H S U I E IJL: ™ E LONG OVERCOAT -| | fIBSMB The long cut winter Overcoat is not -only stylish and | ! elegant, but contains more real comfort than you will find in 1 | Ours are made up in the sweilest styles of the season, and m 1 are designed for men who want something swagger. The I | tailoring, character and finish of these Coats are g J JJHK B¥VG¥D"C««TICTS FW~ J | / The fabrics are of the very best money can buy. It is es- I W - peclally desired to have Young Men sec these Binart Coats. I |j| . Prices moderate. This store is guaranteed for that. 1 C*pyri«kt !«W by il*rt khiffnu ft Im| , fl R LTTRA NPOED & COMPAWYT J loaded Shells Only 39 Cents Per Box Other Things Just as Low Harness!, saddles, bridles, cooking and heating stoves, paints, oils, etc. Everything you can ex pect to find in a first class up-to-date hardware es tablishment. A. S. MITCHELL, WAL.TVUT COVE, TV. C. OWMH9N I S BRIG STORE. WINSTON SALEM. W c. Stokes people will not find a betwr or won? reliable place to purchase the.r 1) A'l "(IS limn at this reliable house. AM, KIN JJ& OF TOILET ARTICLES KEPT AT AM. TIMES. I also keep the largest and finest line of Trusses in the State and guarantee satisfaction in hoth quality and pi ice. COME AND EXAMINE MY STOCK E. W. O'HANLON. PINNACLE R. F. D. No. 1. 1 Pinnacle R. P. D. No. 1, Jan. 8. As I have not seen anything j from tliis section lately. I thought I would write. Mrs. J. A. Poney has returned home from a pleasant visit to her | friends and relatives near Pin ' nacle Miss Martha Stone is visiting her sister, Mrs. Ham Westmore i land. Miss Flora Kallatn, of Pinnacle, is visiting her mother this week. The Stork visited Lay Hauser s la6t Monday and left *a fine boy. He went next day and bought himself a man hat. Miss Martha Robertson and her brother, Tom, spent the night, with Mrs. E. E. Kallam. i Mr. Chas. Kallatn has been visit- ( ' ing Mr. Fountain Kigers lately,: j wounder what's the attraction - !' 1 ! Miss Belle, I guess, i Mr. John Spainhour, of Pin-j nncle. visited this section Thurs-; day. Mrs. Laura Sbatnel visited her mother, of Pinnacle, Saturday and Sunday. t j FRANCISCO. Francisco, Jan. Billie Cox, an aged citizen, of this community, is at the point of death. I understand that Robt. George has gone to Richmond to school. Messrs. Clifford Nunn and John ' Smith went to Mt. Airy a few j days ago to work in the furniture factory and the boys got home sick and didn't work but one half of a day and the boys come home' and I think the boys will make another crop of tobacco. Mr. Fletcher Collins has been right puny with an ingrowing nail. People are marketing a very lit tle tobacco now. R. E. L. FRANCTS. I Farmers Meet At Red Shoals. Red Shoals. Jan. 15. The Dillard branch of the North Carolina Farmers Protective Association met at Dillard on Saturday before second Sunday in January. Several of its members were present. Some important ques tions were discussed. Some new members enrolled. J. Wilson Mitchell, an active mem ber of the Association and a re liable merchant proposed to sell goods for cash to any and all mem bers of the Association for 10 per cent profit. Next meeting will be held at Dillard on Saturday before second Sunday in February. All | members should be present as we | wish to arrange to buy our fertili i 7.er. JAS. M. FAGG, Pres. N. F. P. Association. I LOCAL BRIEFS. J. R. Martin,of Hartman, was in town a day or two since. Mr. Ray Martin left Saturday | to enter school at Whitsett Insti j tute. The Stokes County Medical j Association will meet here next j Monday. I R. 11. R. Blair is contemplating . moving to St. Louis, Mo., some ! time during the coming spring. , It is hoped that he will decide not ;to leave. Mr. Blair has a brother | living in St. Louis. i A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES. I Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles. Druggists re fund money if Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case, no matter of how long standing, in 6 to 14 days. First application gives ease and rest. oOc. If your druggist hasn't it send 50c in Btamps and it will be forwarded post-paid by Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis, M>. \ / Have you money lying idle, await- Y # ing investment ? # X Why not let it work for you in # \ THK BANK / V THAT PAYB > > 4 Percent | / C This bank accepts savings deposits in any amount from Y J SI.OO up and allows interest at the rate of 4 percent., com- m W pounded quarterly. X X Call and see our cashier for further information. M PIEDMONT SAVINGS BANK/ M COKNKK LJRKHTY AND lIKTH BTRKBTS, V ) VIJTSTOA -SALEM, ,V. C. f i I _________ __. jDavis, Boyles & Co.j I W I NSTOX, N. C., | llflve jim leti ived >» hijj 1»»' «•!'— j 'Johnson's Homemade Shoes* |Big Line of Hamilton Brown Shoes? t Always On Hand. \ x ♦ 1 JAR PET WAKI', JJUNCII COTTON, Br.ST MIKKTIXtiS, ALL* I . .. f KINDS OF DHKSS (iOOJJ.S, All at t!;♦- lowPßt prices. T ♦Anything in (groceries always as cheap as (ho cheapest in price,* but the very best in quality. Drop in and exauiiqe our i X " lino and be convinced. 9 t Yours to Serve, Z : DAVIS, BOYLES & CO., : X * I . Opposite Farmers .Varehouse. i *♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦