The Danbury Reporter N.E. & E. P. PEPPER, Publishers TERMS TO ANY ADDRESS : One year, sl, 6 mo. 50c., 3 m o. 25 OCTOBER 27, 1904 The Point of View. A HESU?ae OF THE SITUATION PO LITICAL-NATIONAL. STATE AND COUNTY The Republican managers of President Roosevelt's campaign appear to have the most supreme confidence of success, and a dis patch from New York states that the leaders at hoadquarters have practically stopped work, claiming that Roosevelt will get 290 votes sure, leaving several States in doubt. This claim is said to be bised upon n canvass of the entire cojuitry. 'The total vote in the electoral college is 476, so that 239 votes aro necessary to elect. Another dispatch from New York Monday morning says that the Democratic National Com mittee has made a canvass of the doubtful States and reached the conclusion that New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Mary land, Delaware. West Virginia and Indiana, and a majority, if not all, of the Rocky Afduntain States, will go for Parker. Illinois and Wisconsin are classed as doubtful. So, it is readily seen to the calm and dispassionate, observer, that both sides are claiming everything, -..and that success is not assured for usual supreme confidence of the Republicans has been largely dis sipated. Chairman of the Re publican Exeoutive Committee N. O. Petree claims that he will land his ticket by 374 majority. Chair man J. D. Humphreys claims that the Democrats are going to win sure by majorities ranging from 150 to 275. While the prospects of course favor the election of some of the Republican candidates, there is a sub-current moving in favor of some of the Democratic candi dates that may produce a tide before the Bth of November that will sweep in the whole Democrat ic ticket. There is considerable disaffec tion among Republicans, while Democratic harmony has never before been so complete. BOTH SIDES MAKE CLAIMS. Taggart is Satisfied and Cortelyou Claims 290 Electoral Votes For Roosevelt. New York, Oct. 25. "I could not be better satisfied with the prospects for Judge Park er's election," said Chairman Tag gart at Democratic national head quarters today. When asked if he could give any figures or name the States which he depended upon to elect his candidate, he said: "I have never in all my life given out figures before election. Ido uot believe it is good policy. The national committee will doubt less discuss the advisability of such a course this campaign, but it is quite doubtful if we shall make public nny estimates. "If we do give out nny they will be Mr. Targgart's own figures and no bluster;" / The managers of tlje Republi- (M IW (f M HARVARD FIAI® ■■HEafeSß&g:Delivered in your home, complete with stool and Thare is no better piano-value than the Harvard, style H, at 1350, IliijTjSSfe wr style r * at #S75 * " ■ Tlicw pianos are very substantially nude of tlie best nut!ri tl, by akilleJ worlrm 'ir I'uey li if a lull ■on j,i )i|( . n i,j| e plated tuning pi: s. triple unison, heavy baarmg War. nictled action bru'A'eK d. le repeaii'is Harvard action, capstan regulatinc device, gradvatini: |iedals including soli .stop or practice pedal, w »l cross banded veneers,extra lieavy tup and bottom moldings, handsome carved pilm'ors, lull top-panoJ swing desfc, exquisite lalseii carved pauneis, patent folding fall board, contlnu nil hinges in i •»> lid ami tatl-bou'd, ovry A'eys and in fact is complete in every 'detail, and lias a TEX Y KAit GUARANTEE printed in eai'li piano. The TONE of the //A/?VARD pleas' i ery body. Jts action is light and responsive. .11 Other dealers tharge SJiOO for the. sanitise jjiylind other pianos of equal grade. 7/ow do we do it? He buy them in rar load I ns, at the lowest possible price, and asium profit s itisfies us. \Ve have other pijinos a- low as $175. And we al.o carry perhaps the largest stock of organs to lie found anywhere in tli« South, ranging in price from »44 Ip. Plenty of time given to pav for an tnstriiin nt if you haven't the c.sli to span 1 . Write for catalogue slating whether yon want one of pianos or organs. R. J. ROWI X & RRO. - Winston, N. C. THE RIERSON & COPPLE important part of the work. , SANITARIUM. ' A vast amount of good can be I done in the manifold ailments pe- ELECTRO- AND PHYsioUK. u AL. miliar to women, (menstrual dis- j THERAPEUTICS FOR THE TREAT- J •>«! -re, malposition) etc.. MENT'OF CHRONIC DISEASKS. Hip joint disease and bone de- flformities in children (orthopedic 127 South Main Street, Winston- Juirgery) yield splendid results if Salem, N. C. jPlmndled according to physiol- logical principles. SCOPE OP THE WORK : \ ft would lead too far to approx- The diseases and diseased con | imatoly define the good which ditions which are amenable trt tin ay be done with physiological treatment by Physiological Thertf jmethods in diseases of the blood, peutics, are unlimited in nilmbe |jf nutrition, of internal organs and kind. kidneys, liver, heart, bladder It is more especially the chrou uid in catarrhal troubles of every ic diseases, that represent th iescription. field in which physiological treat DEAENESS CANNOT BE ment has been productive of gov j CURED, results even in pases which a By local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion ordinarily looked upon as ) i of the"ear. There is only one way incurable. » to cure deafness, and that is by It is impossible to over estini' constitutional remedies. Deaf the vaßt amount of good wh ness i ts caused by an inflamed con ,lthin mntftorl Htipn of the mucous lining of the ,Xv.'us • _ th l ß When in Town SEE US When at home WRITE US In either case we'll save yon >uoney 011 anythiri.; i.ll (h ■ jewelry line. Otlieis amy copy onr published talks in typi*, 1> it tin*y can't, w>»n't anil don't dupli cate our valifes. There are three things we can do : IKe can save yon money on anything in our line. We .an fit your eyes with glnssos scientifically, and we can repair yn ir watcli better than anyone in thi* city, and we'll cliarge yon no more than chd 1 work will cost you. Come to see us and let us convince you that what we say A true. W. H. LEOMARD The Leading Jeweler, 400 _ Liberty Street, If* V^7).\ .A(•