THE DA/NBURY REPORTER. Published Every Thursday liy N. E. & E. P. Pepper, Owners. THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1906. PROFIT IN FARMING. There is a very interesting story on the first psge of this paper of | the improvement of one of our worn-out Stokes county farms by a young man of intelligence and determination. The farm was bought when it wasn't paying the taxes and the interest on the money in vested in it. Today it is yielding a handsome profit and is worth many times what the owner paid for it. The Reporter has always contended that there is good money in sane methods of farming. Our proposition is demonstrated by the experience above referred to. While so many of our young men are restless, longing to go to the towns in search of easier jobs and better wages, they might with much ad vantage reflect on what this young Stokeß county man has accom plished. A city job. unless the employe is more fortunate than the great majority of hirelings, means hard work—anywhere from 10 to 15 hours a day; a stern and strict boss, high expenses and poor pay. With little time for amusement or diversion, the novelty of the new life soon wears off, the glamour of the city becomes prosaic, and the boy longs for the ease and freedom of the old plantation. And it's I ten to one that the next train brings him home. This we daresay is the case in hundreds of instances. The same hard work that was required of him in the city, nnd the same good judgment that directed his movements under the eye of the city IH>SS. would, if applied to the | farm, make him contented and happy. HOW CARNEGIE GETS HIS MILLIONS. This is from the New York Tribune : "When the 'stand-patters' drive home to the people a realization of the fact that steel rails can be purchased abroad for the Panama Rail road at S2O a ton. whereas they would compel the government to pay our manufacturers &i.i, though our manufacturers would deliver these same rails in Great Britain for $22 a ton which cost them at Pittsburg about §l2 a ton, instead of winning sympathy for our traders so 'abused' by their own goverment, they will awaken sympathy for our private consumers." Here we have a glimpse of the favoritism of our national govern ment. Laws made in the direct interest of the Steel Trust —that gi gantic aggregation of multi-millionaires. Turn to the down-trodden far mers—the tobacco farmers of North Carolina, for instance. Where is the law that shows them any particular consideration. The graft, the corruption, the injustice of the thing ! It's enough to make an archists of us all. THE OLD CONFEDERATES TO ORGANIZE. As will be noted elsewhere in this paper we are publishing a callj by Mr. James A. Leak for the old Confederate soldiers of Stokes I county to meet in Danbury on the first Monday in August for the purpose of organizing a Camp. The Reporter hopes to see every old j soldier in the county present on that day. Every one who feels an | interest in these old men and the cause for which they risked their, lives and property, is cordially invited to come out and bring a basket,' helping to give the old Rebels a pleasant day and a good dinner, i They will not be with us for long, and let us make their stay a 9 en-j joyable as possible. Dog-Killer's pardon is asked for several typographical errors in his hist letter to the Reporter. In speaking of the laws, he said: "They can never rise any higher or be any better than the people or source from which they spring." But the types made him say: "They can never use any liquor or be any better than the people or source from which they spring." Then, in the third sentence following, the word crime is used in the singular number, whereas it was inteuded to be plural. Then, again, near the bottom of the third column the word "cause'' is printed where "curse" was intended. These errors were marked in the proof, but inadvertently overlook ed by the printer. In spite of all the gloomy forebodings and dismal predictions, there's life and hopfe in the old land yet. Last week just as the farm ers were beginning to despair, the clouds rolled away, the rain ceased, and the sun came out drying otf the ground. Then hundreds and thousands of men ami boys, women and children, horses, mules, steers and possibly other kinds of quadrupeds rushed into the fields and you never saw such work before. Everything and everybody was pressed into service. And it may be said today with truth that the farmers are in a fair situation for another crop. Things got kind of dull and patients were getting scarce at the Keely Institute at Greensboro, and it was decided to begin an ad vertising campaign. Attractive ads were placed in a few of the lead ing papers of the State and kept up persistenly a few months. The result is, that today the institution is full to overflowing and plans are contemplated for the enlargement of the buildings. There is nothing more true than that judicious advertising pays. It is hoped the report that the tobacco factory anil furniture plant at Pilot Mountain are to resume, is true. Pilot is a hustling little town, and has some very energetic and progressive citizens who will yet he heard from. Our news columns this week tell of the Rev. R. W. (ieorge buying considerable property in the town, which shows that lie—who is a man of good business judgment—has faith in the future of Pilot. We were wondering, you remember, how much old man Andrew Carnegie, who says he wants to die poor and has already given away $115,000,000, had left. Here it is, as told by Henry Clews, a Wall Street banker : Two hundred million. Not half poor-yat. The Reporter is glad that the old Confederate soldiers are writing sketches of their war-time history. Several of their articles have beeu published and several more are in baud which will see the light as ■oon as we have room for them. ROSENBACHER & BRO. WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT. We wish to call Merchants* attention to a really great bargain in soap. .- f . 59 Gross Medicated Soap A very fine article that retails for 5c per cake anil the regular price by the gross is s4>Bo. For a limited time we will otter this for only $2.75 Per Gross === Freight Prepaid Don't (ail to lake advantage of this and overdoulde your profit. ROSRNBACHRIt N RRO.'H RiG DISPART. BTOII RH, 10, 12, 14 Third St., Winston-Salem, N. C. (ORI)KRS FILLED.) P harvard" piano Delivered in your home, complete with stool and Tl|£re is no better piano-value than 4lie Harvard, style H, at I^so, These PIAIIMDRC very substantially made nl° the L>esl MIL rial, L>v skilled workmen' Tney have a I'M lin HI uici lofißici Uiiiitm pins, triple unison. lieavy baaring Iwi, nicAled action bnclets, double repaatinn Harvard act inn, capstan rcgulatim l , device, gradvating pedals incliidini! will slop or practice pedal, ease ol' cross banded veneers, extra heavy lop and bottom Molding*, handsome carved pilasters, full t»p-panel »wiiij desk, exquisite raised carvml pannels, p.iU-iit folding fall, continuous hilu-en on top lid and tall-board vnry /.'■ ys and in I'acl is roinpleteiu every detail, and lias a TEN YEAII UUAifANTKE printed in each piano, 'l'iie TONE of the llAtfVAltl) pleases everybody. lis action is light anil responsive. other dealers cli trie for the saiue piauy and oilier piano* of equal grade. ijbw do wo ilo it ? H'e buy them In car load I ns, at the lowest |«wiiliU price, and a small prolit s itisfies us. »Ve have other pianos ai low as $175. And we carry perhaps ihit largest *'> K'k of organs to lie round anywhere in the Ninth, ranging in pi ice from Ht ip. I'lenty of lime given to pav for au instrument ffyou haven't the cash to s|«iv. Write for catalogue btatiiu; whether you want one of pianos or organs. R J. ROWI'N & BRO. Winston, N. C. Drain Your Land. Terra cotta l)i •ain Pipe is what you want. We sell all sizes. NORFLEET HARDWARE CO. Winston-Salem. Sanitarium Specialties. Special Treatment —For chronic rheumatism, lumbago, sciatica anil chronic blood diseases. It cures. Special Treatment —For catarrh of throat, nose, lungs. It cures. Special Treatment —For lieu asthenia, nervous exhaustion anil nervous dyspepsia. It cures. Special Treatment —For skin diseases, eczema, acne, pruritic (intense itching), face pimples, moles, warts, etc. It cures. Special—Birth marks removed, cosmetic effect perfect. Special Treatment —For sprains [bruises and inflammatory joint 1 affections. It cures. The Sanitarium hns special ap paratus in every department. Such as is used hy the liest sanitaria and specialists, both in this coun try and Europe. Practice limited jto Sanitarium woi k. No pain in Inny of the treatments. Call at the Sanitarium or write us. We will be glad to send you literature, I DRS. RIERSON & COPPLE, 127 S. Main St., Winston-Salem. To SUBSCRIBERS —AII subscrip tions not paid for in advance are expected to lie paid promptly upon the expiration of the time. I Bear this in mind. (To Cure a Cold in One Day in Two Days. J Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. £ r?Ljb 1 Seven Mflßon boxes sold hi Thfe Signature, POX. 25c. J Anounced. Via SOUTHERN RAILWAY. | A'xlreuiely low rates are annouiiif | fyf | the tHtullH'i'ii I .'ail way front points on* list* lines for the following' special occasions: , Alliens, tia—Siiinin r «Scliool, Juu» i July 28, UK).",. ¥ Atlanta, Ga.—National AwocintitjK iF»l Maiinracliireg, May 1(1-18, lliii'i. >-[ Bristol, Tenn.—Annual Meeting »«iii marF|" Baptist Itrelliren, June 15, IHUo. Charlottesville, V r a. llrgiuia Siimtiier School ot Methods, -June °4i-Am:u»l 4, 1!K)5. | Knit ll'orth, Tex. AsscmMv Southern I'resbvterl.ui lihuivh, Mat IPO.I. Hot Springs, Va .Southern Haul ware | .lolilier* Association anil American ; I lurilwaie Manufacture*' A-sociatiou, | June (hit, Kansas City, ih i.—Southern Baptist i;«j»i- | vei.tion. May 10-17, llioj. Knoxville, 7'enu—Su Miner .Sehool June i 20-Jutv 28. liKVi. Mow eagle. "'elm.— Monte glt> Bible Tr.iiit-5 ing .-chool, July 3- \ua. 15, tUOV J/ontesule Tenn—Monteaule Su: "liy School Institute, lulv I"- \II •. FL, 1: 't. .Voiiteagh-, 7'enu ll'miliio's ( OII;M- J. All!! 1-15, HMl.'l. Nashville, Tenn. IVa'oilv >.j|ege, > lllU mer School'*; V.uiilei hilt Biblical Institute. June M-Aus 0, lllli.Y Oxf nl, Miss.—.Summers, h 01, luiveraitv | of Mississippi. June 14—Inly .«l, litO.'i. t Kichmoml, Va —Fanners' Nalio nil Con-| grer*, Sept. 12-22. lIHIo. •Savannah, tia.—National Travelers' /*lO. • teetive Asa.ieialion of Amend, May If! Jft, IWC) Savannah, (i t.—Soulie r 1.1 101 l Associalion. May It-1:1, IttWi. St. 1 oiiis. Mo.— National Baptist Aiiuivei- 1 s.irv, May IG-24, IDO.V Tuscaloosa, Ala —"uniiner School for t Teachers. .lure Ift-Ju v /8. ItMiTi Bates F r the iiliuve*io is O|NMI lo the pu lie Ticfri ts will he soli! tie'"*' points from all Station* on the "nutteri liailwav Detailed il.loiln itio:! e III Is* hail li|ion j xppli'-ltll -ti • anV Ticket ,\-.-ill of the. Southern Hallway, or Aeeuts of connecting j lines, ol hy al*lr*'As|nu the iruler siglieil: i IS. I..VKKNON.T. IV A.. li.ill lie. V r. J. 11. \V(M»|I, |l |>. A . Ashvllle. N. C. S II llnrilw irk. \V 11. 7'.,\h«e, j I'as-. TalHe .Vaimoer. 10-n'll'ass Ainuit, WASHINGTON, D. C. ECONOMY M HOOD'S SA«. j sapanllu, because " 100 doses one dollar" is peculiar to and true only ex | the One fruo BLOOD l'miiler 1 0 BROWN r IT THE JEWiLER V" atclic§) : Clock*, etc. Jewelry and PrescntH, Fine repairing a specialty. Y r our watch fixed while you wait I The Gorrells OP Farmers Warehouse Winston. N. C. Have gained more new trade and sold far more of their old eustoni ' r» this voar tlian ever before in the history «>f their warehouse bus iness. Tliis shows rorv plainly that they have been getting the Inst | prices and making the highest averages. We are justly proud of this record and desire to thank our friends | for this immense trade. We will be delighted to handle the Imlanre of your tobacco, and, undoubtedly, we can make it pay you to sell with us. Your friends, I A. Ji. GOIiUELL & SON. ; FIRST SALE D.I YS •• | Kor .litiitiary—Wmitlay*, H xliM»sdaT*, Friday*. K"r K«'>riury—/'w-s.Uys. ThurwUys, Nuturilayi,