LOCAL BRIEFS. Easter. April 3. Wheat looks common. Monday was Washington's birth day. Mr. N. A. Marti" visited Wins ton this week. ■ Mr. J. Spot Taylor returned yes terday from Winston. Young, of Mead ows. was here Monday. Mr. C. W. Sisk. of Hartman, vi Dan bury Monday after- Mr. •!.. Redding, of Quaker, spent a few liours in town Satur —day. Mr. Robt. F. Shelton, of Vade Mecum, was a visitor in town Thursday. Mr. W. H. Lackey, a prosperous saw mill man of Hartman, was in town Monday. Old citizens pronounce the win ter from which we are emerging an old time rough one. Sheriff Joyce begins his last round for the 19055 taxes at Law sonville next Monday. j Mr. J. Spot Taylor sent eleven wagons of tolwiceo to the Winston market Tuesday. There is but little change in the condition of Mrs. A. J. Tilley, of Kiko. who has been ill some days. Mr. G. A. Carroll, of Winston, was in town Monday and dropped in on the Reporter for a few mo ments. Charley Manring. a half-witted boy, son of Regina Manring, was taken to the county poor house last week. Messrs. James Rierson and Thos. Tilley, of Elko, were in town Tuesday, and paid the Reporter a pleasant visit. Mr. Roy King, who holds a position with the Viginia Bridge and Iron Co., of Roanoke, spent a few day of last week at his home here. A child of Mr. Cornelius Tilley, of Dellar, died n few days since" with scarlet fever. It is learned that this disease is also prevalent in the family of Mr. Josh Lawson, of Dellar. Mr. Jarvis Smith spent Saturday and Sunday at his home at Fran cisco. He tells us that the wheat crop in the northern sections of the county is very sorry. The Reporter is informed that a personal encouuter took place at Mountain View between Messrs. Morefield and Fount Lewis, in wtrchi*}w was quite severely u^d. Major W. S. Ray was in town Tuesday selling jewel p y in the of hearts filled with sv eet smelling stuff, which bears out our theory that hearts are still trumps with the Major. j Uncle Sam Westmoreland was in town Tuesday. He told us that he had been traveling the road "between his house and Danbury for f>o years and that it was in the worst condition Tuesday he had ever seen it. Rev. C. Miller and family, late of Danbury, but more recently of i»f Soddy, Tenn., have removed to Dallas, Gaston county, Rev. Mr. Miller having accepted a call to the Presbyterian Church at that place. It is learned that the of the minister's family was not good at H xldy, which induced him to leave. J Mr. J. J, Priddy, of Muff, was here Monday. Mr. Priddy has l>een a reader of the Reporter since its first issue. January 25, 1872. He saw the first copy printed, which was done by Printer Thompson in the room in the court house now occupied by the Clerk of the court. The event occasioned a good deal of excite ment, and a considerable crowd was presetit. The impression was inttde by pressing the foot on a press something like a cider mill Or tobacco press. STOKES GETS STATE AID. All School Districts With Sixty-Five Or More Pupils Will Have Four Months School. Supt. of Schools J. T. Smith has just received notice from the State | Superintendent of Public Instruc-' tion that the entire amount asked i for by the Stokes Board of Edu cation to bring up all the schools to i a four months term has been allow ed and will be forwarded at an l early date. Supt. Smith informs the Repor ter that with this aid all the dis- 1 tricts of the county with sixty-five! pupils will have four months school. Sheriff Joyce Acquitted. Sheriff R. P. Joyce attended I Federal court at Greensboro last | week, accompanied by Attorney N. O. Petree, having been sum moned to appear before Judge Boyd to 6how cause why he j should not be attached for con tempt. He was charged with selling property (through his dep uty, S. P. Christian) in the hands I of a trustee of the Pilot Mountain Furniture Company, for State and ■ county taxes. Sheriff Joyce was 1 acquitted, purging himself by I showing that he had no intention ! of interfering with the Federal court jurisdiction, and the prop- j erty sold by him was turned over again to the trustee in bank ruptcy. New Subscribers. The Reporter has the pleasure of adding the names of !5t3 gentle men and ladies to its subscription books since the last issue. S.E.Smith, J. F, Allen, Joe Lawson, J. W. Boles, J. S. Slate, C. R. Allen, W. T. Redman, R. J. Petree, J. W. Neal, J. W. Bow man, 1). Kiser, J. W. Bowman, C. M. Bowman, A. M, Hampton, S, C. Hampton, S. G. Hampton. W. T. Morefield. J. 11. Throckmor ton, T. G. Shelton, J. T. Kallam. H.H.Taylor, W. E. Nichelson, R. S. Campbell, Miss Nannie Tut. tie. W. M. Collins, M A Shepherd, Miss Savannah Beasley, W. A. Sheppard, John M. Tuttle, Jas. H, Baker, Miss Mary L. Tatura, Mrs, Nannie Berry J, Wesley Morefield, W, R. Smith, J. T.Stewart, He Keeps Them In. Prof. J. T. Smith, our efficient teacher, is evidently making for himself quite a reputation among his pupils for keeping them in after regular school hours, as a punishment for whispering. One of his little pupils gets off the fol lowing on him: Little Girl—Mania, Mr. Smith kept nearly all of them in at school again this evening. Mama—How did it happen that you got out. daughter. Little Girl—He asked me if J fyad been whispering and I told I hadn't, Mama—You must tell the truth. I had rather he would keep you in all night than for you to tell a story. Little Girl—Well, mama, if you told him you had been whispering you would certainly have to stay in all night. Married In the Road. ¥ Miss Mentoria Stewart., of Dan bury, and Mr. Thos. Lawson, of Meadows, were united in marriage Monday afternoon about 5 o'clock. The ceremony took place in the public road near Danbury, and was performed by Justice Will Young, of Meadows. TUTTLE. Tuttle, Feb. 22. Miss Miiu»ie Rothrock, from Winston, is visiting her brother, J. W. Rothrock. Messrs. D. B. Tuttle, H. G. Tuttle and R. W. Tuttle, from this place, went to Germanton to the sale Saturday. Mr. H. G. Tuttle purchased a fine horse last week frotu Mr. Luther Turtle, We are expecting a R. F. D. mail route to start from Walnut Cove soon. " FRIEND. -• SLOW PREPARATION FOR TOBACCO. Very Few Farmers Have Burned Plant Land—Mr. Deaton and Fam ily Leave-Other Notes From Capella. By Wire to The Reporter, Capella. N. C M Feb. 24—Farm ers in this section are making very little preparation so far for another crop of tobacco. Very few of them have bnrned any plant land. The continued freezes have kept wheat back a,good deal but it is Coming out some the past few ! days- Mr. J. M. Deaton aud*family left yesterday for their future home in Randolph county. Mr. R. B. Tuttle is moving to j Capella this week and will open a general store here in a few days. Mr. Thomas Darnell and wife will probably move to Spray in a i short time. Mr. F. A. Slats visited Rural Hall yesterday. Mr. Wm. G. Slate recently sold 1921 pounds of tobacco for $198.68. Local Briefs. Dr. W. V. McCanless is slightly | ill, we regret to note. Mr. A. Lewis, of Wilson's Store, ; was in town yesterday. Mr. A. D. Dodd. of Dodcl. was | here yesterday. Mr. Wilkes Dodd, of Francisco, 1 who has been an invalid, is im proving. Mr. James Dodd, of Wilming | ton, brother of A, 1), and Wilkes ! Dodd, of Dodd, is ill with small- S pox. A large number of lettersir-some ,of them good ones—are consigned to the waste basket this week. Same old reason—unaccompanied by the real names of the writers. Mrs. Dr. WalterNeal. of Mead ows. whose serious illness with appendicitis was noted in our last issue, is improving, No operation I was performed, ! i Mr. W. I*. Lawson, of Hard Bank, was in town Tuesday. Mr. Lawson recently returned from the tobacco market where he averaged between 9 aud 10 cents. He tells us the fanners of his neighborhood are making but small preparations j for another crop of tobacco. We are glad to see from the ad Jof Messrs. M. W. Norfieet & Co., ! proprietors of the old reliable I Piedmont Warehouse, that to bacco is selling better than it has at any time this year. Any ad vance in the price of leaf is cer tainly good news for the farmer as well as for everyone else in our county. You will make no mis take by letting Jim Scales and the Norfieet boys sell your tobacco. Try them with your next load. In Memory Of Dr. Frank Pringle. Elko, Feb. 19th. I attempt to write in remem brance and respect a short notice of one of Stokes county's oldest and best physicians, old Dr. Frank Pringle, whose spirit passed from its mortal clay about 9 P. M. Feb. 15,1904. He was for more than eight years a sufferer of par alysis but got better and would walk with crutches, would visit the neighbors by being carried on a buggy. Until about two years previous to his death he was con fined to his room and bed most all of the time. He was taken worse than usual with pneumonia on Thursday and lived only six days. He was a member of the Primitive Baptist church at Snow Creek and was baptized by Elder P. K. Roberts. He never said anything specially about dying only he would tell tl»em he could not live like he was, lie could not be with them long.-He was in his right mind to the last and quietly breath ed his last. Ho leaves one sister, relatives and friends to mourn his death. He was laid to rest in the family burying ground near his home the 18th to sleep with loved ones gone before until the resurrec tion day. H« was in his 72d yy Blessed are the dead which dH tht Lord. We gain at least we fjfl He was a kind fl and I think has S any man that if any at all. ANOTHER VICTIM FOR PNEUMONIA. ■ Death Of John Wesley Wall. Of Ale. Buried at Chestnut Grove. / Mr. John Wesley Wall, a prom inent and highly respected citizen of Ale, died at his hotne Sunday night. Mr. Wall had been sick more or less for two years, and a few days ago was attacked by pneumonia, which produced heart failure. The deceased was 70 years of age, and was well known here and in other sections of the county. He was never married and is sur vived by two sisters—Mrs. W. G. Slate and Miss Nancy Wall. The interment was made at Chestnut Grove Tuesday, attended by a large concourse of friends and relatives. ~TUTTLE. Tuttle, Feb. 2«>. We are sorry to learn that Mr. James M. Tilley is very ill, but hope will soon recover. The infant child of Mr. E. R. Rothrock is quite ill. but think it will soon be better. Miss Gertrude Wall, of Mead ows. is visiting her sigter Mrs. E. A. Rothrock, this week. Glad to have her with us. Miss Mollie Young, of Kerners villc, is visiting friends and rela tives of this neigborhood. Mr. and Mrs. J_, M, Rothrock are visiting over at Dillard this week. 'Misses Adelia, Clam la and Nadie Tuttle visited Mr. E. R. Yoss on last Saturday evening intending to attend a candy stew at Mr. Will Tlittle's, but we are sorry they got disappointed. Girls, we sympathize with you. We are sorry to learn that a young lady got badly disappointed on last Sunday night on account of bad weather, I suppose. Girl,-you know its leap year. 1 Mr. J, E. Wall, of German ton, and Mr, J. W. Wall, of Meadows, spent Sunday night at Mr. J. M. Rothrock's. Wonder what was the attraction. I am sorry that a certain young man got so excited Sunday night when bed time was called he for got his over shoes and 'twas awful rough you know. Mr, Arthur Tuttle starts for Winston this morning with a load of tobacco. Hope he'll have suc cess and not get stuck up in the mud. What has become of the Wild Boy, wonder why he don't come again, but hope he is tame by now. Hurrah for S. S. Teacher and B. Come again. "SCAT." VAOE MECUM7 Vade Mecuin, Feb. 14, We are sorry to learn that Miss Rosie Gunter will leave for West Virginia tomorrow, Mr. R. M. B. looked sad at Sunday School to-day. Cheer up, Mr. B„ Mi"* Rosie will oome back some time. Mr. Emmet Simmons has had a severe attack of the mumps, but T reckon he will get better now. as his liest girl went to see him today. Last Sunday was a cold day but we had 34 scholars at our Sunday School. We are glad that the young people of this neighbor hood prefer Sunday School to dancing. BABY BOY. CASES, Cases. Feb. 22. Miss Susie Dalton's school will close the 2nd of March. I guess Miss Susie will be glad as the weather is so bad, Mrs, Ruth Dalton and Miss Sal lie Halton spent last Tuosd .y night at Mr. Willie Johnson's. Air. Joseph Joyce is stepping around mighty light this week. It's a girl. Mr. Joseph Joyce, Natl; an I Highfill and Miss Martha Rchar.l - son spent Sunday evening at Miss ' Tj;„v.„»,i 3o n'B, making a HIOW aunity. L.E BARTTY. Ko Cure a Cold in One Day in Two Day*. J e Bromo Quinine Tablets. o»ev«y| ynpa«tumonth*. This t GERMANTON. Germanton, Feb. 22. The R. F. D, mail carriers ob served Washington's birthday by staying at home. Several out of town people were in our village last Saturday. Mr. L. M. McKenzie's auction sale was the cause. Mr. McKenzie says that he did not get half through.and expects to sell again next Saturday. Among those present at the sale we noted Sheriff Joyce, of Dan bury, Mr. Young, of Danbury, Mr. Tlios. Graham and son, Winston, Will Boles and Mr. Rierson, of Walnut Cove. Mr. Samuel, of Mt. Airy, spent a short time visiting "friends" at this place recently. We regret to learn of the loss of twenty dollars by Mr. Alex. Bow man, while in town Saturday. We hope that some one has been lucky enough to find same, and that it will be returned to Mr. Bowman. Saturday at the home of Mr. J. W. Kurfees a birthday dinner was spread to the honor of Master Clifton Kurfees, and Miss Florence Rierson. Several friends were present and an enjoyable occasion was the result. Miss Ella Crews returned to the Normal College at Greensboro to day. Those obtaining a place on the Roll of Honor for Germanton High School for the month of January were Mattie and Beulah Tuttle. Mr. Elbert Pike has returned from Winston and accepted a position in the store of L. M. McKenzie. __ X. MAYODAN. Mayodan, Feb. 20. Mr. Jim Walters died last Tues day morning at 2 o'clock. He was buried at 3 P. M. at Mayodan. Trade is good here. M. LAST CALL Pay Your Taxes ! I will meat the Ux payers of Stokes county, for the purpose of collecting the taxes for the year 190!), at the following times and places, to-wit. Lawsonville, Momlav, Feb. 29th. 1004. 1,. J. Lackey's, Tues. March, Ist, " .1. E. Shelton's, Weil. " 2nd, " Dillard, Tlmrs. " 3rd, " Pine llali, Fri. " 4th, " \\ alnut Cove, Sat. " sth, " 7)anlmry. Mon. " 7th, •« ll'ilson's .store, '/' lies. " Bth, " Capelhi, Wed. '• Oth, " Piunacl , 7'liuis. " 10th, " King, Fri. " 11th, " Germanton, Sat. «« 12th, " Francisco, .Von. " 14th, " W. L. .Smith's, 7'ues. " loth, '• J. 11. ll'rights, Wed " 16th, " 11. Yenabfe's, 'flairs. " l"t i," Vade Mecnnt, Fri. " 18th, " The attention of the tax payers is hereby called to a part of Sec. 4,0f Article ti, of the Constitution of North Carolina, which reads as follows, to-wit. "And before he shall be entitled to vole lie .shall have paid on or before the firsf day of May in the year in which he proposes to vole his poll tax for the previous year, as prescribed by Article 6, Sec. I of the Constitution." So if you desire the privilege of votlug in ; the next general election you must pay your taxes as above prescribed on or before „Vay 1, 1004. .U it is of much importance to tlie lax payers to comply with the above .Set)on of the Const tution, you will please I settle your taxes promptly and save your votes. Don't wait until .Way Ist, 1004 but pay now for something may happen that you do not now foresee that might prevent you from being able to piy thein then and cause you to be disfranchised under the constitutional Amendment. This Feb. Otli 1004. • Respectfully. 11. P. JOYCE, Sheriff, .vorici:. Hat ins duly |iialilied as executor of the last will and testament of Dr. Frank l'ringle, deceased, notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to said estate to maKo immediate payment and settlement; and all persons holding claims against said estate an 1 hereby notified to present them to me, dulv authenticated for payment, on or before the 28tli day of Feb. 1005, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re | eovery. This the 2;lrd day of Feb. HXH. TWOS. W. TILLEY, Executor of Dr. Frank l'ringle, dee'd. Elko P. 0., Stokes Co., N. C. | N'. O. Pctree, Att'y for Executor. MOTIVE. Having duly qualified as administrator of , the estate of 'jThouias J. Boaze Sr., Dec'd., J notice is hereby given to all persons hold- I ing claims against said estate to present (them tome duly authenticated for payment, m or by the 23th day of January 1003, or this notice will be pleaded in liar of their recovery. And all persons indebted to said estato are hereby notified to make immedi ate payment and settlement. This the 18th day of January 1004. W. J.'SIMMONS, Adiu'r. of Thos. J. lioaze, Sr. I)ecV.. Pilot Mt. Host otli e, N. C. N, O. 1\ l rw, Atty for Adm'r. JVOTICE. State of North Oar. | In the Superior court. Stokes county. | Summons for Relief—Before the Clerk. John Neal and J. M. Neal, Against Dr. J Wm JVe.al, Dr. J Walter Neal, Joe W Neal, Sarah Tattle and her husband J W 7'uttle, Roxanna 'futile, Ada Fa 1 ton and her husband ,/ames M Kulton, Will Neal, James Bennett, Malissa Fagg and her husband Charlie Fag?, Cletnmie Fagg and lier husband llobert Fagg, JVancy J Bullen and her husband Jfartiu Bullen, Henderson Bullen, .Monroe Bullen, Sarah Mabe, ./ B Glidewell, S Robert Glide well, Piuk Ulidewell, Connie Glidewell; Chela DeWltt, J/argaret James, .Vary Glidewell, Kiddie Glidewell, .Minerva Glidewell and lier husband Zack Glidewell. State of North Carolina, To the Sheriff of Stokes Co. —Greeting : Yo i are commanded to summon the the defendants above named if they be found within your county, 10 appear at the office of the Clerk Superior court, for the county «f Stokes on the 2nd day of April, 1904 anil answer the complaint, a cop/ of which will be deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said coun ty within ten days from the date of this summons, aud let the defendants take notice that if they fail to answer the said om plaint at that time, the plaintiffs will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Hereof fail not and of this summons make due return. (iiveil under my hand, this 10th day of February, 1904. M. T. CHILTON. C.S. C. Stokes Co. State of North Car. I In Superior Court, Stokes county. | Before the Clerk. John .Veal and J M Neal, Against Order. Dr J Win Neal, Will Neal, liobl. Glidewell, Cheta DeWitt et al. Iu the above entitled action it appearing to the court upon affidavit filed that Will Neal and Robert Glidewell are non-resi - dents of the State of North Carolina and cannot after due diligence be found therein and cannot be personally served with pro cess and are necessary parties to this action, the same being an action for the sale of the lands of J. Gideon Neal for partition. It is therefore ordered' by the court thai publication of summons be made for four successive weeks in the Danbury Reporter, a newspaper published in Stoke# county, notifying the said Will Neal and Robert (Hidewell to appear at the office of the clerk of the Superior court for Stokes coun ty in Danbury on the 2nd dav of April. 1904, aud answer ot demur |to the petition and let the said Will Neal and Robert Glidewell take notice that if they fail to ap pear and answer or demur to said petition on or by the said 2nd day ot April, 1904, the relief demanded in the petition will b>- granted. This Feb. 10th, 1904. M. T. CHILTON. Clerk Superior Court. J. D.Humphreys, Att'y forf'l'ff. LAND SALE. By virtue of a decree of court entered on tlie Oth day of I>ec. 1903, in case of J. 1\ Covington, administrator of P. 0. Wilkes, against Elun .1. Wilkes (widow), and I.ilia 11. Wilkes, Lula J. Wilkes, and others, heirs at law, I will sell at public auction, at the late residence of P. ( Wilkes, dee'd, in Quaker Cup township, Stoke county, on Saturday, March 12th, 19M, at 11 o'clock, a. n>., 104 acres of land, it being i part of the Josiali Wilkes tract. 701-2 acre~ were sold on Jan. 23, I'JO4. Said land lies in Quaker Gap township, on the waters or North Double creek and adjoins tin: lands of Powell Smith and others. Terms—One-half cash and the other half due 23rd of Jan. 1905, with interest from day of sale, liontl required for deferred payment. This the 7tli (lay of February, lf)04. J. P. COVINGTON, W. W. King, atty. | Administrator. NOTICE. Having duly qualified as executor of the last will and testament of William New ■iom, dee'd, do hereby give notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make im mediate payment to me. Also all person* holding claims against the estate to present them to me properly authenticated for pay. ment on or before the 18th day of Feb.. 190."), or this noilc6 will be pleaded in bar of their tecovery. .1. E. NEWSOJW, Fxeeutor of Wm. Newsom, dee'd. N . O. 7'etree, atty. for Fx. Executors' Notice. Having this day duly qualified as executors ot the last will and testament of John H. Carroll, deceased, all persons owing said estate mv hereby notified to como forward and make iin mediate settlement of the satne, and all persons holding claims against said estate are herebv notified to present them to us duly authenticated for payment on or before the loth day of Feb uarv, 1905, or this notice will be pleaded in bsi of their recovery. This Jan. XOth. IfiVl WM. 11. CARROLL. 11. W. CAIROI.L, T. CAHHOt.r,, , J. 1). Humphreys.'. Kxecntors- Att'y. ; NOTICE. 1 Having duly qualified as administrator of the estate of Louis Chandler, col., dee'd. notice is hereby given to all persons in debteJ to said estate to make immediate payment and settlement, and all persons holding claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them to me duly authenticated for payment, on or before the 15th day of January, 11105, or this no lice will bo pleaded in baroftheir recovery. This the 12th day of Jan. 1904. JOHN T. HICKS, adrn'r. of Louis Chandler, Dee'd. Meadows, P. 0., Stokes Co. N. ' N. O. Petree. Atty for adrn'r. COUCHSAREDANCER I Signals, Stop Them With Dr. King's New Discovery „ /TONSUMPTION p . For L(OLDS HS ,n4 60c & SI.OO THE CURE THAT'S SURE for all Disea sea of Throat and Lungs or Money Back. FREE TRIAL.