►♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ STOKES COUNTY AFFAIRS. : Short Accounts of Happenings Among Our Neighbors. Written By ♦ The Reporter's Special Correspondents. J SMITH. Three New R. F. D.'s To Start- Items and Personals. Smith, June 5. Wheat crops are looking fine in this section. Mr. Win. Overby has bought him a reaper and binder. Mr. Overby is one of our best wheat raisers. Miss Rachel Moore has returned home from the Salem Female Academy. Moir Moore will return to Texas soon. We will have three R. F. D. routes in this section soon and since they have been worked up it seems that every body wants to be carrier. Of course liolxxly won't get mail about it, but it does not look especially right to beat a neighbor out after he has had all of the trouble. What has become of our S. S. Teacher. Would be glad to hear from you again S.S. T. LITTLE JACK HORNER. LOOMIS. Loomis. June 3. Well, the crops are doing well in this section, wheat, corn and other grains are looking fine also garden and truck patches are look ing well. John Lasley, who is on a visit at home has gone to see his cousins Tom and Wade Martin at Ayers ville. Strawlierries are ripe, but we can't never get as many as we can eat. Misses Girtie and Lelia Martin, of Ayersville, visited Miss Chattie Lasley Saturday and Sunday, they were by tboirbratlior Wade. The Sunday School at Stewart s School House is getting along very well, prayermeeting was held there last fourth Sunday. Guess it will be there next fourth Sun day if nothing prevents. I noticed some mothers out last Sunday with their babies and little ones. That's right bring them up in a S. S. and then make them live by its teachings at home as they grow up. SIRRAH. TUTTLE. Tuttle, June 6. Miss Mollie Young and Mr. Ken Carter, of Pine Hall, attended the preaching service ut the M. E. church last Sunday. We were glad to see you both. Come again. Rev. T. H. Pegram was very sick last Sunday. He didn't feel very much like preaching although he delivered a good sermon. J. Wiley Tuttle had his first bee • warm today. Mess. J. W. and J. C. Redman were visitors at F. J. Tuttle's again last Sunday. Surely we can attend anoth er wedding soon as there seems to be a lot of courting going on. Wishing one and all much joy and great success to your valuable paper. Hope to hear from Dog-Killer. SCAT. BIG CREEK. Rig Creek, June 15. The people are all most done planting tobacco in this section. Mr. J. M. Collins and family visited parents Friday and Satur day. There was preaching at Big Creek church Saturday and Sun day and a large crowd was there. As this is my first letter I will close and if this escapes the waste basket perhaps will write again. YELLOW BIRD. Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Keiger, of King, visited in Daubury Mon day. FINE S. S. AT VADE MECUM. New Postoffice Established at Moore's Springs—Measles Ram pant—Other Notes. Yade Mecum, June 5. This has been a fine tobacco | season as I ever saw. I guess most of the farmers will get done set ting their crops this season. Corn crops are looking fairly well and the wheat crops also. There is a little sickness in this neighborhood. Measles is all ( around. Bill Bennett is down with a severe attack of measles and grip. Quite a number of people had a chance from Mr. Bennett Sunday, not knowing it was meas les he had. Hope it will go very light with them. Our Union Sunday School is still growing. We are having a glorious school near Yade , Mecum. Everybody is invited to | come. Grover and Miss Prenunie Allen : were over visiting Mr. and Mrs. j Drew Boyles Saturday and Sun- j day and also attended Sunday school. We were glad to see them over. After Miss Jennie Reid being | absent so long she has returned from her home near Dobson to spend a while with her brother at Vade Mecum. Her friends were greatly delighted to see her again. J. T. Moore has established a , post office at his springs. That office will be more convenient to a lot of people. J. R. has kind of been down with the blues ever since the third Sunday. Miss Lula must have missed him a little. J. F.'s.girl went home with him i from Sunday School last Sun- • day. Well, I wisli the Rejxjrter much success and all its readers. ZOAN. J. A. Plummer Low With Consumption —Hill Top Items. Miss Maggie Tuttle has returned home from Winston where she has | been going to school. Jay Bird is still flying around Miss Prinnnie. Robert Boles has purchased him a new buggy. Mr. anil Mrs. R. C. Fowler visited their son W. T. Fowler Sunday. J. A. Plummer is very low with consumption. We learn that J. W Fowler, of Wilson's Store,"found a chicken in an egg that had four legs, four wings, two tails and one head. We learn that G. W. Meadows, of Mizpali, has a cow that has twin calves. Misses Nannie and Ellen Fow ler visited their little niece Prim mie Fowler Sunday. Report a plensant time. Ray Johnson nud his sister visited-their aunt Mrs. J. Walter Tuttle Sunday. BLUE-EYES. Ladies hats. New, stylish and pretty hats positively to be sold at and below cost, Mrs. Bailey at Walnut Cove invites the ladies to come at once before the rush and get the prettiest hafffor the price ever sold in the United States. We want to close up our store for the summer by the Ist of July. This is the reason we nre offering our remaining goods so low. SUED BY HIS D(K'T)R. "A doctor here has sued me for sl2.so,which I claimed was excess ive for a case of cholera morbus,'' says R. White, of Coachella, Cal. ' At the trial he praised his medi cal skill and medicine. I asked him if it was not Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy he use as I had good reason to believe it was, and he would not say under oath that it was not." No doctor could use a better remedy that this in a case of cholera morbus, it never fails. Hold by all Druggists and Dealers. ICE CREAM SUPPER AT KING. Five Hundred Barrels of Flour Sold Since Last Fall —Other News Notes. King, Juno (!. Mr. S. T. Keiger's family liavo all hail the smallpox and he opened his store this morning. There will he an iVe cream supper at King Saturday night, June IS. Everybody invited. , Mrs. J. B. Houchins, the hypnotist of King, will give n sleight of hand and hypnotism exhibition nt King Saturday night, June IS. Everybody come and be merry in the good old sum mer time. Miss Dora Wall, of Pinnacle, is visiting Misses Sheba and Melia Newsom. Mr. S. K. Slate and wife visited friends in Mt. View yesterday. Everybody is buying flour in this section. I suppose there 1 have been 500 barrels of flour sold in King since last fall. I will close hoping the Reporter much success. BILLEY BOY. Thirty Cars of Guano Sold At King. King. June fi. The Grabs Manufacturing Co. j shipped a solid car of furniture ; June the 3rd. Mr. J. W. Kpainhour started (this a. m. on his canvassing tour, j selling the Champion canning and | cooking machine. Mr. Charley Johnson 00111- | inenced work this a. m. with the I Grabs Manufacturing Co. Thirty cars of guano sold here i this spring, about 4.035 sacks, ' which wwuld average over $2.00 ' per sack, amounting to over SH,tKX). to be paid by the farmers that j bought this guano here. Of ! course people will cry hard times, i so long as they work for the guano I companies this way. NICK. SANDY RIDGE. Handy Itidge, June t>. Miss Kate Hntcherson came ! home from Winston last week. | She has been attending school i there during the last ten months. ! She will return in a few weeks to i resume her studies. Miss Clara Sheltdn. of Windsor. Mo., is visiting at Mr. Scales'. { We learn that she will spend the ! greater part of the summer there. Mr. Geo. Wilson is at home i from West Virginia to spend a few days with his parents. Mr. Pid Sheppard and sisters. Miss Sibbie, of Max spent Satur-1 I day night and Sunday with the i Misses Hntcherson. Mr. J. E. Shelton and son, Otis. I went to Stoneville Saturday. Mrs. B. H. Hughes, of Greons i boro, is visiting her daughter. Mrs. R. B. Ellington. MAY PERSINGER. Persinger, June 7. Glad to see the refreshing show er of last evening. Mrs. Mary Wall is visiting her daughter Mrs. J. R. Blackwell, of Pine Hall, this week. The quarterly meeting was held at Bcthesda the 4th and sth of June. Quite u large crowd atten ded. H. M. Wall and sister. Miss Kate, of Madison, visited R. X. Wall's Sunday. Miss Kate Blackwell. of Mt. Airy, is visiting friends and rela tives nt this place. Miss Hester wall returned from Pine Hail Monday accompanied by her cousin Miss Elfie Black well, who will spend several days I with friends and relatives of this place. Disease takes no summer vacation. If you need flesh and strength use Scott's EmOlsion summer as in winter. Send for free sample. SCOTr A BOWNE, Chemists, 409-415 Pearl Street, New York. 90c. end #1.00; all druggists. CAPELLA. Merchants Close Their Doors And Go Out to Plant Tobacco Phone Line From Meadows to Walnut Cove, Capella, June 3. We have had a tine season this week. Most of our farmers fin ished planting tobacco. Wheat crops are good. Corn looking well. Our poultryman, Mr F. A. Slate, lms about 200 line young chick ens. R. F. Reynolds, of Tobacco ville, is spending a few days in town. Mr. Katenfield, John M. Taylor's traveling man, spent last night in Capella. also Mr. Hedrick and family, of Elkin, N. C. All three merchants in Capella closed their doors Wednesday and planted tobacco. H. Wells, representing the Van Lindley Nursery Co., has batn in this section several days. Miss Marjie Lihneack, of Tobac ooville. was nt S. Reynold's Wed nesday. R E. PORTER. SUMMERFIELD. Summerfiehl, June 3. Rev. Mr. White preached one among the best of sermons at the Baptist church the sth Sunday. His text was: "Let 11s not sleep as do others, but watch and be safer,etc. First Tlies., 5-6, Mr. C. W. Case lias returned from Greensboro where he went on business. We people are having jolly times eating strawberries ami scratch i iggers. Cherries are getting ripe in our town. Crab grass and corn are both growing. » We are glad to hear of the wed ding bells ringing around Cases. We hope them much joy. BASHFCL CRICKET. DALTON. Dalton, June 7. Mr. Lonnie Coe spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. Joe Meadows, of Mt. View. Misses Martha and Lillie Goflf, of King, visited Miss Mary Oliver Saturday. Mrs. L. J. Oliver and her chil dren, Mary, Samuel and Martha made a flying trip to Mt. View Sunday. Service at Trinity M. E. church, next Sunday afternoon at three o'clock to be held by the | Rev. Mr. Clark, of Greensboro. KITTY. | Child Found Dead In Bed—Fran cisco News. Francisco, June ti. Wheat harvest 'will soon be here. Wheat is good in this sec, I tiiin. Preaching ut Big Creek yester day. Large crowd in attendance as I usual. Revs. Mickey and Collins were in attendance. I)r. S. A. Moir is building a new house. Dr. will have a good house when he gets it done. Col. Holt is recovering from a long spell of sickness. R. W. George has b night a new threshing machiue. Miss Hester Nunn has a quilt wijli IUOI pieces in it. The infant of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Beasley was found dead in bed last Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Nunn have a child tlmt hasn't but one hand. It never has bad but one hand. John Hill's wife's funeral will lie preached the third Sunday in ' this month at State line, Come again Bachelor No. 1. We in joy your letters. R. E. L. FRANCIS. A FRIGHTENED HORSE. Running like' mad down the street dumping the occupants, or a hundred other accidents, are every day occurrences. It be hooves everybody to have a reli able Salve there's none as good as Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Burns, Cuts, Sores, Eczama and Piles, disappear quichly under its soothing effect. 25e, at all Drug Stores. EASTERN WAR. DESPERATE ENGAGEMENT IN WHICH j, A REGIMENT OF 'SIBERIAN , COSSACKS, SUPPORTED BY ARTILLERY, WAS VIC TORIOUS OVER THE JAPANESE sgr.fl>- RON. Lino Yang, Monday, May J. — (Delayed in Transmission.) The Ja|>anese lost 300 killed a number, of horses in the fight at \ ha; I''*- 1 ''*- fuchu today. The Russians opened tire at 8 o'clock in the morning, anil after two hours and j a half of long-range firing, the Japanese, under Gen. Akkiaina, prepared to charge and crush the force which had been harrassing them for twenty-one days. In the meantime. Gen. Samonoff was ap proaching Vageiifuehu with a strong force of cavalry. It was a sight worth seeing when, at the wonl of command, the Russian J squadrons formed and rushed like a whirlwind across the terribly cut-up country, clearing away nil j obstacles, the batteries at the same j time trotting along the frightful roads. Having passed the railroad station, the troops came under the] tire of the Japanese machine guns, | but withdrew without suffering! mush loss. The fourth and sixth ! companies of the Eighth Siberian Cossacks furiously charged the' Japanese cavalry with lances, at tacking lwth rtnnks. In a few' minutes they literally cut the] whole squadron into pieces. This was the first time lances were used, and they struck terror into the enemy. In some cases the lances pierced the riders through and wounded their horses. Some "of the lances could not be withdrawn from the bodieß in which they had entered. The Japanese infantry, numbering four battalions of HOO men to a company, and eight squadrons of cavalry, attempted to advance, hut the Russian batteries opened, ami soon (he slope up which the enemy was advancing was covered with black sisits, and the enemy was forced to scatter and retire. Some of the Japan ese cavalry were wonderfully dash ing, charging with shouts upon the Russians, who met and scat tered them, A Cdssack who had lost his lance and sword wrenched a swortl from R Japanese officer and cut off the officer's head, The Cossacks picked up boots which had been taken off by the Japanese, in order to facilitate the fight, und tlourished them on their lances as trophies. The Jayianese used the Boer trick of displaying dummies, hut the Cossacks did not waste n shot on them. Geu. Samsonoff highly praised the practice of (he Russian gun ners. JAPANESE GET A FOOTHOLD IN THE OUTER FORTIFICATIONS AFTER OVERCOMING FEEBLE RESISTANCE. London, June J.—The Rome correspondent of The Daily News telegraphs: "A Tokio dispatch to The Giornale d'ltalia says that the Japanese occupied the first Jiue of the outer fortifications of Port Arthur, after overcoming a feeble resistance. "The correspondent at Tokio of a news agency says that four di visions of Japanese troops have occupied Kwan Tung heights, on which they em placed heavy artillery dominating Port Ar thur. "The same correspondent adds that the Russian squadron at tempted a sortie, hut was forced to return, being threatened by the Japanese fleet." Our customers often complain i of the after effects of the ordinary ■ liver pills—they leave one almost with locked bowels, hut this disagreeable feature is avoided by Ramon's Liver Pills and Tonic, Pellets. Each 25ct. box contains both the Liver Pills snd Tonic Pelleta— the Pills touch the liver, the Tonic Pelleta regulate the bowels and insure normal condi tions. Price 2.V18. (SUITABLE ! I SIDEBOARDS, j ♦ Sideboaids that ♦ t are suitable for t ♦ any dining room | It and at price.* $ ♦ suitable for any ♦ ♦ purse. We've a ♦ : variety of styles $ I and at price* I ♦ you'll be willing f II to pay. !! MJKTLisY, I j! HILL IS : STOCKTON : IfCOMPY. ♦ : : ♦ Winston, /N. C. ♦ I ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ NOTICE. Mule of North liar, j In tli* JSu|*»rior court. St ok oh county. I Suiiitimus for Relief—Before tlieCler . J. F. Cardwell v. John Williams, Monroe Cardwell, 11.i!rlel s'liiith, widow of Rett Smith, ./esse Caldwell, James H'ilth.ius, Lizzie Urav ami her husband Ben (Lav. Richard M' illiains, (Juincy Frnzlor and her husband lann Krizier, Oscar \N iI - llama and Carrie Williams. Slate of North Carolina, To the She ill' of Stokes county - Oreelhej : Von are commanded to summon J-hn i William*. Monroe Ca'dwcll, //at net Smith, willow of Ben Smith, ./esse Ca I well, .lames Williams. Lizzie Cray :i id herhiishind lien tinv, /.* eh ami M'lllia .s, Quliie> Frnzier and her hushaiid I.UIII Fraziev, Oscar Wiltinms anil Carrie Wil liams, the defendants above-named, if they lr» (mind with 11 your county, to ap l*ear at the office of the Clerk Superior Court for the county of s/okes 011 the I'd day ot ./illy, 1904, and answer the Com plaint. a copy of which will is* deposited in tlie oHW of the Cleik Sii|«erlor Court of said countv within ten days f 0111 the date of tills summons, and let the defender* take notice that If they fall to answer 1 ' e said complaint at that time, the plain' Ms will apply to the el»urt for the relief de lliaiifjcd : it the eoipplnint. I|ereoffajl upt and of this sni||iuons m ike due return. Civeii under lpy ham) this )Hth d:p, pf Mav. ItHM. M. T. UIL7\>N, C. S. C. Sodes County. Stale of Nois.ii Carolina, Slot- es 'ouiltV. in Superior Court Before the Clerk. (>rder. In the alNive-entitled action it appMri »g to the court upon affidavit tiled I hat .V-ii roe Card will, Lizzie Ciav and her lms hind Ben Cm\. ami Oscar Willian s, defendants alnive named. are n* n residents of the Sta'e of NoHli CaioPua and eannot after due diligence lie foniid tiiernin, and cannot he |tcisnu:illv sened with process, and are t pceysuiv part life H tilts action, the same tieinguii ac ion the sale « f the hinds of Thomas .41. ('a d* well, deceased, for pail it ion; It is fheretoie i rdnred hy tie court that publication of untie* he made for four successive weeks in the Danhiirv /.Vport a iu*wspa|H»r pnhlished in S;okes cntiulv, N. IK t fying the said ill" «» named iiou-iesideut defendants to iip|M»jir at the olllce of the Clerk of tic' • uperior Court of stokes county, on the 2d day of ./illy, 1904, and answer or d • Uiiii-to the |x't it ion: ami ltd, the said dc fendaiits take notice that if thev fail to ap pear it the 4ime mid piftie ahme li.«llied aiil answer the complaint, or ueniur thereto, the relief demanded will lie granted. This ilia JStli dav of May, 1904- M. T.''niii/rov, Clerk Superior Court •I. I> Humphreys and N. l'eiree, #U>?• for p'tK NOTICE. lining i|ii Uiiinl its administratrix of I !.«* ..tine nt (' \V MeAnally, tleceas.il. I lit) hereby give notice to ail |i. suns inilelil.il In saiil .slate to make in • mediate iiayinent to me. Also all persons holding .laiitis against the estate to |ires»nl th.ni to me |tio)erly authenticated for l>av ment oil or helbre the litli day of -Way, ItHfi. or this no - lee will he pleaileil ill liar 11.f their leonverv. •| hl« the 4h liny of Slay, 11104. KI T// McANAZ.tr, Administratrix. ~ NOTICE7~ Having dtt'y qualified a, a lniiiilstraliir of the estate of Albert //nyl.s, der'ii, 11141.8 is Iterthy given to all iM-rsoHS li.- ileltlc ' to sail! estate to link, iniiii.ilhtte piymeiit and settlement, anil all |M*rsons holding elsiiiiH against sai.l • state ant hereby notitieil to pres lit, them to lite iln'y aiiiltenlleatitil for |iayiii nit, on or hefote the OOili day of May, liMfi, fx this in. tin- will be pleaded lit h ir oi llieir teenvery. This the L'Oth day of Mat, 1004. J. 11. Covington, Adm'r. of Albert //nyles, dee'd , , Address KiliK I*. t). N 0.. I!. K. 7>. No. I, I N. O. I'et-ee, atty. for ailmr. I

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