PINNACLE. Pinnacle, Nov. 21. Farmers in this section are about through sowing grain. Messrs. Martin Culler. E.Spain bower, Abe Edwards, Hobt. Hall, Cbatman Flinn and others started across the mountain this morning. Guess Pinnacle will lie supplied with cabbage and chestnuts on their return. Mr. Henry Moser. of Moser. Surry, Co.. spent several days at the home of .Mr. Abe Edwards. Messrs I'll i I Hps and Jones called on Misses Holder and Loftis yes terday. Mr. Wiley Edwards entered school at Dalton this morning. Misses Alice Edwards and Rosella Savage spent the night with Miss Lucinda Edwards. Mr. Koby Boles and sister, Georgia, are visiting relatives and f lends near Flat Rock. Mr. Julius Mickey has sold his firm to Mr. J. A. Holes. Mrs. C. ]). Slate and her little son. Homer, returned to her home a' King Saturday accompanied by lur father. Mr. V. (i. Watson, of tliis place. Messrs Hillary Gordon. Walter Savage, Edgar Mickey boarded the train for High Point a few days ago. Mr. Newton Watson and Miss Hattie Davis are visiting friends near Kernersville. FARMER .JOHN'. Pinnacle Nov. 22. Mr. John Shamel was in town S iturday. Mrs. Randlemau and Mrs. Spainhower spent Thursday with Mrs. E. W. CuMer. Miss Daisy Spainhower spent Sunday night with Miss Lucy Spainhower. Mi's. Fannie Fulk. of this place, is visiting her daughter. Mrs. Ella Fulk, at Aft. Airy. Misses Connie Haley and Alta I lolder called to see M iss Flaud Kallatn Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Bessie Cardwell called to s'« Mrs. Ziglar Sunday. Mrs. Cardwell has just returned from a \ isit to relatives at Pilot Mt. Mrs. Stewart, of Germanton, visited her friends. Misses Irene and Tine Simpson. AUTRE A. Pinnacle. Nov. lU. There was not any service at the Protestant church Sunday on account of Mr. Hunter's absence, as he was at Conference. Misses Flossie Kallum, Grace King, Girtie King and Mr. Ernest Moser spent Sunday with Miss Dora Wall. Miss Dora Wall spent Saturday and Sunday at her home. She reports a good school ot Flat Rock district. Will Moser and Ellis Stone called on two young ladies Sun day evening. I*— ——————wwM M'g SCHOULER'S I Ask lie average Stokes county 1 mail or woman who understands buying to the best advantage, where one can find |THE BEST GOODS I and eight times out of ten the} will say at Schooler's Depart meiit Store at Winston where you can always find what von j are looking for AT THE LOWEST PRICES Come today, whether you buy or not, twenty clerks will be glad to show you through their magnificent store—Shoes, Hats, Shawls, Cloaks, Quilts —any- thing you want in Men's, Wo men's or Children's Dress Goods or House Furnishings. Schou ler's WESTFIELD. Westfield, Nov. 21. The protracted meeting at the Friends church began Saturday. is being conducted by Rev. Wesley Wooten, of White Plains, and Mrs. Angel, of Mt. Airy. Mr. G. G. Tucker, of Winston, was in town last week. Dr. J. M. Flippin and family, of Salisbury, are visiting relatives here this week. E. L. Ring, of Whiteville. S. C.. is visiting relatives here. 0. H. I 'owell, of Madison, spent Thursday night in town. S. W. Cobb, of Danville. Va., was here last week. Rev. R. W. George spent Sun day night with his daughter. Mrs. Dr. Smith. R. V. Marshall is at Dobson this week on business. As news is scarce, I will close. LOI'ISK. KING. King. Nov. 21. Miss Martha Newsom and 1) R. Boyles, of Winston, visited King last Sunday. C. G. Ingram happened to bad luck by one of his large hogsdying last week. Rev. B. T. Bitting will preach his farewell sermon at Galatia next Thursday night. Misses Kate Stone and Claudia Newsom visited Miss Alice New som Sunday. M iss Effie Caudle visited friends in King Sunday Misses Ella and Martha Ingram visited friends near Rurel Hall last week. ' Baxter Grabbs has accepted a position i;i the depot as assistant to help S. W Pulliam. Joe Stone is visiting his sister at High Point this week. DOLLY GRAY. GERMANTON R. F. D. NO. 1. Germanton R. F. D. No. 1. Nov. 21. W. Y. Gordon has a beet weigh ing ten pounds ami several others that weigh four and live pounds. Who can beat that ? Come again, Mr. Yoss. Messrs. Pink Southern, Ringo and Sam White returned from Winston Saturday. Hurrah! boys. I miess you have had a good time with your girls. Poor girls. I'm sorry for you for they are going back Sunday or Monday. E. I. O. U. MADE YOUNG AGAIN. "One of Dr. King's New Life Pills each night for two weeks has put me in my "teens" again writes D. H Turner, of Dempseytown.Pa. They're the best in the world fori Liver, Stomach and Bowels. Pure ly vegetable. Never gripe. Only j 2f>c at all Drugists. JBL DO YOU BUY YOUli CLOTHING OF Jjk M ■ "DWELL I ROGERS, » IXNTttX. A*. V. elothinj; stores —that they buy and sell more clothing. buy aul w rheaper than any clothing dealers in \orth Ca/olina *Vhy ! because uuantitv makes the price '§o2 pv VMM it' i SUITS AND OVERCOATS t > © Fffll Mt% BOYS AND CHLBiffN. MH; i The Largest ami E?c--t Stock Ever Shown in »Vins(on-Saleui. '^''•f^lKhndK.p KOYS KXKE Sl'lY.i MEN'S SUITS : 82.50 to $25.00. I Joys Lonir l'nnt> Suits ■• J .00 I • sl.">.(X). Mi'ii's Overcoats : $2.00 to $:J5.00. r- When in W'insion In ;i *»i itnl overcoat of MrDitiV'ELL « KOtiEKS, 1M 1 I tulcv Hotel Phoenix. )/)//osit ■■ Court House. Liberty Street. «'« "'«H T .Aul*oa New M. E. Church Appointments The M. E. Church Conferen which was in session at Charl >t 11- Inst week, made the following ap pointments for the Winston l>t> triot : J. R. Scroggs, P. E. Winston Centenary, 11. ! Chrietzberg: Hurkhead. T. AV Watts; (trace, J. H Barnhardt; Southside and Salem, W. V. i Scales. Forsyth J. F. Totten. Lewisville A. U. Heil. Walkertown H. 11. Jordan. Thomnsville C. M. Campbell. North Thomnsville l». I'. Eti bnuks. Kernersville—T. A. Sikcs. Davidson—P. E. Parker. Summerfield—.l. F. Kirk. Stokestlale H. E. Edwards. Lcnksville A. L. Stnnford. Madison—W. M. It >bbins. Stom vilie and Mayodan- D. j Cnnipe. Dnnbury -I. T. Uatledge and J. : 11. Robertson. Mocksville—J. P. Rmlgers. Farmington L. L. Smith. Sprnv—W. M. Biles. Advance W. •). Curtis. Davie—J. M. Price. Cm >leemee H. C. Byrum. Death of L. J. Boles News Items From Kiger. Kiger. Nov. IS. People in this section are about done sowing wheat. Mr. L. J. Holes, a prominent citizen of Stokes, died yesterday and was laid to rest in the Friend ship gravcyaid. Wonder if Abe Tnttle is mouse hunting yet ? Mr. Charlie Pulliain filled his regular appointment np the creek I last Sunday. Will some one tell us why Mr. I Mart \ oss goes down tli ■ creek I snipe hunting so often ' Think Walter Kiser is going to visit his cousin Sunday as usual. .1. H. C. didn't you get cold fish ing Saturday Luther Kiser is I joking sad this week, as his best girl went I>a kon him Sunday. Guess C. C. I>. is living liir 1 as his best girl sent him a large sweet potato the other day. Wishing the Reporter success. M. Local Items. W. H. and .1. T. Carroll, of Kiger, were in town Monday. Mr. Will M 1 Ml*(\ t>{ Moore's Springs, WHS in town Sunday. We are selling out at cost. Nor tleet Hardware Co.. Winston, N. , G. M. Allen, a übsf liltial cit izeu of Hill Top, was a Dan bury visitor Monday. A party of the Dcilmry young j people expe-t to visit the moun tain today. Hardware at cost ! Hardware at cost! Nortteet HardwareC inpanv. Winston, N. C. Mr. Chas. M. Jones, of Pin nacle. our newly elected Register of Deeds, attended th ■ meeting of the county commissioners Mon-j jilay. "Mr. Jones will remove to Danbury in a short while as lie ;will take charge of his office the' 1 first of December. I 1 a ()/' Sale Of Lit ml. | /»'. virtue ol t decree of »he .Superior i St »!••- count v. rendered oil the iv • ' >•••.. !!M)4. in I in* s|k*cl«l I 'ill* I "l-a ic M. liorrto ». j i \m. 1 /y.iwkii deed., njxiinsf .It*||tl //ilWKills. et ill," I will sell ill !•'. • .»! 1« I 011 to the highest bidder'itf e 'n»r-' door in flu* /own of Danhnrv. • .i> Nov. *. liMM, .1! cin* 1 •lock, I\ M . tinee Ir.n'is of Li'ul in I es i ouuty, X. C. i•>t ti •«, on tln* branches of '.'rooked | r. • k. "ii the north of Iho road A'liown Ih M'. \iry roil I, m tlit? cotmty of v k - iinl .Mac of N. iivljoiniimj Ili. Uet ih ni is //.i Ihor, 11 ow «*l.l i 111 I I»% I'etei |J (Catkins, and others, it l»eiii;j a • •s\ •*v iii'lehy K!i?ha I 'hihip, to (»eort»e !%»•». and h"iitded m follows to wit: />• . in it u r. 'l .ik. now down in the edge 1 ill. fid, tin* .V. E. corner ol the hiii- i then .south on llit' old line, one I .ml sixty-six poles to .» whit«* | oak, ilt--nee .South sixty-six ilogrees VV, six- i • 1 p ]'•« top -st oak "ii the .South *ide of >ii Aii \ road, Thonia //iti>»r's .1 ii •. ii"\\ • ■ 1.1 iin • ! !»\ l*»tvrl>. '•Va'kins. '! ♦•!»•• \. ll*. with tlit* different Courses of ■'! »ad, two hundred a.d sf'V®uty-lhree ttpol* - oak on the South mI I" of An U said Hail ■/i■ ml it> corner, thence ICast on* handiel and twenty-two |>ol 0 s to the ■ . i; . c»ntaiMinir oim* Inn.died acre*, i:i' ; 1 I and Immiiu 'li o sanu» tract i f 11:1 . Co ve • d lis deed from //iiuh Poor l» ll' l.i in I» 1 alk ill ■*, and Mars N. //i w.x --s, his wife, 1 »r ed in the Ke&istei's ' of Mokes county, N. C , bnoifc N ». -7. !««.- I>L- Svi.nd tia« t. at isuia'il p»>t I i, corner of Steele's lot, ruftiiltur South 8 I i iin>an l !" links to t while near a I > inch, then • S. 4 11. (! chains and I" inks t > a dogwood, on Hiosldeof aro id. ti do.\ i the old road as it meanders . 12 chains to i s«t ike In the old line, then • Ki>t on «.i,d line, 17 cliaini to p-i -it I u ! v liraiieh, thence np said '•i.inch s it meaialeis, J7 chain® to a ltß"ist | • ■it the side ot a InaiiCh, wheie a small ! Ii :i»»iiip'i« -in litem*npsail Mnall hraitch j isi' i. innei s. l-!-- e! a •» to the for A* of t i ' m !.«•>. them*e \'"illi IH i hailis to !";i t'M»i it Ike t hestntil Kidue ISoad, tlieiee down siid roa-1 Hs il meanders, 'Jib i-J • liains t« lie* I'eg iiniia;, e«nitaiu % 1-2 aeies ne '•* or less, and iieinu a pari t th" U iiis!on i alter tract «»r land, set " U N . jn«»'s 4»J. l and /■ er'» OHlce ol courity, N. (J., s \ inu on I except i i»i! I'i • »in the aho\.« hoimd ir\ '» 1-10 »• r.'- conveyed "IV hy William // t a i\ii > and wit'* to A. I» s te»*le, See "-k No. 47. pap'* uti«l -I'il liegister** of S krs '*oumy, for lioumlat les of l« «»id M M'f ;CW t»a; t. The second ; net .!»• e i •cril»*'il. will s«dd >i|hjecl to the ' w. . hi of L.-atliv ll iwkins. widow of Wii.'i.nn I). Il.twkliih, which hasalivad> ■ e«»n a- ; ;ned t • her. Hnrd iracx, a one Hixlh nndiv d d I tar* - n the ! an«t •« f ./aiii'-* l!av\kin>, deed, ! .♦• ntii« ti.i i e«'i I lining ahoul l Uiactes. '.d /t i i»w it .-n t' " limine plan* of the sai l .1 inn - //.iwA'ins. lerd In Ntokes count>, i the waters "t >n \\ t'reeA*. The third ' . ! al«e.- i mi- will he sold subject to ' e dow«r riiiht of the widow ofthe&ald .lame* llrin\ A us. c'ecd., which has not heen ssi«j:ncd to her ferms ol * lie, ota-had' cash, ami the • Jen I a!l oi» aciedi* of four months, with Html ami approved security fo the deferred l»ayinents, six per cent interest I. "in d i • of sale. ' Vhis th* JOth dav ol »let.. 19(14. In \ \r M. (.«lUI)l »N', \d ir. of Win. llawA'ins, deed. ( |, Trustees Xalr Of La ml. I \ \ rue "f H'lthitiiy con fired hv a i . " iii i n>t d-e 1 v i'lt» m• h I! it'.ii i W. Simj»s" ' •i i 10* wile, Na i*\ K. >i up- i "on. oil ill • stll day « ! V|»fil. Isi'4. and re- i .or .led in lie ll"_d*'''r'* • 111 e of Stokes j coiintv. n ll"ok o nlati'tis i.i said nn*' not hiving h *'*n com ! heil with. 1 sh i'i e\*M - • at pii'die auction lor eas!i on the I7'n li» of Dec.. 11H4, at 1 o'elocti. I' >1 «' Di'luil p. o , Mokes i':>i|n*y. N. « . the f.M.vm' dencrMieil prop, i \ |\inji in U-ive 1-iUt I t«o\ isllip j tin -I .»• i li i'i . .1 * II M ■tclieil j .tie! oil ers all I h »i id ' I •* fi l f *\V4 t lie- } Inning i n i >nanUh n\ »u mi >4 * »i"i to jHVSima! ni. ihc i de-4 >' .',4 i«i .« p > ill. II" l-M pil «s ' o I | ehe>t mil. n«»rtl»!]i ,s d«i \V 4!» p ties t » point- j i- i «.t Ih7'• !» ''"s 1 w »it •«K • •*! 1 7 ! 1 t i poles t" the hc.ii oiin.i. confining lloacivs nioie "i le-s. i d Known as the |{. K. Ihincin i.a t of 'and. I lii.s ;li • i4ili dav of Memln»r. IWO4. KOJiT. NV .VITt //KLL, T rustce. P. JBYCE A CO., | Walnut Cove, N.C. j »! People will not find a better or more reliable place t• > £ purchase than at this reliable house. We carry all K kinds of Dry Goods and Notions, also the largest line y of Shoes in the county, and guarantee satisfaction in li both quality and price. II We guarantee to have the nicest line of Dry Goods that has ever been in Walnut Cove. Pants and Hats a Ml \\ e have just received lItXK) yards of Hamburg that we will offer at from .'!e to 10c per yard, also IMI new B waist patterns, all different, no two alike, that we will W] offer at XI.' t c per yard, wholesale cost 75c. Come and sec our stock. We will lie glad to show you K anything you want. . Respectfully yours. M P. JOYCE & ( O.y X Have you money lying itlle, await- X J ing investment ! # > u, »y not let it work f'nr yon in £ % THE BA Mv > THAT PAYS > I | 4 Per Cent i C This bank accepts savings dejHisits in any amount from \ J SI.IXJ up and allows interest at the rate of 1 percent., com- f I M pounded quarterly. X Call and see our cashier for further information M \PIEDMONT SAVINGS BANK/ 1 M COKNKIt LIIII'.HTV AMI KII'TH STHKKTS j V WINST(L\-SALEM, ./V. (\ £ .NOT 11 i\iiicr ll»is «l«v «| ri ili«* I>n »n •••ii'nr of tln» l ist will ail I teV "111 •»tnf it l|' s 111 i j SOU, i|i»Ol»liSi»«|. | lltW'i . II »l'»v ||| ji»i s» * I having claims ttfjihiM ■ ai«l !«••«*&««•»>* »•» p senttheill U» 111*1 ilnK HI li«"i" «• lie.l In payment oil or lief»re th»» rjth «1 cv I />• j eembcr, or tliN n tiee wi'l «• pie «l «»| ,in liar ot* their recoverv. \m I .ill t»'rs>ii indebted to said esta'e w«|| pi a • ihk.* immediate payment »«• me. 7'liis tin l 1 Mi ilav of Xoveni'"»r, I'.i 4 AI KBLII -. II i M "■>' t.V. | Executor Adniinititrator's Notice ! Not ice"i* hereby given tint I htv M|U lay tpialilied as administrator * I". A. «»f tli'* estate of' Frmk I' .Sew ir». de ' I. ail all persons hiving claims against Mi-* .| • cedent are hereby noil lie il to exhibit t 1 »• j»a'«'*' to Ihe undersigned oil oi l»efnre I lie ]ISIII ctav of .Nov. 10o:>, or Ibis not In* will Ih* pleidel In lur of any recovery of&iHi claims Tbistle k 10th day of November, I0')l. W. W. IIA V WOOD. Ailinr. C. T. A. Charlotte, N. (•' Win. F. HAKIHNi;. Atty., Chariot t°, XC. { LA.YD SALE. |tv \ 'Hui ol i d>* *ree of the Superior Mi l n\ Stokes nninty f ii;il«» in the special eniitlfil "J. F. Can I we) I vs ./oii i William, ot al. M we will oIIV tor sale • m lb * !»i-.'!i.»st i»i| I m- fur eash. at the court 'i .1 mm- H i i,. io'v'i of Ditibury, • i i M .ml iv, ./an 'jii.l JffcKV a*, one o'clock, r. M ill.' t -Mo wo,i» tract f land lying ami i» *hi; -II MO *»M •*» FIT ,ON the north side lin vI- »i|i iiv i j (hiiii*4 the lan is nf MII'I an I otb«*-s. IMMH r A part of \%ba. A-I. VII, I J'ot) y irebb place, !. ",'i im i.: «r i v i.V* mi die north bank of Korv f'.ik ( i.M-K. i i .s'mUVs line, north no p'di'4 i• • spniisli o ik corner, thence e.«st I i p KM' jll'lll1* roul, thence tlowa 7.' ' 1 1 ' v "I'll Mil *»7 pot Hot'» "fv i'"!!* ''iv!*k, no the same south 10 'hu. v«M 10 p«t|**4 :,r, ,|,.g. W est 8J poles .vmtb >7 w«s I » inles, north fiO deg. wi'st .!i |»«!h4 north 41 il «». west 14 jioles ionii (I i.leg. Wist it poles to the begin i '•••raining aeio-i, more or le*s. Tltisfiii* 'Mi day of Nov. 11104. .1 b. Ml .WPHKKVS, N. O. i'ETREE, Commissioners. 1