Brief Pencilling. Mr. Walter Bennett was here yesterday. A. J. Gann, of Gann's, was a Danbury visitor Saturday. A fine mule belonging to Robt. Fagg, worth 150 dollars, died last week. Mr. Robt. L. Rhodes, of Dellar, was here Saturday enroute home from Winston. Sheriff R. J. Petree, of German ton, spent the greater part of the past week here.* Messrs. Dock Hall, Everett Sheltoti and J. W. Mabe were visitors Monday. Mr. Walter Mabe, of Danbury R. F. D. No. 1, was here Saturday Mr. Mabe was returning from Winston, where he sold a Toad of tobacco. He got $133.13 for 723 pounds. J. T. Nelson, of Hardbank, a good farmer and fine tobacco raiser, called on us last Thursday. He was on bis way to Winaon with a load of tobacoo. The Vade Mecum Springs Co. will offer goods at the lowest prices yet heard of on Dec. 21st and 23rd. Be sure you. rend their advertise ment at another place in this issue. We are publishing the annual report of the Board of County Commissioners this week, which should prove of interest to our county readers, showing the uses to which their tax money is ap plied. The work of putting the iron cages in the new jail has been completed. Carpenters are at work finishing up the dwelling part of the jail. It will soon bo ready for occupancy. All the work on the now court house except the inside painting will be completed before Christ mas. It will be ready in ample time to hold the special term of Superior court, January 23rd. Your attention is called to the announcement of tho Vade Mecum Springs Co. in this issue. If you expect to purchaso any supplies for Christmas you can't afford to miss tl|is special sale. Messrs. J. P. Rhodes, C. W. Sands, Conelius Tilley and Joshua Lawson, four of the good farmers of the Dellar section, passed through town this wesk on their way to Winston with tobacco. J. M. Deaton, formerly a citi zen ot' our county, but who now resides at Moffit, Randolph coun ty, was on n business trip here yesterday. He expressed him se fas well satisfied with his new home. Register of Deeds C. M. Jones issued license Monday for th» marriage of Miss Ada Slaughter to Mr. Wm. V. Pyrtle, both of Delk. The groom to be is a son of Mr. David Pyrtle, Miss Slaugh ter is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Slaughter. The Danbury Union Suuday School is arranging for its regular annual Suuday School Christmas treo. Messrs. N. O. Petree and I. M. Gordon and Misses Nellie Joyce arid Jessie Pepper have boon appointed by the Superin tendent to arrange for time, date, etc. The children aro anxiously awaiting the event. Mrs. Bailey at Walnut Cove hns just put on her shelves and coun ters a nice lot of ladies Hats, childretis Hats, baby Caps and everything kept in her line, and everything to go in tho next two weeks if they have to be sold at one half (or loss) than they cost her. Come and get you a nice stylislj hat cheaper than you ever hoard of before. We expect overy day to bo a busy one with us, so come before goods aro picked over. Excitement at Walnut Cove Over the Excellent Coal Being Found. Walnut Cove, Dec. 15—Special 'Phone Message—Great excite ment prevails here over the excel lent quality of coal being found here. Mr. Evans, who has charge of the operations, says that the coal is anthracite, aud that it is as fine as any in Pennsylvania. Hornbuckle-Roberts. The marriage of Miss Annie Roberts and Mr. Robert S. Horn bucklo took place at Madison yes terday. The groom is well known to the merchants of Stokes county, he having visited them for several years as a grocery salesman. The couple win reside at Madison. SPECIAL TERM OF COURT. [ Now A Certainty Judge Mc- Neil Will Assigned To Hold the Tefff*^ Gov. Aycock's proclamation was received by Clerk Chilton yester day ordering a special term of Strikes Superior Court for Janua ry 23, 1905. It is learned that Judge McNeil, of Robeson county, is the only available judge and that ho will be assigned to hold the term, which will be for the trial of both criminal and civil cases and is to last until all business is fiuished. The county commissioners will meet in special session within a few days to draw the jury, etc. Marriage License Market Grows Livelier. As the Christmas holidays ap proach the sale of marriage licenses grows livelier. During the nest ten days Register of ' Deeds Jones will no doubt grant the necessary papers to many a matrimonially inclined couple. He issued license during the past week to the follow ing: J. Frank Branson to Luinbie Blackburn. OUie Bullen to Alphia Smith. Wick Hairston to Ailcy A. Hairston. Dillard Hairston to Eliza Fulp. Salem Hairston to Sophia Hairs ton, Wm. V. Pyrtle to Ada Slaughter. T. Willie Rice to Callie Moran. C. L. Slaughter to Augusta Venable. Jas. A. Stephens to Cora Hill. Willie A Turner to Holland Hairston. Xmas Tree and Entertainment to Be Given By Blackburn's Schoo I. Mr. Jas. Slaughter, of Dolk, was in town on business Monday. Mr. Slaughter tells the Reporter that his neighborhood is enjoying one of the best schools it has ever known, taught by Capt. Tom Blackurn, who ifl the oldest school teacher in the county. The school averages 75 pupils. Capt. Blackburn will give a Christmas tree and entertainment at his school on Friday, Decem ber 23, to which the public is invited. Approaching Marriage of Miss Nellie Martin. It is learned that Miss Nellie Mar tin, of Sandy Ridge, and Mr. Char ley Boles, of Friendship, will be married on the 21st inst. at tho home of the bride. The couple are popular and well known over the county, and their many friends extend congratulations in ad vanoe. J. i. Priddy Appointed Deputy For - Snow Creek. Messrs. J. J. Priddy and J. C. Branson, of Muff, were in town Monday. Mr. Priddy said that he had been appointed Deputy Sheriff in Snow Creek. GERMANTON. German ton, Dec. 11. We are having some very cold weather for the last few days. People nre very busy in this section getting ready for Christ mas. Mr. G. T. H. is done ready, I guess, as he ha 6 purchssed him a new mule. Wo are having n lot of sickuess around here. Sorry to note that uncle Matt Smith is very bad off. Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Montgomery are visiting Mr. C. M. Bowman to day. Hope they will enjoy them selves O. K. Miss Cora B —is looking very sad as she hasn't seen Mr. B. C— for a few weeks. C. W. P—ia looking awful bad as Miss Janie has gone back on him. G. W. B —has" been visiting his uncle's to-day. TYRO. ! B. A. Overby, a prominent, citi zen of the county, was in town ' Tuesday. J. S. Whitten, of Danbury R. I F. D. No. 1, was in town yester i day. ' Mr. Nat Boles, of Friendship, ' killed the largest hog last week ' that the Reporter has learned of, the porker weighing 550 lbs. I When you want a pleasant . purgative try Chamberlain's Stom ach and Liver Tablets. They are easy to take and produce no 1 nausea, griping or other disagreea i ble effect. For sale by all Drug gists and Dealers. WALNUT COVE. Walnut Cove, Dec. 12. Mr. Editor : People in this section have been very busy the past few days strip ing tobacco. Guess the people are getting ready to have a good time during the Xmas holidays. Misses Grace and Emma Fulp, Kate and Belle Burton visited Hallie and Mollie Jones last Sun day. We are sorry to learn of the serious illness of Mrs. Grover Vaughn. She is very low with typhoid fever. Seetns that Mr. B—and Mr. F—, two well known young men of Walnut Cove, had some high words over a certain young lady a few days ago. Why will the young men fall out over a giri when there are so many more as pretty as Bhe. Mr. June Burton killed two nice hogs that weighed 570 pounds. Misses Mary and Martha Web ster went to Winston last week to have some work done on their \ teeth. Miss Hester was looking for Mr. W T . Sunday. Guess he came as he never disappoints hej\ Mr. Arless Webster is talking of going West soon. We are sorry to lose such an esteemed young man. Mr. Peter Burton caught a nice 'opossum in a trap a few nights ago. Mr. Gray Brown and family visited his father's last week, re turning home Thursday. Guess Mr. Leo M—filled his ap pointment Sunday. Miss K— would think something had hap pened to him if he was to miss one Sunday. Mr. Gabo Jones is going back to High Point at Christmas to make that his home. BASHFUL GIRL. KING. King, Dec. 14. Boys around King are getting ready and making dates with their girls to attend the Xmas tree and slight of haud show combined to come off at King on Xmas Eve uight. What do you think of this: Mr. O. G. Goff planted 3 quarts of beans and sold $12.00 worth off of them and has his seed .for neT* year yet. Mr. Ray Norman wat town last night. Uncle Boston Garner Greensboro tomorrow to visit hib people, Mr. Garner is linety years of age and is as peart as a cricket. ZIFF AND PET. TOBACCOVILLE R. F. D. NO. 2. Tobaccoville R. F. D. No. 2, Dec. 12. Miss Ella Ingram is wearing a broad smile, as Mr. P. K—called Sunday. Mr. Hendrick and sister called on Miss Sheha Newsom Sunday. Smallpox is very thick near j Schaub's Mill. Mr. and Mrs. Brown and little | son visited Mr. C. G. Ingram's | Sunday. Miss Elln Ingrain and Pearson Kiser were at Trinity at preaching 1 Sunday. ! R. W. Newsom has returned home from Cincinatti. SNOW DROPS. HEAD ABOUT TO BURST FROM SEVERE BILIOUS AT TACK. "I had a severe bilious attack j and felf liko my head was about to j burst when I got hold of a sam file of Chamberlain's Stomach and iiver Tablets. I took a dose of • them after supper and the next i day felt like a new man and have j been feeling happy ever sines." | says Mr. J. W. Smith, of Julifi, ' Texas. For biliousness, stomach I troubles and constipation these j Tablets have no equal. Price 25 | cents. For sale by all Druggists ! and Dealers. The Gorrells have added more I new customers to their list this j year than ever before. Won't you j join the lucky procession. DRIVEN TO DESPERATION. Living at an out of the way t place, remote from civilization, a ! family is often driven to despera tion in case of accident, resulting in Burns, Cuts Wounds, Ulcers, etc., Lay in a supply of Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It's the best on earth. 25c, at all Drugstores. All kinds of Dress Goods at I Davis, Boyles & Co., Winston. It will pay you well to take your tobacco to the Gorrlls. If it is big prices you want for every I pile of your tobacco you will cer -1 tainly let Bob and Pete Gorrell sell it. They make the highest averages. hardware At COST! IN WINSTON. N. 0. Tlie Norfleet Hardware Co. is now closing out i in immense stock of Hardware and Tinware AT COST, Digest Daps In Hardware tver Offered. "-*■ (JAIX on us or write us at once. NORFLEET HARDWARE COMPANY, Winston, N. C. ItetTNext to Peoples Bank, S. E. Allen's Old Stand, West Side of Court House. | ♦ ♦People's Column, | [Advertisement* will toe inserted in the Pcopl*''# | Column :it !i cents per line tor 1 lio tlrst iiiner tion and cent* afterwards, if you want to buy «»r si* 11 anything, state your want# through | the Peoyte'n Column. Lounges, Bedheads, Rocking Chairs, Center Tables, and Dressers, at D. S. Watkins', Walnut Cove. D. S. Watkins will save yon money in furniture. See his stock at Walnut Cove before buy ing elsewhere. The Star Warehouse, Winston, N. C.. is getting the biggest prices for its customer these days. Carry your tobacco there and sell it where Bennett arid Simpson can look after the sales. It is said that the Star ware house is selling fully a third of t he tobacco sold on the Winston mar ket these days. And the averages are satisfactory to the farmers. Johu Simpson claims to have ight more tobacco than any ng man, and knows every grade what it will bring and makes j buyers give every cent the article is worth. The Robertson Brothers, of Ca pella, Stokes county, N. C., made one of the best sales of the season at Star Warehouse, Winston, N. C., a few days ago. They realized between three and four hundred dollars for a single load of tobacco. It pays to sell with John Simpson and Arch Bennett. FOR SALE—Two good mules, good color, age all right, weight about 800 pounds each, price all O. K. Any one wanting a good pair of mules will do well to see me. H. C. LAWRENCE. Francisco, N. C. WANTED—Lady or gentleman of fair education to travel for a firm oi $250,000 capital. Salary sl,Or per year and expenses; paid weekly. Address M. Percival, Danbury, N. C. Big line of Johnson's home made Shoes at Davis, Boyles & Co., Winston, N. C. Fine Crockery and Chinaware, lamps, picture frames, and Christ mas goods at D. S. Watkins', Wal nut Cove. If you want the highest prices possible for your tobacco, then sell at Star Warehouse, where John Simpson will make the buy ers bid high. Safes, Cupboards, mattings, and rugs, trundle bedsteads $1.25, baby cribs, §125; good oak bed steads. from $2.50 up. D. S. Wat kins, Walnut Cove. John Simpson stays with every pile of your tobacco when you sell at Star Warehouse and makes the buyers bid to the last notch. A handsome Oil picture free with every pair of Faith Shoes bought of Davis, Boyles & Co., Winston, N. C. Bunch Cotton and Carpet Warp at Davis. Boyles & Co., Winston. To Cure a Cold in One Day in Two Days. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. e Y e jy Seven Million boxes sold in past 12 months. This signature, b ° X * 25c. IMPORTANT. TO STOKES SSJUNTY FARMERS II hy will you, go all the way io K in,•ifon and other towns to buy your goods when / tun offering them, just as c.lieajf right here in your own, county town? I keep everything you need. Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, Shoes and Hats and Everything the farmer uses. IQHftl A. BURTON. Walnut Cove, i\. C. WHEH IN GO TO LEONARDS' FOR YOUR Wedding and Holiday Presents. Everything That's New And Up - to - Date. W. H. LEONARD, The Leading Jeweler, 40C Liberty Street, WLWSTON, JX. C. H. 0, POINDEMTER Leader in Low Prices and On the Lookout for Cash Buyers liellablc Grass, Garden uml Field .Seeds, Plastering llatr, Cement, G «no anil Land Piaster, Goose feathers (new ones; ami Good Ticking, Wool /foils, Bunch Cotton, ami Double and Twisted Carpet Warp in nil colors, best Sheeting and Cotton Checks, all kinds of Quilts ami clieap lied Blankets. \on would feel like you wcrt* in aII estl'ln packing house lo look lor a minute on our stock of S.MOKRO HAC'O.V, .Shoulders, //ams and .s'iiles and veiv best /.aril. I pay special alien!ion to mail orders ami can use money, stamps, good checks or anything along the liiu of currency in exchange for goods. /feineinlieriny store is the place to buy •- .ics. My stock is second to none and I carry the best of everything. It pays to buy the best. Winston, N. (J. MOTIVE. Having this day qualified as executor of the last will and testament of 11, ll'. .".imp son, deceased, I hereby notify all persons having claims against said testator lo pre sent them to me duly authenticated In payment on or before the 12th day of De cember, 1110",, or Ibis notice will lie pleaded in liar of their recovery, .vml all persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to me. Tills the 11th day of November, 1004. ACISELII'S 11. h'IMI'SO.V, Kxecutor. Drs. Rierson & Copple, PRIVATE SANITARIUM. No. 12] S. .Main Street WIXSTON-SALEM, N. C. t This institution is fitted up with j t ht* latest and most modern appa ratus for th»» treatment of chronic ' diseases. I X RAYS TINS EN LIGHT Cancers. Eczema. HOT AIR APPARATUS Rheumatism.

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