JUST RECEIVED BY R. P. Joyce and Co., At Walnut Cove, N. C. A Big Lot Of hum Pi-tin (lothi FOR MEN ANI) IfOYS. In the latest cuts aud prettiest styles. Also just received a beautiful new line of Dry Good, Hats and Shos. Our prices are rock-bottom. Come and examine our stock whether you buy or not. O'HANLON'S DRUG STORE. WINSTON S A I.EM, N. O. people Will not lintl a better or more reliable place U> purchase tlit'ir I» /.M" JN tluii at this reliable liuusc. At.l. KINJ'S OK TOILET ARTICLES KEUT AT AM. TIMES. ] 1 al»i> keep tlio largest ami linest Hup of Trunmi in the suto guarantee satisfaction in both quality and pi ice. COME AND EXAMINE MY STOCK E. W. O'HANLON. You will never make a mistake by selling your Tobacco at PIEDMONT WAREHOUSE AVI>'STO>', IV. C. Winston manufactures over .11) million pounds of tobacco every year. Our manufacturers can afford to pay you more money for your tobacco iu Winston than anywhere else. Bring your tobacco to Pied msnt and you shall have the top of the market for every pile. Hoping to see you soon, we are Your friends, m. vv. NOB FLEET & CO. John A. Burton Walnut Cove, N. €. Headquarters for the Stokes County peo ple who want the best goods at the lowest prices. Keeps always on hand aCI kinds of farmers' sup plies — Dry Goods, Shoes, Groceries of all kinds, farming tools, and Guanos. At Winston Prices, QUAKER. j Quaker, July 18.—The farmers are in the grass. Crops look very well considering the wet weather. Wheat crops are better than was expected. There will be lots of moving this fall. Every renter in this neighborhood is going to move. Mr. Tom Darnell is going to High Point. J. M. Kiser is aiming to move to Slate's mill. He said last week that if he went to the mill it would not be one month before the custom would l>e so large that he would have to run half the night. PECKS BAD BOY. WALNUT COVE. Walnut Cove, July 17.—Rose Bud and Scuffle Town crossed bats 7-15-05 on tho latters ground. Had a good quiet game, ending 2 to 1 in favor of Rose Bud, or that ' was the the way the score stood alter deviding by eleven. They have another game the fifth Sat urday in this month on Rose Bud ground. Mr. Ed Meadows got a | linger drove up in his hand on the Sth ending. He had better do i like some of the Rose Bud players; have one taken off. J. 8. MADISON. Madison, July 18.—Mr. R. M. Fagg has moved his sawmill right close to Ellisboro. Mrs. R. M. Fagg and Mrs. N. G. Lawson went to Madison last Sunday. Mr. R. M. Fagg went to Wins ton yesterday to get him a new saw | mill. I reckon he can saw now if I no bad luck. Big meeting going on at Ellis boro this week. Large crowd at , tending. ME. BENT HER DOUBLE. "I knew no one, for four weeks, when I was sick with typhoid and kidney trouble," writes Mas Annie Hunter, of Pittsburg, Pa., "and when 1 got better, although I had 1 one of the best doctors 1 could get, 1 was bent double, and had to rest jmy hands on my knees when I walked. From this terrible afflic | tion I was rescured by Electric Hitters, which restored my health j and strength and now I can walk as straight as ever. They are simply wonderful." Guaranteed to cure stomach, liver and kidney disorders: at all drug stores; price 50c. TOURS TO COLORADO AND CALI FORNIA. Choose Time. Route And What to See. On numerous dates, May to | October, l'.tOo, excursion rates are lin effect to Colorado, California • ! and the Pacific Northwest. By specifying "Rock Island" west of ; Chicago, you secure the most for " your money in the way of sights |to see and side trips to take. Stop off in Colorado, take in the Rocky Mountain resorts, visit Yellow stone Park, then to Portland Ex position. Return via California. ! Full information from John Se j bastian, Passenger Traffic Mana ' ger, Rock Island System, Chicago. X ». IWIMWWMWWWWWWMW Chamberlain's COLIC. CHOLEHA AND I Diarrhea Remedy ■I I A few done* of this remedy will Invariably cnre an ordinary at tack of diarrhea. It has been used In nine epi demics of dysentery with perfect success. I It can always be depended upon, even in the more severe attacks of cramp colio and chol j i era morbus. It is equally successful for sniumer diarrhea and cholera l» infantum in children, and is the moans of saving the lives of many children each year. When reduced with water and sweetened it is pleasant to take. Every man of a family should keep this remedy In his home. Buy it now. It may save life. PRICE, 23C. LAROE SIZE, BOC. (UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MEDICINE, Thorough course In KBI IK, SIMfH. OBSTETRICS •nd the SPECIALTIES ; .1.0 DEITISTIY .nd PMIMACT. Lecture Halll, Laboratories. Hospital and Dispense riei amply equipped for successful teaching, j leventy Teachers. High record before State Boards. • hr 14 " P»it Citii'T.e 8. w."f THE PROCTOR. SCMOULER'S Prompt attention to all Mail Orders. Write for samples. SPRI/NG SALE OF Dress Goods and Silks. All the fashionable weaves in the new spring shades Beautiful Wash Goods. A splendid assortment of pretty pat terns in all the new spring wasli goods. New EMBROIDERIES and LACES. Our stock of these choice trimmings is most complete, and contains every thing that is new and up-to-date. Schouler's The Gorrells OF Farmers Warehouse Winston, N. C. Have gained more new trade and sold far more of their old ers this year than ever before in the history of their warehouse bu iness. This shows very plainly that they have been getting the {best prices and making the highest averages. We are justly proud of this record and desire to thank our friends for this immense trade. Wo will be delighted to handle the balance of yonr tobacco, and, undoubtedly, we can make it pay you to sell with us. Your friends, A. B. GORRELL & SON. FIRST SALE DA YS Kor January—Mondays, llY'diii'silays, Kriiluys. Kor February—TuesUiys, Thursdays, Saturdays. 4 Per Cent A Great Many Readers of the Danbury Reporter have savings accounts with this bank. And we believe there are hundreds of others who would open accounts if the strength and other advantages of the institution were clearly understood by them. We want every reader of the Reporter to become a deposi tor and enjoy the absolute security and substantial profit for their savings which we offer. If there is any reader that wants further information of 'the bank's strength and facilities the same will be furnished on application. : PIMM SAVIfIQS UK * WINSTOJv SALEM, JV. C. JOHN D. HUMPHREY, S Attorney at Law, Danbury, - - - N. C Prompt attention to all business entrusted. Will practice in all State courts. NATHANIEL O. PETREE, Attorney at Law, Danbury, - - . N. C. All business entrusted receives prompt aud careful attention. Will practice in all State courts. NOTICE. llavinsi duly rpialified its executrix of the last will uiul testament of A C Young, deceased, all persons indebted to said estate ate hereby notified to conio forward and make immediate settlement of llie same and all persons holdingclaims against said estate are hereby notified to present theintome pr perly authenticated for payment on or before the 20th day of April 11XM1 of this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. This April 12th. 1005. KLMYIIA M. YOUNU, Kxecuttix of A. Voung, dee'd. I'. O. Address—Walnut Cove, N. C., U F I) So 1. J . I). Humphreys, att'y. Thompson 9 * Drus Store, Winston, JV. C. Tlio largest ami most varied stock of pure Drugs hi Wilis'.on-A'aloui. X have liail 30 years experience in lilting trusses ami can advise you in selecting one. Come And See Me. V. O. THOMPSON. Bliss Native Herbs. Mr, John White, Germanton, N. C., says: "1 have used Bliss Native Herbs for Rheumatism and it has cured me. 1 have just purchased another box from your agent for future use and highly recommend it." A box of Bliss Native Herbs is a family doctor always in the house, its use prevents and cures Constipation, Dyspepsia. Kidney and Liver Trouble, Skin;' Disease Rheumatism and many Blood dis eases. It is purely vegetable— contains no mineral poison and is prepared in tablets and powder form. Sold in One Dol- 200 lor boxes with a guar- DOSES antee to cure or money $ 1.00 back, Our 32 page Almanac tel ling how'to'treat disease sent [on request. MEDICINE MAI RO.ML'TLY HV J. F. HALL, Agent. (TEKMANTON, N. C. THE ALONZO O. BLISS CO., WASHINGTON, I). C. THE BANK OF MADISON Is authorized by law to aet as Trustee, Assignee,. 1 dministra tor, Guardian, Com missioner. Business Solicited. TAILOR-MADE Garments. P. 11. WOLLSCIILAGEK, Winston, N. C. Latest Stales. Per fect Fit Guaranteed. GIVE ME A CALL. R. DAVIS, Winston, IN C. f Keeps constantly on hand a full stock of men's, women's and children's dress goods. Ladies' i hats trimmed are tli e latest New York styles. ■ Silver Plate that Weari.'' I '■ ■■:! THIS I fl TRIPLE PLATED 1 it I: KNIFE * f And has a I[ Round Bolster i A doing away with all sharp (A cornere on that part bav- V iug the hardest wear. This *1647 ROGERS BROS."^ patented improvement' insures much longer wear on plain or fancy knives than the other makes should they be plated ' equally as heavy. r Bold by loading dealer* everywhere For Illustrated catalogue "C-L" addrew t.Ucrnetional 8llv«r Co., Nitride*, Coan.