THE PHYSICIANS MEET AGAIN. Three New Members Enrolled— Other Matters Before the Society. The Stokes County Medical Society met at the Taylor hotel in Danbury Tuesday at 2 o'clock p. m. Quite a number of the physi cians of the county were pres ent. Dr. A. G. Jones, the president of the Society, being absent, the meeting was presided over by Dr. J. H. Ellington and Dr. C. B. Moore was appointed secretary pro tern. On motion of Dr. Moore, Dr. B. Tatum, of Hunter, Va., was elect ed an honorary member and Drs. J B. Smith and R. E. L. Flippin, both of Pilot Mt„ were elected regular members of the soci ety. It was moved and carried that Drs. A. G. Jones and J. B. Smith read a paper at the next meeting and that each member report a clinical case. A motion was carried that all the members along the Virginia and North Carolina line be sent a list of delinquents in order that they may co-operate. A motion was also made and carried that a reasonable time and notice be given delinquents before they are reported to go*on the list. On motion of Dr. Neal the roll was ordered to be called by the secretary at each meeting and note taken if the members were present or absent. Those present at the meeting! Tuesday were Drs. Ellington. Moir, Neal, W. V. McCanless, Flip pin J. B. Smith, Moore. W. L. McCanless. J. T. Smith, Ta tum. VADE MECUM. Vade Mecura. May 7. The people are still leaving old Stokes and going to the public works. I guess they will keep it up as the frost has killed a bigger part of the tobacco plants and those who are left behind will get done planting corn this week. Mr. W. J. Campbell happened to the misfortune of losing his cow last week. She was worth about S4O. Mr. R. F. Shelton went to Winston-Salem last week to purchase a new Nissen wagon. He will be ready to haul tobacco quite early. Mr. W. L. Hall purchased a large bill of goods of the whole sale men of Winston last week. He has opened up a new enterprise in our section and is doing a good business. Mr. R. M. Brown and his best girl took a Hying trip to Union Hill last Sunday where they en joyed a good sermon deliverod by Rev. J. E. Simmons at 11 o'clock. Mr. Simmons also filled his ap pointment at Capella school house at 3 p. m. where he addressed quite a large crowd. Mr. Jimmie Roe Boyd will teach a singing school near this place in a few weeks. All neighborhoods ought to learn to sing well. ZOAN. BIG CREEK. Big Creek, May 7. Mr. Sam Nunn ami family visited relatives and friends in Mt. Airy Saturday and Sunday. I guess Miss Jinnie N. feels quite sad, as her best fellow left this morning for Winston Salem. Messrs. J. M. and J.C. Dearmin attended services at Alberin church yesterday. Mr. John C. Dearuiin, who has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dearmin, for the last several days, returned to his home this morning at Spencer, N. C. Mr. J. W. Dearmin has shipped some tobacco to Winston. BLUE EYES Sick headache results from a disordered stomach and is quickly cured by Chamberlain's Stomach " and Liver Tablets. For sale by all Druggist. QUAKER. Death Of Miss Mattie Holland—J.; Walter Tuttleto Remove. Quaker, May 7. Miss Mattie Holland died' Thursday May sth, and was buried near Pine Log school house Friday. A large crowd there assembled. She was a mem ber of Friendship cliurtih and a student at Union Hill Sunday school, until that over-bearing disease took hold of her helpless body. Which after a few months caused her death. She was a kind friend and a faithful scholar and will be greatly missed by her many friends. We are having a good Sunday School at Union Hill. Both young and old are getting interested in the glorious work but there is a lot that don't go that could. Mr. J. Walter Tuttle, of Friend ship, bought nearly all of the land of John Wesley Wall, deceased, which he is aiming to nufve to in the near future and open up a large stock of goods at said John Wesley Wall's residence. A SCHOLAR. KING. i * King, May Rev. J. A. Clark tilled his regu lar appointment at Trinity church last Sunday. His sermon was enjoyed by all. His son, who is l just back from Trinity College, was with him. Misses Mary. Fannie, and Virginia (tort', visited in Winston recently. Misses Ella and Jlarv Gordon visited at Mr. S. M. (toff's last Wednesday. Mrs. Matilda Edwards lost a tine milch cow last week. Mr. S. M. (iotV has the nicest wheat growing that has been seen in our section. Mr. J. T Rutlage has gone to I Winston with a load of tobacco. ! Most of the fruit is kilh*l in this ; section, we are sorry to say. Mr. C. T. Ham is at home again I after spending the winter in Winston. Prof. W. A. Flynt's school isj progressing nicely. He anil his sister. Miss Fannie, are excellent I teachers and deserve the patronage of the people. His good work is greatly appreciated. E. PINE HALL. Pine Hall May Mr. Gabe Martin and sister, Miss Delia, visited High Point last week. Several Pine Hall people went to Greensboro to take in Rev. Sara Jones' meeting. Dr. Smith, of Martinsville, \ a.. is visiting relatives at this place. Mrs. L. W. Anderson and Mrs. Ralls spent the day with Mrs. 1). H.Tillotson last Tuesday. Glad to hear of the rapid growth of the Union Hill Sunday school. Miss Bettie Davis, who has been visiting her Uncle, Mr. R. 11. Mitchell, of Saxon, returned home Saturday. CHATTER BOX. SLATE. Slate. May 8. We have had a good rain and tobacco plants will come now with a boom. G. W. Smith is hauling tan-bark for Mr. K. W. Holland. I was glad to hear from old Spray, how getting along fishing out there Y I think Messrs. G. and O. are go ing to swap .hats again next Sun day and O. wants 50 cents to boot. Prof. Clias. H. Johnson and Daisy S. were visiting friends at Slate Inst Sunday. Miss Carrie says Mr. I). S. came to see Miss Jennie. MEAN SNAKE. Mr. Knight, of Leaksville, who holds a position with the Hamp ton Buggy Co., was here yester day. JOHN SOUTHERN KILLED. Citizen Of Rockingham Meets Death While Walking On Railroad. An old man named .lohn South ern, a highly respected citizen of Rockingham county, was killed Friday afternoon on the branch I line of the Southern Railway about half way between Stokes dale and Madison. The old man, .who' was over eighty years of age, was walking up the railroad track near Ellis boro station and being very deaf and near sighted, he failed to see or hear the fast approaching train, though lie was meeting it. He was struck by the pilot of the engine and hurled quite a distance, the body being horribly mangled. The remains were sent to Madison and taken in charge by friends of the unfortunate man, who hail the body prepared for burial. The deceased was an uncle of Mr. J. ('. Flinn. merchant at Pine Hall. LIME ROCK. Lime Rock. May 4. Mrs. Murphy More Held ami! daughter returned home Monday from their pleasant visit which they made to the Association at Bassett, Va. Miss Delia enjoyed j herself well, we think she will go j back before a great while. Mr. George Priddy, who has been ill for some time, doesn't | seem to get any better, we are | sorry to note. M iss Delia's best fellow went to ; ; see her last Sunday I*. M. and she was not at home. Mr. Willie didn't seem to be .us lively tis usual this evening. Why, what's the matter Mr. Willie? It's because he didn't receive a letter | from his little girl today. Mr. Jno. Sands, who lives on Mr. •!. Wesley Moretield's place, has got him a sewing machine. It seems tha't measles are taking i phice in this neighborhood. JOLLY FRIEND. *IOO REWARD, SIOO. The readers of this paper will ! be pleased to learn that there is at I least one dreaded disease that science lias been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the oulj positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting, nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer ()ne Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address: F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, (). Sold by Druggists, Toe. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.' SCOTT'S EMULSION Scott's Emulsion is the means of life and of the en joyment of life of thousands of men, women and children. To the men Scott's Emul sion gives the flesh and strength so necessary for the cure of consumption and the repairing of body losses from any wasting disease. For women Scott's Emul sion does this and more. It is a most sustaining food and tonic for the special trials that women have to bear. To children Scott's Emul sion gives food and strength for growth of flesh and bone and blood. For pale girls, for thin and sickly boys Scott's Emulsion is a great help. Send for free sample. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, 409-415 Pearl Street, New York. BOc. and 91.00t all druggists. SUSAN. Jas. Nunn Cuts His Foot —Flies Eat ing Plants. Susan, May 4. Guess thte obacoo crop in this section will be cut short. The Hies lire eating all that didn't get Wiled. Miss Rebecca Morefield is visit ing her sister in Virginia. Mr. Jas. Nunn cut his foot very badly last Saturday. There was preaching at Brim's (trove Sunday and quite a large crowd out. Misses Susie and May Coving ton visited relatives near West lield Sunday. SOUR WOOD SAPLIN. Letter From Jno. Y. Phillips. Dulton, May 1. Editors Dan bury Reporter: In your account of the Democrat ic convention, at Danbnry, I notice nn error as to the votes cast for l ilenn and for Steadman for Gov ernor. You say that the delegates from Pinnacle and Boyles precincts took a vote, and that Pinnacle uave 2' votes for Glenn and f, for Steadmah, and that Boyles gave for Glenn, and If, for Steadman ; and that those votes in the county convention would give Steadman only three-tiftlis of one vote in the State convention. Now. the delegates from Pinna cle. Boyles and Wilsou's Store precincts cast votes for Glenu and for Steadman for Governor, as follows: Pinnacle precinct 3j| votes for Glenn and !| for Stead man. Boyles 2!, for (ilenn ami 1!| for Steadman. Wilson's Store precinct was en titled to 7 votes in the convention and was represented by 10 votes of whom voted for Glenn and 7 for Steadman which would tfive 2 1-10 votes for Glenn and I 9-10 for Steadman, at that pre cinct. So the precincts that voted gave eight and one-tenth votes for Glenn, and six and nine tenths for Steadman. Now, as the county in the coun ty convention has 52 votes, and is entitled to 10 votes in the State convention, the six and nine-tenths votes received by Steadman in the county convention would givehim one and one tenth votes in the State convention. Hope you will make the correc tion. / Very respectfully, JOHN Y. PHILLIPS. [After the election of delegates, the convention passed a resolution to instruct for Glenn. The fact Phillips protested that the vote of his township lie coutited and that no one protested for Wilson's Store precinct, accounts for the report which the Reporter gave of the matter, and which was correct. —Editor]. MEADOWS. Meadows. May 10. Mr. Willie Ayers and sister Miss Pencie of Va. visited Mr. John Neal's Saturday and Sunday. Miss Pearlie Caudle spent a few days of last week with the Misses Walls. Mr. Peter Smith is nht any let ter, we are sorry to uote. Mr. Edgar Wall and family visited Mr. Sands a short while Sunday. NOTICE ! All jH'rsons having accounts against the public school fund of Stokes county must present same before county Board of Education on June 5, 1904, as such accunnts cannot be acted upon after that date, and cannot be paid without a special act of the Legislature. Ail teachers will please have their vouchers presented and paid be fore June ilOth, or they cannot l>e paid after that date without a special Legislative act. See Section ;4- Public School Law 1904. This May 2nd, 1904. J. T. SMITH. Secretary Bd. Education. OUR ROLL OF HONOR. I Recent Paid-ln-Advance Subscriptions To The Reporter. W. C. Moore, to December 10, MM. | \V. A. Nelson, to June 10, i IW4. Jas. Newman, to August 18, IWM. J. M. Putins, to July 1,1 1904. Thomas Neal to November 12, 19t»4. J.O. H. Mitchell, to December 1, 1904. Elijali Beasley, to August 12, | 1904. R. L Wall, to August 12, 1904. L. J. Nelson, to August 12, j 1904. J. F. Duncan, to August 12,1 1904. W. M. Darnel, to ()ctol>er 7, 1904. S. J. Harris, to November 12, 1904. N. J. Jones, to September 12, 1904. B. F. Mitchell, to January 1, 1906. Asa Lewis, to February 11,! 1905. - Rufus Shelton, to July 18, 1904. D. K. Mabe. to May 5, 1904, Miss Laura Southern. t> Feb. 3, 1900. F. M. Venable, to February 9, j 1905 Nick Mitchell, to August >, 1904. R. (■}. Richardson, to Dec. 28.' 1904. Ham Mitchell, to November 13, 1904. ' . I. D. Barr. to November 12, 1904. C. R. Wall, to August 111. 1904. J. H. Moretiehl, to November 5, 1904. Miss Mamie Ayers, to November 5, 1904. W. B. Henry, to August 12, 1904. R. F. Barnes, to April 7, 1905. Mrs. D. A Boone, to August 12, 1904. IT. L. Simmons, to January 1, 1905. Jas. Robertson, to April 9, 1905. E. M. Anderson, to August 12, 11904. J. H. Mabe, to November 12, 1904. R. D. Reid, to May 6, 1904. A. S. Voss. to January 14, 1904. ' Walter George, to June 2, 1904. A. H. Martin, to May 13, 1904. B. L. Holland, to May 12, 1905. \C. C. Smith, to October 22, 1904. D. A. Boles, to August 12, 1904. S. P. Graves, to October 8, 1905. Henry Hawkins, to July 15, ! 1904. James Knight, to August 12, ! 1904. T. F. Calloway, to May 12, ! 1905. ! J. S. Slate, to August 25, 11904. K. A, ftofhrock, Jo March 24, 19W, L. C. Davis, to August 12, 1 1004. S. K. Anderson, to November 22, 1904. N. O. Slate, to May 12, 1906. P. B. Nelson, to April 21, j 1905. R. R. •Smith, to June 10. 1904. T. G. Ferguson, to August 12, 1904. P. A. Sams, to August 27. 1904. C. W. Tilley, June 17, . 14*04. Thomas Sands, to May W, '1904. J, M. Venable, to March 3, 1905. MISSIONARY INSTITUTE. Sermon; By Missionary W. B. Lee and Or. Chrietzberg. h to I lie Reenter. Madison, May >. Tlie Mission ary Institute which lias been lield in the Methodist church here for the last two days closed tonight with a most impressive sermon by Rev. W. B. Lee, returned missi m nry from Brazil. A large number of preachers and lawyers have been presint from all over this part of (he Winston district. Among the preachers were Revs. A. K. Stanford, of Spray: H. H. Jordan, of Walkertown ; J. F. Kirk, of Smmneitieid : J. T. Kat tledge. of Dnnbury : W. M. Bi!es, of Soutliside. Harold Turner mid H. F. Chreit/Jierg, of Winston. Dr. Chreitzberg preached lliis afternoon at 3 o'clock to a large, attentive congregation. Nixon Padgett, of Winston, was in town Monday and Tuesday representing the I'nion Republi can. Territf's Washing Machines and Wringers, for household or laun dry, use. for sale by L. Ziglar, Hearford, N. 0. Ask him about them. 12m3t LAXD SALE. Bv virtu** of the power contained in a deed in tru-t executed to tin- on the t;tli «litv of April, l*!*?, by .1. j. Southern -• iml wile IWiu A Son'h i ern. and dulv tecorded in the nfli.'c lof Stoke* couiitv, N. IV, in hook No :ki. p ; 2ttt, to secure the na\ men* of a note lor *W2A tw ! therein recited. -letunit Inviti.' been made in I the payment of said note. I will hell :it puh'ic auction to the highest hhldvr lorcH»h. tit the J court house door In I> inhiiry. N.«' .on tlie 2'»»h j «layof •lime. lUOI. at one o'clock I*. Si., tle | land* conveyed in said |ee| In trust, tow it : at a hiekorv. formerlv a lI(.|[WINN|, run* north 24 I■'£ chain* to a |M>st oak* on the roinl. tin-lire aloutf the road it meander» u northeast course *J7 chains to a i irk in tli€ tfroinMl an«l |miii era. thence moiilli Jt degr e« east 'J4 chain* to a pine, thence ii'irth 71 degre weM, 4 chain* .*4) link* lo |>oiutcr» in the old line, tlieuee mHlth li 1 J degrees we*t, 12 chain* link" to a white oak. tlietice south till degree* ! wf.»t Itehainoto a poplar, thence south "-1 degree* i went 10 chains and "•'» |ink> to |»oplar. te I xotitt* M degree* wen? 4 chain* to a pine hu«h, I thence south .'1 degree* we«t ti chain* to a hlc'*- | orv, lorinerl\ a dogwood, the beginning corner, ■ containing s;i acre*. more-or less, now owned l v ! .f. ti. Southern, formerly a imrt of the \V. •'. S •ntherii ami (iahe Nicholson land*. Thin the &M day of April. |!*4. •I. C. WALL, Trustee. W. W. King and N.O. I'etrec, atty*. NOTICE. Having tltily «|*ialiti *«1 us administrator i»f .tlie estate of Susan Jones, Doe'ii., : notice is hereby given to all immwims Ii« »|«t | ing claims against said estate to present. I tlicin tome duly iiiitlieiiticatcd for pavinetr, lonor hv the iotli day of April. or I this tw lieu will In* pleaded in l>ar of their recovery. And all |>erßoii* indehtcd to nai«| *state are lierehy not died to make iinuiedi ate |Niyiji«>nt ami sett lenient. 'l'liistlu 1 Htlidav of April, 11)04 X. T. I'ETTITT. Atlin'r. «»f Mitan .lone4. decM., rinnacle I*. 0., Stokes Co., X. (' X, ). lVtic»\ Atty for Ailmr. NOTICE. ilavinu «|*i • lili'* lus administratrix oftlio estate of (' W MrAnally. diH-'easei 1 , Ido lierehy give not ice to all |>e suns imlelrtcil /o suiii estate to make in. iiKnliate paviifut to me. Also all person* holding claims ag iin*t t!»e estate to present them ti» me pro| icated for pay nieut on or l>ef"ie the i»tl» day of j/av, UHio. or llii.** no icc will U* pleaded in liar oftlieir lecoverv. Tills tlu* -111 d'nv «.r Mav, ISKX4. i:l'T // Mc AS ALLY. Administratrix. mmmm mm K. C SHRPPKKD,, N. C.. says " I have used Bits* Native Herb* Aon Keverul occasion* and find them to I give perfect satisfaction." BOX of Bliss Native Herbs is a family doc- I tor always in the house. I Its use prevents and cures U1 ICC Constipation, Dys l)Llao pepsia, Kidney and NATIVE Liver Trouble, Skin I HERBS Diseases, Khcuma * tism and many Blood diseases. It is purely vegetable—contains no min ! eral poison and is pre- n/t/t pared in Tablet and Powder form. Sold DOSES in One Dollar boxes qq with a Guarantee to ' cure pr money back. Our 32 page Almanac telling how tp J treat dispose sppt on reqpes|. MBOItINK MAIM® PRQMPTJ,V PV JOHN H. FAGG, Agenl, Dellar, N. C. THE ALONZO O. BLISS CO., WASHINGTON, D. C. ;OUC!:SAPEDAr;CEi,2 J Sigiuila, Si )p T! «*.•. Wi'h I |] ur. King's J il Oisccvjnr r*ONSUBPTIOM J Vor I OUGIIB in# -JMI I Ivr Jr . I aes of Tbrnai * HI I Back. FRICiy^H

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