Briefs Adrift. Dog Days begin 011 July 10th. Mr. Jasper Slate, of Mizpah, was here Saturday. Mr. Sidney Golding, of Pink, was here Monday. Mr. J. W. Morofield, of Walnut Cove, was in Diinhury Thursday. Register of Deeds Jones has been slightly ill the past day or two. Mr. L. W. Ferguson, of King Route 1, was a Danbury visitor Monday. Mr. J. A. Petree, of Walnut Cove, was a Danbury visitor Tues day. Mr. A. W. Davis returned Fri day froni a visit to Mt. Airy anil Pinnacle. M iss Bercha Dunlap, of Gideon, is visiting relatives in Danbury this week. Rev. J. 11. Robertson filled the pulpit at the Methodist church Sunday night. Danbury's new bank is finished except a part of the inside work pnd the painting. Mr. Dudley 1). Carroll, of Miz pah, spent a short while iu Dan bury Saturday. Mr. N. O. Petree returned Fri day from a visit to Mt. Airy and other points. Col. J. M. Galloway, of Madison, who is summering at Piedmont Springs, was bore yesterday, Mr. P. H. Young, of the Lime Rock section, was here Tuesday. He was accompanied by his wife, Mr. Dolph Davis, of Pinnacle, visited his brother, Mr. A. W. Divis, at this place, the past week. Miss Maud Petree, of German ton, visited her cousin, Miss HadSo Petree, last Thursday and Friday. Don't forget the meeting of the old Confederate Veterans here on Saturday, August 12th. The first kadydid was hoard Saturday, which means, according to an old saying, that there will be frost three months later. The Stokes Pension Board will meet next Monday. All who ex pect to make an effort to get 011 the pension roll are required to be present. Mr. W. J. Martin, of Winston, spent Thursday night here with relatives. Mr. Martin expects to leave in a few days for Eastern North Carolina to buy tobacco. Mr. John W. King, who holds a position with the American To bacco Company with headquarters at New York, and Mr. R. B. King, of Greensboro, visited their rela tives here this week. Misses Fannie and Annie Kate Jones, of Walnut Covo, and Misses Georgia and Sadie May Dalton, of Winston, went to Piedmont Springs Monday. They were ac. companied by Mr. Tlios. Dalton, of Birmingham, Aln, Meeting Of Commissioners. The Board of County Commis sioners—Messrs. J. W. Gann, R. F. Shelton and J. M. Ma be —met at the court house Monday for the purpose of revising the tax list. Very few complaints were made and nothing of importance was done. The board was in session only a short while. Big Crowd At MOCTJ'S Springs. The Reportor learns just as we go t» press that the crowd at Moore's Springs numbers about two hundred and fifty. Of course this includes the cottage people as well as those in the hotel. Mr. Moore has made considerable im provement at his springs recently. LOST Between Jewel and Wal nut Cove about June 7th, a pair of men's new slippers No. 7. A reason iblo reward will be paid to tinder u|>on returning same to the Reporter office. HANGING WILL BE PRIVATE. Forsyth Commissioners Rescind Order For Public Execution of J. W. Hammons. J. W. Hammons will bo execu ted privately instead of publicly as ordered by the county commis sioners of Forsyth. The board, at its mooting Mon day, rescinded the order made at the last meeting instructing Sheriff Alspaugh to arrange for a public hanging on the county home farm. It has been discovered that the legislature of l'.K)l passed an act requiring all executions in the State to bo private. Sheriff Alspnugh is in favor of having the execution on the north side of the jail. "We can have a door made at one of the jail win dows and build a scaffold on the outside at a small expense," said the sheriff, who expressed the opinio!) that this would be the cheapest and best plan that could be adopted. The Sheriff' will issue a few tickets to the execution. He wants all of the newspapers represented. There is now 110 reasonable doubt that Hammons will pay the penalty for his crime, as the Gov ernor has taken no action upon the petitions of Hammons' friends for a change of the sentence. This condemned man has but one woek to live. Lum Edwards Caught. Luin Edwards, of the Dalton section, was arrested last week by Deputy Marshall Gaston Carroll and carried to Winston, where he was placed in jail on the charge of retailing. The case was heard be fore a Un{tpd States Commissioner and Edwards' bond fixed at JIOO.UO, which he failed to give. Edwards is an old offender, hav ing been engaged in blockading for aboijt twenty years. He jumped a bond for his appearance at the last term of Stokes Superior oourt, Up to this time he has managed to osoapfc revenue officers. When arrested early Thursday morning he was found at the home of his aunt. Deputy Carroll had three officers with him. Lum at tempted to escape. He ran out of the house into the arms of one of the officers. He fought desperately until handcuffs were placed upon him, WALNUT COVE ROUTE ONE, Walnut Cove ltoute 1, July 10 —People in this section will soon be done laying by their crops. Corn and tobacco are looking well. Baseball is getting to be all the go. The Sandy Run baseball crowd got beat Saturday. Mr. W. A. Young filled his reg ular appointment last Sunday at Mrs. Jane White's. I guess he will soon go to stay. Mr. Henry Warren is looking real sad as his good old possum dog is dead. Mr. IJ. M, Smith filled his ap pointment Sunday, Miss Ora Fowler has been suf. j fering with toothache recently. Hope it won't ache any more. Ora, what has become of Bob ? He hasn't boon up the road in 'quite a while. FAT BACK. Walnut Cove Route 1, July 10 —There will be a protracted meet ing at Rosebud next Sunday. All come out, we want to have a large crowd. Mr Joe Redman went to see his best girl Sunday. Ho is all smilos this week. We had a fine time at the ice cream supper at Mr. Hill Burton's Monday night. Hurrah for Walnut Cove, they will soon have another jail there. Look out, boys, they will get. you dram-drinkers. We are all threshing wheat in this section of the country. A SURPRISE PARTY. A pleasant surprise party may be given to your stomach and liver, by taking a medicine which will relieve their paiu and discomfort, viz: Dr. King's New Life Pill's. They are a most wonderful rem edy, affording Bure relief and cure, for headache, dizzness and con stipation. 25c at all drug stores. DIED UNDER THE KNIFE. Sad Death Of Mrs. John C. Bailey, Of Walnut Cove. Mrs. John C. Bailey, of Walnut Cove, died under an operation in the Greensboro hospital Wednes nesday morning of last week at 12:10 o'clock. She was taken to the hospital about two weeks be fore for treatment. The news of her death was a severe shock to her many friends, who had no knowledge of the seriousness of her illness. The remains wore interred near Walnut Cove Saturday. Mrs. Bailey is survived by a husband and six children, two sis ters, Mrs. C. J. Hartsell, of Greens boro, and Miss M. H. Pinnix, of New York, and by one brother, Mr. W. H. Pinnix, of Greensboro. SANDY RIDGE. Sandy Ridge, July 'OS. The infant of Mr. and Mrs. 'J\ M. Martin is very ill at this writ ing, but hope it. may soon recover. Mr. Jesse and Evrie Price, of Ridgeway, Va., visited the Ridge again yesterday. What is the at traction, boys y Miss Minnie seemed to be very well pleased yesterday. Guess it wr»s because she who riding on a two-horse buggy. Mr. Arthur Hawkins, of Camp bell, called on Miss Ollie Vernon yesterday, Mrs. Ella Claybrooks and little son visited her sister, Mrs. Willie Shelton, of this place, yesterday. Say, Hard, how did you and Miss Daisy make it Saturday evening, allright though, I guess. Miss Ella Martin spent Sunday evening with her cousins, Misses Lilly, Jessie and Dosha Joyce, They report a nice time. Messrs. H, L. Wilson'and Harry Brown called at Mr. J. L. Joyce's last Sunday as usual. Guess Mr. Jack Martin is sing, itig byo baby these days, as helms a fine boy. Mr. Charlie Martin spent last Sunday with Mr. Oscar Thornton, Mr. Sam Brown was a visitor at this place yesterday. LIONEL. Sandy Ridge, July 3—Quite a crowd of our people attended an old Baptist meeting at Buffalo yesterday. The Methodists held their quarterly meeting at the M. E. Church last Friday. Right nice little crowd out and Dr. Scroggs' sermon much enjoyed by all. GER MA N TON ROUTE TWO. Gernianton Route 2 —Mr. Elbert Pike, of Winston-Salem, is visit itig his parents for a few days. Miss Inez Grimes, of Trenton, 111., is visiting her uncle Mr, L M. MoKensUe, Mr. Brack McKenzie and fam ily, of Winston-Salem, are hereon a visit for a few days. Mr. H. McGee and wife visited recently at Asheville. Children's Day exeroises were given at Mt. Tabor last Sunday. Mr, David Poindexter is im proving, we nre glad to note. Mr. Clive Crews spent Saturday night with his mother. Miss Mattie Crews is now at Siler City as a relief agent. BEAUTIFUL BILL. Is Your Hair Sick? That's too bad! We had no ticed it was looking pretty thin and faded of late, but naturally did not like to speak of it. By the way, Ayer's Hair Vigor is a regular hair grower, a perfect hair re storer. It keeps the scalp clean and healthy. *' I am wrll acquainted wllta Ajrer'a Hair Vigor and I like it very much. 1 would espe cially recommend It a« an excellent dressing for the hair, keeping It •"ft and aniooth, and preventing the hair from anllttliitf at the •uda." SiiNM it Pui rx, Yetmuiu, Mich. A Made by J. O. Ayer Co., Lowell. Maaa. JU Alao luanufkoturera of A\ -- _ ' SARSKPABILL*. nuers ss.^ SATURDAY, AUGUST 26. This Is the Date Set For Holding the County Sunday School Conven tion At Danbury. Saturday, August tho 2(>th, is the date for the Stokes County Sunday School Convention. We can easily get in the town ship conventions before this date, I presume. Now, if we can have a convention in every township this year, it will lie grand for old Stokes. Why not do this? 1 think there is one or more schools in every township. Do this if pos sible, but if not then let each school select two delegates to rep resent them at county convention. By virtue of office, we regard all .township Presidents and Superintendents of Sunday School members'of the county convention. Besides these, two delegates are elected from each school. I make this urgent request: that every Sunday School Super intendent in the oounty meet us at Daubury, August 2(>th, when we hope to perfect the organiza tion of the whole county by town ships. We are going to have a large convention. Prominent speakers will be there, and we are going fo make it an interesting oooasioit for the Sunday Schools of Stokes. Now let the good ladies bring baskets and at the noon hour we will have a picnic spread in tlio grove, Every Sunday School lover in the county is cordially invited to attend. The program will be made out Inter. J. T. RATLEDGE, Chm. Co. S. S. Convention. BRIM ROUTE ONE. Brim Route 1, July 10. —Mr. Crabgrass seems to be the most flourishing crop we have now. Rev. J. A. Asburn filled his regular appointment at Albion Sunday. A large crowd attended preaching. Mr. G, S. Frans carried Miss X. to preaching Sunday and on his return home, his buggy wheel run off and Miss N. had to go home with some of the girls. That's too bad, G. Mr. John Tilley carried Miss L. J, to preaching Sunday. I think he means business any how. Mr. Will Lewis seemed to be quite busy Sunday, he was talk ing to three at once. Hurrah! for you, Will Mr. J. M. Dawson is building him a new house. What next, Jim. Mr. Grover Hill was sporting Miss Viola Sunday. Farmers are busy laying by their corn in this section and get ting up their wheat. ME. GERMANTON ROUTE ONE. Gernianton Route 1, July I! Tobacco crops are looking very well in this community. We are glad to say our Union Sunday School is still increasing. We hope it will continue on, na we are preparing for the Meadow township convention which is to be held at Union Hill Methodist Church on Saturday before the third Sunday in August, and all Sunday Schools in the township are cordially invited to take a part and help us out. We all hope to have a nice time on that day. KATIE QUAKER GAP. Quaker Gap, July i{—The M. E. ohurch members are going to build a large chnrch house at Black Gum. H. K, Morau killed a large rat tlesnake this week. It had I> rattles. Wm. Moran's wife was buried Friday. She died of consump tion. We are having lots of rain. There is a large Sunday School going on at Black Gum. Look out, now, the boys are getting mighty wild since the springs opened up. GERMANTON. Gernianton, July 10th. To-day is the first "Dog-Day" and it rained If there is any sign in the cry of the Katydid, frost will be on us about the first of October. Mrs. Anna Foy, nee Vaughn, of Winston-Salem, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Vaughn. Mr. and Mrs. M'Gee spent Sun day with Mrs. M'Gee's brother. Mr. Willie Petree. Mr. ami Mrs. M'Gee report a very pleasant time on their trip to Asheville. Mr. Paul Hill visited Rural Hall Sunday. Quito a large crowd attonded the service at Corinth Sunday. We had a good sermon. Mr. hilgar Helsabeck contem plates teaching school at Rural Hall this fall and winter. The parrot that was at Sheriff Petree s Sunday week belonged to Mr. I'. 11. Hanes, of Winston. Nothing has been heard of the bird recently. A severe hail storm passed over this section last week. The crops of Messrs. Robt. Grubb and Henry Hartgrove wore almost destroyed. As many as sixty holes were counted in one leaf. While one of our smiths was setting a shoe on a mule recently the mule showed his "muleish ness" by dexterously kicking the smith's glasses off without, doing any harm to the smith. Next. Ihe writer had rather a narrow escape from being gored by a mad bull a lew days ago, and but for the timely interference of his brother, would probably not be writing this now. LOOKER ON. KING ROUTE ONE. King Route 1 We are having plenty of rain in this section and crops are good. We are having a right good lit tle Sunday School at Mt. Olive now. Misses Genia and Anna Tedder visited little Misses Hattie, Clau dia and Bertha Ferguson Friday evening. Hope they had a nice time. Mrs. Cora Bennett and her lit tle daughter Syble were the guests of Mrs. John Tillotson Sunday. 1 will close by asking a ques tion : Where is the word "boys" found found in the Bible '? A LITTLE S. S. GIRL. GERMANTON ROUTE ONE. (Termaiitoii Route 1, July 10.— Tho people in this section are get ting behind with their work oil account of so much rain. Miss DeraTuttle visited Misses Cora and Lula Boyles last Sunday. Come again. Deira, we enjoy your company ever so much. Mr. Arthur Southern called on Miss Frankie Sunday. Guess he is not much mad. Frankie Mr. Jolmie Hall called to see his best girl Sunday. Miss Bessie Bennett. Guess that will be a match. Mr. Cary Darnell happened to a bad accident the other night, hile eating supper at Mr. Rufus Tuttle's. He dropped a large dish of blackberry pie. Hello. Cary, if you had spilt the pie in yourplate, it would have been much better. Rev. Robertson tilled lus reg ular appointment at Union Hill last Sunday and a large crowd out. 1 think Mr. Robertson is a good preacher. A JOLLY GIRL. Eighty Guests At Moore's Springs, and Others Looked For. Moore's Springs, July !). The tobacco crop is looking fairly well. Not any topped yet in our section. I suppose the farmers are done lay ing by corn crops. Tho farmers are hauling up their wheat and tlireshiug right along in this section. A good many people went from this county to the battle ground on the 4th. Mr. R. M. Brown and Joseph F. Boyles were two of the parties that went. They report a real nice time and quite a large crowd. Moore's Springs is taking the lead this season. They have about 80 boarders and their cottages are most all full and are looking for more every day. X EBEO. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ | Peoples* Column. ♦ ♦ ♦ WANTED—To trade h good mule for u good traveling horse suited for mail service. Write me, giving description, etc. A. J. FAGG, Danbury, X. C. DR K. A. BIJRTON, Dentist, .f (ireeusboro, will be in Danbury on July 25th and will remain here a few days thereafter. If your teeth need attention see him. WANTED—Lady or gentleman of fair education to travel for firm of $250,000 capital. Salary $1,072 per year payable weekly. Expenses advanced. Address GEO. W. CLOWS, Danbury, N. U. I. B. Stone Very Sick Other News From Five Forks. Five Forks, July 10. —We are sorry to say that Mr. I. B. Stone continues very sick. Lester, the little son of Mr. and Mrs, John Lancaster, is right sick. Among the many visitors at Mr. T. F, Newsom's Sunday, were Misses Alice and Annie Newsom, Annie Love and Gertrude Spain hour, Messrs, Ernest Caudle, (>s car Fowler and Ernest Hendrix. Hope they had a nice time. Mr. Grover Stone and sister, Miss Kate, made a Hying visit to Scliaub's Mills Sunday. Will some one please inform us of Mr. Joo Stone's whereabouts Saturday night? LAST ROSE OF SUMMER. LAM) SALE. By virtue of a decree of the Superior court of stoKes county rendered by M T Chilton C s U in the special proceedings entitled "John Neal et al vs Dr John \V Neal et al" appointing the undersigned a commissioner lo make sale of the hereinafter ('escribed Unas, 1 will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for e.isli at the court house door iu the town of Danbury, N C on .Mon day August 7th, 11*05, tlie following lands, to-wit; A certain tract or parcel • •flaiid iu Danbury township, StoAres coun ty, North Caroliua adjoining the lands of I Vppei heirs, dames Southern, James Law ton and others and bounded as follows, to Flat Shoal .Mountain / Morau's corner, tlieuce running South with his line to staAv iu dames /,a\\ son's line, thence west with his line and J/iltonand Calvin South ern's linos to 'Southern's north west corner South w itli his line to a stake in the line of the old ;JSOO acre grant tlieuce west to a Make formerly a black oak the old .Shober corner north 10 chains to a dogwood old corner west Bchains to a black oak, thence north on the old Shober line to //ancock's now James IT Southern's corner thence east north and west, with the said J W Southern's lines to his corner in I the line of the old Shober grant the nets rorth with said line to pointers in the old liaison Collins now Pepper heirs line East, with their line ten chains to a hickory con tinuing east in all 80 chains to the begin ning containing 150 acre's more or less. Sale subject, to the confirmation of the court. This the 20th dav of June, 1005. J. I>• IIUMI'iIKKYS, Commissioner. LAND SALE. l»y virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of »Stokes county rendere 1 by M. T. Chilton S. ('. in the special proceedings entitled 4 *'/'. 1.. smith \s. Lockey Gilbert et al" ap|K)inting the undersigned a com missioner to make sale of the lauds herein - after described, I will sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in the town of Danbury, N. on Monday the 7th day of Aug. 11)05, tin- same being the first Monday in Aug. of said year, the following described lands to-wit: (i) .i tract of land situate, lying and be ing in the county of s'tokes and state of N'orth Carolina adjoining the lands of J. P. Covington, .Matilda Hard and others and containing 27 acres more or less. The second tract lies adjoining the lands of James Tilley and .l/yra Nunn and contains two acres more or less it being the tract of laud that .1. P. Covington conveyed by deed to John Tilley. The sale ot said lands will be subject to lie confirmation of the court. Vliis June tfie 20th, 1005. J. 1). UrMPIIUKYS, ('onuii issioner. l. LXI) SALE. l!y virtue of the power of sale contained in n certain deed in tru»t executed on the iioth day ol' Nov. 11(03, by Arcli Fry and 11 is wife, Alpha Fry, to this undersigned, Walter L. MeCanless, trustee, to secure the payment of a certain bond due to ./ohu I). Humphreys in the sum of (757..",u and default ha\ing been made in the payment, of said bond at the request of the said ./no. 1). lltiinphieys mid iu accordance with the terms, stipulations and conditions con-, tailied in said deed in trust, I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the court house initio town of Dan bury, N. OH .Vonday, Aug. Uth 11(05, the lands conveyed in said deed in trust which are described therein as follows, to-wit: Certain tracts of laud lying and being in the county of .Stofresaforesaid and more particularly described and defined as follows*, 10-wit : A tract which is lot No. "J in division of land that Arch Fry, .Sr., deeded to I of Ids children beginning at a maple in the lot No. 1, W 211 oils, to a hickory onbanA* of Danriver thence down the river as it meanders 40 chains to the mouth of I'eter's Creek, thence up the creek u* it meanders '2B chains to ibe mouth of //all's branch, thence V. 47 de vices E 7 1:2 chains to a white oak stump, (bene.' X ."i 1 -I chains to the beginning containing fi"» 1-ii acres less 20 acres sold oil' to W. ■. 7'ncker. This July 10th 1!K).">. II /., Met \\x /.KSS, Trustee,