MM. Willi. .I—lll .HI - ——l.—l.. ■ ..■■I.I . I 111. I I , . . 11 I I .m-H | [ A Spring Mine Message ] ife I Tour Spring Suit Is Ready. J j l .* J* 1 ) YOUR Sl IT because it's built just as you would order it m | Built just as au exclusive tailor would build it, and all without f (B ■ ' |' the bother of measuring, fitting, chalking, trying on, etc., and I lj I r i without the fancy price the tailor would surely charge for it 1 \ £ I" — The fabrics are new, the cuts are new Step in and we'll take m 1 1 |H/• 1 ■ Boys' Suits pleasure in showing you your suit, for we believe it will be V I 1 f from 98c to yours indeed after you sec it. Great range in prices, 85 and f i ' 1 I "" I The best of cutter* and ( N. L. CRANFOftD & CO, J One Price CSIHII Clothiers. W'lnston-Saleiii, N. C. I to put into garments: I Great Slaughter Sale. In order to reduce our stock we have decided to sell all 10c Flannelettes it So per yard. 1000 yards heavy Fleeced Outings to go at 8c: 1700 yards Cotton Worsted at "> I--' cents, wholesale cost " 1-2 cents. All colors In these except hlack. Prices on all dress goods, of which we have a large lot, reduced proportionately. We hive the largest lot of shoes we have ever bought.- Can sell you good Women's Shoes, Tsc Per Pair. Best mades just a little higher. Wen's shoes in every style. \\V k.-ep Hie Johnson Jamestown shoe for men. women and children, all guaranteed to wear better than any shoe on the market. We have the best assortment of MEfl'S, YOUTH'S A.YD CHJLBIIEXS CLOTHL\G evef ofler'ed in .stokes county, (iood styles from :he cheapest to the best. Don't fallt to on clothing. Complete stock of notions, gents furnishing goods, inr stock of ■urn's anil women's underwear can't be excelled. Alt grades of grain guano for cash. i #me and see us. An mice of tisfact on is worth a ton of talk, FULTON SONS & Co., Walnut Cove, N C BROWNS WAREHOUSE. Has the best arranged and best lighted sales floor in Winston. IS most centrally located away from car line, in this the leading tobacco cty of the South. Last year the manufactured tobacco shipped from here was 28,000,000 pounds, and to uuke this output an enormous quantity of leaf was required. Does not this justify us in promising you better prices than you can obtain elsewhere? And with au linbroke i record ofnianv years for high prices we cordially invite yon to firing Your 'Sobacco To I s. Brown's Is Headquarters For High Prices. Schedule Of First Sales. JAN. —Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays. FEB. —Mondays, Wednesdays. Fridays! MCH. —Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays. WILLIAMS LETTER. (Continued from last week ). Ku I see no resemblenoe in it. Now Baehey in speaking of tlie Scripture you say tluye is meat enough for us without gnawing any hones. I would like to differ with you a little hut I urn almost afraid for fear you would squall out Lord has done it again, tie a mill rook to his neck and fling him in the see. but I am going to risk it any way. Now I believe the Lord had a purpose in puting those bones in the Bihle. and 1 believe it is our dutie to gnaw them so what the Lord says about it St John 5-39 Now. Baehey take your medicine like a good I toy I dont prowl over the Bible to hunt i something you think will tit your , case. Just swallow the whole thing |us you come to it 1 tones and all J fake big doses from Gen to Rev i and dont erusify and prevent the i Word of (roil simply to carry your | point. Now Baehey 1 am not fight ing Christianity only false ways. Now I will answer your questions Ist I believe that dancing is just as acceptable in the sighf of (iod as any other kind of amusement.* 2nd I believe that they danced because they felt like it. that is just the reason I dance, iird 1 dont believe that dancing is sin or evil if so the Word would con demn it somewhere in the Bible. Now Baehey you say that it is evil you ought to be very careful how you make a statement that you cant prove by the Bible but give me I lie chapter and verse in the bible when jt says thf>t it is evil to dance and I will quit, that fair. Now I'll just be knock ing along on the Rang Tang while you look it up. Now j'ou say that Ive gone one better than dancing and you warn me against it you can turn your back on the Bible if you want to. but J aim to de fend it. and if I dont K et to move a stony crown maybe I will jret some credit for standing by the Bible. Now the Bible says that the Lord will not suffer us to be temp ted above that we are able to Iwre but will with every temptation make a way for our escape. Now you liable about the word hole, that is the printers mistake for Ole. Now look on down and you will see that I told you that you knowed that the Bible didnt say it was wrong to dance. Say 1 am afraid you fellows are fighting under the wrong Flag. Now if you all would only join King Jesus Army, and be good Soldiers, you could know every Kvil in Stokes County higher than « kite within an hours time. Listen here is the way he talks to his subjects Luke 21-15 (For I will give you a mouth and wisdom. V\ hich all your adversaries shall not lie able to gainsay nor resist), again Luke 17-> (And the Lord said. If ye had faith as a grain I of mustard seed, ye might say unto] this sycamore tree. Be thou plucked up by the root, and lie thou planted in the sea. and it should obey you ) and many other see Text. Now here is the way one of his good soldiers talks 2nd ' Car 10-4( For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds). GHI 3-1 (() fool ish (ralatians. who hath bewitched you that ye should not obev the truth). WILLIAM. Take "just a mite' of Ramon's Tonic Regulator nightly, and you j will be pleased with the effect. That tired, exhausted feeling will; disappear, there will bp no cause ; foF headaches, pains in (Jie back or side. W hen tjie organs are in a healthy state one has no cause for Complaint, and that is just the | stafe a systematic use of Rumon's Poiiie Regulator will prod nee. I 25/o,ts. 1 ' IMPORTANT. TO STOKES COUNTY FARMERS II 'hi/ will you goall the way t" " inston ami other towns to buy your goods when / am offering them, just as cheap right here in yoar r>irn county town.' / keep everything you /wed. Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, Shoes and Hats and Everything the farmer uses. mm A, BURTON, Walnut Cove, N. C, TOBACCO IS Selling Higher ! All giades liave advanced since tlie first of the year. We advise our friends to come along to market before, the spring seasons Yon want the top of the market., coinu to PIEDMONT WAREHOUSE AND YOU SHALL HAVE IT. Your Friends, M. W,NOBFLKDT & CO* First Sale T)aus for February. Tuesday, r . m hunjSM and Saturday. JjKk First Sale Days for March, Mondan, I'S&aß find Friday.

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