It's Foreign to Our Policy to misrepresent anything in onr line of Furniture, Carpets and stoves. Onr stock contains the best that experience and long acquaintance in the whole sale market can supply. VV hen you come here to but we tell you tlie ex act truth about it. Our stock is com plete ami good, all new, with com plete assortment- Mail orders solic ited, or give ns a visit. ItllMUMl (0. VVc Wish Our Friends a llappy anil Prosperous lira Tear and we want to thank you all for the vpry liberal patron age given us da ring the fall months. Our friends have patronized freely, and thanks to your kind furors we Mill Leatl All Other Houses In Pounds and Prices, )ie truly appreciate this liberal patronrge, and want to say that in sticking to old PIEDMONT doing the right tiling for yournelf, and shall never lose anything by doing so. Come to see us whenever you come to market and you shall get every dollar the buyer can stand on your tobacco. Your friends, M. XV. NORFLEET & €O. WIJXSOJY, JV. C. FIRST SALE DAYS : Y —Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturday J. FOR FEBKllAJfY—Alowlays, Wednesdays, Fridays. FOR MAKCH—Ttteiduve, I liursdays, Saturdays. limit I ff AREfIOUSf "Martinsville, Va. Wants to Sell Your Tobacco. Farmers always furtn new plans and new resolutions with the New Year, but none of them amount to anything unless carried out. Martinsville manufacturers want your tobacco, and will pay yon good prices for it. Our plug trade was never better, and it will take double the leaf >f any previous year to supply their trade. I have sold tobacco for most all the Stokes County farmers and have most always gotten good prices. T can do so now. and beg that you bring me your tirst load in the New Year. Our average for the month of December were only lOst per hun dred less than during the mouth of November. Would you have thought that? I look for active market and better prices still on re mainder of this crop. Farmers, I ask you to consider your best interest, and give me a trial and I will convince you that ours is your best market. I have two Stokes County men associated with me in my warehouse business, who will take pleasure in assisting me and my able force in making your trips to the Banner, both pleasant and profitable: W. M. Flynt, of Gideon, and also James Beasley, of State Line, neighborhood. Hoping it will be my good pleasure to serve each aud every one of you on the balance of the crop. A prosperous and Happy New Year to each and all. Your friend truly, E. J. DAYIS. ft OTICE OF HALE By virtue a decree of the Superior Court of Stoke* County rendered In the Special proceeding, entitled ".Julia F. Lawson and others against .Mm T. Meadows, and oth ers." I will sell at public auction, to the bidder for cash, K' the Court //.nee door hi the town of Dauhurv, N. C., on Monday, March the, JIK)S, at one o'clock, V. M.. a trad of and tying and be ing in the County of Mokes, adjoining the lands of P. Oliver?, the George Wilson lands, and others, and bounded as follows, to wit: "beginning at a rock in Oliver's line, thence East 3s chs. to a stake in Oliver's line. South on his line, nine «*hs to a rock, his corner, Meat on his and Meadow's line, 10 chs. to a maple, South on 3/eaiow's line. > I chs. to a white oak, Meadow's corner in Tut tie's line, West 12-1-2 chs. to a white oak. Turtle's corner, North S»l-2 chs. to a P'is r . oik, West *2-1-2 chs. to a black oak, Oliver's corner. North ou Oliver's line. -.0-1-2 chs. to the beginning* containing i»9 11-10 acies, more or less." The above trat t of land will l»e sold as the property of Major Meadows, Deed., for partition among liishelrs-at-law. 11 is fbe 24th day of Dec., 11K)4. N, O. PETREE, Commissioner. Mortgage Sale of Land. Bv virtue of a mortgage deed executed to William Wa'l by Joel I Blackburn ami wife SM Blackburn, and registered In the office ot the Register of Deed*of Stoke* county in Book Xo 27, page 490, I will sell for cash at public auction at the court house door in Daitbury on Saturday, February 515, 1905, at 1 o'clock P M. the following described lots In the town of Germanto", N C : First—.Beginning at the corner of the Bowman house on Main Street, thence running south 50 degrees w 2.40 chain* to a pout.comer of John L Bitting'® former lot, then je with bin lot n 40 chain* to a post, * 50 degree* went 6.80 chain* to a ntake. north 1 degree «a*t 8.25 chains to a stake. 5 fc#t w from the n w corner of anol.l house, li 88 degree* o 7.17 chain* to a ntake In the road. * 23 degree* u MO chain* to a stake corner of Kingsbury'* lot, thence with Maid lot *o degree* w 2 chain* to corner of *aid lot. * in degree* e 3.78 chain* to cornor of Klngaburv'* shop. * 50 degrees e 15 links to Bowman's house, ■|o chain* 73 links to the beginning, containing 4 acres 150 square no I ex. more or less. Second—One other lot hounded as follow* : Beginning at a rock the corner of said let front ing the old court hou*e, thenca running ti42 de- Jrees w along Main Street 15 pole* to a |»o*t. a * degree* w 3 [sjle* 6 feet 8 inches to a po»t s 42 tlegree* #*ls pole* to a gate post, thence n 48 de gree* e 3 pole* 6 feet 8 inches to the beginning, contaluing 50 perches, more or les*. Save ami except from the la*t lot a part thefe *f conveyed tii (i It Sullivan 27th of April. 1192, 2* feet'on Main Street and 100 feet back (see deed in Book 34,jn 586). Tlio ahove lot* are well looated and In the cen ter of the town of Germanton. on the Southern Railroad, good nocletv, school* and churches. ThL*the 17tU day of January. I'JOS. JAM KS C WALL, Administrator of William Wall GERM ANTON R. F. D. NO. 1. Germanton R. F. D. No. 1, •January 14. Mrs. Fannio Caudle is visiting Spray this week. Hope she will enjoy her trip. They had a breakdown, cow boll' serenade at Mr. W. H. Carroll's Friday night. I reckon they were trying to serenade A. M. C. and Mias M. E. C. but I think that he serenaded them. Mrs. H. W. Carroll is visiting relatives at Winston, J. R. D. has got him a knitting machine. I think that chicken pox is getting thick around in this sec tion. Mr. Flay Stewart has got a ten ipound boy. Hurrah! for him. They are all on the sick list at J. T. Carroll's. Hope they will soon recover. VIOLETS. In Memoriam. The following is written in memory of William Kerr Bailey. Born July 30th, 190.'}, died Janu ary 2nd, 1905. New Year's morn dawned bright and resplendent with the glories of earth and sky, but oh! how soon our household was shadowed with the darkest gloom when, in less than a moment's time and without warning, our precious little 17-months-old baby was from a laughing, playful and frolick-! some child thrown into the mostj violent and intense suffering, in cident to the overturning of a pan • of boiling water on himself before! anyone could reach him to save 1 him. Blame for this can be con-j sistently attached to no one, fort either of us who were in the room would have willingly risked our very lives to have saved our dar ling from such awful pain and suffering and death. The accident occurred about fifteen minutes past eight o'clock. He suffered and lingered on until Monday night about fifteen minutes past ten o'clock, when the death Angel camo to bear his precious BOUI away to live and be with Jesus evermore and where no pain nor sufferings are ever allowed to enter. Our sky is overcast with shad ows and darkness when we realize the fact that our precious little pet has gone from our earthly em brace forever. Without his pres enile and childish laughter our home indeed seems empty and cheerless and in our hearts there is an aching void which never can be filled. The only consolation that is vouchsafed to us is the sweet realization of the fact that our darling baby is safe with the I Angels in Heaven, where no pain and intense sufferings shall ever more rack his being. And, too, we know that it will only lie a little while until we, too, will cross the dark river and join our loved one among the Angels in Heaven. Dear Little Bill! I miss him so ! All through the day, wheree'r I go. All through the night, how lonely it seems. I miss him all through the weary hours, Day-time or nig'it-time, wherever I go. Dear little Bill ! I miss him BO'! HIS MOTHER. BEWARE OF OINTMENTS FOR CATARRH THAT CON TAINS MERCURY. As mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescrip tions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0., con tains no mercury, and ip taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken internally and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Sold by Druggists, Price 75c per bottle. Hall's Family Pills are the beet. SCHOULER 'S A FIELD OF Snowy White. WE ANNOUNCE OUR SPLENDID WHITE GOODS SALE Now going on. Wonderful display of beautiful white fabrics at prices that will astonish you. Some great values in fine muslin un derwear for ladies and children. When you come to Winston give us a call. Sc h oul er's Cabbage Plants and Sea Island Cotton Seed. CaWtaijt' Plant* lor sale. and now ready for delivery. " Karlv dersev Wakotleld" and "Charles ton Large Tvp® Wakofteld." tworarllent searpliead varltie* and head In rotation as named. ••Suc- CCH*IOU, •• Augusta Trucker" and Short SEM Flat Duteli." the :I bo*t flat-head varieties ami head in rotation as named. Price*: Single thousand. £1..f0, ft ,000 and over *l.2ft per 1000; lu.Oon and over, £1 per 1000. Tenon: C i*li with order; or, plant* sent 4'. >. D.. purchaser paylngrcturn charge* on money. '>ur plant bedm occupy 31 ncr»-»oii South Carolina Sea Ceast, and we under stand growing tlirm In the open air; tougli and hardy; they will Mtnnd severe cold without injury. Plautacrated for .shipment weigh 20 Inn. per 1000 and we liavo special low rate* for prompt trans portation l»y Southern Kxpre-* Co I know of other plants v.ui can buy cheaper than mine. I -ell good plant*. So cheap "cut rule" plant* shipped from niv farm 1 warrantee those that 1 r>hi(• t» be true to tvpe and name, and grown from high grade need* purchased from two of the most rc liable need house* iu the Unltod state-*. 1 will refund purchase price to imp dissatisfied customer at end of pennon. Our Cotton Seed. Lint of our Long Strple variety «if ,»n on Leo. 2, at :i2e per pound. Seed SI.H pet bt|.; lot*of In bn. and over *1 per bushel. Mr specialty: Prompt Shipment. True Varieties* and Satisfied Custduiors. I have been iutlie plant htiMn«»* for thirtv-tlve year*. WM. (J. UEBATY, ii»t ''rV-'ntil'/i! 1 'i^tuV"- oung's Island, S. C »ii SCHAUB S MILL. Schaub's Mill, Jan. 20 Miiss S. visited her sister, Mrs. Westmoreland, a few days ago. Miss Ella is all smiles, as Mr. J—is coming. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Harris are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Vest today. I will close £or fear of the waste basket. .• . . ' • SCIPIO. Stamp Your Mail. Patrons on rural routes should remember their carrier ia their fellowman, neighbor and friend. It is all he can do to cover his route in the specified time, and we often wonder that he does as well as he does, considering the con dition the roads have been in for the last few weeks. If all the pat rons on routes would stamp their inailfii would help the currier considerably. Ho is often com pelled to remove his glove and scratch around in the bottom of the box for pennies, when it would be just as cheap and much more convenient. If the mail was stamp ed, besides the carrier could serve his patrons more promptly if he did not have to waste his time feeling in boxes for pennies. Every patron should stamp his mail, especially in cold weather, and would be'much better if he would stamp it all the year.—Ex. Notice of Sale. As administratrix of R. L. Hart man, deoeased, I will sell at pub lic auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the late residence of R. L. Hartman, deceased, in Stokes county, beginning on the 13th day of February, 1905, at 10. o'clock, A. M., and continuing from day to day, as may be neces sary, a lot of goods, wares, and merchandise, consisting of shoes, etc., etc. This the 18th day of Jan. 1905. M. L. L. HARTMAN, Adot'x of R. L. Hartman, deo'd. TO CI'RE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if .it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 250. f p. ntLSOti Hardbank /N C. Dealer in General Merchandise, Country Produce bought and sold. The finest suit of ready-made cloth ing $2.00 up. A splendid overcoat for $2.00. GIVE ME A CALL. | i;. j-::m*pkri>. J \». N C.. i ff my>: I .. i-Mtl RUms f-Hiivf Hirl* > I ( • ■ .1 and lllcni to J ■ give jirrltc! refaction." A BOX" of BlLss Native Herbs is a family doc tor always in the house. Its use prevents and .cures Rl ice Constipation, Dys- pepsia, Kidney and NATIVE Liver Trouble, Skin I UITDRC Diseases, Rheuma mvivDo. tism and many Blood dieses. It is purely vegetable—contains no min eral poison and is pre pared in Tablet and Powder form. Sold DOSES in One Dollar boxes JgI.QQ with a Guarantee to cure or money back. Our 32 page Almanac telling how to treat disease sent on request. MKDICINB MAII.KD PROMPTLY BY JOHN H. FAGG, Agent. Dellar, N. C. THE. ALONZO O. BLISS CO., WASHINGTON. D. C. > > -mJ NOTICE OF SALE. By virtue of u decree of flie Superior Court of .Stokes County, rendered iu tlie Special proceeediug, entitled "./. 11. Cov ington, Adinr.. of Allien /foylej, Deed., against A* W. Hovies, and otliers*" I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for Cash.;« the late residence of the said Albert /toy tat, Deed., in .Stokes County, on Saturday, i'"e!>. 11, 1905, at one o'clock, P. M,, two tracts of land belonging to the said Albert Jioyies, in StoA-es County, and described as follows, to-wit: First tract known as (lie home place of the said Albert Doyles, adjoining the lands of I). M. Tuttle, Xouis ,1/iller, Tillotann, and others, on tlie waters ot' the . Little Yadkin, containing 75 acres, more or less, (excepting a small lot cut oil'of same to the '.Trustees of Mount Olive Church), For more particular description of said tract of 1 iunl, see deeds from Calvin 11. Shore io Albert Iloyles, in the /Registers' Office of Stokes County, in /iook No. 27, Cage 558, ami Hook No. 20, l'age ■ i'J. Til IN tract will IN; solil subject to the Dovter right of the willow of Albert 7/oyles, which has already been assigned to her. Second tract, containing (10 acres more or less, on the watets of Si/.emore Branch, known as the .Steele tract, ami being the tract conveyed to Albert lioyles, by ll'. !!'. King, Trustee, for boundaries of which, see deed in the Kegisters' Otlice of Stokes Coun ty, in HOOK NO. :i(J, l'age 54. 7111s the 2d day of ./an. 11)05. ■/. 11. COVINt.TON, Administrator of Albert lioyles, Deed. NOTICE. State of North Carolina,) 111 Superior Court. Stoke* Counts. J Lamlon J. Duncan} fcumumns for relief— befor VH. i the Clerk. James T. Duncan, .Vallie Duncan, Theresa Duncan. Klllotte Duncun. Oscar K. Duncan. Peter Duncan. Henry J. Duncan. State of North Carolina, to the Sheriff of Stokes County, greeting \ ou art* commanded, t > summon James T. Duncan, Gallic Duncan, Theresa Dun can, Elliotio Duncan, Oscar K. Duncan, IVier Duncan and V/enry J. Duncan, tin* defendants above nauied, if they be founil within your county, to appear "at the Oftiiv of the Clerk Superior Court, for the county of Stokes on the 11th ilay of Feb. 1905 ami answer the complaint, a copy of which will be deposited in the Oflice of the ClerJfc of the /Superior Court of said County within ten days from the date of this summons, anil let the defendants taAe notice that if they fail to answer the said complaint at thattlme, the plaintitrs will apply to th«» 'Court for the relief demanded in the com plaint. Hereof fail not ami of this sum mons maA'e due return. (Jiven under my hand, this 2nd day of Jan. 11*05. M. T. CHILTON C. S. C. .s'toAes County. State of North Carolina,) In Superior Court. stokes County. £ Before the Clerk. LauUoii .1. Duncan, l'lff..> VH. J Onler. .Mines T. Duncan, ct al, Deft*. In tlie above entitled action, it aj>|>oarini; to the Court, upon affidavit tiled, that Jas. T. Dun can. one oftne defendant* iu said case. Is a non resident of the State of North Carolina, and can not, after due diligence, be found therein, and cannot be personally served with itrocean, and I* a necessary party to thin aoflon, the same belnu an action ibr the partition of the lands don Duncan, Sr. It is therefore ordered by the court that pub lication of summons be made for four successive weeks in tin- Danburv Reporter, a newspaper published in the County of Stokes, notifying the -aid datues T. Duncan, t«» appear at the'otttcc of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Stokes Coun ty. iu Danbuty, N. C., on the nth day of Feb ruary, 1905, and answer or leniur to tlie petition iu said case. And let the naid tJas. T. Duncan take notice that If he f ills to appear and answer or demur to the petition, on or by the said 11th •lav of February, 1905, the relief demanded In the petition will be uranted. This the 2nd dav of .lan., 1906. M. T. I'll I 1.T0.V, C. S. C. N. O. Potree, Atty, for Pill'. LAND SALE. Its virtue of the power ot sale contained in a certain deed iu trust executed on the -•'lb day of-.Yov.. 11)03, by Arch Fry and his wife. Alpha Fry. to tlie undersigned, Walter /.. McG'anless, trustee, tosecate the payment of a certain bond due to John I). Humphreys it( the suui of $787.30 and de fault having been made in the payment ot said iHind at the request of tlie said J no. 1). 7/iimplueys and in accordance with the terms, stipulations and conditions contain ed in said deed in trust 1 will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in the town of Danbury, N. C., on Saturday the 4th day of Feb ruary, 1905 the lauds conveyed iu said deed iu trust which are described therein as fol lows, to-wit: Certain tracts of land lying and being in the couuly of .S'lokes afore said and more particularly described and defined as follows, to-wit : Ist tract liegin- I ins at a beech in Hall's line and runs 8. 19-12 chains to a white oak stump iu Arch Fry's line, thence S. 40 degrees \V, 7-lu chains to a willow on the bank of Peter's Creek, tbence up the creek as It meanders 05 chains to a beech, thence It'. 5-12 chains to a stake, thence N. 25 1-2 chains to a pine in l'riddy's line, thence M\ 24 chains to the beginning containing 100 aud one tenth acres more or. lias. It being a jiortion of lot No. 1 iu the division of the lands of Arch Fry, Henry Fry, Harriet llatger, .Vary A. /.awson. For record of said dlvis ' ion reference is hereunto made to book No. 42, page 370 in tlif office of the /Register of Deeds of .Stoics county, A'. C. Second tract which is lot No. 2in said division beginning at a maple in the line of lot No. 1, W, 211 chains to alnckory on bank of Dan fiver, thence down the river as it meanders 40 chains to the mouth of Peter's Creek, thence up tlie creek as it meanders 28 chains to the mouth of //all's branch, thence N. 47 degrees K. 7 1-2 chains to a white oak stump, thence N. 5 1-4 chains to the beginning containing 05 1-2 acres less 20 acres sold oirto W. (i. Tucker. This Dec. the 27th, 1904. W. |„ .VcCAN/.ESS, Irnstee. PEOPLE' S NAT'L BANK. U. S. Government Depositary. Wiuston-Saleni, IV C This Bank wants your business and the accounts of your friends. You cun~ not do better else where. The Govern ment deposits here and you will not find, a better place. Call to see us or write at once. JOHN VV. FRIES, Prea. WM. A. ML A IK, Vioe Pre*. THOS. A. WILSON, Cwhier.

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