Mount Airy, IN. C. IS THE CHEAPEST PLACE IN NORTH CAROLINA TO BUY CLOTHINft. 1. I. iArtKER'S IS THE CHEAPES PLACE IN MOUNT AIRY . . . TO BUY CLOTHING, Our new spring stock is now in anil ready for your inspec tion. This is by fur the prettiest stock wo have fiver been able to show. Ami the prices—well they would astonish you. ' 'ijr line of all wool suits at $.",.00 can't be beat, and for to #VOO we can sell you a suit that is worth every cent of $10.(H) Our line of SIO.OO goods are the perfection of hand-tailored suits. While we personally do not know what other merchants have, we do know that it is impossible to improve on our line ot Spring clothing and gents furnishing goods, It is here that you can get the Hamilton-Brown Shoos ovoij pair guaranteed. liive us a call, you will always be glad of it. Get in the habit of going to Barker's —it will pay you. J. E. BARKE R, Mount Airy, N. C. The Leader for Low Prices, Honest Merchandise, Fair Dealings. O'MNLON'S BRIG STORE. WINSTON SALEM, N. C. Stokes people will not fiiul a bettor or more reliable place to purchase their D/fIIUS than id this reliable house. AM/ KINDS (>P TOILET ARTICLES KEPT AT ALL TIMES. I kI»o keep the largest and finest line ofTruaaefc in the Mate and guarantee satisfaction in both quality and pi ice. COME AND EXAMINE MY STOCK E. VV. O'HANLON. You will never make a mistake by selling your Tobacco at PIEDMONT WAREHOUSE WINSTON, TV. C. Winston manufactures over .'{o million pounds of tobacco every year. Our manufacturers can afford to pay you more money for your tobacco in Winston than anywhere else. Bring your tobacco to Pied msnt and you shall have the top of the market for every pile. * Hoping to see you soon, we are Your friends, M. W. NOR FLEET & CO. TO THE PUBLIC! I desire to say to the public that I have bought for SPOT CASH A Select Line Of Furniture, consisting of Wood and Iron Bed Steads (double and single), Bureau Dressers, Bed Springs, Matresses, Baby Cribs, Wardropes, Hall Racks, Washstands, Pictures and Frames, Lamps, Lounges, Chairs, Rockers, Rattan Good#, Go-carts, Trunks, Valises, Floor Mattings, Clocks, Chinaware, Wall Paper, Parlor Settees, Scrub Brooms, Center Tables Kitchen Safes and Glass Door Cuppards, Sowing Machines, Oil Heaters, Steel Ranges, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Turpentine and Floor Dressing. I als.j carry a complete and up-to-date line of all kinds of Undertaking Goods, consisting of Cotiins, Caskets, Uiirinl Robes, Trimmings and a lot of other things too tedious to mention. When in need of anything come to see me. I will save you money. I buy for cash and discount my bills, so I can sell cheaper than the man who buys on timu and pays time prices. Yours truly, D. S. WATKINS, Walnut Cove, IN. C. YOUNG FARMER. TAKE HEART' Continued from First Page. farm is no doubt in my mind the j best pinna in the world to train i children and it is the place to j make the neceessaries of life, \ which should make contented and i thankful people. Now, if wo are going togive our thoughts and study to something else, we had better at once quit j the farm and give our time also to | that trade, for we cannot make a j success. I say that farming should i have as much thought and study as any industry that can be men tioned. We upland farmers should make more small grain, peavine hay, j clover, grass and things that will improve our soils and make them more productive, Jdo not raise but very little corn on my place, I have nearly all my corn to buy, but as for buying flour, I have never bought a pound in my life and jam now 31 years old. I sell 6omo wheat and (lour most every year, Some years I sell enough to buy what corn I have to use. The farm affords the best enjoy ments that life can have; if wo only would take advantage of the opportunities we have, we would bo the happiest people on earth. The biggest trouble with the farmer of today, he does not pre pare to live at home, he puts too much of his time on king tobacco and lets the preparations for good things at home stand aside and is at the same time dissatisfied because ho sees or hears toll of some one who is getting a big salary. The money is not pouring into his pocket and he thinks of a thou and things that are better than farming. Suoh a man as that is no account for anything and never will be until he applies himself to something and bucks to it. I have never tried anything but farming and Tam satisfied with it if I do not make so many dollars as some, I believe it is the healthiest and most pleasant work for me to en gage in atld every farmer should believe the same or quit the busi ness and do what suits him best unless it is something that is not right, then ho should remember what the good Book says: "Abstain from every form of evil." I believe that every young man that can should take a course in agricul tural education so they may un derstand more thoroughly what farming is and how to do it. I would like for some of our good experienced farmers to give us a piece of advice on farming once in a while for I like to read good pieces on agriculture and if our good farmers would give us a piece every now and then, it would help one another. "Dog- Killer" has had some good pieces and if he will carry his argument on farming like he did on the strong drink question, I am suro he can learn us something about farming. Come out, Mr. Dog- Killer, and make some suggestions for us and other successful and unsuccessful farmers can help the cause for one another. I will be glad to hear from any one who is interested in farming. R. E. A. Mr. H. W. Carroll, of German ton Route One, was in town Sat urday. ; Chamberlain's COLIC, CHOLEBA AND Diarrhea Remedy ; i A few doses of this remedy will Invariably cure an ordinary at tack of diarrhea, i It has been used In nine epi- j (I,■mil's of dysentery with perfect success. It can always be depended j npon, even in the more severe attacks of cramp colio and chol era morbus. It is equally successful for summer diarrhea and cholera infantum in children, and is the means of saving the lives of many children each year. When reduced with water and , . sweetened it is pleasant to take. i Every man of a family should j keep this remedy in his home. ; j Buy it now. It may save life. PRICE, 26C. LAROE SIZE, 60C. SCNOULER'S Prompt attention to ail Mail Orders. Write for samples. SPRI/MG SALE OF Dress Goocis and Silks. All tlie fashionable weaves in the new spring shades. Beautiful "Wash Goods. A splendid assortment of pretty pat terns in ail the new spring wash goods. New EM ISKOIIHOIIIES and LACES. Our stock of these choice trimmings is most complete, and contains every thing that is new and up-to-date. Sc ho u I er's JUST RECEIVED BY R. P. Joyce a „d Co., At Walnut Cove, N. C. A Lot Of MM MADE aoini FOR MEN AND BOYS. In the latest cuts and prettiest styles. Also just received a beautiful new line of Dry Good, Mats and Shoes. Our prices are rock-bottom. Como and examine our stock whether you buy or not. M COItNKU LIUKUTV AM) FIFTH STItKF.TS, f WINSTON -SAL EM, JV. CV C # OFFICERS: \ J. F. GRIFFITH, President. D. (T. FORD, Vice-President. M M P. W. CRUTCHFIELD, Cashier. The outlook for 1!K)5 is very promising and 110 doubt will v jbe one of the most prosperous years we have had for many, M M now is the time we should save when we have plenty. If you already an account with the Piedmont Savings Bank M M you should start one at once. J "Save the pennies and the dollars will take care of themselves" Mis as true an axiom today as when first spoken. vS^/SA/SAAA/\AA/N^ JOHN D. HUMPHREY, S Attorney at Law, Daubury, - - - N. 0 Prompt attention toall business ' entrusted. Will practice in all State courts. NATHANIEL O. PETHEE. Attorney at Law, Danbury, - - - N. C. All business entrusted receives ; prompt anil careful attention.; Will practice in all State courts. NOTICE. | Having ilulv qualified as executrix of tin' last will and testament of A C Young, ' deceased, all persons indebted to j sai'l estate are hereby notPed to come I forward anil make immediate settlement !of tln' same anil all persona holdingclaims against saiil estate are hereby notified to ' present them to me pr.perly authenticated i t'oi payment i.n or before tlie 20th day of j April IWOtl or this notice will be pleaded in | bar of their recovery. ! This April 1 2th> 11105. EI.MYII \ M. \>r.\ti, Kxecuti ix of A. C. Voting, ilec'd. I P. 0. Address—Walnut Cove, N. C'., 1! F 1) No 1. | J. I). Humphreys, att'y. Thompson's l)niK Store, Winston, .A'. C. The largest, ami most varied stock of pure Drugs in I Winsion-.Salein. 1 have had ao years exjicriciice in fitting trusses ami can advise you in selecting one. Come And See Me. V*. (>. THOMPSON. Bliss Native Herbs. Mr. John White, Germanton, N. ]C., says: "I have used Miss Native Herbs for Rheumatism and it has cured tne. T have just purchased another box from your agent for future use and highly recommend it." A box of Bliss Native Herbs is a family doctor always in the house. Its use prevents and cures Constipation, Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver Trouble, SSkin Disease Rheumatism and many Blood dis eases. It is purely vegetable— contains 110 mineral poison and is prepared in tablets and powder form. Sold in One Dol- 200 lor boxes with a guar- DOSES antee to cure or money SI.OO back. Our •{ 2 page Almanac tel ling how to treat disease sent 011 request. MEDICINE MAILED PROMPTLY UY J. F. HALL, Agent. GERMANTON, N. C. THE ALONZO O. BLISS CO., WASHINGTON, D. C. LAND SALE. 15v virtue of a decree of the .Superior court of Strikes county, N. C., rendered by M. T. Chilton, C. ». in the special pro ceedings entitled "(J. L). .Smith et ai vs. (ieither Craig,"appointing the undersigned a commissioner to make sale of the herein after described lands, I will on Saturday, the HHh day of June, 11)05, sell on die premises, at public auction to the highest bidder for Ciisli, the following described lands to-wit: A ceitain tiact or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the county of Stokes and .Stale of North Carolina and more par ticularly described and defined as follows to-wit: Beginning at a red oak in 1 lios. Martin's line, runs south 1!» 1 2 chains to a black oatc 011 the north side of the road, eastward!) as it meanders 4:! chains to a I>ost oak on the north side of the road, thenee north 11 1-2 chains to a sourwood in Martin's line, thence west with the old line :!:) chains to the beginning, containing ">S 10 acres, more or less. &ale subject to the confirmation of the court. This the 2nd day cf May, 100.",. C. I). SMITH, Commissioner. J, D. Humphreys, att'y, THE BANK OF IMADISOIN Is authorized by law to act as Trustee, ■ 'lssi jnce A dministra, tor, Guardian, Com missioner. Business Solicited. TAILOR-MADE Garments. F. 11. WOLLSCIILAGER, Winston, N. C. Latest Styles. Per fect Fit Guaranteed. am now at my new stand 011 Zib erty sueui next door to Farmers .mil, with a full line of Fall Winter fabrics. GIVE ME A CALL. LADIES (jD RTLXPRAfjcofstM • Safe, Quick, Reliable Regulator Superior to othrr remedies eold at high prlcet. Cure guaranteed. Bucc«M«efully uaed by over .400.000 Women. Prior, '25 C'enU,dnif- Rlatd or by mall. Temlmonlals & booklet free. Dr. LaFranco* Philadelphia, Pa*

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