THE CHAFFIN FARM SOLD. Consideration Was $6.000 —A Dance At Germanton. Gernianton. Jan. 10. News is very searee in German ton. on account of the inclement weather and v«ry rough roads. Dr. Bynum lias been very ill, but is some better and still im proving. Rev. W. H. Nelson preached at the Baptist church Sunday night. Mrs. Alice Thomas, of Grayson, Ya., has been visiting Mr. Poin dexter. Mr. Cleve Crews spent a few days with his mother, last week. The extensive plantation and family residence of the Ohatfin heirs were sold last week to Mr. William Browder for §O,OOO. _ Mrs. Stewart, the Depot Agent, went to Raleigh, N. C„ Sunday to attend the marriage of her neice. The young j eople of this place had a dance last Friday night. With very best wishes to the editor and readers of the Repor ter. I nin. ELIZABETH. GIDEON. Gideon. Jan. 17. We are having some winter weather now days. Mr. Alf (bite wood, who has been working in West Virginia for some time, visited his people here last week. J. Wilson Mitchell traded horses and mules last week. He swapped two mules for two mules and two horses for one horse. I'. H. Carter, who was spoke of in the last issue as being sick, is improving some, we are glad to note. Mr. W. M. Peebles is nlso improving with his Bore hand. Mr. John Martin, of Pine Hall, is visiting relatives at Dillard. and his daughter, Mrs. John Adkins, of Red Shoals, this week. Messrs. Moore and Ham. of Virginia, called on the merchants in this section last week. Mr. Edgar Lnsley, who has been, visiting his people at this place, returned to his work in Newport News. Ya.. last week. M iss Dora Deshazo, of Spencer, Ya.. who taught a private school at this place before Christmas, is expected to return in the near future to resume her work. Some tobacco is being marketed from this section now. but not as much as would be if the roads were not so bad. The widow Dnggins ' carried Jthe JMartiusville market last week and got a very fair price for it. The Beaver Island School Teachers held a meeting at Dil lard last Saturday and all being present, as follows M. Fagg, of Red Shoals; Misses Mamie Leak, of Pine Hall; Ruth Lasley, of Saxon: Fannie Lesley, of Dil hrd and Bercha Dunlap, of Ganns. ()n last Wednesday at 3 o'clock, P. M., at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. Willie C. Young and Miss Mary N. Peobles were hap pily united in the holy bonds of matrimony. Esq. J. \\ ilson Mitch ell officiated. We wish them a long, happy and prosperous life. N. PINNACLE. Pinnacle. Jan. 10. Sunday registered the coldest day of the year. Mrs. Mary Wall, the oldest lady of the community (HO years), is very feeble. Mr. Oscar Cromer spent Satur day night at the home of Miss Lncinda Edwards. We regret to learn of the death of Capt. Taylor, very much. Master Early Martin, of Flat Rock, visited his little cousins, Robt. and Ollie Boles, last Satur day ami Sunday. M. It will pay you to see D. S. Watkins, at Walnut Cove, before you buy Rocking Chairs. $1.50 up. Best double cane seat Chairs 50cts apiece at D. S. Watkins', Walnut Cove. N. C. DEATH OF WILLIAM COX. Big Birthday Dinner At Francisco Other Items and Personals. Francisco, Jau. 10. There is a good deal of sickness i in this neighborhood, mostly deep colds. Miss Willie Wright, of Big Creek, visited Misses Emma, Sa- j vannah and Esther Beasley Sat urday and Sunday. Mr. William Cox, an old and highly respected citizen of this community, died last Wednesday morning at 3 o'clock. The end came not unexpected, as he had been very sick for several days. Mr. Cox was in his eighty-first year. He leaves a wife and two sons and two daughters, besides many friends and relatives to mourn his death. A big birthday dinner was given to Mrs. Harrison Nunn, of Big Creek, last Tuesday. A large crowd attended. There were about 200 people who ate dinner at the same time. Rev. Billy Adkinson preached a very able sermon. Messrs. Alonzo Ward and wife and Alex Ward and wife have gone j to house keeping together. . All of Rev. W. H. Collins' fain-' ily have been on the sick list the past week. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Collins. J. K. Smith ami the youngest child of Mr. W. T. Ward have all been on the sick list the past week, but ; they are all better now. we are ' glad to note. Dr. J. J. Leak, of Asbury, was j right sick last week. He was l taken sick at Stuart, Ya., and i came from there to his father's-in-1 law, Mr. Hill Waller's. We hope he will soon be well and able to attend to the sick again. Mr. Charles Blansett, of the State Line vicinity, lias a child very sirk with pneumonia fever. Hope it will soon be better. Mr. Joe Ward and family visi- j ted at W. R. Beasley's, of Brown ! Mountain, Friday, Saturday and SundaV. They had a rough time i for their visit. R. E. L. FRANCIS. STUART. VA. Stuart, Ya.. Jan. 1(5. W. H. Wiinbish spent Sunday in Stuart. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Williams , are visiting relatives and friends | in Roanoke and Wytheville. Mrs. W. D. Via has been very ■ sick for the past few days at her j home, on Church Street. M. V. Stedman made a business trip to Richmond last week. Hon. 1. M. Hooker made a Hying trip to Martinsvile Friday, return-, ing Saturday. J. L. B. is all smiles, as he heard j from his best girl Thursday. Dr. Moir Martin, of Richmond, ! is visiting his parents, Dr. and Mrs. R. S. Martin this week.r Miss Pearl Massey, of Critz, is attending school at the S. N. C. this winter. Mr. J. Broekley Smith, who has had the blues for the past two j weeks is some better. Mr. Robt. Wimbish was in town Sunday evening. What's the at traction Bob? As news is scarce I will ring off and come again, soon. RAILROADER. To the Public! We don't wish to insult your j intelligence by claiming to sell goods lower than any one else in the county, but we wish to call your attention to our large stock of general merchandise dress goods of all classes and colors, a special line of broad cloth, flan- j nels, morebairs. worsteds, mercer ized silks, bought especially for winter season, hoes in great varie ty, ready made clothing for men, youths and boys that are made to j wear, hats, caps, big line shoes of best makes for ladies, gentlemen and chilcren. The buyer who goes by us is sure to pay more for his goods than if lie give us a look and gets prices. Thanking you for past favors, we assure you appreciation and right treatment in future. JACOB FULTON SONS. DEATH OF J. W. PRATHER. Expired At Greensboro Friday—One Of the Leading Business Men of Mt. Airy and Conducted One of the Largest Clothing Businesses in the State. The rather sudden death of Mr. J. W. Prather occurred at Greens boro Friday afternoon at :.'}) o'clock. He was surrounded by Mrs. Prather and all the members of his devoted family, besides a brother, J. H. Prather. and other relatives, and several friends. Two months ago Mr. Prather submitted to an operation at John's Hopkins Hospital, Bal timore, for an internal affection, since when he had remained at the hospital for treatment except for | a few days previous to his death. ■ when he returned home, apparent ly improved in health. But not ; satisfied with his condition, on I Thursday morning hi* went to ; Greensboro for consultation with a specialist of that city, nccorn j panied by his son, Jesse F. Prat h | er. Soon after reaching Greens boro Mr. Prather was taken ill, and on Friday morning his syinp j toins became so alarming that the ; family were wired, who came on a ! special train. At half past three in the afternoon Mr. Prather ; breathed his last, not having re j covered consciousness since Thurs day night. The deceased was one of t lie | leading merchants of Mt. Airynnd had conducted one of the largest i clothing businesses in the State. | He had been very successful, and ! his affairs at his death were in the I finest shape. I The funeral was conducted from the home Sunday evening, by Rev. Mr. Winecoff. of the M. E. j church, and was attended by a large number of relatives and a 1 great concourse of friends. The interment was made at the i Salem cemetery, with impressive religions rites and Masonic honors, the decensed bding an honored Mason. \ * A wife and the following child ren survive: Misses Nellie, Lilla I and Josie Prather, and Messrs. Jesse F. and Charley Prather. CONSENT. VA. Consent, Ya., Jan. I>. We are having rough weather, and the roads are in such a bad j condition it is almost impossible ; to pass. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Martin are | visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Handy. Messrs. Elmo Marks, Cable Lawson and Clevie Sheppard | called in our midst last Sunday. Were glad to have you call boys. Messrs. Jas. Handy and Hoy ft Rodgers called on Misses Lillian and Hester Gunter Sunday last. Mr. Bass Morris was in our lit 1 tie village quite awhile ago. would be delighted to have you come ; again. Mr. Ernest Smith called on one of his best friends a few days ago. Messrs. Robt. and Desha/.o Wimbish made a fashionable call jon Misses Kate Handy and Mav 1 Tatum last night. Miss Mary Lou Tatum is visit ing her aunt in North Carolina this week. Cheer up, Grover, she will vturu soon. Mr. Ben May 6 has left for Rocky Mount where ho expects to remain for quite a while. He left several hearts broke, (too sad I. Miss Maggie Tatum is visiting Miss Kate Handy this week. Mr. Abel Cassel and Miss Daisy Cradclock were married Thursday. Wish them a long and unppy life. Miss Lillie Frazier, as her best beau has gone to Danville, is al most heart broken. Cheer up. he will come back. Misses Julia and Jennie Howell were the guest of Misses lvnte Handy and May Tatum Sunday night. Miss Edna Wimbish spent Thursday night with her brot her Mr. Lee Wimbish. TWO JOLLY CHUMS. - ' Lamps 25cts up to $5.00 at D. i S. Watkins', Walnut Cove. C. R. WALL'S FARM. Calls It Knowl-hur»t—"Mc" Wants to Know Where that Magistrate Lived. Suxon, Jan.l 7. Mr. C. R. Wall has named his farm Knowl-hurst. Henry Coon, a young man of about 18 summers, recently decid ed to try his luck in the wild West, or at least some where in the mountains of West Virginia, so he gave his father "the slip" and got aboard the north bound ••free train"' at Pine Hall. His father, Mr. T. S. Coon, got an inkling of the young man's inten tion and when the train drew up at Mayodun Chief of Police, Hub Brown, went in arid brought the young man out and gave him back to his father. Now, while, we are perfectly sure Prowler did not mean Beaver Island when he said "one of our back townships," because we claim to be ouo of the foremost in several respects. We have rail road, telegraph and telephone con nection with the outside world. We are close up against the good old Democratic county of Rock ingham. and always send up a Democratic majority, and while we admit we are behind in the number of children (as reported by the School Board), we are sure Prowler didn't mean us in report ing his interview" with the Dan bury lawyer, but we are curious to know whether the J. P.referred to was one of the appointed or elected ones, just that. We don't ask for his name nor his township. It is now getting late in Jan uary and T. J. G. has not yet given us his "early in December" reason for wanting over two thousand names in the jury box. We are sure he has not got a good reason and we accept that as sufficient excuse for the delay, and since the political whirlwind has passed over we hope he sees more clearly, as Judge Cloud did, if not as our County Commissioners now do in regard to efficient jury men. Mc. SANDY RIDGE 7 Sandy Ridge. Jan. 14. Mr. Josiah Knight, who has been on the sick list for several weeks, is improving, we are glad to learn. Mr. Matt Newman and Miss Annie Durham were united in mar riage last Thursday. We wish them much success. (J. A. Huteherson. of Bluefield, W. Va., is spending a few days with friends and relatives at Sandy Ridge. Wonder what has become of Grub, as we havent seen him in a few weeks. Guess he is going to Widow's of late. Wonder what has made Jitnmie Billy change his route. Instead of going down the road, he is go ing up the road. Perhaps Miss W-n-e would tell us. Say, Jonny, what are you look ing so sad about, of late? But cheer up old fellow, maybe she will love you yet. Two of our boys didn't tarry very long at Sunday School last Sunday. Guess their best girls were not there. Say, Richard, did you go to see Miss 0. last Sunday. ' PHYLLIS. BEWARE OF OINTMENTS F(>R CATARRH THAT CON TAINS MERCURY. As mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescrip tions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0., con tains no mercury, and is taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh ('lire be sure you tret the genuine. It is taken internally and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Sold by Druggists, Price 75c per bottle. Hall's Family Pills are the best. IsCHOULER'S A Happy /New Year TO OUR MANY FRFKNDS AND CUSTOMERS IN STOKES COUNTY. Sc h ouS er'sj It's Forcign to Our Policy » (o misrepresent anything; in our line 9 of Furniture, Carpels and stoves. Our | stock contains the best that experience | and long acquaintance in the whole- ;j sale market can supply. When you fl come here to but' we tell you the ex- i act truth about it. Our stock is com- \\ plete and good, all new, with com plete assortment. Mail orders solic ited, or give us a visit. HUlff •1[ • MOH (0. Cabbage Plants and Sea Island Cotton Seed. Cabbage Plant* for sale. and now ready fordellvcrv. "K*»iv dorse v Waketyflil" and "Charles ton I.arge Tvpe Wakefield." tworarllest searphcad varltlc* and head In r 'tstion as tunned, "Sue I IHIIIOII." "Augusta Trucker*' and Short Sent Put Mitch," the :» best tlat-head varieties at.«l head In rotation an named. Price* Single thousutd. fcl.'.Vi, .1.000 .«n> ( over *1 per 1000; lo.oon an I over, *1 per 1000. Terms: C;mh with order; or, plants went c. f). purchaser paylngreturii charges on money. Our plant l»ed:» occupy .»"» acre* on South ''arollua Sea Cea«t an l "we undet • stainl growing tlirmln the open air; tough ainlVirdv; they will stand severe cold without injur. Plants crated for shipment weigh '2O lint, per 1000 and we hive special lo* ra*e- tor prompt trans portation by Sonthe n Kxpfe M CO. I ktow of other nlaiitw you can buy cheaper than mine: I se'.l «ood plant* No cheap "cut rate" plants shipped fr »tu m.• farm. I guarrnntoe those that I ship t» lie true to type and name, aud grown from ii ifh gride HC«NI* purchased from two of the most r« * liable need house* In the United states. 1 will refund purchase price to aup dissatisfied customer at end of nciwun. Our Cotton Seed. Lint of our Long St r pie variety of Sea Island Cottonsild thisyear in Charlc*- jn On Lee 'J. at 3'Jc |H?r tamiid. Seed fl.'jS per bit ; lots >f In bu. and over *1 per hutdiol. Mr specialty: Prompt Shipiuens, Ti uc Varieties, and Satisfied u*tdniors. I have been In tin plant business for thlrtv-Hve years. WM. C. GERATY, Young's Island, S. ()•> NOTICE OF SALE. Uy virtue a decree of the Superior Court of Stokes County rendered in the tip proceeding, entitled "J 111 in K. (.ausoii anil others against .Mm T. Meadows, mid oth ers," I will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, at the Court //nine door In the town of Danburv, N. C., on Monday, March the 6th, ]!M)S, at one o'clock, P. M., a tract of land iyl iii» and be ing in the County of Stokes, adjoining ill'* lands of P. Olivers, the George Wilson lands, and others, and bounded as follows, to wit: "Beginning at a rock in Oliver's line, tbeow East 80 chs. to a stake in Oliver's line, South 011 his line, nine chs to a rock, his corner, II est on his and Meadow's line, lit chs. to u maple, .South on .Meadow's line, '2l chs. to a white oak, Meadow s corner in Tuttle's line, West 12-1-2 chs. tii a white oak. Tuttle's corner, North "-1-2 chs. to a post oak, West 2-1-2 chs. 1.0 11 black oak, Oliver's corner. North on Oliver's line, 20-1-2 clis. to the Iwginuing, containing i>o 0-10 acres, more or less." The above trait of land will be sold as th>' property of-tfajor Meadows, Deed., for partition anion? hisheiri-at-law. This /lie 24th day of Deo., lIKH. N. O. PKTfpSE, Commissioner. Mortgage Sale of Land. Hv virtue of a mortgage executed tu William WIIM l»v *loel I ttlackburn and wlf** S M Mln kli'i' n. hml ret;U'or* «l in the office t»i* I flic Hcj{i>ier hi of Ktokra county 111 Book ■ No 27. page 49.'», I will *ell for ca*h at pubic Auction nt the court liouae door 111 Danbttry CM Saturday. February itfl. 190.V lit I o'clock P M. the following described lot* l.i . the town of (ierinanto , N C : I Kind—Bcirinnlng at the corner of the Bowm» i lionw mi Mhlii Street, thence running wiut'i *0 1?.-II* chain* to a |MM»t.corner of »loli' :I lllitlng'* r»nner lot, then-e with bin lot 11 4 1 | we*t 4. V» clnil'i- to a pout, * .V> degree# went 6.* 1 j chain* to a ntake, north 1 degree ea*t 8 chain i to * Htak-* r, fctt w fiom the n w corner of anoM ■ boti-e n Km ilugrecM e 7.17 cliaixH to n *take ni the roml i >3 degrees e 1.40 rhnin* to a ntakc | corner of Kiugttburv'* lot. theuce with x'lld lot j &n decree* w 2 chain* to corner of Maid lot, * 4" degteeac 3.73 chain* to cornor of !Clngidiiin> . MIIO|». N .To dog*e ♦» IA link* to Howtuan'M houftf. k 4ti dniiiM T.I link* f.» the beginning. containing 4\acte-» i.70 *|uare pole*, more or leu*. j ! Hecond—o..e other lot bounded an follow/ I• • nn fat•» r ».*k the corner of mild lot fring ing I lie o'd cou*-t bouMtt. thence running n 4 J Jh'- gree.* w nlotig Main Street 1.% pole* to a |>u§l, * 4M degree* w 3 pole- rt loet 8 Incite* t» a pout * 4- degree* e|fl jmlcn t«» a gate |He»t, theuce n 4H l« gree* e:i pole* fl feet U When t » the beginning containing .'>o |>erelief*, moro or le*A. Save ai»« except from the lot a part there »f conveyed t.ti It Snll.vHi 27th of April. lH.n\ !W feet «" Main Streot and luo feet back i «cc deed In BooU 31. p M The aiio e lot* arc well 1« c ite.l and in the cen ter of the of (Jermanfoo. oi the Mouther a Kaflro ni giKwl nocletv, Hchunla jiml churches. ThiMthe 17th day of January. |:WJ. JAMhS • WAIX. Administrator of William Wall

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