SAVE) r BUYING YOUR Coffin Ca «»! fljurtal ~ Bobrw ) if J OF Walnut Covjl j " N. J kinds kept | ln bottom price; krd. |^ o jJ e J Oll ®ook ovei our Ntoek bew| Pe^ l l M,, ' c hiising ( as we ran and i Si M c > tm ,nOIIc .V- Special teilt,oli given to Embalming, and neatness a n ' l ,ro!ll P':icss .'riiai-ariteed Uenicmbt p Ihe >" l,lcc > L. G. &KWIS & WON, iWALNUrcOVE, IST. C £ Ir : •qa»o'£ ' . ll^., .... ... iIT ■jPW'.i com- I " Jn, ~B-|vt o Lh like -'""I. 1 ' a «S '••fniy one of 3. _lt U th-- •((Ooscsjl.'" .-W. ua trtiiy be said " JM —i BE h 20 i o; ars OLD. 11 The old anti r| sliaS,!l THOMPSON 1)1 B . 1 *' \ J*|| STOKE ca», " a foil line ° 3 >rugs, Par cut Medf" cioes. Painf 8 ' Oils, Varuirf®^ C? « « rr P „#Cf»« Seeds, Irn „ Braces, Perfu#® -^ jed to C«l JMail Orders promptly attend and hco ut. II UN?"' Moore House, 330 l- k 2 South Elm rout. Grecn«i)oro 2i. C. TERMS OF B"ARD : SI.OO per day, 8-50 per vAei', l'JUOpermonti. Table well supplied with somethihg nice li cat. Rooms well furnishrc' and house is convenient to the railroad depots busi nssspart of tin city > MRS. M. E. MORIDGE, Proprietor. ) 1,,' *-.3 £ Tijfc'*# t.» INwr*, n* * ' » ■! *. p V iuawn j*.r . **+■ h'«j» 1 «.,T# t' f K M to i.m\r+«tV. . ■ •v • . \m 0"'. .• . ; .. »mumm t. Bxuun »id, ;: SASHETIC NERVINE f flo'rvou. PrOetr*- . . "w reus, Headooh*, A/ SV i-J Nfura»s«« an * In* i •'».. .** V* r&nr lomnia. Orwito*. I -v »k ' * ». J in fch" u»c of t-v 1 Vtop harco. opi«m, alcohol, /"• - \ C(V oiiil »n otfcor dlr«> I ' / , '•/ vn„ ti'»nc,brinirinitnn Oo • » r T, te r.- 9of • assr* smsm ,V, • . ii . h' Hithrr *•»*. lonew* vitality . . * , i.. ,!i i.H- mmio-ilnroiHl iwuan*«n ( .1 i,..,. i»»r' ; i. i'oili!* u»«il\ofl»wh. brlum rofr«*h ¥ , ir-M v» h"uUh hi u\ !»r»ppiueiw to tbr ) -1.1.1 ?Wo irc«tiu*ut tu plntn MckafH bi I . J! 0 tK-r box; f«»r |S.OO. wltli r • t»Hu Writton Cuarar.ttoa w . Circulars free. Guarantw* 1 ! I ?ali bj Ui ; ; . W, L. DOUGLAS (SO CfcdA-'ila ISTMF. BEST. 0 vj \*S & -f.y l& FIT TOR A KINS. >o V li. CORD OVA. NT, I V?V ii fi!WtNAEW*MtUIDCALr. F T?4 *33P FINL CALPS>MCAMA V' 1 # ¥ *3.5P POUCE,3SOLES. &>' ""*■ ftr S"si"2- woikingm^'s \?i t*Cv I • cXTRA FINE* V S 2.*I.7?BQY3'SC!IIIK.SHOEI P V V -LADIES. 1 IG4>*GIK ' SEND TOR CATALOGUE: * ... »>KOCKTON.MAa3. Over One Million People wear tho W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoe;: are equally satisfactory They f;lve tho bent vnlt-e for the monev. The / ecu&l custom *h«>eo In style and fit. [• Ytinir v.carir • qualities ar;? unsurpassed. The pile2s cro iiHtorm,— stamped on sole. Front $i to #3l ' *varother makes. ii) our dealer c-i* lot you we can. Sold by Dealer. whose name will ill sdmrtly appear here. Agent wanted. Apply at once. MILUNBRY, ' JIIIS, L A". STANTON, : Dealer in SI lliiii-ry ami Fancy (ioixl» Embroideries, Laees, &c., j mill be p'cntetl to hive tiny who nccu 9 i i (uwl.s in her hue to call ami sec her stock. Orders by mail promptly at tended to. tiOit Alniii I root, Winxton, - - - IV. C, LL® ANSI EXTRACTS] upovmti't i (be formula of ♦ 1 i mi. wr-2. :la?JMON»,I 1 i •vbnruvorjj.; C. ♦ , j ■k'l# •- *?MJ. tr ie .«i" twA'.n, f«r dhi* ♦ w »■ ■ * .• • .»r» .> «t net v-.ns ♦ 4 F 4 f -wur. .h» «phi»J iwd, for A C- • «t lb* cord, i UCH.hi 'Ur-iuilk, J from tho hoo,ri. for dUoajoe 1 Y o» tn«« j J* T«vt i>K. froai tho VKtM, for dinoaoof T • ▼ * iAiro| Uy cf ta« orKauo, oter- ♦ I 5 '*»' V Cftrx*, rroat tho orarteo.fordiooaooo Z | Aoftk »-. uric X , + 2CI K i oic. j D«m», rivo Oroft. frire t 4ro«fcni . tt.M. J TM •• • k' .*m prodnoeS br s S I ■ ■ •'« i "■ «•' tiTtijiHiip nr.* aroolcration T X » 1 • • tit.lf of fullaom aud dia- T V ntlOU IN titO ' I M-nti'.o »f # V ti*or. u'n.srjr #>oreiiftii. uHimonutloii ♦ I ♦ of « xpttUUo of 'h» biaJilftr mid 4 ♦ p.'iikt.'.ltJc a-tma •? tUo into«Uu«a. inorwuM A A In v. •. siroufclft «ni •n iuranoo. In- 4 i cr ..Mirr .if r.»i«in in •l,>rly J X and npr»*iu« n 0«j pa v. or 1 f li«m b. al dnifff «u k; nat Roppllod t ' hUIi tb f:xtr!iru tf»ej* y ✓ wi'i .r.■ ' *' • •!»#' »im *;i C i.t .hi.. I:\i- übjeoi.on r»olpt of prlei, a ' tn« t>nn nnii wt« « r! NORFOLK f j *s??n "! WESTERS® j RABL3OAD. I TICKETS i OHIO, IWntflMA. CLL'HOiS WISCOVRJIM, KAHSAS, COLORADO, ARKANSAS, CALIFORNIA, TEXAS, :ii!ra,EE-ra,:csifl-M ! riHST CLASS, SECOND CLASS AND EMIGRANT TICKETS. j —THE BEST ROUTE TO THE NORTH AND EAST. PUILMaH VESTIBULE!) MARHHi SIEtPIVQ ANO 01NIKJ BIRg. SEE TICKETS HEAD OVER THE RAILROAD | CHEAPEST, BCST mo QUICKEST LINE. Descriptive ». « atvut. «HCN NULL, 1t.r.11H,, *«>r,rrV *ss£r,?- 1 i'* I 4 &} 'V I i M -,y ' Pflf | —aderlv MM A—N- J) Qoq& Cco&a Harness, Siid/cs, Bridles, Cv/turs, '•''hips, Leprotics, s-c. LA HA/:.SRSTOCK i/f unfi Hotel Jones 1 W inst(i'i) Salem N. (J. Eve ylhiiiti strictly comfvriabk, and all fie motlvrule convergences provided. Oflu't', 1/iiii.i,'Kooni, l'arlora, 11.ills, and i Chambers imaly ami Imudsonudy furnish- ' •ill, Well ventilated. and lighted. Table .supplied with the very best ihe market nffourds. litre (he tntciilifj I'ubUc t' til Jlud "Home t uiiifoi'hi.'' liuU k »i s*2 OO per diiy . llwttys anxious to plctse. • L. Jones, Proprietor. I Doors, @ash, BHiids, etc. We have now (in ished moving alt our machinery to our large new plant on railroad. We are mow better prepared than ever to furnish all kinndsofbuilding material. We have on hand a stock of lumber, shingles, laths, moulding, bra ckets, turned work mantles, lime, ce ment, plaster, hair &c • We are prepar ed to do atl fcind of shop or machiii worA* at short notic and at reduce pri ces. G'ive us a trial before buying else where. Yours Truly. Mil LER BROS., Winston, IV. C. pyo OTHER Sarsaparilla bos ft ■™ careful personal snpervision of th proprietor in all the details of its prept j culpa as has IfOOD'S Sanapariib 1 I ISAAC H. NELSOK. I Walnut Cove, Stokes County, N". 0. BANNEBV^ARfeHCUSB, g. > SMITH & BLICKBIRN, Proprietor, Beat Warehouse on the lies Market Jor ." , > , , ~. " 1 j, i ia . lir , r> _ (Hthe State of N c ri 1 aw friend, L H. KBLMKN. FOR HIGH PRICED tell Tour Tobacco M WX(>R PLEKt &Co lirop , s Wa J- »• J- CHUTE, Auctioneer. •- HI nw£f^~M . ~~, ew Foundry and Machine 1 at Walfiittl Cove,N.C. [aving our Shops equipped with the La test Improved Machinery and best Skilled-Workmen we are prepar ed to do all kinds of • : 11 E P A I II 0 i\ Us- On Engines, Hoilcrs, Saw Mills, Grist Jills, Horse Powers, &e., on short notice, ill Kinds of Casting made to order. A ill line of Grate liars, Plow Casting, &c., icpt in stocK. Casting fro.a 2to 3 cents er pound. Also Manufacturers of Circular Saw Mills, xtip and Cut-off Saws, Mandrels, .Mis! ■earing, Spindles, Pulleys, Shafting J Jangcrs, &c., all worK guaranteed to be irst-:'lass, ALL WE ASK is.a trial, and \> k e vill save jou money. .** w t Respectfully, MILLER & CooK, walnut co ye, a . c. '.J. BKOWN, \V. li. OAK I Ell! BROWN'S WAREKCUS:, WINSTON, - . N. C. For twenty-two years the leading house, and al ways making the high est yearly average for tobacco sold. ; Thanking onr friends and patron* tor their liberal patron nge in tliQ past, *v ask k contiuuauoe for the coming year, 1895. Wfcile it #i»e» u* j/leoHdru to «ny that onra was the leading hocsa in nuantit\ of tobacco sold last year, yet it i» a greater *atipf»«tion to know that tbc aTopgu price in oar house w»s also far ahead of iliic market. ■ A-kinir you »» remmuber us when marketing your toßaeun,\md pr»illising the highest market price*, v»e assuro you ihut a nordial welcome uwayg awaits \ou JJKOVVN & CAj TKH, v tVopriepra. far Tiwoaa or Hojj«!;okda, whelp neediug them. \ C. F ci,\ .JV. R R ConiDaa CONDENSED SCHKDULE. a EFFECT SKPTEMBKK .10, ,y*. 5 rW„»«_"Oi;N!» *•£ j." r«j«iifvi!!i!;** !«".!' :: I'* Climax.. it ls Ar Orcetiaboro* , j. •V o»M»w; • 7,!' alSi*?"' l '-.. " j\ :tts .. {>» W Hlnilt J ~ ] r !!' nSiX :: •' limn -iuriflji * , :a , Arlmmn .11; .. Ar • nvrttu Hon j .. I v Kiiv ttei 4 ,'u .. Ar m •• . /'NOKS „ .No. I. •>' ■>;, nclIM ' Dnllv .. : is*- V Hop* M'Hh ir P*yetu>viiio.,.W'.'. : . •* SOI'TII Itiinvn So. it. '• Avcttcvilie Datlv •v lioiitf Mi 11*.,.. * I 40 j» nt Kid >i»rln k 'j|,. *"**' -1 OA »• • M:t\toi\ A 4* •• D lioiinett«ril!>. *,][ - 1 ' 44 No. lfl. I'M HOI M, „ ***• i»- Dmlv i' vrept ituiiNviir SUIMIjiv '• * •«» 1 111 r J ri'«iiH»M»r«..,,.] K lo •' • Uiei ii«>M»r» * !' I'*• ** r K o» f M | :• 40 " I Muii.HOli I I (Ml •* N- 1.",. «"UTM i-UVSO. ~ ,' ; t h I' V I'. •• Mndlimn Swnlny, v Stokfrnlrtie. ,W! top hi r OrceimlHiro Ill""' ' •• " 1 iri'Dimhoro. • l ~» " i* *1 max HI i 1 •• rHaimwur . ..WW " XOUTII m.l-KO oo*x*. Tio\H. " ' o"7 ||., ! F«»-ltviltc ■"» Nor.., :ih>l K„ 1„" ' M 'lll Baafuril with Hi.-5,.-,1,- ™»n«« id South I M.I : 11,1 a r Lin*. North •uuon.l Knnvi.lo II 1 ' s V 1 Il " I """I. mnl ni ' 11 K- K. '.'i K ..v '! * ill M.i I „ v '■' 11 No. «• U. lor Uumno , . i " -« «*>♦• il W«.-i. " 11,1 I'" ni" .North ■»IT:I norxD coxsK-Ttoja. w...i • 1 tin- 1.. mi,i,„i ,v i, .j. 'I Noulll Moitiiil. hm| .|| x,, , s "- >'• '•"'I A r 11. ,)>> '».«»»• I h Il . 5,., li llii M » W.Vkv" «*"''»' r ' ' AI ' Ucn'i Mnnaifer. ./ ' - 'fill | J mm n ZP OK * r T H'S OF CONTRIBUTORS. •.John Han, |, i,. h , „ 1 Her. Holier! s. M tcAKTlieil. I». D Key. m.-i. 1,. Cuvlfr. II |>„ |, '■- 11. c. l.nrkW'iHid, 1». J)., u | i} ' j '' 'he 11 ho c nml oilier woM-known w r'.er* * • 1 i; iiui« N|ie. •»I »• i cWn» «i»r : »»i» i n I MHO ew York Weekly Witness • •!£ tin* \\»:ih'«»h one o*' hie «tri» i-iM ami fi| i m'lv nownpnpc pill* 1 ,«!ie»l. 'tu* Wil'h-** 'm ju»t »ne paper i»ir Parmer. I "mi"*' Wives, K.i un«r-* Sim*. Kifnu"-' iitfttltfr*. connlrr vnori'lianiM, co.« i■ v »•:«»»•#•- j black•«ni.ib*, rurpenlem. xUiue in i ii'l other l.iliorerx. wli.t lorra tin- hn j nut'cotinttv ami who want (o hi: tlioruii ,t •lc»l ii wlmt >;oinjr on in the \\t> ' ' I lie Witne»M in a weekly paper *ii .*h i-* I ilh'jrli win 1 print p'r*. I' lim •• , ok'vrermon l»r |)r. Ta'tnauc. n \\»m v ! •Hla|i Sibool ie.«ion by Dr. IVv . Hn t.i | ' i liotno newc itie latest to e . i iif\v», in* 'a t pu> i ca' ticwn, rel'alile market • •> ■e i|iiotal o i'ann product •; >,!.■ %••! ■ jnil pd' . ci* HK'MI I anil in • . .• •• M"eaai «• »e lu'»t «'«lhi.» a • i >. •« . ! •I u tl.i v a'ni wce« v paoe • u"» '■ • t»• i* ii aid k » « • »•••• . fi.. |i . , . •». >o .ie liume ' e o .ie *ue «.» i pe«. •.anlo ie - .'ioiikiuhaNle .ne e"n *4 . in.• ; 4 or iue/oU'u peop c; « • t- e u it i"ile' unm ii u ili -* i ' (••»» | •pa •• tint yoa cua *. e 11 .i? n.ii vo l- | •i'i' it •' i»e :»*i e«Ju» i.«» - i i ie l»e« PRICE $1 AYE A.R. | •ecul «o MUbaciiberit u! 11«> I»ti'Drt I'KR. II II #lt'P l'» 'a • I '> • i'i » ill 1 9illi> ii f ' WO l#»Vi* lU.I' t? .11l . I•••II ' I \.'| j t.» . ii w • • wo ii• •i t #ii j 4 • t• ' a »»i Khi'tlK i'L'.l .\ s .) I'Ub 1 ' a year roit *I.-M Tl. • • : r»», .« oil 1 fi lf > . iow, is o"'v i on s mo.eliiaii 'n» e.a'j » i* (»•' . j '..'Ui :KU *NI> I'i/M. i •«. ot»U iioi 'at i» «lt!»i •• I'pt 'Uit wo .« i p.«»r a vc. \ X I ■ 4Si! • • til nil 11 •• \ • I) :»•#• opv III' .l» \N M • W»[! 1 tit I oil KM pi 111 l* by » ' nl. FAC'rsr POSITIONS GUAUANIE2D, itlor renxtiixli r •nil>tioi>*. Do n».i iitn ii ne tl it ii»i » • >i'mi| u#r •• ip' i mi o ' itul t.Mif-tHi.\ I li it ION'S l» u A «' r L t * . I'SfN •» >I '« > h a '1 Si "I U'' O S'lil . •.nil. Tvpewr...,t; anil Teieei;w!i, N.ts'l . I.I.!--. I i NN. Km it WhEKS by Draiiu'lu • ti- *>* tin'iniHl o " t.-h t.abook-keep.i.ji i«e«|uji lo IJ Wlir.KS i#y • I in- iJomI. it enpeinU more money In the l'ite o«t of mp'ox me#*t Dej# irtinent t'i .n lit . inelm- ie«»t 'j'-.-ue* II tbt« Ninth I'll e >n it* t.i . t»n • iaif*n It ii i»vrio»i»l i"i I sifl bt* |l iui ). I- iiuii*Hnl pri* 11«" i' bo ■ M't'i'r » it * i n,i • e U't t«*| State«. Ite i-.oi • !»'«■ ».»•* nt u# i ,m. neapb.ia «i. Open I » bti-li ne i*. .no SIUIIimi. ari vt'n . repre . at• s inU'*kiiU Terrttuitonn t hits nl mi pre pa til (mo** ti#r HOWIE STUDY, j t*t on rto davit tt :il. When vou write expl ii'i voor w .-iiit. ' Aibln .1. I*'. DM M iu.h n •itiHT. N i«uvi: LK. T tt*. N.II. ii i-.iv •t«h. *3. I'itr v nf iQt e« a« bi.oV •» eepe-n, mmo " ui'ier*, lemcliera etc. rejioiuil, prumSwl u nila h Ml". 131 iu&Z , \ »VV " J uvnnunuDiii CURB A K. * :uii Omnpletc. TiwUawtt, eon»i»Mn : o 1 •'I 3?081Tu;ilE». Jt>xecof O'niTHKit. A novnr-4*lli»uf Uur« Stir Pt'.«« • * re c.utl d**r*»c. It r *hf>* an or*jriiii' ;i i;hth - Yi#«io ot inJ«xn'.maof tuirbollo aoiH, which t it t»r|aCuS pj. I nolduiit a purmoueutunre,ami oftcb re-miting In «»eaih, uonccesaory. Why endure >l* Uieoneo? W« Kuiraneoe uoxe* to cur* a>iy oaa«. *»« vnly j» »y fai • »tt il'n rif»tTiwl. II u l»o«. l Air SO. Scat by mall, ti laraow.■?« lnvtMd by mir a-r^iil^. CONSTIPATION neat Liver Palleli tho Rio,. rjVJTRand BTOMACIIKIXiULATOK auj |ll.« - . . t' 4. if I li. 1. M until, mild and T te.h'*, vtcia'Jjr adu;it-Hl for children'* UMb 6UI XjU . ... ov . ItA2*TEES Uftuod only by ?f;ld aud OuntuDte s Usuod Only! by Rijbardson tV Furrit*, Wlifiiunale and Retail Druffi»i*tj«, Grocns l)oio, N. C. iLeafc Trait-mate, Oetfn P^fc-u* •" *"* c.w, daMl4^ •noD.-iR.iTr PSEa. •n».ru»tfc» HUVTic ... ~ Jta Aidrr*.i * l ™* pars? cLAjwe co., «oONft WECODCRBUHii * , Rao* «s. n^Da ' f„ r11 .,, ..~ .nj; Okvir lu'wrjyn .. . •■>' 1 laceiupatt.ii IV : ,. . " . l-.-.lltmf.lil, L'l.TI,. r Ml*r t' hi ;l. 0 l«di li „. lIK . »>'? v- ?>*? " * ' ; >. • • : i'-. sp »" . .• •'■ v • >• \ > ,v . '/ ' * r . \«0 •»o«f •?4*. •V, JT.I • i lid u _ «\*y ZuJLITTD SJIZt-a" !!y vir'i"' « f m, rxo, in , imi.m hv . / l.'ik .if tli,. >" 'i , , ' n, ' , tsiuk,.. cn i> i) ~i ~..,. ~f !«»••• •** nr. in i'..v t "f'l! i? '••Il - ll mill ;i illlisl . J„| R /"•»' •■>•... ,i ,||, . , 111.,,,? ' f", r 111 rt't' nil . I "illi SU: mill II I riiLrv,, ~ i|, f, >•'' ' IM ipo* i • mlc «irauli ~i i|,.' *"• ">!• in in.- •„»„ , i,„ i„„, , unity, on 1 ' ,s t"K*»» Mj >N "A V, April |, |s».-, 1 O I-IOPIC, |J. in.. i,|„. v,,,;,!! , _ U'""Ill'. iiu> I.UHU . I | . , r '? "• "lon a,,. w ' V ■in«ti... I»i, i i .vv: ;, v r ,i K'VV- ' h..un V.* . 1 Ins p»»h !ii, j.s;^ JOKL ii. Pl/fiTOJf, Sheriff. I jSI si 1 Sji ),, • ' • iMii'ilv, n-urn,,1,1,, ui.spii,,. l" 1 '- u III!.,I,I ~,,,1 i. ,s- Sl ,, K : II oxpgce to Mli' hi uililio »•, •! . ci , -"i. i„.... " '.J,,. { Uaillxil \ % in Siokfs cm miv . io • y ( ; N ', ia v a I ,; " '• I sll ' •. ;s;: '""•I-I-.-.A:;,;; l »l No. H—Contain;.,,. ,» S anil asM K .„ ,| v;- nny lot So. -I _„.|..,i„ g Ki »/., A„ s 1.55 i,!,.,! K >m -ot , fH.t .inj.,., , , "JR. JliATi I 1 7:W i,,i|i!. iin- ~r w l.i-|.. i .il.l >; > i. r M ' 3 l . ' , • I, M H :■ ci t'iiiii>K "I'fsa* > ol i If;.\ i .• «-nf rof *!»«• lim i i mI .nil* • (' M 1 i II all •!«* i'iM* . i • Vi . • » l ll iV"» ' I ( «: % ' l>. I I 1 I .!» • ; •j, .lie u i • i • !•••- i' J In* ».*» '» ;»\ of Mi J" •' Ms . . •• H*.u!inl i i lu • -t -iv. • |ti»i i-« »•( ■ «-l tit h.i il i!•a>■ i» . ii«"l lo a»' iiifin••' ••• |».»y ... T • i-h» . n'l. IMI4. I. i.. M \i K\n.n»» *. (MM •t» t V v 'Winston. IT. Q. V V S .1. II .)• lI.M M|«OVl -.•••! (W. "»l IIA lil '.l I'll 'l • M.tit . r.. win* •• >l»i % i H "ii : * i.• «vclill.; in I* il I' lin.l I l» ' In., 11l at a . . .. Imu. ... Ui .iuh ' i « • • I ' !•••» imi •' • • • v w i! •• « |i. i|n . ■\lv.' III'. I.v s ..pp •!;. VV'I • ih ll' in' .nil. lilt* il i .IV 11nu»,.. , £****s*? ***■&•+ | Docs This ! Hit You? | J The management of the | [ f Equitable Life Assurance ;; Society in the Depurtmant of J J * the Carolinas, wishes to se- ] J ♦ cure a few Special Resident | J . , ! Agents. Those who are fitted J[ for this work will find this J ; A Rar-e Opportunity j i It is work, however, and those \ \ who succeed f>est in it possess ' [ character, mature judgment, ] | fcict, perseverance, and the \ ! respect if their community. J ; Think tliic matter over care- J [ fully. There's an unusual J [ opening for somebody. If it J ! fits you, it will pay you. Fur ther information on request. \ I i W. J. Roddey, Maaager, i ! | Rock Hill, S. C. ! j

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