VOLUME XXHI. ♦ T : f* ''''' A . v» /«' • ,1 : _t- Vl Vk f ice , ti at never -.1 ~, . ;.:vi r I'Uurti -4 . '' > what ,/' ." ■ :>o of this * i' iriKilicifie, nnd t. . ~«t net bo .» « /vuai.H will do. >1 i> f.ha King of LiV«r Mnii i- 1 :v >• than pills, atic • Mt Qui:uui ujic ; h.i- iiroctly on tls« J . ir> ys and Bo via ;.'nc !:>■ ' ' ./? to the whole fiys T: 1 •• tlia motlieii.') yot 1 p!l Drug ,!sU it i wx >w to l'« takei ■ ' o a t( i. 4 ' * PACK *«*•«?• 1 M-.r.n in «.«• s.'«\»pci' » . 1 \ « CO., PVliidclphla, }'u A. M. Stack. Attorn y ■ at - Law, A «URf. N. ( ~i . r'm t vmi to iltc M«liu •'* *•»'• «• - •" s K• «I (NIH •' w n.A' M:kd WII I, OHO' from sifi bare Seed and Plant ; . rr c cu y • l'ti'i'm io" I - '»• ii".sec \ 1 > • - wt'itvil i*t o : ,s "bridged dric-u i ° »••• M'ods and l nlb> •Nf* jf i ;;f , > » ' . ~JW» \C /I i y J :han i'V and a '' f rom *' ru_'d. 1 k , . are s 1 > ■ :'B • & > work, ~ ictnk ► p «• • iclia- - '.]> "• i * * •»-1 /r ; fi'H / i: ■ '?*. " i er ' , r.v ,' c; " 1 ■flu;- ,„J I u»S 1 ■/rr,-;. Cares, ••mm Botanic Blood Balra_^>; SWAtolrea; i wto »J2 « r l!L r "" ,on !* rhysklm, I •"4 111 eontlaurd IK for 6fto»n y«jn t>y Ihou iVu i "! | r *" ,ul P«fl« h«i demon&lrat*d thai - up Tonic anj H10,,.i rtrt i? !'" - " " orl ' l I' » «kM new miracutou* 1 ** WRITE POR BOOK OP WONDERFUL CUV Hi, Mat tret on «ppllcjtiun. , If not ktpi by four local dnigelo. wn j |,.00 • lef « Urt« b«a«. Of ts-oo for >lx bottlej, «4 i " ««4Jcln« will H teot freight paid by -BLOOD BftiM CO., Atlanta, Ga. r-4en**ss*» *»•.«» I', THE JLD DANISH TRA^» lflF\ ANOTHER ST w** KIT C«Hs "'4& l) t.y lirat wi itfc f Pl.ouD ii ISSO, vtf : \jrtft, m ■ut points od j' .n fan days each u *l, this t"> >f & > yf J" U(IM latte.- dupt'd 'n cither "taught or tad ili the exoeption ■. Carson, each of us carried a ui'>zzl loading rifle and a heavy revolver. iv e besides a pair of fxquisitel v iiniahed revolvers, lie was armed with one of those lil-chambercd repeatiuj titles, invented, 1 think, by Coloue Colt. Such a mall, as do from the prestige ol hia name, wan ■ unle army in bun. at'!, and ve were xtreuiely glad of ln« company, as in the country where lit last joined us we were every moment iti danger from predatory Indians, twt small bands of which we bad, severs i du' - before, beaten olf without lon t | ourselves, aud now we might look fol | reprisals. Among our erowJ were tivo c.ipco tally fine young fellows one au Kb* 1 IsiiHi"tl named John Moulton, and tb oiii .i ry Viiginian called Gerah vVmi vi le. These two, thougo biumu j larl, aliKe tn disposition, or perhaps a • that very reason, c>o,id never agree. ! Lately there hol been such ba ' bio on tween tlieua Hut neither wou j speak to to other. One a' "on, after -triking the Ol j Spanish r .. I, were going slow] domi 1 •• I'"ti l lope of the Wind Mouutuns, wi u largo ulk br k« co\ er •'■ine*lia' oui o ill ■ shot and tro . te 1 ei-ur«'ly away. tloultuo, an ard rt "li rm.ii •• wee'rl in a host i!.'on! j ,r ).yoiiig Mh'i j-B f ar , wa , even it you have to come back wi'hoi j meat " j We *■» oil I II- about two iui|«4 on i filially ni. i • ~n „ w| ,.,|j t(rial among Die fmiti,.||a, where was abtin dance of grass, while the streai ii-' if. i arson informed us, was wcl ist ''d V i'i, tf,,ut. v ' ' J corralled tho wagons ' nii.uais out to graze uni put «vci. no- u shape to repel am p'Snbl ati,. .*e delay d supper fui a 'hil" i', ii.p,.. rbat Moultou woufc ■ •* had heaid odo reporl . rotii his nil and had no doubt that uc j•« Kll |l| • r! ',, o Iron- ~re passed away with, ■•ii' bringio i. Mgo of the younx liun ''r: *" no* hegau to feel serionsly alarmed, t«ui, very strangely, uo one appeared so much distressed did *j 'i aid »V odvilie. "What do yo i ink of it, Mr. Cur. ""H ' IB anxious v inquired. "I)o )"U siipji rii.it Jmjk | lua lorst him self v> tHUane»a significantly at each oth er, jfur Jbis was tlie first time we had j ever thur i tnu Virginian use the famil iar .nine t.y wbieb we usually addt ess eyl John Moultou. ••1 hardly ~oow what to ibink of it," replied Uarson. ' - iba youu~ mari has either become losi among the puzzling raviuen, '• 1110 bo | d ricoutru . Upsed luto an ominous silenoe. j "My God !" feelingly exclaimed tier«ld, "su.i'ly you don't think the Indians nave go- bin. poor Jack !" "It's hard to say," rejoined R,r, I "but there a-.- lots ol the Digger tribe j wander.i.g through the mountains just j now ticu principal village 'is oo a j brancu f ilie eacrauiento, about 60 | miles from be re, and if ■ stray parly «f j them has cptured our ftiend, without killing hi.n on the f p ( >t, t4i«y'U keep his horse as a great prize and reserve bltu to be tortured tu doatb wlien they reach the maiu banj." "Uroat heavens ! What can we do to save hioi } ' g4sped Wooflville. "Nothing untu ig," tfl ,v o | y answered t S ,aou -If y| r M ()l) | lno dou'i coiue ut before I »yi r> ak. I'll start out to loox him o;i, and I wint i onlj oue man to g„ W Hk me. More wmld be a hinJrmco. "That man shall be myself, ,| ien ,» , mid the warm-heart* I an. "I'd i risk my life a huuditd limci over to i ,Kt'UY, MARCH t s - 15 - yniv... "i '■ . *J? =■■ jff.. daWb ap. ' ,el! 1 #■ '■, Wi Uj >bu ''->« 1 >: | " u • *■'"£* - ~* 'i a " ; ... ,Ugli It': Wr.fjjMfn! "' • ptCnlv' "Tsut J , 1 t-jMher r>#\ '•* % •omo 'U. j •*««: . .uV"-ro>'s un - -..a : M.lrfil, 4» tl'uh .■> *« II" »!.•»-•* of ,Pi i -OT!T-f*r" ?7'. (r V"*" r ! It so.'ui- that »!i..r !v »l-et leivtig iun Mnutlun jiad c • *«« wilMu iai>gc «, i aud lu killed iii.i eIK, an J »;is stcup . i iuj* down tq cut ofl the hum quartets r for bringing o camp, when, lelorc I e s eould lir« another shot, ho v. is pnuuc i i U|iii) by a ot Digger Ind .'i* R 1 1 y gagged liuu aud b >uud his arms in t >e ; twinkling n( an e;i. c 'I hull, loafling tho care.iK-i upon h » . horse an I 'nrciu; b>'i. la wallt a"lti_', in they M-i off on thoir rero.it, tiav Itn e f.ist until nigh', when the) 1 b-vouad 1 . u b\ aspritg nud had a glorious .ea-t, h 'o prisoner or »g meantime secure iot a i nil Though tin lii'sl part of I'M "* • 1 to he was I t>y a bfavs who Ii d jr picked up t smatturing of English and who frequently consoled biui by hissing a- in hi* ear: "Wo no hurt paleface. [. Him make good tiro binieby, and heap lie fun," au oftrepeateJ assurance wli e , lu aft ■! all, was not very consoling, u- Next ii-oruing, after anothei b i or feast, tliu Ravage- resumed thoir march in a manlier, and before sunset ad again haltt'4 for the uigbt at a spring, d lu thvn na. au hour after leaf ing the mail? trail our two adri)atu r oj. lid comrades cameup on tbe spot whe»a tA ilj elk had fallen, shea, by signs utte>-lv Jy uudtsoermble by Woodville, CV.-oti iv. lat once read the vrholo story, dve'u jt- iug, uiuoh to Gerald's comfort, , i Muul'on had boon curried u.f tow i- i i «rV=*"Hest 9Wls, be sou , liw , m- »» f.i , - /tiern the baiid hid , iv, tho previous night, 'tit of overtaking; * t*>> marauders before night, Carson beiani. tnJ exceedingly circumspect toward even, im o-, neither over riding over a ii- i .v ihnut first disuiountin : and takiug a m j I'araful survey of what lay beyoud. " - Lt ' ls, > tbey peered over tbe r>ro* of a gtoep descent, they saw, "• 1)0 trail, and half mile ahead, a id wro*th of su.oke rising abovu the tree iy topa. i r j "We've got them," ~aid Car«oD. J |•' They're camped down at the Uluo ft Spiings.' I know tho place well, but 0 the ground on this side is quite op.-u. Though probably not featiug pursuit, - tbe reds will rmiurally be J» ••nu this way , We must make a big sweep und y creep up on them from tho other side, c | for they must not have time to sirike 'I ; -t single blow after our attack." I 'The pursuers now led their bnr»e --| souie'distttiico from the trail and oon 'l j eeulcd thcui in a bush-grown oouloe, - le-t i he Indians, while retreating, ungni i gooble them up. Tboo, guided tbtougn ihe darksome reeks aud underbrush, 1 j only Kit's perfect knowledge oi the ■ locality, they tuado a wide detour | gliding along tmftly u „ pauthers aud | : uoiselessly as shadows - two men fear j lessly planuing to attack, and on their' o«n ground, an unknown number of ; well-armed savage* After more than an hoar of paitf. ! ! takiug toil, tley gtina.i the deu»ft ' ; Oiiapatral fairly iu the rear of, and no j more tliau 15 yards from the euouiy's renting placo. Kneeling »ide by side, i aod peeping through the bushes, they ; saw at once that the lndi'ins considered '■ j themselves perfectly safe, for a bright | lire was burning, aod iu a str»g t ig | | ro* ooar it lou red at) war-pnutud i warriors. A few yard> away »a utherod tlis I 1 beautiful horses belenging to Moullen, | 1 ■ and on himself sat on tha ground with ' ' Uis wr.sis bieughi together behind h * ' i back and tied around a sspliog pma. CarfoO had aauiionel his impetuous ( oomrade not to fire until heshou t giv tbe signal, but ju»t as the bidden aveo I gers had, in cn6 *wift glance, noted «'l i ' these partioulars, a brutal-looking sava 5 »ge; seeing that tbe prisoner was en. joying a moment's respite from suffering v snatehed up a burning brand, strode * oier in front of him, and was about to 11 thrust the flaming brand insultingly o »g*iu.it bis face, .when Woodville, do II I "i- • \ • 1 lo.i«r-i ui' i.i toi 9 Ui.uw.lf, «cut a i.ullvi i! .iigii i i.e Jito»»er«v«ut*s brain, audi|,i»Wl»i«- • .•»«>• 'lie cap i«e'» out s>.toned leu* 1 instill. t n i. d ~P-'''-J? tn tti.etr »• ~ "U' .eUtj -v • - rifle, aid 1 ai.utiirtr I" tler'ii y her. .md, now a* s ' ' UoAUvitii't i* m«m J i nMiiiinint shot# 1 rang '. it, each one rVetulnug its vt.tiui 1 uj.ou itA cur ill. j | i„.jt (»,« I I oiirv|.or-> l.wn.il tu fly, I tint hjt.iro Uieys» |»" 1 1 l l' •'"» fatal .*ttre tigtj mure |-»*c!««.i J* 4 *"*' j Aimmer "t . q.i'to f..inciting iu hi. riijjht thi i ihe timse was piok.d, attempted, us be ran, io spring "pi n lie oacK 1 position lit; tic* reached, for »s w.'iu lii» head r,Ha C1 " )u e !l tn clear the annual's withers 'twut 1 pierced by Uursou s buli'-t. Thus, in less that, tine minute, 1* j mem ere of the uiurde.ous b» id had become, as a Western matt of the« • tunes would say "good ludiana," am , ' the rest probably never sloppdd runnih. I until they reached L. a.iquartcrs of tbei I irtne. In our camp, tho day of the? tw Jppariurs hal come to a cks in eousuuiina anxiety, and it wa i serious par.'y intfoed svlnch gathe.ro I about the fire fit while till strait i! cd their ear* in vtm to catch the col i. j of a possible reassuring rifle shot. [> Our guide, an old pU>u«UI6U uatue , ■ Joe Brooks, sustained ur bapes t ; tell lie us of several instances in "bit : I Carson bad, single-handed, resent bp.-..petty an I pritjuers from stroll 't bands of ludtam: "Why." said t!ie veteran, "one tin • down in Arns>n«, 1 knew Kit, outir • ' alutie, to trail Apache warriors f ;noro than 100 lie eunie i i j io them just n* they were making cau " i at sundown, sb >t I wn three • f ibo ■ h-Ax ■ iht;y siw him, charged upon t !• | rest while yelliug to his suposed f> 1 ' lowers tn come on, uud escaped si '' v:: I ' tir-i'' } .1 e .-ftlminer a" cnmi J0 dawn. | "'! his," rrinalied Joe, « ! the hour that the redskins always self I fnr—Hy thunder, that's the Dlguei | warwhoop now!" * • j And we all hurri-'d into the cor; e |as again and again, far up on the hil a >ide, r.'soutided iha terrible eryl "Mighty curious," said Brook ie fj'iietiy laying down Ins rifle wiih 1 | half perceptible stuile, "but it's tl a J first time I ever fair warning. Wbi tf j did 1 tell y. uf" j For now half a dozen rifle sho '• | rang nut in-quick tuicncssiou, and gu 0 I loping oneer.ly down tho slope cam j our three friends, sate and sound. •. (arson, who could uiimie anythin • j from the squeak of a mouse to tli " ! hatsh cry uf a inountaiu lion, had take ' , this playful uietod of our alert 1 | ness. ,| Tho tt..siitt« at Kef'arm. ' Cliai lotte U .server. ihe Legislature just adjourned wa to rectif) the ..(.uses whiob have growt up under long years of Democratic rule to stop tbe uztravagunoe iu the Stati gnverninout and to give the people re- I lief from excessive taxation. With al I ut its coimnittees uf iuvestigatiou am i of one sort and anotbLr, it did not (itid a nlemisb npnn the Democratic admin, isiratiun of the State goveruuent; nol : un abuse nor an instance of extravv j gance io a public institution ot in one | ot the depui I incuts, and not a fusionist i iu either brauob made an attack upon tb« government which the people had | giveu themselves through the Demo . cratio |arty. This silence is the most i eloquent argument which could bo ad duced* in establishment of the claim I that there was no reason for taltiag tne government out of the Lauds of the I Democratic party last fall. Net a thing was found wrong—mark that. Ah to the matter of publio expenditure') what uo we find ? We find tins Legislature providing tor a large increase uf these. It did not leave it where it was. It iu area.*' d tho State tax fiotn 2 - 2 to 24 fents on tim §IOO valuation of real and personal property, «nd it levied special taxes heretofore noheurd of ia tho State It for inst mee taxos lawyers, doctors and dentist* $lO per year, when it had as well tax blacksmiths, shoe-makers and tiiniKturs. Declaring acainst class aud in favor of equal rights to fell ani Bpecial priv ileges to none, it fugles ou; three use ■ ji nnr n — r fttl C\J-- ■ 111 tit.- omutu'juii.y and lntes . tM'fU ill 111 111 i ! * taxing bill. U|. II ' the B-o. I'll I*X we IIII! alking alj mi I h !,,.isl.«u.e'ha* raised it •1 een 'i s'''»> »• i-»:*-i •' *"d t|,e - ■" " >'" fruits i>f ••tvl.ir, w h • .•! tif i«x o»l --lectof KM .I • . •» ">« oainl.dai• a ihi the L.H|{iiiUirtf« in . ounty U'l wm." was IU , ' lO ..;i >«m want to '.now what itie l' uoorano ji.rv> bat tor JT.tM, fg.l n voir I'OpK •.i ' t*') now we li" vim want tn kii iw *ha' /* fusion. l 'U- 1 i litiir- ti is i)"ae for vou, took at your 1 n ««t l ; lX IS' 111,,' i iicr''*-f Oi ixatiou, and '1 •* „l - for in * Hulijroti of «.x«. j | t was uuiiooissary. A Democratic | I legislature would not have increased j the general t«x nor leviid these odmns I dis- tixv-, and !«'• •' Would have uiaiu ' ir.iiM'd iho eft-U'uey »f ">i governmo.it i in ull of I's branches and would riftt ' hive rod ii *ed I lie appropriation to the State inili*in. oitlier tiie organiiation ' wbieb insures tlio uiitleiianco of the public poaeo. Uow would it have ; avoided an increase in taxation 1 Why, • it would not have saddled three addi. ! tlonal an i oiißccensry magistrates i ii- 'i ev.rv township nod vi,ted tin-in , , law books, t" >e paid for hy the !a> :i cost v» r ' " s 'y estimated from s'2o,- | 00.) to $ WO. Its members would n, t hive taken their sons and daugh I tors and other kin hii(l favorites to H iloich »rd qimrti red them upon tin i Legislature, which lias made the ex , pauses of I bit session $5,000 greater , ,|,o tf.'fii'«-f .Ih Legnsiatuie of 1593 I (t would not fi»ve spout $3,300 ii . ' p.r'Rient of ebutiun coetfts ( or tht , j i.,,, Istvr • oi ISIW -pent only $2-0) i-. wov' f h-w *e»« oommitteoj fi ' p ! hrautiiiu' -«■ » s,B,n r« hl « |.-ipcuM*. bunt..* "P ' lection trends u ' i»scis v ' :, v'y . | luud. d. u.s su,-u .'-i-'f" as lhes,".liJ . | „» uiade ucc; -ny lb. 'Oi-rea.e of th ,( , . I.x«« Ot" !'!•• "hlit I W' tIUOtO , 1 ho r to l.y bis to:' > "*' c , I jikl i m in'irni»ii>, '.ftirS (VM y "6* -in i j ig boarding house, » eth.,r kopt by i .ndn.v wni,in , (>r oOijir person, Yc in 1 lns Legimat'iro, whieh was fo huv j !!#ui! o. lettoueliiumit and reform, lia ' leireiiulieii and reformed by raisin tixss, aud by peipMrmuiu imnuaiSerei , j ibiiMjK whore there were none bofo e - j e were sir.icx by t o of n j virtues enumerated in a Republican p:i , j per yesterday, in which it. was suia a i '«lts v.• ik, oouipar.d uiih He pledge ' j |,|! »de ilie accords much mori t near!;, liniu i, uejlal with tlio he.ji-iaiMi... ,\t, lu.ocst c'cc. on l.m i t no repeal of the preM'ut Ooutitv i ermueut system and a liberal *>uppnri | of tlio .State loMitutinns, with au equi - . able revenue law, was tha extent of iho ; refor-n* 'be people demanded 'l'heac ] they have. There was never a Logia- I laturo in North Carolina which had no in my broken promises to answor for. j "An honest eieenoo law'' has taken the |plao of u dishouejt one, wo suppose: 1 and yet under t;io la.v winch mis just i bean repealed iho people swept tlic par |ty winch enacted*it oft the t'aoo ol tna oirtti and thus gave the lie to the ' charge that a fair expression of the public will could not be nad utidor it, operation, llow liouesi and « cicjt tlio new one is to a provs may perhaps bu ! foretold from tho faot that the party tHiich enacted it voted down an aiueud i meat providing that il,e judges of eleo. ! lion should be men of **guod moral I olmraoter," and a sccood amendment p oviding that they should bo mou of ' "modelatniy good ouaraeter." Thu pr srfiit system of oounty government has been repealed. \ .1. A system 1 wbicu bus rescued inauy oi the counties ! of till, from oankrnpley and givtn everv ouu ot tuom itie tiost vovuiumeiit that ibe best mult in then, could devise I'.ie honesty, justice and ecouomy of tho government of the couuties ot North ' 'arollua for twenty years have been a part of the gli.ry of the State, and tbero is no possibility of au improvenient ! upon thu government of the cguuties ! until tho present generation of uien , oi.,s aud üblur and better men eome upmi ih* igge. This system bas been repealed, and the first glimpse we get of the uo* nue is revealed in thi forra of additiounl m gistrates fur every i township - elected by the Legislature, mind >ou eaeii, the eighty ne'T aegro i iqniios -ii'l ill, is rr.„g utder his aim j books fo.u.sbed by t' e .Stale for hiiu to ! read law in. support of the Biuo mstitut i,.n>." True, and proper credit for it. "An equitable i revenue law ' oire*i heaven*l Hew j ibis wyrld is given (" hiua ' if wu* ft * »" |» »rti- j *to»hip. greed ami r«mculilV » | Ii H»P«MI«'1 tho |:«w liMihitf «!»« | pr u'ing to ths biJ'l-T, iuiv »l : iiroiuiH rni'l rfl-P'.a t**d it* au«l ti» t the work to a Republican ttrtn whivib K*S not the lowest bidder b) Thi* i* provod by the tt.«ti»rion> of tf ol:u Xiclio!*, a liepublioan ami an ! «Xpert printer i aid wore fully establish ed still bv the fact thit ifidwarda & I *'vd| while matter was siill in they wottld do the work would*--en, nff-r was deelttui. K UV TIN J; Urouthtott fKnioerats. , Now Sicwui Hro*., t» whom the co train was awarded, nnoounce that ibey -h.ill have " oait ot' th» work done io Richmond, thus cutting North C*ro_ liDu pi inter* out of w«ik aud scudiuf.' just so much aoni-y out of the State . unnecest»rily. The lying clurse was i li-tt In 'roni every stuuip aud in every , Ropublioan aud "reform" paptr I""' * your that tbo Legislature of 1 bad appropriated SSJO to p«v the expeusos of the G' vernor Carr iiiauguial b^ll. This can ho offset by ihe truthful II i charge that this Legislature lias voted . I a present uf $5Bl t»a partisan yrint - tag Grui, wlich will not oven keep t':ii ,1 money in tlui IJiatrt. Wo said something about greed. 0 Nearly overy iew place made or va ip euuey oeeiiriii..! was lillad by nieiuberi _ or the Legislature. Witness tb# judge. /.lii'.s of the t»o criminal circuits am > (|j,i ti ustreship.-i ai*d direo-turshipa o the various iu»ltuiions. Nolo „, | tondcre W l-t-n is the only uti'.tide who y> f anything of value ('he ruiiru' 1 tmiuii»iuucr»btpi »nd bu only got tin , . as the result of a trade with tbo K« h, publicans by which a herth was to b ' made for Senator Cook. Greed' Por lt aud daughters of tuuiubera as nsges an 1,„ clerks -the ilka was nerer known b? u j tore. The [ay-roll was loaded wit Kf tlicir mine*. Suoh slia'iiele-s ih''i .. >t«( ot Be""'.")" wore never *tm air tTTVTtmr. WW" « \ ,» fyj && Tjie , a never lefi-re aonb- su amnnt of ii ,i Sj about stuleo rti'ls. The air was full i vs Hepreseotatire Vol'all, of this oonnt wloue had one b II .stolen twice and lie , J( , to drat' it a third um». L .d Falsehoodt It p«id the biphei p. honor ifeould to the memory of Pre • Douglas, the trarfueor of the Pouth a'i :l . the miscegenationi*t, and thun undei i : | ook to make the .record speak a I !•„ »bout it. re j Hypocrisy ahemt uiihlustiuj; :e ' ly. After all the ulnmor about Irt () « pusses numbers of the fus o .ists went o r- fiao passes to the Nerbi'ru fi , U 'id i ri order io yet th«'m awny and hr.-nlc ti - the session the Deuiooraia »eni • nuiu 0 her of them to their homes on fi?i e passes in the early pai l u{ this v. mk - \ "ii white lucQ whti hive been fillet 0 hv ehutier about ••leform," almt d , you think ol that? e The impotenoy of* tho comhinatioi ; in th' end w.is Iniifflmhle. ]t h a j u,. thoroughly dom.na od by the eaueu - WIII'M thj per DIEM lasted. EFKRJ 1 trili.na uitasuie waj .submitted to cau -3 nin antiou; individual manhood wa' i st ranglud and every fusiomst jumpe t .! at tho eru.tk of the whip. "Vote dowr all ameiidiitonts! ' was tho cry iu tin Senate and House, aud they wore voti d down, no nmttiir how meritorious the? wire. Hut *hen the pay stopped the bosses amt the eauoug lost their grip. Careful plaes had been laid to capture the penitentiary, the S'.ate Library, the North Carolina and the Atlantio & North Carolina Kulroads, but at the critical inoinent tbeir quorum failel the conspirator*—it had vanished gone ! home, a part of it on freo passes, t> meet k proud wive* and ohildreu and admiring Constituents And tkis was ond of tho sessions of a Legislature wbioli will be forever meuiorablo in North Carolina. It broke . ue.irly ill of its promises; itdisappnin td all the hopes of the people who elected :t. Li whatever pr»per enactments it made, it followed exactly in the foot, step* of tho party which it had de. Nt nnciid and which it dislodged from power by denotmciog, and thus wh.it would otherwise have been its glory is us shame Ao.i iu whatever particu i lars it departed from the landrntrki which the Dnmooraov had set, it ex. hibifod its folly in d its meannas*. Farewell, a long fnrewell! Lindsay, of Rocking, ham, was dead wrong. That Legis ture has adjourned forever, and '.h« peojds of N' .rf Oardtna hue unci! to tbaocnl twr. IS ■ 10 | Skin Eruptioj 3S 4 and similar annoyances are caused j t bi an in pt'.*e lil.iod, which will f j veiuit lu a wore dreaded disease. I I Unless removed, slight impurities i I "wi.'l develop into Scrofula, Ecic- 1 I ma, Salt Rlteum and other serious ? results of { I have for some time been I*sl f I la lurterer from a severe f blood trouble, for which I ■-»« « J look many remedies that Efr ? rf"W \ /"I 9dld me no good. I hav o iUJUJDU I new takeu (our bottle* of M J ' aver riAn.'Un-caiu-o twmt» f pouedii Wid my 4 "»v they never .» IKTmsfflla. L*~ ■•iMl'fik"""" I | Oar Treatise o. ' and Skin Diseases 1 * mailed • "'any address. I f SWirr Atenta, G3- t , I Chamlioriu-r'i. 3th C,l\n 01-.tTCcnt Is a certain eerc ior t . '.vri fcjoro Kvee, Oraiiuhted LkH Jioro jSiup'.as, I'iicß, Ectcihj, i'evter, rSe.lt '(ileum and scald Head, 115 cents per Iwv. Fsiv tale by dresf.iats. TO I7OBQB OWTJTii; 3. Fir putting aimrv in a ilr cMllty con dition try L\\ t'ail.'n Coi'.li'jon Powdwg. Thev tene tin the sv-tem, aiil 'i r lon, eiu o toss of arpititf, relieve con '.'..letinn, correct Uldtwv liml destroy ii:fv dev.- life to an old or over work il horse. 25 ce;,Ui per packs;?). For by druggists. ' GEISEK . Til ItEftHEltS i ElOiiSE : powders, • »sui Engines. c d Bic ford V ?5 ii »I naan's '• Farmers' h Favorite Grain r- f e:, lew, ii' k i /any, !, McCorjiiic i\fcovers d and Itcupcrs. I lav „ RaKes. Cutaway J II arrows. Oliver cii i lied Plows and many others. - Ye Olden Times | cook Stoves. |We have sold great numbers.] ; Belting, Oils, Var nishes, &c.. &e. | "P. C. P." Paints (SJi e r m a n-Wil liams r more sold than any other on hr\ market.) Hardware for cry body iftw't forget i{. A!s o, KentucKy Cane Mills and v Evaporators. BROWn, R 0 2siRS &C 0 WINSTON, - jj, Ci ' NOTICE! Ily virtu.- of n deer**# mule l iy X o Petree fl ik ot ih.' Superior f'oiui „ Stoke* .'mint; In an action wherein II ,i --linin l 1 ' Kinpliell, it'liiHaisti.aoi .if M-i,-i Poor d e'il., iv.ia plaint ill", and ?■ |(. Kohoit Poor anil Mtiy Poor were .ii-f.'n iUiiH. Ixv i || "M'l; to llhi lil ;he«t l>i.|ei- for ea.su. at the court house .loor in tl'e tow n of Dan'iury, 0,1 Monday. April t, iw one t"uei of Uij.l ; ; eouutv on the «•. ;,J Crooked Creek, nty.iiio. land, o If. VV. southern, Meavou >1 •• Ander son .Vitlip and others, k. . t>y «sti matio , two bundled a>.il t i,-|ive a-.'res This ia a valuable trai t| mil', flu.'ly tint lieuil and well watemd, b.u i p.ui il a0»,4 ilwellliiß house and a im.nooi of «.>•( a'"l MihsUuii ii out ou.idiuyt, tin; ore i, u land, iirootiee Hue I jlu • •>, .»» n n ThH !a til will he *ld hiil ■ t,. , rlgli' . ! the «ldnv 't. M r-v ! F-'. ii I-|. WitiUM r. C'A.x i Aiimr,

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