•TONY" AFTER -TIMOTHY.", Charges Him With Copying His Ar ticles From the Book Entitled "The Negro A Beast"—Asks Timothy Some Questions'. Mr. Editor : On examining the Reporter of last week, [ saw a four column ar ticle written or rather copied by one "Timothy." It is a matter of little importance who "Timothy" is as his writings are all quotations from a certain l>ook, entitled "The Negro A Beast." written by a fellow Carroll, who claims that lie has spent fifteen years of his life and twenty thousand dollars in money in getting his book on the market. Carroll would have people to believe that his was a great sacrifice; but 1 dare say that he has reaped a nunlerate fortune from such men as friend '"Timothy," who spend ninny s'eepless nights and endure many hours of hard labor with their brains trying to solve this all im portant question (as they would have us believe) as to the negro possessing that never dying ele ment, the soul. Now, Mr. Editor, it is not my purpose to enter into any lengthy discussion of this subject, in fact I am not capable of sitting as judge in a case where is to be de cided the great question of the immortality of the greater part of thi inhabitants of the earth, but would like to submit a few ques tions to "Timothy" which I am sure he will take pleasure in answ ering if he is honest in his writ ings anil belief. 1. What is your motive in copy ing from Carroll's book and hav ing it published in the Reporter? 'l. What constitutes the soul possessing power? If you should succeed in making the negro believe he had no soul, would it better his con dition or make him a more desira b'e creature to have in our coun try? 4. Will it benefit the whito peo ple if they are established in this balief? I cannot believe that this fellow who takes up so much valuable space, really wishes anyone to t-ike his writing seriously. Per haps 1 may be mistaken in this and if 1 am I ask him to be serious in answering the few questions which I have asked him. I liope that "Timothy" will not siiy of me as he did of "Dog-Killer'' that it was my love for the negro that prompted this short state ment. And just here one word in defense of "Dog-Killer," as I hap pen to know him. It was no love for the negro, that caused him to enter his protest, but a belief that is well grounded gained by years of study and observation. His only purpose is to bettor the con dition of the negro by conceding to him his just rights and lending him a helping hand in any worthy purpose or cause. Keineinber "Timothy" that our ancestors were all roving savages in the fi.rosts of Germany and (rani, no further advanced in the S'"ale of civilization than the black est tribe in all Africn. andnoinore worthy to be called "in the image of God" than the negro. It is a constant development that lias brought us to our present stage of enlightenment ami I dare say that with equal advantages the negro would not have been left far behind in the trend of civilization. If the negro lias a soul, you are in (lunger of a fearful con demnation for the Bible says if we cause one of our fellowbeings to stumble it would be better for us that a mill stone were put about our neck and we cast into the sea. If he has no soul it will do him no good to convince him of it, as I'm sure Timothy himself will confess that negroes are bene-' tited by hearing the gospel. lam sure of one thing, if a negr.» belie 1 ves he lias a soul it will take sever al "Timothys" and "Books by (Jhas. Carroll" to convince him to the coi.trarv. TONY. KING ROUTE TWO. King Route 2, Aug. s.—Will you allow me space to have an other chat with "Roviug Joe." I would first say you answered my questions correct, and thank you very much for correcting the mistake I made as it was done through haste. Well, you said I loaded my gun pretty heavy for a Rover, but I don't think I loaded as heavy ac cording for a rover as you did for a Sunday School girl, but 1 think it will be a great help for us all to look after those questions. So I will try to answer your question the best 1 can, and if I make a mistake I will ask you or anyone else to correct it. 1 don't tliink you will timl the word "Boy" used but twice in the Bible, Genesis 25-17, where they were speaking uf Esau and Jacob, as you know they were twins. The verse read as follows: "And the boys grew and Esnu was a cunning hunter, a man of the field; and Jacob was a plain man dwelling in tents," Zac. 8-5, and "th# streets of the city shall be full of boys and girls playing in the streets thereof." Well, now, ww will take up the uext question as to what words are used most in the Bible. I think the word "and" is used most in the Bible. Von will fiud that the little word "and'' is used 35,544 times in the old Bible and 10,>04 in the new testament. Now, as I said if T am not correct on this I certainly will thank any one to correct me. * A protracted meeting was held at Chestnut Grove M. E. church last week with the addition of eight members to the church. Messrs. Hickmou and Holland did the preaching. They certainly did their duty, but it seemed that some of the people were too hard hearted to yield. But may they yet see that they are on the wrong road and turn before it's too late. Mr. Gaston Carroll, of Winstojf. visited Mr. Joe Gibson's recently. Lookout you fellows that are sell ing liquor, he is after you, and I expect he is after some of you girls but in a different way. Now, "Roving Joe," won't you please tell me what verse and in what chapter the word "anil" is used the most times, and how many times ? Wishing the Reporter and its readers much success. S. S. GIRL. SMITH. Smith, Aug. I.—Farmers are about done laying by their crops, and base ball is the general topic with the young boys. Mrs. Jas. Rierson has been right sick, but glad to note she is some better. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McHone, of Stuart, Va.. visited relatives here yesterday. Misses Lockey and PheboTilley, of Westtield, visited relatives here last week. Work is progressing nicely on T. W. Hylton i!fe (Jo's, new roller mill. The community wish its stock holders much success in the milling business. J. 11. McHone made a business trip to Danbnry yesterday. Buying and selling laud, renting and backing out, is taking a g(x«l poition of our farmers' time these days. It seems like everybody was going to move. Don't guess there will be anybody at home this fall. BIG LOT SAMPLE COATS, vest-), overcoats, ladies' jackets, shoes and anything cheap for cash at John A. Burton's, Walnut Cove, N. C. We like best to call SCOTT'S EMULSION a food because it stands so em phatically for perfect nutrition. And yet in the matter of restor ing appetite, of giving new strength t» the tissues, especially to the nerves, its action is that of a medicine. Send for free sample. SCOTT A BOWNE, Chemists, 409-4ij Pearl Street, New York. 50c. and #1 00; all druggists. THE NEWS OF PINE HALL. Meeting At Bethesda Church—Boy Killed On Railroad in West Vir ginia Various Other News Notes. Pine Hall, Aug. 7.— L. W. Black well anil family are visiting rela tives at Reidsville this week. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Cahill visi ted their parents last Sunday. Willie, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Hairston, was bap tized at Pine Hall M. E. church last Sunday by Uev. W. M. Rob bins. Miss Pattie Ralls is on the sick list this week. The Rev. Star Higgins tilled the pulpit at Pine Hall last Sun day. His sermon was a masterly effort atul highly appreciated by his hearers. Mr. J. R. Black well, Esq., of ticated in the marriage of a color ed couple last Sunday. Miss Lena Dalton is on the sick list this week. Iler friends fear she has typhoid fever. Mr. William Throckmorton was married to Miss Lee Duggins last Sunday by J. A. Galley, Esq. A revival meeting is in progress at Bethesda this week, conducted by tiie Pastor, W. Rabbins, assisted by Rev. Star Higgins, of Guilford College. Mr. Charley Wilson and Prof. (Udham, of Sharp Institute, spent the night in town last week. Buch Webster, son of J. I'. Webster, was killed on therailroa ! in West Virginia on last Sunday. The parents have our sympathy. Messrs. Charlie Powell and Tom Knight, two young knights of the grip, were hero last Saturday. The excursion from the moun tains arrived home last Thursday. Casualties W. T. Neal, wounded in the hand; Grover Neal, live toes hurt; E. O. Creakman, four hurt. Two or three of the others badly foundered. They report a fine trip. W CAMPBELL ROUTE 1. Campbell Route 1. Aug. 5. What has become of Mr. F. IT. Southern Are there so many aijninst you t lint you cannot stand them a hand ' Come again and uphold your charge ajM'nst t ! e Sunday Schools in their present form. I agree with you that Sun day Schools are not doing what some people claim for them this day and time. 1 have been a mem herof Sunday School myself in the past and know what I am talk ing about. Will some who are so in favor of Sunday School tells me why they are not spoken of by the Bihlo ? Was there not children in the days of Apostle. The Apos tles possessed as great a desire for the salvation of souls, as muHi love to the cause of Christ and knew ns well what God would own for bringing persons to the knowledge of salvation, as any do at this day. We therefore must Iwlieve that if these schools were of G.al, we should find some account of (hem in the New Testament. There are more children attend ing Sunday Schools, more mission aries traveling among the heath en. more mission, tract. Bible and temperance societies and other so callcd religious organizations, and more money spent for the same, than in any other ugeof the world. Right in the face of this, the j world is growing from had to worse. .The age. is hiul, socially, morally and politically, and no thinking man will deny it. Men are greedy, selfish, dish i test, cruel, unmerciful. More drunkards,' lying, fals" swearing and crimes! of every kind than at aiy other time in the history of the worl 1.l S mie of you Sunday School »»!-! v..rates cxphiin t'ti A'KMII nine out of every tei ch.l lien go to S nidiiy S'ho.l ii) have II big time all I they n-ll il y have it to >, because enough older people d.> not alien ! to keep them d wti. I am decidedly ».p|» s-id to tl.e Sunday School in its present form. It l ln children would go to reail the Bible, and their parents would go to look a t.-r them, and they would use nothing else out l!.o SAMPLE PANTS! 300 Pairs Pants 87c. 119 Pairs Cortluroy Pauls 98c. SOO " " " *1.48. 300 " " " «.»8 200 » •' « 2.1 K. FLETCHER BROTHERS 430 Trade St. Winston, /N. C. ! Bible, I would not have so much to say against them. 1 hope I have not offended any lone in these few lines for I have I not written this out of any harm ! to any living soul. EPHRAIM. • Jolly Boy' To Mr. Sou'hern. Capelln, Aug. (>. Mr. Southern : Will you allow mo a little space for a chat with Mr. Southern on Sunday School. Now, Mr. Southern, you aru writing and ridiculing Sunday School and you really don t know what Sunday School is. We cn« tell by your writing that you never was in a Sunday School. We have ">.year-old boys in our Sunday School that knows more about it than you do. So 1 think you had better learn what you are writing about before you write any more. Now, Mr. Southern, you \4O to Sunday School next Sunday and if you don't learn anything about God's word you will learn some thing to write about. Yon talk like all the people who were at the foot washing were Sunday School children. I learn that the boy who j misbehaved was not a Sunday School boy, and you have took all the Sunday Schools so you could get a start, it does look like you could of written about that boy misbehaving without offending al' t'te Sunday Schools. Mr. South ern, you come up to Capellnto our 1 Sunday School and see how we icirryiton. Now, I don't mean j that we hive any better Sunday School than any one else, but wo ; have a large attendance. We have 71 scholars in the card class and want you to see how nice they be i have. You come and we will read God's word and see which it com j uinuds us the most to do to wash {each others feet or to teach Sun day School. I will close by shouting three cheers for Sunday School Teacher. "JOLLY HOY." TO Cl in-: A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. \Y. G rove's signature is on each box. Chamberlain's! COLIC, CHOLERA AND ? Diarrhea Remedy j A few dosea of this remedy will Invariably cure an ordinary at tack of diarrhea. It has been nsed In nine epi demics of dysentery with perfect success. It can always b« depended m»>n, even in the more tevere attacks of cramp collo and chol- I era morbus It Is equally successful for Rammer diarrhea and cholera infantum In children, and 1* the mvansefsavtngthe lives of many children each year. When reduced with water and sweetened it It pleasant to take i Every man of a family shonld keep this remedy In his homo, liny It now It may save life. PRICE, 25C. LAROBSIZE, 60C. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ t I We Diy in Car load lots j !♦ Therefore we buy nl lowest possible eiisli prices. We give j * you tliis saving ami then make same profit as other deal- ♦ J ers. Our store is well filled with anything yon can wish $ for to he had at an up-to-date furniture stord, J j| WHKX IX TH:o CITY, VISIT US. I i Huntley = Hill = Stockton Co. j i Winston, N. C. I ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ r' * * THE NORTH C'AKOLINA State Normal and Industrial College corns! - .* J.ilt'iarv ointiii'trial f'laMiica) I)oiim'Mil* *s''ioinv .ri«Hiiilif Manual 7'jainihir IVilav;«»t:i«'ail Mit»n? '/liriM* ri»msp«c Vjulim t«» \\Vi»-i'i,nip|M'.| TlM iniit-.' School for Ti'aelivr*. F% niltxr THIHI'MM* • '*• htUiitlrv, tuition ,n>.| fri's for llw #•#*t«*\t Imoks, etc.. *l7O "» yenr. Kor frue.t.'MM HI HIHIICIII>, SI2A. Knr ll«ni*n*hiili«ll*g •»!* tin* Stat«». SHHI. Kour- NMHIIII animal Vto.i I •".•ins Ncptciu'icr |!>X». To wcm«• hnniil i-. tin* iloi-uiilnric*. nil fity-tuition IT) plication* slmuM lie IICIIIH »r«* July I t i M ii-S|M»mlf nv lrvitc»l J fiotn t l.osc ii •/ *» IMI'IHT* iiuil Hii*iiiura|»lH»r.' I'M cat a I M*; ami at I mm - in- I formation, .uliln *1 || AI»I.K> l>. MI IVKIC, IV'snlcil, il!KhVHa»|.o. N . WALNUT COVE. Walnut Gov., Aug. «>.—Mr. O. 1 L. Junes ami wife and sister, Mar- , tlia Brown, ar-' vi.tii ll»K relatives near Rural Hall this week. Miss Bailie Jonetf is visiting' relatives at High i'oint. There will be a match game of Iwse hall at Walnut Cove Saturday j the 12th. Everybody come and. see the game. Mr. Arless Welwtor* has again | left for parts unknown. MIBS Alice Neal, who has Inicn I visiting her mother for the last \ few days, has returned home to j leave again tor he springs for nor j health. MAMA'S PKT. Has Been Growiii | Tobacw ThirU- Five Years. Mr. Hun Nelson, of Danbnry Route 1, called o-i tho {ep>;ttr nne day last weok. Mr. Nelson is one of our county's I'm ne. s who throughly understands ihe art of growing tobacco. While ho doesii't grow as much tobacco as s me of our farmers, he grows a tine ar ticle and never fails to realize a good price for his crop. Mr. Nel son told the Reporter that he had been raising tobacco for the past i{. r > years, but that in the future he expects to plant only a very small crop, devoting his time prinoi > ally to raising his home supi>ließ. He always makes enough wneat to supply Ida family tlirouj|u»ut the year. LA.NI) I l'\ virtu* of th« |K>WHr of gali* co la IMMI io si i crtnl • •I• *#•l in INI«I exernte I «• i ili«* I'.Vli »lav s.f V.. v I'.M)I, liy Aii-li F. \ ami hi* wife, Alpha Fry. lo ilu* in•l«*it;*»«*«l. ■ i r i . mi ('..nlfHN. truHi«H* f to «(»viir»i j I !.«• |K|Vtl|H it 111 a iVrl till li.l i l l|i|H In ./ III! , H. 11fllllltll*H i.| i||i» nl|HI f S"S" l! I lll'l ' •{••fault having Inch via 'i' in ill* |M\iii«'nt I.| K.iiil INMHI al ill - inpiest of I In- sait ./• IM. I). if Miiphtev* ml in ain >I.IIHV uiili I I In* iMium. «tipit ation* and comlilio m inn- I l.iiin'il in suit .| in tin-', | will -*,ll al ' public miction t . t),«. lii u ln>»t li|i|ili*r lor j noJi at i||.» lnwiu- i , tin* town of I > ni hil! v. X. I. « .V niilay Ail!*. 14 Ii IW«tt, | I IM» I niil.l IM ivcye.l in naiil ilmvl in I.HHI : which im* ili*.**ril«»t! therein ** f»ll w*. , lo• wi:2 .*if:iln li.ui* i,I I mil Ivin.» ami j lii'illtf ill I la' count V of \'|. h'H ifcmai I oitl I moiv |nilln|l|irlv il"UTili »«l all •'♦Mia ».| ;v* i follow-, lo wit : A tiu«*t \v'iill ii lot No# in »l vision of l.i .1 thai Viv!i Prv, >'r , ilmli'il |o -I of liii «*!•»1.1»*«• i'i v;i iii »; it a I mapli' in t|i.' lit Vo I. \V iii.lM. I*- ! a liii'km v on hiinjlr of Damiwr iln»iiiv •! »wn tlic nviT an it tm'aiiilfrH I'l cluiiiito ilw • ll* »i it Ii of I Vtiir'i ilu'!»'•• up tin* I'liei'k :w If imumli*.* 'js i lnin» t-» .l»' jnoiit.li of //III'H li' m il. ilti'niv N*. *47 I 4*- K 7 «*li4i ii lo a wliilH oak slnmp, ' lm'lici' \ I 4 iliaiiM t • tin* •ii'iia «!•./ ii*. l-'iiii'n.M |i«m 20n«!resmiIJ off to IV. li. 7*ii«'ki*r. . Ml* .1 |f > |o'|» I'l l",. W. 1., \i.-t AV/.KSS. Trumo • A Correction. M•• E l,tor : Through a mistake I put the 12th whett the Meadows Township Sunday School Convention would meet and it should have heon tho l'.tth just one week later. All superintendents will please note this correction and meet at Union Hill on tho l!)th instead of the 12th with a complete program of each school. Yours respectfully, C. O. BOYLES.

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