WALNUT COVE'S NEW BANK.! The Site Purchased For the Build-: ing Mr. Bailey's Faithful Cook Dies Of Neuralgia Of the Heart —' Items and Personals. Walnut Cove, July 11.—Mr. W.! P. Landreth is in Greensboro on! business. Miss Bessie Davis went to Pine Hall Monday. Mr. Frank Flinn, of Leaksville, called on Miss Dollie Fair Sunday afternoon and night, leaving Mon day morning for his home. J. H. Hampton's man, Mr. Knight, was in town Saturday. Mr. R. P. Joyce is a knight of j the yard stick this week, his man ager, Mr. Thos. Rotlirock, being at Moore's Springs for a few weeks. Mr. H. C. Sheets went to Moore's Springs Sunday after his better! half, who was there health hunt ing. Mr. Sam Adams and family, of j Danville, Va,, passed through j town Monday enroute to Meadows, i where they will visit Mrs. Adams'j sister, Mrs. Jas. M. Neal. This is a hot time for crowded; trains, though this was the casej with the excursion train passing I here Monday afternoon from Dan-j ville to Winston. Mrs. Augustine Mickey contin ues very sick. Miss Lillie Fair was on the streets again Friday for the tirst time in six weeks. Proud to see hfr out again. Mr. A. J. Fair's new engine is now up and ready for business. So is nil other work around the mill. With everything up-to-date and the new miller, Mr. Kellie, being a tirst class roller mill man, the public may expect kind treat ment and efficient service. Misses Laura and Bessie Hairs ton, of Oak Hill, Va., are the guests of Misses Lula and Willie Hairston this week. Mr. J. H. Fulton has sold his ißtarast ia the store at Gree*sl>or« to his brother, J. F. Fulton, and has returned to Walnut Cove, his "tirst love." where lie will reside forever hereafter. The bank for Walnut Cove, which has bee* so long hoped for anil talked of, is a certainty at last. Messrs. Prather and Byerly, of Mt. Airy, being the owners. These gentlemen, while here last week, purchased a sight for the building and expect to have house completed by the middle of Aug. Jacob Fulton, J. B. Woodruff and Jno. A. Burton were close rivals in furnishing land on which to erect bank building. The former succeeded in getting the deal. Mr. C. 11. Rayborn has just re turned from Lime Rock, whore he has been white-washing and doing general repair work for Mr. J. Wesley Morefield. Mr. Luther Mitchell is moving to his father-in-law's, Mr. J. W. Moretield. Mr. J. H. Fulton will take possession of his home just as soon as Luther gets out. Mr. J. Will East is reading medicine. He expects to complete his education in the required years. Luck to you, Billie. Miss Mary Banner and Mrß. Jno. Hive, of Greensboro, visited the family of Jacob Fulton last week, returning home Monday. Rierson, Napier, Marshall & Co. have been threshing wheat for the past ten days. From their talk threshing is not a profitable busi ness this season. Mrs. Pinkney Hannah and dau ghter, Miss Spllie, are visiting Miss Cornelia Hannah, who is spending the summer here. Miss Sallie ex pects to spend some time at Moore's Springs before returning to htr work as music teacher. The service at the Episcopal church Sunday was well attended, though some of the leading mem bers were absent. Rev. Mr. Phelps, who preached bis first sermon at this place «n this occasion, out classed any man of bis age that it has ever been the privilege of the writer to listen to. Misses Bertie and Mamie Free man, who formerly resided here, but are now residents of Greens j boro, are the guests of Mr. T. H. | Hornady this week. Miss Stella Riersoa is visiting jat Mt. Airy this week. Love at tirst sight is the exped ience of one young couple in our ! town. Mr. M. L. Godby, of County j Line, Davie county, is here on | business. Mr. Bailey's faithful cook, Liz zie Brannix, died last night. Neu ralgia of the heart was the cause of her death. Her sickness lasted only a few minutes. ' Mrs. O. P. Bailey, who died in the city hospital in Greensboro on ' July tith, was ageil years. We the whole town has sustained a great loss. Her death came to many as a great surprise, so pa tient and submissive was she in : all her afflictions. Why these mys i terious dispensations of providence Iwe are unable to understand. She I will be greatly missed in business I circles and sadly missed by friends jandohiso sadly missed by the ! loved ones in her home. But we | are assured that our loss is her i eternal gain. Her life was a living I testimony of God's grace and of j true religion. She did not fear I death. The grave had no terrors j for her. She told her family and 1 friends she was ready and still far ther left written testimonials to loved ones at homo and also friends to !>e read after her death that she was not afraid. She had resigned all to God's care and it was like lying down to sweet dreams. So let her friends and loved ones be reconciled to her death and say '"Thy will be done." Let us try to meet her in heaven. The fune ral service was conducted by Rev. Mr. Clark, after which she was laid to rest beside little Bill, who preceded her, at the family bury , iug ground at the Bailey farm west , of town. GIPSONVILLE. s > Gipsonville, July 10. —We are I having some warm weather now. s Farmers in this section are busy i laying-by their tobacco and corn. Mr. W. L. Reid and Mr. Walter Mitchell went to East Bend last ■ week on business. Miss Maud Puragson, from Greensboro, is spending her vaca tion with her sister, Mrs. A. L. Tilley, of this place. She leaves , here the third Sunday in July to , visit her Aunt at New Bethel Mills. We are all sorry to see her [ leave especially Mr. Willie, as he i has called to see her very often , since site came. Don't think he . called it going ofteu as he did not go but twice a day. Ha! We certainly are sorry for some of the Ixiys of Gipsonville, as they have got so many sweet hearts, they don't know which one to go with and think they disappointed so many girls last Sunday, but the girls seem to think that he was cramped worse than they were. They all were merry and seemed to have a good time while that boy that had so many sweet hearts sat back and said nothing. Miss Lucy Reid and brother, David, visited Mise Maud Purg son last Wednesday evening. Miss Mau l accompanied them home. I think they enjoyed their ride home ever so much, especially Mr. David, as lie was riding bo hind the saddle. I guess Mr. R. L. Mouuce had a fine tiaie talking to the brown eyed girl on the Cieek last Sunday as Mr. Jack did not tarry long. Misses Berchie an 1 Grace Dun lap, of Gideon, visited Miss Lucy Reid last Sunday. Wonder what has become of Mr. Nat Davis. I think he stays at home all the time now since the widow Boles moved to Ham burg. Mr. Frank Tilley is still able to play the little brown jug. Ha, ha! hurrah! for Gipsonville. ROSE Bl T D AND PINK. , TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grave's signature is on each box. KING TO HAVE A PARK. News Notes and Personals From the Hustling Yadkin Township Village. King, July >.—Ernest Boyles, of Winston-Salem, was here the lirst of the week for several days. Mr. W. K. Keiger visited tiis cousin, C. E. Keiger, of High Point, Saturday and Sunday. He reports a nice time. The new residence of Mr. Chas. White is nearing completion. Mr. I. B. Stone, who has been very sick for some time, is much letter, we are glad to note. The sleight of hand performance and ice-cream party given here on the night of July 4lh, were well attended by the young people of the community. Messrs. James R. Hutch ins, J. L. Love and Ernest Caudle, visi ted the city of Winston Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. Lillian Noul, of Washing ton, D. C., is visiting her parents at this place, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Spainhour. Mr. Seth Boles, of Salisbury, visited his parents, of Five Forks, several days last week. It is understood that King is to have a park in the near future. The site has not been fully decided on yet. A nice place off in some grove close to some nice spring would be a lovely place for the I young and even the old people to go to rest on Sunday and Satur day evenings. Mr. Charley Hutchins has got him a long pair of pants. Look out, girls, he is coming. Some of the li. F. D. hoys were sick on the 4th because Uncle ] Sam didn't give them holiday. Mr. Rufus Slate has gone to I California; he don't seem to want ; to come back, but a certain young I fellow brings his mule back oc ! casionally. j. Miss Mary Goff, of King, visi ted Mrs. Dr. Hall, last week. BILL BAILEY. PINE HALL. Pine Hall, July 11. —Mr. Frank ; Flynn, of Leaksville, spent Sun day at this place. Miss Pescud Chisman and moth er returned from Winston Satur- I day. Misses Laura and Bessie Hairs tm. of Greensboro, arc visiting I their father here. Mrs. Cora McPherson, of High Point, is visiting relatives at this place. Mr. Wm. Chisman shipped a car load of corn from this place last week. Mr. I. Neal shipped a car load a week before, inakiug about 14 cars shipped from here this ! season. This speaks well for our ! farmers. Miss Bessie Davis, of Walnut Cove, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Tillotson, of this place. Mr. Stanley Flynn is cpiite sick with tonsilitis. Mr. Tom Franklin, of Roanoke, is visiting Mr. Wade Chisman. Farmers' Institute At Oanbury. A farmers' institute will be held | in the court house at Danbury on | Thursday, July 27th. A number lof prominent speakers will be present and the farmers should i come out and hear the discussions. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES. Itching, Blind, Bleeding or I Protruding Piles. Druggists re i fund money if Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case, no matter of how long standing, in '"> to 14 | days. First application gives t-ase and rest. 50c. Tf your druggist hasn't it semi 50c in stamps and it I will be forwarded post-paid by Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. CONTINUE Those who ir« gaining flash and strength by rasular treat ment with Scott's Emulsion ahould continue the treatment In hot weather) emaller dcfmn and a little cool milk with It will do away with any obleotlon which is attaohed to fatty pro ducts during the heated •eaeon. Send lor Irtt Mmplf. SCOTT ft BOWNK, Ch«mi.ti. 409-413 Purl Stmt, New York. 50c and tI.OO ; til drugfbu. = $60.00 BUGGY 3; * =W B E E 1=1? We have decided to anotli- er one of those |6O Free, Ticket with each dollar purchase — We have just received our SiJ 1 ro Spring Clothing, Shoes = "§5 and Hats. § FLETCHER BR 0S„ ! " 430 Trade St.. Winston. N. Chamberlain's COLIC. CHOLERA AND Diarrhea Remedy A few doses of thin remedy will invariably cure an ordinary at tuck of diarrhea. It lias been used In nine epi demics of dysentery xvitb perfect success. It can always be depended upon, even in the more severe attacks of cramp collo and chol era morbus. It is equally successful for summer diarrhea and cholera iufantuin in children, and is the means of saviuK the lives of many children each year When reduced with water and sweetened it Is pleasant to take Every tnan of a family should keep this remedy In his home Buy It now It may save life. PRICE, 25C. LARGE SIZE, 50C PILOT MOUNTAIN. Pilot Mountain, July .'J—Most of the farmers around this place have got their wheat in the stack. Things are moving on very smoothly in and around our beau tiful city now. The tobacco factory of Marion Bros. & Co. is in operation now and all is moving along nicely. 1 guess we will have a large machine shop in the city of Pilot in the near future, as Chief of Police J. H. Clifton has purchased the lot of Mr. F. L. Smith on Main St. and will erect a large machine shop on same. Don't know for sure just when he will begin work on it. Messrs. J. R. McDaniel and It. E. L. More field are visiting at this place. Glad to have tbem with us. M iss Aila Fulp, who has been attending college at Wooster. Ohio, has graduated and is now at home with her relatives and many friends who were very glad to welcome her back to her old home. BLUE RIDGE KID. WESTFIELD. Westfield, July 10. — Mr. (T. R. Simmons, of Winston, came up Wednesday to spend some time with his parents and regain his health. Mr. R. J. Martin, of Madison, was here last Thursday night. Mr. Miles Reece, of Va., preach ed at the Friends church yester day. Mrs. J. W. J ess up and Miss Sadie (tliilewell spent the 4th at the Thomasville Orphanage. Mrs. Jessup brought l»ck little Kate Baxley to live with her. Mrs. T. L. Brim and children, of Brim, are visiting Mrs. Brim's parent*, Mr. hihl Mrs. E. \~. Payne. Mr. S. M. Webster and neicc, Miss Kat.i and Mr. Franklin and Miss Meadows, r t Madiso!-, spent Sunday night in tr.wn. en route to vi-.it relatives in Virginia. Mr. C:.leb J.ickso-t in vcj * 6ick with tovrr. Several >.i our people i, tenred preaching at Albino jes*®rday. M*. Bioii, f LjncbiVirg, was here last week f al'je-i. MU'IZK. I TmtiiuawttL' : I * | t ♦ ! We hi in (at Load Lois { X ♦ ♦ Therefore we buy at lowest possible cash prices. We givo i J you this saving and then make same profit, as other deal- ♦ ♦ era. Our store is well tilled with anything you can wish * ♦ for to be had at an up-to-date furniture stord. J ♦ WHEN IN THE CITY, VISIT ITS. £ | Huntley = Hill = Stockton Co. | Winston, IN. C. J ♦„ _ ♦ THE NORTH CAROLINA StattfNormal and Industrial College cot'its i:s liih'iurv oiniueiTlrtl Doiiieslic .S'.-itMuv iSt-i»*i»t ilii- Manual Training Pedagogical Music C'ltursPS Vadii.i; l*» devices. I-IKJUi|»JM*«! Trahiiuu SCIMIOI for Twu'lw*™. Kiwi illy IIIIIIIIM'M .VI Hoard, lanmliv, tuition, rind fees lor me of lext etc.. SL|O a >«•:*»*. J*'or free.mtitinn stmleiio, *I2.V For lion-residents «»|* Ili«* Stale, $»llfc). Four th entli •iiiiiiiul i logins September Vl, P.hi.'*. To secure In»*nl hi the domii'oricH, nil fr6e-tuition applications* should In* tn:i>l»* IN-IOIV July J.V f >»m*s?tfilidenCv* levlled from llione il«»>»ifiiijs CI»I»1 teachers and slennjiaplier* Fo catalog aul other in f'orin.it ion, add'c.v* riIAUI.KS I>. MrlVEIt, I'miilrut, liKKKN'SIIoKO, N. l\ Sanitarium Specialties. Special Treatoieut —Fi>r chronic rheumatism, lumbiigo, sciatica and chronic blood diseases. It cures. Special Treatment —For catarrh of throat, nose, lungs. It cures. Special Treatment —For neu asthenia, nervous exhalation and nervous dysjMjpßia. It cures. Special Treatment —For skin diseases, eczema, acne, prtuitis (intense itching), face pimples, moles, warts, etc. It cures. Special—Birth mark** removed, cosmetic etfect perfect. Special Treatment For sprains bruises and inflammatory joint affections. It cure*. The Sanitarium has special ap paratuß in every department. Such as is used by the best sanitaria and specialists, both in this coun try and Europe. Practice limited 10 Sanitarium work. No pain in any of the treatments. Call at the Sanitarium or write ua. We will lie glad to send you literature, DRS. UIERSON fc COPPLE, '.27 S. Mam St., Wii'ston-Snlein. STUART. VA. I Stuart. Enterprise. The citizens of Patrick county are ursenly requested to attend the Citizens and Teachers Im. at this place on the evening of July 18th. v.ill be open at 7 :«0. i E.YEcrriojv SALE. J /iv virtue of an iixi-i'iillon in ai> han.U I issin'il I rom tin* Superior Court >i .s'tokes ; manly wherein W. W. Kin« a ail T. M. Kmlilrill urepl.ii'itilT*aui Saiutiol It irrU, .I.M I.|M I 'aiiip a nt hush mil, X. A. (lamp am | ili'ti-inlaiis, I'.ir I lie HII.II ofVMI.IM Willi iu ! I /im siini" I ruin J.lll. 2:1, llVl'i, all I til" , furtlier sniii of post, I will so,I I'm r.sli al ilii* i*nurt house l >*ir in Duthu y on i Momlav the 7th il.iy of August I 111 l.i, II'IM ii'rtiM'if I' M. :i tr.n'l if I in-! Mtttuiniiig one luiiulieit ati'l ten on the w iiers 1 of Sii'.w rnvk .iitj. tlie Intithut it.,lit. | Wilki in, !, 11. M inis. XV. W. Kin;; ami i I'. M. Kmhlrill anil others uii'l IKHM'IhiI IIK follows: 11.--inniii2 it', .in Ivy i>i Kii'n- I tony 11Hi', sonllii',is! enrnerof lot iVb. I. (1., i I' 11/iui«) runs north H2 cliaiiiaiin l.ne >f I In! Nr. !lo a sluJlre in lini; of lot No. !1 . King ami KiMhlrill) ea*t on llml line 44 | chain* lo:i hickory in I lint. J-Vjil.triH's lini*, mmlli on tlmi line, 20 I'II.IIUS 1., a slake in I H'ilkiu* Hm* west on that tin* el mills lo I |»>iit*er.i I'oniiiirlv a black oak snnlli on ; Hilkins lini! 11 chain* to a pun l , west on Kington* lino 17 1-2 chains In Iho beginning i! I« it. if lot No. 4 in division of the H. I I.IRNS l o il. Ilook No. 4:1, PAGE FI"*! in //-•glsli'rs olliiv of Sioki's roullly, N. sohl IM TIN* liunl of Jttnnie (.'amp to satisfy I SK'LL (•XlVlltloil. I This tin* 2fiih tlay ol Juno llKi."i. II.I'BTHKK, Mwrill of Stiikis county | LAMI) SALE. j lly virlm' or a ilcrnn* of (lit* .Sii|» a rior if.oiirt i»f Hfnki'S 'oiinlv, n*ll(lc|i!(| in I lit* Spef'ial I'MM-. i'ilini: miti'l' i! ••./. I. Owcm \v. II o»v a*, vi .i\" I will *•! r » I MM* l.idi'or f»r «M-11, «»it Ilt«* pn* 1 io •>! KI M « t»llit'\. > .Ml .LL\. .I.ll> S|||, |Hi OIH* oViot*!*. I*. M , 11 art i.f l.iiul ill j Nolo * 'ountv Irt'lon-iio*! lo |J.»« of (MVIMK, of Win. ( ox. Di'f.l, tm iln* Noil, , iln* Imixlm i f Viiiond Kl-poin on ilio Kt*l, lln* I 1 ind i I Fioui Ottvi.-t on li«* .Soiitn, ,»l»d IlK? isii »in • i M l*. (ii'o»v*' 01. liii* I (iiiiluii itty VI in*ri*% inon* 01 li'>«. aid I liim' \\ it! IN* *• Id #• *i* |«:«t tiiioii mnoiii. il»» j Itidi-hi la aol j.r.i h\ Ovnifji, IM. 'iiiin 11 ~i It on} of Max, iWl'i. I.f. i. O.VIC NS. i niiiiiii-Hioii.*r« N. ''. F« ti«f. \il>.

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