L The Dan bury Reporter f N.E. & E. P. PEPPER, Publishers. " TERMS TO ANT ADDKESB : One year, sl, 6 mo. 50c., 3 mo. 25c kteCH% 1904 March came in like a lamb. It > will probably go out like a lion. Mr. J. A. Stevens, of Muff, was in town yesterday. Francisco, ■SMALM* cluy. Hay. flfcing, ■ spent a few hours m town Mon- I day. F The Ladies' Missionary Sbciety of Danbury will meet at the home I of Mrs. M. T. Chilton next Sun- I'day. Mr. Mint Nelson, of Jewell, passed through Danbury Monday on his way to Winston with a load of tobacco. Miss Berchie Dunlap, daughter of Mr. Taylor Dunlap, of Gideon, came over and entered school here Tuesday. J. H. Robertson, a Stokes has been teaching in For- l>ast winter, was here Tuesdayr^^^v Messrs. J. E. Wilson, ofHKiJig R. F. D. No. 1, and F. M. Smith, ,ofn Meadows, were visitors at the "Reporter office today. Mr. R. T. Joyce, of Mt. Airy, few days of this week hare, yesterday for Florida in C the interest of the Mt Airy Furni- K ture Co. * Mr. A. H. Joyce, who has been confined to his room some time with something like rheumatism, ris improving some, we are pleased to know. Wallace, the little four-year-old Kp'son of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Joyce, I has been right sick the past few PJ days but is some better at this B writing, ! Mr. Jesse Youug, of Winston, Hand Miss Ella Whitaker, of Pilot n Mountain, were married at the jl home of the bride's parents Satur- A day evening of last week. % Mr. J. P. Covington, of Delk, Iwas in Danbury Monday. ■ here Mr. Covington qualified as j administrator upon the estate of 1 Presley Pearoe, deceased. ' Prayermeeting at the Methodist . oh urehS u nday night was conduct- SHnher music class |Bp|i*of Mr. and Mrs. J. : f Saturday night. ■F'TIUITO and various other amuse ■ ments were indulged in and each I one voted the occasion a very r' Sheriff Joyce left Monday for I Lawsonville where he begun his I second and last tax-collecting tour I for the 1903 taxes. If you care ■tawihing about voting in the next you had better pay before ■jt, A word to the wise is ip estimated that only about (half of last year's crop of leaf to bacco raised in Stokes has been The report for February shows that 2,640,671 pound* was sold on 4he Winston market du ring the month. It brought $209,- 830,02, an average of 17.93 per ' hundred. COLDS ARE DANGEROUS. How often you luuar it remarked: only a oold, and a few days later leant that the man is on his bark with pneumonia. This is of snob com inn occurrence that a } cold, however slight, should not be disregarded. Chraberlain's Cough ' Remedy counteracts any tendency I toward pneumonia. It alwavs [ cures i«»d is pleasant to take. Sold [ by all Druggists and Dealers,' PARALYSIS KILLS A GOOD MAN. Death of Presley Pearce, A Prominent Citizen of the County. At the Age of Seventy-Four. A message to the Reporter from Brim R. F. D. No. 1 tells of the death of Mr. Presley Pearce at his home at Susan Tuesday morn ing February 28, from a stroke of paralysis. Mr. Pearce was one of the coun ty's best citizens. He had been twice married. His first wife died 2 years ago. The second marriage was only 10 days ago. The deceased was 74 years and 20 days of age. and had been a worthy member of the Baptist Church for many years. Mr. Pearce is survived by two brothers and two sisters, as fol lows : Messrs. Jacob and Will iam Pearce, Mrs. Mary Flippin. wife of J. C. Flippin, of Francisco, and Mrs. Delia Welch, wife of Mr. Noah Welch. The interment was made in the Quaker burying ground at West field on Thursday, conducted by Elder P. Oliver, of Dalton, who also preached the funeral. Our informant tells us that the sermon was powerful and affecting. A large crowd was present. FRIENDSHIP. Friendship, Feb. 29. Mrs. Betsey Webster, who has been confined to her room for some time, is improving. Mrs. Melinda Plunket, who is being cared for by Friendship Church community, is very feeble, and it is supposed she will not be here very long. Mrs. Cicero Boles is improving rapidly from a case of lagrippe. Miss Ellen Petree has returned home, we are glad to know, and has begun a subscription Bcliool at this place. We hope she will have a good school. ' Miss Dora Pulliam and Mr. Ollie Bennett were happily married Sunday by Rev. W. H. Wilson at the home of the bride's grandmother, Mrs. N. J. Tuttle. The waiters were Miss Clemmie Polliam and Mr. Everett Nelson; Misß Nannie Fowler and Mr. N. O. Tuttle; Miss Maggie Tuttle and Mr. Jimmie Wall; Miss Sadie Tuttle and Mr. Earl Wagoner; Miae Lilla Nelson and Mr. Wiley Tuttle. Quite a large crowd wit nessed the ceremony which was exceedingly nice, followed by prayer. PINK. Pink, March 2. Miss M fixed up a letter to send to her best fellow yesterday, but missed the mail. The colored child burned at Mr. B. F. Pulliam's recently, died Sun day night. AH the family of Mr. J. G. Southern have smallpox. The 5-weeks-old child of Mr. H. C. O. Southern received a pair of suspenders by mail. Miss M. L., did he come Satur day night ? B. &. M. MAX. Max, March 1. As the weather is so bad the farmers have not done much work up tijl the present time. Mr. P. H Young has a load of tobacco on his wagon and expects to start for market to:norrow. Mr. P. C. S. went a flying trip Sunday in direction of Sandy Ridge. I guess he went to see his best girl. Mr. W. L. Young is going to Mayodan in a few days with a load of dried beans. Miss C. M. f3. is wearing a broad smile. I guess she saw her best fellow Sunday. ■r. C. W. Bisk is going to see his beet girl soon as the wind gets out of fhe South. Mr. O. F. Y. went to see his jest girl at Lime Rrock Saturday night. Z. Suhscribe for the Reporter. MIZPAH. Mizpah, Feb. 29. Mr. Laura Lawson, the hustling son of G. W. Lawson, says that the hardest question lie ever asked a girl was to marry him, and she refused him, and don't you bet lie cried. He thought onetime that he was in need of marriage license but his girl went back and he cried a whole day. But he says yet he loves that girl hard enough to kill that old mule that Gaston Allen bought from Henry Kiser. That is hard love, for the mule is a large one. Mr. Ernest Kiser and Mr. John Terry are going to see their girls every Sunday with the intention to marry, but I think Mr. Walter Terry and Walter Kiser went to catch a guinea for the wedding and broke it up. Wonder if Mr. Thomas C. is going to see Miss B. yet. Mr. R. C. Lawson has nicely blacked his long white mustache. Look, girls, he is expecting a call. It is leap year. Wonder if Mr. L. A. K. Ie going to see Miss 0. M. K. yet ? LOST —$10. reward for any one that will find it. Tom Lawson lost his vest near Joe Darnell's. It was a black vest, Ona of the pock ets containing three matches, the other pocket containing lots of love letters. CHOCTAW. TULIP. Tulip, Feb. 26. Miss Martha and Millard Sim mons are visiting Mr. Walter Sim mon's school to day. I guess they will have a nice time, as it is the last day. Mr. John is looking mighty sad, since Miss Judia went home. I guess he will visit. Mr. W. P. Ray's before long. Mr. Jim Lawson visited hie sis ter Mrs. Cora yesterday. Miss Jinnie and Rosie nre look ing very sad, to day because it snowed. Mr. John Burge goes across the creek very often, but I guess he will stop soon. Mr. B. Campbell is visiting his brother Jack Campbell. He hat been in the West 19yfears. Mr. A. D. Dodd visited Dan bury Wednesday and ate cakes all the way home, and said that when a man was hungry cakes were no count, they neednd something like a dish of peas, Mr. W. W. Hicks is visiting the mountain right often. What is drawing hirn over there so often. E. F. D. KING. King, March 1. Rev. P. Oliver preached at the Baptist Church Sunday. The pastor could not. be here Sunday, but will preach next Saturday and Sunday. *T)r. B. T. Bitting, of Rural Hall, filled his regular appointment here Sunday at 3 o'clock P. M. rar. Sam Garner left yesterday evening going West. He expects to spend the coming summer on the farm. Mr. A. L. Caudle, of Winston, was a caller in town Sunday and Monday. Come again, Archie, we are always glad to see you. Mr. J. W. Newsom says he is going to visittfloanoke, Va., soon. He wants to be there when the hanging of the negro culprit takes place. Mr. W. W. Sweatman is right sick at present, think he has la grippe. Hope he will soon recov er and be able to fill his place with the Grabs Manufacturing Co. NICK. Rev. J. T. Ratledge, assisted by Rev. Dr. Dan Adkins, P. E., of Winston, will hold the next Quar terly Conference of the Methodist church at Davis Chapel on April 6th and 7th. -A If it's a bilious attack, 199 Chamberlain's Stomach and Lfl Tablets and a quick recovery JE certain. For sale by all Drugj|l| and Pealers. TOBACCO AS BAD AS WHISKEY. "Tot" Replies to the Critics Of Wal nut Cove. Walnut Cove, Feb. 29. Mr. Editor : Again we have been fired on broadsided by Tattle's reformer and Mr. Dog Killer about the dis tilleries. And what are we going to do ? Will the correspondents never get tired of this subject, and find something else to write about ? It is to be hoped so at any rate. Now, we do not wish to take the defensive side of this question for we cannot conscien tiously do so for beyond a doubt it is one of the greatset evils in our land, as it has ruined more happy homes, blighted more lives and sent them on the downward road to destruction and despair than any other one evil in our land, and were it possible for us to forever banish it from the face of the earth by our ballot we could not cast it quick enough. But as it is here and will ever be it behooves us as citizens to make the best of the situation. Now. Mr. Reformer says he likes for people to tell him of his faults, and in this particular he differs from us, for we never thought it was nice to have our faults told to us, and besides we had rather see our own faults without having to be told of them. But as he is quite different from us we will comply with his request. In the first place we think he has made a mistake in selecting a name, and if he will consult Webster we think he will readily agree with us, for we doubt very seriously whether he is a preacher or even an exhorter. But Mr. Dog Killer we think has selected the right name and we think lie would make a greater success if he would fol low the trade thnt his name im plies. Surely no man can ever accomplish much good by using !such abusive language as ho did. I But there are other evils abroad in this land of ours aside from the liquor habit, and for the benefit of Dog Killer and Reformer we will mention one which wo dare say they are encouraging all they can and this is the tobacco habit. [ls it not true that millions of boys fill premature graves every year and what have either of you ever (lone to stop this curse. But on the other hand do you not put forth every effort to raise every available pound. Look what a deplorable condition our country is in now on account of baying fertilizer to raise this worthless weed. The Bible plainly tells us to "let our moderations be known unto all men." We should not be continually abusing some one about doing things that are wrong and at the same time 1)9 indul ging in something that is equally as bad. We should not be forever abusing souts church member about something and at the same time blind to our own faults. Finally '"let him that is without sin cast the first stone." And now Mr. Dog Killer if you would con vert the people of Walnut Cove of the error of their ways, you must first get right your self and then remember that they are not devoid of all reason, also remember that no man has ever converted a man by abusing him. And now Mr. would-be "Reformer," having com plied with your request in point ing out one of the great evils of our country, and one in which you are taking a part, will you set about making things right V With malice for none and kindest regards for all. T >T. TO CUBE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Hromo-tjuinice Tablets All druggist* if it fails is OD MAYODAN. Mayodan, Feb. 29. Mrs. Patsy Tilley died at the home of Mrs. Haminons, hor daughter at. this place last Tuesday at 2 o'clock P. M. also one of Mr. J. Richardson's daughters died the same day at 8 o'clock P. M. One of our charming young men Mr. Hard Reid is crippled, not serious, though, guess it where his girl kicked him. If you can't walk stay at home, it is leap year. Mr. Ed. \Vilkiiiß and Miss Millie Glidewell were happily married at Esq. Suterfield's Sunday. We wish them much success. Mr. Howard Pergson called at Mr. Fultons Sunday as usual. Air. Preston has gone to Went worth courting. Guess there won't any of the girs court him here. We are sorry to note that Miss Emma thinks Mr. Ed. is mad with her and he is so hoarse he can't tell her any better, (iuess he'll be glad when the bridge is completed. Wishing the Reporter much suc cess. SNOW DROP. DILLARD. Dillard, March 1. Miss Fannie Lasley will close the public school here next Friday. We are sorry for her to leave us, she was a good teacher. All of the scholars are well pleased with her. A certain little boy in this neigh borhood went with his father to cut a possum pine. He went back and told his mother that he got possum rosin on his hands. Mr. Arthur Tuttle and wife are visiting Mr. J. T. Rothrock this week. Jim Reynolds visited town Sat urday. Glad to see the increased list of subscribers to the Reporter. CUCKLE Bl'Rl{. KING R. F. D. No. 1. King, R. F. D. No. 1. March 2. Win. (T Slate, Rev. P. Oliver I and J. E. Wilson made a business trip to Dan bury to-day. Wonder how many first grade j teachers will teach public schools next, winter t The wheat crop is not very promising, unless it., is the man who has some to sell. Tjie R. F. D. is very much ap preciated this bad weather. It seems that some of flu; schools | are having the second session, j while others have one, and still there are some that don't get any. Be kind to the child, for in them lies the future of our country. FROST. SMITH'S. Smith's' Feb. 29. Mr. Milt Pruett and son have been bad off with pneumonia. Seven of our neighborhood boys left for West Ya. last week. Mr. R. L. Dalton has not walked on his cut foot in 5 weeks. Rev. Mr. Rat ledge tilled his ap pointment at Aaron's corner Sun day night. Wheat looks some better. -XOYRCFF. Having duly qualified as executor of the last will and testament of l>r. Frank l'l ingle, deceased, notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to said estate to maKo immediate payment and settlement; and all persons holding claims against said estate art hereby notified to present them to me, duly authenticated for payment, on or before the 2S|h day of Feb. lor this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. This the 23rd day of Feb. 1!I04. Tll OS. \V. TLM.EV, Executor of Dr. Frank Pritigle. dee'd. ' Elko 1\ ()., Stokes Co., X. G*. X. >. l'etree, Alt'* for Executor. JYOTTCIF. ~ Having duly qualified as administrator of the estate of Thomas .). Uoaze .Sr., Dec'd., notice is hereby given to all persons hold ing claims against said estate to present them to me duly authenticated for payment, on or by the 2.">' th day of January 1903, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recoveiy. And all persons indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make immedi ate payment and settlement. This the 18th day of January 11)04, \V..I. SIMMON'S, Adiu'r. of Thos. J. Bonze, Sr. Dec'd. Pilot Mt. Post olli e, (j. N. O. l'etree, Atty for Adm'r. U a Cold in One Day 1 (Juinlne Tablets. {Vt // on every ! months. This signature, box. 25c I NOTICE. Slate of North Car. I In the Superior court. Stokes county. | Summons for Relief—Before the Clerk. John Xeal and J. it. Xeal, Against Dr. J Win JVeal, I>r. .1 II alter Xeal, Joe VV Xeal, ftarah Tuttle and lier husband ./ W Tuttle, Roxanna Tattle, Ada Fulton and her husband James M Fulton, Will Xeal, James Bennett, Malissa Fagg and her husband Charlie Fagg, Clemmie Fagg and her husband Robert Fagg, Aancy J Bulleu and her husband Afartiu Bullen, i/enderson Uullen, J/onroe Bullen, Sarah Malie../ B Glidewell, S Robert Glidewell, I'ink Glidewell, Connie Glidewell; Cheta DeWitt, 3/argaret James, .Vary Glidewell, Biddie Glidewell, .Minerva Glidewell and her husband Zuc k Glidewell. State of North Carolina, To the Sheriff of Stokes Co Greeting: Yo'i are commanded to summon the the defendants above named if they be found within your county, GO appear at the office of the C'lerk Superior court, for the county «f Stokes on the 2nd day of April, Ifo4 and answer the complaint, a cop/ of which » ill be deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said coun ty within ten days from the date of this summons, and let the defendants take notice that, if they fail to answer the said com plaint at that time, the plaintifls will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint, //ereof fail not and of this summons make due return. Given under my hand, this 10th day of February. 1004. M. T. CHILTOX, C. S. C. Stokes Co. State of Xorth Car. I In Superior Court, Stokes county. I Before tiie Clerk. John Xeal and J J/Neal, Against Order. ' l)r JWm Xeal, If'ill Xeal, JJobt. Glidewell, Cheta DeWitt et al. In the above entitled action it appearing to the court upon affidavit filed that Will Neal and Robert Glidewell are non-resi dents of the State of Xorth Carolina and cannot after due diligence be found therein and cannot be personally served with pro cess and are necessary parties to this action, the same being an action for the sale of the lands of J. Gideon Xeal for partition. It is therefore ordered by the court that publication of summons be made for iour successive weeks in the Danbury Reporter, a newspaper published in Stokes county, notifying the said ll'ill Neal and Robert Glidewell to apjiear at the office of the clerk of the Superior court for Stokes coun ty in Danbury on the 2nd dav of April, 1004, and answer oi demur Jto the petition and let the said ll'ill Xeal and Robert Glidewell take notice that ifthey fail to ap pear and answer or demur to said petition on or by the said 2nd day ol April, 1004, the relief demanded in the petition will lie granted. This Feb. 10th, 1004. M. T. CHILTOX, Cleric Superior Court. J. P. Humphreys, Att'y forl'l'fl". LAST CALL. Pay "lour Taxes ! I will meet the tax payers of Stoke* county, for the purpose of collecting the taxes for the year 100.1, at the following times and places, to-wit. Lawsonville, Monday, Feb. 20th, 1004. \J. J. Lackey's, Tues. March, Ist. " ./. E. Slielton's. Wed. '• 2nd. « IHllard, Thurs. •' ilrd, " Pine llall, Fri. " 4th, " \\ alnut Cove, Sat. " sth, " Banbury, Mon. " "th, •« Wilson's Store, 'Tues. " Bth, « Capella, Wed. " oth. " Pinnacl . Thurs. " 10th, " King, Fri. « lltli, «' Gernianton, Sat. " 12th, " Francisco. A/on. " 14th, •' W. L. Smith's, Tues. " 15tli, " J. 11. Wrights, Wed. " Kith, " //. Venabie's, 7'luirs. '• ITt'i," Vade Mecum, Fri. " 18th, " The attention of the lax payers is hereby called to a pari of Sec. 4, of Articled, of the Constitution of Xorth Carolina, which reads as follows, to-wit. "And before he shall be entitled to vote he *hkll have paid on or before the lir.vf day of May in the year in which he proposes" to vote his poll tax for the previous year, as prescribed by Article o, Sec. 1 of the Constitution."' So if you desire the privilege of voting in the next general election you must pay your taxes as above prescrilied on or before May 1. 1004. ,4s it is of much importance to the tax payers to comply with the above Section of the Const : tution, you will please settle your taxes promptly and save your votes. Don't wait until May Ist, 1004 but pay now for something may happen that you do not now foresee that might prevent you from being able to pay them then and cause you to lie disfranchised under the constitutional Amendment. 7'his Feb. oth 1004. Respectfully, I!. P. JOYCE. Slieriff. . YOTICE. Having duly qualilied as administrator of the estate of Presley Pearce, col., dee'd, notice is hereby given to all jjersons in dite.) to said estate to make immediate payment and settlement, and all persons holding claims against said estate are hereby notilied to present them to me duly authenticated for payment, on or before the Ist day of March, 1905, or this no tice will be pleaded in baroftheir recovery. This the 20th day of Feb. 1004. J. P. Covington, adm'r. COUCHSAREDANCER Signals, Stop Tliem With Dr. King's New Discovery _ /CONSUMPTION „. For ..D 50C ?« 00 THE CURE THAT'S SURE for all Disea ses of Throat and Lungs or Monev Back. FREE TRIAL.

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