MISS JULINA SPAINHOUR DIES. Was Aged 86, and Was a Good Christian Woman—ltems From King. King. Jan. 23. After several week's sickness Mrs. Julina Spainhour died at the home of Mr. V. T. Grabbs today. Her age was 80 years, and was a good Christian woman, and was liked by all who knew her. The Grabbs Manufacturing Company will close for a day or two on account of the death of Mrs. Spainhour. Mr. Evan Butner went to Wins ton Saturday on business. Rev. Field, of Elkin, preached at the first Baptist church last Saturday and Sunday. S. T. Kciger has sold out his stock of goods to S. W. Pulliain, of this place. B. L. Grabbs now holds a po sition as station agent at this place. Charley Kirby called to see Miss Fannie Newsom last Sunday. There has been some enquiries ns to Mr. J. W. J's whereabouts. He has not been seen around King since some time about Christmas. Come back, John, we like for you to come. Mr. and Mrs. James Boles left on this morning s train for Char lotte where he will aocept a po sition with the Southern Railway Co. as yard boss. Mr. Ernest Boyles and Miss Martha Ingram visited Miss Lela Moore last Sunday. Mr. S. B. H. called to see his best cousin Sunday. BOBBY BAKER. PINNACLE. Pinnacle, Jan. 2.*?. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Culler; Dr. and Mrs. J. S. State left Sunday for Danbury where they will spend a few days with friends. Misses Lucy and Augusta Spain hower were the guests of Misses Cora and Agnes Venable Sunday afternoon. ' Messrs. Ralph Sullivan and Huston Loftis spent Sunday with Mr. Albert Phillips. Rev. R. M. Loftis filled hi. regular appointment at Filot Mt. Saturday and Sunday. Messrs. Mack Boyd and Esq. Venable left today for Raleigh. Mr. and"Mrs. \V. A. Sullivan gave their son, Ralph, quite a nice birthday party Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Holder and daughter, Miss Alta, left for Greensboro last week where they will probably make their future) home. We are sorry to lose Mr. j Holder and his noble family. Misses Grace and (iurta King! left for Pilot Mt. last Saturday. j Miss Lucy Spainhower will : leave for Mt. Airy nest Saturday where she will spend several days! ■with friends. Misses Cora and Agnes Ven-j able and Connie Haley spent I Sunday night with Miss Rena | Kreeger. They reported a pleas-! ant time and some sweet music. We regretted very much to hear of the death of Capt. S. R. Taylor and Mr. J. W. Prat her. FOI R CHARMING GIRLS. STUART. VA. Stuart. Va„ Jan. 23. The brick work on the new jail is completed. Mr. A. L. Williams, who has been visiting in Roanoke and Wytheville. has returned to Stuart. Mr. Owen, engineer on the Danville k Western, spent Sun day in Stuart. Rev. Mr. Ragland preached in the Baptist church Sunday night. We are very sorry to learn of the illness of Mrs. W. D. Via, on Church street. She has been very sick. Miss Clemuiie Martin, of Slnitf, spent Sunday with Miss Jessie Moore. Engine No. lit, which was in the wreck the first of last month, is back 011 the D. & W. again. Dr. B. F. Tatum, jf Nettle Ridge, was in town last week. "RAILROADER." P. H. CARTER DEAD. A Child Burned to Death— Newt From Gideon. Gideon, Jan. 24. There are several attending court this week, from this section. Several of our good fanners in this vicinity are done burning plant beds, and others are burning. There is lots of bad colds in this neighborhood, but strangest of all Uncle Gid says he has been bothered less this winter than ever before with colds. What's going to happen? W. M. Peobles and son, Charlie, are both suffering with lots of pain frotn their sore hands. Both of them have the same disease some thing like blood poison in their right hand. They are both in such a condition that it requires the attention of a physician. We hope they will soon recover. P. H. Carter, of Dillard, who has been suffering for several weeks, died yesterday morning. He WHS thought to be improving up till Sunday evening when he was striken speechless and never spoke any more. His remains will be laid to rest this afternoon at Bethesda church. Funeral to be preached by Rev. Robins, of Madison. He was a good honest, upright hardworking citizen and will be greatly missed, but we hope our loss is his eternal gain. He leaves a host of relatives and friends to mourn his death. Yesterday while Mr. Wirt Mitch ell, of Dillard, was out burning some straw and grass, one of his little step sons, (Andrew), went where he was and got too close to the tire and his clothes caught on tire and no one being near enough to extingush the flames. His clothes were com pletely burned off of him. And he wan so badly burned that he died last night between ten and eleven o'clock. He lived about (5 hours after he was burned. His : mother especially has our heart Ffett sympathy. Ilis suffering was 'as sad a scene as I ever witnessed. N. SANDY RIDGE. Sandy Riilge, Jau. 24. There was quite a large crowd at Oak Rirno Sunday. Mr. Crews has changed the appointments from the first to the third Sun days. Rev. J. T. Ratledtre filled his appointment at the M. E. church Sunday. A Teachers Meeting was held at Sandy Ridge Saturday. About ten were present. One of our students has been confined to her rooiu for several days on account of diphtheria, but is some lietter, wc are glad to B>iy. Supt. J. T. Smith visited the school at this place last Thurscay. Dr. Pi ingle is on the Ridge. We hope he will find plenty of work to do. Mr. Bud Amos and family visit ed Mr Robert Brown Sunday. I don't nee why one of our boys was so late getting to church Sun-, day? Guess he was waiting to ! see which way his girl went. The Bachelor was in "high glee'' yesterday. Guess it was be cause his Daisy has returned from Greensboro. Ourß. F. D. carrier has 'pur chased him a new cart. Hurrah ' girls and see which one will take the first ride. It is reported that there will he several marriages on the 22nd of February. Hurrah boys and don't back out. MINE AND THINE. Blacksmith Shop For Rent. I have a good blacksmith shop near my store at Meadows which I will be glad to rent to some good blacksmith. Tt is situated in a good section and is a first class stand. GEO. W. NEAL, Meadows, N. C. Best double cane seat Chairs 50cts apiece at D. S. Watkins', Walnut Cove, N. C. | ALBERT TUTTLE PAYS THE DEBT. Death of a Prominent Citizen Near Germanton—Judge Bynum Offered SIO,OOO For His Town Fork Farm. Germanton, Jan. 24. | Judge W. P. Bynum, of Char j lotte, baa received an offer of 110,000, for his excellent farm on i Town Fork. Mr. Albert Tuttle, father of Mrs. 1 William Watte, died of pneumonia at the home of Mr. Watts near ! Germanton last Saturday, aged HO. He was buried at Chestnut Grove I church on Sunday. Miss Amy Massee, of Missouri, has been visiting Mr. Poindexter. Mrs. J. C. Small returned to I her home at Spencer, Monday, . Mrs. Stewart has returned from Raleigh, N. C. Mr. H. McGee returned Satur day from a hunting trip near Mt. Airy. He brought back quite a number of birds. The home of Mr. Grabbs near here was found to be on fire by Mr. Boles, who ran to see, and found the entire.family sitting in the house, knowing nothing of it. The fire was soon extinguished, with the loss of about sls. Mr. Powers has been visiting his family. Misses Bettie and Burnice and' Master Howard Woodruff have been visiting their grandmother, Mrs. Crews, but have returned home to Walnut Cove. Mr. Kurfees is at home. Mr. Longstreet, of Mocksville. is visiting Mr. Kurfees and family. ELIZABETH. MOORE'S SPRINGS. Moore's Springs, Jan. 2ii. Christmas times have been very ' quiet in our section. There has ' been but very little drinking with j us, and I am glad it's so, where j there is liquor there is distur j bance and misery, agitation, con fusion and tumult. It seems that the mountain peo ple round about here are to* draw nearer their God thau they have in the past. God says draw nigh unto Him and will draw nigh unto you. We learn that Mr. J. T. Moore has been fortunate enough to fill his ice house with ice to await the future summer season. We are sorry to inform you that Mrs. Richard Coffer has been very sick for some time and don't get any better. Wo are glad to say that Mr. Gorrel Hall who has had a severe case of fever, is up and about again. We had the opportunity of en joying three good sermons last Sunday delivered by Rev. J. H. Robertson and J. E. Simmons. We want to say our Union Sun day School is in its flight and ex tends n hearty welcome to all. XEBEC. WALNUT COVE ROUTE 1 Walnut Cove R. F. D. No. 1, Jan. 21. We have been having bad weather in this section. Guess Miss Ressie Y. is nil smiles this week as Mr. R. C. went to see her last Sunday. Miss Martha Meadows has re turned home from spending a week at High Point. Mr. Willie Meadows is on the sick list, we are sorry to say. A BLACK EYED GIRL. An Enterprising Firm of Winston. Davis, Boyles & Co., of Wins ton, N. C., have just closed their first year in the mercantile busi ness, and have made a complete success. Their trade has been steadily increasing since they be gan business. January the Ist. I'.KM, which is due largely to the quality of goods they handle and courteous treatment to all. #They are now planning to increase their sales by increasing their stock of goods, so they most everything in a general line of merchandise. A great part of the trade of this new firm comes from Stokes county's farmers, snd the farmers of .Stokes county would do well to make their store head i quarters while in W T inston. You , will always find their ad in the Reporter. HEAD THE HONOR ROLL John Gann, Bob McAnally and R. H. Mitchell Climb to the Top. Messrs. John W. Gann, R. P. McAnally and R. 11. Mitchell have the distinction of being at the top of the Reporter's Honor Roll, each holding receipts to January Ist and sth, liK)7. These three clever gentehnen from east ern Stokes chancing to meet in the Reporter office Tuesday morning, Mr. McAnally bantered his com panions for a high place on the Roll of Honor, which challenge was immediately accepted by Messrs. Gann and Mitchell. May the shadows of these whole souled Beaver Islanders never grow less. HIGH POINT. High Point, Jan. 23. Rev. Alex. Morati, of Meadows, Stokes county, is visiting his daughter at this place. J. P. Lasley, of Loomis, was in town last week. Miss Claudie Davis, of Abbott# Creek, who has been visitiug rel atives here, has returned to her home. Come again, Miss Claudie. W. J—is almost crazy. DARE DEVIL. Graded School Wanted at Pinnacle— Other News. Pinnacle, Jan. 22. Mr. Editor : 1 have not seen anything in your paper from our town in some | time, will give you a few items. A good attendance at the M. P.' church last Sunday. Preaching at the M. E. church next Sunday. Mr. Venable has moved in town' recently. Prof. S. W. Hull is getting along fine with his school. Most of the people are in favor of a graded school at this place which would be a good thing. Our trader. Mr. E. Boles, it going io attend court this week. Not far from here the young people had a fancy play Saturday night, but two of the old men took a dance. SCHOOL BOY. | Lamps 25cts up to $5.00 at D. 1 S. Watkins', Walnut Cove. It will pay you to see D. S. 1 Watkins, at Walnut Cove, before you buy Rocking Chairs, $1.50' up. I OHE above picture of the man and fish is the trade mark of Scott's Emulsion, and is the synonym for strength and purity. It is sold in almost all the civilized coun tries of the globe. If the cod fish became extinct it would l>e a world-wide calam ity, liecause the oil that comes from its liver surpasses all other fata in nourishing and life-giving properties. Thirty years ago the proprietors of Scott's Emul sion found a way of preparing cod liver oil so that everyone can tuke it and get the full value of the oil without the objectionable taste. Scott's Emulsion is the l)est thing in the world for weak, backward children, thin, delicate people, and all conditions of wasting and lost strength. S»nd for frrt ssmpl*. SCOTT A BOWNTC, £HSK»IS «»-iu ru>L mnt, row tin Me. mrndftM. A V drwgglmln. WISHING VOU A Happy New Year, And Much Prospeity, We arc prepared with a store lull of any thing you need at the very lowest prices, to serve you during the \cw Year as in 1904. j R. P. Joyce and Co., Ff alnut Cove, N. C. THE OLD RELIABLE Brown's Warehouse Leads ihr martet every year in (he liigbest average prices for tobacco. Talk is cheap, bat ll takes work to make averages. Bring your tolwco to HTown's stid every pile shall have close attention and bring the very highest market price. Our new Auctioneer, Nr. Jack I'aliuer, stays with every pile till he gets the very last bid possible on it. Firtt Sale Days for January 1905- Tuesdays, Thursdays, Suturdays. • " " " February, 1905—Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays. " •• " " March, 1905 —Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays. We tliauk you for your liberal patronage tot the i>ast M years, and last year especially, and hope by ha.-d work to have, the same in the future. I Brown's is Headquarters for High Prices Tour friends. BROWN & CARTER. STUART, VA. (From the Enterprise.) From fifteen to twenty hands are at work on the new mill of the Patrick County Milling Co., Inc. Owing to the severe weather there ia but few days they can work. Marriage license were issued Tuesdayjin the Clerk's office of i Patrick Circuit Ct. to C.JC. Atkin ' son, of Surry county, N.£C., and Miss Aukie R. Meßride, of this county, and a eister to Chas. Meßride. The little two-year-old child of Mr. anil Mrs. Robt. Gilley, of Critr., was badly burned about the face and arine one day last week by fire catching to the little ones dress from the fire place while the mother was absent front the room. Tb* cfcild we learo is getting al ong nicely under the treatment oi Dr. B. F. Tatum. J. W. Chiser, of Martinsville, is putting in a ram at the spring on the property of Mr. John C. Graham to throw water into the tank at bis residence. DALTON R. F. D. NO. 1. Daltou R. F. D. No. 1, Jan. 23. Misse?. Bertie and Yelua Smith are visiting friends and relatives at Mount Airy this week. Mr. .1 no. P. Lawson left today to attend Stokes court. Misses Lilly and Mary Lawson spent Saturday night and Sunday at Mr. Wesley Gordon's. Miss Ollio Boylos is right sick, we are sorry to note. A certain yonng man has about oompleted bis h( use. We are listening for the wedding bells next. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Ludie Venable has pneumonia, we are sorry to note. Miss Dora Wail spent Saturday and Sunday with her cousins, the Misses Boy lea. E. Buy your harness, collars and plow gearing of A S Mitchell, at Walnut Core. Axes, mattocks, and farming utensilsof all kindest A S Mitch ell's, Walnut Cove, WALNUT COVE. Walnut Cove, Jan. 23. Mr. J. M. Westmoreland boasts of being through burning plant land. Mr. Thos. Campbell had a wood chopping last Saturday. We guess he will burn a plant bed now. Wo guess the wedding bells will ring over near Germanton in the near future. Don't think Mr. J. M. West moreland will sell as many eggs as he thought, as his guineas fail to hollow pot-rack. I guess some of the girls have forgot that leap year is out, as one went to aee R. T. J. last Sun day. Messrs. Ji.hn Voss and Bill Rieisou finished gathering corn the first of the year. GENTLE ANNA. Mastic Mixed Paint at A S Mitchell's. CONDITION OF THE BANK OF MADISON, MADISON, N. C., At the close of business Janu ary 11th, iaoo. ASSETS. I .nans and discounts >55,038 M Overilrhf ». unsecured 1,27 a #3 All "Mum - slocks and bonds.... 100 00 liankiuy limine furniture mid tix »«•« 1,884 30 Di efrom latnksandhunker* ... 18.3W) 06 All other c»sli items 280 70 Uoli' colli 780 00 Siller colli ;17fi ll# National bank notes and "lliur I'. 8. notes 4,450 00 Total $80,1)47 08 UAIiIUTIKS. Capital s'nek, p .id in 110,000 00 l r ln|ltflded profits less ex|iens«s a'd ta*es paid 5,210 00 Dlvn.ends uupiid 50 tit) Individual d«|m*it« subject to chk 04,31)3 »8 !>ue to banks and bankers 1,263 50 • /ashler's checks outstanding,,.. 30 20 Total H-17 OH st ee of North Carolina, County of Rockingham. I, J. O. Rngsdale, cashier of the above-named bank do solemnly swenr that the above statement ia true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. O RAGSDALE, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to bt>fure me, this 19th day of Jan. 1906. D. W. BUSICK, Notary Public, Correct—Attest : J. M. GALLOWAY, THOS. B. PRATT. B. P. M'UEHEE, Director*.