.» i gas i ii n i j f As this store grows older the greater her popularity. To-day the name of this ( store is so famous in Stokes and surrounding counties that every man and boy who 1 wants to buy Clothing and Hats thinks there is no place like «» I» "CRAUFOED'S." When this store was inaugurated one of its great. principles was to treat it- customers bettor than other stores to give them the | best values for their money, "o treat every customer alike. to make each and every one feel like the store was his own. With these Greatest - Clothing - Business!n - Winston-Salem. mm Sd after'FOUK YEARS OF SI'IVKSStYK LABOR and the strict application of justice towards everybody it has won the confi- ' F; dence of the'deserving public, which lins been proven by our January and February sales, the beginning of the year 1904 being a marvelous fyU\ gain over any precediTu; year, and wo> dan -ay that this tftore lias sold more Clothing than any TWO clothing stores in all Winston-Salem I—. j! j BSgKmi 1 rly &wf winter season is about over and in a few days we will have the beautiful spring in all its splendor and the old mother earth will jut I xyQ l ' on her new dress of green decked here and there with beautiful flowers. In the meantime this stora is not idle, but is tearing open cases SB CLOTHING, HATS AND FURNISHINGS 8 # tu he fully equipped and prepared to meet the demands of thousands of its customers who always come here for their new spring apparel. J I) (I V S Milts \\Y i-xi.eet lo make tliis ilie banner yrar Hi: tlii »' re. i>pi ything is tiein: l >ne posiiblo to in ike It a 1 et'ec sto e. The ___ J : j*. ii i • . | a .it CefjrHghl 1903 by li«rt Schaffuer k Mart /• i . s l.uyt i ulw.iys on Mie al«rt to m t 111 -b >s lor his customer . the clerks vv ttehiiig every tin Yemeni los e that each cus -I*l tomer j?e/« the pioper afi.;Mition an«l vftli'.e lor Iris money. 9 Ati/t |j-| 00 ' Now wlnn you are in neoit of am w sprli u Suit, Uat or Furnishings, to the store tliut hits always stood by its eus- -■-** - ™ ' **s!%'''■' |F: "T; jSB tomers and you will rtnd us more glad lo .eey n I linn «icr, as we mv better ae|oaiiiied and understand each other, ami yon will fV* AIYI (I'OII) WWiiiJ 3 ncv.'i have cause to regret so doing. *" f WBMB 50c to " to I fiL, CRANFttftB & €© n BAVIS. BOYLES & COMPANY ! f * ***- ' »■•■- . 4&Xtf When iu IHiiston you should avail yourself of the oppoitunity l" v:-i ls ! ' • •' ' thing you need in Dry Goods, Shoes and Groceries, We buy Flour and Feedstuff in enables us to sell you the host /•loui an om 10 to 25 per cent, lower thou you run • ouy elsewhere. Our Motto —Quick Sales. Small Profits lie would be glad to have you call and SIP US whether you need a - ythin- in our line or not. Thanking you for the very liberal patronage we have receive,! in u.e pasi, \u remain, ever anxious to serve you, DAVIS, BOYLES & COMPANY, Trade SI., Opposite Farmers 11 ureho use, U"I.YSTON, X. ('■ BROWNS • i WAREHOUSE. ( lias the best arranged and best lighted i sales floor in Winston. IS most centrally located away from car line, in ihis the leading tobacco city of the South. Last year the manufactured tobacco shipped from her" was 28,W)0,000 pounds, and to make this output an enormous quantity of leaf was required. Does not this justify us in promising y- n better price* lhan you can obtain elsewhere? And with an unhroke l record o| many years lor high prices we cordially invite you to firing Your Tobacco To 1 f. ' Brown's Is Headquarters For High Prices. Schedule Of First Sales. JAN. —Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays FEB. —Mondays, Wednesdays/Fridays. MOM. —Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays. WAMEDOT. "Wamedot, Feb. :2t>. Mr. "Editor : 1 nin glad to see so many of our good women and men fighting tho evils tliat are abroad in our land. It seems that everybody aught to know that drunkenness lias been the greatest, curs? to our land of all other evils put together. Whis key may be used some as med icine. or to be given by a physi ian as other dangerous medicines. It is injurious to any well man or boy that drinks it habitually. It is strange that men will be allowed to make and sell it when it is the cause of ninety per cent, of the eases that go into our courts. Tho cause of more poor men in our land than anything els?. It will never ba any better as long as we elect lawyers to make our laws, when they are making their living off of them that drink it. They think they would have to hunt an other job, and Danbury would have no more than one day's court a year, if it wasn't for whiskey. Hurrah for S. S.,T. and Bach elor. T love to read vour letters. T. P. COLDS ARE DANGEROUS. How often you hear it remarked: "It's only a cold, and a few days later learn that the man is on his ba'k with pneumonia. This is of audi column occurrence- that a cold, however should not br» disregarded. Chmberlain's Cough Remedy counteracts any tendency toward pnepmonia. It always cures and is pleasant to take. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers. 1 NOTICE. " Uiehte1 ' OU MAX. Max. March 1. Miss Sybel and P. C. Sheppard ' gave a nice Hindi party Saturday j night. Many were pleased to ac company them. Misses Surlie Dillion and Hessie Young, Messrs •Trio.. Jus.. Willie and Tom King toru, Everett. Curvia, Hard and .Jim Hawkins. C. W. Sisk, Clint Davs, Harve Vernon and others. Mr. Jas. Head made seeming ly a pleasant visit in this secticn Sunday P. M. (riiess the school girls were ! pleased Sunday to see Pid. SUSAN. LIFE (tI'ARDS. i The Life Guards are two regim ents of cavarly forming part of the British household troops. They are gallant soldiers, and every loya 1 1 British heart is proud of them, Not only the King's household but yours, ours, everybody's shold have its life guards. The need of them is especially great when the greatest foes of life, find allies in the very elements, as colds, in ' fluenza, catarrah, the grip and pneumonia do in the stormy month l of March. The best way that we j know of to guard against these diseases is to strengthen the sys j teni with Hood's Sarsaparilla—the j greatest of all life guards. It re -1 moves the conditions in which i these diseases make their success ful attack, gives vigor and tone te I all the vital organs and functions and imparts a genial warmth to the blood. Renminbi r the weaker the system the greater the exposure tc disease. Hood's Sarsaparillt . makes the system stong, t-i"'.: "> i"t»jp 'Tl.cm With il FEW Fmamy SUMPTION !* "* SOcMt.OO > SURE for all Disea nd Lungs or Money ;RIAL. GREAT BARGAINS! Fruits Of tock Taking. Taking our annual inventory of stock reveals to us the fact that we have a foi of winter goods, odds and ends, broken sizes etc. that must be disposed of in short order to make room for spring stock. Boys .Suits worth $1.50, only .OSe. (irey Wool Blankets only 1.28. Boys Overcoats worth fJ.'iO, only $1.5 ). liemnants of Wool Dress (Jooils, re Young Wen's Overcoats worth $5 0) our presenting all tin .\'ewo3t we»ves, Direc. I)" 3.50. from the Mill. Price about half their ragtj A/en's Overcoats woith 8.0:) only 5 0 ). lar value. I.atlies Coats and Jackets worth 10.0') SHOES—Some great Bargains In a lltti only (>.OO. Shop worn. Cut perfect as to material ant' j Z,jli -s Coats an I ./ack >ts ivor'li 8.0.) only workmanship. Prifce leia than Mimifact -5.00. ii ers cost. Liliti Costs and Jacket* Worth (1.0) on- 500 Vleu'j S'liuiiii FtH" lints 1.50 i>> 2 .Sj I ly 3.50. valtu at this sal-j only ttej, Tli'iasamls of other .irtielcs (hat yo.i must s.-e to know what Bargains they are. J Scliouler's Dept. ' : 'V'inston-Salein. iV. C. ; TOBACCJ IS j Selling- Higher J All giades have advanced since the firl! of the ye ir. We advise our friends to come along fi market before the spring seasons Voil want the top of the markets jfite q PIEDMONT WAHEHOUSi j AND YOU SHALL HAVE IT, Tour Friends 1 , M. W. NORFLHKT {* CO. First Sale Dans for Febt'tvaru. Tuesdau, Tkursmm and Saturday. First Sale Days for March, .Monday, WpdncSMM and Friday.

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