We Wish Our Friends a Happy and Prosperons lira Tear and ire want to thank you all for the very liberal pa tron age given us during the fall months. Oar friends have jHitronized freely, and thanks to your kind fvvors we still Lead All Other Houses In Pounds and Prices, We truly appreciate this liberal patronrge, and want to say thai in sticking to old PIEDMONT doing the right thing for yourself, and shall never lose anything by doing Come to see us whenever you come to market and you shall get every dollar the buyer can stand on your tobacco. Your friends, M. W. NORFLEET CO. WIJVSOJV, JV. C. FIRST SALE DAYS : FOR JANUARY—Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays. FOU FEBRUARY—M«nda\s, Wednesdays, Fridays. FOR MARCH—Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays. THE OLD RELIABLE . Brown's Warehouse Leads the marlet every year in the highest average prices for tobacco. Talk is cheap, hut it tidies work to make averages. Bring your tobacco to Brown's and every j>ile shall have close attention and bring the very highest market price. Our new Auctioneer, Mr. Jack Palmer, stays with every pile till he gets the very last bid possible 011 it. First Sale Days for January 1906 Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays. " " " " February, 1905—Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays. " " " " March, 1905—Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays. We thank you for your liberal patronage for the past 82 years, and hist year especially, and hope by lia.-d work to have tlie same in the future. t % Brown's is Headquarters for High Prices Tour friends. BROWN & CARTER, sAtintn w & r [ nouse Martinsville, Va. Wants to Sell Your Tobacco. Farmers always form new plans and new resolutions with the New Year, but none of them amount to anything unless carried out. Martinsville manufacturers want your tobacco, and will pay you good prices for it. Our plug trade was never better, and it will take double the leaf of any previous year to supply their trade. I have sold tobacco for most all the Stokes County farmers and have most always gotten good prices. I can do so now, and beg that you bring me your first load in the New Year. Our average for the month of December were only 10st per hun dred less than during the month of November. Would you have thought that? I loQk for active market and better prices still on re mainder of this crop. Farmers, I ask you to consider your best hiterest, and give me a trial and I will convince you that ours is your best market. I have two Stokes County men associated with me in my warehouse business, who will take pleasure in assisting me and my able force in making your trips to the Banner, both pleasant and profitable: W. M. Flynt, of Gideon, and also James Beasley, of State Line, neighborhood. Hoping it will be ray good pleasure to serve each and every one of you 011 the balance of the crop. A prosperous and Happy New Year to each and all. Your friend truly, E. .T DAVIS. WISHING YOU A Happy /New Year, And Much Prosperity, We are prepared with a store full of any thing you need a* the very lowest prices, to serve you during the New Year as in 1904. R. P. Joyce and Co., U'aWmt Cove, N. C. Clerk's Annual Report. (CONTINUED FROM FIRBT PAGE.) Reed Sept. 26, 04, in suit Chandler vs Moody et bl, due B F Pulliam $ 33 Reed Sept. 26, 04, in suit Chandler vs Moody et al, due J W Mitchell 33 Reed Sept. 26, 04, in suit Chandler va Moody et al, due I G Ross 33 Reed Sept. 26, 04, in suit Chandler vs Moody et al, due R P Glidewell 2 67 Reed Sept. 26, 04, in suit Chandler vs Moody et al, due J Walter Fowler s 34 Reed Sept. 26, 04, in suit Chandler vs Moody due H M Smith 34 Reed Oct. 4, 04, in suit Venable vs Venable and Boyles, .due Abel Edwards , 1 20 Reed Oct. 4, 04, in suit Venable vs Venable and Boyles, due J C Dodson • 25 Reed Oct. 4, o#, in suit Venable vs Venable and Boyles, due N O Petree ex-c s c toplff., 1 85 Reed O't. 29, 04, in suit State vs Crouse, due H W Gordon 30 Reed Oct. 29, 04, in suit State vs Crouse, due J R Caudle 1 00 Reed Oct. 29, 04, in suit Stale vs Crouse, due J L Parish * 30 Reed Oct. 29, 04, In suit State vs Crouse, due W N Houchens 2 10 Reed Cct. 29, 04, in suit State vs Crouse, due A F Christian . 30 Reed Oct. 29, 04, in suit State vs Crouse, due J L Hutchens 60 Reed Oct. 29, 04, in suit State vs Crouse, due due W J Edwards (K) Reed Oct. 29, 04, in suit State vs Crouse, due W L Culler 50 Reed Oct. 29, 04, in suit State vs Crouse, due R W George 1 58 Reed Oct. 29, 04, in suit State vs Crouse, due J T Floyd ' 2 7fl Reed Oct. 29, 04, in suit State vs Crouse, due J F Wright to W M Overby 6 50 Reed Oct. 29, 04, in suit State vs Crouse, due Cicero Whitt 7 00 Reed Nov. 28, 04, in suit George vs Caudle, due Y S Smith 1 80 Reed Nov. 28, 04, in suit George vs Caudle, due A F Christian C 30 Reed Nov. 28, 04, in suit George vs Caudle, due W H Moore to R W George 1 00 Reed Nov. 28, 04, in suit George vs Caudle, due W H Moore 4 00 Reed Nov. 28, 04, in suit George vs Caudle, due N E & E P Pepper to R W George 3 00 Reed Nov. 28, 04, in suit George vs Caudle, due S F Moir 15 00 Reed Nov. 28, 04, in suit George vs Caudle, due J E Crews 25 The Clerk has in his hands in certain cases on the cost docket, etc., more than is entered said cases, to-wit i In ease State vs P E Hooker deposit in lieu of bond 100 00 In case Alley vs Fallen 4{j In Watts vs Stewart 15 80 In case Shepperd vs Shepperd 15 75 The Clerk has on hand jury taxes to the am ount of 5 00 Amounts of interest collected, but uninvest ed, which is cash on hand. Reed Sept. 7, 04, interest to date on Stokes county bridge bonds, for Wm. Covington 7 71 Reed Sept. 7, 04, interest to date on Stokes county bridge bonds, for Mart Covington 7 72 Reed Sept. 7, 04, interest to date on Stokes county bridge bonds, for John Covington 7 72 Reed Sept. 7, 04, interest to date on Stokes co. bridge bonds, for Francis Covington 7 72 Reed Sept. 7, 04, interest to date on Stokes county bridge bonds, for Laura Covington 772 Reed Sept. 7, 04, interest to date on Stokes county bridge bonds, for Annie Covington 7 72 Reed Sept. 7, 04, interest to date on Stokes county bridge bonds, for Josie Covington 7 72 Reed Sept. 7, 04, interest to date on Stokes county bridge bonds, for Jas. M Booze 5 97 Reed Oct. 26, 04, interest on note for Floney Gravitt 2 16 Reed Oct. 26, 04. interest on note for Loony Gravitt 2 16 Reed Oct. 26, 04, interest on note for Win. Gravitt 2 16 Reed Oct, 26, 04, interest on note for Grant Gravitt 2 16 Reed Oct. 26, 04, interest on note for Walter Gravitt 2 16 Reed Oct. 26, 04, interest on note for Heirs of A P Duncan 2 05 Total arnouut not invested $ 846.45 RECAPITULATION, Total certificates of deposit in banks, includ ing interest to Dec. 5,1904, &J4l 85 Total loans other than to the banks, includ ing interest to Dec. 5, 1904 2262 81 Total amount of cash not invested 846 45 Total liabilities of Clerk Deo. 5, 1904, s>4sl 11 less the 14 last above named items of in terest which are charged to Clerk twice, once in his report above of loans other than to the banks and once in cash not invested amounting to 72 85 and which deducted will make total lia bilities December 5, 1904, $6378 26 Respectfully reported December sth, 1904. Sworn to and subscribed ) M. T. CHILTON, before me, Dec. 5, 1904. *■ Clerk Superior Court. J. W. GANN, ) Chairman Board C. C. State of North Carolina, \ Office of the Board Stokes County. Jof County Commissioners. Upon the filing of the foregoing report, it is order ed by the Board of Commissioners that R. F Sheltou be appointed as a committee to examine the report and compare the saiaw-jKith the records in the Clerk's office and report his findTrijrt i»- -tbeLJgoard. This December sth, 1904. "~- J. W. GANN, Chairman Board County Commissioners. State of North Carolina, [ Stokes County. \ To the Board of Commissioners of Stokes County. The undersigned having been appointed as a com mittee to examine the foregoing report of M. T. Chilton, Clerk Superior Court of Stokes county, with the records in bis office respectfully reports to theBoard that he examined said report and com pared.it with the records of the Clerk's office and tinds the same to be correct. Respectfully reported December sth, 1904. R. F. SHELTON, Committee. State of North Carolina, I Office of Board Co. Corns. Stokes County, j December sth, 1904. Upon the coming in of the report of R. ton, committee appointed to examine the foregoing report of M. T. Chilton, C. S. C., of Stokes county, and it appearing to the Board that said report is correct. It is ordered by the Board that the report be and the same is hereby approved and it is further ordered that the said report be recorded in the Record of Official Reports, and filed in the office of the Register of Deeds, and that the Clerk of the Board post a copy of said report at the court house door in Danbury, and cause a copy of same to be published in the Danbury Reporter. J. W. GANN, Chairman Board County Commissioners. CIRCULAR LETTER TO TEACHERS. Sent Out By Supt. of Schools Smith—Teachers' Meeting Required To Be Held In Each Township. Supt of Schools J. T. Smith recently sent out to the teachers of Stokes the following circular letter: Danbury, N. C., Jan. 12, 1905. Dear Teacher : The law requires that at least one Teachers' Meeting shall be held in each township during the school year. The meeting for Township, will be held at on promptly at 10 A. M. Each teacher will be required to read a report of his present school. This report will contain a des cription of the exact size of the house and grounds, school furniture, etc., number of children on census roll, number of pupils enrolled in school, and the av erage daily attendance; what you have done to main tain a high average attendance, number of families on census roll, number of families sending to school, number not sending. Give names and postoffice address of those families not sending. Give name and age as correctly as possible of each child in the families not sending. Have you tried to get these families to patronize your school? If not, why? Are there any families in your district that patronize a private school or any other public school in or out of the county? Give names and address of such families, also the names and ages of children in such families. Tell what you have done in the way of im proving the school house and grounds. State the feeling in the district in regard to consolidation and local taxation and what efforts you have made, if any, to induce the people to vote a local tax. Is your j school register kept according to law and have you copied the census r 11 and the gradation of your school in it? Are your pupils well supplied with the text books thej; need? If not, what are you do ing about this matter? Do the parents and teacher work harmoniously together. Tell of any troubles with either the parents or children. Name some of your plans for interesting and holding children in school. Can the Board of Education do anything to better the educational condition of your district ? Did you observe North Carolina Day ? If not, why not ? What do you consider the greatest need of our pub lic schools and give your plan for bringing about the results desired. Give any other suggestions which may occur to you that might be helpful to your fel low teachers. Do you take an educational journal ? If so. what ? If not, why ? Please prepare your report before coming to the meeting, and do not fail to give fully the informa tion desired. You see we want this report in the form of a letter, using legal cap paper and writiug on one side only. Trusting that we may have a pleasant and profitable ineetiug, and with best wish es for your success in the work, I am, Yours very truly, J. T. SMITH, County Superintendent of Schools. SUDDEN DEATH OF C. C. INMAN. Froze to Death Or Drank too Much Whiskey—Death of William Cox—Other Items. Pilot Mountain, January 7, 11)05. We regret to learn of the death of Mr. C. C. In man. Mr. Intuan was found dead sotne seven miles north of his home near Westfield in an old tobacco basement. He had been absent from home a week and the last time he was seen alive was on Monday, January 2nd, and the supposition is that he either froze to death or died from the effect of strong drink. He was a good citizen when not under the influence of alcohol, but would take these periodical sprees. He leaves a wife and several children to mourn his tragic death. Hon. James A. Leak, of Francisco, was in town last Friday enroute home from a business trip to Raleigh. We regret to learn of the death of Mr. Wm. Cox, which occurred on last Tuesday night at his home near Francisco. Mr. Cox was an old and highly respected citizen of that section, and was a brave Confederate 6oldier. S Capt. T. J. Blackburn, who is teaching the public school at Delk, was in town Saturday, and tells us that notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather last Friday he had 75 scholars in school. Mr. G. L. Simmons returned Tuesday evening from a trip to his farm in Stokes county. / Mr. (). N. Swanson is suffering from a severe kick of a horse. Quarterly Conference of the Pilot Mountain cir cuit will be hold in the Methodist church at this place Wednesday, Jan. 25th, 1905. Preaching at 11 o'clock, A. M. by the Presiding Elder. Conference at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Two Marriages. Two marriages were celebrated near Capella, this county, on Wednesday by Justice Joe Covington, and at his residence. The contracting parties were W. S. Southern to Miss Martha Tucker, and Abram Carroll to Miss Ellen Tillotson, all of this county. •/» ISJ.JL \Jd. UtflJUdM. 1 By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Stokes County, rendered in the Special proceeeding, entitled "J. H. Cov ington, Admr., of Albert Ho yles, Deed.. agaln9t A. M. Boyles, and others," I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the late residence of the said Albert 7Joyles, Deed., in Stokes County, on Saturday, .Feb. 11, 1005, at one o'clock, P. M., two tracts of land belonging to the said Albert Boyles, In Stores County, and described as folloys, to-wit: First tract known as the home place of the said Albeit Boyles, adjoining the lands of D. M. Tuttle, .Louis Jfiller, Tillotson, and others, on the waters of the Little VadA:in, containing 75 acres, more or less, (excepting a small lot cut ofl'of aame to tlie Trustees of Mount Olive Church), For jj more particular description of said tract of land, see deeds from Calvin R. ifboro to Albert Boyles, In the Registers' Office of Stokes County, in Book No. 27, Page 558, and Hook No. 29, Page :!2. This tract will be sold subject to the Dower right of the widow of Albert Boyles, which has already been assigned to her. Second tract, containing SO acres more or less, on the wateis of Sizemore Branch, known as the Steele tract, and being the tract conveyed to Albert Boyles, by )V. IV. King, Trustee, for boundaries of which, see deed in the Registers' Office of Stokes Coun ty, IN BOOK No. S6, Page 54. jfliis the 2d day of ,/au. 11*05. J. H. COVINGTON, Administrator of Albert Boyles, Deed. Mate of North Car. Ilu Superior Court Stokes County. | T. L. Smith, plff, I Summons for vs I relief-before the /.ocky Gilbert and her C'lerfc. husband, Demon Gil-1 bert, Bettie Scales and | her husband, Robert | .Scales, A'Hla Benson and | her husband—Benson | and Lilla Tilley. | State of North Carolina. -»"j To the Sherifl of Stokes County—greet ing: You are commanded to summon Locky Gilbert and her husband, Demon Gil bert, Bettie Scales and her husband, Robt. .Scales, Rilla Benson and her hus-band— Benson and Lilla Tilley, the defendants above named, if they be found within your county, to appear at the office of the Clerk Superior Court, for the county of Stokes, on the 21st day of Januaiy, 1905 aud ans wer the complaint, a copy of which will be deposited in the office ol the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county within ten days from the date of this summons, and let the defendants take notice that if they fail to answer the said complaint at that time, the plaintiffs will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Hereof fail not and of this summons make due return. Giveu under my hand, this 12th day of December. 100-4. M. T. CHILTON, C. 8. C„ Stokes Couuty. State of North Car. | In the Superior Co irt Stokes County. | Before the Clerk. Order. \ T. L. Smith, plfi'., I vs locky Gilbert and I her husband Be- | mon (>ilbcrt, Bet- ■ tie Scales and her I husband, Robert | Scales, ifilla Ben I son and her hus-1 band,-Benson aud ' Lilla Tilly, defts. In the above entitled causo it appearing to the court upon affidavit filed herein that the defendants, Lockey Gilbert and her husband, Demon Gilbert, Bettie .Scalesaud her hushand, Robftft Scales, Rilla Benson and her husband—Benson are non-resi dents of the State of North Carolina and after due diligence cannot lie found there in aud cannot be personally served with aumnions and are necessary parties to this action the same being to sell for partition among the plaintiff defendants two tracts of land which air described speci fically in the petition filed herein by the plaintiff one of which contains 27 acres more or less and adjoins the lands of the late Matilda \\ ord, J. I*. Covington and others. The second tract containing two acres more or less and adjoins the lauds of James Tilley aud .Vyra Nunn. It being the land of J. I'. Covington conveyed by deed to John Tilley. It is therefore ordered by the court that publication of summons be made for four successive weeks in the Daubury Reporter notifying the said Lockey Gilbert aud her husband, Demon Gi.bert, Bettie Scales and her husband, Robt. Scales. Rilla Benson ami her hus band, —Benson to appeal at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Stokes county in Danbuiy, N. C., on orberorethe 21st day of January, 1005 and answer or demur to tliepetition now on file in my office with regard to said action and let the said Lockey Gilbert and her husband, De mon Gilbert. Bettie Scales and her hus- " band, Robert Scales, Rilla Benson and her husband, —Benson take notice that if they fail to apjicar and answer or demur to the said petition on or before the 21st day of January, 1(H)5 the relief leiuauded in said petition will be granted. This the 15th dav of Dec., 1004. M. r. : CHILTON, C. S. c. J. D. Humphreys, Atty. LAJfD SALE. By viitue of a decree of the Superior Court of Stokes County rendered by M. T. Chilton, O. S. C., in the special proceed ings entitled "Dr. J. 11. Ellington, admr. of H. G. Aiuos, deed., vs Dayton Amos et al" authorizing the udersigned to make sale of the lands belonging to the estate of said intestate tor the purpose of raising assets with which to pay off the debts again.st said estate and the costs of administration upon the yime, I will on the premises on Hie 21st day of January, 11)05, sell at pub lic auction to the highest bidder for cash the lands belonging to the estate of the said Intestate subject to the dower of Nancy R. Amos, widow of the said It. O. Amos, deed., which lands are described as follows to-wit: A certain tract oi parcel of land situate, lying and being in t.he county of Stokes and state of North Carolina and more particularly described and defined as follows to-ffil: On the north by the Sandy Ridge road, on the east by the lands Of Caleb and E. H. Amos, on the south by the lanes of will and Len Ziglar, on tbe "we* by the lauds of John T. B'ilson. The whole tract said to contain 70 acres or less. Sale subject to the continuation of the court. This the 15th dsy of Dej., 1904. Sjjfc jj, 11. ELLINGTON# ' f: admr. of B. G. Amos, deed. J. 1). Humphreys, Attv. ECONOMY In tuwng Hood's Sar. J sapunlla, because " 100 dosed one 8 dollar" is peculiar to and tine oalv at«tl the One True BLOOD Purifier.