Briefs Adrift. Mr. D. N. Alley, of Hartmau, visited Danbnry Tuesday. Mr. W. R. Bennett, of Danbury Route 1, was in town Monday. Mrs. N. A. Martin is visiting relatives in Winston-Salem this week. Rev. -J. 11. Robertson will preach Ht the M. 10. Church next Sunday night. Mr. Walter Flynt, of Dillard, was among tho crowd in town Monday. Mr. J. T. Meadows, of King Route 1. was here a short while Monday. Mr. W. D. Bennett, of Walnut Cove, visited his parents at Jewell last Sunday. Mrs. A. W. Davis returned Sat urday from a visit to her parents at Kernersville. Mr. J DO. W. Young, of Saxon, attended the meeting of the county commissioners Monday. Messrs. Willie Moore and (Inuter, of Moore's Springs, visi ted in Danbury Sunday. Mr. Elias Yoss and two little sons, of Walnut Cove Route 1, spent Sunday night in Danbury. J. T. Thornborough, T. B. Manuel, Joseph Whitten and .Jno. W. White were visitors in this place Monday. There was no service at the M. church Sunday morning on ac count of pastor J. T. Ratledge not l>eing able to get here. It is learned that the hail-storm which passed over the southern part of the county last week was very destructive to wheat and other growing crops. Messrs. J. H. Prather and W. J. Byerly, the former president and the latter cashier of the Bank of Mount Airy, came down from Mt. Airy yesterday. Mr. J. H. Bondurant, of Fran, cisco, was in town Monday. Mr. Bondurant reports the farmers of his neighborhood yet badly be hind with their crops. Mr. Harry Davis, of Walnut Cove, visited his parents near Danbury Sunday. Harry says he killed a lilarksnako Sunday that measured five and a half feet. Dr. D. C. Dix, of the Dillard section, was here Monday. Dr. Dix is not only one of the leading physieians of the county, but is a polished and learned gentleman. Mr. W. W. Leak, of Francisco, spent Friday night in Danbury. Mr. Leak says the farmers in his section are having quite a lively time trying to keep the grass from taking their crops, The residence of Mr. A. M. Stack, at Monroe, was considerably damaged by fire last week. Two rooms, including Mr. Stack's fine library, were destroyed before the firemen stopped tho flames. Mr. J. C. Buxton and family, of W instou, are expected to go to Piedmont Springs in a' few days. They will occupy their cottage which has recently been repaired ftntl given « nice coat of paint. Mr. John W. Davis, who assists Mayor Vaughn in the manage ment of municipal affairs, was here on business Monday. Mr. Davis is a terror to law-breakers, and is a conscientious and fearless official. MiKiies Wilmeta and Lelia Smith, Claudia Minitli, Dora Covington, Alice Martin, Mamie Leak, Dora Wall and Cora Young, who have been attending school here, re turned to their respective homes the past week, school having closed. Messrs. M. D. Hainm and M. L. Wall, two leading farmers of Yad kin township, paid the county's new court house a visit Monday. They report a big crop of tobncco being planted in their neighbor hood, (nd that fruit on some farms will be scattering, while plentiful on others. COMMISSIONERS LEVY TAXES. The Jury List Revised Witness Fees Allowed—Old Court House Benches Sold Other Business Transacted By the County Commissioners. Tho County Commissioners wort' ia session Monday and Tuesday with a full board in attendance. Tlio principal business trans acted by the board was the levying of the taxes for this year. The levy was as follows : State tax, 21 cunts 011 the SIOO valuation of property. County, 23 j| cents on tlio Sl(X) and 38 cents on the poll. School, IS cents on the S1(X) and $1.50 on the poll. Pension, 4 cents on the SIOO and 12 cents on the poll. This is an increase over the taxes as levied last year of 25 cents on the hundred dollars and 75 cents on the poll. The levy Inst year was cents on the hundred dollars and $2.00 on the poll. This year it is Uljj on the hundred dol lars and $2.75 on the poll. It is calculated that this increase in the taxes will pay off all of tho bridge bonds and pay the interest on the court house anil jait bonds for one year. A special levy of taxes for a graded school was made forSaura town township and Walnut Cove of 30 cents on the hundred dollars and '.lO cents on the poll. Another important feature of the meeting Monday was the re vising of the jury list. A complete and new list was made. The clerk of the board reported that the old court house benches had been sold to the Board of Ed ucation for s(>.oo. The official court claims and half fee witness clrfims were allow ed. Several releases from taxes were granted. Pauper and other claims were allowed as follows : i'HO>|l«lOUQl'B ot,AiMa Mrs. Bettie J. Martin, runt of house to pauper, 1.50 Crawford & Ragland, drain pipe for county, 2!U>O J J Priddy, serving as court officer, !'HX) W. L. McCanless, board of jurors, 13.00 R. H. R. Blair, making court house benches, fur nishing varnish, making pauper coffin, etc., 75.72 W. R. Stevens, keeping county home in May, 93.30 D A Simmons, court officer, 10.50 R.J. Petree, jail account and holding spring court, ill). 21 John R.Smith, court officer, 1(5.50 H. M. Joyce, hauling, etc., 11.53 J. B. Smith, examining lunatic, 2.30 N. A. Martin, rent of liouso to pauper, 150 PAUPER CLAIMS. Asa Nunn and wife, $(i.(X) Susan Chandler, -1.00 Lethia Caudle, 4.00 Maiuie Cordon, 2.(X) Huldah Culler, 2.00 Polly Coon's daughter, 3.00 J as. Wall, colored, 11.00 Jennie Talley, 2.00 Delilah Vernon, 3.00 Louisa Page, 2.50 Frank East's children, 3.00 Nelia Barrett's family, 7.00 Susan Mabe, 3.00 Pleasant Oakley, 3.00 Charlotte Manuell, 2.00 William Manuell, '"-00 buther Mitchell, 2.00 Peter Hicks, 2.00 Leathy Pruett, 2,.)0 Lydia Samtnon, 2.00 M. C. Marshall and wife, 1 -»0 Kittie Shelton, '5.00 Cinda Thompson, 2.00 Nancy J. Smith, 2.00 Polly Bull in, l."0 Mickey Hawkins, 2 00 Marriage Licenses. Register of Deeds Jones issued only two marriage licensos during the past week, as follows : Cephas Payne to Nannie Law son. Peter Davis to Florence Alcorn. DATE OF INSTITUTE CHANGED. Will Begin On Third Monday In August Other Matters Before the Board Of Education. The Board of Education for Stokes was in session at the court house Monday, Messrs. N. A. Martin and 11. E. Smith being present. The matter of forming a now school district in Yadkin town ship was put before the board by Messrs. M. 1). Hamm and M. L.i Wall. There was no action taken in the matter except that the Supt. was ordered to make an investiga tion and report in regard to same. It was decided by the board that the institute for teachers open on | the third Monday in August in stead of the second Monday. This 1 changing of the time for the insti tute was on account of the fact that Prof. C. L. Coon, the man se cured to hold it, GOU Id not begin any sooner. Supt. Smith was ordered to issue a circular letter to all who expect to teach in the county during the coming winter. A number of claims were pre -1 seated and ordered to be paid. The Doctors Did Not Meet. The Stokes County Medical Association was to have been in aussion here Monday but as there was not a tpiorum present no j meeting was hold. Death of Dr. G. B. Mabe. Dr. (1. B. Mabo died at Big I Stone Gap, Va., of heart disease, a ! few days ago. Dr. Mabe was form ! erly a citizen of Stokes, having ' left this county about 25 years i ago. Ho was aged 4N years, and j was unmarried. Birthday Party at Mountain View. Mountain View, June s—The young people of Mountain View | 11nil a jolly time at a birthday and i evening party given at Glen View !on the evening of June J. Mr. jW. A. Petree, In whose honor it j was given, attended the entertain ment at Dalton Friday and said, j as the day seemed like a general j holiday, he thought nothing | about it when the peoplo began to arrive. When some one asked | for music he said he would play j for them after supper, which he ! supposed would soon be ready, as ; he heard them grinding cotfee. | I But they were making ice cream | instead.) He was very much sur prised when invited out to supper to see the dining room decorated j with evergreens and roses and the table loaded with good things. After supper and the refresh ments, consisting of ice cream, \ lemonade, chocolate and fruit had been served, all returned to the parlor for a general good time. The evening passed pleasantly with music on the piano and guitars. All seemed to have n nice time. ONE WHO WAS THERE. Editor Webster Stricken. Reidsville, June 5. —Editor John R. Webster suffered a stroke of ppralysis last night and his condi tion, though alarming to his rela tives and friends, is not so bad as it first seemed. Please Your ra sawwtisMfl -** •»»■• r "■ ■" rj Don't have a falling out with your hair. It might leave you! Then what? Better please it by giving it a good hair-food Ayer's Hair Vigor. Tiie hair stops coming out, becomes soft and smooth, and all the deep, rich color of youth I comes back to gray hair. •• I waf troubled prfratly with dandruff until I oaed Ajrcr'a Hair Vigor. It cum!>;ot»?!*c»tr« l the dandruff and uUo atopr«d n»y hair from falling out. It serve* me very nicely M t» In arranKinn n»y hair in any ylo I wlah. - » MiHB MAfKIIK CooK, Divide. \v. Yo. —M—I■' »■»"■ rimramn~rr-r-ir M Mad© by J.C. Ayer Co., Lo*ill, Ma*3. I /m Also manufacturer* of ' JLM f SARSAPARIU.A. llnters CHtRJIY rCtTORAL. 1 j—iw/ IIIIM—IHMI * GOES TO VADE MECUM. Mr. S. M. Sloan Takes Charge of Hotel There—Guests Already Ar riving. Vade Mecum, June 0 • Mr. S. M. Sloan and his son, of Warren, Pa., have arrived here whore Mr. Sloan will make his future home. Mr. Sloan is a brother-in-law of i the late John 11. Sparks and is ! guardian of his estate, lie was formerly engaged in tint banking j business, but lias come to this j, section to develop the large inster- j 1 osts of his estate at \ ado Mecum,' Ho will be in charge of the office | at the hotels this season while! Mrs. Payne will be housekeeper.. Several guests are now at the j Springs. LOCAL BRIEFS. Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Gordon left j Monday afternoon for Piedmont; Springs. The State Firemen's Associa-! tion will meet in Winston-Salem July 18th, 111 th and 20th. Mr. Lonnie Coe, of Dalton, ac companied by his mother, spent the day Saturday at the home of j Mr. C. M. Jones. Mr. C. K. Boyles and Miss Lulu ; Stone came over and were exam -; ined by Supt. of Schools Smith ! Thursday and Friday. They re- ! turned to their homes near Pin- j nacle Saturday. In revising the jury list last i Monday the County Commission ers had to leave olf of the list the names of many of the county's best citizens on account the fact ; that they had not paid their | taxes. A letter from Master Hoinro! Harris, the 12-year-old son of Prof.! W. B. Harris, of Garfield, Wash., states that the county in which he ] ' lives has offered a prize of a ticket to the Portland Fair for the com-! mon school pupil who raises tho most Irish potatoes on a patch of; ground a rod square. Homer says \ he has entered the contest. GERMANTON ROUTE ONE. Germanton, Route 1, June ■>. The fruit in this section is looking fine. Cherries are plentiful and apples and peaches are threaten ing the heaviest crop known in several years. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Meadows and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Slate were visitors at Mr. W. G. Slate's Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. A. G, Tuttle were visitors at R. B. Tuttle's at Capella Sunday. Measles are scattered through out the section of Capella. Won- j tier why they don't quarantine the city ? Ex-Mayor Kiser can lei I I guess. Ask'him. Mr. D. D. Carroll has returned home from Guilford College. He is one of our bright boys whom success is awaiting in the future. Mr. Ray Johnson, who gradua ted at the Massey Business Col lege at Richmond, last April, has secured a position with the Nor tleet boys at Winston, where he will begin Sept. Ist. Mr. Coy Bennett was a visitor at Mr. Gordon's Sunday, we learn. How about it, Miss Bettio ? 1 think "Dog-Killer" has totally ' whipped "J," and now giving the "toad" his attention. Come out Dog-Killer and give us your opin ion as to the negro being a h(*ist. I think you are capable of giving i us some very good ideas in regard to the matter, Mr. Ernest Boyles, of King, has taken a position with tho Cran ford-Click mail order business. He will begin today. TWO JOLLY LITTLE GIRLS. A GI T A RANT E KI) Cl' K E F >R PILES. Itching, Blind, Bleeding or j Protruding Piles. Druggists re-1 fund money if Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case, no matter of how long standing, in 6 to 11 days. First application gj,ves ease and rest. 50c. If your druggist hasn't it send 50c in stamps and it i will be forwarded post-paid by Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. PEOPLE'S COLUMN. [Under this head advertisements will be inserted at the rate of 5 cents a line for the first week: after the first week at 2i cents a line. Count 7 words to the line. Send stamps or coin." If you want to sell or buy anything, try an ad in the People's Column, which will bo read by thousands of people. This is tho cheapest way to advertise and is very effective.] FOR SALE Valuable farm 011 the waters of Town Fork ill-res. Will soil either as a whole, or will fiit into tracts of (10, So, ill, or 17.'. acres each. Any parties who desire to purchase some good land should address me at once Terms—will lie made suitable to purchasers -either in two or three payments. Above land will be offered for sale, August 10th, 1510."), on my premises. J. \V. MOREFIELD, Walnut Cove, N. C. FOR SALE At a bargain, three complete steam threshing out fits in good condition. Will sell property-on time with good note or will take good horses or mules in trade. J. (i. 11l FF, East Bend, X. C. GREAT SACRIFCE SALK OF MILLINERY is NOW ON Reali/.ing that the season is now almost over, Mrs. Bailey at Walnut Cove will sell you anything in millinery cheaper than you can find the same goods anywhere else. WALNUT COVE ROUTE TWO. Walnut Cove Route 2. June 1 There is hardly any one in this section done planting tobacco on account of so much rain. They cannot get their land ready for planting and lots of them are not done breaking cyrn land yet. Mr. Walter Jones, of High l'oiut, is at the home of his father sick. Hope he will soon he out again. He is having chills. Misses Minnie Neal and Flossie Webster, of Walnut Cove, visited Mius Kate Burton Thursday. Messrs Chester Ferguson, Wal ter Terry and D. Slate, of (ier manton Route 1, spent Sunday at Mr. Jones.' Miss Hallie Jones and Mr. C. T. W. took a flying trip to Mr. Webster's Sunday evening. By the way. was Mr. Arless at home, Hallie? Mr. Cicero Morgan called on MissStellie Jones Sunday even ing. Mrs. J. 11. Brown visited Mrs. C. I'. Baity, at Walnut 4 Cove, Wed nesday. Messrs Smith, Roberts and Lacy called on Misses Hallie, Mollie and Stellie Jones Monday night. By the way. Mr. Stanly Flinn, of Pino Hall, wants to see his name in the paper. Some one tells me he is selling cabbage at i> cents per pound and fish 15 cents per dozen. Miss Pearl was disappointed Sunday. She was looking for Mr. Ollie Bowles and he didn't come. Mr. M. It. Brown visited rela tives at Dennis Saturday and Sun day. Miss Kate Burton is visiting at her uncle's, Mr. H. R. Burton's, this week. There is a certain little girl near Walnut Cove that has been expecting Mr. K. A\ . Allen to call on her, but as he has not called yet, she is beginning to doubt him coining at all. WHISTLING RI'FUS. Chamberlain's COLIC, CHOLERA AND D iarrhea Remedy A few doses of this remedy will Invariably cure an ordinary at tack of diarrhea. Itbtts been used In nine epi demies of dysentery with perfect ■access. It can always be depended npon, even in the more severe attacks of cramp colio aud chid era morbus W It is equally successful for sniumer diarrhea and cholera infantum lu children, and is the means of saving the lives of many children each year When reduced with water and sweetened it is pleasant to take Every man of a family shonld keep this remedy in his home .Buy it now It may save life. PRICE, 25c. LAROE SIZE, 50c. VA LI T ABLK LAX 1) S F( )R SALE BY J. K. SLATE. 1 am offering to sell some land, us follows : Ist Tract—432 acres near Flat Shoals. Lies well ami is fine to bacco land with 2 tenement houses and tobacco barns, a lot of good timber. An excellent to bacco and grain farm. Bought this of A. M. Stack. 2d Tract—l2s or 130 acres good land, good timber and improved. A good place to live. Bought this of G. M. Allen. 3d Tract —About .">() acres laud and good burr mill, lias a good custom, a good place for roller mill, good productive land, mill in good working order. Ith Tract -My old home at Mizpah, about 110 acres. I have recently bought some choice tim bered land adjoining this. It can all go together. Fine farming land and plenty of good buildings and everything handy. I will sell part or all of the land named at a reasonable price. 1 can't look after it and keep it up as should be done. Will be glad to correspond with anyone that means business. Need not pay all cash if you don't want to. J. E. SLATE, Germanton, X. C. Good family flour at 52.20 yer hundred at John A. Burton's in Walnut Cove. WAXTED—Copies of the Repor ter of the following dates: June Kith and 30th; July 11th, l!K)4. Any one having copies of the pa per of these dates may dispose of them for cash by writing to PEPPER BROS., Danbury, X. C. Guano from $1.90 to $2.40 at John A. Burton's, Walnut Cove. All kinds of shoes reduced in price at Fulton's in Walnut Cove. Summer dry goods also going at a I considerable reduction. The Reporter's Tise Well Fix ture just bought of Xortleet Hardware Co. at Winston is the best equipment for a well we have ever seen. John A. Burton, at Walnut Cove, keeps a full line of Dry Goods, Hats, Clothing, Dress Goods, Notions, and anything the people need at the lowest prices for cash. FOR SALE—I have an iron seg ment to lit an overshot water wheel in good condition, which I will sell cheap. For particulars. write 11. SHEPPARD, Sandy Ridge, X. C., R. F. D. Xo. 1. Nice domestic cloth at 5 to 7 cents per yard at John A. Bur ton's. Walnut Cove. F( >li SALE—A good second-hand two-horse Xissen wagon in good condition. Will be sold at a bar gain. Apply at the Reporter office for particulars. GREAT SACRIFICE SALE Ladies this is the greatest oppor tunity of your life. Mrs. D. S. Boyles at Walnut Cove is now sel ling ladies' and children's hats at a great sacrifice. The hats must go, regardless of cost. If you have not bought your hat it will be to your interest to see her stock be fore you buy, and to see means to buy. It is generally conceded by all who see her stock that she has the prettiest hats ever brought to Walnut Cove. FOR SALE—A fine young cow and calf, also nice heifer yearling. All are part Jersey and fine milk ers, Address. J. G. H. MITCHELL, Gideon, X. C. (rood shoes at all prices at John A. Burton's, Walnut Cove. LAND SALE. By virtue of a decree of the .Superior Court of Stokes Coil lily, rendered in the Sjiecial I'roceediiig entitled "•/. I. Owens auailist W. 11. Owens, flt ill," 1 will sell to the highest bidder for cash, on the premises in Stukes County, on .Saturday, July Nth, : it one o'clock, XI., a tract of land in | Stokes County belonging to the estate of ! Leatliy Owens, Weed., adjoining the lands j'if Win. Cox, Deed., 011 the North, the i lands of Samuel Flippin on the East, the. i land of Floyd Owens on the .South, and the lands of !>'. C. (•eoi'ge on the West, ! containing -1 acres, more 01 less. Said land will be sold for partition among the | heirs at law of I.eathy Owens, 7)ecd. ! This the :!"th day of J/av, 1005. J. i. OWENS, ommissioner. >. I'etree, Ally.