The Danbury Reporter )i nsAii >I«I SCBSCRII'TION". j'lw imiii .">0 Si MOXTt' 10 WARCH 21, I^os FINDS IN JERUSALEM. THR WAI.I. or THE oiTT nup posed to if a vp nr.jc.N disco vi.kcd. Dr. Bliss, who in conducting exoava lions f"r tne Palestine exploration fund in Jerusalem, sends home a report of recent work in which he states that be has foui.J. at a depth of a few feet, the foundation* of a w.all which may be* ttioso of tho atlual first wall of tlio city, atici are certainly on the situ of I that wall. In tho eoui«* "f the w..rl. lie had ut.covered thiei* Urju .-'mire towurs. lie had also found a gateway,! the dooraill of which was still in situ 1 with the holes of the door posts and i itm tinli > for the holts. This was still ! four feet ahtiv.- the a»>«jent paved r.>:id «. j i. r,l ilji .i'if J point, but on dijf , JeepetrSr" Mm 1 four feet below, kM U ('refute on _ lev el with IRe ancient road, the will of an older gate. Heir Schick reports tin* he has found a postern in the north wi>l on the ex net spot where the Leper's' fijte is placed by writers in the Twelfth! Century. the future of exploration! at J tcsalcni, Major Conder, in uti in- | artiele in the Scottish Review, I rem nds us that within the temple in. j closure it is hopeless to expect that | I ave ■'! excavate can be obtained from i the Sti.'an. If it were possible to re. I move ti.d flagging of the platform on j which the dome of the riwK now stands i or to open the archway in its eastern i ■returning wall over which a mound of earth was heaped in 1881, when M j.r Cor.der attempted to get leave f„r their exploration, it is thought very p-oba that we should f" :d the foundation of ' the temple ts and steps 1 eneath !' The '• H't'.l ot Souls" under tb» Sak.j hard ta « eavo which has never seen by | anyone now living,sod which is describ e.l by no ancient writer. Within the city excavation is pronounced only p'sail In immediately west of Aotonia, wh. e there is an unoccupied area, or " iu the western part of the Hospital of 1 Jm. lobn. which still lies beneath an accumulation of rubbish 20 feet deep. In u.i other parts houses and monaster- i , i«» cover the the ground. Outside,! on the north, lurthcr exumiri i'toa of | * the ground wet of tbe lWci.t One f rt i* considered desirab'.«r> ~n south thore u gro»t.r pos.s.b.lity ofj j work. The t>*"p"S ftrXioa are covered | with terrmeu • rtihatds, which ate U to ovtilie he remains of the ancient city, t'u Ophcl a mighty rampart 70 feet hid lies ootoplctely _ buried; and here, io ti c opinion of this authority, inscriptions of the early ( tinier of Sol'iuion and lle*2«kiab might . ■very probably be recovered, with per haps archives of tbs palate and the "Field of Burial of the Ki»ga" finds which, as this writer observes, would n be more valuable than any settlement t of such questions as the exac r place a 1 which the words "Lower City" or s«Cit> of David" should be writen oh j the nap.— London News. ( Tub Douglass Legislature has ad. i journ.d. TUB Douglass legislature appointed eightv uegro magistrates. Mr W .1 Boylio has purohascd the 4 Mount Airy News. His first issue j is vevy nice. We hope he will sue- ' oeod in bis new field. A Des Moiocs woman who has been troubled with frequcut colds, conclud ed to try an old remedy iu a new way, and accordingly took u tahlespoonful (lon. times the usual dose) of Cham, b r'aiu's Cough Remedy just before giiogtobed." i'he next uiorn'tig she f.iuud that bar cold hid almost entirely disappeared. Pairing the da* Bl>> took a few dosctt of the remedy (one tea spot nful at a lime) and at night again took a tab'espoouful before going to bed, aod on tbo following moring awoke free troui all symptoms of the cold Since then she has, on several occa sions, used Ibis remedy io like maimer witb the sutue good lesults. and is much elated over discovery & so quick a way of ouring a cold. For sMe by N. A. Mai tin. Ouni'sutrdl tart. We authoiite our advertised drug gist to sell Dr. kinkV New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, upon this condition. If you are afflict sd with a Cold or any Lnng, Throat or Chest troubl, and will use this remedy as direoted, giving it t fair trial and experience no t>en«fit, yon may ratnru the bottle and have your Di'iocy rofuudod, We could not Ibis £T«r di-l we oot know that Dr King's New Disooyery eould be rcliod 00. It never disappoints. Trial bot tles free at \Y. V. McCanless' Diug Store. Lar?e stse »>oo. aod SI.OO I rlt PA*T guarantees the fuwi*. It « not whit we say, but wb«ii HocdVi Siiaaparifi* docs, that tells tho story. Remember HOOD'S CORI® »i* in *.vi» arrxM. Tli# New York Sua .eeV* deter. nii.ied >o brin» N-irih Carolina talent to t!io front. It in ike K«;m Elui and Sbrp. iuujrts*] and now it has tumid its attention to lion. B. H. Huu 11. \\ rpiie the Sun'Seditorial ID full: Hie iinn. Zobulon Haitd Ysnoe, of North Carolina, di«-d neatly a year *2O, but it w«s only list week tbat bin memory and fame wsr.% subjeotod to tha 'r>iiif prone** of eulogy by thu orator* oftbu Ilousc of Representatives. Tli« Congressional Record contains not less tlinn fourteen speeches delived on Fob. 23 in honor of .Senator Vaee. while three uiore tributes are withheld f..r revision ard future publication. Them is much in these spebes tbat iiidicties .1 revival of tba». old fashioned mortuary eloq which had aim'at j disappeared from (J ingress; but the ; central figure iu the is t lie Hon Benjamin Buun, of Rocky Vount, Noitb Carolina, ani we shall ' "nr i u Buun's remark* l> • ••flort. , Mr. Bunti begins by deploring tbo' )• o'ei tv ol hia vocabulary ami the iu- of the Kiifflish language iu general for a task like that before l.iui. | '•Words," said Mr Bunn, "are at best: hut poorest vehicles for the transmits ~ j "ion of those feelings when tbo lietrt is swept by the rushing billows of grief | that sweep ovor the ocoan of an over whelming bereavement." The wound whioh "th*»t cruel danger, Daath," j made last April in the heart of Vanoe's i countrvmen "is deeper than the sound-11 less depths of old Ocean and broader' than the whole C'hriitain Church, unl j i it will remain there until tho last rip. i fie in thu river of THUD has inirglod I ■ with tho waves in the ooe nn of Ktcrni-1: iy.' So Bunn's parts of speech and potters of mctsplior were partially t rarulyzed. He m speaking under a c lisad vantage: , ".J/y tongue is in the cojjin of Vance o l "d 1 can only bow my head and weep t i'er the memories of him who is now t let ping wl.ere the myrtles grow and 1' be daisies peep." fc i'Vr a oiau with bis tongue nailed up ' ir scrowed down by the the uudertakor ' he Hon. Bsujimia Hunn does uocou; t uoaly well iu tho matter of hyperbole p A few specimen passegc* will show e uw well he does : ' "Ho went down like a blazing me. tl or, bi'ilti.u.r and duzzling aud ci splendent in it* downward i n I * .Urn *jeo iax primtM gi«*J Mjd - le fiibinikfnt with for oot i" rnudly pasoplin* fti«*»W» wss asoend b« i« int • tbo zenith of his glory; bis last 41 ervice Was tbe moat brilliant, his last peecb hia greatest and best, aud will oc rewn his career with u balo of renown [tar will i.Mver lo«»! the riohiew of its -fTulgeticc or tli# bnlltiuoy oi it- s beam- j »> t .... > ' w "Senator Vance was perhaps * the ( p nn.t many-vided and admirably round- jj si public man of this century." |g ♦ * * - ii "11 is stirring appeals were a sweep- | ' mg as tbe wium- when forests are rinded j 1 a'd as risis'le-* as tbe billow* of the ' 1 lea when navies aro Mrand-d He was ; 1 indeed, a grand, powerful, intellectual j l? aat." • • . "In the field of literary eulturo and |, olaisical research he was indeed superb, j for hi speeches, while containing nug- I gest of lipe't wisdom, cparkled with; gems of richest hnmor and gliatened i with the auroral light of ibe finest | o tie • fanoy. Thousaudu have be. u charmed j and enchanted witb tbe ricbly bloumiug fi >wets of his poctio gardens, and lolled and soothed by the rbytbmie flew of his praoeiullv winding cuirent* of uieli fluent rhetoric. All of his fpeeches were foreefel iu their presenutioii of truth and facte, noble in their ethical teachings of duty to country, luscious with the melHifast fruitage ni lofty patriotism, opulont with the gems of successfully garnered wisdom, kingly in tae imperial sweep of theii royal eloquence, aud regal in tho magnifiocnt draonry of tho most ornate diction. They will prove monuments J to the fame of Bcnator Vauoe more lasting than marble, for on the ad. amantine and ii.vulnerable surfaoe of their imperishable worth, unequalled merit, superh splender, and niai;niG ceni beauty, the corroding aad devas tating moth of decty will never Gi a fang." This saemi to us to be pretty well up to the standard of the Old Masters of tbe Congressional eulogy, say of the period fron tbe Thirty -ninth to tbe Fortv.second Congress, inclusive, liut Bunn has not yet reached his higb-wa* ter mark. Listen further : > These are some of tbe virtues wbicb emblazon bis oturaoter aud which will shine forever in thst fadeless and im. ; perishable coronet tdat will crown tbe lustrous brow of the illustriois V ancc. "But, alas! this oak, the vory u,oo jreb in the foirest of bumsnity, with all of it* widespreading and luxuriant , branches of intellectual adornment. : bathing in tlie rlad, wnrui sunlight of *lTeuti,in»te esteotn a-id idoUtr.m ad miration, ha* bi-en rtrteken down by the iiieviublo bdl of deal!., and he ale'P* iu the peaceful ha.-l; of the quiet grave. But men may atalk aeroaa tha siajra of exiatenee and make reputation as bright and ua radiant •• the blush of n dewdrop under the trembling kisa "f n morning sunbeam but nrrer will 1 the brilliancy of his reputation be «ur. pa**.id by mortal man, anil nerer will hi* name hold a ovi.nd place on the tablet that reaile* the cl"rie» of intel lectual splendor; and ha ha* f gone fiom na forever, yet he hn« loft behind him an example m,d influence I and a memory that will prove » bless.. I i"R to hi* country and a benediction to , hia people, fur radiant light will I til«z» fur our "uidnnee the plnrious path |of patriotio duty he so nobly trod, | l and tu to live liSe him who I h*« "one to hi* God " | This frera the man wlios* totiirue is nailed up in a ,c. fdu' This from an orator whose of utterance are j interred whero the myrtle grows and j and the daisies peep' Having heard Buon thus far, it wonld he a crime not jto hold the wire until he has pt.ioouue, ! concluding and cluminatitig ! paragraph, perpaps the finest ever contributed by any living orator |to tho obituary columns of the Con cressional Ree rd : J he lias left behind a radiant i stream of slfulgent glory. Liko tho | brilliant sun which sinks behind the ! distance hilltop#, and leaves beh 'id a | golden stream of gorgeous splendors, making the whole western horizon seem as if the most opulent dye pots io the studio of tho angels bad been upset and had leaked through upon the olouds, thus gilding thom the tintings of celestial glories, so his sun of existence has sunk bohind the hill, tops of d.ath and left behind a stream of memories that will never fade from the tablets of hearts. Unlike the I glories of iho setting sun, which soon loss thfcir gorgeous coloring in the j bosom of darkness, his resplendent j virtues will not lose their brilliancy in I the shadows of death's dark night, for \ they were du» from ni'nes of richer and ! pnrer ore, and blight iu glory's jowell- | ed throne they will shine forcvemiore." I When tbe most opulent dye pots in 1 the sudio of the angels upset, aud the i sontents leaked through they sky, it | moaiU jhai _ Cft.ught thij his J»ith his length »» • cqfrHT'y-'fl ,u. «f speech and fUeiorical ialf parlyiseil by » griaf thr.' bss hecn | ijoumulatitig len months wilboat ur_ eranec it staggers the imajination to j lonccive the spmicli which Ituun tfbuld | Icliver if he ware quite himself. The painful part of it all, is tbe fact that thi.s is Hunn's sunset, too. His term in Congress end" at tioon next Monday Just as we are discovering what a phenomenal rhetorician we have from the Four'h district of North Caro lina, the clock strikes twelve and Buun goes hack to Kocky Mount, leavmg i in the Hall of Obituary Oratory a seat j to ho ocoupird next by an ordinary j Hopulist named Stroud, who probably ; dees no? know liyperhole from turpen tine. CO CRT J CROHN. The following jurors have been drawn to serve tit Spring Term of Stokes Supe rior Court : It. N. Wall, J. W. Johnson, Martin Lee Turtle, H. C. Southern F. M. Stoltz Chas. F. Smith, James C. Tuttle, J. T. Lackey, C. W. Wall, J. W. Hicraon, C. W Glidwell, W. B. Bolejack, Joe l'owill, Levi Watson. John W. Brnwn, M. T. Inluan, 8. W. Pullain, It. L. Murphy, Wrn. A. Simmons, Luther Boles, R. A. Grubbs, S. W. Green, W. C. Maihews, M. R. Banner, John IV. Lewis, James B. Green, ( Drewrv Smith, J. G. Fowler, Jauies K. Mube, W. O. Jackson, R. F. Cox, Garland Smith, tt. T. Smith, J. L. Martin, J. P. Willard, W. R. Eaton. SECOND WEEK. I W.E.Hall, H. B. H .user, K W. •'■■irroll, J. W. Cook, J antes H. Tnttle, (son of N»»cy), W. H. Coliiue, Jesse F. Southern, I G. \V. Pnrri« 9 " f James 11. Slu ppaid, I W. li. Hill, J S. F: Slate, ,c MF. Hawkins, j W. T. Kedniao, '• W. G. Sbults, n DK. Smith, j John A. Soutberi, '• W. A Fetrcc, " i 11. Vcuable. || ! B«iek«'n » A|nlcn Halve. IE THK KKKT SLAV} in the world fi> |. *•!«». liruiscs, .Sires, Ulcers, Suit Rhiiin, I 1 ever Sorm, Tetter, Clia|ifieii r f Hands, Cbilnns, t'.itis, and all Sltit Kruptmns, and potitiv -lv cures Files 0 or no pay required'. It is guaranteed - ' 10 give perfect m: is fat)'ion or mone^ 0 : rtf'ltided. Friee «5 eentM per hpx. II KOU SALE BY W. V. McCanless. b i Jfrn. I~ Tw-wcnil Illslnj; Sim. lictaware. Good Family Medicines Hood's Bnraaparllla end Hood's Pika. *1 regard ncot's Srrsaparllla and riood'i rr U J', , , n v" ! T !7 f « :i y medicines, and we arc never uiinouft tucu>. I have aiwdyn ueeo A Dcllcata Woman and bogan taking Hooifi barsaparilla tbroe 1 yearr ago for that ttri d filling, it built me np so quickly rnd so welt tint 11. el like a different 522'ir 'ijJ; "".•/'way-' >ll treat faith ta It. I I to IL . rjiildrri v.'turcvr there ssetnsany I w . ' '' lr blood, und r. do-. f, eni good. My liule bey llkos tt si V !l he crlas tat It i ; eaa..ot find tell |rw tidily 1 pnte It. \Ya uso ilooU & Plllu in the liuiilfy Mid Ciey Act Llko a Charm I tiiko pie;, sure In recommending these medl ! clues to aii my frionis, for 1 believe 11 people Hood's St Cures woui J only koop Hood'sßarsAMrlUnnnd nood'i Fills at hand us r/o do. much Miiknpaiiftndnuf- L - Hood's Pllio act easily, y#t promptly and •QclonUy, on the livur and xi>q. | | CSBX'JSMIXXXVXS. :«nC2tKKJmBBHB ! | Execution S:i!c. ! i IJy virtus of f.v i e\>ciitlniis to me, ill eec.i'd liy the lor! of ih" . v U'«'i',i r Court I v'lrw Mourtia", IH-U i-A s st i:".n#cl e*.n. sti . i' »Ih- k u ;' door in Dunbnr;*. X. ' • sell/;! pnww ane- | tlon, to the h 'St bidder, for e-sh. the property herein*! described an 1 lynw In the towi. of >f Kiti?. (f .iilierly Ivi.igs iti), lu YadJin township. . I -9t >iio lot or p ireel ot land, honndeJ as follows: Ih'ciniiliijiat a rn-'fc. tuns n. 'leerees, w. li chains and ofi to a rock I N de' rr ees, e. 0 chtil is ulid l.i links to h ro'eis. srw dt ;r s, e. « chains and bt I links to a rock. S. deqiees iv. « ehi ns 1 and 1)5 lii Us to the beginning. Uccipteil bv L. K. 11 raid sAr otis. •i ime lot or |i.i "el of land, adjnltun(t S. T Ki " ii*ht, V. T. tirabbs and vs. >e« l>ook "li, panes 110-117. I ,|_i in.' house and lot wot of .1. 11. .spa uhoiir's reside in c anil occupied by Isa ac 11. Spitiiihower. 4_Oie house .nil lot southwest ol GraMi's mi I, alio .... upied b. .1. It. llulcli i ens. , .... ~, 6— On* lot or '1 ol land a.ljoining.U. K. Oral'bs and '.Uers, and known as the '•iviser lot." , H (.(ue lot (with Improvem 'ids) nortln t A'painiioiit's storo in isiscssiou oi S. II . I'ullitiiii, formerly postottlce. 1 line house and tot adjoining \\. r CJiabbs aiiduthers, and occupied by Joab Kiiigl.t. , . .... line lot or pared of land ill said town, and occupied by s. U. Slate .Sold to 9 al Isty two jnd.uients in favor ol pi intili' and a'-alilst iteteudant Spainlioui tor Willi intercut oil same Iron in day of Feb. isti4 and costs "I s.tits Said judntiH'iiU being li ns on above c.e -h'iilwml juiipm ty. This ilet day "f -Varrh, ISO.". | J. U. I't I.TeN, S erifi. A. M. Stack, at y lot- plaintiff corporation. Isialo By vir.ue of a nmr'sase deed exec ted to me i'> Tlr.mins Uii'h .rds n . ont'oe litn day a' .V.'i. an - fee riled in tile l.'i gis tcr s otlice ol Moses county, in Honfc 36. liage :-'ji, 1 will sell cash to the h.ghe t bidder, on the premis. s, on 'lhuisday, AI'RU. 11, IP!' ", at IS o'cliHk. «. I' .. the land en I racid t said ninrtta-'e. aii>'ining the taints oi ./oliiu .Uarliit. William Sbafler and others, eon taitiinu I y estimation lit acres, more ot less, l'oi a fullei description of win :h ttei alKive lllelitil lied miii tiace deed. TllU ''"l'. day of .War. bStl'i. .1 T. KNOWI.KS, inortagrts. |iv I' I). W atWn-. NOTICE. ' By virtue of sundry executions in try bands, i:•>.l"d by the (.IstA* of 'Vuppi ior Court ol St'k s county, and returnable ti Spring term, IHH9, of said court, in favoi of the State of North Carol ilia and against N. M IV|iper and o hers, for the sinus al to' ether amoiHitl i.n to one hundred anil s, veiitenu dollars and thlity-fivo cents sll' -lft), l will sell for cash t" suti fy said executions at ttie court lionse duor in the town of iMnbitry.K. V.. on .1/oD'lay, opill 21, I8»j, ' at •* o'clock, p. in., the following d. scrilied tracts of|».id, lyiust and beiiy in the coun ty of Stokes, and belonging to said Ji. M. Pepper. ist tract, emit lining 1611 wcres, mom or l e ,s on Indian eteek, 1-4 to t-- mile south west from Piedmont. Springs, adjoinin ti c C. M. I'epper am iiairsion land?. 2nd tract containing "S acres, more or less, on Camping Wand creek, wltliiti mile of the court house In Uanbury, ad jninillg the iaud. ol E. A. Pepper, the Pep per heirs and otlifirs. :ld tract, a aehiiil house lot in Uanbury. contain! ig atiou bne acre and lying on tin west side of the , H»d lietwirn 1 c|.|«'r i .Sons' store and Wa;nei'a mill, on Winch .8 iotated a t.wo-stoly s' hool boiuu. ■ibis March l'A ISIC>. I J. li. FfI.TO.N, ShlT. I N Hating this trator of Charlt Stoics county, I hav nj clarm* dec'd to prestiDt cated ,or p.«yiucit or Jtfarch, lfw, pleaded in bar >• UH per-ons ind i (.-.I t» MUlediate iMvrunit to L lbs lMtii flay of '* M. ffvk, - ■ By eghftion 111 i It , sued by or Slip, I •d | Moke* comity, iWunuible to S ill | ofsaid court, in favor of t s | inon* anil against J. A. Benin* >ii 'i ii""" ,:f ami t l ' 1 1 tliillnra ami seventy-five cents (i •y with Interest on npg from March | a .d the further sum uf two dol twenty-live rents i$2.2M. cost, 1 i to the highest. bidder, feiii' «u}j, m tl." , j house door in the town of lTanburv, aio. county, on i Monday, April 82 18!).-,, 1 "'clock. !>• n>., o satify said execution, the following tract of land; Situated in Siones county, adj Inlng llie lands of \V. \i . Johnson, .1. Carroll and others, and known as the lauds of /olm Kmnusoo. deceased. For a inure complete i!>'»'in tion, see red at alio "io..ks-iu K.-ister's otH'-e at I 'unhury. t; -Jf- -c> This .Varcli l!i, ISPS. J. U. Fui.TOS, Sheriff. PRIZES 0# PATENTS * ; . :• How to get SIOO and Perhips Make a ForttUM. We secure paten,s and o induce people i > keep track of I lielr bright iddis we otter a | ri/B of one hntidrei! dollars u> he paid on .he (,'■( of every month to the person who Milmiilsto us the IIIOSI meritorious inven lioo-dur np the piece.'dliig uotitli. We will also advertise the invention free . f j 'liar i* in tie 1 -V.,' xnal lirenrd' •. s weekly •iews|>.ipe . pi.hi tied in Wa.hiiißt/in, I), r. I whicli has a t extensive eircuhilioj through "lit the I*ni.>*d ,s tate and is (ievott d to t the ntcreaU of inveimirs. NOT 80 HAtltl AS IT M-CMS The Idea of brine able to jlivent some 1 t'd strides most, .people as bei i* very ' I' .iii'iilt.' this delusion the Cntnjnnv wishes :o dispel. It is the simple tilings and Mi'ill inventions that mait-e the eatcst a "nt ot money, and the complex ones ■ l ' l M ' '' 11 P'otitable. Almost everybody ■i "j'n ' him or another, conceives an idea, ' '''h. ifjiatei.'iri! wotnil prohnSSr he worth 0 liiin a fortune. I'niiiit.uiillelv sucli •Ifs ;■ e iisi'all v dismissed withmt thought. 11 e simple iiiv.-ntsons iike the.'ar wi dnw which csir Id In- easily slid ill and down Without breaking the pa»etig.. r S. hack, the sauce pan, the collar button, t/ie nut leek, the butite stopper, the stiovr shovel, are things that ahtin.**t everyone see -;dme way ol improving upon, anil it * these kind of inventions that bring the greatest returns to the anther. The prize we offer wil' he paid at the cud of eij.'h moiitli, wl.eilier the implica tion has •; aitsd m|m>ll In the Patent Olli _e or ll'.' livery competitor must ao ply for a patent on his invention through os, .—.ii] w lie till"- h« secures; lie prize or not the inventor will have a valuable patent. THE FKE*S CLAIMS COM FAN V, Jour. WKDIIKHIH'IIN. C.en'l .Van:;.;en j " ') C.J'" LAST CALL, j TAXES' TAXES'TAXES! TAXES■ -- PAY YOUR TAXES. SAVE COST AND YOUR PROPERTY. 1 will meet the Tax-Payers of Stokes Couuty tor the purpose of colleotiug (licit Taxes, u„ the followiug times and ' places, viz: 11. Veiiable'a, Tuesday, Feb inry Vti. 180.1. I'innacle, Wednesday, " iT, '• King's t'lhin, Thursday, " /is, •' Boyle's .St.>re. Friday, March 1, " Wilson's Stote, Saturday, " 2, " Datibitiy. Monday, " 4, " (ieriiianton, Tuesday, " 5, ' Walnut Cove, Wednesday, " 0, " . Fine Hall, Thursday, •' • 7, " Mitchell's Friday, •' 8. •' T.Gann's .'■attnilay, " H, " W. 1.. Tilley s, Monday, " 11," li. \V. Shelton's, Tuesday, " 12, " C. C. Smith's, Wednewlny, " lit. •« Francisco, Thursday, " 1-1, •' I , JnoJ I. Smith's, Friday, " l.'i, •• Virile liovliu', Saturday, " in, •• It in not my desire that '.lie people thoiili: : ° pay cost foi the collection of tlie taxes, and 1 trus' that tlicy will meet me promptly •it the above tlin;!X and places an l «a. lf •) their taxos and save themselves cost and trouble, for lain oh'iged to collect anil settle the taxes, which I expect to do, am if the taxes are not paid promptly, 1 sin' proceed to oalteot them according to 7..n\ Personal property wilt lie t,ubje"t to s.i >• . foi taxes after the lith day of Mi.rih, a!' .1.1 real estate on which taxes are due a i i unpaid will be advertised on the Ist o April and so sold on the first Jfonday li I Vay i I al«o 1 avo the Tjx-Boofcs of of E\ ,l Sheriff Wall In my hands for cnllectun . ■ for the years 18!'T, arid all persons who have liot paid their taxes for 1801 ate il 18U2, will pU'afe meet me nt the atniu e li ies and places and settle them. So pleaae settle your taxes and save cost j for If they aiVnot settled I shall proceed to - co'lect them aec n ding to faw." I. Tdis the Oth d»/of February, 18PJ. r JOSL H. Fulton, Sheriff. ; STOP AND EAT. * Mrs. K. H. Gentry, WALNUT COVF., M.C. If 111 furnish you something nioe to eat• " 8 MEALS AT ALL HOURS. /Stop *nd see the pH •*>/. .. - ..M.J. Brown, leader in low prices, , IX ( r,E NERAL MERCHANDISE, DRY OOD6, BOOrrs, SHOES HATS and GrROCERI ES. Jm " fri v * lust receive '.plant i#»er in 100 » leP.t. Hssd | ' t "' , ' ' ' ( »• - . l *»>▼ flour only W v toe ,-ar ,W>' uj jtV-»/ou bust for th* Uaat u.ney. Come and See Me "When You "Want to Get Low Price#. • Remember that I am Head quarters for Low Priee* and will Always Deal Hquare with You. Your friend _ FRANK C. BIIOVI N, ( 'or. Fourth and Main Street, M . .. tViuou f .\ 1 ' /t 4 v* W iiot o) Car Hue.) Poultrv Ko«4 85c p»r Package. 'PPorsc Food 12 Pounds lor 15c. SAY, TOMER 1 Have von any horsss, cows, hoes, sheep or poultry that are not thriving a* they should * If to, bny Pratt's Food and feed it. It is as far aiiead of common eat lis |ow deis as our Gnunos are ot ofhsrs of satnft pricu. Remember We Sell the Best of Nearly Everything. Timothy airfbes™ Northarn sZi I'oUUs's, heed Oats and Uardeu Seeds. We have a Better Stock of General Merchandise 1..U.M In oar dtv best I'lour and ship Mtuil, .Sheeting, Tarn, Carpet Warp at 2fK per pound, and sti'l hold the lsr»tst. and b«.t 5c TobaeC" and the best Ho. .SinitT. Our ol'Mioes and Ha-s Is a mistcry almost to ourselve . We have the g.sxts vou want and we think the best for the money, Our street I* often «owi»Twlien other parts of the city loot de,o ate We can «1- vise you somewhat on guano. It jou vrani to suoceed lo L crop of hoc tobacco, don't fall to buy Ojle .t (.uauo, w hlch has the best an,.l>.is for growing rich, waiy, saleable lobaoro i f any sola on our luurket. I rii'e V..» 0. huieka Bout* and PoUsh $i 00 KuiekaH. t B>!i« $145. • roue and nil. We will eave you money* lie^iK-ct^ully, H. D. Poindexter, OL3 town STUfJT, WiWiTOH,

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