SALE AT PILOT MOUNTAIN.! R. W. George Buys Center Brick Warehouse and Other Property— Tobacco Factory and Furniture Plant to Resume Operations. Pilot Mountain, May 22 —The fanners of this vicinity are badly behind with their work. Tolwie co planning is only about one-third sot. Corn planting is about done. Wheat crops looking well. Mr. R. W. George, of Francisco, was in the city last Saturday at tending the sale of the Center brick warehouse and another lot in the city and he became the purchaser of said warehouse at the sum of SBOO.OO. Also he pur chased the other lot known as the V. Boyles property, at $1,200.00. It was sold by V. E. Holcombe as Trustee for the said R. W. George in the matter of B. Boyles. \Y. A. Blair, President of the Pilot Bank and Trust Co., was in the city last Saturday on official business. He returned to Wins ton-Salem Sunday morning. Messrs. Bud Marion anil Jasper Adkerson, of Siloam, were in town Inst Saturday on business connect ed with the Marion Bros. Tobacco Co's. plant of this place. We hope they will begin working the leaf into the plug in a few days as is now rumored here. The writei wishes them success. There will be sold on this market this season about 19 to 20 thou sand baggs of guanos which will cost the farmers of Surry and Stokes about 40 thousand dollars or more. We are informed that the Pilot Furniture plant will be operated in a few days. We are notified that Mr. Kent Nicholson, of Phil adelphia, Pa., the purchaser and owner of said factory, is now on his way to Pilot to start up the work. Mr. Job Iliatt is preparing lumber to build himself a new dwelling in this place. lie lost his old one a few weeks ago by fire. Capt. J. T. Hering, section master of the Ararat section of the Southern railroad, came very near getting run over by an East bound freight train near the station at Ararat. The freight supposed to be 10 minutes ahead of its time, was the cause. The fruit crop is reported to be about one-half crop in this section. Cards are out announcing the marriage of Mr. Elliott Watson, of South Carolina, to Miss Maggie Stone, of this city, on the 14th of June, 1905. Mr. Perry A. Davis, of Illinois, is here on a visit. Tie will return soon. He reports times good out in that country. BLUE RIDGE KID. RED SHOALS. Red Shoals, May 20 —Farmers in this section are most through planting corn. Misses Berchie andGracie Dun lap visited at Mr. W. P. Ray's Saturday and Sunday. Misses Gracie Dunlap and Delia Stewart visited Mr. J. F. Dunlap Wednesday. Miss Louisa Dunlap is right sick with rheumatism. Hope she will soon be well. We are sorry to see Mr. Bruce Gatewood so down hearted since Easter. Cheer up, Bruce, we think she is not mad. Rev. J. T. Ratledge filled his regular npp intment at Davis Chap d 2nd Sunday. A large crowd attended. Messrs J. F., W. L. and Robt. Dunlap went seining Wednesday, catching some very nice fish. Miss Judaa Ray is visiting the Misses Dunlaps this week. JACK AND J. A CREEPING DEATH. Blood poison creeps up towards the heart, causing death. J. E. Stearns, Belle Plaine, Minn., writes that a friend dreadfully in jured his hand, which swelled up like blood poisoing. Bucklens's Arnica Salve drew out the poison, healed the wound, and saved his life. Best in the world for burns and sores. 250 at all drug stores. U COOD MAN SERIOUSLY ILL. ; Mr. D. H. Poindexter Strcken With Paralysis—Other News From Ger s mation. Gerinanton, May 21 —We wish ' to congratulate the long suffering ' editors of the "Reporter" on the • stand they hnve taken in regard to I the very interesting items sonie • times sent in by their numerous correspondents, it was edifying to , the public to be informed that Mr. • so and so had called on Miss so and so, or that A. B's. girl had go..e back on him. Wo learn that Mr. David Poin dexter, who was stricken with paralysis a few days ago, is better ' today. Hope he will soon bo con valescent. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Stedman, 1 of Greensboro, who have been spending a few days with relatives, returned home yosterday. Miss Jackson, of Greensboro, was in town yesterday. Miss Stella Rierson, of Walnut Cove, is spending' a few days with Mrs. McKen/.ie. Mrs. John McKenzie, of Clem monsville, has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Crews. Miss Mattie Crews spent Sun day in Walnut Cove. The farmers of this section are progressing very well with their work, considering the wet weather. Quite a lot of tobacco has been planted, Wheat is looking very tine in this section. LOOKER. MOUNTAIN VIEW. Mountain View, May 18. —The farmers are about through plant ing corn and have planted a little tobacco. Messrs. Ernest Carroll and Pres ton Barber, of Winston, spent Sunday here. ' We have a good Sunday school ( at this place and would be glad to add many more names to the roll. Mr. S. J. Tuttle looked quite sad Sunday. His girl was not at home. Cheer up ! Perhaps she will be next time. I "Seat," how do you like your ( new range? We like ours very much. Can bake bread in just three minutes. Can you beat that? ' I'll have to admit that I let it burn a lovely jet black once. Miss Daisy Petree called on Mrs. A. S. Voss Sunday. Messrs. Rober Ferguson, Ernest Kiser, Joe and Frank Voss and Misses Mamie Voss, Otelia and Cora Ferguson and Marie Petree attended preaching at Union Hill | Sunday P. M. A nice time is re- I ported. WALNUT COVE ROUTE ONE. Walnut Cove Route 1, May 15 —We are having some awful rainy weather now. Mr. Jeff Smith and wife, visited her father Saturday night and Sunday. There was Sunday School anil prayermeeting at Palmyra church last Sunday. I think that Miss Mary Chap man caught her a fellow Sunday. Go Mr. Rufus, I think that ' she enjoys your company. > Mr. Frank Ross and sisters left | today to spend a few days with ' their uncle Lee Hill at Arcadia. It is a guod thing that Mr. I. G. L Ross has two buggies, one to go |after Miss BiSsie. Puiliam in and • one to curry her home, for I think i that she visits down there right [' often. BROWN-EYED GIRL. . A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES. Itching, Blind, Bleeding or , Protruding Piles. Druggists re fund money if Pazo Ointment i fails to cure any case, no matter of how long standing, in fi to 14 days. First application gives ease and rest. 50c. If your druggist ! hasn't it send 50c in stamps nnd it ' will be forwarded post-paid hy • I Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis, • Mo. . TO CURE A COLD IN ONE , DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine , Tablets. A.ll druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grave's signature is on each box. I 'the news of walnut cove. Items and Personals of Interest. Walnut Cove. May 24 Mis 3 Rhoda Adams, who lias been at i tending school at Winston, re i turned Friday. Messrs. Lee Cuuibie and Ein niett Willis, of Germanton, were here one day the past week. They took in the coal ininHS, artesian well and other points of interest. Mr. Stockton and Dr. Withers composed the male part of a fish ing party over on Dan river last Friday. Misses Lilian, Kate and AdaGrubbs accompanied them. Win. J. Fulton, of Greensboro, was up again Saturday and Sun day. He, like Mr. Willis, of Ger manton, was looking after milli nery goods. L. J. Lackey, of Madison, was up one evening the past week.| He speaks of opening a general j retail store at Madison. N. M. Pickett, Madison's liust-' ling wholesale groceryman, spent j the time between trains here | last Thursday, leaving for Rural Hall on the t> o'clock mail. Little Rubie, daughter of J. A. 1 Petree, who has been very low with pneumonia, is improving slowly. Miss Lola Martin, of Sauratown, is visiting at Winston this week, j Soine street improvement is in | progress. Hope soon all bad; places may be repaired. J, A. Petree made a business trip over about Advance last, week. Mr. Oscar Petree, of German-. ton, was in town Sunday. There are about six boys in 1 town all dead gone on the same girl. Wonder if her best fellow don't hang out over about Rocky Mount, Va. Messrs. Luther and Albert Mitchell and families spent Sun- 1 day at Mr. J. W. Morefield's. Not styling myself one of the jurors in Dog Killer's and J.'s suit about whiskey which has ap peared in your paper from time to time, still I am frank in saying that Dog Killer won the suit. But. Mr. Dog Killer, in view of the fact that all the evidence is find will be in your favor, you ought not to require J. to cough up the fire. Mr. Thos. Willis has a fine week old girl at his house. Mr. Zack Napier, of Roanoke, Va., is visiting his father Mr. Thos. Napier near here. G. Notice ! All persons having claims against the county school fund are re quested to present same to County Board of Education at its last meeting for this school year, June stb, 1906. All persons holding vouchers against the public school fund are urged to present same to the Treasurer and get them cashed t>efore June 30, 1905, as they can -1 not be paid after that date. £jj£ji£2 This May 23, 1905. J. T. SMITH,~ County Superintendent. Tor your Protection' we place this label on every package of Scott's Emulsion. The man with a fish on his back is our trade-mark, and tt 13 n guarantee that Scott's Emul sion will do all that Is claimed tor It. Nothing better for lung, throat or bronchial troubles In infant or adult. Scott's Emul sion Is one of the greatest flesh builders known to the medical world. WM itatf roa a Bmmplm trM. soon & BOWIE, $60.00 BUGGY = * =F REE I=l - Wc have decided to sive anotli clj er one of those |6() Busies f=> Free, Ticket with each Q dollar purchase We have just received onr S{ c\> Spring Clothing, Shoes = and hats. § ! ' 430 Trade St.. Winston, N. C. A GOOD INVESTMENT Is to Drain Your Land. NORELEET HARDWARE CO., Winston, JN. C , Carries a large stock of all sizes of Terra Colta Drain Pipe. SANDY RIDGE. : Sandy Ridge, May 22. —Rev. « Mr. Crews filled his regular ap- \ pointment at Oak Ridge yesterday with a large crowd in attendance. Miss Kate Hutcherson, of Wins ton-Salem, is visiting friends and relatives at this place. I Mr. Wood Deshazo called at Mr. J. T. Joyce's' last Sunday. •' What is the attraction, Miss Lucy. Mr. Jesse Price, of Ridgeway, \ Va., and Mr. Tom Deshazo, of Price, spent last Sunday at Mr. Walter Joyce's. i Guess there will be another wed ding on the Riilge soon as the widower was seen going down the j road last Sunday. , Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Knight, of \ this place, attended church at 1 Pleasant Grove last Saturday. j Misses Lillye and Jessye Joyce ; spent Saturday evening with their couisins, Misses Mollie and Kate ( Joyce. MARIE. WALNUT COVE ROUTE ONE. J Walnut Cove Route 1, May 22.! I —Well, we are not nil dead over | lin these parts, neither are we I asleep, but have been hard at work j trying to get some tobacco plant- j ed. It seems like the wheat crop i will Ue somewhat short. Crab; grass is looking tine. Mr. Glenn tilled his regular ap- j pointment at Rose Bud Sunday.; Quite a large crowd out. The little four-year-old daugh ter of Mrs. Laura White died Fri day. The remains were laid to rest at Friendship church Sat'ir day afternoon. We are having a right good Sun day school at Palm\ ra at this time. Have sixty on roll. ! Mr. Matt Smith and family \isi ted his brother, Mr. C. F. Smith, • Sunday. Messrs. Ben Chapman »>•'! J. F. Allen visited Mr. .1. J. M • jhei 6 Sunday. Messrs. J. R. and L. M. has a nice piece of rse over »n II e road. YES SIR j TERRIFIC RACK W ITUS DEATH. "Death was fast approaching,'" writes Ralph F. Fernanda, of; Tampa, Fia., describing his fear ful race with death. "a» a result of j liver trouble and heart disease, | which had rubbed me of slneg ami | of all interest in life. I I""! tried | many different doctors aud several | medicines, but y«.t m» benefit, tin-: til I began to use El> clrie Hitters, j So wonderful was their effect, that j in three days i l«-it like a new j man, and today I am cured of all t my troubles."' Guaranteed at all i drug stores; pri'-e sQ\ »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Your Credit j . Is Good : j This means that you can select anything in this X store and pay for it as yon can. We will arrange 2 terms so that you will hardly miss the money s.» J that your buying liuro will Ixs easy, comfortable an.l ♦ satisfactory in every way. X Everything to H a tlomej liuntiey = liill = Stockton Co. : ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦» SMITH ROUTE ONE. Smith Route 1, May 15 —We are having lots of rain in this section and farmers are getting late with their new grounds. 1 think they will have to let part of their tobacco crop go or the -ral» graf-s will take their corn fields. Mr. Frank Pritigle took a Hying trip to the Five Forks Sunday. Guess he had a line old time as ho didn't g. t hack till two o'clock in the night. Miss Nealv Martin is visiting relatives in Virginia. Guess sho wili enjoy her trip as her fellow! called four times Saturday. SAY NOTHING. Chamberlain's COLIC. CHOLEBA AND Diarrhea Remedy A few doges of this remedy will J invariably cure an ordinary at tack of diarrhea. It has been used in nine epi demics of dysentery with perfect success. It can always be depended { f vmn, even in the wore severe . ■ .- I'.m'ks of cramp colic uud chut I I era morbus. | It is equally successful for ( / summer diarrhea and cholera l 1 infantum in children, and Is the I uieansofsavingthe livesul uiany f children each year 1 When reduced wtth water and J sweetened tt Is pleaßant to take I Kverv man of a family shonld 1 keep this remedy tn his boine i I Day It now It may save life, C Price. 25c. LaroeSize. 60c. i I GERMANTON ROUTE ONE. Gerinanton Route 1, May The farmers in this section nie busy planting corn and fixing to bacco laud, ns everylxxly is behind with their work on account of so much rain. Our Union Hill Union Sunday! School is still improving. We have about 135 on roll; present last Sunday 102, besides the visitors, Kverybody come and help us out in this great work. Mr. W. E. Boyles, of King, visit ed his parents last Saturday am | Sunday. Mr. Noma Boyles, who has Ihjoi | very low with lagrippe for son) time, is itnpooving some, we an glad to note. Hope he will sooi recover; M iss Cora Boyles visited hel | cousin, Miss Minnie Boyles, o King last week. Sho reports i I nice time. ! Mr. Thurman Bennett and Ida I lvst girl,_ Miss Mary Gordon t->.»k| | a flying trip to Capella Sunday. Guess they had a idee time, us i their horse, did not run away with j them this time. j Mr. Ray Johnson and sii-ter, j Misa Agnes, attended piuaouiug- J at Mt. Olive Sunday. I Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Nance, of Gerinanton Route 1, were riiioiiu the visitors at Mrs. R. P. Bennett's of King Route 1, Sunday. Guess they had a nice time. I see Mr. Arthur going dowi t'ue road every Sunday. What in your attraction. Arthur? ; KATIE.

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