♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦J I STOKES COUNTY AFFAIRS, j : ♦ t Short Accounts of Happenings Among Our Neighbors. Written By ♦ I The Reporter's Special Correspondents. % ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ FRANCISCO NEWSLETS. An Infant Dies—Dr. W. B. Moore's Child Dangerously III —Other Items. Francisco, July 11. The people are about done lay-1 ing by their corn. Crops are, looking well. Mr. Alfred Shelton and wife at- ; tended preaching at Rock House j church yesterday. The infant of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Shephard died last Monday. Shelton, Lawrence & Co. started | out threshing last Friday. They j are doing good work. It is given up that they have the best ma-1 chine that has ever been in this j country. The infant of Mr. and Mrs.'; Clay Lawrence is right sick. Hope it will soon be better. Preaching ami communion at | Dan River yesterday. One of Mr. Henry Smith's chil- I dren was bitten by a snake a few j days ago. It is understood that Mrs. Levi« Goiu is insane. Misses Cora and Savannah Hill visited J. W. Shelton yesterday, j While they were there Mr. Shel-; ton's cat run mad and Miss Cora , killed it. Mr. Sam Lawrence has l>een on the sick list for a day or two. Hope he will soon be out again. Messrs. Geo. Lawson and Win. Corns returned from West Ya. | last week. I understand Mr. Win. Beasley ; and boys, of State Line neighbor hood. have alxmt 1()0,UUO hills of tobacco. Who can beat- that ? Dr. Smith and family visited Rev. R. W. George Saturday night and Sunday. l>r. W. B. Moore, of Smith, has a child dangerously ill. Hope it will soon be better, Hope a large crowd will be at the convention at Danbury on the first Saturday in August. R. E. L. FRANCIS. JUTE. Jute, July 9. Crops are looking well. Wheat is stacked. We are having good seasons. Mr. C. L. Sheppard has a piece of tobacco that was planted first j day of June and has been topped ; ever since July 8. Miss Mary Taylor saw a snake the other day that was as long as a door shutter and big around as the big end of a wagon tongue. She put up a good long trot home. Mrs. W. L. Sheppard is visiting j her son at Madison this week. (J. B. Sheppard visited his mother last week. He is making his home at Bassett \ a. I wish to speak a few words to Bachelor No. 2. I think he hit the nail on the head in the regards to Miss "Milk Maid's" letter don't you think he did'? Success to the Reporter and all its readers. JACK SNAPPER. MAX. Max, July 11. Crops are looking splendid, es pecially corn,though rain is needed very much. Grady Pulliam and sister, Miss Mamie, were guests at P. H Young's last Saturday and Sun day. The regular monthly meeting at North Yiew yesterday was largely attended, also the baptising in the a. m. A nice crowd of youngsters visit ed this section Sunday after church. And all seemed jolly as well. Polly, I don't know a word to tell you yet, though if I ever do I'll slap her in the Reporter at owe and hope you will do unto Sally likewise. Ha! Ha! In fear of that hungry waste basket, I must stop. AT OAK GROVE JULY 30. The Beaver Island S. S. Convention to Meet—Crops Suffering at Gideon —ltems of Interest. Gideon, July 12. Crops are suffering a great deal for lack of rain in this section. Mr. George Duggins had the misfortune to lose a good mule, last week. Revs. Hill and Manuel, two Evangelist preachers, held services at Prestonville and Oak Grove last Sunday. B. F. Mitchell, who has been going with the threshing machine, came 'home Saturday very sick. Hope fie will soon be able to re sume his work Miss Louisa Dunlap is right sick this week. Rev. J. T. Ratledge filled his regular appointment at Davis Chapel Sunday. Preaching at Willson's church next Saturday and Sunday by Rev. J. J. Joyce. The township Sunday school convention will be held at Oak Grove on Saturday before the sth Sunday in this month. The sawmill at Dillard is being j moved near W. M. Flynt's to cut a body of timber for J. Wilson Mitchell. Little Zell and Elsie Martin, of Mayodan, visited Annie Martin, jof this place, last Monday, July! I 4th. I A. S. Mitchell and children, of Walnut Cove, visited M.T.Mitch ell, at Dillard, Sunday. H. O. F. Adkins will leave for Mt. Airy toinorow to accept- a" position with A. F. Messick Grocery Co. Among those who went to Guil ford Battle Ground from this sec tion on the 4th of July were as follows: Misses Minnie Rol>erts, Eva arid Kate Mitchell, Messrs Grover' Roberts, David Carter, Frank! Davis, Russell and Nick Mitchell. They all reported a nice time. One of the party came very near going on to Spencer. One of the Mead ows girls talked of going on to Spencer too. TREMBLETOE. CAMPBELL. Campbell, July it. Plenty of hot weather and rain and grass killing through this section. Mrs. J. R. Lackey and Mrs. M. J. Overby paid Mrs. R. W. Smith a pleasant visit yesterday. Mr. Zeb Frazier and Miss Cora Nicholson were married last Sun- j day on their way to Russel Creek church. The Arkansas photo rig arrived at J. R. Lackey's last Wednesday for a few days stay with us. Mrs. M. J. Overby is manager. We can begin to hear the buzz of the threshing machines these mornings. People can live now six days to the week. There nre plenty of dew and blackberries through this section. Crops are looking fine where they have been worked. Mr. Decatur Hutcherson visited Mr. Robert Joyce last Sunday. It looks like there will have to be something done in Stokes to keep people from fighting and kil ling so. Hanging a few would stop it I think. TRIXEY. MARION. VA. Marion, Va., July 11. T. J. Tilley has a fine girl at his house. Proud of it, you bet. A. R. Tilley killed a black 1 snake in his kitchen 7 feet long. Col. J. M. Galloway, of Madison, who with his family is occupying his cottage at Piedmont was in town Monday. SANDY RIDGE. Sandy Ridge, July 11. Preaching at the Presbyterian church Sunday afternoon by Rev. Tom Glenn, of Stoneville. A large crowd attended. J. N. Martin, of this place, went to Walnut Cove Saturday on busi ness, returning Sunday. - Miss Jessie Andrews spent Saturday night and Sunday at the home of Mr. Walter Joyce. Nellie and Ella Martin visited llallie and Minnie Joyce Satur day evening. They report a nice time. Mr. Caleb Hall visited relatives and friends near Westfield Sun day. Now, D y, talk better to the old fellow and don't let him lie running off that way. Mrs. Watt Hutcherson and lit tle daughter, Evelyn, Misses Evie Joyce, Lottie Shelton, and Minnie Joyce spent the day at J. N. Mar tin's Sunday. M iss Annie Shelton, of Horse pasture, Va., returned home Sun day, after spending a short while with friends here. Miss Clara Shelton returned from Winston-Salem Saturday. She was accompanied by her Uncle, Mr. Jim Scales and one of her lady friends whose name the writer has not learned. Sunday School Convention at Oak Ridge next Saturday. Every bodv invited to attend. JANICE. Fine Crops in North-Western Stokes A Baptizing. Brim, R. F. D. No. I, July It). Mr. Editor: We have one of the best cfops in this section we have had for years. Corn is nearly all laid by. ; Tobacco is looking unusually well. ! Wheat is about all in the stack | and good. Gardens are good. .More beans and potatoes than many years before. More cow-peas sowed than has ever been sowed in two years before. f Farmers are not lazy' up here, either, Mr. Me. T see where you are right for going for any man that calls us farmers lazy. I work in the sun every day and don't look ■ for shade until dinner time, and 1 them rascals that call us lazy ! take an umbrella to go to dinner overheads, or to the postottiee, when we are baked in the sun in j the open field 12 hours each day. Give them some more yet, Mr. j Me. Farmers up here are not asleep. ; We are making more grass, plant ing more fruit trees, fixing up our yards, improving our farms more than ever before. The writer attended the Primi j tive Baptist church Sunday at i Auburn. Two persons joined the church and were babtized, Mr. and Mrs. Fed Holt. That is one | way our Brother Baptists have the J drop on all other churches. They | dont have to have any revival meetings to add to their church. They fall in line a few each meet ing, cool and quiet, without any extra effort on the church or ' preaching. LEE. I SAFEGUARD THK CHIL DREN. |- Notwithstanding all that isdone j by boards of health and charitably I inclined persons the death rate i among small children is very high ! during the hot weather of the | summer mouths in the large cities. I There is not probably one case of j bowel complaint in a hundred, however, that could not be cured by the timely use of Chamber- I lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarr j hoea Remedy. For sale liy all i Druugists and Dealers. CONTINUE Those who are ealntnß flesh and strength by resular treat ment with Scott's Emulsion should continue the treatment In hot weather; smaller dose and a little cool milk with It will do away with any objection which Is attached to fatty pro ducts during the heated season. » Send lor free sample. SCOTT ft BOWNK, Chemisti. 409-41} Pearl Street, New Yorlh 50c. and f 1.00; all druggists. i IIMMMMIMMMIMinMPMMMMM 1 NEW SUBSCRIBERS. A Steady Stream Continues to Pour Into the Reporter Office. Uncle Sam will please send! Postmaster Joyce a few more mail sacks, as the Reporter's subscrip tion list keeps on growing, and the mail carriers' turns get larger and larger every week. We don't know just where the thing is going to end. We haven't time these days to get out and hustle for subscribers, but a steady streafh of them continues to jiour into the office all the time. Since our last report the follow ing new names have l>een added to our books: Karuest Nelson, Geo. Joyce, R. T. llonnett, J. T. Shelton, C. T. Hamm, Dr. B. \V. Mebane, Ollie Rierson, Mrs. D. Wick Gordon, R. Meadows, Jerry Raker. Miss Lennis I'ulliaiu, J. E. Crayton, Miss Cosby Taylor, W. P. John son, J. I'. George, J. 11. Moser,; I). F. Smith, J. W. Moser, 11. A. Holland. 11. ('. Lackey, J. 11. Fry, T. 11. Ferguson, N. B. Gillwrt, | Mrs. Luvenie Gray, J. L. Martin, | Jas. A. Leak. W. Blancett, Bank ! of Madison, l'ratt Brothers, Mrs. Eliza Dunlap, J. P. Ball, Presi dent Yenable, Kinston Free Press, A. F. Collins, T. W. Shelton, Kernsville News, Henry Dirrett, R. F. Nunn, Dr. J. C. Blackburn, James M. Taylor. LETTER FROM BACH NO. 3. Lone Pine. July 2. Mr. Editor. Please allow me space in your valuable paper for a few words to "Speak What I Think." Now, my friend, just consider these few tilings, you uphold the liquor so ( very much you surely must like j the stuff very well. You said in your letter through the RejKirtor J that they were getting on the old i men's toes, yes, and a lot of young i men's also. You ask your friend , in lowa to visit yon and you would j have a tine time drinking. Do j not advise your friend that way, J tell him to come and you will get | your Bible and have praver meet-1 itiganda Bible reading. My friend, j its wrong for you to teach your j lowa friend so. Read your Bible just a little more and see where it 1 says For he shall be great in the | sight of the Lord and shall drink ! neither wine nor strong drink and j he shall be filled with the Holy | Ghost. Is this not warning my | friend to us? Yes and we ought | to obey these rules and be guided i by them on through life and when ' we are called up before our God I we can go with a willing mind. J My friend there is just as many | killed with liquor as there is killed with any other poison. My : friend you said in your letter that ! you know a lot of people that used ! whiskey that did not use tobacco, but I think you nre widely mis taken for 1 don't think there is one out of a hundred that uses one, but what uses the other. We must not let this demon get its clutches on us. we must, fight it oil and when our thirst gets so great for the stuff just be like our Savior was when the devil tried to tempt Him. Let's say get thee be hind me, satan. I have heard men say if I just crmld quit drinking I do not know what I would give. They could stop right then if they would try. I have heard men say that they wanted to kill themselves by Th inking and if they knew they were going to die a drunkard they would get down on their knees and go to begging the Lord to have mercy on them for their so d ings. With success to the Reporter and it readers I'll ring off for fear ' of the waste basket. BACHELOR NO. 3. DOM KSTIC TRJUBLES. It. is exceptional to find a family where there are no domestic rup tures occasionally, but those can Ibe lessened by having Dr. King's New Life Pills around. Much t ouble they save by their great work in Stomach and Liver trou bles. They not only relieve you, but cure. 25c. at all Drug Stores. HARTMAN. Hartman, July 4. As there's been no news from here lately maybe a few linen would interest someone. W. H. Lackey ami family visi ted at L. J. Lackey's, of Madison. Saturday and Sunday. Master Marvin Reed, of Mayodan, visited his cousins, Masters Banner and Branscoiue Young last week. Davie, write again, your letter was appreciated anil rend by all in our home. Quite a number of North View youngsters attended foot washing at Piney (trove Sunday. Reported a largo crowd. Little Miss Alma Lackey, of Madison, is visiting her little cousins. May and Nina Lackey this week. Wishing the Reporter and all its patrons much success. LILLA. CLEMMONS SCHOOL. CLEMMOIVS. N. C. Forsyth County. Established lor the tii«N*»l anal iu>"n tiainii gol individuals UL both MM- Deve opinent of the mind, the cliaia ter un lof irue untnlnitd a d wonianh ind M> o'ljecn sought. Location beautiful, clim.iti' heatl'i'u', nlei run 11 .ble. For fuller information, address THE KEV. JAMES E. IIALL, Principal. PIEDMNT warehouse. WINSTON, C. LEA U 8 ALL OTHKIt lIOISI> " POUNDS . IN,) PRICES. Hring your tobacco to PIEDMONT and I you shall have the top of the market for j every pile of it. } bur Friends, M. W. NORPLBBT & CO. BROWNS WAREHOUSE. lias the best arranged and best iighted sales tloor in Winston. IS most centrally located a«»y fi-oin car line. in this the leading tobacco cty of the South. Ins! year file manufactured tobacco sliip|ied from lieie was |«uindi, and to nik«- thlsoi.tpul ao mormons quantity of leal* was required. Does i.ot this jimtify us in promising y- u latUer prices I luili \ou can obtain eljewliere? Anil with a i record of many years for high prices we cordially invite >nn to Itring Your Tobacco To l's. Brown's Is Headquarters For High Prices. Schedule Of First Sales. ,JAN Tuesdays Thursdays, Saturdays^ FEB. —Mondays, Wednesdays. Fridays. M CII . —Tuesdays. Thursdays, Saturdays. KITE TOBACCO NOT MAOB BY A TRUST Absolutely Ihe Best. Merchants can buy this popular to bacco from all wholesale grocers PARKER-DAVIS. Democratic National Ticket Nom inated at St. Louis Saturday. St. Louis, July it.—Alton B. Pnt'kor, of Now York, was unani mously nominate.) for Preside tit by the Democratic national con vention, nt 5:45 o'clock this morn ing. Judge Parker's nomination came after a Hussion of th>conven tion lasting almost 10 hours. Parker lacked just it votes when the tirst roll cull was ended, but before the vote was announced Idaho changed her six votes to the New York man. Nevada fol lowed with two. Parker now lacked hut one, and West Virginia ga.-e him lilaud Washington 10, mak ing a total of >Sy. Before this could be announced, Governor Doekery, of Missouri, withdrew Oockrell'a name and moved that Parker's nomination he made unanimous. floury G. Davis, of West Vir ginia. was nominated for Vice President by acclamation.

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