The Danbury Reporter X. K. & E. P. PEPPER, Publishers. TERMS TO ANY ADDRESS : >ne year, $1,15 nio. 50c., 3 ino. 25 DECEMBER 15. 1904 GIVE US LAW AND OROER. Sheriff Petree will confer a kindness on the good people of Danbury for which they will feel grateful, by appointing a courag eous Deputy Sheriff at Danbury at once, with instructions to do his whole duty. Though we have magistrates and constables galore, liquor is be ing sold in the community daily in open ami reckless violation of the law. and all the ills and dis comforts usually attendant upon such a state of affairs are present. At times on the streets especially on Sundays—crowds of drunken •Ml UllllUUJ 1 "i "i mint it | negroes ami low whites congregate, blocking up the sidewalks, indulg ing in loud ami boisterous laugh-, ter, oaths and obscene language, so that a lady may not venture out without imminent danger of an insult. Often far into the night maybe heard the ribald revelries, disturbing the citizens and render ing them uneasy for their proper ty, Such a condition should not be tolerated in any community having any kind of respect for common decency ami morality. Formerly, with Sheriff Joyce a resident, security was felt, for the ruffians feared hi in. Now the Sheriff absent, with Christmas approaching— that "gay' season when the hoodlums feel it their religious duty to get drunk ami raise Cain with our natives re inforced by a lot of aliens, ami all fall of the Walnut Cove white lightning that is getting to be more plentiful than water —res- pectable people will feel securer by having a good officer around with plenty of nerve, and thus save our citizens the disagreeable iiacessity of violence. The intelligence coining from 1 the markets of a drop in the price ' of tobacco amounting to an aver age of $2.00 per hundred, is dis couraging news, but disappoints only those who believe in their hearts that the American Tobacco Company is the best friend the j farmer ever had. Those who j think that the Trust, having in its , hands the supreme power of un- j limited money and backed by ihe tacit approval of a great majority ] of the suffragists of the - country, will have com- j passion on the farmer at its I mercy and pay him a good price for his product, do not understand j the secret springs that move in a ; soulless corporation. If the A. T. Co. is the farmer's friend, then may the lamb claim a friend in the wolf that tears it limb from limb. Several more R. F. D. routes could be established with bases at Danbury. if the right kind of energy and shrewdness were brought to bear. These routes are of great benefit to the people, besides affording employment nt good wages to the carriers. The government has appropriated the money to carry them on, and why shouldn't we take advantage of j them while there's a chance. There are a few places on the Danbury-Walnut'Cove road which should be looked after by the supervisors and overseers at once, before the weather gets worse, or else travel will have to be suspend ed until spring, unless the services of Jake Hill's airship can be re tained for the winter. BE QUICK. Not a minute should be lost when a child shows symptoms of eroup. Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy given as soon as the child be comes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough appears, will pre vent the attack. It never fails, and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by all druggists and deal ers. COUNTY EXHIBIT. Claims Audited By the Board 01 Commissioners Of Stokes County. N. C.. From December Ist. 1903. To December Ist. 1904. (Continued from first page.) N E Pepper, registrar of Nov. election. 7.V'-'• 8 B Taylor, " ■•• " " E L Cnmbie, '• •• •• •• ,s.s7 G C Garner, " •• '• " 9.23 J T Johnson. •• •' •' " 9.82 Jli Stone. " •• •* •• 10.2k! .1 D George, •• •• •• •• 12.30 K E Smith, " " •' •• 11.53 KL Lawson, " '• " " 11.00 T M Martin, " " " " 12.27 E L Mitchell, " " " " 9,30 J Mat Rierson, " " " " 8.29 J W Davis, " " " " 111 W E Lasley, " " " •• 7.0S RH R Blair. judge " " JVV Alley, '• " " " . I (X) S E Hicks, '• " " '• 2.i>o \V P Chapman, " " " •• I.IK), (r W Newsotn, " " '• " 3.(H> D Poindexter, " " " " 2.00, .1 H Helsabeck. " " " " 2.tK) J L Lane, " " " " l.(X) 1> \' Carroll. •• " " " 1.00 P P Johnson, " " '* " 1.00; W C Dennis. " " " " l.tK) J W King, " •' " 1.00; J \V Th ore. " " " " 100' .J P Nnun, •• " •' •• 1.001 W \V Leak. 2.00 j P T Hundley. " " " " 2.00 j OM Bennett. " " " " 2.00 J S W hit ten. " " " " 3.00 J H Brown, •• " •• " 1.00 R A Deshazo. '• •• " " 1.00 John liotlirock, " " " " 1.00 J M Fagur, •• " '• " l.(X) J H Varner, " " " " UK) . G P Daniels. " " " " 1.00 W L Vaughn. " *' " 1.00 .1 H Pulton, '• " " " 1.00 \\" W Pulp, •• •• " •• l.(K) J D Murray, " " " " 1.00 , (t G Boles. bailiff " " 1.00 J R Hutchins, " '• " " 1.00 ,) W Tucker, " " " " 1.001 W J Spainhower, " " " '' I.OOj Ed N unn, " " " " I.oo|' RL Rhodes, " " " " l.(K)|' S M Shelton, jr.. " " '* 1.(K) j' RL Pratt. 1.00 J P Dunlap, "* " " " 1.00 Tom Southern. " " " "• l.OOj' CM Burton. 1.00,' X () Petree. board of court house supt., 10.25 X O Petree. well fixtures, work etc.. 2. S| > X O Petree, expenses and time buying court house furniture, • >■' X O Petree, ordinary and extra services as counsel one year. 75.00 j R L Pratt, bailiff in 1900 election, 1.00 j M T Chilton, cs c.. services and expenses in ofiice, 10.12, Jno. W ratiii, commissioner and mileage. 30.30 j Jos. Martin, •' " " IS.Oo! J C Flippin, . " " " 22.00 I M Gordon r d., making out taxes for 1904, copying Sheriff's books etc., 211,5 I I M Gordon, r d.. clerk board county com missioners and expenses paid in office, 208.81 Total prowisouous claims. $5029.97 Ol TSIIIE PAI'PER CLAIMS Dl'RlXtt THE YEAR. Gine Manring and others. 25.25 Susan Chandler, 12.00 Leathy Caudle. 10.00 Mamie Gordon, ' 8.00 Huldah Culler, 8.00 Polly Coon's daughter. 12.00 James Wall, 12.00 Jennie Talley. 8,00 Delilah Vernon, 11.00 Kitty Shelton, 22.00 Lonisana Page, - 10.00 Milton Burrow, 12.00 Alfred Smith, 12.(X) Mark Johnson's sisters. 8.50 Cinda Thompson. 8.00 Susan Mabe. 12.00 Betsy Bulleii, fi.oo Polly Bullen, 0.00 Pleasant Oakley, 12.00 (rabe Glidewell and wife, 10.00 Leathy Pruett, 10.(K) Lydia Sammons. 8.00 Charlotte Manuel, ' 8.00 i Wm. Manuel. 18.00 Fannie Reid. 8,00 Mary Pry. 7.50 M C Marshall. 9.501 Alliert Tut tie. 10.50 Frank East's children, 9.00 Asa Xunn, wife and others. 20.1H) Wm.Tilley, 0.00 j V W Xewsom, 12.00 J Barnett Finney, 4.(K) I Betty Hennis. 8.00 .1 L Freeman, 11.00 Margaret Stewart, 0.00 Susan Hairston, 4.00 Creasy Hawkins, 5.50 Luther Mitchell, H.OO i Briny Brim. 1,00 Peter Hicks, , (5.00 Fannie Reid. 5.00 Mickey Hawkins, 0.00 Fannie Robertson. 3.00 i Sinie Manuel. 4.50 ; Sallie Goin, 2.1 X) Mamie Shelton, 8.00 j Isaac Biby, 4.00 j Calvin Martin, 3.50 I Nelia Barrett and family. 13.00 Lilly Tilley, 1,50 James Tilley, 1.00 | Emma Covington's child, 1.00 ; Adaline Harris' two children. (5.00 ; Henry Hawkins. 5.00 M J Tilley, 1.50 Total outside pauper claims, 8 491.75 Total promiscuous claims brought, down, 5029.9 \\ itness aims for spring- term HX)4, 59.(5() Jurycl.i: * for fall term I'.K).'! aiul S T 'O4, 8>5.25 Total current expenses, $(>44(5.(53 -iIIKHII I .-r.! T[. Ml ST >F COI NTY FUNDS FOR IMB. To amount o§revenue from all sources for coiintv ii:iil lor tlie year 11)03, after de (iuetin: in 1 it-., releases and Sheriff's o mini i- i■ • is. • ill.-.'ted by Sheriff.) 74(57.12 By \ .■ i :•!. ex iinitied and approved. 74(57.12 This mul. ; I - settlement of county funds eomph te. I'KEASI.'Ui M i; Wol.liV SETTLEMENT OF COUNTY F v t)S FDR 1908. r■ i .! '"pi K I'.loyee, Shff., 74(57.12 Ton ! from M T Chilton, c sc., 11't.40 To am H, ri l i I from •' 1' Smitl). rent of l|Oi, (, ■ I ! iIO.OO Poai i .i t ii • I from interest on eounty funds •!!••« i. 32.50 Ton 'il from I M (lordoti. K 1)., bniauc In d ! fun Is in his hands, 82.20 To am r • vi"! from U 11 R Bliir for (loimti I'III'I 4.11 $7775.99 B\ . s!77* 99(f/ l of 1 per et.. 38.87 $773742 To l»,i! . i:ids settlement, 2721.24 Total. $10458.3(5 Hy v. : : : ue l and ap pro. $7792.81 By cm _M (t perct., 194.52 7987.(53 Ainmi i iu* in Treasurer's hands Sept i: . 19t)!. ' $2470.73 SIIKRIK: -i ma r OF SCHOOL FUNDS FOB 1903. To am >u .i ■ from all sources for school : Ileoteil by Sheriff for the m I ;i.deducting insolvents, releasi' m I Shi'vitl'-i commissions, 8154.15 My voui'i i n n • d and approved. $ k U54.15 This ni 11,l 1 , '■ I sett ■ ment of school funds c iinplef •. | TRi: \SI . ■'s SETTLEMENT OF SCHOOL n Mi's FOR 1903. To am 'in M'• from U P Joyce, Shff,, 8154.15 To ain't M\ from M T Chilton, c s c., 559.11 To ain't ! eiv. from State Treasurer in cludin it ny, 2095.21 To ain't j' • I from Justices of the Peace, 2.13 To ain't 'i I I in sale old school property, 352.95 To ain't i 'd l'i in County Superintendent, 41.00 To ain't 'd 11 in R E Smith, refunded, 2.40 To am i ri ri i ved from Districts. 120.50 To anion recti. I from pay students from Rock in . liaiu county, 31.00 ITo ain >ni i r veio'd for library, 10.00 811438.45 Po I ~ui iii I hands on last settlement. 1392.42 T al. $1283087 By vouchers examined and ap proved. $11572.7(5 Bv com, on .5 1 1572.7(5 (g 2 per. Nt„ 231.45 11804.21 Ain't rem . M i r in Treasurer's hands Sep tetnber Jth, 1904, $102(5.(5t5 ,T»K- all s f ment were made at the Sep tember nect 14 of the Board of Com missioners 19w4. State of North Carolina, I Office Board Com'rs. S'oki s County, f I. Isaac M. Cordon. Clerk of the Board of C'otn nii. I-mi I''" Sioki-s county, do certify that the B a tru statement of county claims au dited an I lowed by said Board of Commissioners from l)p>' iibi' Ist, to December Ist, 1901. Also the am mi t of 1 venue from all sources for county and si ho i purposes and the amount of county and school fund disbursed for the last fiscal year, as ap pears fr :i Sheriff's and Treasurer's settlements of taxes for the year 1903. Witnt 111 \lmd at office in Danbury, X. C., this j the sth day of December. l'.H>4. I. M. GORDON, Clerk Board County Commissioners. •-; MiSLt ik. . ~akjuai-A | FEMALE | VIAKMESS »* i 1-2 Congrea* St. B [5 MAIVR. Oct. 17, ltfo2. K I c ns »(cr Wine of ( ardui nupofior H i | to i ;o-;or's nr dicin* I erer used M utl,l whereof 1 spfuk 1 suf- B .er. nm* mouth* wild suppressed B ;t.on \vn eh completely pros- J® • . tr.i Pains won I I nhoot B n> ' And nd 's and 1 woulu ha»e B J . bli.-i • i-j h-adache.«. My limbs would B « MW uud 1 would feel so weak 1 B [ 0 ■ not stand up. I naturally fell B * . disi i a lit - 1 f-.M-med to be beyond B N " !• rjihygirtonH, but Wine of B -i C.i .ihii t-u'uo a* a God send to me. I B t f.r a obn igv fnr tho bettor within a B » [ ' ™ Af>er nineteen daya treatment f4 1 111 sti.;i d without aalferinp: the 9 I a.- I usually did and aoon became B 1 rc r and without pain. Wine of B i , * ' ' simply wonderful and 1 wish JS that i Iforing women kuew of ita (fn , » . (rood .fuaiities. Vlt kj • Trcaattrer, Portland E -onoinie League H I ' !' : iodirul headaihes tell of it- I l.ia v.f'uknesff. Wine of '■ ardui B I rnrn permanently ninptecn out of I I ' every twentv cascg of irregular E •'i. lii'arina 'ln#" pains or H any femal' wraknets. If you are I I ' , ' urn " ei l and doctor!! hare I I l filled. Unit i. the bent re:won in I j the n orld yon should try Wine of I } a ' Car lni now. Kemembcr that I I i Ik :i !:vchea mean female weakneu. B I j S.'r ire a >I.OO bottle of Wine of ■ I j Cure hi i today. j ItNINE" | i "awpml State of North Car., \ Offioo Bonrl Stokes County. i| of Comr's. I, Isaac M. Gordon, Register of Deeds and Ex-offiaio CI .'rlc of tlin Board of Commissioners. in |■ ur suance of Section 713 of the Coilo of North Carol inn. do certify tlmt the following is a true statement of the amount, items, until re, ft**., of all compensation nu litwcl I)v ih« Board to the memlurs thereof severally, during the year ending December sth, 1904, viz : Jno. W. Garni, Chin., rec'il pay fur 27 days ip 92.00 $54.00 and 604 miles W' Sots., 30.20 # "-4 20 Jos. Martin ree'd pay for 21 days @ $2.00 ' 42.00 and 256 miles (n 5 cts„ 12.80 54.80 Jas. C. Flippin, ree'd pay for 21 days @ $2 .IK). 42.00 and 512 miles (p 5 ots.. 25.60 67.60 Total amount received by the Board, $206.60 The above includes compen sation for services during the past year at the regular and special meetings of the Board and also for services on the part of the Chair man, John W, Gann, for seeing after bridge repairs, abutments etc.. and for comparing the tax lists for the years 1903-1904. There were no unverified accounts audited during the year. This December sth, 1904. I. M GORDON, K. I).. and Ks-officio Clerk Bd. ('. C. WORST OF ALL EXPERI ENCES. Can anything be worse than to feel that every minute will be your InstV Such was the exjHisi ence of Mrs. S. H. Newson, De-a tur, Ala. "For three years" she writes, "I endured insufferable pain from indigestion, stomach and bowel trouble. Death seemed inevitable when doctors and all remedies failed. At length 1 was induced to try Electric Bitters and the result was miraculous. I im proved at once and now I,m com pletely recovered. For Liver, Kidney, Stomach and Bowel troubles Electric Bitters is the only medicine. Only 50c. It's guaranteed by all Druggists. THE BANK OF IMADISOIN Is authorized /// law to act as Truster, AssiJnee' . hiininistra tor, Guardian, Com mission er. Business Solicited. TAILOR-MADE Garments. F. 11. WOLLSCIILAGER, Winston, N. C. Latest Styles. Per fect Fit Guaranteed. »m now at my new stand on /.ib erty Street next loor to Fanners a rehouse, with a full line of Kali ami Winter fabrics. GIVE ME A CALL. Thompson's % Drug Store, Winston, A. C The largest ami most varied stork of (Hire Drugs in \V i us: o: i-.S.i It- in . 1 have had •'•() veal* excellence in titling trusses anil can advise you in selecting one. Come And See Me. V. O. THOMPSON. Economy m wood's 8«. aaparilla, because 4 100 doses one dollar" is peculiar to and true o*ly X the One True BLOOD Purifier. LAND SALE. By authority of a decree of the Superior court of Stokes county in esse of J. 1\ Covington ad ministrnt"r "f Presley Farce ngain.-t William I'enrce, .Jacob Pearce, D.-lilah Welch nnd others, 1 will sell at | üb'io outcry at the I .to resiiletve "i said Presley I'enrce, in ,}u ikev Gap Township i-i Stokes county, on Saturday, Decuiher 17t!i. 1901, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the following lands on Brushy Creek in said Township and county to wit : One tract of 5;54 acres; one tract of 104 acres subject to the widow's dower. One tract of 1116 acres. The above lands adjoin the lands of William Pearce, Hubert tiib son, the lands of the late George Pearce and others. The larger tracts will be divided and first sold in smaller tracts and then as a whole and knocked olf to the highest bidder. The above lands are well water ed and are good for farming ] ur poses. Terms of sale, one-half of ) ur chase money to be due on the Ist day of January. 1905. The other half to be due on the Ist day of January, l'.XMi. with interest, bond required for the deferred pay ments. Sold subject to the con tinuation of the court. This the 7th dav of Nov., 1'.;04. J. P. COVINGTON, Admr. of Presley Pearce. Walter W. King, Atty, LA.YI> SALE. By viitip* of a of flic (Superior court #»f Mni.rH •iill ty mail** iii the special pnMTfili' «»M iM, ii||. ( | -.1 /•' Ondwell vs •/ill"i Willi;iiiis ,il," w«* will ofl*»r lor >tle io the LIIULTKSF liiiM T '•» cash, HI MIL* court |IOII»I* «LIMTR i I ILN» TOWN of D inhiiry, \. on Moi-il i'. ./in I'ml ilHi.'i, a r on* o'clock. P. '»/. iln* following iniei « Hand lying; mil IH?I N«J i'i Mokes count , on the north i»i lc •»f Fnry Fork I'ra«ijiiniiiis the lan si of Mnttli. Aii 'kv ami others, lielnx a part of wli.u i-. .VIIOWII Mic I'ollv ll'ebb phi"e« lieginiiinu .if A stalce on tho north bank of Fnrv fork leeK. in Nmith's lino, not tit 00 pole* to Mnaiiisli ouk corner, thence e it 7" |H»IC* to the pnhlii* road, thence ilnwi said MAT! south 20 ileff. cUR .*>7 poles ?O Fnry Fork Creek, nn'lie same smith IO cleg. \\ ♦'«•! 10 jiolis ile» went JtO |io'«»s smith 87 «l«*u WHS 10 |x»les, north Oo •! j. west St 4 |*»les north 47 west 14 po>s north 00 (leg. west II jioles to the ben i nim», containing -0 ac e*. more or les*. Thistlie day of Nov. 1904, J. />. IHM/PIIUKVS, N\ O. PKTHKE. ' 'oiutnissioiieif. LAM) SALE. IW virtue of a decree of the Mi|>cri r f 'ouit of Stokes county. X. rendered I v M. I*. Chilton S. V. in the special p• - ceeiliuui entitled '•John A*. Jackson adniV of .loel ,1. Stone dreM. vs Mary A. Jacks"*i etal"ppolitinn the undersigned a cotu nii.ssioner to make sale of the I tuds of t|i • Slid Joe 1 J. Stone dei-M for the purpose • f unik uu nssi'ls vviih which io p.iv i-1T1J..) ilel-ts and costs of administration ii|x> i said estate, 1 will on the nretnises on the 14th day of January, 11)05 (the aun.s' la'ini; Natnnlav) 'H ; r for sale at putil auction to the hitlu-thi'lcier for cash lie followinu desi riheil Inmlsto «it; A oerlai'i tract or parcel of laud situate, lyina at I la-iiiu; in .Stokes county, N. ('. and moio pnrti'Milarlv dcsei ilied and defined as |i>!- lows 111 W it; I'.e'jiniii'iy „t a hlaek oa* on the west side 111 the Liule Yadkin, runs tint-11l lit! poles to a pus' oak. north «>-"» decrees east along a road Is |*>les to a M:'ke east In pu i s to a w lil'e oak, south ,Vl j dearei-s la't It poll's tif h Idaek until oak, notlh Ml ileutf. s easl poles to a |s»>i oak, south 110 decrees east 111 (Miles to a j hickory, south ■!'! east in imles to a I post oak hush, south HO degrees east IS | |«il"s to a rock, south 22 east .j."> pi.les to a I slake east cnissinv the ilttle I'adkin at the big roi k riiiniiiuf up a brunch S4 p«i|»s to a post oak iu the fork of said branch, south llli IKIICS to a red oak, thence -Jlo poles to the beginning conuitilng i:lOacn s mote or less. AI so one other tract of land ndjoiuitis; Ihe ahov* named tract oil the i'ii»t siil'* thereof and it also adjoins tl;e lauds of Mast 1 11 Wall. Phillip Wall imp Itolierl Ta> e»r. The sale will lie mail - subject to the contitinitio!) of the conn.. Land will lie >o|d in lots of convenient size in order to suit purebasers. Tills "Vi day of Ile.'i in er, ISMM. ./NO. IJ. JACKSON. Adni'r. of ./oel J. .Stone, dee'd. com. J. I) Humphreys, Atty. Ohio, I Vk v C!Hiis, kVC THW v s " el/t^ irns-i olfr-WPotLM*"O) a "SLtt J {fly (o LURAY mottoes NATURAL BRIDGE fw*lr JVIOUNTAIN LAKE BRISTO'. KNOXVILLE L/'IIK.'W' CHATTANOOGA R vSs lh' Lookout MOUNTAIN NORI^(|H> Y BIRMINGHAM FIOANOKR \V(A MEMPHIS K.ENGVA NEW CHILUCOTH E^^k- ORL " NS COLUMBUS, AND THE NORTHWEST. JV'n.'c/cr /Itifti. Mapt Timt ThUeiJlMfimj Cmr ftej r roa t ion*. JkscrjpiitM: PsmpM/h. f» V/BBEVILL ] .ALLENKUU. I C£M(*« PA>J AcewT. D.%IS.O*PA:S AGIMI AC\

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