BIGGER CROP THAN LAST YEAR. Tobacco Farmers ot Eastern Stokes Think Roosevelt Is Going to Bust the Trust A SI,OOO Fiddle. Saxon, June 5. j Editor Reporter : Our people have so much confi-l deuce in the ability and disposi-l tioti of President Roosevelt to deal with the American Tobacco Co, that there lias already been phint e 1 in this section a largely in creased acreage iu tobacco, at lsast one-third more than last year and more compared with the available labor than ever before. It is expected that the breaking up of the Trust by the government will put prices back where they were before the Trust was organ ized, but I am of opinion that "Cleveland prices" will again pre vail, that the Trust magnates will sit back and let millions of the crop be sold for less than half of last year's prices. Ask your cor espondents how it is iu other sec tions of the county. Is there not being an extra big crop set out, is 11ere not already a full crop planted, with more yet to go in, and why ? Mr. John Young, of near Mad ison, recently bought of Lindsay Wall, for i? 2, a very old violin. It was made in Cremona, Italy, in 1721. Mr. Young has been otfer ed SBOO for it, but demands sl,- 000 and will doubtless get his price. A New York firm is trying to buy it. SANDY RIDGE. Sandy Ridge. June s.—The farmers of this section are very glad to see the few fair days the past week. Large attendance at Sunday School at this place yesterday. Mr. A. D. Wilson is visiting his parents of this place. Glad to welcome our old friend back agnin. Mr. Claudie Huteherson, one of o»r R. F. D. carriers, is very sick. ITope he will soon recover. As Marie was so happy about Wood DeShazo calling at J. T. Joyce's some few Sunday's ago, giiess she was well pleased Sun day, as he called on her. Mr. Evie Price, of ltidgway, Va., called on Miss Jessie Joyce yes terday. Guess she was glad to see him. We think not only is Mr. Geo. Wilson so fond of the Virginia girls, but some of'our girls are as fond of the Virgina boys, as they call so often. Guess soma of our boys will be heart broken, as Miss Pearl Brown, who has gained some sin cere friends, will soon leave for her home at Vinton, Va. Mr. J. X. Brown has purchased him a new buggy. Guess some of the ladies are expecting to take o buggy ride. SWEET AXXIK. GERMANTON ROUTE ONE. Germanton Route 1, June There will be a big baseball game at Mr. B. F. P's the second Satur day. Everybody Coino out and take a hand. And on Saturday before the third Sunday in June we will play" a match game of l«a'! at Rosebud if nothing happens. Everybody come out and see it well played. We hope to hive a good time. F. H. B. HOW'S THIS/ We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for nny case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, ). We, the kndersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and beieve him perfectly honorable in all business transac tions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. WALMNO, KIXXAN A: MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toldo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. I'rice 7."> cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. MRS. K. 0. CARTER SICK. A Progressive Sunday School—Other Items and Personals From Dillard. Dillard, June (>—Miss Ruth Lasley returned home last week from Whitsett, where she has been attending school. Constable J. 11. Mitchell and wife visited their kindred in Vir ginia Inst week. Miss Katie Mitchell spent two weeks with her sister. Mrs. W. E. Lasley, of Pine Hall, and returned home yesterday. lam sorry to report that Mrs. K. O. Carter is yet right sick. Hope she will soon recover. Russell Mitchell is right sick this week. It is feared that he is taking the fever. Hurrah! for A. J. Essex. He is breaking his new ground for the first time this week and he says he finds it rather a tough job. A. S. Mitchell ami family, of Walnut Cove, visited relatives here last week. They left two of their children, (William and Au nie) to spend a few days with their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Mitchell. J. W. Wall, of Tuttles, was ill our midst again Sunday, and as usual went down to Mr. Roberts. I am glad to report that our Sunday School at this place is in such a prospering condition. We now have between 7*> and ltX) on roll. Most all of the people in the neighborhood seem to take great interest in it, the old as well as the young. I think the main cause of it's prosperity is good singing. Rev. Robins preached a very able sermon at Bethesda Sunday a. in. His sermon was especially to the children. There was a large crowd in attendance. The Sunday School of Dillard was awarded the honor of doing the singing. X. SLEEPY HOLLOW. Sleepy Hollow. June s—Preach ing at Bethesda yesterday by Rev. Mr. Robins. Good sermon. Every one seemed to enjoy it. Mr. J. W. Young visited the Winston tobacco market last week. Mrs. S. L. Richardson, of Sax on, is improving very fast, we are glad to note. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Young at tended services at North View last Sunday. Report good ser mon. M rs. W. C. and Misses Delia and Annie visited Mr. E. S. Young's last Wednesday. Report plenty of cherries. Miss Cora Young returned home today from Dan bury, wliero she has been attending school for some time. Hope she is much benefited. Her many frieuds and relatives were glad to see her. Wonder if Dr. Tuttle has quit blushing from Xmas yet? Espe cially Friday in Xmas. Go again. Dr. Don't let those three girls back you. More you go the less they vill teas.;, for others from down in that section have tried it. J AXE HERSELF. Tor Vour Protection wo place this lnl>el on every package of Scott's Emulsion. The man wlthaflahon his back 1M our trade-mark, and It Is a guarantee that Scott'n Emul sion will do all that 1h claimed for It. Nothing better for lung, throat or bronchial trouble* In infant or adult. Scott's Emul nion it) one of-lhe greatest Hesli bulidere known to the medical world. Wt'll sea? you a tample fr*e. scon k BOWIE, Mr. Flippin. Of Surry County, Commits Suicide-Items From Pinnacle. Pinnacle, Juno 5. —Mr. Rollin tilled his regular appointment at the M. E. church yesterday. Miss Irene Simpson, who has been transferred from the agoney here to Pilot Mt., spout the day with her sister yesterday. Miss Lula Whitaker, who has been visiting relatives here, return ed home Saturday. John Flippin, of Route No. 3, cut his throat Saturday, lie died from the effects of the wound. The cause of his rash act is unknown to the writer. Miss Connie Haley, after a pro longed visit to relatives in Wins tou, returned home Tuesday ac companied by her sister, Miss Sadie Haley, who will return home I in a few days. Quite a large crowd from here | attended the commencement at ! Dalton last week. All report a I pleasant trip. Mr. Jim Slate spent Sunday with his brother, Dr. J. S. Slate, of this place. ME. Nuptials of Dr. Withers and Miss Grubbs. The Reporter acknowledges with thanks the receipt of this | dainty card : Dr. W. W. Withers and Miss Kate Grubbs announce their marriage on Wednesday, May thirty-first Nineteen hundred and live Greensboro, N. C. 1 At Home, Walnut Cove, North Carolina, after June fifth. WALNUT COVE. Walnut Cove, June 3.—1 want to say a few words to the dear old Reporter. Fighting crab grass is all the go around here. Hurrah for John Boles. He got through coultering up his new ground last week. Mr. Tom Rutjedge says it is out of season to rabbit hunt now Mr Henry Warren went to Walnut Cove soon Monday morn ing. Mrs. J. F. Boles has a lot of company here of late. Mr. Ben Rutledge says he would work his corn, but he hates to brake up the bird's nests in the bushes. Scuffle Town is on a boom now. It has a lot of visitors. All it likes is a mineral spring. I will close with Iwst wishes to the Reporter and its readers. PS FOl'R. A BAD SCARF. Some day you will get a bad 'scare, when you feel a pain in | your bowels, and fear appendicitis. jSafelp lies in Dr. Kidg'sNew Life j Pslls, a sure cure, for all bowel J and stomach disease, such a as ! headache, biliousness, costiveness, etc. Guarantee! at drug stores, I only 2">c. Try them. Geo. W. Foddrill's Opinion. Jute, May 22. Editor Dan bury Reporter : I believe that Jesus condemns | the whiskey business. GEO. W. FODDRILL. Decide in Favor of Dog-Killer. (iermanton Route 1, June 5. Editor Reporter : After reading and consulting the Bible we decide the whiskey question in favor of Dog-lviller, as he has asked for a decision. JOHN M. REDDING, W. V. GORDON, H. C. (). HALL. HUGE TASK. It was a huge task, to undertake the cure of such a bad case of kid ney disease, as that of C. F. Collier, of Cherokee, la., but Electric, Bit ters did it. He writes: "My kid neys were so far gone, I could not sit on a chair without a cushion; and suffered from dreadful back- Hche, headache and depression. In Electric Bitters, however, I found a cure, and by thein was restored to perfect health. I recommend this great tonic mediciue to all with weak didneys, liver or stom aoh, Guaranteed by all druggists: price :7V. ar $60.00 BUGGY = * =F REE I=l - Wc have decided to give anolli- er one of those .l*u{?j?lcs 5 Free. Ticket willi each u " > .dollar purchase -« — We have just received our ro Spring Clothing, Shoes "§5 and Mats. § BROS,,^ I f ~ 430 Trade St.. Winston, iV.-C. fIGOOO INVESTMENT Is to Drain Your Land. NOREIjEET HARDWARE CO., Winston, N. C , Carries a Jarge stock of all sizes of Terra Cotta Drain Pipe. SANDY RIDGE. Sandy Ridge, June s—Farmers through this section are very busy working corn and fixing tobacco land. Misses Pearl and Louvie Brown spent last Sunday night at Mr. Bud Amos'. Mr. J. N. Brown has purchased him a new buggy. Guess he is fixing to ride some of the girls. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Knight and little son, Peter, attended preach ing at Russell Creek last Sunday. » Mr. Isaac Knight, of this plaice, left for Madison yesterday. Think he intends going to some of the Western countries. Think the West must hold some great at tractions as all of the boys are go ing there. Mr. A. D. Wilson, of Greens boro, is visiting relatives and friends at this place. Messrs Evrie Price, of Ridge, way. Ya., and Wood DeShnzo. of Price. X. C„ were visitors here yesterday. Mr. Claudia Hutchersun, of this place, is on the sick list this we«k. llope he will soon recover. Mr. Nat Hutcherson and Miss Lilly Joyce spent last Friday in Virginia. One of our young boys was looking very sad last Sunday. Guess it is because his girl is go ing home soon. LYNX. NO SECRET ABOUT. It is no secret, that for Cuts, Burns, Ulcers, Fever Sores, Sore Eyes, Boils, etc., nothing is so effective us Buck len V A) ni-a ialve. "It didn't tab' long to cure a bad sore I had. and it is all O. K. for sore eyes," write** D. L. Gregory, of Hope, Tex. 25 at drug stores. DYING OF FAMINE is. in ils torments, like dying of consumption. Tiie progress if consumption, from the beginning to the very end, is a long tori lire, lx>th to victim and friends. "When I had consumption in its first stage," writes Win, Mvere, of Ceorfoss, M 1., 'after trying dif ferent Jmedicines and a good, in vain, I at last took Dr. King's New Discovery, which quickly and per fectly cured me. Prompt relief and sure cure for coughs, colds, core throat, bronchitis, etc., Pos itively prevents pneumonia. Guar anteed at all drug stores, price f»sc snd SI.OO a bottle. Trial Ixjttle free. TO CURK A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grave's signature is on each liox. | Your Ctedic ! Is Good : i t : ♦ ♦ ♦ This means that you ran select anything in tliit* ♦ ♦ store nntl pay for it as you can. We will arrange ♦ T terms so that you will hardly miss (he moiysy so £ ♦ (hat your Inlying here will be easy, comfortable and ♦ 4 satisfactory ineyery way. » I ♦ : : ♦ ♦ « ♦ ! Everythin; to tali a tlomej + ♦ A ♦ ♦ ♦ 4 —————— 4 | Huntley = Hill = Stockton Co. : X ♦ ifWlilii Drain it ! Drain it ! have 18.000 feet terra cotta drain pipe—all sizes. NORFLEET HARDWARE CO. U'IXSTO.Y S./ILEM. John A. Burton IValmil Cove, N. C. Headquarters for the Stokes County peo ple who want the best goods at the lowest prices. Keeps always on haul all kinds of farmers' sup plies— Dry Goods, Shoes, Groceries of all kinds, (arming tools, and Guano*. At Winston Prices.

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