STOKES COUNTY TEACHERS. j A List Of Those Who Have Secured Schools. Together With Their Schools and Postoffice Addresses. Through the kindness of Prof. J. T. Smith, County Superintend ent of Schools, the Reporter is enabled to print a complete list of the public school teachers of Stokes who have secured schools ill the county, together with their locations, etc., as follows : DANBURY TOWNSHIP. Danbury District No. 1. Not supplied. Hartman District No. 2. Sam'l H. Stewart, Danbury. Young's District No. 3. Miss Sadie Stewart, Hartman. MEADOWS TOWNSHIP. Meadows District No. 1. J.N. Young, Meadows. Germanton district No. 2. O. N; Petree, Germanton. Petree's District No. 3. Miss Maggie Petree. Germanton. Friendship District No. 4. Miss Ella Salmons. Hamptonville R. F. D. No. 1. Pine Log District No. 5. F. S. Ross, Walnut Cove R. F. D.No. 1. Wilson's Store District No. li. G. W. Prim, Walnut Cove R. F. D.No. 1. Flat Shoal District No. 7. O. L. Pulliam. Germanton R. F. D. No. 1. Rierson District No. 8. Miss Mary L Tuttle. Meadows. YADKIN TOWNSHIP. Cresons District No. 1. Miss Nannie B. Watson, Pinnacle. Mt. View District No. 2. Jas per A. Slate, Mizpah. Ale District No. 3. X. R. Hamin, Dalton. Capella District No. 4. Miss Mary E.Shelton, Moore's Springs. Haw Pond District No. 5. J. H. Cromer, King R. F. I). No. 1. Oak Grove District No. li. Levi W. Ferguson, King R. F. D. No. 1. Goff District No. 7. Miss Daisy Petree, King R. F. D. No. 1. King District No. 8 and V). L. K. Pulliam, Miss Minnie Grabbs, King R. F. D. No. I. Dry Springs District No. 10. Miss Sarah Kreeger. Tobacco ville. Chestnut Grove District No. 11. Miss Wilmeta Smith, Slate. Flat Rock District No. 13. Miss Dora Wall, Pinnacle. Volunteer District No. 14. R. F. Bondurant, Delk. Pinnacle District No. 15. S. W. Hall, Miss Rena Kreeger, Pin nacle. Kallam District No. lfi. O. N. Goff, Dalton. Legislative District No. 17. J. W. Rutledge, Dalton. QUAKER GAP TOWNSHIP. Padget District No. 1. Miss Alice V. Martin, Smith R. F. D. No. 1. State Line District No. 2. R. G. Tuttle. R. F. D. No. 1. Asbury District No. 3. Miss Mary Belle Joyce, Danbury. Nunu's District No. 5. Miss Annie F. Leake, Peter's Creek, Va„ R. F. D No. 1. Beaver Dam District No. t5. Not supplied. Francisco District No. 7. Miss Annie Reid. Vade Mecum. George's District No. 8. Miss Maud Flippin, Francisco. Simmons District No. 9. J. W. Simmons, Tulip. Boaze District No. 10. Miss Jennie Reid, Vade Mecum. Brown Mt. District No. 11. Miss Ada Leake. Peter's Creek Va. It. F. D. No. 1. Gibsons District No. 12. Mrs. A. J. Pell, P. Pell, Pilot Mt. R. F. D. No. 2. Brim District No. 13. T. J. Blackburn. Mt. Airy Flinty Knoll District No. 14. W. R. Beasley, Rock House. Guaker Gap District No. 15. Miss Nora Covington, Delk. Cascade District No. I>. R. F. Shelton, Moore's Springs. PETER S CREEK TOWNSHIP. Academy District No. 1. Miss Jennie Ray, Danbury. Sands District No. 2. Miss Rachel Moore, Smith. Smith District No. 3. Miss Jnda Ray, Danbury. Hardbank District No. 4. John D. Smith, Hardbank. Ore Bank District No. 5. Thos. Priddy, Danbury R. F. D. No. 1. Lawsonville District No. (5. Miss Lettie Suo Brown, Camp belt. Jute District No. 7. Miss Lizzie Moore, Smith. Buck Island District No. 8. O. M. Bennett. Danbury R. F. DNo. 1. SNOW CREEK TOWNSHIP. Sandy Ridge District No. 1. Miss Lee Anna Griffin, Mrs. 11. L. Ellington. Sandy Ridge. Amos' District No. 2. Mrs Mil dred Alley, Heareford. Buffalo District No. 3. Miss Lizzie Adkins, Miss Lindsay Da vis, Red Shoals. Prestonville District No. 4. Not supplied. Beasley District No. 5. Miss Mollie F. Joyce, Sandy Ridge. Smith Town District No. 0. Miss Minnie Crews, Mayodan. North View District No. 7. Miss Fannie Hawkins, Sandy Ridge. Moore's District No. 8. Miss Jessie Andrews, Sandy Ridge. BEAVER ISLAND TOWN SHIP. Gideon district No. 1. Jas. M. Fagg, Red Shoals. Ganns district No. 2. Miss Bercha Duidap, Gideon. Saxon district No. 3. Miss Ruth Lasley, Gideon. *)illard district No. 4. Miss Fannie Lasley, Gideon. Pine Hall district No. 5. Miss Mamid Leake, Peter's Creek Va. R. F. I). No. 1. SAURATOWN TOWNSHIP. Fulp district No. 1. Elijah | Beasloy, Francisco. Blakely district No. 2 and 3. | | Consolidated, not supplied. Walnut Cove district No. 4. W. i A. Bagby, Gray, N. C„ Miss Mar garet Adams, Walnut Cove. Rose Bud District No. 5. Miss ! Mamie Flynt, Belew's Creek. lsoin's district No. 7. J. F.V | Bondurant, Walnut Cove. Stuart's District No. H. Miss I Mat tie Stuart. Walnui O "e R. F. j I f). No. 3. Concord District No. J- fissi Claudia Smith. Franciscd '. I ! 1). No. 1. FRANCISCO. Francisco, If The following porno ! section have bought now this,fall : Messrs. J. D 8 W. Beasley, .fames Beasley Floyd, Peter Bondurant, Jn Bondurant, J. E. Holt, W Prytle. R. H. Lawson, W. Leake. Win. Hall. A. J. Hill. Mr. Ben Phillips of Stuart. Va., | who has been painting Dr. S. A.; Moir's new house, has completed the job and returned to Stuart last j i Tuesday. Seems there is not much sniil j about tlie coming Xmns among i the people of this vicinity yot. Mr. Clifford Nunn has gone to Mt. Airy to work. Miss Hester Nunn has been ; visiting relatives at Pilot Mt. Messrs. W. P. Sheppard, Alon/.o Ward and J. J. Hill started to , Winston today with tobacco. The boys will have a rough time for the trip. There will go up three new I dwelling houses in this vicinity at ! once. li. E. L. FRANCIS. STUARTT VIRGINIA. Stuart, Va., Dec. 12. Work has begun on the new jail building and it is to be completed by the first of March. J W. Fisher, who has the con tract for building the new jail, made a business trip to Martins ville Wednesday returning Thurs day. W. D. Rucker. of Greensboro, N. C„ visited his mother, Mrs. W. B, Rucker, a few days this week. B. P. Phillips, who has been painting at Francisco, N. C„ re turned to Stuart Wednesday. W. H. Wimbish spent Sunday iu town. John L. Boyd, who received slight injuries in the wreck on the D. & W., has returned to his duty. „ As news is scarce, will ring off for this time. "RAILROADER." COOK WANTED A white woman, who can cook, wash, iron, milk, etc., may securo per manent employment at fairwttges by writing at once to X. Y. Z., Care of Reporter, Danbury, N. C. To the Public ! We don't wish to insult your intelligence by claiming to sell goods Tower than anyone else in the county, but we wish to call your attention to our larjje stock of general merchandise dress goods of all classes and colors, a special line of broad cloth, flan nels, morehairs. worsteds, mercer ized silks, bought especially for winter season, hoes in great varie ty, ready made clothing for men, youths and boys that are made to wear, hats, caps, big line shoes of best makes for ladies, gentlemen and chilcren. The buyer who goes by us is sure to pay moro for his goods than jf lie give us a look and gets prices. Thanking you for past we assure you appreciation and right treatment in future. JACOB FULTON & SONS. SJECIAL SID E; ajL. k |m i ■ Mostly one, two x, suck suits of a kind, to close out "* .. ;Jl|L 4CQ Q§ ||Tx JforeXn,a9 '" . ®»f I V-r C 3 -.jU S I 107 tay Frodi Ms id t. {V. Out-Halt Price.'MJ Regular prices $'5.50 to S2O, -, j t.cinl prices. $3.25 to s*(). Sizes 33, 34 and 3;>. Black and fancy colors. 11 1 esc , u o are unheard of values. § VERCOATS i:sita' of o'coats in all lengths and colors. Every oVoat ' »mt of them extra bargains. f j" ' s o'eoats in great variety of styles fi\»m V> sure to call at ! "Li & aosKiiS, I ... Opposit" Court Liberty Street. A Pit NT '»- * IS nds and .took from wl, g to sell some spe .s. Caps, etc., as : wol 1 Bel« y°u may get an idea of I what. \ Gjn& - - .... Calico at 1 " Plaidss Sheeting " 4$ Table Oil Cloth at I>.\ cents pj* yard. Ladies and Gents Hose at 74 cents per pnix i '"'up. Good Assortment of Men's and Hoy's Shirts 1 ji 11) cents up. Ladies and Gents I "underwear l'.t cents per pi\ce and up. Meat cents per pound. Flour $2.80 to 83.00 per hundred. Molasses 15 cents per gallon. Three 10 cent plugs of Tobacco for 21 cents. Three 10 cent cans Good Luck Baking Powders for 22 cents. Two and a half pounds of Candy fur 18 cents. Three 5 cent cakes of Toilet Soap for 11 cents. Five cakes of Laundry Soap for 11 cents. Other things in proportion. We have a big lot of Hats. Ca| s. Ladies and Gents Gloves. Ties, Hoods, Fascinators, etc., etc., that will go at a sacrificed price. It will pay you to be present and take advantage of this sale. Please dou't forget the date and be sure to come out. Very Respectfully Yours, W. H. REID, Manager. THAT TROUBLING IT HAD ACHE. Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King's New Lift? Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matcheless merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and build up your health. Only 25 cents, money back if not cured. * Sold by all Druggists. PINNACLE. Pinnacle, Dec. 11. Rev. R. M. Loft is filled his regular appointment nt the Bap tist church Sunday at 11 o'clock n. m. • Prof. C. 11. Johnson is spending several days with his sister. Mrs. Hall. Roger Spainhower nccidentally fell while playing ball the other day and broke his arm. The quilting given by Mrs. Robt. Moser some several days ago, to the young people wn quite |a pleasure to all. j Miss Reua Kreeger, of Kimr, ! takes charge of the Primary l)e --| partinent at the aciulemv. Some preparations are being made for an entertainment at the M. P. church. J. \V. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Broino Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. \V. (irove's signature is on each box. 25c. .YOTICti OF SALE. By virtue of a decree of the .Superior Court of tftokes roil nt y. rendered in the s|w ial proceeditig, entitled -naac M. »or iloaditir. of If". D. Hawkins, an dust VV. John //.iwkins, et al," I will expose tnpub lic salt' to the highest bidder, at the court house door in the town of Danbury, V. C„ on Thuisday, tlie Oth day of January, 11)05, at one oVl«*ck, V M„ subject to the dower rijjht of the widow of .lame* Hawkins, deed., a one sixth undivided inteiest in the lands of Jaines Hawkins, deed., oweed by \V. ]>. H uvkins, th » whole tract contain ing about lit-• acres, inure or less, and be- th'' tract known as the home place of the said .lames Hawkins, dec!., on the waters of Snow f'melc. «»i branches thereof, in s'nou Township. Terms of sale, we half »• sh, and the remainder on a credit ot four months, with bond and ap proved security l»r the deferred yaynients. hearing six per cent Interest from day of sale. This the 12th dav of December, 1004. ISAAC M. (iOItDON, admr. of W. D. Hawkiu«, deed. Truster's Sri If. Of Land. P\ «»f nut hoi it v confered by a '•♦Ttain 11mt d ••• » oxe uti» I i > in? I»v /»Vifin» \V. .mui|»s»»m a « i his wit.», Nauev K. .Stinp *o;;, o th'*"»t!» div of Ni#;il. |SO4, and re corded in tl e Itecltder's office of Nt4»kf>i» county, n Book H.'. 244, and the stip uiati os i i said irust not h«vin\; been com plied with, I shall expose at public auction for c.«s!i on the JT'h dav of Dec., 11104, at I oVI »ck. 51.. it Dillard p. o. Mokes county, V I . the fd'owinj descriiied pro|N>ity lyhu* In Beiver Island township adjoining John (»hi . .!. t». 11. Jlfitchell and otl ers and bounded ss follows: Be •Jnninn en a spaui-h oak running south 102 p*des to k |HMSmiuoii, thence S 81 deg. west :»4 jades lo a |>oplar. If 104 poles *o i chestnut, north den. W4O poles to point ers, north 7-1 poles to a white oak, east 170 poles to the hejginniti:*. containing U*, acres more or less, a 1 known as the U. K. Duncan tra t of laud. I This the 14th dav f N'ovend»er, 1004. liOBT. W. IflTl HEI.L, Trustee. BUY YOUR Christmas Goods FROM R. P.Joyce and Co., Walnut Cove, N. C. Anything you want for Christmas in the way of good things to eat or wear. i At the Lowest Prices Come and See Our Stock whether you Buy or Not. X Have you money lying idle, aw ait-X * ing investment ? # V Why not let it work for you iu # \ Til K BANK f THAT PAYB 1 S 4 Percent j / This hank accepts savings deposits in any amount from - £ f pounded quarterly. X Call and see our cashier for further information. M PIEDMONT SAVINGS BANK) M COKNKit lilBBltTY AND FIFTH STRKKTS, c. * SEE jE T|E JEWELER Presents, Fine repairing a specialty. Your watch fixed while you wait