The Danbury Reporter. VOLUME XXXIII F. G. SOUTHERN ANSWERED. Delk Sunday School Teacher Writes Of Flalsiioal Incident. Delk, July 10. I noticed in last week's Reporter, instructions from Mr. F. (i. Southern, to Sunday School Teacher, as to training children. lie seems to be training biit children in the lawsof the land only, and not caring for God's law. I want to u&k what harm is done by going toSunrtay School. Chil dren learn there the word of God and his love towards them, while thiMe who are out fishing, playing card*. drinking liquor and all other evil tilings, they are in ignor ance of what Christ did for tliein. Those who behaved so shame fully at Flat Sh'>al were allowed those privileges when they wow boys. Had they been trained right in childhood, they would never have turned from it. lam thankful to say we have no such characters at our church. Every body goes quietly and leaves quiet ly I wish some could explain to me, the unnecessity of Sunday School. There is no one that can mid feel that they are going by (bid's word. I was raised by parents who are lielivers in Sunday School. Have been all thoir lives and are tiil yet. 1 have been gor ing to Sunday School a gooil por tion of my life and if it over did me any harm, I cannot see it but can safely say it. has done me good. 1 do not regret the time I have spent in Sunday School, but do regret time 1 have lost. Mr. Southern leaves the im pression that we should be learning the children the laws of the land instead of (rod's law. What are laws of land, nothing but a few days imprisonment or perhaps a few mont hs on the road for a great crime, We teach our children (iod's law and when they know (Soil's law, they are not going to disobey laws of land. Can a man ob-.-y God's law and laws of land nt one time? Yes, he can, but will he do it? No he will not. Can t« man lie a Christian and vote for these liquor saloons at one time? No ho cannot. Any man who votes for that destructive drink cannot be a Christian. He may h&vo a good face, be up-to date an I everything but he is not H Christian; laws of land are made by /nan, hut God alone made His law and it stands forever. Punish ment here ou earth is awful to those who have it to stand but what will God's punishment be to all who do not obey Flis command ments. Just think for a moment of biting in burning fire forever. O isn't it sad to know of so many going in this direction. This punishment not only lasts a few days, or months and years, as it does here, but is an everlasting torment. 1 wish to inform you we do not carry but one law book to Sunday School and that is the Messed word of God, "The Bible," That is nil the law we need. If everybody would do as God says. God's law is the law I wish to oliey and want everybody to do the same, but there are so many will not. If every one would go by God's law wo would have no use f.>r laws of and kind here. What does God say in Luke, 9:25: He snys—For what is a man ad, vantagod, if he gain the whole world and lose himself or be oast away. You who are lalwring for this world's goods and not for a brighter and better world above, take this passage of scripture and study it carefully. We know not when our master is coming and when ho does come, it is then too late to pray. Thoro is tiino / for nil Unties and why not pray before the hour comes when it is entirely too late. Christ suffered urul died on the cross for our sins. What kind of heart can some peo ple have not to love him ? God says in Luke 15.20, Notwithstanding this, rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven. () if everybody could say they hoped their nanu s wore written in heaven. We do not know but we have or some of us have a hope of our names be ing written there. What a bless ed thought to us. Let's each and every onp of you dear readers of tho word of (tod, stijdy God's law against the laws of land. I hope Mr. Southern will turn and teach his children Clod's law. Sunday School Girl, keep your good work going on. Some day God will reward you for it, I did not aim to stay so long, but being so much interested on the subject, I just kept going. SUNDAYSCHOOL TEACH ER. OUR TWO STAR SUBSCRIBERS. Or. C. W. Joyce and Mr. James V. Fagg At the Top Of the Reporter's Roll Of Honor. Dr. C. W. Joyce, of Wheatland, Oklahoma, paid to July 1(5, 1911. Mr. James M. Fagg, of Red Shoals, paid to August 27, 11110. The above two clever gentlemen now have the distinguished honor of occupying the highest place on the Reporter's Roll of Honor, being paid six and five years in advance respectively. The Reporter is very proud of its honor roll on which ia trans scribed the names of only those who pay in advance. The names of hundreds of some of the best men anil women living are now, writtpn on it. PINE HALL. Pine Hall, July 15.- The Sun day School at Pine Hall has the oldest teacher in the State. She is old Mother Anderson, aged eighty two years. Mrs. Anderson meets her class regularly every Sunday morning. So you see we never get too old to work in the Sunday School. Miss Beulah Neal's address on "Woman's Work in the Church and Abroad" last Sunday night was very interesting. Mr. Hall Parish's lecture last Sunday on the "Evils of Intem perance'' was a masterly effort. We are glad to see our young men coming out and taking a stand against the whiskey business. . SUBSCRIBER. Messrs. William Shelton, Joseph Ashby, W. C. Branson, A. J. Owens and Walter Booth were in town Thursday and Friday. HOW'S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. We, the kiidersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and l>eieve him perfectly honorable in all business t ran sac, tions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. WAUHNO, KINKAN & MAMVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Tolilo, O, Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. STOKES AND CAROL,LXA. DANBURY, N.C., THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1905 LETTER TO THE OLD AND YOUNG. Regarding Sunday School and Sun day School Workers. Mizpah Route 1, July 10. Mr. Editor : I want to ask you for a little space in your paper to say a few words to the young people of our community and also the old in regard to our Sunday School as we have two Sunday Schools in our community and wo are trying to have good ones and carry them on right, but it seems like it is a hard thing to do for we have got all kinds of workers in our com munity. We have some that are working against our Sunday School and some that are doing all they can to build up their Sun day School and now my friends, why can't we all do that. We can if we will set a determined resolution to do so. Let's us all go to Sun day Uohool andgofortliegoodof it and for the good that we can do, and let's not go just only for the fun of it nor to make fun of it, nor to see your girl, or your fellow just as a lot of our young people of this oommunity do. Let's all go and take an interest in the good work and try to urge the little ones to do good and I am sure that you will gain more by going to Sunday School than you will by going to see your girls and the girls staying at home looking for their fellow. Let's all go to Sunday School and try to start a band of Christian workers. We want to have a Union Sunday School and want every one to come that possibly can and I am sure that there arc not many that want to go, but of course yon can find lots of excuses if you want to, but I don't see why you would want any excuse in this good work. T think it looks a lot nicer to see a crowd of little boys and girls going oijt to Sunday School every Sunday, than it does to see them at home laying around and in all the meanness they can l)e in. lam sure that yon cannot raise your children to do a better thing than to go to Sunday School. Just think how would you like in your old days to see some of your boys in prison or on the gallows; then you will be reaping the re ward of your sowing, but you can go to your county jails and your State prisons and search them there and J am sure that you will not find many thero that were rais np in Sunday School. Are you raising your children to the Bible or bottle; church or stillhouse; Sunday School or bar room? As you train them so will they be, and now, ray friends, J am sure that Sunday School is the best thing you can raise them to. It is not because we do not know to do better, for we have got the plain word of God to go by and I think that you will find where it says: "He that knoweth to do good and doeth it not to him it is sin and he that cometh of sin is of the Devil." Now, my friend, thero is not one of us but what cometh of sin, but let us do the very best we can and that is all we can do. Since sin entered into the world, its nature has not changed, its tendenoy is always towards destruction and death and it pollutes the soul just as the decayed part of an apple infects the whole of it. The Bible usos the the strongest language to describe the horriblonoss of sin and its consequences. No poet or prose writer has ever been able to unfold the withering effects of Bin which aot upon the soul like poison upon the body. Now, my friends, lot's all organize WINSTON-STUART TURNPIKE ROAD. Gives Promise Of Being Worked Up Before the Time For Marketing the Next Crop ol Tobacco. The Winston-Stuart turnpike line, which, to begin with, will consist of a road about ten miles, in length, extending from the southside of Sauratown mountain through Quaker Gap. via Vade Mecum Springs to the Shalli.w ford on Dan river, gives promise of distinct success. It will be re membered th'it the survey was made by the well-known surveyor, Mr. F. H. Kelsey, who laid out and constructed the wonderful roads about Liuville and Blowing Rock nnil also surveyed the Wil kesboro Junction turnpike. It will have a grade of about 11 per cent, over which any locomotive or trolley can run with ease and, such a development is one of the things in contemplation. The rights of way are about all secured and it is hoped that the State may be induced to rush the actual work upon the road with its convict labor by the coming fall. Strong effort will be made to bring this about. All the State has undertaken to do at present is to grade the link of ten miles through a mountaiuous section in return for stock in the road. The first part will run from Capella to the Stuart road north of Dan river, crossing the Sauratown mountain through Quaker Gap, the only gateway through the mountain chain, and also crossing the Dan rivor>awt with roads leading to Stuart, Ya„ Mt. Airy and Martinsville, Ya. The roads north of the Dan river and south of the Sauratown mountain are already as good as auy dirt roads in the Piedmont section, but there is no road at all through this river and moun tain section. Consequently, by tho building of this link, the dis tance between that section and Winston-Salem will bo shortened about 15 miles and, furthermore, over good roads, whereas at pres ent the roads around the moun tains east and west represent not only a loss of 15 miles in travel but they are also almost impassable especially through the season when tobacco is marketed. It is expected that as soon as the turnpike is built the roads north and south of it will be made oqually as good, either as public roads or byway of the turnpike itself. Among the men who have inter ested themselves in the project which seems to bear abundant promise of good, are A. H. Filer, R. J. Reynolds, J. H. Sparks, J. W. Slate, J. C. Tise, J. F. Miller, Walter George, W. H. Reid, R. Gorrell, J. K. NorHeot and T. J. Brown. They are acting under a charter granted by the last Legis lature to the Winston-Stuart Turn pike Company. together and start a whole Union of christian workers. I will close wishing much suc cess to the Reporter and its many christian readers, that they may suoceed in their good works, I will close. COW BOY. FORCED TO STARVE. B. F. Look, of Concord, I\y., says: "For 20 years, I suffered agonies, with a sore on my upper lip, so painful, sometimes, that I could not eat. After vainly trying everything else, I cured it, with Buoklen's Arnica Salve." It's great for burns, cuts and wounds. At all drug stores; only2f>c. Mrs. Joanna Boyles Encounters a Large Blacksnake Answer to "Roving Joe." King Route 2, July 11. Mr. Editor : \\ ill you allow mo space for a few words to answer "Roving •Joe's" question, as he asks to know where the shortest chapter was in the Bible. 1 think you will find that the 111 Psalms is the shortest, it has two verses and 33 words. If that's not correct, will some one please correct it? Hollo! No. 2, your letter was just fine. \\ o are indeed glad that you are not ready to bid us a dieu yet awhile, for 1 don't see how we could do without seeing you pass every day. Hn, ha! 1 don't think you will have the blues any more, tor you look so comfortable sitting hack under that large um brella. So let us hear from you again along. This route enjoys reading your letters very much. Wishing you much success in get ting a fair Sunday School girl for your partner. Mrs, Joanna Boyles, going to her lieu s nest, not long ago, found that n large blacksnake had oc cupied the place of the hen The ugly old snake had ea'teu all the eggs. Although, she succeeded in killing the snake. It moasureil about li feet. This kid wouldn't tackle one that large. What's tho matter with some of our boys? They haven't been ii Sunday School in several Sun days. Boys, you don't know how we miss you, your class was rather siud-1 Sunday and also Sunday week and we do hate to see it that way. Boyo, lot's see if class No. ('. can't be the largest class in school next Sunday. It had to be divided it was so large. Now. boys, please don't let the girls beat you that far. You can have as large a class as they can if yon will all just come out. Preaching at Mt. (>live next Sunday at 11 o'clock. Sunday School at 9. Lot everybody come. Hurrah! for Dog-Killer, we think you are on the right line. Prove to Timothy that the negro has got a soul. Now, Roving Joe, can you tell me what and where the longest chapter is, anil how many verses, etc? Also how many times the word "eternity" is used in the Bible. S. S. G. STUART. VA. Att'y S. A. Thompson purchased yesterday a lot between the Pat rick County Bank and Mrs. Ruek er's residence from l)r. R. S. Mar tin. Mr. Thompson will in the near future erect an office building on the lot. Officer J. W. Staples is working a gang of mon on the stroets this week, making many neccessary improvements. Mess Via A: Stedraan are pre paring to erect for Mr. W. H Wimbish a very handsome anil complete wind mill outfit on his lot on Chestnut Avenue, consist ing of« largo wnter tank and ob servatory tower, with stoel spiral stairway lending up to tho top of the immense structure. Mrs. Sarah Kesler still contin ues very ill at her mothers home, Mrs. S. F, Shelor, on Church Street. Her brother, Mr. Robert Shelor, of Buffalo Ridge, has l>een at her bed side all the week. Her friends and relatives have given up all hope of her recovery. Mr. W. 11. Flinchum, of Pied mont Springs, was a visitor in town Thursday. Mr. Flinchum hns several boarders at his com fortable home near the springs this season. NUMBEK 2.1 CONFEDERATE RE-UNION. The People Of Stokes County Reques ted To Meet At Danbury On Satur day. August 12. Peters' Creek, July JO. To tho Confederate Veterans of Stokes county: My Dear Comrades:—About one month from now we are called upon to lay aside all of our domes tic affairs and meet in Danbury for the purpose of trying to per fect an organization of what few 'of us that yet survive. We are but a few, a remnant of the most valiant soldiers that ever contend ed against a foe of mighty odds J and untold resources. We are a J war-worn and battle-scarred rem nant and we are so near the river that we can almost hear the roar ing of the waters. Therefore let us, as we did in the heroic days of 1861 to 1803 when our leaders fell in battle and our ranks were thinned by shot and shell, close up our ranks by organizing, and when we have passed over the river let our sons and daughters step for ward and perpetuate our organiza tion ami continue to vindicate the integrity of our lives and the ends for which we so nobly contended. The people are all requested to come out on August 12th and aid us in every way they can. liespectfully, JAMES A. LEAK. jO. L. Pulliam Replies to F. G. Southern. i Pink, July 10. Mr. Editor: It appears from the reading of Mr. F. G. Southern's article in the Reporter of last week that he thinks crime is taught in Sunday School and committed by its pu puls. Now, as to the young man he had reference to at Flat Shoal the third Sunday in June, I cau't say whether he is a Sunday School scholar or not. I have been attending Sunday School ever since 1 was largo enough to go and I never knew crime taught nor practiced in Sun day School. So I would like for us to investigate the matter and see whether Sunday School is the origin of crime or not. First. 1 would ask Mr. Southern to go with me to the county jail and see what per cent, of the in mates arc Sunday School teachers or pupils. Also, what per cent, wore raised out of Sunday School by parents opposing Sunday School. Then we will go to the chain gang and see what we find there, and then to the State prison and call tho roll and see how it stands there. We will go to Winston on tho 20t.1i inst. and ask Mr. Hammons where ho was educated and see what he says. Now, after making this investi gation if we find that tho larger per cent, of crime came from Sun day School, then 1 for one say stop Sunday School. But, on the other hand, if the larger per cent, originates outside of Sunday School, then 1 say bring them in to Sunday School. I will just say that I have never heard anything of interest from ! anyone not knowing anything of j his subject, therefore Mr. South, j erti can't possibly say anything | against Sunday School for I think : 1 am safe in saying that he was I never in a Sunday School, not | even to hear the roll called. Wishing the Reporter much ' success, 1 am Yours truly, O. L. PULLIAM.

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