Briefs Adrift. Mr. Hardin Covington,of Mead ows, was in town Tuesday. Mr. Richard Woods, of llart uian, was in town Saturday. Mr. Thomas Petree is spending eomo time at Moore's Springs. Mr. B. F. Mitchell, of Dillard, called on the Reporter Tuesday. Miss Sallie Brent, of Groens boro, is visiting Mrs. A. H. Joyce. Mr. J. L. Wall, of the Dalton section, was in Danbury yesterday. Mr. A. D. Dodd, of Dodd, is here this week looking after his mill. Mr. J. Spot Taylor threshed 12(1 bushels of wheat from it bush, els sowing. Miss Grace Taylor, of \\ instou, is the guest of Mrs. J. S. Taylor at Piedmont. Don't forget the meeting of the old soldiers at Danbury on Satur day, August 12. Mr. John Y. Phillips, of Dalton, was a visitor at the court house on business Saturday. Mr. ami Mrs. Geo. Lewis, of Wilson's Store, visited Danbury and Piedmont Springs yesterday. A series of meetings are in progress at Chestnut Grove Meth odist church, near Dalton, this woek. The corn crop through this ro gion is unusually good owing to the fine rains. Tobacco also looks fuirly well. Mr. J. W. Spainhour, of King, is spending some time at Moore's Springs in the interest of his health. Mr. John W. Mitchell was thrown, by a mule near J. Wesley Morefield's 6fore Monday, but not hurt. Mr. Jay Adkitis and sistor, Miss Susie, of Red Shoals, visited their sister, Mrs. M. T. Chilton, this week. Register of Deeds Jones reports the sale of marriage licenses dull. During the past week he has failed to issue a single one. , Rev. W. M. Monsess, of David- Hon county, a Primitive Baptist minister, will preach at North View next Sunday. Mr. Walter King, Jr., left Mon day for Greensboro where he goes to take a position as salesman in the store of King Bros. Miss Georgia Dalton, who had been spending some time with the Misses Buxtou at Piedmont Springs, returned to Winston last Thursday. The Pilot Mountain Baptist Association will convene in an mini session at Beck's Baptist church, Juliet, today. The session will last through Sunday. Misses Laura and Elizabeth - Hairstou, of Wouonda, Ya., who have been visiting Mrs. J. L. Gil mer, went to Walnut Cove today. —Winston Sentinel. The many friends of Mrs. W. M. Chisman, of Pino Hall, will be pleased to learn that sho has re gained her health anil has fully recovered from the operation re cently performed upon her at the Winston hospital. Mr. Levi W. Ferguson, of King Route I, prosperous young mer chant and good farmer, was here Tuesday. Mr. tVgnsju reports nearly all the wheat in his section threshed. Corn, lie says, is look ing fine, but tobnoco not doing well. A Gl'All VNTKED CURE FOR PILES. Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding I'iles. Druggists re fund money if Paz" Ointment fails to cure any case, no umtter of how long standing, in 0 to 14 davs. Firtt application gives ease nnd rest. iSOc. If your druggist hasn't it send 500 in stamps and it will bj forwarded post-paid by Pons Mjiiauo Co., St. Louis, Mo, A SURPRISE BIRTHDAY DINNER. Pleasant Affair for Mr. Jerry West moreland Real Estate Deals at Walnut Cove- Other Notes. Walnut Cove, July 15 —Mr. A. Mickey is having chills right along. Awful hot, but still ho shakes. Mi3s Stella Rierson, who has been in Mount Airy for the past month, came home Mondny. Mrs. Pinkney Rierson, of Char lotte, is visiting the family of Mr. S. C. Rierson. J. A. Petree is over in Davie this week taking brandy distillers' bonds. Mr Paul Banner, of Greensboro, was up this week looking after his farming near here. Brick and sand for the bunk have boon hauled. Just as soon as the brick committee can call a meeting and appoint a special committee to pass on the quality of the brick, suppose the work will begin, Quite a host of frienda and rela tives prepared a surprise birthday dinner for Mr. Jerry Westmore land last Wednesday, it being his ,'Wth birthday. Everything workod like a charm, Mr. West moreland not beinij aware of the events until all things were ready. The table was arranged out in the grovo near his home. When the alarm was sounded Mr, West moreland and a few friends marched out, where they foun l nearly 100 people and as tine a dinner as it has ever been the writer's privilege to enjoy. Two real estate deals; Briok store owned by Jacob Fulton, sold to D, S, Boyles; old Cahill prop erty sold Jno, Hedgecock. Mr, Hedgecock will operate n brick manufactory on same the coming season, Mrs. Amanda Black continues very low. PINE HALL Pine Hall, July 24.—A revival meeting is in progress at Forest Chapel tnis week, conducted by the Revs. Edwards and Canite. Mr. David Carter, of Dillard, was in town today. The protracted meeting for Bethesda church begins on the first Sunday in August. Mr. E. S. Withers is on the sick list this week. Hope to soe him out again soon. Several of our young men ex pect to run a wagon excursion to the mountains of Stokes next week. Mr. Paul Hill, of Germanton, spent a few days in town this week. Misses Bessye and Lelia Flynn wont to Madison Tuesday to visit the Misses Neal. Miss Emma Williams, of Wins ton, spent Friday uiglit with her brother, Mr. John Williams. Misß Beulah Neal spent last week at Walnut Cove. Miss Mary S. Withers returned from Walnut Cove Thursday. Miss Martha Purdye deserves much praise for the way in which she rendered "The Measuring Day," a striking and most impres sive recitation. A number of young people from this place went on the ex cursion to Winston. Miss Bettie Davis went to Wal nut Cove Tuesday night. My H Extra Long Feed your hair; nourish it; give it something to live on. Then it will stop falling, and will grow long and heavy. Ayer's Hair Vigor is the only hair-food you can buy. For 60 years it has been doing just what we claim it will do. I It will not disappoint you. M My hair qiml to he rery ehort. Bat after I natiiß Ayer'* Hair VlKor * ..hort time It I to rrow, and now tt I* fourteen Inohet long ■ This »eeinp a •plemlld result to me after hemic ■ without any Imlr/*— Mh*». J. H. FurkH. ■ Colorado Sprlnga. Colo. M>««. B Alao manufacturers of a-1 9 sahsapamlu. JTx THIRTY-FIVE NEW ONES. Names Of Soldiers and Widows Whose Applications For Pensions Were Approved. At the meetings of the Stokes Pension Hoard here on July 3rd and the 17th the following new ap plications of soldiers and widows for pensions were approved : Serenia Edwards, Pinnacle. Kate Warren, Walnut Cove. Martha Smith, Hard Bank. Polly Bullen, Dellar. Eliza Boles, Pinnacle. Nancy E. Simpson, Dillard. Lncinda Davis, Walnut Cove. N. W. Eaton, Pinnacle. Thomas Neal, Pine Hall. J. T- Martin, Ked Shoals, A. B. Heath, Pilot Mountain. Geo. W. Knight, Sandy Ridge. A. R. Jones, Vade Mecutn. J. L. Freeman, Danbury. F. M. Davidson, Dillard. P. B. Kirby, King. Wm. H. Hawkins, Boxwood. I. W. Moser, King. J. H. Darnell, Walnut Cove. Moses Lawson, Dellar. William Bullen, Danbury. W. H. Kiser, King Route 1. E. L. Bennett, Germanton. D. F. Carter, Walnut Cove. Henry Bullen, Dellar. James Hi*, Walnut Cove, Edward Welch, Walnut Cove. J. P. Glidewell, Walnut Cove Route 1. B. R, Parrom, Walnut Oovo Route 1. Jack Roberson, Dillard. J. C. Thornbrough, Meadows. L. D, Lewis, Walnut Cove Route I. Samuel Johnson, Germanton Route 1. F. J. Tuttle, Walnut Cove. John Heard, Dillard, GERMANTON. Germanton, July 21—The to* bacco crop in this section is look ing splendid. Mr. F. E. Petree tells us that he has the finest crop he has ever raised, and that is saying a lot, because Mr. Petree always raises splendid tobacco. Mr. W. D. Browder has a beau tiful crop also. Mr. Browder is one among the few who have made a success with the weed. I think if the tobacco raisers would follow Mr. Browder's principles in the cultivation of their tobacco they would be more successful. Mr. Browder tells us that every time the top of the soil becomes a little hard he goes into it and lightly cultivates the soil. By doing so he keeps the ground loose and moist and the tobacco is not so liable to fire or burn up from the bottom. Mr. Browder has worked his crop five times and it certainly shows the effects, too. Mr. Browder does not plant such a large crop, but just what he can give his attention to. The great mistake with most of the farmers is that they try to plant more than they can attend to, and by doing so they make a failure of it all. , If next year we would plant a reasonable crop and not try to put out the whole world, I am sure we would make a far better success of our tobacco crops. Mr. H. McGee has finished the repair work on the old court house in Germanton, and it looks like a new building now. We are glad Mr. McGee has made the improv inents, because they help the looks of our town. Mr. It. G. Petree spent Sunday with his parents. Miss Ellie and Ada Crews at tended service at Rose Bud Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Kurfee, who have been spending a few days at Mocksville, have returned to their home. Mr. and Mrs. Foy, of Winston, spent Sunday in Germanton. LOOKER ON. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grave's signature is on each box. MR. WIRT MITCHELL HURT. Falls From Wagon and Has Narrow Escape—Two Deaths Near Cases —News From Gideon. Gideon, July 25. —Will say we have had much rain of late and some very hot days, but 1 presume most of your readers have found out that the weather is hot. Will ulso say that crops are fine but may have too much growth and need less rain and more sun shine. Threshing is about over and wheat and rye crops are only about half a yield. News is scarce; some sickness prevails. Three cases of typhoid fever at Dillard. Nick and Russell Mitchell and their mother, they are convalescent now. Mr. Wirt Mitchell received severe injuries by falling from his wagon coming from Madison last Saturday and had a narrow escape from being killed before he was oxtricated. Mr. W. M. Flynt is slightly in disposed from futigue of a recent trip to Winston. We arc sorry to chronicle the re cent deaths of Mr. James 11. Scales and Mrs. Thomas Gann near Cases. Both were chronic invalids and their deaths were not unexpected. Both will bo much missed by relatives and many friends, Mrs. Hall, who has been under treatment at the Rierson & Cop pie Sanitarium at Winston-Salem for several weeks, is spending gome time with her daughter Mrs. Martin here, and is not so well now and had Dr. Matheson to see her today. Miss Si, P, Mitchell ia also right much ailing. Miss Zella Martin, of Mayodan, is visiting friends and relatives in the neighborhood. Dr, H, D. DeShazo is very sick at his sister's near Madison. We hope for his recovery very soon. Children's Day will be celebrated at Flinty Knoll next Sunday. A largo crowd expected to attend. Hope we will have some of the Danbury people with us. GOAT, About the Public Roads. Heareford, July 20. Editor Reporter: Please allow to say through the Reporter that the overseers of the public roads of Snow Creek town ship are hereby respectfully noti fied to have their roads in good order and report the same to the board of supervisors at John Hutcherson's shop on the first Saturday in August at 1 o'clock p. m. This must be done. I also beg leave to suggest that the super visors of Stokes county urge up on the county commissioners for an arrangement by which the overseers of each section in the county can hire a team and a plow as much two days in each year. One in the spring and one in the fall. Or as much as is necessary not to exceed two days in each year, and to be used r.nder the directions of the overseers. Then each section will get its part of this help. I think this plan would give better satisfaction than our present system. Or, bet ter than it would to do all the work by taxation, and would be great encouragement to all road workers. I think this plan would give us better roads than we have ever had and would not cost the county but very little compared to what it would cost to do all the work by taxation. Let us hoar from some one else. C. B. S. Snow Creek Township. Mother's Ear * WORD IN MOTHER' 9 CAR: WHEN KURBINQ AN INFANT, ANO IN THB MONTH* THAT COMB BMP OR* THAT TIMB. SCOTT'S EMULSION BURPUCB THB CXTBA BTRKNGTH ANO NOUBIBHMMNT BO NBCCBBARY FOR THB HMALTH OR BOTH MOTHER ANO CHILD. Send for free sample. SCOTT ft BOWNE, Chemists, 409-415 Pearl Street, New York. 50c. and #I.OO ( all druggists. DEATH AT WESTFIELD. Wife Of Mr. Crocket Joyce Passes Away—Various Other News. Westfield, July 24.—Miss Mary Simmons, who has been spending some time with relatives in Vir ginia, returned home Saturday. A large crowd attended services at Tom's Creek yesterday. Mrs. Jack Simmons was baptised and Mrs. J. H. East joined the church and will be baptized next meeting. Mr. ,1. 11. Rangely, of Stuart, is in town today. Mr. C. 11. Powell, of Winston, was hero Monday. Mr. James T. Ayers, of Stuart, visited friends near here Saturday and Sunday. Misses Maude and Mollie Payne and their cousins, Misses Grace anil Annie Laura Council, of High Point, spent last week with their aunt at Brim. • Prof. C. H. Johnson, of East Bend, spent two nights in town last week. Mr. Scales, of the Madison Gro cery Co., was here last Thursday. Mr. J. C. Dearman, of Winston, is visiting his parents near here. Messrs. Claud Transou and Cecil Tinsley were in town Wed nesday. Miss Ellen Jessup, who has been visiting her mother for some time, returned to her home in j Miss, last week. Tuesday evening the angel of death entered the home of Mr. Crocket Joyce and carried away to I Heaven his wife and the loving' mother of five little children. She had been sick many months and; knew that she must die, and she was ready and willing to go, but j it was so hard to leave her chil dren to walk through this cold world without a mother to guide i them. Thursday morning she called them all to her bedside and bade them a long farewell. The deceased was a member of the Baptist church. lie v. Jesse Ash burn conducted the funeral servi ces after which the remains were laid to rest in the Westfield grave yard. She leaves several brothers and sisters to mourn her death, her father and mother having died years ago. CONSENT. Consent, Ya., July 24. — Farmers are very much behind with their work on account of so much rain. The crops are looking very well considering. We are very sorry to note the illness of Lola Guiiter, who has been sick for quite a while. Hope she will soon recover. Misses May and Mary Lou Tatum, Messrs. Elmo Marks, of ShutV, Deshazo Wimbishand Fred and Will Houchins, of Stuart, were the guests of Miss Kate Handy, of this place, Sunday afternoon. Mr. A. W. Williams visited his parents at Howell Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Smith and little daughter, Ida, spent Sunday last at Mr. T. T. Williams'. Mrs. S. F. Dunkley and Mrs. T. J. George, of Stuart, visited their sister, Mrs. J. Y. Tatum, of this place, Friday. Mr. David Gunter called on one of our blue eyed girls Sunday. Come again, David, very glad in deed to see you. Quite a number of our people attended divine services at Creasy's Chapel Sunday. TWO JOLLY CHUMS. THE DIAMOND CURE. The latest news from Paris, is, that they have discovered a diam ond cvre for consumption. If you fear consumption or pneumonia, it will, however, be best for you to take that great remedy mentioned by W. T. McGee, of Vanleer, I Tenn. "I had a cough, for four teen years. Nothing helped me, until 1 took Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, which gave instant re lief, and effected a permanent cure." Unequalled quick cure, for Throat and Lung Troubles. At all drug stores; price 30cand$1.00, guaranteed. Trial bottle free. ♦ Peoples' Column.* ♦ ♦ MILLINER* BUSINESS FOR SALE— (>n account of the death of Mrs. C. P. Bailey the millinery busi ness formerly conducted by her at Walnut Cove is offered for sale. It has been worked up to bo a good paying industry and offers ex cellent prospects to any one desir ing to engage in it. I will also rent the building occupied at present, which contains a good store room and six rooms above which could be used by a family for living in, Cnll on or write ine at Walnut Cove, N. C. JOHN C. HA 1 LEY. ANY ONE—Wanting to rent a good grain, grass and tobacco farm will do well by calling on J. A. Lawson, Dellar, N. C. My sou, W. L. Nelson, age 17 i years, has left home without pro vocation or cause, and I hereby for bid any person in North Carolina ( or Va., to employ, shelter or aid him in any way. Very Respectfully, II. NELSON N. O. Petree will sell a good 25 H. P. Engine and Boiler and sawmill and lixtures at Boyden's Siding on the 15th of August at 1 o'clock, SEND SIX NAMKS —And ad dress of those you know wanting to buy Piano or Organ and get a music chart or song book free. Address E. C. HAMILTON, The Singing Man, Groensboro, N. C. COME AN D SEE our line of Clothing before you buy your fall and winter suit. xVlso see our line of Craddock, Terr) fc Co., Battle Ax and Douglass Shoes. Every pair guaranteed. J. C. FLINN & SON, Pine Hall, N. C. FOR RENT —Anyone desiring to rout some good farming land would do well to apply to the un dersigned. Also have one mer chant burr mill with good land around it which 1 will rent to the right party. Address, Dodd & Forest, Francisco, N. C., Route 1. I WANTED--Lady or gentleman of fair education to travel for firm of $250,000 capital. Salary *1,072 per year payable weekly. Exponsea advanced. Address GEO. G. CLOWS, Danbury, N. C. ARE YOU LOOKING for a pair of Shoes. Then Fulton's Red Store in Walnut Cove is the place to buy them. 500 pairs to go at and below cost in the next 00 days. First couies tirst served. We are no respectors of persons. LAM) SALE. Ily virtue of a decree of the Superior court of SIOKCS county re.ulered by M T Chi Lou (J s C in the special proceedings entitled "Jolin Neal et al vs Di ,/ohn W Neal otal" appointing the undersigned a commissioner to make sale of the hereinafter described lands, 1 will sell at public auction to the highest biddei for cash at the court house door in the town of Danbury, N C on .Mon day August 7th, 11(03, Uio following lands, to-wit; A certain tract or parcel of laud in Daubury township, Stofces ty, North Carolina adjoining the lands of l'eppei heiu, James .Southern, James /.aw- SOII ami others and bounded as follows, tti wit: //egi lining at pointers at the tip of Flat Shoal Mountain V. Moran's corner, thence running .South with bis line to a staAe in James /.auxin's line, tlmcce west with his line and Mil. uiand Calvin Sou h er.i's lines to .Southern's north west co»ner South Willi bis line to a stake in the line of the old :!50fl acre grant tbonce west to a stake formerly a black oak the old -Sliober corner north 10 chains to a dogwood old earner west 8 chains to a black oak, thence north on the old Sliobcr line to i/ancocfc's now ./ames ll' Southern's corner thence east north ami west with the lid J \V Southern's lines to his corner ill the line of the obi Shober grant thence i ortli with said line to pointers iu the old d'al-son Collins now Pepper heirs line East with their line ten chains to a hickory con tinuing east in all SO chains to the begin iing containing 430 acres more or less. Sale stiDi .1 to the continuation of the court. This the 20th day of ./une, 1005. .1. D. HUMPHREYS, Commissioner LAND SALE. Ily virtue of a decree of the .Superior Court of Stokes county rendered by SI. T. Chilton c. S. C. in the special proceedings entitled "7\ L. Smith vs. Lockey Gilbert et al" appointing the undersigned a com missioner to make sale of the lavdsheiein after described, I will sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder for C; h at the court house door in the town of Danbury, N. C. on Monday the 7thdav.of Aug. liMifi, the same being the first Monday iu Aug. of said year, the following described lands to-wit: (I) a tract of laud situate, lying and be ing lu the county of .Stokes and slab 1 of North Carolina adjoining the lands of J. P. Covington, .Matilda Hard and others and containing 27 acres more or less. The second tract lies adjoining the lands of James Ti I ley and J/yra Nunn and contains two acres more or less it being the tract of land that J. I'. Covington conveyed by deed to ,/olin Tillcy. The sale of said lauds will lie subject to he confirmation of the court. 71ils June the 20tli, 11103. J. I). IHiMrUUEVS, Commissioner.