Briefs Adrift. Mr. Samuel Hill, of Gorinanton, was in Danbury Friday. Mr. W . F. D.ivis, of lied Shoals, was in town a short time Monday. Rev. J. 11. Robertson preached at the M. I'], church Sunday night, Mrs. A. .1. Fagg has been visi ting her mother at Walnut Cove since Monday. Mr. W. V. Shelton, of Danbury Route 1, paid the Reporter a short visit Monday. Mr. J. D. (ieorge and little son, of Brown Mt.. were in Danbury a while Saturday. Mrs. Hiram -Adkins and daugh ter, Miss Lizzie, visited Mrs. M. T. Chilton this week. Mr. J. S. I). Pulliam and daugh ter, of King, spent the day at the McCanless Hotel Monday. Mrs. N. A. Martin and children returned Saturday from a visit to relatives at Winston. Mr. .lames Green, of Winston, spent Sunday at Piedmont Springs returning home Monday. The Taylor hotel is undergoing extensive improvements. It will be open for guests in the near future. Dr. C. W. Joyce, of Elgin, Oklahoma, arrived here last week on a visit to his brother, Mr. R. P. Joyce. Messrs. Dave Hodgin, of Greens boro, and T. Hutchens, of Mad ison, called on the Danbury mer chants Friday. Mrs. A. W. Davis received a message yesterday stating that her sister, Mrs. Key, of KernersviW*-, was dangerously ill. Miss Maud Hunter and Mr. Raleigh Hunter, of Pinnacle, and M iss Floss Crews, of Kernersville, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Davis. Mr. S. M. Sloan, manager of the Vado Mecum Springs Hotels, was a Danbury visitor Tuesday, He stated that there were ten or twelve g lests at the springs. Mrs. H, M. Joyce, Miss Mary Joyce, and several of the children; Miss Nellie Joyce anil Dr. C. W. Joyce, drove into the country Sat urday in search of cherries. Messrs. J. 11. Prather and W. J. Byerly, who had been the guests of N. E. and E. P. Pepper for a cm pie of days, returned to their homes at Mt. Airy Thursday. The time for holding the Stokes C junty Sunday School Convention in Danbury has not yet been de cided upon. It will likely be held some time during the month of August. The many friends of Mr. David Poindexter, of Germanton, will regret to learn that there .is very little improvement in his condi tion. He is suffering with paraly sis, the right side being affected. Monroe Manring, a white man of the northern part of the county, was brought to Danbury Saturday by Constable Walter Bullen and phced in jail, oharged with carry ing a c n'-eided weapon. Mr. Cluis. 11. Powell, who has bjen traveling in this section for the Madison Grocery Co. the past year or two, has taken a position with J. J. Norman & Co., of Wins ton. He will be succeeded by Mr. M irtin, of Lt aksville, Mr. Edwards, a member of the firm of Edwards & Bronghton, printers, at Raleigh, who is spend ing some time nt Vado Mecum Springs, was in Daubury Tuesday. Mr. Edwards has been in the printing business forty years. The ninny friends of Rev. J. T. Ratledgo will regret to learn that ho has been in very poor health the past few weeks. He expects to take a vacation and will proba bly visit his people in Davie coun ty. It is learned that Mr. Rat ledge's various appointments over the county will be filled by anoth er preacher. DANBURY TO HAVE A BANK. The Capital Stock Will Be SIO,OOO —Leading Business Men Of Ml. Airy Head the Institution—Will Open For Business August 15. Dnnliury is to have u hank. The site for the building was pur chased last Thursday ami brick bought for its immediate erection, uud the institution is expected to bo ready for business by the loth of August. The bank will be loca ted 011 Main street, next door to Register of Deeds Jones' resi dence, and will be a neat, conven ient and up-to-date building. The officers of the bank are ns follows : President, Jesse 11. Prather, of Mount Airy ; Vice- President, W. J. Byerly, of Mpunt Airy ; Cashier, N. Eugene Pepper, of Danbury. Attorney, N. (). Petree, of Danbury, The capital stock will be §IO,OOO, all paid in. Mr. Prather is well known to many people of the county, being presi dent of the Bank of Mount Airy, president of the National Furni ture Company, and member of the firm of Prather & Whitiock, to bacco manufacturers. Mr, Byerly is cashier of the Bank of Mount Airy; vice-president of the Bank of Alexander, Taylorsville, N. C.: vice-president of the Bank of French Broad, Marshal), N. C.: and director of the Bank of Davie. Mocksville, N. C. Death Of Mr. Tandy Marshall. Mr. Tandy Marshall, a well known and highly respected citi zen of Sedge Garden, Forsyth county, died Saturday night at the extreme old age of U.'l years. The deceased leaves an aged wife and six children: Mrs. Win. Grubbs, of Germanton ; Mesdames John B. Crouch, D. T. James and Win. Grubbs, of Sedge Garden; Messrs. Joseph antl Wyatt Marshall, of Sedge Garden. To Organize Lodge. There is talk of organizing a lodge here either of Masons, Pyth ians or Odd Fellows, and efforts will be made to have the proprie tors of the bank building, which is soon to be erected, to add another story to afford a placa of meeting. North Carolina Teachers' Assembly. The North Carolina Teachers' Assembly began Tuesday night in Greensboro. Its sessions will be held in the Grand Opera House. It is expected that the assembly this year will bo most successful ever held. The assembly will ad journ Friday night. Editor Hart Leases Kernersville Paper. Mr. John E. Hart, who for several years has been editing the Pilot News at Pilot Mountain, has leased the Kernersville News and went to Kernersville this week to take charge of the paper. Dr. W. L. McCanless went to Winston Monday evening. Wheat and rye are ripening rapidly. Mesdames Joseph Covington, T. J. Davis and Matt Covington visited Danbury Tuesday. Mr. Robert Hill, of Meadows, was in town Tuesday. Mr. Zack Moran, a noted cattle dealer of the Meadows neighbor hood, visited Danbury Tuesday. HOW'S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. We, the kndersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last If) years, and boieve him perfectly honorable in all business transac tions antl financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. WALDINO, KINNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toldo, (). Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken I internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous stirfac«s of the system. Testimonials sont free. Price 75 cents per bottlo. Sold by nil Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. 167 UUESTS AT BIRTHDAY DINNER. Little Girl Cutting Her Third Teeth Mr. D. Slate Improving—Other News From the Mizpah Section. Mi/.pah, Route 1, Juno 11. —Mr. T. F. Tuttle was given a surprise birthday dinner today, he having reached his 25th mile post. There were lt>7 guests present who par took of the many good things which were spread out under the tine shade trees at Friendship church. After dinner the crowd amused themselves by singing awhile. Mr. D. Slate, who was hurt some time since while loading a saw log, is improving, we are glad to note. Miss Myrtle Hartgrove, aged 15 years, is shedding her second teeth and the third ones are come. This is remarkable. The people in this section have not finished planting tobacco. Harvesting and killing crab grass is all the go now-a-days. Mr. Coy Bennett visited Miss May Bell Smith today. Mr. B. 11. Boyles, of Vade Me cum, was a visitor in this section today. Mr. Charlie Holland will soon go to work on his car line I sup pose, as he had it surveyed Sun day. Alex Stuart will be motor man and Taylor Fulton conductor. Mr. Calvin Tuttle and wife, of Winston, visited relatives in this section today. Mr. C. R. Allen asked the doc tor to give him something to keep him from feeling bad. The doc tor gave him some medicine that made him so sick he could not sit up next day. ROVING JOE. Come to Sunday School Walnut Cove, Route 1, June 13. I want to say a few words in re yard to Sunday School, I would be glad to see more at Sunday School, especially the older ones. I believe if the older ones would go to Sunday school that there would be much good done, ft would encourage the tie children to come out. Fathers and mothers, go with your chil dren to Sunday School. Some say they can stay at home and read their Bible and do them as much good as it would to walk through the hot sun to Sunday School. It may do them as much good but it would help some one else if each one would get together and read the Bible. I don't know of any better way to spend Sunday if we don't go to preaching than it would to go to Sunday School and prayer meeting. Just think how much good we all could do for the cause of Christ if we only would. It does my heart good t*> see so many little children at Sunday School, I wish that more would come out and take a part in the fight. Let's us do all we can to encourage some to take a stand for Christ. 1 say again, let's one und all go to Sunday School and learn more about Christ and his love. ONE WHO LOVES S. S. Messrs. Dellie Taylor, of Stokes burg, and Jesse Morefield, of Wal nut Cove, were in Danbury a short while Monday. I'm Growing Old And you know why, too. It's 8 those gray hairs I Don't you I know that Ayer's Hair | restores color to gray hair? Jj Well, it does. And it never $ fails, either. It stops falling |j hair also, and keeps the scalp ? clean and healthy. Do nit grow old too fast 1 "I have used Ayrr'n Ilitlr VI«or N.r Hint \ yearn and I *lmuld mdeeil he «ovry t«» » figed to do without It It luy l.wir 1 1 turning gray, HI IL AUO KEEPS tny « 1 and healthy."- E. 8. I K*ri*Ll», Ca; >«.»• • » ; Oregon. —ll w ■■■■ if - 1 —•** A Mado by J.C. Ar«r r - . T/CwMI, M. * Alio nu.nufaotut or* cf Mjk ? SAkSAPAitUJLA. a Ij&f S i-L'iiiV Pi -kTAL. I HEV. R. M. LOFTIS POUNDED. W. A. Sullivan Kills A Large Rattle snake—Pinnacle Items and Per sonals. Pinnacle, June 12. Wo are having some very dry weather in [this section. Mrs. E. \V. Culler and daughter, Mrs. J. S. Slate and her grand daughter, left Thursday for Dur ham where they will visit Mrs. .). A. Giles. The R. F, 1). carriers do not mean to get sun-burned, judging from the looks of their umbrellas. Miss Sadie Ilaloy returned to her homo in Winston Saturday. Tho people of this place poun ded Rev. R. M. Loftis, pastor of the Baptist church, Friday even ing. Quite a nice lot of things were carried in. Mrs. Bessie Cardwell and Mrs. Leatha Moser spent Thursday with Mrs. Coe, of Dalton. Pinnacle was on a boom Friday, as it wus tax listing day. Miss Grace King, who hus been visiting her sister in Surry, return ed home Friday afternoon. Messrs. B. E. and E. J. Haley returned home Wednesday, after a short visit to relatives. Quite a large crowd attended preaching at the Baptist church Sunday. Miss Floid Kallatn is visiting relatives, of this place. Glad to have you, Miss Floid. Miss Pearl Harbor attended tho commencement at Mount Airy last week. Misses Martha Oliver, Ruby Hamm and Mr. Sam Oliver spent Sunday with Mary and llulton Loftis, Mr. W. A. Sullivan, while work ing at his saw mill at the foot of the Mountain, killed a largo rattle snake a few days ago, ME. KING. King, June 13. —Rev. Mr. Clark preached at Trinity Sunday at 11 o'clock. His appointment has been changed from 15 to 11 o'clock. Mr. James Boyles and wife and the Misses Gibson visited at Mr. J, D. Rutledge's Sunday. Mrs. D. H. Wilcox returned to her home in Winston Monday, ac companied by her mother, Mrs. S. M. GotT, whero they will spend a while and then go to Greensboro to visit Mrs. J. H. Medearis and attend G. F, College Commence ment. Mr. Luther Edwards and Mrs. Watson visited Mrs. C. D. Slate Sunday. Mr. R. J. Fulk has purchased a new reaper. GREEK. WALNUT COVE. ROUTE 1. Walnut Cove, Route 1, Juno 12. —Mrs. Mary Wilson, of King, is spending some time with her brother and friends down near Sandy Run. Mr. Ed Meadows and wife spent a while in Walnut Cove today. Mrs. Malinda Moser spent Sat urday night and Sunday at Sandy Run. Mr. Geo. Tuttle and family and Mr. Charlie Meadows spent a while at Mr. M. T. Meadow's Sun day. Guess Miss Agnes is looking sad this week as Mr. George did not come home with her Sunday. BLACK EYED GIRL. WALNUT COVE. Walnut Cove, June 12.—People in this section are very busy get ting up their grain. Mrs. Mickey, who has been on tho sick list for some time, is not any better, we are sorry to know. We are sorry to say that Miss Mabel Petree was bitten by a dog today. Hope her injury will not prove to be serious. D. AND R. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Broino Quinine , Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Graves signature is on each box. j PEOPLE'S COLUMN, j ♦ [l'mler this li oiul advertisements will be inserted at the rate of * X 5 cents a lino for tlic first week; after the first, week at 24 cents a * ♦ line. Count 7 words to tho lino. Send stamps or coin. If you J ♦ want tn sell or buy anything, try an ad in the People's Column, ♦ which will bo road by thousands of people. This is the cheapest ? t way to advertise and is very effective.] ♦ ♦ ! ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦■♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ FOK SALIC At a bargain, three complete steam threshing out fits in good condition. Will sell property on time with good note or will take good horses or mules in trade. J. G. HUFF, East Bend, N. C. F )R SALE—A good second-hand two-horse Nissen wagon in good condition. Will be sold at a bar gain. Apply at tho Reporter office for particulars. (iuanofroq> s '§2.4o at John A. Burton's, Walnut Cove. The Reporter's Tiso Well Fix ture just bought of NorHeet Hardware Co. at Winston is the best equipment for a well we have ever seen. John A. Burton, at Walnut Cove, keeps a full line of Dry Goods, Hats, Clothing, Dress Goods, Notions, and anything the people need at tho lowest prices for cash. Nice domestic, cloth at 5 to 7 cents per yard at John A. Bur ton's, Walnut Cove. FOR SALE Valuable farm on tho waters of Town Fork— 2534 acres. Will sell either as a whole, or will cut into tracts of >o, H5, 91, or 17A acres each. Any parties who desire to purchase some good land should address me at once Terms—will be made suitable to' purchasers either in two or three payments, Above land will bo offered for sale, August 10th, 1905, on my premises. J. W. MOREFIELD, Walnut Cove. N. C. Good family Hour at $2.25 per hundred at John A. Burton's in Walnut Cove. WANTED—Copies of the Repor ter of the following dates: June 10th and 30th: July lltli, 1901. Any one having copies of the pa per of these dates may dispose of them for cash by writing to PEPPER BROS., Danbury, N. C. DALTON ROUTE ONE. Dalton Route 1, June 7. —Farm- ers are doing all they can to clean their crops in this section. Aunt Julia Southern has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. li. A. Cov ington's ever since Easter till last Saturday she returned to Mr. Bob Hill's, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Covington. Come again, Aunt Julia, glad to have you with us. Mrs. R. A. Covington has the finest onion patch I have seen this spring. ONION EATER. A Big Surprise Birthday. Mi/.pah Route 1, June 12. There was a big surprise birthday at Mr. Fount. Tuttle's. There were 172 people there and every body reported a nice time. The table was several feet long and was just loaded with good things. Everybody had plenty to eat and enjoyed themselves and had a good time. We surprised Mr. Tuttle right much. Mr. G. M. Allen has cut 212 bundles of wheat all in one lield. Who can beat that? Mr. Joe Fowler's baby has been right sick, but is some better, we are glad to saw CLIPPER. Chamberlain's COLIC. CHOLERA AND Diarrhea Remedy ! A few doses of this remedy will invariably cure an ordinary at tack of diarrhea. It has been used in nine epi demies of dysentery with perfect success. It can always be depended upon, even In the more severe attacks of cramp colio and chol era morbus. It is equally successful for summer diarrhea and cholera infantum in children, and is the means of saving the lives of many children each year When reduced with water and , swpetened it is pleasant to take Every man of a family should keep this remedy in his home. Buy it now It may save life, i PRICE, 25C. LARGE SIZE, 50C. I GREAT SACRIFICE SALE - Ladies this is the greatest oppor tunity of your life. Mrs. I). S. Boyles at Walnut Cove is now sel ling ladies' and children's hats at a great sacrifice. The hats must go, regardless of cost. If you have : not bought your hat it will be to your interest to see her stock be fore yon buy, and to see means to I buy. It is generally conceded by all who see her stock that she has ! the prettiest hats ever brought to \ Walnut Cove. Good shoes at all prices at John A. Burton's, Walnut Cove, VALUABLE LANDS FOB SALE BY J. E. SLATE. 1 am offering to sell some land, ! as follows : Ist Tract—4.'i2 acres near Flat ! Shoals. Lies well and is fine to | bacco land with 2 tenement j houses and tobacco barns, a lot of I good timber. An excellent to j bacco and grain farm. Bought ! this of A. M. Stack. 2d Tract—l2s or 130 acres good i laud, good timber and improved. A good place to live. Bought this of G. M. Allen. lid Tract—About 50 acres land and good burr mill, has a good custom, a good place for roller mill, good productive land, mill in good working order. 4th Tract—My old home at , Mizpah, about 140 acres. I have [ recently bought some choice tim ; bered land adjoining this. It can all go together. Fine farming land and plenty of good buildings and everything handy, I will sell part or all of the land named at a reasonable price. ] can't look after it and keep it up as should be done. Will be glad to correspond with anyone that means business. Need not pay all cash if you don't want to. J. E. SLATE, Germanton, N. C. NICK LAWNS 5C the yard, pink and sky blue. Challey same price, no fake about them, at Ful- I ton's. MOUNT AIRY. ; From The Leader. Miss Eachael Moore, of Stokes county, is visiting Miss Rachael j Hollinsworth, on South Main ( street. Revenue )thcers destroyed a j blockade distillery near Dobson a I a few days since. Tom luman, a young white man who lives near Westfield, was sent to jail yesterday, pending an in vestigation as to his sanity. Dr. B. W. Mebane, assisted by Rev. S. M. Rankin, is conducting a series of meetings at the Pres terian church this week. All the section hands on the Southern railroad between here and Sanford are on a strike and refuse to work unless the company puts up more cash for a days work. The left leg of Dr. David Worth, of Pilot Mountain, was amputated last Tuesday just below the knee. The amputation was the result of gangrene in the foot caused by trimming a corn. A BAD SCARE. Some day you will get a bad scare, when you feel a pain in your bewels, and fear appendicitis. Safelp lies in Dr. Kidg'sNew Life l'slls, a sure cure, for all bowel and stomach disease, such a as headache, biliousness, costiveness, etc. Guaranted at drug stores, only 25c. Try them. PACIFIC COAST EXCURSIONS. See the Most for Your Money. Rock Island service to Cali fornia and Pacific Northwest this summer, permits you to do this, i Low round trip rates to Los Angeles, San Francisco or Port land on special dates in May, June, July, August, September and October. Liberal arrangements for stop-over among the moun tains of Colorado and in California side trips to the Yellowstone, Yosemite, etc. Write for Colora ; do and California books and Rock Island folder. John Sebastian, i Passenger TratHc Manager, Rock | Island System, Chicago.