Briefs Adrift. Georgia watermelons have putj in their appearance. Dr. W. L. McCanless returned from Winston-Salem Thursday. Mr. J. Frank Martin went to j Winston Saturday, returning Sun-, day. Miss Cora Petree left • Saturday for Winston to spend several days. Miss Maggie Petree, of German ton, is visiting relatives here this week. I A new piano was placed in the j hotel «t Piedmont Springs yes terday. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. R. Green, of Winston, went to Piedmont j Springs Monday. Dr. W. C. Slate, of Capella, j visited Danbury and Piedmont Springs Saturday. Attorneys J. D. Humphreys and ■ N. O. Petree paid a professional visit to Mayodan Thursday. Mr. I>. D. Carroll, of Mizpah, is attending the Southern Students' j Conference at Asheville this week. I Mr. Martin, representing the; Madison Grocery Co., spent Mon thly night at the McCanless Hotel,; Dr. C. W. Joyce spent Sunday' and Monday with relatives in the Pinnacle and Westfield neighbor-] hoods. Register Jones has issued only | one marriage license since our 1 last report and that was to a col.! ored couple. Mr. W. F. Davis, of Red Shoals, was here Saturday to consult the l)rs. McCanless. Mr. Davis' health is slightly impaired. M iss Maud Hunter returned to| her home at Pinnacle Tuesday, alter a week's visit to Mrs. A, W. Davis, of this place. Mrs. H. B. Pulliain, of Winston, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. L. F, Smith. Mrs. Pulliain's little son, Mastor John, is with her. Huckleberries are beginning to get ripe and there is an immense crop of them. In the language of the bovs. "the woods are full of them." Miss Belle Joyce and Messrs. Reid and Nunie Christian, of Westfield, are expected to visit Danbury the latter part of the week. The independent telephone lino from Danbury to Madison has been extended to Intelligence and will soon be extended to Went wortli and Spray. Hayes Duggins, who resides near Daubury, killed a large cop per head moccasin in his house Saturday night. Hayes came very near stepping on the snake. The Rev. Dr. 15. W. Mebane will preach at the Presbyterian church here next Sunday morning and at night. The public is cordially in vited to attend the services. Mr. J. I. Crews, of Kernersville, spent Saturday night with his daughter, Mrs. A. W. Davis. Mr. Crews returned home Monday ac companied by his daughter, Miss Floss, who had been visiting here several days. Rer. J. T. Ratlodge, who re cently visited his people in Davie county, returned to his home nt Cases Monday. We are glad to learn that his health, which has not I teen good for some time, is improving. Miss Mary Martin entertained quite a number of her young friends at a lawn party Monday liight. from 8:.'«) to 11:30. De lirious i-ecroam was served during the evening and the occasion was a very enjoyable one. Sheriff It. J. Petree has been spending several duys at his home near Germanton recently looking after the liavesting of his wheat. Mr. Petree says that ho never saw 1 no much straw but that the yield j of grain will not be ijiore than, one-half what it was last year. THE WEDDING BELLS TO RING.! Dr. C. W. Joyce, of Elgin, Oklahoma.! To Lead Miss Cora Petree. of Dan bury. to the Altar Next Monday Morning At Nine O'clock. At nine o'clock next Monday j morning at the home of the bride- j to-be in Danbury, Dr. C. Will | Joyce, of Elgin, Oklahoma, will, lead to the hymeneal nltar one of Danbury's well known and popu lar young Indies, Miss Cora M. Petree. The ceremony will be a! private home affair, only the near! relatives of both parties, with' possibly a few friends, having been i invited. The ceremony will be performed by Dr. B. W. Mebane, pastor of the Mount Airy and' Danbury Presbyterian churches. Immediately after the nuptials the couple will leave for Walnut. Cove where they will take the ii j o'clock N. &W. train for their f future home in Oklahoma, going byway of Roanoke. Miss Petree is the attractive and accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. ). Petree. She is a young lady of many endearing qualities, and a host of friends will note her departure for a dis tant residence ia thf* west with sincere regret. Dr. Joyce is the younger broth |er of ex-Sheriff R. P. Joyce. He j has been practicing medicine nt Elgin for two years, and Injs made ia distinguished success. Geo. Simmons Falls In the Street At Winston With Attack of Foyer, j Mr. George Simmons, a young man who is employed as night watchman at Brown's warehouse, in Winston, was taken to the hos. pital Saturday morning, suffering from an attack of fever. Mr. Simmons had started to the depot, and intended to go to Pilot Mountain, where his parents re side. In front of the Winston Clothing Co. he stopped and en gaged a friend in conversation. In a few moments he became dizzy, falling in a faint. A carriage was called and the young man re moved to the hospital, where he is receiving treatment. Mr. Simmons formerly resided at Westfield. He had been sick for several days and had decided to go to the home of his parents. He weighs more than 200 pounds and his friends fear his illness will go hard with him. Death Ot Uncle Sam Westmoreland. I "nolo Sum Westmoreland died Monday night at the home of his adopted son, Mr. Jack Heath, after a lingering illness. He was aged 7(1. His wife died last January at the age of 82. They were child less. Uncle Sam was a noted charac ter in this community. He at tended every court here during a period of about 50 years, with his cider and cake wagon. Ho was an honest, conscientious old fellow, and was a consistent and devoted member of the Primitive Baptist church. The interment was made at the old Burton graveyard near Dan bury Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Thos. Petree visited Wins ton-Salem Saturday. Buy at Auction? ■■ 11 111 At any rate, you seem to be getting rid of it on auction-sale principles: "going, going, g-o-n-e!" Stop the auction with Ayer's Hair Vigor. It checksfallinghair.and always restores color to gray hair. A splendid dressing also. SoTd for over sixty years. •• Mt h»lr mme out nn h'ltl'r 1 not»rt>- !.• t sr I •11. Iliad hfnr-1 so much Aj. ; > Inir fl Vl*or I thought I would glv* it a it. >!. J •: .! $ •> mid It completely nopp*«'.c f.1:: .» 1 ? nmde inv hnlr irrow vurjr r*t»»ft:jr '*-»(*«:) t? t KiKLt*. Norfhneld. J!C! Afer Oo . Al»0 UMnuiV't ur?r» ; f 1 /• E JP f .A. jixijers CHICKENS, EGGS AND CROSS TIES. These Articles Take the Place Of Money and Keep Trade Lively At Dillard —The Sick Improving. Dillard, June 20. Weather extremely hot this week, some of the boys had to go to the shade. We had a nice shower of rain Fri day, Saturday and today. The members of Wilson Primi tive Baptist church ate the Lord's Supper last Sunday. There was a large crowd in attendance, Rev. Mr. Robbins preached at Bethesda Sunday P, M. Mr. J. C. Flinn, one of Pine Hall's prosperous merchants, was here today looking after his fer tilizer business. Mr. J. A. Carter, another prom inent merchant of Pine Hall, was also here today, Those that are on the sick list this week are some better than they were last week, David Car ter is improving some and Russell Mitchell itj also gut iny some better, we are glad to note. Luther Hester, with Vaughn & Co., of Winston, called on the merchants here today, and Mr. Martin with the Madison Grocery Co., called yesterday. J Wilson Mitchell went to Winston last week. Chickens, eggs and cross-ties seem to be the main currency with the people of this section. I ex pect there is more Mich stuff sold here than any other part of Stokes. N. WM. BURROW THROWN BY MULE. Children's Day at Bethel- Birthday Supper in Honor of Mr. Lucian Moor«, Rural Hall Route 2, Juno 18— Farmers are very busy nowadays cutting wheat. Children's Day was observed at Bethel yesterday and continued until after night, commencing at :i P. M. and lasting until about 5 o'plock. Then all went and en-J joyed a grand surprise birthday! supper given in honor of Mr. Lu-1 cian Moore. Everybody enjoyed a nice good supper. Mr. Ollie Boles and his sister Miss Morice visited relatives near Rural Hall recently. Mr. Win. Burrow happened to; the misfortune of getting mule! thrown the other day, He had a scything cradle in his hand but didn't get hurt much, except his 1 feelings. He had 50 cents' worth of sugar, too, and dropped it and I guess he hated to leave his sugar there in the road. Mesrrs. Willie Wall and C. E. Moore are the sportingest boys you ever saw. They have gone to King today and of course you know they carried their best girls. But Mr. Willie happened to the luck to have to hook in another horse at Mr. Westmoreland's. That is right, Mr. Westmoreland, help him out all yon can, for he is rough on rats, and I guess he is on horses, too. Mr. Will Bodenhammor seems to be a good boy of late. He goes along with the widow and helps ' take care of the children. May 1 God bless him in his kind effort. TIP TOP. Miller-Field. Miss Sudye Stokes Miller, of Richmond, who is well known in Danbury, was married on June 14th to Mr. B. Percy Field, a well known gentleman of thesainecity. Miss Miller is a daughter of the Rev. Cornelius Miller, formerly pastor of the Danbury Presby terian church. The many friends of Mr. J. H. Hill, a native of Germanton, will be pleased to learn of his promo tion in the railroad world. He has just been appointed chief train dispatcher on the Shonando ah division of the Norfolk & West ern, TO CUBE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Brouio (Quinine Tablets, All druggists refund the I money if it fails to cure. E, W, I Grave's signature is on each Iwx. OUR LEADING PROPERTY-HOLDERS The Forty-Seven Biggest Resident Tax-Payers of Stokes County. Below is given a list of the forty-seven biggest resident tax payers of Stokes county. The relative position of each property holder is indicated by the num bers, R. YY. George being the larg est, J. E. Shelton next. \V. M. Chisman next, and so on. The list is correct, being compiled from the tax books; »1. H. W. George, 2. J. K. Shelton. It. W. M. Chisman. 4. Jno, A. Burton. 5. Grabs Manufacturing Co. 6. J. S. Taylor. 7. W. D. Watts. H. I. M. Gordon. 9, W. D, Browder 10. J. G. White, 11. N. 0, Petree. 12. Matthew Phillips. 13. A. J. Fair. 11. H. W. Kiaer, 15. J. G. H. Mitchell. Hi. W. V. McCanleßs, 17. J. A. Slate. IH. J. Y. Phillips, lit. M. D. Phillips. 2(). J. C. Flinn. 21. A FI. Joyce, 22. Dr. S. A. Moir. 215. IT. McGee. 24. S. M. Goff. 25. C. H. Ferguson. sji. Mm. L- 1} (trails. 27. N. A. Martin. 28. A. G. Jones. 29. P. Oliver. 30. R. J. Petruo, 31. W. L. McCanless. 32. T. A. & C. F. Dal ton. 33. W. G. Slate. 34. J. M. Neal, 35. J. W. Kiger. 30. T. M. Baker. 37. Jacob Fulton. 38, J. P, Lawson, 85t. J. C. Wall, adtnr. Wm. Wall. 40. J. G. Gordon. 41. Dr. L. H. Hill. 42. P. R. Nelson, 43. J. D. Humphreys. 44. C. H. Lunsford. 45. C. A. Mitchell. 4(5. Mrs. L. L. Hartman. 47. I. G. Ross, LOCAL BRIEFS. The first load of lumber for the wood work in the bank building to bo erected here was placed on the site yesterday. Mr. John G. Fulton, a Walnut Cove merchant, was here yester day. Mr. Henry W. Kiser, a substan tial citizen of King, Route 1, was here yesterday. Mr. Richard Hart, of Elko, passed through Danbury yester day on his way home with a new threshing machine. Mr. Cephns Baker, of Pink, who was here Tuesday, reports that very little rain has fallen in his neighborhood recently. Mr. J. T. Thornborough, of Meadows, was here yesterday. Mr. C. H. Rayborn and son, of Walnut Cove, were in town Mon day. Mr. S. M. Nelson, of Hard Bank, was a visitor in town Saturday. Mr. Nelson rides one of the slick est and fattest mules in this coun | Rev. J. A. Ash burn says that Surry county's oorn crop will be ! 10 per cent, larger than last year's, and that the fruit crop will be good. Dr. S. F. Tillotson, of King R. F. D. No. 1, was here Saturday. Dr. Tillotson only recently re ceived license for the practice of medicine. It is learned that he will his present home and practice in the surrounding country. A BAD SCARE. Some day you will get a bad scare, when you feel a pain in your bowels, and fear appendicitis. Safelp lies in Dr. Kidg'sNew Life Pslls, a sure cure, for all bowel and stomach disease, such a as lieadaohe, biliousness, costivenes.s, etc. Guaranted at drug stores, only 25c. Try them, | PEOPLE'S COLUMN. \ ♦ | I'nder this head advertisements will be inserted at (lie rate of * X ■'> cents a line for the first week; after the iirst week at 2i cents a X X line. Count 7 words to the line. Send stamps or coin. If you ♦ ♦ want to sell or buy anything, try an ad in the People's Column, ♦ 4 which will be read by thousands of people. This is the cheapest X X way to advertise and is very effect We.] ♦ FOR SAL I'] At a bargain, three complete steam threshing out fits in good condition, Will sell property on time with good note or will take good horses or mules in trade. J. (i. HUFF, East Bend, N. C. FOR SALE—A good second-hand two-horse Nisseu wagon in good condition. Will he sold at a bar gain. Apply at the Reporter office for particulars, Guano from .Sl.'.H) to $2.40 at John A. Burton's, Walnut Cove. The Reporter's Tise Well Fix ture just bought of Norlleet Hardware Co. at Winston is the best equipment for a well we have ever seen. John A. Burton, at Walnut Cove, keeps a full line of Dry Goods, llats. Clothing, Dress Goods, Notions, and anything the people need at the lowest prices for cash. Nice domestic cloth at 5 to 7 cents per yard at John A Bur ton's, Walnut Cove. FOR SALE \ aluable farm on the waters of Town Fork—2s3i acres. Will sell either as a whole, or will out into tracts of IK). 85. 91. or 174 acres each. Any parties who desire to purchase some good land should address me at once Terms—will be made suitable to purchasers either in two or three payments. Above land will bo otfered f r sale, August 10th, l'.K)5, on my premises. J. W. MOREFIELD. Walnut Cove, N. ('. Good family Hour at §2.25 per hundred at John A. Burton's in Walnut Cove. Good slioes nt all prices at John A. Burton's, Walnut Cove. WALNUT COVE. Walnut Cove, June 1 s We ha\ > had several nice showors of rain for the past few days. Crops are looking better. Mr. Tom Campbell and litt! ■ sons, Willie anil Paul, took a trip to Winston last Friday. Mr. J. M. Westmoreland saved some nice hay down on the Rei l farm last week. Walnut Cove is on a boom; it runs a special car up towards Wilson's Store every Saturday with Mr. Jim Taylor conductor. We are sorry to know that. Miss Francis is going to leave us. I know there are more sad hearts than mine, I wonder how Mrs. L. E. Boles' I company is now? rs BOTH. Thinks King Is The Place For the County Fair. King, June 20. Mr. Editor : I notice an editorial in regard to a county fair next fall. 1 say we can have one O. K. Old Stokes has a lot of good things if they were only brought together in a grand display. No>v you run the fair. 1 only want to nay where to have it. Of course, King is the most desirable place as it has a fine outlet with adjoining counties, plenty of room, water and some thing to eat. I don't think you could do better than to choose King as the ground, I am sure it would appreciate it and help to make a success. Let's hear from others. X. V. z. " """-I Chamberlain's: COLIC. CHOLERA AND Diarrhea Remedy jj ! A few doses of this remedy will i invariably cure an ordinary at- | tack of diarrhea. It has been nsed in nine epi | demies of dysentery with perfect g success. | It can always be depended | npon, even in the more severe ! attacks of crauip colio aud cbol- I j era morbus I It is equally successful for J summer diarrhea and cholera 8 | infantum in children, and is the g ; nit",-ins of saving the lives of many ;; I children each year. When reduced with water and g sweetened it is pleasant to take Every man of a family should keep this remedy hi his home j Buy it now It may save life. PRICE, 35c. LARGE SIZE. 60c VALUABLE LANDS FOR SALE BY .1 E. SLATE. 1 am offering to sell some land, as follows : Ist Tract—4JJ2 acres near Flat Shoals. Lies well and is fine to bacco land with 2 tenement houses and tebacco barns, a lot of good timber. An excellent to bacco and grain farm, Bought this of A. M. Stack. 2d Tract—l2s or 1 -JO acres good land, good timber and improved. A good place to live. Bought this of CT. M. Allen. 3d Tract- About 50 acres land and good burr mill, has a good custom, a good place for roller mill, good productive land, mill in , good working order. Ith Tract—My old home at Mi/.pah, about 110 acres. 1 have recently bought some choice tim bered land adjoining this. It can all go together. Fine farming land and plenty of good buildings and everything handy. I will sell part or all of the land named at a reasonable price. I can't look after it and keep it up as should be done. Will be glad 'to correspond with anyone that (means business. Need not pay all cash if you don't want to. .1, E. SLATE, (iermanton. N. C. NICE LAWNS 5c the yard, pink and sky blue. Ohalley same price, no fake about them, at Ful ton's. WANTED—Copies of the Repor ter of the following dates: June Kith ami 80th; July 14th, 1901. ; Any one having copies of the pa per of these dates may dispose of : them for cash by writing to PEL'PER BROS., Danbury, N. C. | L-'Oli SALE A good iron safe at Germauton, N. C., at a bargain, I For particulars address W. B. Harris, Garfield, Washington. Sanitarium Specialties. Special Treatment -For chronic rheumatism, lumbago, sciatica and chronic blood diseases. It cures,. Special Treatment For catarrh of throat, nose, lungs. It cures. Special Treatment —For neu asthenia, nervous exhaustion and nervous dyspepsia. It cures. Special Treatment—For skin diseases, eczema, acne, pruritis i (intense itching), face pimples, j moles, warts, etc. It cures. I Special Hirth marks removed, ; cosmetic effect perfect. Special Treatment For sprains j bruises and inflammatory joint I affections. It cures. The Sanitarium has special ap paratus in every department. Such us is used by the best sanitaria j and specialists, both in this coun- I try and Europe. Practice limited Ito Sanitarium work. No pain in I any of the treatments. Call at the Sanitarium or write us. We will be glad to send you literature, DRS. RIERSON & COPPLE, j 127 S. Main St., Winston-Salem. LAND SALE. By v iri III> of a decree of tin* .Superior 1 Court of Stokes County, rendered in tin- S|iecial Proceeding entitled I. Owens .iu'ain>t W. //. Owens, 6t al," I will sell to tlie InuhcsL bidder for e,udi, ontlie premises \ in Mokes County, on .Saturday, .Inly Bth, at one o'clock, M., a tract of land in ' Stokes County belonging to the estate of Leathy Owens, Deed., adjoining the lauds of Win. Cox. Deed., on tlie North, the ! lands of Samuel on the East, the laud of Floyd Owens on the •South, and ! the lands of ll*. C. (ieort/e on the West, containing -1 acres, more 01 less. Said land will he sold for partition among the I heiis at law of Leatbv Owens, Deed. ; This the 27th day of 3/av, I!M»r>. J. I. OWENS, otnmissioner. N. O. I'etree, Atty. . LADJjES SIR. LA FRAN bo's] ■ COMPOUNDJ Safe, Quick, Reliable Regulator Superior to other remedies sold at high prteea. Curt- iMinrnmced. BnceeatnillT UIKHI by over i 200.000 Wmneti. Price, "i.l I'entw, dru#- kimim «>r ny m&N. TomlmonlalH ft Jtooklut frue. Dr. L.I'rtDCU, PklMrlphli, P«.

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