| Peoples' Column, j ♦ ♦ | GIVE IT A TRIAL. £ ♦ You can toll the Reporter's £ ♦ army of raiders about things ♦ J you have to sell or want to i ♦ buy at n very few cents cost ♦ ♦ by placing a few words in the ♦ 1 People's Column of the Re. * ♦ porter. It will only cost you T X five cents a line and it re- ♦ 4 quires seven words to make a X ♦ line. Write what you want J 3 inserted, count the words in ♦ 2 it and send with it five cents 2 ? in stamps or coin for each ♦ ♦ seven words it contains. Try ♦ 4 a small ad. It is the best and 2 J cheapest way to reach the X people. £ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ [Advertisements inserted in this until at 5 cents per line for first •week. After first week only 21 vents a line. Seven words counted a line.] FOR SALli—-I have an iron seg ment to fit an overshot water wheel in good condition, which I will sell cheap. For particulars, write C. H. SHEPPARD, Sandy Ridge, N. C., R. F. 1). No. I. (iitiauo from sl.iK) to $2.40 at Jolm A. Burton's, Walnut Cove. Dr. E. A, Burton, Dentist, of Greensboro, will be at Walnut Cove June 5, (i and 7. If your teeth need attention call on him at Mrs. S. C. Landreth's. Good family (lour at per hundred at John A, Burton's in Waluut Cove. Mrs. L. J. Lackey wishes to an nounce to her many friends that she is now in the millinery busi ness at Madison. Her milliner, Miss Addie Smithers, will be pleased any time to show you her styles. She has the very latest New York styles and the best prices ever offered in hats, Go and examine her stock beforo buy ing elsewhere. Call on Mrs. D. S. Boyles at Walnut Cove fur latest styles and lowest prices in millinery goods, All kinds of shoes reduced in price at Fulton's in Walnut Cove. Hummer dry goods also going at a considerable reduction. FOR SALE-Nice little grain farm of about GO acres nicely lo cated at Germanton. About 2i3 acres bottom land, good dwelling lionse, feed barn and good orchard 011 the place. For further infor mation write or call on E. L. CUMBIE, Germanton, N. C. Good shoes at all prices at John A. Burton's, Walnut Cove. WANTED—Copies of the Repor ter of the following dates: June ltith and iiOth; July 14th, UX)4. Any one having copies of the pa per of these dates may dispose of them for cash by writing to PEPPER BROS., Danbury, N. C. John A. Burton, at Walnut Cove, keeps a full line of Dry (roods, Hats, Clothing, Dress Goods, Notions, and anything the people need at the lowest prices for cash. FOB SALE —A good second-hand two-horse Nisseu wagon in good condition. Will be sold at a«bar gain. Apply at the Reporter office for particulars. Nice domestic cloth at 5 to 7 cents per yard at Jolm A. Bur ton's, Walnut Cove. Nic« sncl up-to-date line of Indies lints from 7oc to $8.50 just received by W. P. Nelson, Hard -1 urn k, N, C., Also a lino lot of Indies slippers from $1 to 2. Under oath Mrs. D. 8. Boyles competitors say that she sold more millinery goods last year than they did. Why is it that Mrs. Bailey at Walnut Cove sells so many hats t And why is it that almost every body is raving over her pretty styles and low prices ? Everybody who is a judge of material and knows anything about styles give her hats the praise. If you want a stylish hat go to Mrs, Bailey to get it. If you don't want an up to-date, sty lish hat don't go to hor. A word to the wise is sufficient. FOR SALE —A fine milch cow. Apply to W. U. Slate, Mizpuh, N. C. Briefs Adrift. Mr, Will Alley, of Ilart mail, was i here a few hours Sunday. Mrs. L. F. Smith has been right ! sick tho past few days, we regret j to state. I There will be preaching at i North View Baptist church next j Sunday. j Mr. Chas. Powell, of Madison, j spent Monday night at the Mc. | Canless House. Mr. Eric and Miss Mary Shelton, of Moore's Springs, visited friends here Sunday. Dr. W. V. McCanless is attend ing the State Medical Association at Greensboro. Mrs. J. M, Gordon is visiting her parents, Mr. ami M rs - P- Oliver, at Dalton. Mrs. John Alley, of Hart man, visited her daughter, Mrs. L. B. Simmons, Sunday. We are glad to know that Mr. D. N. Alley, who was right sick last week, is much better. Mr. Charlie Sisk and sister, Miss Claudifl, of Hartman, visited at Prof. J. T. Smith's Sunday, Ex-Sheriff R. P. Joyce, who was confined to his room by sic-kin ss sevoral days last week, is out again. Rev. Mr. Sikes, of Madison, will preach at the Presbyterian church in Danbnry next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, The union Sunday School heie will have its annual pic-nic. in the near future. Thp time and place will he decided upon next Sunday. An exchange very truthfully re marks that the long wet spell in May appears to have been succeed ed by the long cold spell in May. Rev. Robt. W. George, of Fran cisco, will preach at the new Christian church at Capellaonthe first Sunday in Juno at 11 o'clock, A. M. All invited to attend. The Reporter is requested by the Register of Deeds, C. M. Jones, to say that the tax listing blanks have been received and are ready for delivery to the listers. Mr. J. Spot Taylor has christen ed his farm just east of Danbury "Coaling Ground." This name conies from the fact that the coal used in the old furnace down on the river was burned on the farm which Mr. Taylor now owns. Piedmont Springs hotel will open for guests about the first of June, under the management of Messrs. J. 8. Taylor, of Danbury, and James Green, of Winston, Mr. I. M. Gordon, of Danbury, will be hotel clerk. Miss Mattie Taylor left Friday for Winston-Salem, where she ex pects to reside permanently with her brother, Mr. Jno, M. Taylor. Miss Mattie has many warm friends in Danbury who feel a sincere regret at her leaving, and whose best wishes follow her to her new home. The Danbury-Walnut Cove road, which has recently been in such a deplorable condition, is re ported to bo considerably im proved. The continued rains and the enormous number of fertilizer wagons passing over it made the road almost impassable in some places. The school here clos is next week. On Thursday an I Friday, June Ist and 2nd, nti examination of teachers will be held by Supt, J. T. Smith. The examination will be held principally for the convenience and benefit of those poachers attending school here, but anyone who desires to will be ex amined. Deputy Sheriff Davis left Mon day for Wont worth and Raleigh, carrying with him Jim Turner and Wood Benton, the two negroes sentenced at court here week be fore last. Turner goes to the pen itentiary for fifteen years, while Bonton gets six months on the roads of Rockingham ojunty. j AT DAN3URY AUGUST I. Meeting ot Old Confederate Soldiers Called By James A. Leake. To my Comrades, the old Con federate soldiers of Stokes county: As no one elise seems disposed to take the lend in the matter, and as we should by ull means have an organization of the old soldiers of Stokes county, I would suggest that wo meet at Danbury on the first Monday in August for the purpose of organizing a Catnp, electing officers, etc. Other coun ties havo these organizations, and we should not lag behind our brethren. Let every ex-Confed. erate who can, attend this meeting, and let all who feel an interest in the old soldiers come out and bring a basket with them. It will not cost us but little, and the time is soon coming when we all shall havo answered tl>e last roll call on this earth. Let us get together and organize, and spend a day of pleasure together once more. We will try to have a speaker, and a good dinner and a happy reunion of the boys who fought so nobly on the battlefields of Northern Virginia. Tins May 20, 1905. JAMES A. LEAKE. Dudley Carroll Wins the Medal. Dudley D. Carroll won the med al for oratory in the oratorical con test of the Henry Clay Llteray Society at (iuilford College on Saturday night Mny 20th. Dudley is the young son of Mr. D. V. Carroll, of Mizpah. Ho is a bright boy and will make his mark in the world. Mr. Alex Flinchum Get? the Contract. The government has awarded to Mr. Alex Flinchum, of Red Shoals, the contract for carrying the mail on the now twice-a-week Hue from Danbury to Hardbank, which be gins operation Juno 1. It is learn ed that Mr. Flinchum will sub-lot his contract to Mr. Cooper Smith. Mr. R. P. Joyce went to Wal nut Cove to-day. Mr. Thomas Petree visited friends uear Smith Sunday. Mr. Will Moore, of Moore's Springs, visited Danbury Sunday. Register of Deeds Jones has not issued a single marriage license since our report last week. Keep an eye on the "Peoples' Column" of the Reporter. We are going to try to keep it full of bargnins. Mr. N. R. Martin has returned from Whitsott. Institute, where he has been attending school the past winter. Mr. Jno. T. Moore, proprietor of Moore's Springs, was here Satur day. Mr. Moore is erecting a mer cantile building near his springs. Ho reports several guests at his hotel. Mr. Thos. J. George, manager of the Stuart Roller Mills, contem plates erecting a fine residence on his property at the depot in the near future. He is now having lumber sawed for the purpose of erecting a storage house opposite the mill, and is making prepara tions to put in a lot of new ma chinery to his already well equip ped mill. Mr. George believes in improvements.—Stuart (Va.) En terprise. We Trust Doctors If you are suffering from impure blood, thin blood, de bility, nervousness, exhaus tion, you should begin at once with Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the Sarsaparilla you have known all your life. Your doctor knows it,too. Askhimaboutit. You mutt look well after the condition of your liver ami bowels. Unlet* there la dally Action of the bowels. poisonous product* are absorbed, cunning headache. biliousness, uau sea. dyspepsia. and thus preventing the Bar •apartllu from doing Ita best work. Ayer s Pills are liver pills. Art gently, all vegetable. The dose Is ouly one pill at boatlmc. M Made br J. O. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass. Alio manufeeturera of JLM 9 HAIR VIOOR. / 1 AGUE CURE. JL O^^^PECTORAI^ STOKES COURT ADJOUfcNS. Several Cases Disposed Of After Our Report Of Last Week. The spring term of Stokes Su perior court adjourned Friday afternoon. The following cuses on the civil docket wore disposed of after our report last week: R. R. Boylos v. Frank Ilall. Judgment in favor of plaintiff signed. F. B. Thomas & Co. v. C. F. Lewis et al. Judgment of non suit. J. \V, Slate v. R, L. Stewart. Judgment of non snit. J. W, Neol v. G. M. Allen. Judgment for plaintiff signed. S. C. Hill v. Luther Mitchell. Judgment in favor of plaintilf for $70.00. W. D. Poore v. Robert Poore. Judgment for plaintiff signed. In the matter of Mrs, Irene! suing for year's allowance, judgment was given in favor of plaintiff for $300.00. This amount not being satisfactory the plaintiff appealed to the Supreme court. KING. King, May 22—Mr. Archie Caudle, of Winston, was a visitor in King yesterday. We were glad to see vow come, Mr, Caudle, for we know you made some one happy. The Southern Railway Co. is going to put in a telegraph oflice at this place in the near future. Mr. Harry Petree called to sec the Misses Stone yesterday. The ice cream supper given at this place Saturday night, was a success and wo expect to have another one next Saturday night. Everybody invited. There was preaching at Hustler yesterday by-Rev. Walter Wolf, of Rural Hall. We like to hear Mr. Wolf talk. We hope to keep him with us. Sid Love, the 12 year old son of Wm. Love, of Tobaccoville, ac cidently shot himself some few days ago. He is getting on nicely. We hope he will continue to get better and that ho will be more careful next time how he handles his gun. Messrs Baxter Grabs, Manuel Garner and Misses Annie Love and Bessie Campbell went to Mt. Olive Sunday and report a nice time. Mr. J. W. Spainhour is on the sick list this week. It is rumored that King is to have a blanket, carpet and mattress factory soon. It will be run by Northern Capatalists. WILD BILL. MIZPAH ROUTE ONE. Mizpah Route 1, May 21—The farmers have planted lots of tobac co in this section. Old Aunt Nancy Boles is in a critical condition. Mrs. M. E. Boyles, of Vade Me cum, visited her son and daughter of this place last week, J. F. Boy les and Mrs C. P. Allen. Mr. J. F. Boyles and Miss Cora Darnell made a flying trip to Vade Mecum today. Report a nice time. Mr. G. M. Allen got disapointed today as he went to see his girl and she was not at home. Miss Bessie Darnell, of Cnpella, visited her parents to day near Hawpond. She had company of course, Rev. Robertson filled his regular appointments at Vade Mecum and Old Orchard today. Large crowd out. As Dog-Killer wants the readers of the Reporter to act as jurors on the whiskey question, I will just say that he is right, I think. 1 want to see the day como when the girls of old Stokes will stop the drink habit. They can if they only would. Girls, don't allow any boy to go with you who drinks whiskey or wine. You are the rulers of the world. ROVING JOE. GIDEON. Gideon, May 23. —Farmers are pushing their work to make up the time lost during the wet seas on. There is much preparing to bacco land and some planting, al though the season is about out. We are glad to hear that Mrs. Hall, who is yet at the Rierson- Copple Sanitarium is improving. Miss Susie Adkins is spending several days with Mrs. Martin. Mr. Gid Hall paid us a living visit Sunday. H. m mm GOOD TIT* Drain It ! Drain U I ftc have 18,000 feet terra cotta drain pipe—all sizes. NORFLEET HARDWARE CO. WIJVSTON-SALEM. Outlook Gloomy for Coal at Walnut Cove A Minister s Disappointment. Walnut Cove, Mny 22 —The outlook for coal now at this place is very gloomy. At any rate op erations have been suspended and the machinery has been taken out of the mine, and Mr. D. N. Ev ans, the civil engineer for the Southern Anthracite Coal Co., has returned home to consult with the other members of the company as to whether they think it will pay to continue the opera tions, Mr. Evans thinks it will not pay to go farther in the work until they get a diamond drill. Mr. S. C. Rierson went to Mt. Airy Saturday on business, re turning today at 10:3f5 A. M. Mr. I). M. E vans preached a most eloquent sermon Sunday night at Stokesburg on "The Choice of Life." A goodly number of people were sadly disappointed Sunday night when they came to Walnut Cove to hear the Rev. T. J. Glenn, of Stoneville, preach. He had an appointment at the Academy, but when he came he found the door locked and the key could not be obtained in a manner but what Mr. Glenn thought would be an intrusion. Consequently there was no service. The preacher was heard to remark : "Christ said, 'lnasmuch as you did it unto one of the lenst of these my breth ren, you did it unto me.' " Messrs. Tom Rothrock and Em ory Fair went calling in Winston- Salem Sunday and report a lovely time. M. WALNUT COVE ROUTE FIVE. Walnut Cove Route 5, May 22 Mr. Sterling James and Miss Agues Tuttle called on Miss Fleta Neal Sunday afternoon. Call again, Sterling and Miss Agues, I think they enjoyed you very much. Mrs. K. A. Carter, who has been on the sick list for some time, was out at church Sunday. Glad to see you out again, Mrs. Carter. Mr. Grover Neal, who has gone back to the railroad, spent Sunday night with his father, Mr. J. S. Neal. Come again, Grover, they all were glad to see you. JOLLY GIRL. QUAKER GAP. Quaker Gap, May 8.- Mr. W. L. Hall took a flying trip to Wash ington, D. C., recently. The people are planting tobacco right along in the mud and bush es. I think there will be a good crop if it don't get spilt. A. VALUABLE LANDS FOR SALE BY J. E. SLATE. I am offering to sell some land, as follows : Ist Tract—432 acres near Flat Shoals. Lies woll and is fine to bacco land with 2 tenement houses and tobacco barns, a lot of good timber. An excellent to bacco and grain farm. Bought this of A. M. Stack. 2d Tract 12.~> or 130 acres good laiul, good timber and improved. A good place to live. Bought this of G. M. Allen. 3d Tract—About 50 acres land and good burr mill, has a good custom, a good place for roller mill, good productive lond, mill in good working order. 4th Tract—My old home at Mizpah, about 140 acres. I have recently bought some choice tim bered land adjoining this. It can all go together. Fine farming land and plenty of good buildings and everything lmndy. I will sell part or all of the land named at. a reasonable price. 1 can't look after it and keep it up as should be done. Will be glad to correspond with anyone that, means business. Need not pay all cosh if you don't want to. J. E. SLATE, Germanton, N. C. LAJ\f i) S.'l L E. Hy virtue of a decree of the Sut>e ri or court of Stoices county remlerc.l by M T Chilton 0 S C in the special proceedings entitled "John Neal et al vs I) ./olin \V Neal etal" appointing the undersigned a commissioner to make sale of the hereinafter described lands, I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in the town of I (anbury, N C on Mon day the tilth day of June, 1!)05, the follow ing lands, to-wit: A certain tract or parcel of land in Danbury township, Stofces coun ty, North Carolina adjoining the lands of l'eppet heirs, James Southern, James Law son and others and bounded as follows, to wit; /iegi lining at poiliters at the top of Flat Slioal J/otintjiiii Z Moran's corner, thence running South with his line to a staA*e in Janes /„awson's line, thence west witli his line and .Villon and Calvin South ern's lines to .Southern' north west corner South with his line to a stake in the line of the old 1)500 acre grant thence west to a stake formerly a black oak the old .S'hober corner north 10 chains to a dogwood old comer west 8 chains to a black oak, thence north on the old Shober line :o //ancock's now ./ames ll' Southern's corner thence east north and west witli the said J W Southern's lines to Ids corner in tiie line of the old Sliober grant thence north with said line to pointers in the old liaison Collins now Pepper heirs line East with their line ten chains to a hickory con tinuing cast in all HO chains to the begin ning containing 4">o acres more or less. This land will tie sold subject to a judgment, for the sum of $1142.(12 with Interest on same from October 24th, Js!»t till paid and cost $(1.15 a transcript of which judgment appears of record in fin: office of the Clerk iif the court of Stokes county, North Carolina iu record of judgment book No 2on page 304 and it being No. 2182 wherein .1 I) Hon dial I trustee Is plaintiff and N M Pepper i* defendant. No part of this judgement lias been paid but it also covers other lauds besides the above descri bed which lands other than that above des cribed are subject to homestead rights of minor. Sale subject to the confirmation of the court. This the 2d day of May, 1005. j. 1). HUMPHREYS, Commissioner. LAND SALE. lly virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of stokes county rendered by M. J". Chilton C. S. C. in tlic special proceedings entitled "7' L. Smith vs. Lockey Gilbert et al" appointing the undersigned a com missioner to make sale of the lands heieiu after described, 1 will sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder for casli at the court house door iu the town of Danbury, N. C. on .Monday the sth day of Ju ie 1005, the same being the first Monday in June of said year, the following described lands to-wit: (I) a tract of land situate, lying and be ing iu the county of Stokes and state of North Carolina adjoining the lands of J. P. Covington, .Vatilda ll'ard and others and containing 27 acres more or less. The second tract lies adjoining the lands of James Tilley and J/yra Nunn and contains two acres more or less it being the tract of land that J. I'. Covington conveyed by deed to ./olill Tilley. The sale ol said lands will be subject to the confirmation of the court. 7"his April the 20th, 1905. J. D. HUMPHREYS, Commissioner. MADISON ROUTE 3. Madison Routo ;5, May 22. Very little corn and tobacco has been planted in this section on ac count of wet weather. Wheat is looking well in this section. Think we will make a reasonably good crop. Rev. J. T. Ratledge filled his regular appointment at Mt. Her man Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Mitchell vis ited Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Joyce Sunday. The fruit in this section was not all killed by the recent frosts. Preaching at Cases School House next Sunday by Rev. Win. Flinchum. Everybody invited. Mr. and Mrs. John Young, of Madison Route 1, visited Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Young a day ortwo ago. R. H. M. fc C. R. M State of Ohio, city of Toledo, ) Lucas County f BB ' Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each ami every case of Catarrli that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and subscri bed in my presence, this (ithday of December, A. D. 1886. (SEAL,) A.W.GLEASON, NOTARY PUBLIC. Hall's Catarrli Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by all Drqggists, 75. , Take Hall's Family Pills for I constipation.