TUTTLE. Tuttle, Feb. 29. Mr. Editor : Please allow me a little space for which I want to heartily thank you for the past favors you have extended towards us. I want to say a few words in regard to your paper, which is so much enjoyed. It contains the most interesting "items" of any paper I know of. Some of the letters are so consol ing to one's feelings especially those that condemn all the evil of the surrounding neighborhood. Will say to S. S. Teacher and "B." that their letters are Biich inspir ing ones they put the people to their studies and truly I think it is high time. We certainly do en* j joy reading their good advice. Hop* they will continue with their letters. We are sorry to state that Mr. J. W. Taylor was takeu very sud denly on last Saturday with pneu monia. Mr. James M. Tilley is much better, we are glad to know. The little son of Thos. Warren is very low with pneumonia. We had another little snow on la»t Friday. Wonder if Mr. J. W. R. went rabbit hunting again ? If so, I hope he didn't fall down this time. Mr. A. T. Rothrock, of Walnut Cove, visited his father, Mr. J. M. Rothrock. on last Sunday, Guess he saw Miss G. Miss Gertrude Wall, who has Ijeen visiting at this place, return ed home Sunday. "Farewell Miss G. we miss you very much." Miss A. looked very sad last Sunday. Guess on account of her best fellow not coming. Ha! "Why, its leap year." The sohc*>l of this place will be out on Thursday March 3rd. Guess Mr. Bondurant won't be very sorry as the weather is so rough. It certainly is a pity that Mr. "Rex," of King, and J., of Walnut Cove, have got up such an argu ment about which town contains the most pretty girls. Now, boys I would not get too mad aljout that. Guess both towns are satis fied. And in reply to the "Grandson" of last week's issue he stated what for a woman to learn, so as to make a good true wife. It's true all his rules should be observed, but I don't think it would hurt the man to help in so doing. I do wonder if he ever thought what kind of a mail is required to make a woman a true husband. "SCAT." For Governor and Representative. Mr. Editor : I notice a number of the papers of the State making various re commendations of various men for governor and representatives by both parties. The names recom mended by Democrats are all good men, and I would not try to de tract from anyone of them any merit they deserve, but I have always noticed that men have a right of preference, and ought to be able to give a reason for such preference. I will say in the first place that it is noticeable, that when any northern State gets a good man in congress they keep him, sometimes for 10. 20 or even 30 pears, and I think they are right in so doing. Now, I would make the asser tion, that we have a representa tive from the sth congressional district, one of the ablest, men in the State, viz W. W. Kitchin, he has proved himself to be faithful, able and efficient, you know where to find him. and is ever at his post of duty. With him in oongress, and that hightoned, intelligent and Christian gentlemam and states man, Robert B. Glenn in the governor's chair, we could claim to have cause to 1« proud of the st,h district, and of our grand old State. Then let the people of old Stokes put 011 the war paint, roll up their sleeves and roll up a big majority next fall for W. W, Kit chin and R. B. Glenn. X. T. V LOOMIS. Loomis, March 1. Mr. Editor : As there is a general tiring along the line I thought i would let otf a pop gun from Loomis on the Dan. Now. lam not going to try to compete with these rapid fire guns that have been carrying 011 such a war for some time, with chain shot and broad axes, for fear I might get mv pop gun spiked, I will not discuss the dance and other pastimes, but as we live in a great country where you can say what you please unless you please to say something bad. So we have free syeech, the freedom of the press, and a right to serve God under your own vine and fig tree, and according to the dictates of your own conscience. Well, we are having more snow this morning, hope it will be the means of increasing our share of biscuit later 011. The farmers in this part of the plantation are rather late burning plant beds. Wonder if the A. T. Co., has sent them word to hold up ? They could do that as well as the other. Mr. Editor, don't you think that we are in rather a bad predicament when the majority of the people in this great big country of ours are led by the nose as we are, by just a handfull of money lords ? Well the Bible says blessed are the pure in heart for they shall inherit the earth. But I have never found the American Tobac co Company. J. D. Rockefeller or J. P. Morgan's name in all my limited acquaintance with the good book, but you know some times things are understood, so it might have meant them. Mr. Editor, I reckon you have forgotten our old quondam friend old Pros. Well he, ground hog like, has gone in his hole, but not for the same reason T don't think, because he would not make a shadow just at present. Well if our powder does not get wet you may hear from us again. Yours truly, SAM SLICK. The Board of Education Charged With Favoritism. Pink. Feb. 29. Mr. Editor : I notice in your issue of the 25th inst that J. F. C., of Smith, wishes to know what i.s the matter with our public schools. Now if you will allow me space in your valuable paper I will tell J. F. C. some things that are the matter. The Board of Educati 11 for our county seem to have favorites or special friends to which they give th® School funds. I was with the Board the first Monday in No vember. 1903, and I found out what they were doing with some of it. They would pay more for work than was necessary, which fact I know because there was a certain house let to build and they rejected the lower bid and awar ded the contract to the highest bidder. 1 heard one member of the Board say that he was highly in favor of education, but T think he acted contrary to his words when he refused to get the work done as cheap as he could, but instead gave away the money. F. G. SOUTHERN. FRANCISCO. Francisco, February 29. People haven't burnt many plantbeds yet. Mr. V. S. Nunn is just from Winston. He got a good price for his tobacco. Miss Lizzie is wearing a broad smile. Her l>est fellow came over Saturday night. I guess they have turned out the dogs and had the last frolic in this section. I appreciated Bachey's letter very Tnuch. Come again. Bachey. PUSS IRVIN. NOTICE. All persons indebted to me on account will please call ort S. L. Reynolds at Capella, N. C., anj make satisfactory settle same at once. JMEM J. M. DEAT(^g DALTON. Dalton, Feb. 29. Messrs. Fletcher and Cyrus Keiger visited their aunt, Mrs. Sarrah Wall, Sunday. Misses Virginia and Lillie Gotf, of King spent some time with Miss Mary Oliver Saturday. Quite a number of families in our section are entertaining the mumps these days. It seems to be the most popular thing in the neighborhood. We are glad to note that Mr. J. T. Meadows, who has been on the sick list for quite a while, is improving. Elder P. O. Oliver attended the burial of Mr. Presley Pearce at Westfield last Thursday. Miss Bertha Dalton, who has been in school at the Greensboro Female College, has returned home since the College was destroyed by fire. She had the misfotune to lose all her clothing in the blaze. Mr. John Moore, of Pinnacle, spent Saturday and Sunday, the 20th, at Elder P. O. Oliver's. We don't think the people in some sections of the county will complain any more at not having longer schools as they have made such a wonderful improvement that they have two terms a year instead of one as heretofore. Still there are some who don't have any. Why is this the case? j Missej. Minnie Westmoreland and Effie Ham left on the morning train last Thursday for South Eastern, N. Y. where they will make their home in the future. Some of our boys are looking very blue. Cheer up boys -there are a few girls left in old Dalton. Miss Georgia Dalton who hn« been visiting relatives here, has returned to Winston-Salem. Misses Maggie and Frances Jones, of Walnut Cove, spent a few days the past week visiting Mrs. Dr. M. D. Phillips. C. A. BanneY, of Mt. Airy, visi ted our town last week. Say Charlie did you get any mail? Mr. T. A. Dalton butchered the lagest hog of the season last week. He tipped the scales at 515 pounds. It seems that when bachelors get to killing such hogs as that ! they are thinking of taking unto themselves another boarder. How about it Mr. T? KITTY. WALNUT COVE. Walnut Cove, Feb. 29. As this is leap year I will leap for the Reporter. It seems as though some boys do not think it is leap year from the way they are courting. Mr. Frank came up again Sun day. I wonder what the attraction is. Come on, she smiles pleasantly. I fear we will lose one of our best clerks next to P. O. as he is often heard from at Pine Hall. There's a certain girl in this place crazy for the Bassett boy to call again. Come on, Mr. J. A. M. One of our fair young ladies is wearing a broad ring and a broad smile. I guess she has heard from , her candy heart. I have never had a ring to mend jmy broken finger nor a candy 1 heart either. Miss Bettie Davie and cousin. Master Frank Tillotson, of Pine I ... : Hall, are visiting their grand parents Mr. and Mrs.' Jno. W. | Davis. A young man aimed to carry his ; best girl and her company to jchuch Sunday and when she asked if she could go her mamma answ ered no. CHATTER BOX. WAKEFUL CHILDREN. For a long time the two year old child of Mr. P. L. McPherson, 59 N. Tenth St., Harrisburg. Pa., would steep but two orthree hours in the early part of the night, which it very hard for her pnreiU4oft«Uft o ther concluded trouble. SANDY RIDGE. Sandy Ridge, Feb. 29. Mr. R. A. Deshazo ha 9 gone South again. I fear lie will take the fever while gone. For leaving hero in such a warm state and go ing where the climate is warmer. He certainly has our most heart felt sympathy. Mrs Nettie Andrews has been quite ill for the past two week* but is improving at present. Say K-t-e, don't get up on your ear now because a certain little brown eyed girl in our school hae taken the apple of your eye com pletely away from you. Just take it as your share and misfortune in not possessing the charms she has. Mr. Nat Hutcherson was called away suddenly, Wednesday morn ing to Bluefield W. Va., to see his son, Mr. G. A. Hutcherson, who is critically ill at that place. One of our young ladies is wearing a broad smile around on her face this week. Mr. Ver non called n few days ago and he never fails to produce the smiles. Come down again Davie. The widow of Mr. Billy Berry or as he was best kuown. "Blind Billy," was buried here at this place Monday evening. The at tendence at the funeral was very small owing to the people in this community not hearing of her death until she was buried. TOODLES. RRIM R. F. 0. NO. 1. j Brim, R. F. D. No. 1. Feb. 29. We learn tlint there is an effort being made to reopen the Pilot Mountain bank. We do hope it is true, for it was a great conven ience to the merchants in the wes- ' tern and northern part of Stokes and part of Surry. And it will t>« a great help to Pilot Mt. town to ' start it up again. i W. L. Smith lias gone to Win ston this week. Dr. Leak is stumping his farm. . He seems to have as good knowl edge for the farm as he does for his patients. Mr. M. C. Lawson has just com- 1 pleted a well at his new house. LEE. i DODD Dodd, February 29. Messrs. Lum Fry and H.Nelson want 2 pairs of mules. Messrs. Joe Simmons and J. L. Tilley, of near Mt. Airy, visited F. T. Tilley Saturday night. Well, West Va. has got as near as Mr. Walter Ray's. I think Va. will move again shortly. I think there is something going to happen near Tulip soon. What do you think alxmt it, J. S. and J. R. V Mr. P. W. Simmons is getting on right well with a cut foot. Hope he will soon recover. U. KNOW. TUTTLE. Tuttle, March 1. I think the Danbury Reporter is beginning to l>e one of the best papers published in our land. Mr. A. J. Fair is going to burn 8(X) yards of plant land. PERPENDICULAR. DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED. By local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an intlamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eus tachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a aumhling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deaf ness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal coudition, hearing will be destroy ed forever : nine cases out of ten are caused bv Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Handred Dol lars for any case of Deafness (cause by catarrh) that, cunnot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Rend JOT circulars, free. It 1 . J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. | Sold by Druggists, 75c. [ Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. MEADOWS. Mr. Sterling James, of Tattle, and Mr. Fletcher Hawkins, of Hartman, visited Meadows Sun day. Come again, boys, we are always glad to see yon. Mr. J. H. Nonl is traveling for the Madison Grocery Co. We wish him much success. Miss Ollie Matthews spent a few days of last week with Miss Mamie Neal. Mr. Will C. is looking very sad this week, We think his little Bud got ahead of him Sunday. Cheer up Will we think yon will l>e all right in the future. Miss Rosie was all smiles Sun day. She was looking for her liest fellow, but as he didn't come we guess she is vary blue this week. Mr. J. W. Tuttle says he thinks he will go to Mayodan soon, as his best girl has gone. Mr. Willie Sands visited Hill Top last Sunday. We wonder what was the attraction, can you tell us ? Come again Faith and S. S. Teacher, we enjoy your letters, if we do go to a dance occasionally. TWO OLD MAIDS. PILOT MOUNTAIN. (FROM THE NEWS.) Mrs. W. A. Douglas is about well again. Mrs. J. T. Herrin has been right sick, but we are glad to state she is improving. N We are glad to note that Dr. R. E. L. Flippin will not leave Pilot Mountain. We are glad to see Dalt Dod«on out again after a severe attavk of pneumonia. Miss Naunie Marion, who has been right sick, iB improving, we are glad to learn. If reports are true wedding bells will ring in Pilot Mountain before many more moons. The Pilot Furniture Co. started up again Tuesday morning after a suspension of several weeks. The two year old child of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Brown died last Friday uight of a complication of diseases. D. E. Douglas, who moved from this place to Greensboro some time ago, has returned, and will make Pilot Mountain his home. Mrs. L, M. Si&der, whose illness has been noted in these columns does not improve very fast: how ever we hope she will soon be well again. The infant of Mr. and Mr. W. J. Swanson has been seriously sick for several days, but is improving we are glad to state. Mrs. M. J.Forkner, our efficient Postmistress, has recovered suf fieciently from a severe attack of pneumonia to be at her post of duty again. Mr. G. L.Simmons, of Dan Riv er was in town Tuesday and bought the two large lots that were sold by the trustee in bankruptcy of the Dodson Bros. Corner Pine and Davis St. Mr. Simmons owns some other valuable property here. Mrs. E. H. Atkinson died Thurs day morning of this week at the home of her son, Elder W. H. Atkinson near Ararat this county at the advanced age of Btt years six month and twenty.five days. Mrs. Atkinson was a devout lady of the Primitive Baptist faith, being a member of the church at Union for some fourteen years, during which time she enjoyed the utmost confidence of all members of the church. WELL AGAIN. The xammy friends of John Blount will be pleased to learn that helm entirely recovered from bis attack of rheamatlmi. Cham berlain's Pain Balm cured him after the best doctors in the town (Monon, Ind.) had faild to gave relief. The prompt relief from pain wbioh this liniment affords is alone worth many times its coat. For sale by all Druggist# and Dealers. OUR ROLL OF HONOR. Recent Paid-In-Advance Subscrip tions to the Reporter. F. E. FUnchum. to August 27, 1904. A. J. Glasgow, to March 3, 1905. Louis Hicks, to Aug. 7, 1901. G. L. Dodson, to April 2, 1904. W. G. Slate, to Jan. 1, 1905. W. W. Ferjmson, to Feb. 18, 1905. E. L. Rennett, to J. M. Riser, io R. F. Fulk, to SeptVS Jas. Weisncr. to R. H. R. Blair, to ofl Mrs. W. Z. Crews, tfl 1905. W. T. Duulap, to J. W. Campbell, to AIH Mrs. T. J. Crumple, 1, 1905. A. J. Essex, to May 20, 1904. Miss Daisy Gentry, to June 3, 1904. Hard Reid, to March 3, 1905. W. R. Smith, to Aug. 22, 1904. Jas. Rierson, to July 1, 1904. Joshua Smith, to Nov. 19, I'.KM. Peter J. Leak, to March 16, 'O4. J. Wesley Moretield, to Feb. 26, 1905. Miss Mary L. Tatum, to Feb. 25, 1905. Jas. H. Baker, to Aug. 25, 1'.)04. Mrs. Edith Moore, to July 20, 1904. F. M. Smith, to Sept. 3, 1904. M FRANCISCO. Francisoc\ February 29. Mr Bel) Francis in weiring a smile from ear to ear. He has caught him a sweetheart.. Cheer up, Savannah. Bob will come Tuesday night. The people in this section are marketing their tobacco, but are getting nothing for it. Jim Beasley is visiting T. C. Hill's very often. Jim. what is attracting your attention ? Miss Van. I guess. Mr. W. R. Beasley's school will be out Tuesday. Fletcher Collins is visiting down the road very often. Fletch, that won't do. Dester will make goo goo eyes. Miss Moilie Hill is wearing double smiles. Mr. Seaton came Saturday night. Messrs. Goo. Francis, Willie Lawson and Jas. Beasley were vis itors at J. J. Hill's Saturday. Miss Savannah, don't stay at home every Sunday looking f r littje Frank. Yon know he can not leave his mamma. GUESS WHO. New Subscribers. The following new names are added to subacri- - bere to the Reporter this week: t Messrs. J. M. Veiable, L. H. 1 Nunn, P. M. Smith, Jacob Law-J son, Sterling James, Hiss Daisy Gentry, Geo. G. Ore, Mv*s Nannio Brown, Hard Reid, E. L. Bennett, Mrs. W. Z. Crews, Mrs. Crumpler, A. J. Glascow, M. F. Collins, Zebby Tucker, R. G. Col lins, B. E. Simmons, Mrs. Elizn Mabe, D. J. Tucker, E. N. Sim mons. RDAD IT THROUGH. , 'Twould Spoil This.Story To T*) r L It In the Headlines, To use an eighteenth cento,■ Shiase, this is an "o'er true tele.V [aviug happened in a small Vir 1 ginia town in the winter of it is a story very much of the present. Up to a short time ago Mrs. John E. Harinoh { ot Station, Va., Led no pefsoiaafknow ledge of the rare curtive propprt ies of Chamberlain'sCoush Reme dy. "Last January," she says, "my baby took a dreadful cold and at one time I feare she would have poeomonia, but one of my neigh bore told me how this remedy had cared her little boy and I began giving it to my baby at once and it soon cured her. I heartily thank the manufacturers of Chamber lain's Cough Remedy fur placing so groat a cure within my reach. I cannot recommend it toohighly or say too much in its favor. I hope all who read this will try it and txs convinced as I was." For sale by all Druwi&t? and Dealers.

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