ROOT, SLATES HORSE STOLEN. The Animal Was Driven to a Point Near Walnut Cove then Turned Loose to Go Home —A Farmer's Tobacco Plantbed Robbed—News Items From Walnut Cove. Walnut Cove, May 30. Mr. R. A. Mills, of Winston, visited our town two days of Inst week. Mr. Geo. Davis, of Martinsville, Va., spent Monday night at the Bailey House. A Mr. Tutor, representing some of tlie leading life insurance com panies, spent a day here recently. Mr. Frank Vaughn, conductor oil the Southern railway, who was painfully hurt up near Rural Hall a few months ago and who has boon with his people here, left for Greensboro Inst Wednesday. Miss Mabel Vaughn, afttr spending several days in Winston, returned last week. Mr. J. F. Fulton, of Greensboro, spent a few hours among us last Wednesday. Mr. Fulton remarked that 15 cents looked bigger to some people in Walnut Cove than 15 d >llars would in Greensboro. Mr. Jno. G. Pepper, of Winstoji, was out selling life insurance and looking after other interests Fri day. Some unprincipled wretch vis ited the house of Mr. Robt. Slate, of Piney Mt„ one night during the past week and stole his horse. The animal was driven down in the neighborhood of Walnut Cove and then back to Wilson's Store. There they unhitched and bended him towards Mr. Slate's. When found the horse was very much worn out. Mr. Ab McGeehee, of Madison, s >etit a few hours in our town Wednesday, leaving on the 11:00 o'clock train for Mt. Airy. Mr. DeWitt Tuttle, one of Ger tuanton's prosperous farmers, was hero a few hours Wednesday. Mr. Charlie Kraut/., conductor on the X. A: W. railway and a for mer citizen of our town, was visi t'ng friends at Stokeshnrg Thurs day. Hilt Welsh, one of our •ldest citizens, was seen on the streets one day recently. He talks seriously about the recent storm, mul has quit swearing as a result of the scare. He says it was the hardest wind known during his Si years existence and that it blew (town trees that had never been blown down. •Another life insurance man, Mr. Joe Hill, of Arcadia, was here Fri day. Mr. Jim Tuttle. living near here, lost all of his early tobacco plants. Some cropper took the lilterty to draw them for him during the last seas >n. There was night here Saturday until 10 o'clock. We mean Mr, Knight, selling buggies for the J. H. Hampton Buggy Co., of Leaks ville. A certain young man of our town was bold enough to ask tie mother for her daughter before he consulted the girl. He was doubt less a very vain fellow, drawirg largely on his imagination. Tor Sour Protection we place tills luliel on every package ol Scott's Emulsion. The man with a fish on his back Is our trade-mark, and It Is a guaranty that Scott's Emul- HIMB will *o all that Is claimed for It. Notlving better for lung, throat or bronchial troubles in infant or adult. Scott's Emul sion Is one of the greatest fl«sh huHders kuowu the medical world. Wt'll ited you m tmpl* In*. scon & BOWNE, "•S:VW EX A mysterious incident was the death of Mr. It. P. Joyce's two tame squirrels. Judging from their actions they must have been pois oned. Mrs. Ann Rierson ties a red flannel string around the right leg |of all her fowls, presumably to I ward off rheumatism. Mr. W. B. Vaughn lost two fine Plymouthrock fowls the past week. The peculiar thing is they were missed in broad day-light. Messrs. I). P. Reid, Will Reid, Will Brown, Hugh Heath, (). J. Cates, J. A. Whitten, J. G. H. Mitchell, R. P. Joyce and Jno. G. Fulton are witnesses in the mur der trial of Joe Hammons at Winston this week. The mayor showed good judg ment this week in releasing the worthless negro, Will Moore. The ne»ro was convicted of a violation of one of the town ordinances. The tine and costs amounted to SB.OO. The first thought of the mayor was to imprison him in the county jail, but later he remitted the fine, re leasing the prisoner on condition that he never return to our city without the SB.OO. As soon as our city prison is completed we can attend to prisoners in a manner profitable to the city. Mr. Luther B. Hester was here pricing groceries to our merchants Friday. Messrs. J. W. More field and Luther Mitchell spent a few days last week in Guilford county. Mr. Moretield has already purchased a magnificent home there. His sou in-law, Mr. Mitchell, is looking out for a small farm at same place. Two religious services were held here Sunday. Rev. Mr. Clark preached at the M. K. Church at II o'clock. At 4 o'clock in the afternoon the Rev. Mr. Berkley preached at the Episcopal church. Misses Lillian Vaughn and Lola Martin, of Sauratown, returned from Winston Sunday afternoon, where they have been spending several days visiting. SANDY RUN. Sandy Run, May —The farm ers in this section are busy plant ing tobacco. Mr. W. W. Hampton is through planting tobacco. Miss Cora Bowman and sisters are visiting Mr. S. L. Montgomery this week. Come again, girls, we are glad to have you with us. Mr. Charlie Meadows and fam ily are visiting Mr. John Bow man's this week. .Miss Martha Meadows visited Mrs. S. L. Montgomery last Sun day. Come again, Martha, we are always glad to see you. Misses Minnie and Nannie Montgomery visited Misses Martha and Bertha Meadows Sat urday. Mr. Charlie Hampton's little son lias been very ill for some time, but is improving very fast. We are sorry to note that Mrs. Martin lost her cow yesterday. Mr. Isaiah Montgomery visited Mr. W. W. Hampton Sunday. He reported a nice time. FOUR SCHOOL MATES. TUTTLE'S. IkT uttle's. May 2'J—Some of the people in this community are through setting outtobacco. We had another little wind storm here today, but no danger resulted like the one of a lew weeks ago. Air. L>. B. Tuttle looks real sad this week because Miss Daisy L. went back on him Sunday, but I think-he will soon get over all that, as he is quite young and his mind is not settled. But Oh! he seems so heart broken, we can't get much work out him this week. Guess Mr. Arthur Tuttle will have to get him another rocking chair now, as he Ims got twin boys at his house. He will sing By ) baby now. Mr. and Mrs. Napier, of Roan oke, Va., are visiting relatives of this neighborhood this week. There will be service at the M. E. Church next Sunday evening at 3:30 o'clock. Hope to see a large crowd out. SCAT. A BAD SCARE. Some day you will get a bail scare, when you feel a pain in your bowels, and fear appendicitis. Safelp lies in Dr. Kidg'sNew Life Pslls, a sure cure, for all bowel ' and stomach disease, such a as headache, biliousness, costiveness, etc. Guaranted at drug stores, ionly 25c. Try them. GREAT VICTORY FOR JAPANESE.! Nineteen Russian Warships Sunk and Over 3.000 Prisoners Taken. According to the latest informa tion, the battle between the Rus sian and Japanese naval forces for the supremacy of the Oriental seas, on which the outcome of the far Eastern struggle, has be gun, if it has not terminated de cisively. All the dispatches re ceived point to a Japanese victory, though it is not yet known wheth er the full force of Vice Admiral Hojestvensky's tighing ships took part in the contest, which, accord ing to the dispatches, took place in the comparatively narrow wa ters of the Straits of Korea. The first information came in a dis patch from the American consul at Nagasaki to the State Depart ment at Washington, telling that the Japanese had sunk one Rus sian battleship, four other warships and a repair ship in the Korean Strait, and this was followed by a dispatch received by the State Department, the date of which was not given, that the "Japanese government had made the an nouncement that its Heet had en gaged the Russians in the Straits of Korea Saturday and had held them." The State Department also received information that two of the vessels reported to have been sunk were the sister battle ships Orel and Borodino, and that three of the other ships were cruisers. From Tsingtau, the j German port on the Shantung J peninsula, came a report that a running naval engagement took place near the Island of Oki, in the Sea of Japan, 200 miles north east of the Straits of Korea, and that the whole Russian Heet did not participate, the slow vessels" having been sent around Japan. Russian sources give no news of the battle, while tlio Japanese government, following its custom, is »ilent as to either the battle or its outcome. LATER. Later advices mag nitude of the disaster suffered by the Russian Heet. and jxiint to the fact that Russia's hopes, so fnr as this war is concerned, now lie in whatever may be accom plished by the oft-beaten army in Manchuria. An official report re ceived from Tokio by the Jap. legation at Washington Monday says that the Russian losses defi nitely known include two battle ships, a coast defense ship, five cruisers, two special ships and three destroyers sunk, and two battleships, two coast defense ships, one destroyer and one spec ial service ship captured, while over 2,000 Russians were killed and !5,000 captured. The Japanese are still pursuing the Russians. LAJYD SALE. liy virtue of a electee of Ijie Superior Court of Stokes fount y, rendered in the Special I'roceeding entitled [. Owens a -uinst VV. //. Owens, et al," 1 will sell to the highest bidder Ibr audi, on the preni>es in N kes County, on .Saturday, July silt, at one o'clock, I'. M., a tract of land in Stokes County lielonging to the .'state f Ijcathy Owens, Deed., adjoining the lauds of Win. Co*. Deed., on the Nort i, the lauds of Samuel Flippiii on the East, the land of Floyd Owet s on the South, and the lands of H\ C. (ieorjic on the West, containing '-'1 acres, mote 01 less, ."aid land will he sold for |iurlilinu anions; the heirs at law of I.ea' hv Owens, Deed. This the 27' li da\ of tfiy, IIH»:>. J. I. OWKSS, oiiiinissioner. X. O. I'etree, An v. John A. Burton R THE f- UABU Drown s Warehouse Walnut Cove, N. C. II « mint every year in tlie bit;licst average pi ices for tobacco. Talk Is cbeiip, Inn it lake* wm kto make average*. Jlriug your tobacco to llrovrn't ami every pile si ■a 11 I,a \i* I I'M. attention inul bring Ibe very billies/ market price. Headquarters for I lie Stokes Comity pen- """" Mr. j«* i-»imw. «u y « w m, e V e ry P ne ■ i A A I I A 1 , ' .1 till In* pt* tlio vt'iy last lill* on it. imc who want the best goous at the ~ , II Ifamrva 'tlwiit'c kii (Firs Saw Days for January 1905-Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays lowest pi ices. K.ecp> always 0.l I " •• - « February, 190.) Mondays, Wednesdays Friday * hand aM kinds offamiers' Slip- " Mttrch » IHQ6—Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays plies Dry C*OOtl S, \*e tbmk >on fur jotir liberal pationage tot tlw put .12 years,and Groceries of all kinds ''" ,l >,ur m**'»y w,,,k »» '•»»« u* um« in um> rumr*. tai and Prown's is Headquarters for High Prices j Y..ur I'rlenrt*. At Winston Prices. B«OWN & CARTER. sr $60.00 BUGGY = EEEEFBEE SEEEEjf • VVc liave decided to t?ivc anotli- Q~» er one of those #«() Buggies » => Free. Ticket with each gg dollar purchase We have just received our t t V-> Spring Clothing, Shoes = "S and hats. B R 0 S„ , ' 430 Trade Si.. Winston, i\. C. A COOO INVESTMENT Is to Drain Your Land. NORELEET HARDWARE CO., Winston, N. C-, Carries a large stock of'all sizes of Terra Cotta Drain Pipe. GERMANTON ROUTE ONE. Germaton Route 1, May 24—1 am not a subscriber to your paper but a reader. I enjoy reading it very much. Most especially Dog- Killer's letters. And right here I want to give you my decision. I think Dog-Killer has made a clear ease and has proved beyond a reasonable doubt that the whiskey business is condemned by the Biblfe. 1 think I should forfeit the five dollars as agreed upon, and cheerfully send his name to the Reporter along with many others which we hope to see. Friends of temperance, let us in this simple way show the world that we are not in sympathy with this monstrous evil that is wreck ing the lives of so many and bring j ing to want so many precious I mothers and helpless children, iThis is my first attempt to write for publication. Hope to see a long list. G. T. RAKER. DYING OF FAMINE is, in its torments, like dying of consumption. The progress of consumption, from the beginning to the very end, is a long torture, both to victim and friends. "When I had consumption in its first stage," writes Win. Myers, of Ceorfoss, Md., 'after trying dif ferent and a good, in vain, I at last took Dr. King's New Discovery, which quickly and per fectly cured me. Prompt relief and sure cure for coughs, colds, core throat, bronchitis, etc., Pos itively pre vents pneumonia. Guar anteed at all drug stores, price 55c and SI.OO a bottle. Trial bottle free. I Your Credit ! 1 Is Good : I I '• I ♦ This moans that you can select uuvthiiig in this ♦ ♦ store and pay for it as you can. We will arrange « ♦ terms so that yon will hanlly miss the-'iiioiiey s.. T ♦ that your buying here will be easy, oumfoi table ami ♦ + , satisfactory in every way. J f ♦ I j fverytfiin; lo furnisl a Hot] : . | J Huntley = hill = Stockton Co. : EnETTHE Drain it ! Drain il ! We have 18,000 feet, terra eotta drain pipe—all sizes. NORFLEET HARDWARE CO, WI.YSTO.K SALKM.