Briefs Adrift. There are five prisoners in Stokes jail. Mr. H. IT. Reid, of Muff, was in town Monday. Mrs. A. P. Baker and daughter, of Pink, were in town Friday. Mr. R.-W. Hill, of Meadows, ■was a Danbury visitor Monday. It is learned that there are about one hundred guests nt Moore's Springs. Rev. J. T. Ratledge preached at the M. E. church Sunday morn ing. Mr. F. M. Davidson, of Dillard, was a visitor i.t Ilia Reporter office Monday. It is learned that measles nre quite prevalent in tho northern part of Stokes. Mr. J. C. Buxton and family, of Winston, are occupying their cot tage at Piedmont. Dr. J. T. Stewart, of Summer field Route 1, was a Danbury vis itor Monday, Mr. J. T. Wall and family, of Madison, are occupying the Estes cottage at Piedmont Springs. Mr. T. P. Payne, a prominent citizen of Wcstfield, paid the Re porter a pleasant visit Tuesday. Mr. John T. Simpson, one of Winston's popular warehousemen, is among the throng at Piedmont Springs. M rs. J. Wesley Morefield and | daughter, of Litne Rock, spent a few hours in town Thursday. N. E. Pepper, accompanied by Miss Josie Pepper, is attending the North Carolina Press Associa tion in session at Asheville. Mrs. Calloway, who had lieen the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Fagg for several days, returned to her home at Walnut Cove Fri day. Mrs. 11. B. Pulliam returned to bur home at Winston Friday after spending a few days with Mrs. L. F. Smith and tho family of Sheriff Joyce. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Wall, of Pin nacle, spent Sunday here with their (laughter, Mrs. C. M. Jones, returning home Monday. They were accompanied home by Mrs. Jones and her children. The many friends of Mrs. W. M. Chisman, of Pine Hall, who has been right sick, will be pleased to know that she is improving. Mrs. Chisman is in the hospital at Winston. Bird Mabe, a boy about 15years old, who lives in Quakor Gap township, was brought hero Sun day by Constable Pell and placed in jail on the charge of stealing 8 nno books from a school house noar his home. Mr. J. J. Priddy, of Danbury Route 1, was here Monday. While here Mr. Priddy tendered his re signation as deputy sheriff in Snow Creek township. It has not been learned yet who will be ap pointed to till Mr. Priddy's place. Among the visitors in Dan bury Monday we noticed the . , following genteleman: Messrs. M.T. Mitchell, W. H. Carroll, Lenoard Ziglar, Cornelius Til ley, R. E. Smith, David Carter, Wil liam Carroll, J. A. Leak, Dr. Fulp, «J. R. P. East, A. D. Dotld, B. A, Overby, J. S. Whitten, J. L. Mar tin, W. S. Slate, J. M. Reynolds, J. E. Slate, Col. M. V. Mabe, J. 1). Young, A. Tilley, L. W. Fer guson, Daniel Duggins, James Hawkins and others. Hammons To Be Executed Publicly. The commissioners of Forsyth county on Monday passed an order to the effect that the hanging of J. W. Hammons, for the murdor of his wife, bo made public on the county homo farm, in the grove on the right side of tho road noar the old convict camp site. Sheriff Alspaugh was authorized to make all the necessary prepara tions for the execution of said Hanunons, which is to take place between the hours of 11 a. m. and i 3 p. in. on Thuibday, July 20. i COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MEET. Contract Let For Bridge—Distilleries Granted License—Jury Drawn and Other Business Transacted. The Board of County Commis sioners were in regular monthly Hussion at tho court house Monday. A full lioard was present and the following business was transacted: j License wore granted to J. YV. Williams and C. L>. Stockton to. operate grain distilleries from .Tu j Ist to Dec. .'{lst inclusive for six and less than 12 bushels daily capacity. John E. Slate was given con tract to erect a wooden bridge over Old Field Creek, at the ford between Germantoti and Stokes burg at the price of $220.00. Bridge to be completed in 00days. The jurors for the fall term of Stokes Superior court were drawn. The list is printed at another place in this issue. CLAIMS ALLOWED. Edwards & Broughton, supplies for offices and binding ti 1 books 10,25 C. M. Jones, amount paid out laying drain tile on court house lot, etc. N. 13 W. R. Stevens, keeping county home for the month of Juno M 4.20 H. H. Beid, taking tax list Peter's Creek township 17.00 J. K. P. East, same in (Quaker Gap 20.21 Frank Dunlap, Sfiine in Snow Creek 111.8") J. 1). Young, same in Beaver Island 10.52 H. J. Pell, conveying lunatic to prison 2.30' John It. Smith, conveying Tandy Smith to Morgantou 31.75 R. J. Petree, sheriff, jail acct. for June 23.00 R, H. R. Blair, pauper coffin 2.50 PAI'FBK CLAIMS. Fanny Planter, 3.00 1 Sinie Manuell, 1.50 Bettie Hennis, 2.00 J. L. Freeman, 3.00 Mark Johnson's sisters, 4.50 V. W. Newman, 3.00 Jane Smith, 3.0) Susan Foddrell, 3.00 Arrested On Serious Charge. Dr. H. L. Sullivan, who resides at Fairview, Forsyth county, and who is well known in Danbury. was on last Saturday arrested in Winston on the charge of murder. From the evidence it appeared that Dr. Sullivan was called in to see the children of a negro woman named Ann Johnson. He left some medicine, supposed to be santonin, to be given to the chil dren, and after taking it thoy be came very ill and one died. At tho hearing before 'Squire Bessent Monday a number of witness were | examined, among them Drs. Dal ton, Pfohl, Davis, Wright and Lockett. The case was dismissed,! at the cost of the plaintiff. Examination Of Teachers. Supt. of Schools J. T. Smith will on 13th and 14th of July in the public school building in Danbury conduct an examination of appli cants for schools in Stokes county. On the 15th he will examine the colored applicants. Teachers should take note Of the that, the school law has been changed so that nil teachers nre now re quired to bo examined at public examinations unless a good excuse can be given, and even then a fee of s3.oo,willjbe charged for private examination. Supt. Smith will also conduct nn j examination on the 13th of apjili-! cants for admission to the A. and M. College at Raleigh. At Piedmont Springs. Things nre livening up at Pied- j mont Springs this week. Quite a crowd of guests nre there and more arriving daily. The Winy band, which arrived some days since from Richmond, adds very much to the pleasure of the throng. The opening ball, given Saturday I night, was a most enjoyable occa sion. Typhoid Fever At High Point. Mr. W. M. Darnell, of High Point, wns in Danbury Monday. Mr. Darnell reports a good deal of| typhoid fever at High Point. Among those suffering from the malady are Mr. Stanton Hicks and Mrs. William Southern, bjth of whom went to High Point from Stokes. Mrs. Southern is very sick and not expected to recover. i MORE SCHOOL HOUSES FOR STOKES ! New Committees Appointed For the Various Townships—Supt. J. T. | Smith Reappointed. The Board of Education for Stokes met nt the court house Monday. A full board was pres ent—N. A. Martin, E. Fnlp and 11. E. Smith. The following busi ness was transacted: The board reorganized by elect ing N. A. Martin chairman and 1 R. E. Smith chairman pro teni. The report of the treasurer was j I examined and approved. The salaries of teachers in the i j various Districts were fixed. Hartmati District was consoli dated with Districts No. 1 and 3, J i Danbnry township. Districts No. 1 and 2, colored, Meadows township, wore consoli dated. District No. 8, Meadows town-1 ship, was abolished. The board re-elected J. T. Smith County Superintendent for the next t\yo yfaars, The Supt. was ordered by the board to get up plans and specifi cations and receive bids on the j following houses, contracts to be let to lowest responsible bidder on the first Monday in August. One house, 20x30 feet, Stuart's District, Kauratown township. One house, 20x30 feet, Moore's District, Snow Creek township. Two houses, 24x3(> feet, Peters' Creek township. T\yo houses, two rooiris each 20x30 feet, (Quaker Gap town, ship. One house, 115x24 feet, distriot No. 1, colored, Danbury town ship. Claims were paid by the board >is follows: Dr. E. Fulp, one day's rice as member of board and tnileaga, $3.40 N, A. Martin, one day's ser vice as mem tier board, 2.00 I K. E. Smith, one day's ser vice as member board and , I mileago, 3.20 Pepper Bros., priuting ) blanks for treasurer, 1.25 Committees for the various j townships were appointed to serve two years as follows; Danbury Township—C M Jones,! ' |Chas R Hutcherson, W P Ray, ' | Meadows Township—Dr. ,) ' Walter Neal, O L Pulliam, E L ' Cumbie. Yadkin Township—J S D Pul [ Ham, I 1 P Johnson, John Y Phil ; I'P B ' Quaker Gap Township— W W Leak, J C Frans, J D George. Peters Creek Township—J S , Whitten, Thos. W Tilley, R L [ Lawson. Snow Creek Township—Dr J H Ellington, C D Smith, John T Wilson. Beaver Tsland Township—W J Adkins, Granville Wall, J Wilson Mitchell. Sauratown Township -John W Davis, James M Tilley, John A Burton. Walnut Cove (Special Tax) — Dr A G Jones, S W Rierson, J A Petree. The board adjourned to meet again on the first Monday in i August. Pension Board Meets. The Stokes County Pension Board was in session at the court house here Monday. The board is composed of Messrs- W. G. Slate, Jas. A. Leak and D. Poin dexter. Quite a number of applications ! for pensions were approved, but I the board was unable to finish the ! work. They will meot again on i Monday, the 17th day of July when we will publish all the names of those whose applications were approved. All who expect to make appli- \ cations for petitions should be ] present at the next meeting. Remember the Date and Come Out. The old soldiers of Stokes are | earnestly requested to oome out on | August 12th and organize. The \ veterans of almost every other county in the State are organized and our county should not be be hind. Remember the date and ojtne out, TAKE A TRIP WEST. Spend your vacation on the : Pacific Coast or in almost any of ; the western states this summer at low cost. Round trip excursion | tickets via Rock Island System i are on salo certain dates throt gh out the Summer. You can go out via Colorado, visiting Yellowstone Park and returning southern route ! byway of El Paso, or vice versa. A long return limit and cheap rates for side trips to every point of interest. Full particulars, liter ate and Rock Island folder, from ' John Sebastian, Passenger Traffic , Manager Rock Island Systom, I : Chicago. i ! STOKES COURT JURORS. Drawn to Serve At The Fall Term of Superior Court. The following jurors wore drawn j at the meeting of the county com-! missioners last Monday to servo nt j the fall term of Stokes Superior j Court, which will convene on Mon- \ day, Sept. 25th. FIRST WEEK. J. W. Fagg, William Martin, J. E. B. Shntfer, J. 11. Stephens, D. F. Priddy, G. Wilson Priddy, G. | W. Meadows, J. D. Young, D. P. [ Reid, L. K. Pulliam, M. T. Mead ows, E. K. Vernon, J. W. Spain; hour, H. C. Corn, J. O. Bennett, H. Intone, J. W. Mickey, A. J. Gann, U. R. 1). Shaffer, Nat Hutcherson, W. J. Adkins, J. S., Smith, E. W. Wall. D. 1. Bennett, D. F. Edwards. Win. M. Turner, M, H.Robertson, W. R. Stevens, | Richard Mabe, J. P. Slaughter, J. M. Culler, J. F. Hartgrove, Wel don W. Smith, J. E. Boles (of; Yadkin), Y. D. Boles, W. E. Boles. SECOND WEEK. J. W. Lawrence, J. H. Coving-' ton, John M. Redding, S. L. Reyn- H. Watts, Alfred Mabe. J. H. Flinohum, John 11. Fagg, T. M. Martin, A. J. Fair, R. W. Slate, It. F. S. Baker, L. E. Culler, Sterling James, R. T. Andrews, P. J. Leak, Jas. W. Slate, O. M. Rut ledge. MOUNTAIN VIEW, Mountain View, July 3. —Mr. C. L. Carroll, who lias for some! time past been in New Orleans, La„ as salesman for the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. is visiting his father and mother at this place. Mrs. W. G. Meadows and Mrs. W. H. Slate visited Mrs. James Slate last Thursday. Mrs. Slate has been quite ill for some time, but it is hoped that she will recov er. Mr. D. D. Carroll returned to his home last Friday after spend ing two weeks at Asheville, N. C., attending the Southerns Students i Conference. Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Slate, of Pin nacle, visited rolatives near this plaop last week. Mr. W. A. Petree has the high est corn we have heard of. It is now 12 feet 8 inches high and has not tasseled. Mr. Petree is one of our most experienced farmers and generally raises tine crops of al most every kind. Miss Daisy Petree spent Sun day with the Misses Carroll. FAITH AND HOPE. GERMANTON. Gerinanton, July 3. —The nice rain Saturday was very much ap preciated. It was badly needed by the crops and the fanners as well as it gave them a good days rest and an opportunity of visit ing town. Among those we noticed were J. G. White, A. H. Rutledge. Thomas Bowman, P. R. Banner, j Win. Shultz and others. Mr. and Mrs, Brack McKenzie,! of Winston-Salem, spent Sunday ! with Mr. L. M. McKenzie. Eugineer J. D. Powers spent Saturday and Sunday with his family at Dr. L. H. Hill's. J. W. Kurfee spent Sunday with his family. Mr. Arthur Willis, while plough ing rocently unearthed a coin dated 1823, with the inscription "J. E. P. Mar. sth andGettie." A green crested South Ameri can parrot spent Sunday in a cherry tree at the home of Sheriff I Petree. Pollie was not very coin ! municative, his only remarks be j ing "Poor Pol." While parrots are commonly seen in cages, it is a novelty to seo one at large. Mrs. and Miss Smith, of High Point, who have been visiting rela tives nenr Gerinanton, returned home Wednesday. Mrs. Bynum and Miss Beeman, of Greensboro, went to Moore's Springs Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. H McGee went to Asheville Sunday. There will bo preaching at Corinth Sunday by Mr. Oscar Helsabeck. Mr. Helsabeck has just graduated from Va. Christian College and is a very able young man. Hope to see a large crowd out to hear him. LOOKER ON. A SURPRISE PARTY. A pleasant surprise party may be given to your stomach and liver, by taking a medicine which will , relieve their pain and discomfort, viz: Dr. King's New Life Pill's. They are a most wonderful rem edy, affording sure relief and cure, , for headache, dizzness and cou stipation. 25c at all drug stores. 1 PEOPLE'S COLUMN, j | I'nder this head advertisements will be inserted at the rate of * 5 cents a linej'or the first week; After the first week at 2A cents a J line. Count 7 words to the line. Send stamps or coin. If you J want to sell or buy anything, try nn ad in the People's Column, ♦ which will be read by thousands of people. This is the cheapest £ way to advertise and is very effective.] ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ I F >R SALE—A good second-hand two-horse Nissen wagon in good {condition. Will be sold at a bar gain. Apply at the Reporter office for particulars. Guano from 81.1H) to $2.40 at John A. Burton's, Walnut Covo. The Reporter's Tise Well Fix | ture just bought of Norfleet I Hardware Co. Nt Winston is the j liest equipment for a well we have jever seen. j John A. Burton, at Walnut Cove, keeps a full lino of Dry | Goods, Hats, Clothing, Dross Goods, Notions, and anything the people need at the' lowest prices I for cash, j NIC E LAWNS .">i: tiie yard, pink j and sky blue. Challey same price, no fake about them, at Ful j ton's. REMEMBER We arc continu ing our cost, sale on odd and end shoes. Big lot of heavy skirt flan ! nels just, received. FULTON, SONS fc CO. ' LOST Between Jewel and Wal nut Cove about June 7th, a pair j of men's new slippers No. 7. A j reasonable reward will be paid to j finder upon returning same to the j j Reporter office. Good family tiour at 82.25 per hundred at John A. Burton's in Walnut Cove. MIZPAH ROUTE ONE. Mizpali Route 1, June 2>. Rev. Wilson tilled his regular ' appoiutmeut at Friendship yes- 1 terday and to-day. Small crowd out owing to the weather. He preached two able sermons. First from the 11 chapter of Heb, the heroes of faith. The evening | sermon was based on the 300 I men that t!te left. "I will save thee.'' i They also ate the Lord's supper. The farmers are done harvesting report light crop. Corn is looking well, tobacco is looking very common. Among the sick in this section are Mrs. Amer Slate and Mr. S. L. Johnson's little boy. Miss Peasley Caudle visited Miss Ola Allen to-day. Mr. James Wall looks quite sad as his girl was not at church to day. Wo had quite a little disturb ance in this section Sunday. Mr. Charley Holland, while on his way to church with his girl Mr. Char ley Pulliam attacked him and Mr. Jack Holland with a knife and tried to cut them. No damage done so far. Pulliam tins not been caught. Well, as the Sunday School Girl wanted to know where and what the shortest verse in the Bible was. I want to ask her where the shortest chapter is and how many verses and words there are in it. ROVING JOE PINE HALL. Pine Hall, July 4. Quite a number of people from this place went to the battle ground today Rev. W. M. Robbins tilled his regular appointment Sunday. Misses Maud Neal and Lula Wilson, of Madison, who have ! been visiting at this place, return- j Bil to their'home Tuesday p. ui. Mr. lauce Joyce, of Leaksville, J was in town yesterday. Among the visitors here last ' week, we noticed the following: • Messrs Loftin Martin, Elbert Knight, Robt. Nelson, George Darter, N. F. Landreth, Paul Hill, *nd Emmett Willis. A negro Baptist church will be built at this place in a few weeks. Children's Day will be observed j it Pine Hall on the 3rd Sunday ' in July. A new store and a new sawmill j ire the last addition to our town. Mr. E. S. Withers, one of our best citizens, was married on last ruesday to Mrs. Slielton, of Stuart, They have the congratulations if their many friends. Two of the Misses Austins, from rarboro, are (visiting Miss Pattie »nd Eliza Chisman. F( )R SALES—Valuable farm on the waters of Town Fork acres. Will soil eitlior as a whole, or will cut into tracts of >o. 85, i»l, or 17A acres each. Any parties who desiro to purchase some good land should address ine at once Tonus—will lie made suitable to purchasers -either in two or three payments. A bove land will be offered for sale, August 10th, I'.Kon my premises. J. W. MOREFIELD, Walnut Cove, X. C. Good liour s2">o per hundred pounds, 4S pounds of meal for 77 conts, brown chop 130 per hun dred pounds, fat back meat 7A cents-per pound, clothing at cost. Call at Fulton's store. WANTED Lady or gentleman of fair education to travel for tirni_of $200,000 capital. Salary 5i,072 per year payable weekly. Expenses advanced. Address GEO. W. CLOWS, Danbury, N. C. NOTICE ! 1 havo a fine stock cow, a full blooded Jersey registered, and his pedigrees showing what ho is. 1 invite everybody to improve their stock of cattle while they have an opportunity. My price is one dol lar. My residence is near Rig Creek church, J. W. WRIGHT, Francisco. N. C. LAJS/D SALE. I iy virtue of ;i decree of the Sjii|>erior court of stows county rendered by M T Chilton s C in the special proceedings untitled "John Neai et al vs l)r ,/ohn WNealetal" appointing tlir undersigned a commissioner to make sale of !lit! hereinafter ';j&crfbed hums, 1 will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the court house 1 door in the town of Daubury, N Con J/on ! day August 7th, 11105,' the following lauds, to-wit: A certain tract or parcel of land in llimbury tow,.ship, StoAes coun 11V, North Carolina ail.ioini.ig the lands of 1 l'epper heirs, James South •i n, James /.aw i son and others and hounded as follows, i i. | wit: /Jegiuning at jMti liters al the.ipof Flat Shoal Mountain / Morau's comer, thence running South with his line to a StaAe in James /.awsun's line, thence west with his line and -Villon and Calvin South ern's lines to .Southern's north west i >rner South with Ilis line to a stake in tie- line of the old :!50n acre grant thence west to a tako formerly a black oak the o I .SI iber corner north hi cliains to a dogwood old corner west S chains to a black oak, thence north on the old Sliober lii>e to 7/uiwick's ! now ,/allies II" Southern's corner therm east north and west with the said J \V Southern's lines to hisco.uer in the line ofthe old Shobcr grant thence north with said line to po' itors in the old H'atson Collins now l'epiH>r heirs line East with their line ten chains to a hickory con tinuing east in all so chains to the begin ning containing IV) acres mora or loss* Salt- suojed to t lic continuation ofthe court. This the 20th dav of June, 11)05 .1. 1). Hl'.Ml'llH'iYS, Commissioner. LAND S.ILE. 1»> virtue ot a decree of the .Superior I niirt iif .Stokes comity rendered In M. 7'. hilton S. C. in the special pniceediups entitled i.. Smith vs. Lockey Uilbert et al" apiiointing the undersigned a com missioner to make sale ol'the lauds lieieiu after described, 1 will sell at public auc tion lo the highest bidder for Ciish at the court house door in the town of Daubury, V. C. on Monday the 7th day of Aug. 191)5, the same being the first Monday in Aug. of sanl year, the following tiescrllied lands to-wit: (i) a tract of land situate, lying ami be ing in the county ot Mokes ami state of North Carolina adjoining the lauds of J. I'. ( fivington, J/atilda Hard and others and containing J7 acres more or less. The fecond tract lies adjoining the lands of dames Tilley and "l/yr;t N'unti and contains two acres mots- or 1 is it being the tract of land that d. I'. Covington convoyed by deed to ./olin Tilley. The sale of said lands will be subject to lie continuation of the court. This June the 20th, 11)05. J. I). HUMPHREYS, Commissioner. LM YE K S IT V Of North Carolina 1789-1905 Head of the Mate's Education il System. DKI'A/M'MENTS. Collegiate, Engineering, ' it aduate, 7-aw, Medicine, riuumacy. Library font aim volumes. New water works, electric lights, central heating syatein - New dormi tories, gi/mnassum, Y. M. C. A. building. 1107 Students. till instructors. 'I ho Firil term begins Sept. 11, 1«K)-|. Address FRANCIS I>. VENABLE, I'res. Chapel Hill, N. C. ChAmhprl'iin'c Colic. Cholera and inaniDenain s i, mrr i, (K , a R t . medy . Nevct fails. Buy it now. It nuty save life.