KJjPjE^p s Adrift. A, J. Fair, a leading citizen of 0 Waluut Co 4?, was in town yester day. \ E. L. Martin, of Madison, paid the Reporter a pleasant visit Mon day. Mr. Harry Petree, of German ton, spent Sunday night herewith relatives. G. .W Primm, of Germanton R. F. D. No. l,*was among the visi tors in town Saturday. J. W. and P. P. Johnson, of King R. F. D. No. 1, spent a few • .hours irf Danbury Saturday. Mr. Joseph W. Ashby, a prom inent citizen of Mt. Airy, died Monday, at the age 54 years. Esc-SheritF R. P. Joyce is making a tour of tlft county col lecting taxes this week. W. H. Smith and J. W. Hutch ens of Campbell R. F. D. No. 1, visited the Reporter office Satur day. Deputy Sheriff Simmons, of Quaker Gap township, was here attending to some business Tues day. J. E. Shelton, of Sandy Ridge, one of county's most substantial and worthy citizens, visited Dan bury Saturday. | // >i Look out next week for the an nouncement of R. P. Joyce & Co. who are receiving big lots of men.s and boys' clothing. F. G. Southern, of Meadows R. F. D. No. 1, paid the Reporter office a short but pleasant visit yesterday. A. J. Fagg and family have oe cnpiedthe McCanless building just south of the drug store, which has been used by the county officers. D. P. Cooper, who spent the past six months jn Danbury superintending the erection of * the new court house, returned to his homo at Charlotte Saturday. t Hev. C. W. Glidewell has recent ly resigned the pastorate of Oak Ridge Baptist Church, in Snow J Creek township, which he had occupied for 11 years. The church has called Rev. R. W. Crews,, of (rermanton. J. C. Tillotson, of Slate, visited the Reporter office yesterday. Mr. Tillotson gave it as his opin ion that the largest crowd that has beeri in Danbnry in some tkne would come here next week ,to court. It is the season of the year when the farmers can't do much work and of course they will come fco the county seat to attend court, «ee tte imw pounty buildings, etc. * WALNUT COVE R. F. 0. N#. Walnut Cove R. F. D. No. I,* January 15. We are having some very cool weather siijqs Christmas. Miss Gracie South has returned to her home at High Point, a week's visit near Meadows. Hope she had a nice time. JVftss Lemrnie Young has been visiting h#r brother near Wilson's Store, this week, We are sorry to noto that Mr.- Alex White i 3 very low yet. Guess Mr. William S. and Miss Francis N. wont take many more tripe to Winston as Robt. T., of Gennanton, is taking the day with Miss Francis. Cheer up $Jr. Wil liam Miss Janie is enough for yPU any way. Mr. Riifus S. has purchased a new buggy. Look out girls some of you will get a buggy ride. TWO SCHOOL GIRLS. '•■tr # r -VK * All Kinds of Skint W*nW- » - * tinnns N, C., Jan, 7th, 19Q&. The undersigned want Mink •kins, Fox skins, Coon skins, Beaver skins, Skunk skins, etc., for cash. We can handle every skin in North Carolina. Will be at Danbury the three first days of court, January 28-26. T. J. GANN & CO. ? iW i> . Have you seen the nim century Lamps at D. 8. W Wnlnnt Cove, Received By the County Commis- J sioners At a Special Meeting. The Board of County Commis sioners—J. W. Gann, R. F. Shel ton and J. M. Mabe—were in speoial session here Saturday and Monday. The principal object of the meeting was to receive from the builders the new court house and neV jail, which were com pleted last week. After careful examination of both buildings they were formally received by the Commissioners and are now the property of the county. At the meeting Monday the commissioners passed rules and regulations for the cleanliness, protection and preservation of the oourt house. These rules and reg ulations forbid spitting on the floors, writing or marking upon the walls or furniture or any way injuring any part of the building or furniture. Daring the two days session the commissioners paid claims as fol lows : RHR Blair, for pew heads pur chased from Guilford Lumber Co., for court house, $68.70. J. T. Thompson, for board of Stokes prisoners in Forsyth jail, $46.60. Edwards & Broughton, station ery for county, $50.60. Pepper Bros., publishing notice of special term of court, $3.00. Mark Johnson's sisters, pau pers, $4.50. The Reporter regrets to learn of the illness of Dr. W. B. Mebane, of Mount Airy, who has been con fined to hiß home with cold. Dr. Mebanf has had charge of the Danbury Presbyterian chufch for several months, until recently be had to abandon the work on ac count of the rough weather and roads. Dr. Mebane will be wiih us again probably in the early spring and our folks shall look forward to his coming with mneh pleasure. He is not only an eloquent speak er, but is a deep thinker, Powell Glidewell Gets Big Fee. P. W. Glidewell, of Wentwotth, formerly of Stokes, received a fe\ of $1,700 a few days since in the case of Browu vs. Milling Co., of Spray. Glidewell appeared for the plaintiff, who was injured in the mill while employed. Damage for $7,000 was asked, The lower court awarded $3,000, and the Supreme oourt, to which the case went, affirmed the decision. Merchants Will Please Take Notice. of Deeds Jones informs the Reporter that a number of merohanls in tl}§ cofjnty have fail ed to make return" to him of the amount of their gross sales for the past year. Those failing to get in thetr reports before court lay themselves liable to indict pipnt as the time for th'ese reports to be in has already a^pjred. Mr. Isaac Neal, of this place, has bepfl sjck for the past wee k, we are ferry to note. Mr. Geo. Neal, of Pine Hall, made a raise Christmas day in Virginia. One of the finest girls that Virginia can afford, Miss Ella shay. They came up on the traiu and wpre pjarried at Pine Hall. Messrs. Geo, #r)4 Qrqyer N e *d and a lot of others started for Nogatuck, W.,Va. the sth. We are sorry to see them leave, but we hope to see them back again soon. Miss Etta Neal and her cousin, Mr». Qeo, Neal, went o«t driving Friday evening and had a gwiriaus time. We are sorry to say our friend, Miss Minnie Neal, of Walnut Cove, is very sick, hope she will Boon recover. Misses Fleta, Lillie and Lula Neal are going to visit their sister, Miss "Minnie Neal, Saturday and inth ns\ raw m'"- , i ->V -Ua f .ill''- Dr. Mebane Sick. PINE HALL. Pine Hall, Jan. 14 A FHTENP. &■~ '* *■ ' y ;., • TO CUT DOWN EXPENSES. Legislature Getting Down To Business —Representative Gordon Introduces More Bills. Special to Reporter. Raleigh, January 18. The Legislature has now settled down to work, and has some rath er interesting questions before it, for example, the establishment of a reformatory, the enlargement of the State Hospital and of the Sol diers' Home," better provision in the way of pensions, an appropria tion for a fireproof Hall of Rec ords and History, besides some minor things really of importance. There is a general spirit in the Senate to reduce expenses, and a resolution has passed that the com mittee on rules make inquiry the number of and pay of the door keepers, pages and the other em ployes in the Senate and number actually needed to do the work. A'bill to increase the pay of jurors to $2.00 per day and mile age is before the Assembly. A message from the Governor was received, recommending an increase of the salaries of the jud ges of the Supreme and Superior courts. Representative Gordon has in troduced the following bills: To allow Stokes county to ap ply surplus of railroad bonds to build bridges. To allow Stokes county to ap ply surplus of funds to capital stock of railroad. Notice Of Dissolution. Notice is hereby given to all parties concerned that the firm heretofore doing business as J.W. Morefield & Sons at Lime Rock, N. C., conducted by J. Wesley Morefield, L. E. Morefield and L. B. Morefield is from this date dissolved and that the business will iu the future be conducted under the name and style of J. Wesley Morefield, Lime Rock, N. C. This January 10, 1905. J. WESLEY MOREFIELD t Marriage Licenses, Register of Deeds Jones has issued marriage licenses to the following couples since last week : John H. Neal to Ollie Matthews. Jesse Stevens to Lillian Throck morton. Robt. Sands to Maggie Size more. Thos. Page to Nancy Southern. Le*ie Wall to Eltf* Watkina, Notice of Sale. As administratrix of R. L. Hart man, deceased, I will sell at pub lic auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the late residence of R. L. Hartman, deceased, in Stokes county, beginning on tho 13th day of February, 1905, at 10 o'olock, A. M., and continuing from day to day, as may be neces sary, a lot of goods, wares, and merchandise, consisting of shoes, etc., etc. the l&th day of Jan. lUQ6. M. L. L. HARTMAN, Adm'x of R. L. Hartman, dec'd. Blacksmith Shop For Rent. I have a good blacksmith shop Hear jjjy qfqre $t which I will be glad to rent to some good blacksmith. It is situated in a good section and is a first class stand. GEO. W. NEAL, The Mceanleta Houie Open. The McCanless House has open ed for the accomodation of the publio during court next week, and the manager, I}r. \V. I). M'"- (Dftuless, expects n Urge orowd, J Jail Warming Up. The new jail is being heated and arranged for the accommodation of prisoners next week. Deputy A. W. Davis will remove his fam ily the latter part of this weefc. D. S. Watkins has a full line of Folding Bed Springs, f • ' - -- :-U; 'j WkW&xW 'JF-H Hardware At COST! * s • The Norfleet Hardware Co. Is now closing out its immense stock of Hardware and Tinware AT COST. Biftcsl Daps In Hardware to Offered. CALL ON US OB WRITEjiUSj AT ONCE. NORFLEET HARDWARE COMPANY, SSfNext to Peoples Bai GETTING READY FOR COURT. The New Court Honse Now Occupied. The county officers removed from the McCanless building, which they had tenanted for about six months, into their rooms in the new court house this week. Things look up-to-date in the new qnar ters. Register of Deeds Jones occupies the first room on the left, while Sheriff R. J. Petree lakes the second room on tho left. On the right Uie first room is occupi ed by CleA Chilton. Tho other rooms have not yet been occupied, which are for the use of the Board of Education, the County Com missioners, the Treasurer, the Sol icitor, etc. The court room is being rapidly put In shape for court next week A representative of the chair party is here setting together the new chairs for the bar, jury, etc. The two big stoves, which will heat the auditorium, are up. The elegant chandelier, bearing four lamps, has been put in place, and the various other appointments are being arranged against the coming of Judge McNeill. A big crowd is expected at the opening days of court. DELLAR. Dollar, Jan 10 Miss Tolie Shelton is right sicl and Mr. W. D. P—is looking bad. but hope they will soon recover. J, T. S. called to see his bes girl Sunday and she is all smile;* this week. Guess they had a nice time as he bought him a little black pig this we^k. We think there will ba a wed ding across Dan river soon, as Mr. W. E. Tucker and his girl has made friends, You had better look out W. E. Mr. Frank B. is com ing home soon. We are having some nice music in this place this week. Lookout boys we will want you to make some more musjc soon. \|is9 Ray visited Miss Bettie Fagg last Saturday and Sunday. We hear tlmt Mr. S. F. is charming the girls since he return ed from West Virginia, W® think soma of the rest of us boys had better go to West Virginia and maybe some of the girls will like us. Mr. Arthur Shockley visited Mr. Hub Moore last Saturday and Sunday. Mr- G- W, Hurt passed through this place to,day and the report is that he went to Danbury after his license. Misses Rachel Moore and Hilda Watkins visited Mr. Lum Sands' last Thursday night, We guess they had a flne time making music on the guitar. THREE BLACK EYED BOYS Card of Thanks. Wc wish to return thanks to the good people of Danbury far their many acta of kindness rendered during the illness and death of our departed father. FAMILY OF S. B. TAYLOR, Deoeeaad. m WINSTON, i. c. H - % I" 7 11k, S. E. Allen's Old Stand, West Side of Court House."®# !. P. IRA Hardbank M C. Dealer in General Merchandise, Country Produce bought and sold. The finest suit of ready-made cloth ing $2.00 up. A splendid overcoat (or $2.00. GIVE ME A CALL. MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND By virtue of a mortgage deed executed to William Wall by Jackson Smith and wife, Julia Smith, and registered iu the office of the Register of Deeds of Stokes county, in Book No. 25, pages 10- 11 and 12, I will sell for cash at publio auction at the court house door in Danbury on Saturday the 25th day of February, ""IJH)S, at l:3o o'clock, P. M., the following described land: Two thirds an in dividual interest ot a certain tract of land in Stokes county, on the waters of little Neatman Creek adjoining the lands of the late J. B. Vaughn, Joel F. Hill, Abram Lewis and others and bounded as follows: Beginning at pointers in G. W. Tuttle's line, now Ashel Lewis', thence North on Abram Lewis' line 50 chains to a chest nut and black gum, East 3 chains and 36 links to a stake, North chains to a white oak and black oak, East chains to a chestnut and sprouts, Sonth with J. F. Hill's and J. B. Vaughn's lines to the road leading from Dicy Smith's to J, B. Vaughn's be tween 30 and 40 chains, thence along said road as it meanders and south-west direction to the north west corner of a tract of land be longing to J. B. Vaughn and known as the John Smith tract, and about 50 yards from Dicy Smith's spring, thence a degree line with said Vaughn's line in a south-west course to Ashel Lewis' line, thence west to the beginning, containing lt>9 acres more or less. The above land is in a good neighborhood near school and church and good for fanning pur poses, This the 17th day of Jan., 1905 J AS. C. WALL, • Admr. of William Wall. WALNUT COVE, Walnut Cove, Jan. 15. Mr, June Burton has dug him a new well. Mr. June Burton had a play last Monday night and everybody re ported a nice time, except Mr. Gabe Jones as he did'nt get home until 2 o'clock next morning, and his excuse was that it was so dark he couldn't go very fast. Mr. Matt Brown went to Dennis Sunday. Miss Belle Burton is very sick, sorry to say. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on eaph box. 25c. HAVE MERCY SiH .m Winston, /N. C. JOHN D. HUMPHREYS, Attorney at Law, Danbury, Prompt attention to all business entrusted. Will practice in all State courts. NATHANIEL O. PETREE, Attorney at Law, Dan bury, All business entrusted receives prompt and careful attention. Will practice in all State courts. NOTICE, State of North Carolina,) In Sunorior Court. 7S Stokes County- J I.amlon J. Duncan) Summons for relief— befor vs. i the Clerk. James T. Duncan, .Vallie Duncan, Theresa Duncan. Elliotte Duncan, Oscar E. Duncan, Peter Duncan, Henrv J. Duncan. State of North Carolina, to the Sheriff of Stokes County, greeting: You are commxnded, to summon James T. Duncan, Sallie Duncan, Theresa Dun can, Elliotie Duncan, Oscar E. Duncan, Peter Duncan and 7/enry J. Duncan, the defendants above named, if tliey be found within your county, to appear at the G%> of the Clerk Superior Court, for the county of Stokes on the 11th day of Feb. 1905 and answer the complaint, a copy of which will he deposited in the Office of the ClerA: of the Superior Court of said County within ten days from the date of this summons, and let the defendants taA-e notice that if they fail to answer the said complaint at that time, the plaintiffs will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the com plaint. Ilereoffail not and of this sum mons maAe due return. Given under my liand, tliis 2nd dav of Jau. Al. T. CHILTON C. S. C. •Stokes County. State ol' North Carolina,} In Superior Court Stokes Coutitv.) Before the Clerk Landou J. Duncan, I'lff.,> James T. Duncan, et al, Defts. In tlie above entttleil action, it appearing to the Court, unon affidavit filed, that Jan. T. Dun can, one ol'tlie defendants In said case, is a non rosldent of t*ie State of North Carolina, and cau liot, after due diligence, he found therein, ami cannot be personally served with process, and in a necessary party to tills aotlon, the same beinir an action for the partition of the lands ofl,an don Duncan, Sr. It is therefore ordered by the court that pub lication of mh in mon* be made lor four siiccesoivi; weeks in the Danbury Reporter, a newspaper published|kii the County of Stokes, notifying tbo said dumes T. Duncan, to appear at the office ot the Clerk of tlie Superior Court of Stokes Coun ty. ill Danbury, N. C., on the 11th day of Feb ruary, 1905, ami answer or (lemur to the petition In Haiti ease. And let the said Jas. T. Duncan tako notice that if lie fulls Ui appear anti atiswcr or demur to the petition, on or by the sahi 11th day of February, 1905, the relief demanded in tin* petition will be granted. This the 2nd day of Jan., inn.'!. M. T. CIIII.TOiV, C. S. C. N. O. Potree, Atty. for Plff. LAND SALE. lt\ virtue of the power ol sale contained in a certain deed in trust executed on the 2otk day of A'ov., I!K>3, by Arcli Fry and liig wife, Alpha Fry. to the undersigned, Walter L. McCanlens, trustee, tosecuie the payment of a certain bond due to ,/ohn D. Humphreys in the sum of $787.30 and de fault having been made in the payment of said bond at the request of the said J no. D. i/umphreys and in accordance with the terms, stipulations and conditions contain ed in said deed in trust I will sell at public miction to the highest bidder for cash at the ooui I house door in the town ofDanbury, N. C., 011 Saturday the 4th day of Feb ruary, 100.") the lauds conveyed in said deed in trust which are described therein a* fol lows, to-wit: Certain tracts of land lying Jnd being in the county of .Stokes afore »aid and more particularly described ami ieflned as follows, to-wit: Ist tract begin ning ata beech in Hall's line and runs 8. 10-12 chains to a white oak stump in Arch Fry's line, thence S. 40 degrees \V. 7-12 ■bains to a willow on the bank of Peter's Llreek, thence up the creek as It meanders 15 chains to a beech, thence If. 5-12 chains o a stake, thence N. 25 1-2 chains to a pine n Priddy's line, thence H'. 24 chains to he beginning containing 100 and one tenth teres more or less. It being a portion of ot No. 1 in the division of the lauds of \rch Fry, Henry Fry, Harriet llarger. Vary A. Lawson. For record of said divis on reference is hereunto made to book No. 12, page 370 in the office of the Register of Jeeds of Slake* county, A'. O. Second ract which is lot No. 2in said division leginning at a maple in the line of lot No. , W. 21) chains to a hickory on bank of l>ait iver, thence down tlie river as it meander» 10chains to the mouth or Peter's Creek, lieuce up the creek as it meanders 2H hains to the mouth of //all's branch, henie N. 47 degrees K. 7 1-2 chains to a .vhlte oak stump, thence X. 5 1-4 chains Ut tho begiiHiiug ooutalning 'lO 1-2 acres lesn 20 acres sold ofl'to W. G. Tucker. This Dec. the 27th, 1904. W. L» AfcCANi ES.S, Trustee., N.C N. C J Order