/ouday and Tliursday. > roi Sale-Monday and Thursday. ; J liiru bale—ctltiesrioy and Satunlav. ihird halo—Wed lies, lay and Saturday, i ~ IHM'KMHKH. JL'Mfi. Fir*t Sale—Monday and Thursday. First Sale—Monday and Thursday. • Saturday S-ioi.d Sale—Wednesday and Saturday. , 1 lurd Sale, I ties lay and Friday. Third Sale—Tuisdav .vul Friday. JAM AIIV. .11' I.Y. First Sale. a inl Ni'urd.y. I irst Sale, Wcdne .lay ami Saturday, wroittl Nile, nifS.layaM.lKi i.lny. Second Sale, Tuesday an.l Friday ' 1 bird hale, u»n !.n .i>d Tl in lay. Third .Nile. Monday and 'i hursday. FKl'frf AU> . AI'FLUHT. Flint Sale,. Ti esda in.aiy. First Sale, Tuesday and Friday. t'"nd Sale, \on ... and In. S.'iiin.l sale, Monday and Tllilildfiv. luminal.-, Weill.- 'V and Snu-day. Third sale, Wed ,e-.l u an.l Saturday. 1 A Hell. r iiTEI Sale, Monday and Thursday. Suttirda}. See. i,.1 sale, Wednesday and Saturday. • ■ay. | Third sale, Tuesday and Friday eo. Lnvis, of Stokes, with this Hous FOR HIGH PRICES Sell Your Tobacco: -AT IPIIlMil! '' WAERHOUSfi, WJKST.ftK t 3?re» IVt \V\OItPLEI3T At CO., Prop's. ftlaj. 11. J. CUUTE, Auoibneer. NOTICE! IVcw Foiiiidry and Macliiiie , Shops ai Cove, N. C. Having our SOops cqnippt d with (he La test Improved Machinery and best Skilled Workmen we are prepar ed to do all kinds of s i\ E i* A I 11 I N G:- I I On Engines, Boilers, Saw 31 ills, Cirist Mills. Horse Powers, &c., on short notice. All Kinds of Casting made to order. A full line'of Crate Bars, Plow Casting, &c.,| Kept in stocK. Casting from 2to 3 cents per pound. Also Manufacturers of Circular Saw Mills, Rip and Cut-off Saws, Mandrels, Gearing, Spindles, Pulleys, Shafting, Hangers, &c., all worn guaranteed to be first-i'liiss. ALL WE ASK is a trial, and we I will save jou money. Respect fully, MILLEK & CooK. WjILMUT CO ve, .c. PLANTERS' WAREHOUSE. PINNACLE, - N.C. A FEW WORDS TO THE FARMERS; i . Head and consider your nest I interest. Our lie use is large, well lighted, good basement, g.«"l stalls, and every «civuiodatlon thai heart ran wish, I when you come *Mi your tobacco to our market. And the lust of nil we guarantee iho highest martec f price. As a proof or tills its a ilifliciili matter to keep leaf dealers flroni other markets any length of time from the tact they claim that they can buy the name grades of tobacco much cheaper on laiger niaraels. So, gentlemen, If you ran do as well or bet ter on a side market, a home market, why not patronize It. So brill • 011 yeur briulit tobacco. First sales to begin the Otli day of November, IMi:l. S. II oH'y m Tuesday, 'J huraday and Saturday at one o'clock, p. m. uutll Christmas, Alter Christinas every day. Yours Truly, BENNETT & BOYLES. f Don't ji E•.•change a j'ood Ihi::;; for something «uf less value. | Don't Give up one insurance policy anil | take another. Always remember Unit an old policy is of fargrcetcr iulriusic , ! value- than a new one. Don't Let the premium on your policy i lapse even for a day. You can't | foresee the events of to-morrow. It may not be possible for you to get j another policy if the present one is , | dropped. Don't Consider any other form of insurance until you have thoroughly investi gated the plans and policies of the EQUITABLE Ml-"E. You will per ceive their advantages ut once. W. J. RODDHY, Manager, For the Carol! n as. Rock 11i11,5. C. Trust Sulo. Jiy virtue of the authority v-leil in m by n certain deed of trust executed lo mo by .Jamc* E. Holt--, ami •I.iines 11. Tutt .lint recorded ill the olllce ofth • It-sister of I))*) 1 N •! Siui' 1 ' Con lily M. i*i liook No. j :*j l'fif:« JW a* «l iV •• i will h»'il at public i auction for ensli on .lio ptcmifros at one , Vlot'k p. 111. on . l!i« lOfli (i.iv ? «f October, I MM. t'." land ami promise* ! ili'scrlboil In -> ill «Uv»l of trust to wit: A irart of land in .V» tdow Township in stokes county ;i--I|«*iniuts tin* !.imN of N\ il- • ney Smith. (I. D i i'inn an.l lliorn ami i contiijninp. I' : I-Sucre* more or logs. -All) ilr of September IH'-i. M. I). I STOP AX I) EAT. S. 11. i «Mlt I\V. H'.IL.YUT con:, x. c. Will furnish you something j nioc to cut- MEALS AT ALL HOURS. Stop nnJ sic the pet owl. FOR WIILISSE USUEH of tflthor mx, a.iv •, H :mi» • art of t!»r country, at the •tup! yiuvat u i!. av • fund«h Y«»a need not be away from Id. t • iru'lit. y»ucan gilt yoorwholotiiuc • '-*» a■ ' : • roi.s your.j :.iro mo- I nrcrt i. As capital i.« • . ' >dj "U run no risk. We supply you irl li ull tVat I- u«dol. T. will coit VOU nothing hii-h..- •. Any one can do tin work. 1'•'•••» -si ' money from the start Failure it unknot* : imrwo.ker*. Fvp"> hour you labor you can partly m.V.'eu tlclkir. i Fo one " 10 «* witling to work fall* 10 it..ake more money ivprjr day than can Im* made in three day® in any ordinary employim nt. Scud (or free book containing the fullest information. H. HALLETT & CO., Dc* 03C, PC7TtLAM!>, BSAJNE. .i'vesr. i ;>>' ■rrz:r.\cz ~ iMT-r\'VM2ia | J. K. BRIGGS&CO I>F.A lI'.HS IX Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Also Repairing Done on £?hort Notice. We VJ ill sell you anything in our Line or do your repair it? g AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. Come and pee us when you want any thing; we lceer) or need ANY REPAIRING-. Very rzspectfulfy, Also cash paid for old fold and sit-, ver in any form. Confederate money bought. J. E. BFIC.CS & CO., WINSTON. N. C North side of court-lioiif- square. Execution S iic. »> viitne "f in execution in my hands, Usne.l fr m the -Sniiei lor court of Hocking- j limn county, on njudmnent thelren ohtaln t (| anil d(H keti -l in Stokes county, in favor | of James V. Dlllaid. acalnst FC. 1.. Hairs-1 toil, 1 will sell f,)i- cash at public auctto 1 at the (Dillt lioitM? I1IH»I- in l)a:it'iirv, on *\lon day, the Ist day of Octobsr. IWM. the said ll'] li. llair.'on's undivided lulf interest in tlie following deserit .d luntls in Mokes county : One tract or 141 0-10 aces on the north side of Dan River, on th- wutera of Huek Island ereeK. For description of title see' record of deeds and |«titions in .Stokes j county, ISHik So. VO.'p'HJ'' One other trail ot KMO :I-I0a«' es on l«li ; sides of Dan Kiver, also BCO »■ res on I) lit | River, both tracts below llaliston'i Konl and the other tract of !MK) I-'.' acres. Kor a desu-tption ol the «la-.t trails on/i-eoril bo of deeds ami partitions in Stokes county, °lf UiH>k No. 20, (.age •151. The said lands are subject to the prim liens of two other Judgments in favor f w. A. I„isli. I), w. C. Uenboiv, J. K. Uil mer and otlieis. This the 27th day of Ancnst. IF®4. .1. II riri/roN, 51iei lffof .vtckcs county. Caact- f nde«Kb, Ptitonh, Cof A.— all IV.cnt coauaeiel fur WODnATE afor.aitiru nud aurlrs given to | jl Ut, Addicts CLAIMS CO., tiOHN V/ F.Oi:^KnURM f li&uii :i$ Attorney« P. Bcr 4H.1. VTash inotoi;, D. CI il»" i i-i j Company 15 by a combination of j tl) • li.ri*.■: n;ij 1 im.»l Inffr.eMlal in tbo I'uttod 6uti «, f( i.i •>;>!> •* pur; oao *> f om»Io€|» 'ai«t >hci" j rjiluit .nicrnpuloaa fcjtl lacoT.i)« i'V.M Arrentt, tarli pop«r ; printing thl i oilvortlot ix c* vouches forti»c .tpoaai iv«iUysr.d 1 of i!ie P.'canCUlinii Company* I AOOUf I " .!-•—» ••• or **r«l to lull ioaPA?fT, I io"'i 'f.Q 1 .»?J. • • Craning At.crna*, | .'.aliv. *Vd. VV\StIiNOTOK,I>.C. , .' "-V. i mnzxucD p«>n ! ?o? .mus. . dow3, - »•-' !!SF.;i. PARENTS. r :c.: "n the lino of ,« ;• . N rtry r V »• r.lncetho war. vi. '. t t • » i vary oi I>»*2 to iKl'i an 4 ' ?.:«It ■ *>**vr-r ' r l • oiJaod t jjt cteuclahna H. '-W • • " * f> i s her i i * • >j •- k or advice, fee j r _ TOOK AT THIS LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS. ! ltov..Tutin lliitl, ti. !>.. 1.. 1.. I).. li»'\. l?»hcrt S. M n AHTIIt'R, I». !>., ltov. Tht»o. L. nuyler, l> !>., Ili'v. M. r. Lock wood, I>. D.» ot* Ciiicinalll, u. Hev. C. N Simi, I>. P.. Chancellor «il Syrncu-e Univcraltv. Current Weekly Sermon by 1»R. TALMAGK. ! Suiulny-Hcho.'l Limsun by IIU. (t r. PENTKCOST. ! The nbove :md othor well-known writera will ctr.iii .: ute special article* during to the New York Weekly Witness iiiiiMittr the \Vitn»'- one »>f the ntrongeat and j ablest r.-iinily iiewn|»r»perf* puoliaheil. | Tlio Wltne.ln Ju# J the piper for Parinora, ' r-mu Wl\es Kai UK'o' Soiih, Pariuera* | •. eounlry men-bantu, ♦wintry htore ; klepcrn. bl t k>m!ilm. earpeiiler* utoiio nruioiiN, t nnl ull other laborer*, who |ortn the backlMtuo' >t oiif rouiitry uml alio waul to be thoroughly !Mintc«l in wuat i* Rolug on In the world. !']•»• Witi '-s is :t weekly p ipor which repro sci •-l.iah idtMH ave sni .1 principle*. It ha* a Iwecklv >ci ii-oii tiv l>r. TRlnincc, and a wcek'y Sunda]*-School le.' -u \>\ »»r. I'cutocont, tlm la !i■ -t Peine newx, the laic*t I'o ucwa, the la l test ne\. -.reliable roiwirt*. reli iabh »|iio» itl iiHot tuiiu pruilnct*; sn»aoiialde ed itor :tl* on |>ol;lieaL social and moral «|ueMtiouiip the • i' iui tit the Ih-SI cdsioi'al* In New Vora hi.l o*.lt.ii daih ami w.-eMy pii|>cts. >;«hhl reliable! J t'lirm unl jf irden : rt'rle* writle >by practical j nie»;, le'.lh of ttic h nu"'lfe of the .American pei»- | pie, iind •*1 tlic.r tlioughUi itud experience*; pleaa ! i it moral »' 4 «■ tot the young |«t« >ple; storlca f j inlere-t fur the eider• one* al*o In l-r!el\ it i* Just j the pup r >im can safe!v I'ilnC • your 1 ht'in* % and fli'd to l e an o»l.icab»r in tic beaf | honi-o, of both old and yoon^. PRICE $1 A YEAR. Special tt> subscriber* of tbc Kkpoktkr. In or-lor 1 1> laix' -\\ in • our Hiioscrl|>- i (iitu !-two ha *-i..!'! -ijn with li e \\ itr.i's.s wV'tf' A \vo t'.t'i semt Von tlitv | Witness in.l t!; UKI'OKI ICU AND i'OST I lor a u*nr ro« vi.*m j Tliit price, •on* ro td'M Allow, is only cents »i»«; ti the iPirular price of thw j Itril'OU I'KU AND I' Atii! could not 1 l-e AiVo'rtlcd excejil lliut we uiilicipale a very j Imc" inercjiw m t.ur numl t .s. A.v ni|i!. it py of the Willie.** will Im* ' :flit ftee ui» receipt id* ivtjlicsl by postal I rtnl. f j|B | «a . Moore llosiHe^ ;i:*>o ]-•> South Klin Street. : Greensboro N. C. TERMS OF 8"AR0: $ 1.00 jier day, 3 50 per week, 12 tlO per month. . T(ti>'e well supplied with something nice to eat. /looms well furnished and house is convenient to the railn ad depots and busi ness p u t (J' the city. MRS. M. E. MO RIDGE, Proprietor. i in ' mo wru iin *at ManiMKMnuaaßi > )TICE. 1 will meet the tax-payers of Stokes . county fur tlio pmpose of eollectiog the tuxes for 18(U at the foliowiog times and places, viz. It. w. Klielton'i S«|>t., 24. 1*»l. W. 1,. Tilleys •• T»o»., " SV •• Prestonville. Wed., 44 '/tl, '• A. Mlleheit'a Sloto, Toe*., «• 27, • pine Hail, FrL f •* 23, 41 Walnut Cove, Sal., *' fD, 44 I Puiibury, Mon., Oct., I. 44 1 WIIM.II> Slure. Tuei., •' 2, j Oermnnten, Weil., " 3, " I Dalton, 'J'lrirrt, •' 4, " plniiciMe. Kri., ■' 5, " All l: ri tioyiiv* Store, Sat,, " 0, " CovlnKtou'MSehiiolUosde Moil., " H, ,4 Veni»bte"« Store, Tue»., " 0, " \Vc.UIuM W-t.. " ln t " Frftiiclneo, i'lnir*., 14 11, 1 ' 0. 0. Hmllirn Slorn, Frl., '• 12, •' . Fair |>l*y (l~tw»iiville), s»t., " 1.1, « IJ. Wentey M.uefieilV, Men., " 13, " | 11. T. !lunl',p's Storo, Tiie.., " IS, ■' I .1. »t. I.lnvlilo'" W«t., •' 17, •• The peoplo will plesne meet me at the above times and places, aud ps) tlier tiixon promptly. The uotinty candidates will sddreM the peoplo at the übore times siel jK| piaoen. Please come out and bear the IHH esnilirla'es, snd also settle your taxes. JH|B This (he 10th, dav of September, 1894. Juki. 11. Kvlton, » Sucnivr.