THE Danbury Reporter. N. E. & E. P. PEPPER, Publishers. TERMS TO ANY ADDRESS : On e year, sl, 6 mo. 50c., 3 mo. 25 JANUARY 19.. 1905 IN MEMORIAM. ''Solong thy power huth l>)c«9cd me. Mure It still Will lead me on # O'er moor and fen, o'er crag ami torrent, till The night In gone, And with the morn thone angel faces smile Which I have loved long ftince, and lout awhile. Since the Inst issue of the Re porter, we have stood at that most solemn of all places on earth and witnessed the closing of the tomb forever upon the forms of two friends. Today we offer these simple tributes—our tears and sweetest, remembrance. , JOSEPH W. PRATHER. The funeral was conducted from the home by Rev. Mr. Winecoff, of the M. E. church. In the par lor the coffin lay embanked with the most exquisite and costly floral offerings, testimonials of the love in which the deceased was j held. The choir sang "Lead, Kind ly Light," and other favorite hyinns of the departed. Not a dry eye was in the assemblage which filled the rooms, the halls, the porch, and every available standing place. The minister's remarks were very touching. Then came the tearful moment when the dead man was to be borne away forever from his loved home. With bared heads, the Masons carried their brother sadly out through the gate under crossed lances. The sun shone with splendor, though the air was cold. The Blue Ridge, snow crowned, scintillated with bright ness. The muffled tread of the hearse horses, the ailent inarch of the Masons, the subdued voices of the funeral directors, the bowed heads and the tears of the rela tives and fri|ndß, the long line of slow-moving carriages, and the other various incidents of the oc casion—how they shall linger in our hearts! At the grave the Masonic ceremonies were beautiful and touching, among which was the locked circle and the march around the casket, each member dropping upon the coffin a sprig of evergreen with these sad words : "Alas !my brother ! Thy soul we surrender to God, thy body to the tomb." Joseph W. Prather was bom at Mount Airy September 10, 1852. He professed religion and joined the M. E. Church South at Pine Bluff, Tenn., in 1872. He had a high sense of honor, was a loving husband, an affectionate father, a true friend. The sincere sympathy of the writer goes out to those who knew him best —knew all the noble of his character, and who weep for him with a grief which only time can allay. FLETCHER BROTHERS IS THE PLACE TO BUY I Good Clothing, SHOES, Hats and Furnishings—Cheap. FLETCHER BROS., 430 Trade Street, Winston, I. C. > P. 8. Ask to see our up-to-date 98e Hats, * «'• t. *' ' ■■ .• - - I 1 i CAPT. S. B. TAYLOR. The funeral of the late Capt. S. B. Taylor waa conducted from the M. E. church, Thursday A. M. at 11 o'clock by his pastor, the Rev. J. T. Ratledge, assisted by the Rev. J. H. Robertson. * "Jesus, Lover of My Soul," "Nearer, My God to Thee," and "How Firm a Foundation" were softly and sweetly rendered by the choir, after which the body was laid to rest by the side of his wife, who preceded him to tltfe grave several years ago. The pallbearers were the four sons who survive—Messrs. S. H., Jno. M., J. Spot and Roland C. Taylor. Capt. Taylor was one of the Re porter's most valued friends, and was often a contributor to these columns. His reminiscences of old times, his war stories and his tory sketches, published several months ago, were very entertain ing and instructive and we hope to re-print them at an early day. There under the whispering pines where he lies may his spirit sleep in peace, within the shadow of the old church he loved so well. Letter from William. Mr. Editor : Having promised you that I would write again, and dogs being on my mind at present, I would like to write a word or two about the way my neighbors raise their dogs. Of course, they want to do the thing thats right by them, for its not an uncommon thing to see nearly as many dogs at preaching as you see people. There are people in this neighborhood that has been carrying their dogs to prayer meeting and Sunday school and preaching for years, and I can't see that their dogs get any better. I don't believe that those dogs understand the Gospel, for they won't sit down and be quiet and listen while the preacher is preaching like good dogs ought to do, but they are continually growling and snapping and fight ing all the time of service. I don't believe they will ever be convert ed. So I think it would be much nicer to leave your dogs at home. Oh, they say that they can't make old Trip stay at home. Well I have heard it said that if you feed one about two ounces of shot out of a double barrel shot gun that it would stop the most unruly dog that there is from going to church. Try it neighbor, and get the good will of the people, and besides save lots of cold bread for the pigs Some years ago I raised a hound and he followed me to church one Sunday, but I don't believe he en joyed the sermon for he left be fore preaching was over, aud he was never knpwn to go to preach ing after that. Now, if John Smith goes to churoh with about three doses of Walnut Cove hallelujah on and happens to say anything wrong he is indicted, but if Jim Blank aud Jake Jones carries their dogs to cluych and they get into a fight and have the women and children playing leap-frog over the benches aud there is nothing said about it. Oh for a dog-killer in truth and indeed for this part of the moral vineyard. With best wishes to the Repor ter and its readers. WILLIAM. P HARVARD* PIA NO Delivered in your home, complete with stool and There Is no better ptano-value than the Harvard, style H, at #8,50 or style G at |275. '1 In se pianos are very substantially made of the l>e»I mat rial, by skilled workmen" fluy have alu I iron 1 >mt, i.lcfcle plated tuning pins, triple unison, heavy boartng bur, niclled action br .cireta, Uotibla repeating liatvaid action, capstan iegu!at:up device, igrAdvatiutc pedal* including soft stop or practice pedal, of tioss banded veneers,extra heavy lop anti bottom molding*, handsome carved pilasters, lull top-panel swing desA*, exquisite raised car vet I panne Is, | latent folding fall boaid, continuous hitupwon top lid ami lall-board v ory keys and in fact is complete in every detail, and has a TENYKAIt UUAKANTEE printed in each piano. The TONE of the UAHVAHI) pleases everybody. Its action is light and resj>onsive. „ t ..„u Other dealers tluiye *!SO for tha same piany and other pianos of equal grade. How do we do it ? Il'e buy them In car load hits, at the lowest, postible a small profit s itistte/ us. vVe have other pianos as low as $175. And we aljo carry perhaps the largest stock of organ* to be found auy where in the South, ringing in price trom P- Plenty of time given to pav for an instrument if you haven't the cash to spare. Write for catalogue slating whether you want one of pianos or organs. R J. ROWI'N BKO. Winston, N; C. / FEMALE WEAKNESS {42 1-2 Congress St. Po*TLAWB t Mai Nu, Oct. 17, IW2. I consider Wine of Cardui superior •o any doctor's medicine i over \:ied aad I know whereof I apeak. 1 suf fered for niae mouths with suppressed menstruation Jrhich completely pros trated me. Pmn* would akoot through anr sides and I would have blinding headaches. Mr limbs would ®P and I would reel so weak 1 M oould not stand up. I naturally felt Q discouraged for I seemed to be beyond y the help of physicians, but Wins of El Oardui came as a God send to me. I Q «•'* a change for the better within a I week. After nineteen days treatment if I menstruated without suffering the 1 agonies I usually did and soon became without patn. Wine of 1 "'naply wonderful and I wish k* that all suffering women knew of its fil food qualities. Treasurer, Portland Economic League || Periodical headaches tell of fe- B male weakness. Wine of Cardni I cures permanently nineteen out of 0 every twenty cases of irregular Qj menses, bearinc down pains or I any female weakness. If you are H diwouraged and doctors bar® I failed, that is the best reason in H the world you should try Wine oi R Cardni now. Hemamber that fij headaches mean female weakness. I Secure a SI.OO bottle of Wine oi. K Cardni today. [WINE* | I.cftwpml PEOPLE S NAT'L BANK. U. S. Government Depositary. Winston-Sa!em, N C This Bank wants your business and the accounts of your friends. You can not do better else where. The Govern ment deposits here and, you will not find a better place. Call to see us or write at once. JOHN W. FRIES, Pres. WM. A. HLAllt, Vice Pres. THOS. A. WILSON, Cashier. COUGHS A REDAN CE R Signals, Stop Them With Dr. King's New Discovery CONSUMPTION D , g s HS « nd 50c &$ 1.00 THE CURE THAT'S SURE for all Disea ses of Throat and Lungs or Money Back. FREE TRIAL. To Cure a Cold in One Day : Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. -c Z EJ/aS Seven Million boaes sold In past 13 months. Thfe signature, - + POX. 25C. IMPORTANT. TO STOKES COUNTY FARMERS I Vhy will you go all the way to Winston and other towns to buy your goods when I am offering them just as cheap right here in your own county town? I keep everything you need. Dry Goods, Notions* Groceries, Shoes and Hats and Everything the farmer uses. JOHN A. BURTON, Walnut Cove, N. C. I The Gorrells OF ( Farmers Warehouse Winston, N. C. . Have gained more new trade and sold far more of their old custom era this year than ever before in the history of their warehouse bus iness. This shows very plainly that thoy have been getting the best prices and making the highest averages. We are justly proud of this record and desire to thank our friends for this immense trade. We will be delighted to handle the balance of your tobacco, and, undoubtedly, we can make it pay you to sell with us. Your friends, A. B. GORRELL & SON. FIRST SALE DAYS: For January— Mondays, H'edtiesdays, Fridays. For February—Tuesdays. Thursdays, Saturdays. S-/« SEE 1® BROWN 5gL THE JEWELER LIBERTY ST For Watches, Jewelry and Wedding Cvk> . -'- r^w Presents, Fine repairing a specialty. Your waich fijred while you wait THE BANK ' OF MADISON I V.v 'authorized by law \ to act as Trustee, Assignee*. idmin istra, tor, Guardian, Cam # mission er. Business Solicited. TAILOR - MAD; Garments. F. H. WOLLSCIILAGEII, Winston, N. C. latest Stales. Per fect Fit Guaranteed. urn now at mv new stand nn LIV erty Stieet next door to Farmers nr i , with a full line of Pal) and Winter fabric*. GIVE ME A CALL. Thompson's Drug Store, Winston, ./V. C. The largest ami most varied stork of pure Drugs in Winston-Salem. I have had .10 years experience in fitting trusses and can advise you in selecting one. Come And See Me. V. 0. THOMPSON. R. DAVIS, Winston, IN. C. Keeps constantly on hand a full stock of men's, women's and child re s dress £oods. Ladies' hats trimmed are the latest New York styles. ?

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