THE DANBURY REPORTER. Published Every Thursday By N. E. & E. P. Popper, Owners THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1905. A CHANGE NEEDED IN THE ROAD LAW. While it is a well known fact that our public road system is a weak thing, and the manner of enforcing it a veritable farce, there is one feature of the law which should certainly be remedied at the next session of the legislature. We refer to the practice of appointing men as overseers who have no conception of the importance of their duties, or who arq powerless to enforce them. There are doubtless some good overseers somewhere, but a ride over the main thorough fares of our county will demonstrate very unmistakably that the major ity of these men know nothing and care a great deal less about the comfort or convenience of travel, or the easy transportation of traffic and farm produce. Xo attention whatever is paid to drainage, grading or any of the common methods which should give us better roads cer tainly at this season of the year. About tke culy evidence of a late "working" is a pile of loose dirt here and there, or a few pine brushes thrown carelessly into a hole. There are places in the road less than I li miles from the court house where the greatest skill in driving is re-j quired to prevent breaking your vehicle. The only way we can ever have good roads is by taxation. But as our people are opposed to this plan, we should try to make the best of the fool law that we are forced to endure, which were attained only by appointing our leading citizens overseers. Building public roads i is one of the most important duties of our system of government, be cause nothing concerns our people more vitally, and we should j place the work in the liquids of men of gooil business judgment, men ! who are interested by their property, and who have home and county j pride. It is a costly error when we leave the public roads iu the hands of fellows who are ignorant of the first principles of ditching, and w hose j sole care is to get through the task as quickly and with as little trouble as possible. OF MR. PHILLIPS AND MR. VARNER. By accident, the fact was omitted in the last issue of the Reporter that the N. C. Press Association in session at Asheville a few days since elected Mr. Robt. M. Phillips, of the Raleigh Morning Post, president of the Association, whien was peculiarly apropos, as Mr. Phillips is one of the brightest, brainiest, jolliest and most whole- j souled newspaper men of the State. We shall expect some good' times at the annual meets arranged under his direction. And this® is without disparagement to Mr. H. B. Varner, the retiring president, who has doa# so much for the upbuilding of practical and ideal journalism in North Carolina, ami who has more than any other man I shaped the Association toward its present high calling. The Reporter is publishing elsewhere in this issue the program of; flte Farmers Institute to be held at Danbury on Thursday, July 27. i \\ e hope to see a large crowd of the county's representative farmers i at this meeting. It will not only be a pleasure and recreation to them, but the new ideas to be learned will be valuable from a mone tary standpoint. The basis of our county's progress and prosperity is the well-being of our farming classes. In no other way can theyj so quickly and effectively reap the be*t results than iu following out the plans that have been found successful by learned and scientific farmers. THE FARMERS INSTITUTE. Program of Meeting to Be Held At the Court House July 27. The morning session will open fit 10 o'clock sharp, anil afternoon at 1:80. # Subjects for discussion: Corn Culture, byC. K. McQuar rie. How Shall We I'se Our Corn Stover to Get the Most Out Of It y By Dr. Tait Hutler, State Veterin arian. Tobacco Culture, by W. A. Petree, of King, N. C. Farm Poultry, by J. Jeffrey, Poultryman, N. C. Experiment j Station. Crop Rotation, by C. K. Mc-! ^)uarrie. The Care and Feeding of Farm 1 Work-Stock to prevent Disease, j by Dr. Tait Butler. TO THE FARMERS OF STOKES 1 COUNTY, The above program is given to indicate the nature of the Insti tute, but it may be changed or added to, as those present desire. A question box will also be open, into which all are invited to put such questions as they desire dis cussed. A large number of in-i telligent. questions means an in- 1 teresting Institute, and special at tention will be given to this fea ture. The Fsrwers Institutes are held for fTie lienofit of farmers, and none but strictly farming ques tions will be discussed. It is,' therefore, especially desired that a large attendance of farmers be secured, and to this end you are | urged to be present and to induce | your neighbors to do the same. TAIT BUTLER, [Acting Director Farmers' Insti-i tute. A Welcome To Sunday School Dele gates. The towns of Elkin and Jones-! ville welcome the Sunday School Convention to be held here, Aug. j 4th, sth, and fith. The committee! on arangement and entertainment j are planning to give nil delegates j and visitors a good time while in our midst. We are only too glad to cheer and help in Hie j;reat I work. We will not only feed you well and talk nicely to you, but ; pray Uod's blessing on you and t the noble work you represent, j Our hands are outstretched to greet you, our hearts and homes | are open to greet you. Come! j Come. K. W. Reece, Chairman, Rev.|| H. C. Sprinkle, Rev. W. 15. Beach.! Dan Chatham, W. M.Bell, Miss; Mary Ball, Miss Daisy Murray, I Miss Mollie Robey, joint com-j mit tee on entertainment arrange- j merit. Mr. i. A. Southern Breaks a Leg. j Mr. J. A. Southern, of Pink,' | had the misfortune to get his leg ! broke* while hauling near his ! home Thursday. Mr. Southern is I one of the lending fanners of his ' section of the county. His many ! friends hope he may be out again soon. ROStNBACHErt & BJO, The GREAT REMOVAL SALE Will Close in Less Ihan 30 Days. A landslide* of bargain* in all departments, This is no special stile or clearance sale, hut is the greatest removal sale ever known to the people of Winston-Salem and surrounding country. Everybody knows that our large and modern building at corner of and Trade Streets will soon be in readiness for us Therefore, we offer these unheard of prices to keep from moving otir present stuck and the customers get the benefit. CLOTHING J CLOTHING ! Fifty Men's two-piece suits that sold at $7.50 to $10.1)0, now they go for only £2.7.>. 75 CUTAWAY SUITS J that sold at 7..~>0 anil up to 18.00 now they go for 1.85. * All 4.00 Suits at 21.00. All ti.OO Suits now only 1.00 All 7.50 Suits at 5.15. All tO.(K) Suits now only (i.'.ttS All 12.50 Suits at U.4N. All 15.00 Suits now only lO.IIN All better suits in same proportion. ALL MEN'S PAXTS BBLOV COST, All Hoys' and Children 9 !!) Suits Below Cost; and Man y Oilier Treinendiioiis Bargains* ROSE NIIA CH H R .V RRO.'S HIG DEPART. STORKS, 10, 12, 14 Third St., Winston-Salem, N. C. (MAILoItI)KRS PROMPTLY FILLED.) T H K .. «■»awscß-sum---* l3 ' '"*& m _ HABVARB PIANO Delivered in your lidiiic, complete willi stool ami I There i* 110 better piano-value I^o^ lan U |c Harvard, nty le H, at. (11 ol# s^,e at |275. ■-vS&l' • ,s, ' v ' aiv very -uln'.i'Hi illy ;n i|. i|. t, ~i „| 4 j . r j t | ( I), hkill,M| wot A men* I'tiey li.«%•* a lull iron l|» «S l>i« Ale jiiiilfii tuning |iii:j». l.'i|il«* Unison, l'".iv\ I»,» irinjj liui , iti'A'lcd action lir leAeta, tl«»i1 1»!«* ii*|mmi i«»n ban I«mi vi'iii*. i•. ex'r.i heavy lop and h«>tlo?u m-dditigs, haiitlsoiut) carved pitasicrs, full lop-pane I aw lug dc»A' f • x|iil>ite raised carved panne!*, folding fall Uuud, continuous Illume* on lop lid and fall-lMMid «uy T> and in tact is ciii!j.|eteiu every iU*t .ii 1 • and liana I'KN i ii.Al* »t A/»AVI Ki. printed in each piano. I In 1 ON K «»T the 11 \HV AIM > pieasei ereryoody. lis actum is ii:;htaud responsive. » Ulier dealers &h *.;.»■) lor the sam • piuuy and oilier pianos «»f equal -i tde. How d » wedo it ? lie hav them In car I . i.i | »rs, at* lowest |w»ssible price, and a small I jr. lit s ilisli*» -is. »Ve have other piano* a i-a as *17"». And we aLocam |>erhap> I!i • largest Ntock olo'-iii. • » i>.- I »,nid anvAhete intlieSoulh, ruminu in price from *H ip. l'leniy of time given to pav for an instrument if you haven't the Ciah t-» spare. VVrile for catalogue whether you warn one of t/riuos or organs. It J. KOWHN K BUO. Winston, N. C. II X I V K R S I T V Of North Carolina 1789-1905 I of I lie State's K.I ii* ;>u il S\-I » HKPA/M'MKNTs. # *ol!e£iate, I nj'»»eeri!»vs Crniluatc, /.iw*, Medicine, ! liartu.-iey. I.ilirary contains 4;».MK) volumes. New water works, electric 1 i*lith. mitral • heating syatoin* New dormi tories, V. M . r. A. IhUMIm:!. vj'l Students ' «'» liislructois 'i he Kali term lupins se|>t. 11. 11KM. Addi«ss FRANCIS P. VENAHLK, Pits. Chapel Hill, N. C. LADIES I HdrLa Franco's! h Compound-! Szre, Quick, Reliable Regulator ru nor lor to oth*r remedies sold at high prior®. Cum guaranteed. SiMfesefutljr ueed by over %T€0.llo(I Women. Price.'*JA dr:g. Elinor by ma PI. Testunoulala k booklet free. Di. UFranro. PlilltdrlpliU, !•». UNIVERSITY GOLLE6E OF MEDICINE. B V?RGfNIA?' I ISEDICIItE—DENTISTffT—MABMACT {Modern Laboratories lu charge of specialists. Quiz System. 6uperior C-l-nics. Bedside teaching In our own HospitaL fir detailed information, write THF. PROCTOR. To Cure a Cold in One Day In Two Days. | I Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, on every I Seven Million boxes sold in past 12 months. This signature, box. 25c. I EXTh EMELY LOW RATES. Anounccd. Via SOUTHERN RAILWAY. ifxtreiiiely low rates are amujuiui I v-i \ the .Southern KaiKvay from j» riuts «*i ii* linen ti r the following special occasion* : Ailn-••«, tia—'Sumne.r .School, June ±~ July 2s, i:h»*. ('harlottcsvilie. Ya. School o* Methods. .1 me 20-August -J. UM>r». Kuoxvjlle, 7eii*i.—Su uncr >'rhool ,Ji:t 20-Jut> tt'o.'i. Monteagle. i'enn. Monte .•»!#• \\ hie Train itig " «*lmh»l, July :U vn;. Ir o*. .V'U.leaiJo Teun —MtMteaale Mi d.u Schooi Institute, July 17-Aui». •*». I!hk", .Vonti u^ii 1 . '/Vim.- !('• mom's ( oiiltv >. .vim. t i*». itHCi. Nasbwlle, I t*llm. P'mlmmU f .oilego, Sum* liter »h"-i's: V.»ti«l"i ti'lf itiHliral ll.*;ilute. June il-\'i: !». ,t«o."» Oxt' i«\ l/i>s.-- s ».ii.Jo« i • •!• o'. ! . |. «\ -f .M»«viv»i|«|»;. ./'in t ;-.i.11. jit. r. i Kichmond. Vh —Farm** *' N .»» . ■ j.ti i ~; . . Ule.Vt, i Tuvait't >.I, Ala -- 'tuoi ir Ni-hool I I Tear I ,»r*. June \ .s, I•. a k'> Uh;« .- !«•! lilt? u'hiV" o iM»|n ir« ihhMl Mi the I-, Ml 1i- A - *s wi 1 lie ?ohi thee jiot* l v f,*» ui all si iti« Mv oi- t e *«»u!l • 11: I. t\ i Deiutlfo iofoiinaiiifii can he )» ui i• p.»i« j ft].{ilicati nio anv Tiekef Ar.e it of t!ie > oilier /iVlvav, oi A :its { tocetiuj! I lines, oi t»y the umler I I{. 1. VKUNOX/I. \\ /!.. • hallof te, N. .1 II WOO?I. |» !'. \ , illvilie, C. >. 11. Ila*ihvi k. \V. 11. liw, I'jw*. Tn.the J'ai.aye,*, (ien'l I'.ism. Aivnt. WASHINGTON, 1). C , . m THE OLD RELIABLE Brown's Warehouse l.*a«l» thr mai>el •• v«-r\ >« i. •• ;lu* l.i.lie>t average pi ires for Uiharco. 't'alk is cheap, hill it takes w »ik t«» iit.«ke llritej your tohaeeu Itrowu's mnl every p:!r shall lui v«* li*«m» attciit miii anil hring the very hipjhesf market price. Our nen Auetloiieer. Mr. Jack rainier, stays with every pile till lie «eiM the \ery last t»i»' jKissible on it. biis Snlii l »uya fur itti i« nry 11H)«") Tuesdays, 'JMnirstluys, Satuidayb 1* rhrtmry, 11K>rj—MondfiVH, wlitescluyß Frida>s Mftroli, —TueHtlays, Tlmrhiluys, SaturdayH \N »• »h»! k VMi fi»i Vol if li'ieivii toi the past v« .# r«. Uul ' «sl ialiy, a;n! h jw t»\ In 1 w«.rk to hive the H.mie in the future. Frown's is Headquarters for Ymir Mi'iiilii. jS" B«OWN & CARTER.