THE DANBURY REPORTER. Published Every Thursday By N. E. & E. P. Pepper, Owners. THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1906. TO OPEN UP OUR STOKES COUNTY RESOURCES. AH indicated elsewhere in this paper a strong effort is to be made soon to open up the middle and western sections of Stokes county by means of an electric carriage line. A rough draft of the scheme, which is something new in this country, but has been triod in the north and west with entire success, is as follows: A right of way will be procured on which will be constructed a dirt road, thoroughly drained, and bridged, with all rocks, stumps and projections removed, so built that water can't stand on any part of it, thus almost entirely removing the mud feature, even in tho roughest weather. On this road will bo operated electric machines with motive power furnished from batterios on l>oard. The passenger carriages will be capable of seating comfortably 20 persona with light baggage. The freight trucks will carry from 5,00() to 20,(XXJ pounds of freight. All machines will be equipped with broad tires, which will naturally keep the road-bed packed smooth and firm. The machines may easily ascend tho heaviest grades, and will have a minimum and maximum capacity of 4 and 20 miles per hour respect ively. At each end of the line charging-stations will be built, at which upon the completion of a trip either way the batteries will be replenished, which will be at a trifling cost and the matter of only a few minutes time. The beauty of this system will be : 1. The comparatively small capital required to start. 2. Its cheapness of operation. Its practicability and assurance of handsome profit on the invest ment. As far as possible the promoters will induce homo money to back the enterprise, which it is believed will be worth millions to the poo ple of the county, furnishing them easy and cheap transportation for their supplies and largely enhancing property values. The country to be tappod is rich in agricultural products, timber, minerals, health and pleasure resorts, etc. OUR ONE NEED. Notwithstanding the fact that the tobacco crop last year averaged only about > cents, and that those who engaged in its culture realized possibly not more than 25 cents a day for their labor, it is the concen sus of opinion that our farmers have planted a tremenduous crop ol the weed. It is hoped that the result may be happy—that good pricee may prevail at the warehouses next fall, but goodness knows there ie scant ground for such a hope. It is a sad fact—if such bo a fact—that there is no money in raising anything else than tobacco. If that be the only chance of our people to live for all time, then indeed are they in a bad row ol stumps. It has always seemed to us that one of the greatest needs of this country is for somebody—a shrewd Yankee, for instance—to come among us and show us how to make money out of little things—some master mind with the genius to gather up the scattered details snub bed at by our overwsening folks —anil get rich off them. There are all kinds of small sources from which energy and sense could extract hard dollars. A poor Jew, before he hid been here three waoks, would corner on the huckleberries on the mountain and the blackberries grow ing wild by the roadside, and before you know it he would be loaning money. A Yankee would raise chickens and eggs and sell thorn tu our folks at 15 cents per pound and 10 cents per dozen. 'Twouldn't take a very large Hock of fowls to buy a moderately sized crop of to bacco. But wo have heard of nobody in Stokes succeeding at this business, while out north where conditions are far loss favorable men are engaged in it on a large scale and getting rich at it. Yon see, we don't know how. We have the dirt, the water, the air. timber, rock, herbs, fruits, plants, soil—in a word, the r.iw material. We only lack the man. THE LAW POWERLESS-* TERRIBLE STATE OF AFFAIRS. Our news columns today tell of the misfortune of a law-abiding citizen of Snow Creek township, who has lost his stable, a pair of S»X).(X) mules, feedstuff and other property by fire, which Mr. Smith Iwlievos and his friends believe may he traced directly to a desperate band of blockaders. Mr. Smith is a quiet man, law-abiding, stands high in his neighborhood, and pays his taxes for protection to his property and his life and the lives of his family. If the law is so powerless that it cannot afford that protection—if a gang of illicit ruffiains are allowed to threaten and intimidate, and finally to grow so bold in their lawlessness as to stick the firebrand to property in an act of ruthless revenge against one who dares to express honest convictions against their methods—if the law is such a powerless instrument as this—we have fallen upon evil days an 1 a terrible state of affairs. SOFT SNAPS. I). L. Aroy is Judge Boyd's latest vi -tim. Aroy, who is a big Salis bury distiller wh ) has l>een defrauding the government, pays $22,000 and goes to jail two months. There is a report current that ths recent heavy fines and sentences imposed upon distillers who have beon swindling ths government is tho culmination of a carefully planned scheme to break up the illicit truffle in white lightning. Of cnursj this commendable enterprise is confined to those easy situations where there are no Winchester lifios. In the hurry and worry of getting out a newspaper it is difficult to guard against typographical errors. Sometimes words making one's meaning ridiculous or opposite to that intended, occur, and are over looked sutirely. Such was the case in our last issue when the printer headed the little editorial calling attention to an interesting contribu tion "A Trite Suggestion From Prof. Harris," which should have l)een "A Tart Suggestion From Prof. Harris." THE GREATEST Of ALL SALES The GREAT REMOVAL SALE Of Rosenbacher & Bro.'s Big De= partment Store STARTED JU/NE 10, TO CONTINUE 60 DAYS. ! We will soon be ready to move into our modern new building corner Fourdi and Trade streets, ami in order to close out our present stock we inaugurated this big sale. Everything in every department has been greatly reduced, cost not consid ered. Below we mention a few of the many bargains which are being oHere I : CLOTHING! CLOTHING J All Moil's two-piece outing suits that sold for $7.50, SIO.OO, $12.50 ami $15.00, are going «t SW)H, $7.50, $'.1.75 mid SII. CM. All men's three piece suits that sold for $7.50, SIO.OO, $1250 and $15.00 ure going at $4.98, $7.50, S'.UB and $11.75. Those are a few of our liest. this season's I gtock SHOES ! SIIOKH ! $1.25 men's shoes at $1.00; men's $1.50 shoes at $1.10; men's $1.75 shoes at $1.35; men's 2.0!) shoes at 1.50; men's 2.25 shoes ut 1.75; men's 2.50 shoes for 2.00; men's 3.00 shoes for 2.25; men's 3.50 shoes for 2.50; men's 4.00 shoes for 2.55. All men's 5.0.) Stetson shoes going for only 3.75. Men's 2.00 Oxfords 1.50; men's 1.50 Oxfords for 1.10; men's 2.50 )xfords 2.00; 3.00 )xfords 2.25; 3.50 )xfords 2.75; 4.00 >xfords 3.25. MEN'S FUIiNISHINGS. 50c shirts 33c; men's good negligee shirts worth 75c at 38c. All fine 1.00 shirts at 75c. Men's 1.50 shirts for 1.15. Men's 10c half hose Bc. Men's 15c hose 11c. Men's 25c hose 19c. 25c neckties for 10c. Best all silk ties 25c kind at 15c. All 50c neckwear reduced to 38c. The above few prices only give an idea as lo how (lie reductions arc made. ROSENRACHER & RRO.'H Kl(i DEPART. STORKS, 10, 12, 14 Third St., Winston-Salem, N. C. (MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED.) P HARVARD" PIANO Delivered in your home, complete with stool and There is no heller piano-value Ulan the Harvard, style 11, al #250, or style G at $275. 'i hem? pia. oi are very subs inti illy in 11 •of I It.* IMHI HI it »ri tl, bv skilled worAiueit' Tuev have a I'm I iron piute, ttiefcle plated inning pins, tripie uiisou. heavy l>«>iriug b.u, ni.Aled itetion In- rA'ets, double re|iealtuu Jlaivard action, capstan it?uu aim device, pradv.iliuu |**«lais soli stop or practice prdal, eaie ol cross banded veue. i*, extra heavy t**p and IM-UOUI molding*, liaiidsoine carved pilasters, (all top-p-toel swi.lJ drsA, » xqiiisiie raised carved pannels, piteut folding tall lioaid, font unions o.i lop lid ami tall-boo. I 1 „ry r« and in fret is cuuipleleiu every detail, nnd has *I KN Vk.AU UUAttA.VI'Kh printed in each pi.i i'li .q 4 £ ol' tlli II\ItV AliU please* everybody. 118 action is light and responsive. other dealers iJurue for the same piany and oihe. pi .no, of equal grade. /low do we do it ? He buy them in oar load I us, at the lowest p.«iih|.t pi ice, and a small a i notil nil'-" US. tVe have other pianos a. low as $175. And we aU> carry perhaps the largest *tock ..for* mi* ■ he ton el anywhere in ti* Ninth, r.11131 it prim Irom SI Ii p. l'leiity of time given to pav for an instrument if you haven't the cash to spare. Write for catalogue slating whciher yon want one of pia..-s or 01*111*. R J. ROWEN & RRO. Winston, N. C. Report of tlie condition of THE BANK OF MADISON MADISON, N. C., At the close of business Miy 29th, 1905. ASSETS. Loans amidiscounts '"'''"J' Over* Ira ft s, unsecured " '' Overdraws, secured, wm ro I (an k i iiu limiae furniture ami hx- I ' Due from banks ami bankets ... *,»]'_> ' A" other cash items » tioli" colli "% lin Silver coin 1,4 ' m National bank note* r and othnr 1". lion** Total *W-" ; •JAIiIMTIBS. Capital stock. p lil iu WW" «' UmliTiileil prolits less ex|ienses ami taxes l»ai.l ff. Dividends nnpaiil • •' Notes and bills rediscounted 8, >»'»'«> Imliviilliili deposits subject to ell* ..K.OSj »•> Due to banks and I tankers I ' • ;■» Ciisliioi'schecksotitslandio .... J Total * W,5t " ,f ' state of Nortli "ar»'ilia. County of Itocklnnliain. 1, J. O. Ragmlale, cashier of the above-named bank do solemnly swear thnt the above statement is true to the best of my know ledge j and belief. i J.O RAGSDALE, Cashier. ; Subscribed anil sworn to before me, this 7th day of June, l'.Hw, D. W.BUBICK, Notary Public. Correct —Attest : THOS. U. PRATT, G. W. MARTIN, J. M. GALLOWAY, Directors. To Cure a Cold in One Day in Two Days. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. * r%f/ £* "^7 Seven Million boxes soM In past 12 months. This Signature, ' &OX. JSC. EXTR EMELY LOW RATES. Anounced. Via SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Kxlicinely low rales are announce I vi i the SoutUern Kailway from |>- >1 nts mi its lines for the following special occasions: Alliens, (ia.—.Slimmer Nehonl, June i 7 .Inly 2S, I!t0.">. Charlottesville, Va. llnjinia .Summer School ot, June 2(t-.\ii£;ust 1005. Knoxville, 7'eiin.— Sii .■•ner School June •.Ki Jury as, 1005. Mnuleagle Tenn. —Monte igle llible Traill iug i-eliool, July :i-\ii2. L-">, I'.'O'l. A/oiiteaisle Teun—Woole.uile .Sii ila\ School Institute, July 17-Attu. 5, l!Hl.'i 7Vlill.— H'llnau's Alls. I i">, l!MI."». Nashville, Teuii. J I nilcj", Suiu mer ,Scho*dV; V.iiitl.'i in|i Iti'ili.Mi institute. Julie M- Vila l'» Oxf Ml, .l/i>s.—.Summer "Ii 'it, I' versilv nl' Mississippi. ./.in M- lil , lliO.'i Kieliiuonil. Va —Kami.'is*,.! f'mc «re-», Sept. I---'-'. TuncalooMi, Ala—Mtmiiie: S.'hool for Teachers. June IH-Ju v .s, IIM|."» Kates for tin: alMive o-vasious u|>eii u- ll «' pll'dic. Tickets will lie 9">li! tlice points from a!I stations on tin- Smitlici ii liailw n lietaileJ information ean '«• Ii •■ I upon application o anv 'l'leket \y'nt of tlie Southern Wailway, or Agents ot .•..niccliiif: I' lies, oi liy addressinjr the iruler si»ued: U. |..VKItXON,T. I' A . ( liailotto, N. C. J. H. WOOD. I> I'. A , Asliville, C. S. 11. II tilwiik, W. 11. Tnjlnf, I T'ullie Wiiiaser, tJen'l I'ass. Ayent ' WASHINGTON, D C. THE OLD RELIABLE Brown's Warehouse (/•a's the m.irM»t ev» i ry yisir in 'lie hiulieM avi*rap* juices tor toliAcco. Talk Is cli«*aj>, but it tjik«*s work to make avermje?. Ilrhig your tobacco to Brown's ami every I ill* .limit haw* l«se attention and tiling I lie very higlies/ marki't pri^. Our new Auctioneer, Mr. Jack rainier, slays with every pile (ill lie pets tin* very last hii 1 itossihli* on it. Firs Sale I) i.ys for .January l ( .K)o -Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays " " " Fehruaiy. l'.K).)—Mondays, Wednesdays Fridays " " " " March, l!M)s—Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays \Vt> 111 •i U Villi fur VOUI- lilii'llil |mllinlili;' tin tin' |i'tsl yarn, ami l.ial \i*ar iti»|ii*i'ially, aiul lto|ie by lia «1 work I » liav* 111• Maine in llio future. Brown's is Headquarters for High Prices Your frl«ni|.. BnOWN & CARTER.