(MID = SUMMER CLEARANCE SAI_E| I tt _ 50, 33 1-S, 30 Per Oent. Discount On All Goods. tt I On Saturday Morning July 15 at 8 A. M.J start our Ncmi-Vmmal 20 Per Cent Discount Sale anil will emit inue same I until midnight August 12th. 1 ■ The liivitest Cloud ] turst (If Clothing Bargutisever known in Winston-Salem will break 1-MISC with a rush. Never before in your life have yon K\ M. seen sw *h ipi iti's ;it such prices. Wo are going to dun wonderful clothing business nntl yon are going to Ik* here. Von will buy. because yon ■ i-Hu't lu'lp :t Wo are goi:ig to slaughter thousands of tl illars worth of spring and summer clothes. H 1115 K K Villi nil', CKOWD BUINGEItS : The choice of embraces all the small lot.-) that remain >onoug the suits, olio's, two's and aa iKSp I •' three's ..f a kin.i : 'l'hey are single and don hie-breasted sacks of the latest out ;in plain Bine, Black, Oxford Mixtures aid Fancy Cheviots. Cassi- ■ lucres anil Tw.'ed eil'cct. Von know that our clothing stands pre-eiuiueiily as the best that can be had and this culling of the price cannot reduce M the st.unlaid of the value. You'll still bo buying the boss and saving the difference between the regular price and the special price. A 100 Tw I'll 'c Suits, Uci'.ular #7.50, KSO, li.OO. 10.Ot), 15.1*), 1 0.00 values, your choice S2.HS. Ml I tH) Men's Visits now ;> ill) 7.50 Men's Suits now >.(*) 12 .50 Men's Suits now 1000 20.00 Men's Suits now lti.OO ■ 5.00 .Men's Snitf now 1.00 10.1 X) Men's Suits now 8.00 j In 00 Men's Suits now 12.00 2").00 Men's Suits now 2000 I R &Sf I'ANTS. BOYS' SI'ITS 23 PElt CENT. WSCT. MEN'S STRAW HATS. I M 111 Jw '-•ialsm I.l*l I'ants now .so | 3.00 l'ants now 210 2.00 Suits now 1.50 25c Hats now .121 | 1.00 Hats now , .50 ■ p Sg . 1" i 1 '"'O Pants now 120 3.50 Punts now 2.50 3.50 Suits now 2.HJI 50c ITats now .25 150 Hats now .75 m % ' 2.00 Pants now 1.1 >0 | 5.00 Pants now 4.00 4.00 Suits now .'!.(*> 74c Hats now ~'!S 2.00 Hats now 1.00 ® (! 'j/ 2.50 Pants now 2.00 5.00 Suits now 3.75 tf - -IKI Shirts, I'mlcrweur, Gloves, Ties, Collars, in fact everything must go at 20 per cent, a jj liscMli> ! Al ! S° 0, ' s iUC marked in plain figure*—just take off' 20 per cent, and you liaveß When we hold a clearanee sale, wo make things hum. >fe want room—we want torn 'JjjF f j clear out eacli season's stock before the next ar. ives. We don't mind the loss—we caul ' / / Pr J!I use the money., hut not the goo is. 1 lu(i)rri|hl 1904 by Bkrtkhtffbtr k lui •* ' N. L 7 C E, A U FORD & COMPANY, CALIFORNIA Do you want to live where the climate is mild the year round— where labor is never oppressed by stress of weather, and where animal vitality is never lost by mere conflict with cold? Do you want to live in a region where the resources are more varied than in any other equal area in the world, where the division of great ranches affords a fine opportunity to get a small farm that will assure you a competence? Do you want to live where, wilh a minimum of labor, you can grow profitable crops of grapes and small fruit, oranges, lemons, olives, prunes and almonds, alfalfa and grain, where crops are sure, business is good and capital easily finds profitable investment ? Then go to California, where both health and opportunity await your coming. The Chicago, Union Pacific and NortkiWestern Line is the most direct route to the Pacific Coast, and there are two fast through trains daily via this line, over the famous double track railway between Chicago and the Missouri River. Special low round-trip rates are in effect via this line throughout the summer to various Pacific Coast points, and colonist low rate one-way tickets will be on sale during Sep tember and October, which give an unusual chance for settlers to make the trip at a minimum of expense. Daily and personally conducted excursions are operated through to San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Portland without change, on which a double berth in a Pullman teurist sleeping car from Chicago costs only $7.00, via the Chicago & North-Western, Union Pacific and Southern Pacific Railways. W. B. KNISKERN, P. T. M C. & N.-W. Ry., Chicago, 111. Please mail free te my address, California booklets, map* and full | THIS COUPON particulars concerning rates and tram service. AND MAIL IT TO-DAY. »nr««4 jfejyy Norfolk-Mem SI SCtIGIH'LB IS KFI'UCT .It NIC 1 1, 11105 Imilv ! I>RIIV ) Sun. I»:iily L.\ Sim ;PM AM I'M I'M 1 2:50 7.:«J LV Winston AR2.00 lO.(K) 3.2S S.i:{ " Wul. Covo " 1.21 9.20 A. M. 5.00 9.50 " Martina*'. " 11.45 7.49 7.25 12.W Ar R mnukc Lv 1t.15 5.15 wKsrnorso— I.K.VVK KOAXOKI: I-AII.Y. 4:to II in—Fur l\a*t Haition!, iriintii' l, Tuxft well .MI'I Norton, » i«Hin « ti Mreper to i'oluuihti*. nlii.t. i'ui. 5:1.1 ii in (»Vhn!uimr.»n II ml i.'huttHmMy i I.i initial) lor Pula*kl principal station*. Itr.afol ami tlu* i South. Pullman Sleeper* to New Or- I le .in* ami Mi'iupliii* t.'ai'i' I'iir A:l r » p in—l'lie St. l.xprc**, lor ItliuMlehl. Pi>Ciihiiitus Keimvu. Cliu l- ! nnatti. ImlUiioiioll*. S;. l«oul*. Kanxan t'ltv. t'olUlllhllH MIMI Ilit'lltfO. 1 * 1111 nil* II Itlltlft Stopper* /»onuoki* to tlo'iimhii* ami I*ln**li«*l«l to Cliiciiiuiitl. t'afe e «r 4;30 }• in— For llliieltoMtiml Intetinediate j»lh- , j tloii". ! 4:4"» |» m—!tally. K«»r llri»»h»l ami intermediate I MtatioiiM, Kmixvllle. Chattanooga uml print* South. Pu'liuan SleeiHT to Knoxvllle. ihl'» i«*iu -Kor llrl.-tol ami Intermediate *t at lorn*. I; lii * lirM, Norton. IN ton lion la* and Welch. J Pullman si «»|H>r to NVolch. SOUTH AND KXSTIIorSK. I.V» pin -For Petersburg. ''' limoml ami Nor. i folk. Piil'm «n ItnHi»t t arlor I'ar tii Norfolk 1:45 ii in—Fo Wellington. lUicnilowit. I'lill ■ ilelphlu -tml N"ph York via llaKcrxtoMu sum I HttrrUrimrtf. Piillui in sie •■..•r to New York H.l'» p hi-Foi llagendowii. Pill'man .Sleeker to Philadelphia. 1:01 a ni—For Iti. Inn iml ami Norfolk. PII Im iii Slce|»er I.ytichhurg to Norfolk mid H I-IMII" d. 12:01 H m— ( Waahliigton u•*• l I'hat ia»»oo.»a l.iin itel). For Washington. Philadelphiaami N-w Y««rk via liViichhnrg. Pullman Slee|iei> lo Washington, Baltimore. Philadelphia ami New York. 7:10 ii in Km - /.ynrlilMirg, IVt"ii>Uiiig. Itirliiii'iml anil \inltilk -8:05 |> in—Daily. Km l.\ nrliluiiv. I'nll ill.in IS'wper fur /(ii'llluiillll. IIUUIIAM n iv si«»N. /*»vr I.yiii litnili! (Uli'"" -Siar!• .ii) tl.iilv ttxi'i'pt Niiml i.' a in, in I' r >• • ull B'iMim >ul Durham anil llit.'l ini*illatr Mu ll us. fur all aiMilioii il inf Hiiiation ap|il> In ticket ofti'V', or to W. 11. ItEVILL, M. F. IIHA.SIt, (ien'l I'ass. Agent. 7'rav Pas.. Agent. KOANOKE VA. HfrLLTut COUCH I,hd CURE THE LUNCB Dr. King's New Discovery i „ /tONSUHPTION Prica s Q!| I OUGHSand 50c Is SIOO 1 U ISOLDS FrM TrUI ; lureit and Quickest Cure for all I'HKOAT and LUNG TROUB 3Cj:-5, or MONEY BAOK- I 11l »|IQ !■ Mill I i| II i '»IIW No. 2 Folding Brownie A wonderfully capable and accurate camera built on the Kodak plan. Good enough to satisfy experienced photographers, yet so simple that children can use it. PICTURES 254 x 3'A inches. Loads in daylight with film Cartridges. Fitted with meniscus lens, and shutter with iris diaphragm stops. Full description In Kodak Catalog FREE at any photographic dealers or by mall. EASTMAN KODAK CO., Rochester, N. Y. Send your orders for job work to the Reporter Office,

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