Briefs Adrift. RememWr tho meeting of the j old soldiers at Danbury Saturday.| Miss Belle Joyce loft Saturday | to visit relatives in West Virginia. Mr. T. R. Popper, of Winston-; 'Salem, spent Monday night in, town. The Stokes County Sunday j School Convention will be held at i Danbury Saturday, August 20. Mr. John A. Burton, one of Walnut Cove's leading merchants, paid our town a visit Monday. Messrs. J. C. Wall and R. W. Hill, of Meadows, were in Dan. bury yesterday. Mr. J. W. Pepper, of Christians burg, Va., is at Piedmont Springs! in the interest of his health. Misses Louise and Blanche Pep pur. of Winston, are expected hero to-day on a visit to relatives. Messrs. E. L. Mitchell, of Dill ard, and W. T. Dunlap, of Red Shoals, called on the Reporter Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. .1, S. Neal, of! Pine HaH, who have boeu spend-! ing some time at Moore's Springs,! were here Monday on their way home. All of the cottages at Piedmont | Springs except one or two arej ccnpied and two or three families, ara in the same cottage in several instances. The hotel is also doing a flourishing business. It is learned that Mrs. I. M. Gordon, who has been light sick, is much better and that she will return with her husband to Pled, mont Springs in a few days. . L. Crauford & Co., of Wins ton. pronounce their discount Bale quite a success. On the first day they sold 100 suits. The sale closes Saturday. If you are looking for n bargain in a suit you should see them. A runaway couple from Patriok county, Virginia, came hero Mon day and applied for license to marry. Not knowing anything whatever of either party Register of Deeds Jones refused to issue the necessary papers. The Stokes County Medical Society met at the McCanless Hotel Monday. It is learned that tho meeting was a very interesting one. Among the physicians in attendance we noticed the follow ing : E. Fulp, A. G. Jones, W. B. Moore, W. V. and \V. L. Mc- Canless. The County Commissioners, Board of Education and the Stokes Medical Society were all in session at the court house Monday and quite a crowd was in attendance. Among the throng we noticed Messrs. Hilory Gordon, J. F. Dun lap. E. C. Sheppard, W. V. Shel ton, Z. R. Sheppard, Johhny Car roll, J. E. Slate, M. V. Mabe, J. S. Whitten, Geo. Smith, Stephen Noal, M. I). Linville, Junius Bur ton, J H. Gravitt, Win. Spencer, T. J. Davis, J. W. Heath, John Sink, Roht. Rhodes, W. J. Sim mons, S. P.Christian, Will Alley, A. F. Christian, F. A. Martin, S. J. Harris, J. D. Young, Thomas Mal>o. H. W. Carroll, Samuel Stewart and others. SANDY RIDGE ROUTE 1. Sandy Ridgo Route 1, Aug. 7. Mr. Editor : As 1 haven't seen anything from this section I'll give you a few items. We are having lots of rain in our section. Miss Li 111 Hawkins visited her cousin, Miss Ludie Martin, last Saturday and Sunday. She re pjrts a lot i f fun. The Misses Hawkins are expect ing Miss Ludie Martin, of Mad ison Route Four, to visit them next Satur lay an I Sunday. Hello ! L'lura, when did you see Mr. Matt ? Last Sunday, T guess. Mr. Z. V. Martin went to Wins ton last Satur lay on business. TW> LOVERS. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MEET, j -• - Very Little Business Transacted— W. R. Stevens Re-Appointed As Keeper Of the County Home. The Board of Comity Commis sioners were in regular monthly session at the court house Mon day, a full hoard being present. \V. U. Stevens was re-appointed .as keeper of the county home for the next year and at tho paine price as last year. Jt was ordered that tho tax levy against C. W. Wall & Bro. bo charged to William Watte and Lucas Fowler. Claims against, the county were allowed and paid as follows : U. J. Petree, jail account for July, * 11.40 A. W. Davis, conveying lun atic to asylum, 22.30 Henry Hawkins, pauper, 3.00 A. W. D/jvis, wood and lime for jail, 2.22 J. A. Leak, services as mem ber pension board, etc., 10 SO W. G. Slate, services us mombor pension board, 5.8(1 G. W. (xoln, conveying pau per to county home, 3.00 iW. R. Stevens, keeping county homo in July, 102.1S i J. H. Heunis, burial expen ses of pauper, 3.00 I Jack Heath, rent of house to pauper, 50 R. H. K. Blair, pauper ooflin, 2.50 'Adeline Harris, pauper, 2.00 ! W. M. Mabe, commissioner and mileage, l-l.'.H) R. F. Shelton, commission er and mileage, 14.50 i J. W. Garni, commissioner and mileage, 27.00 C. M. Jones, comparing tax books and revising jury list, 0.00 Will Make Brandy In Stokes. Below we print a list of all ! persons who have given bond to ' make brandy iu Stokes county up to ttie present time : G. P. Biggs, Campbell. J. L. Martin, Campbell. L. A. Martin, Campbell. I'. C. Campbell, Campbell. G. W. Goin, Campbell. W. L. Fry, Campbell. J. T. Griffin, Campbell. J. W. Hutchens, Campbell. G. M. Hall, Campbell. A. M. Shelton, Campbell. R. M. Williams, Campbell. J. F. Dunlap, Sandy Ridge, R. L. Goin, Sandy Ridge. J, R. Martin, Sandy Ridge. B. F. l'rowett, Sandy Ridge. G. M. Shaffer, Sandy Ridge. O. L. Joyce, Ayersville. J. V. Martin, Ayersville. J. S. Joyce, Ayersville, R. H. Martin, Ayersville. H, M. Martin, Heareford. J.T.Taylor, Heareford A. L. Martin, Madison. W. H. I. Shaffer, Madison. J. H. Fagg, Dellar. William Hart, Smith, J. M. Collins, Brim. Gone To Hospital At Morganton. It is learned that Mr. David , White, of Germauton, left Satur i day for the hospital at Morganton. Mr. White's mind has been slight ly affected some time and he goes 1 there to receive treatment. He is ■ a very worthy young man and his i many friends wish him a speedy I recovery. Weak Lungs Bronchitis For over sixty years doctors 1 have endorsed Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for coughs, colds, r weak lungs, bronchitis, con t sumption. You can trust a medicine the best doctors ap prove. Then trust this the next time you have a hard cough. •• I had m» awful cntiirh for ovpr a jrear. nml nothing ■reined to mo *uy go«ni \ triwl 1 Aver'* Chwrrir I'wciorwi ami waa aoon iMirtfl I raeotnmetKi II m? tiwfim whtoiever they have a c«i»|jh. w MIHB M MmKK* Washington. P. C Co ! "oweD, 1 Man Ai»o wanufecturora of / 1 y SARSAPARIt.U. /xijers | Ayer's Pills keep the bowels regular. ; All vegetable and gently latatlve. SCHOOLS TO OPEN NOVEMBER 13. This Is the Date Set By the Board Of Education At Its Meeting Monday— Other Business Transacted. Tho Bonrd of Education for Stokes met at the court house Monday, N A Martin, Dr E Fulp and R. E. Smith being present. ' New specifications for school houses were gotten up by the Board and the Superintendent was ordered to have the same printed. Citizens from Murray's District and Mt. Tabor District presented petitions asking for new schools. The Board ordered tho Superin tendent to investigate the dis tricts and report. Upon the report of the Super intendent the Board refused to grant a new district (formerly dis trict No. 12) in Yadkin township. It was ordered that all of the public schools of the county shall open >n Monday, Nov. l)i. The following oominittemen were appointed to fill the places of those who have refused to serve: W. T. Neal, iu place of S. G. j Wall, in Beaver Island township. J. I. Blackburn, in place of Jno. A. Burton, in Mauratown town- I ship. W. T. Ziglar, in place of John jT. Wilson, in Snow Greek town ship. John A. Burton, in place of S. W. llierson, in Hauratown town ship (Walnut Cove special tax | district). Jas. M. Watts, in place of E. L. i Cumbie, in Meadows township, M. D. Hamm, in place of John J V. Phillips, in Yadkin township. I Crops Torn Up By Hail Storm. Mr. J. J. Priddy, of Danbury ; Route 1, who was here Monday j told the Reporter that the hail i and wind storm last Friday | was very destructive in the Snow i ('reek and North View sections, almost completely destroying sev j eral crops of tobacco. Among j those who suffered most were i Messrs. J, C. Branson, Charlie ' Woods, T. H. Priddy, Rufus Throckmorton, Ben Pruett, W. F. i Hawkins, John Priddy, C. E. j Clark, Flenuning Priddy, Wilson ' priddy, Geo. Priddy and Frank Priddy. Mr. Priddy says tho | storm was a very severe one at his 1 home, lasting for nearly an hour. i Lawn Party At Dellar. The Reporter is requested to ' state that there will be a lawn party at the home of Mr. E. C. Sheppard, at Dellar, on August : 2t'»th. Nice refreshments of all kinds will bo sold for the purpose of raising money to defray the expense of pailing in and repairing the Snow Creek graveyard. Will meet at early candle light. Every body invited to attend. Sanitarium Specialties. Special Treatment —For chronic rheumatism, lumbago, sciatica and chronic blood diseases. It cures. Special Treatment —For catarrh of throat, nose, lungs. It cures. Special Treatment—For neu asthenia, nervous exhaustiou and nervous dyspepsia. It cures. Special Treatment —For skin I diseases, eczema, acne, pruritis (intense itching), face pimples, i moles, warts, etc. It cures. Special—Birth marks removed, j cosmetic effect perfect. Special Treatment —For sprains j bruises and inflammatory joint 1 affections. It cures. The Sanitarium has special ap paratua in every department. Such as is used by the best sanitaria and specialists, both in this coun try and Europe. Practice limited jto Sanitarium work. No pain in | any of the treatments. , Cull at the Sanitarium or write j us. Wo will be glad to send you ! literature, | DRS. RIERSON & COPPLE, 127 S. Main St., Winston-Salem. Chamberlain's I>i«rrllocfl Kcninly ' Never fails. Buy it now. It may save life. OLD SOLDIERS RE-UNION SATUDAY. | Large Crowd and Big Day Expected— Dinner Tables and Speakers Stand Erected. Everything points to a success-' ful day for the old Veterans Sat urday. Reports from over the' county indicate tlmt with good! weather a large attendance iu assured. Tables upon which to] spread dinner and a speakers stand \ have been prepared. Let everyone who can do so come out and help make it a big (lay for the old Vet erans. Mr. Southern Replies To Mr. Pulliam. Pink, Aug. 5. Mr. Pulliam, what did 1 say in j my article of July 20th that give you any grounds to say that I think oriino .is taught in Sunday School ¥ If crime is not taught by Sunday School teachers you are not one, for any man that can't instruct pupils, the difference in teacher and friend can't instruct pupils carnal things, much less the word of God. Well, you say I can't say any thing against Sunday School for you think you are sai'e iu spy ing that I never was in Sunday School not even to hear the roll j called. Well, I can say that I was ! in what 1). W. Hall and B. F. Pulliam call Sunday School, and O. L. Pulliam was there ami I rati tell you the flrst chapter that D. W. Hall and B. F. Pulliam re id. It was the fourth chapter of Mat thew and the reading was all right, I but look out for time to come for the rest, (rod forbid that I should ever risk myself in hands of Sun day School teacher, yet I think there is seventy-five per cent, of the rising generation risking that for their salvation. John 10-2j, i •'But yo believe not because you j are not of my sheep as I said unto , you. My sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me." His sheep will not follow the Sunday School teacher by the laws of God now for by grace they are saved through faith and that not of the Sunday School teacher, lest they should boast. F. G. SOUTHERN KING ROUTE TWO. King Route 2, Aug. 5. Mr. Editor : Again I ask for a small space in your paper to say a few words that come to my memory now. If I could only recollect half that oc curs to me while out on my route, I could write lots more. 1 am now enjoying the greatest pleasures of the R. F. D. for peaches, apples and other nice fruits are in season and my patrons do not fail to re member No. 2 with such good things to eat. Never shall I for get the way some patrons of my route appreciate the R. F. 1). ser vice. They do not neglect to re pair the roads when they need it. I'm sure some realise how import ant it is to the carrier, who has to travel a road six days in the week, to have a road that is kept in good shape. And I'm sorry to say it seems io me that some people only say "'oh ! well, that boy travels this road every day anil he's got so he don't mind it now if it is rough and washed out in gulleys." Yes, certainly we get used to such, but wouldn't there be some change in the sweet bye and bye. I learn the Postmaster General has ordered that the boxes be painted, also numbered. I think it would be nice for «ach patron to have a box numbered and then have his mail addressed so. I hope to see all the R. F. 1). girls out witli more nice apples and peaches especially the day I have to paint the boxes, NO. TWO. Popular Young Couple To Wed. Register of Deeds Jones issued license Monday for the marriage i of Miss Lilla Nelson to Mr. James i R. Forkner. The bride-to-be is the - accomplished daughter of ' Capt. and Mrs. Leander Nelson, of Danbury R. F. D. No. 1, while Mr. Forkner is one of Surry coun ty's most energetic and prosper ous farmers. DEATH OF MR. MATTHEW PAILLIPS. Passed Away At His Home Near Dal ton Last Sunday—Was An Old Man. Mr. Matthew Phillips died Su nday throe miles from Dalton. Stokes county, at tho advanced age of 8N years. The deceased was one of the most substantial citi zens of this count)' and was high ly esteemed by all who knew him. He leaves two sous, Dr. M. I), and Mr. John V. Phillips, of Dalton. Mr. Ppillips leaves a large estate, in which is included several hun dred acres of land. ■— « ♦ • ——— - SMITH. Smith. Aug. 7.—We are having 1 some fine showers these days, j They keep corn and tobacco look ing fine. Air, Caleb Hall, of Sandy Ridge, visited his mother, Mrs. Mar'' M. Hall, Saturday and Sunday. The Francisco and Smith base ball teams crossed bats Saturday. The score was 22 to 21 in favor of the former. A protracted meeting will com mence at Dan River church next! Sunday at 11 o'clock Work is progressing nicely on T \\. Hylton & Go's, new roller mill. Several ol our young peoph attended services at Russell Creek yesterday. Mr. A. (J. Moore, of Texas, who has been visiting relatives in this; section for a few weeks, has re-] turned to his home and work. Several of our good people are speaking of attending the old soldiers re-union at Danbury. Sat urday the 12th. Hope they will have a fine day and a good time. BUSTER. An exchange is responsible for the following: "A man by the name of Moon got married, anil that was a change iu the moon; in due time his wife presented him with a daughter. That was a new moon; and then he went to town to get boozy for joy, and that was a lull moon. When he started home he had twenty-five cents in his pocket and that was the last quarter; his mother in-law met hiiu at the door, and that was a total eclipse—ho saw stars ATI>UCHING STORN is the saving from death, ol the baby &irl of Geo. A. Eyler, Cum berland, Mil. He writes: "At the age of 11 months, our little girl was iu declining health, with serious Throat Trouble, and two physicians gave her up. We wen almost in despair, when wo resol ved to try Dr. King's Now Discov ery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. The first bottle gave re lief; after taking four bottles sin was cured, and is now in perfect health." Never fails to relieve and cure a cough or cold. At al! drug stores; 50c and .^I.OO guaran toed. Trial bottle free. There was a large crowd out to see the game of base ball last Sat unlay. I Painful Periods Life often seems too long to the woman who suf m fers from painful periods. The eternal bearing ijj down, headache, backache, leucorrhea, nervousness, I dizziness, criping, cramps and similar tortures are I dreadful To make life worth living, take hgbii^niui I IfcEases Women's Pains It quickly relieves inflammation purifies and enriches the blood, I strengthens the constitution and permanently cures all diseased con jfsl ditiona from which weak women suffer. It la matchless, marvelous, reliable. At all druggest's in $ 1.00 bottles. WRITE OS A LITTER "I CREATLX..' ?§ m «r«Br, »« C Ml en c«t, teumg us an your symptoms and view, N.C., Stray iaoafwy periods, prl troubles. We will send frw advice all my life, but the ftret bottle of C*r- L J (In plain sealed envelope), how to dui fie wonderful relief, and now fcj cure then. Address: Ladles' Advisory lam in better health than I have been |1 Dept., TlieChattanooga Medicine Co., for# longtime, I thtakCartol thegreat- Kfj IF = * ♦ Peoples' Column.* I 2***' * 1 PAINTING —J would like to figure with anyone expecting to i have painting done in the near i j future. \\ ill guarantee tu do the j work in first class manner and at I reasonable price. 11. A. BLAIR, Danbury, N r . ('. i ANY ONE—Wanting to rent a j good grain, grass and tobacco j farm will do well by calling on J. A. Lawson, Dollar, N. ('. THERE IS NO BETTER place in the county t buy your sup- I plies than from JOHN A. BURTON, Walnut Cove, N. C. : mT son. \V. I. Nelson, age 17 years, lias left home without pro j vocation or cause, and I hereby for | bid any person in North Carolina or Va„ to employ, shelter or aid him in any way. Verv Respectfully, ( 11. NELSON 1 j N. (). Petren will sell a good -■> H. i'. Engine and Boiler and j sawmill and fixtures at Hoyden's j Siding on the loth of August at 1 I o'clock. , MION'S AND B)V'S coats from (1.00 tp $3.00. Best value ever i brought to the county. Come in and see them. JOHN A. BURTON, Walnut Cove, N. C. SEN I PS!X NAMES And acT dress of those you know wanting to buy Piano or Organ and get a music chart or song book free, \ddress E. ('. HAMILTON. The Singing Man, Greensboro, N. C. C>MK AND SEE our line of Clothing before you buy your fall and winter suit. Also see our line of Craddock, Terry iV: Co., Battle A\ and Douglass Shoes. Every pair guaranteed. .! C. FLTNN & SON, Pine Hall, N. (' "WANTED Lady or gentleman , of fair education to travel for , I firm of S2')0,000 capital. Salary : 1 1,072 p«r payable wsskly. Expenses advanced. Address GEO. ' (i. CL)WS, Danbury, N. C. WINSTON-SALEM 1 ' Winston-Salem, August 7 ' Among the many who attended . j the association at Beck's church I yesterday were Messrs. Fred E. I Shore. 1). R. Boyles, C.). Boyles, IW. I > Boyles, Preston Barber, ' Misses Flora Styers, Martha New sotn, Edna Simmons, Fannie Poiti dexter. Messrs. I)a\id Carter and W. K. ! Shore visited friends at Walkor i i town yesterday. They report an ' i enjoyable trip Messrs. \\ R. Kiger. of King, land Lonnie Coe. of Dalton, were ;' visitors in our city last week. The writer had the opportunity • lof visiting the convict camp yes terday and I will say it will pay i you all young men to go and see how they are treated and then set their heads never to do anything to be put on the chain gang for it is one of the dirtiest looking sets i of men 1 over saw. BILL BAILEY.