Briefs Adrift. Mr. N. A. Martin loft Tuesday to attend the Fair at Winston. Ho was Accompanied by his daughter, Miss Mary. Leo Rierson exhibited a live ground bog >n our streets Friday. It was captured on the creek bank near Dinbury. Very interesting to see the little creature that brings so much bad weather when he happens to see his shadow, The many friends of J. Frank Martin will learn of his success in electrical work in Pittsburg, Pa., with genuine pleasure. Frank is a bright boy and deserves success. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Martin, of Danbury. Mr. Zaok L. Wall, a venerable and highly respected citizen of Beaver Island township, paid Danbury a visit Friday. Mr. Wall was much pleased with the coun ty's new court house, this being the fust time lie had seen it. Mr. Wall was accompanied by his nephew, Mr. Nick Wall. Capt. Chas. Price, of Salisbury, who was one of the most prom inent lawyers of the State, died last Thursday. Mr. Price was a law classmate of Mr. W. W. King, ami a lifelong friend of lioth Mr. King and Mr. A. 11. Joyce, of Dan bury, who learned of his death with sincere regret. 1 T " Marriage Licenses, Register of Deeds C. M. Jones has recently issued licenses to marry as follows : Elijah F. Flippin to Martha Hole. Moir Goard to Katie Lawson. William I). Poore to Minnie E. Dillon. Jas. P. Shelton to Lillio Wood, Card of Thanks. I wish through the columns of the Reporter to thank the people in anil around Walnut Cove for their kindness and attentiveness shown the lato Mrs. Amanda Black during her protracted ill ness and dentil, and for your ser vices ami kindness shown to her and the family you have my most sincere thanks and greatest appreciation. Very respectfully, MRS. LIZZIE WEBSTER, Walnut Cove, N. C. Board Of Education In Session. The Board of Education was in session here Monday, Messrs. R. E. Smith and N. A. Martin being present. The following business was transacted : The sale of the school honee in district No. 1, white race, Quaker Gap township, was confirmed by the Board at the price of $29.75. The Board ordered the Supt. to issue a notice to Jas. Woods to appear before them at their noxt inpeting and show cnuso why the school house in district No. 2, white race, Quaker Gap township, shall not be sold or removed by said Board. It was ordereil that the Supt. investigate at once districts Nos. 8, -1 and (J, in Peter's Creek town ship, in order to ascertain whether it would be advisable to consoli date same into two districts and build new houses. BEWAUE OF OINTMENTS FOR CATARII THAT CON TAIN MERCURY, as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely de range the whole system when en tering it through the mucous sur faces. Such ai tides should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0., contains no mer cury, and is taken internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Iu buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken internally and made in Toledo. Ohio, by F. J. Chtsnoy & Co. Testimonialt free. Sold by Druggif-ts. Price, 75c. per bottle. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. COURT BROKE THURSDAY EVE. A Very Shorl Term and Hardly Any thing Accomplished Toward Clear ing the Civil Docket. The Fall Term of Stokes Super ior Court ended Thursday after noon, Judge Bryan and the non resident lawyers leaving the same evening for their respective homes. The term was a very short one. The civil docket was barely reach ed, only three cases being disposed of. The following criminal cases not mentioned in the last issue of the Reporter were disposed of: State v. Albert Samuels and James Samuels, cruelty to animals, guilty, sls and cost. Cost amount ed to about s'.Mi,oo State v. Nelie Cardwoll, asfault with deadly weapon, guilty, S2O and cost. State v. Luther Mounce, affray, not guilty. State v. John Young, retailing, I cases, defendant pleadod guilty. Judgment continued upon pay ment of $11). State v. Jesse Corn, retailing, defendant pleaded guilty, $lO and cost. State v. Setli Spencer, assault with deadly weapon, guilty, SSO and cost. Cost about S3O. State r. Moses Bullen, guilty, retailing, $lO and cost. State v. Clinton Ivens, forcible trespass, defendant plead guilty Judgment pending. State v. Peter Conner, Alice Conner, George Rogers and Rosa Rogers, assault with deadly weap on, guilty, $5 and cost. State v. Chas. Whitfield, George Whitfield, Frank -Whitfield and Louis Mason, larceny, guilty. Or dered that the defendants, who are minors, be Jhired out by the Gounty Commissioners, State v. Waltor ShutT, larceny, guilty. Ordered that defendant, who is a minor, be hired out by County Commissioners. State v. Birde Mabe, larceny, guilty, 0 months on Rockingham roads. Civil, DOCKET. The following cases on the civil docket were disposed of: Minnie Sisjetnoro v, Gideon D. Sizemore, divorce proceeding, judgment in favor of plaintiff. D. M. Hooker admr., v. South ern Railway Company, dimigo suit, judgment for SSO and cost. Smith Hughes v. N. & W. Rail way Company, damage suit. Com promise judgment signed, FULL OF TRAGIC MEANING are these lines from J. H. Sim. mons, of Casey, la. Think what night have resulted from his terri cough if he had not taken the medicine about whioh he writes : "I had a fearful cough, that dis turbed my night's rest. I tried everything, but nothing would re lieve it, until I took Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption Coughs and Colds, which com pletely cured me." Instantly re lieves and permantly cures all throat and lung diseases; prevents grip and pneumonia. At all drug gists; guaranteed; 50c and SI.OO. Trial bottle free. FOR BOTH One disease of thinness in children is scrofulu; in adults, consumption. Both have poor blood ; both need more fat. These diseases Thrive on lean ness. Fat is the best means of overcoming them; cod liver oil innkea the best and healthiest fat and SCOTT'S EMULSION is the easiest and most effective form of cod liver oil. Here's a natural order of things that shows why Scott's Emulsion is of so much value in all cases of scrofula and consumption. More fat, more weight, moie nourish ment, that's why. Soud for fh'tt until pie. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists 409-415 Pearl Street, New York i 50c. and SI.OO u It :s tJ AfldrugxlsU COUNTY FATHERS IN SESSION. The October Meeting Of the Board of Commissioners Devoid of Inter est. Only Routine Business Trans acted. The Board of County Commis sioners met in regular session at the court house Monday, full board present, as follows: John W. Gann, chairman; J. M. Mabe and R. F. Shelton. Claims were allowed as follows : R. J. Petree, jail account for September, $ 71.150 W. R. Stephens, keeping county home for Sept., 88.25 M. T. Chilton, stationery, 19.15 Alfred Williams & Co., Su preme court reports, 97.50 Edwards & Broughton, prin ting nol pros docket, if 50 Danbury Reporter, printing and publishing calendar, 5.00 D. A. Simmons, serving 3 road orders and court of ficer at fall term, 7.80 R. J. Petroe, sheriff, serv ing jurors and holding fall term of court, 41.(50 J. F, Dunlap, serving as oourt officer, I.OO serving 11 road orders, ti.OO Jane Smith, pauper, 3.00 Sennie Manuel, pauper, 1.50 J. L. Freeman, pauper, 3.00 Mack Johnson's sisters, paupers, 4.50 V. W. Newsom, pauper, 3.00 Fannie Plummer, pauper, 3 00 N, A. Martin, clothing lun atics, 4.20 J E Slate, balance on bridge, 186.50 Joe Padget, pauper, 5.00 R. H. R. Blair, pauper coffin, 2.50 I. M. Gordon, desk and chair for Register's office, 13.00 Messrs. J. E, Slate & Son hav ing previously been awardod oou tract to build a wooden bridge across Old Field Creek at the price of $220.00, it was ordered that C. M. Jones, clerk of the Board, turn over to Slate & Son $10.50 which he had in his hands I paid by J. V. Marshall from pri vate persons toward defraying the expense of the said bridge. An order was moreover made on the Treasurer in favor of Slate & Son for $186.50, being the balance due on tho contraet price after crediting $23.00, paid by J. V. Marshall and the $10.50 paid by C. M. Junes. The Board ordered the Sheriff to lay out the Spanish Ooak road and report to the next meeting of the Board. This road was grant ed in answer to the petition of a number of citizens to the last meeting of the Board. It is to begin at a point on the public road near Rufus Covington's, and intersect with the Volunteer road at or near William Coin's, travers ing the lands of W. H. Cain, Wyatt Hunter, Geo. W. Collins, Rebecca Price, William Cox, E. T. Wilson, Robert Gibson, William Lash, J. R. Covington and R. V, Marshall. Chas. Whitfield, 001., was hired out for four months for $25.50, to Lee Whitfield, col Frank Whit field, col., was hired out to Lee Whitfield, col., for four months for $23.41. Louis Mason, col., was hired out for four months to Jno. A. Hodgin for $23.41, and Walter Shut!', col., was hired out to J, T. Johnson four months, This was in accordance with an order made by Judge Bryan, the said Chas. W h i t fie Id, Frank Whitfield, Walter Sh u ff, and Louis Mason having been found guilty at the last term of court, the defendants being minors. The Board granted the follow ing tax releases : W. L. Flinchum, Danbury township, from 1905 poll, $ 2.75 J. A. Gordon, Yakkin town ship from 1905 property, 1.40 R. J."Petree, Meadows township, executor Win, Campbell, from 1905 property, 48.83 J. W. Slate, Meadows town ship, from 1905 property, 1. Joseph L. State, Meadows township, from 1905 prop er! v, 1.48 M. *f. Chilton, Danbury, from 1905 property, 13.83 INTERESTING NEWS FROM DALTON J. W. Rutledge Building Handsome New House—Mr. Joe Rutledge Continues lll—Personals. Dalton, October 2. —Farmers in this section are busy getting ready to sow wheat. Mr. Chas. Dalton, of Charlotte, is spending a few days here look ing after the interest of his farm. Miss Georgia Dalton returned to Winston-Salem today. She has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Dr. Phillips. Miss Lula Shulty. returned last week from Roanoke, Ya., where she visited her brother, Mr. EdShultz, and cousins, Capt. and Mrs. J. N. Newsom. She reports a pleasant tinio. Think some of the young men over there is her only thought now. Mr. Albert Phillips, who has bad typhoid fever, is improving, we are glad to note. Masters Roger and )dell Keiger spent part of last week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Shultz, at this place, Mr. Soales Dalton hus been here a few days in the interest of his health. Hope he will be able to get out soon. The Grabs Company began work on a new house for J. W. Rutledge. It will be a handsome residence when completed, Mr. Joe Rutledge continues very feeble, we are ooiry to note. He is a fine old man; has a host of friends all over Stokes and other counties where he is known. TOPSY. Dalton, Oct. 3. Mr. J. Cook's mother and n part of the family were vistors in Dalton the lalter part of last week. Mr. Ross Hamm and Miss Maud Coe boarded the train yes terday a. HI. for King. We were very sorry to see them leave, going so far, ha! Misses Dera Tuttle and May Coe have gone to Pilot Mountain today to purchase their now fall hats. Miss Dera will be a visitor in Dalton several days. Miss May Ola Coe reports hav ing a fine time in King last week on relief of Mr. Shore. I think she would be delighted for Mr. Shore to go to Washington again. I wonder how Sunday School Girl and Mr. Pink B. is getting on these days. Very fine, though, l| guess from all reports. Look here, my friend, young boys are too ploutiful for that. Ring otf. MAMAS JOY. DANBURY ROUTE ONE. Danbury, Sept. 29. —Cornshuck- ings seem rather early this year. Mr. Jim Tilley and Mr. Henry Wilson had shuckings this week. Missßerchie Dunlap, of Gid-j eon, visited at Mr. W. P. Ray's: this week. A sociable was given the young people Monday night at Mr. La fayette Campbell's. Enjoyed by all present. Mr. S. B. Gatewood, of Dillard, visited this section Monday and Tuesday. Quite an accident befell some of the bravo boys of this section a few days ago. Mr. Bob Simmons and D. G. Kelley thought they had lost a strip of "fat back," but it proved to be their best girls. Notice ! All persons who are expecting to teach in Stokes county tho coming fall and winter are hereby notified that the last public exam ination for this school year will be held at Danbury ou October 12 and 13 for whites, and 14 for colored. J. T. SMITH, County Superintendent. PLANS TO GET RICH are often frustrated by sudden breakdown, due to dyspepsia or constipation. Brace up and tako Dr. King's New Life Pills. They take out the materials which are clogging your energies, and give you a new start. Cure headache and dizziness too. At all druggists 25c., guaranteed. SCHOULER'sI | NEW TALL GOODS I j COMING IN DAILY j £ Some cliice tilings have already ar- | | lived and you are cordially invited to | inspect them as Cast as (hey come in. I The styles are beautiful this fall. Our buyer* have been in New York I for many weeks, and you can re*( as sured that our store will he (his sea son as it has always been —(lie center of fashion. Wc guarantee prices us low as can I be had anywhere in this country on g up-to-date, reliable merchandise. Sc h ou! er's WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. 1 ..................................................... : The Mattress Store : ♦ «t. ,/5 : i ■ . . ■■■' tSU, ♦ I 1 j I One=Third Your Life is Spent: | In Bed I l ♦ J ♦ X You should have u mattress that will help to insure rest for J ♦ both mind and body. There are lots of different grades. 'We j ♦ handle the best. Come in and examine our springs and mat- # i tresses. * 5 ♦ : Huntley = Hill = Stockton Co. : | Winston, iTI. IEIBCOtIPAHT. Departit;ent Store. 441 143 TRADE STREET. The Store That Saves You Money. We sell a little of everything Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Millinery, Tinware, Glass ware, Hardware, Crockery, Groceries, Etc. A handy and safe place to trade. We sell the bargains that briug the crowd. Our Fall Line is now arriving in large qualities. Wo cordially invito you to call and inspect our big stock of merchandise. Miss Martha Newsom, of King, Stokes county, will be with us this fall and will be glnd to have her friends to calj- and see her. Hie J. I Hester Company. | Hcnd Your Job Work to the Reporter Office.